Webster Signature Database Search Results

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Your search for "gel" yielded 61 entries. Displaying entries 1–61.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References Suggest Correction
ALBERTI, ANGELO England, fl.1822-25, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANGELI, MICHAELIS Italy, 1812, MIM Horizontal Sundial, paper, wood, 1812 = P.C. "Michaelis Angeli a Nero Capuccini"; a Capuchin. Nero. Price 2. suggest correction
ANGELO, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Dangelo and Cadenazzi. Winchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
ANGELO, ALBERTI England, fl.1822, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1475a). suggest correction
BELLANI, ANGELO Italy, c.1835, PHIM Thermographs = FLO-1794 (1835), FLO-2025. Bonelli 1. suggest correction
CADGELL, THOMAS England, c.1682, MIM apprenticed for eight years to William Elmes of the Clockmakers' Company on June 3, 1682. J. Brown 3. suggest correction
CAMPONOVO, ANGELO England, c.1846, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 6/24/88. one X signed "Camponovo Summers Town, Oxon."; the other X and Christie-SK signed "Camponovo Oxford." St. Thomas's Parish, Oxford. Goodison 1; RSW. suggest correction
CINGELING, HK. VAN Holland, c.1805, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
CINGELING, WEDUWE HK. VAN Holland, c.1809, MIM succeeded her husband, HK. van Cingeling. Achterburgwal, vis-à-vis le Bloemmarktsteeg, Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
DANGELO AND CADENAZZI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Winchester. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DANGELO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Basingstoke. Goodison 1. suggest correction
DEREGNI, ANGELO Italy, 18th Century, OIM Telescopes, pasteboard and horn = ADL-M449, P.C., Soth. 10/28/86; Telescope, vellum and paper = D. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW; Brieux 2. suggest correction
ENGELBERT Czechoslovakia, MIM Sundial, square = Hammer. probably Engelbrecht. Braune. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, ANTON Czechoslovakia, fl.1825-29, MIM Analemmatic Sundials = D.(1825), CZJ (1829); Inclinable Sundial, 1825 = PRA. Melnik. Horsky and Skopova; Zinner 1; Fischer 2; RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, JOHANN 1 Czechoslovakia, fl.1680-1702, MIM Nocturnals = SPI (1684), HAK; Analemmatic Sundials = LIE (1680), Weimar Schloss Museum (1680); Azimuth Sundials = SPI (1681) = PRN, SPI (1684) = PRN; Table Sundials = ROU (1683) = VIE, LIN; Horizontal Sundials = P.C., SPI, MIL; Astronomical Clock = HAM. Price thought there might be only one Johann Engelbrecht. Brünn. Zinner 1; Price 2; Fischer 2; Michel 1 and 3; Horsky and Skopova; Nachet; Ernst. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, JOHANN 2 Czechoslovakia, fl.1776-1804, MIM made many brass horizontal, inclinable sundials dating from 1776 to 1804; examples may be seen at DEU, TGM, NUR, DRE, ADL, NYC, ZAG, PRA, MUN, STU, KEN, WHI, OXF, POTS, RSM, LIE, Huelsmann Coll., etc. many of the instruments listed above have a notch in the gnomon to show the time of year; he is thought to have invented this type. Brünn. Zinner 1; Basserman-Jordan 1; Fischer 2; Horsky and Skopova; Price 3 and 12; Ward 3 and 4; Whipple 1; KEN; Chenekal 1; Coffeen G; Bryden 16; Syndram; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
ENGELBRECHT, P. Czechoslovakia, 1791, MIM Armillary Sphere Clock, 1791 = PRA. Seige. Czech. Inv. suggest correction
ENGELHARDT, JOHANN Germany, MIM Sundial, portable = FIT. Zinner 1; Gunther 3. suggest correction
ENGELL, LEONHART CHRISTIAN VON Germany, 1688, MIM Squadra Mobile = FRA. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELMANN, G. Germany, 1696, MIM Celestial Globe = ZIT. Meffersdorf. Zinner 1. suggest correction
ENGELS Holland, MIM Rule = MLL. Amsterdam. RSW. suggest correction
ENGELSE, VAN Holland, MIM Horizontal Sundial = UTR; Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = UTR. de Rijk. suggest correction
GELB, JOHAN WOLFGANG Germany, 1599-1632+, MIM SIM Artillery Alidade with Inclinometer = Soth. 2/26/62 = USNM. accepted into the Guild of Smiths as a small clockmaker in 1625; last child born in 1632; instrument signed "Johan Wolf Gelb me fecit Ulm." Ulm. Bedini 4; Price 2; RSW. suggest correction
GELDER, BEERT JOHANNES Holland, d.1828, MIM OIM PHIM made sundials, microscopes, telescopes, barometers, thermometers, and clocks; father of Rinse Beerts Gelder. Hallum; Beetgum. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
GELDER, RINSE BEERTS Holland, 1794-1857, MIM OIM Compass, pocket = Frisian Marine Museum, Leeuwarden. son of Beerts Johannes Gelder; made telescopes; clockmaker. Beetgum; Menaldum. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
GELIN, E. France, 1603, MIM Sundial, slate, 1603 = P.C.(1964). Vallo (Vallon?). Ant. Hor. Soc. Exhib., 1964. suggest correction
GELLIBRAND, HENRY England, 1597-1636, MIM Wall Sundial = Library, Trinity College, Oxford. author; designed instruments; wrote on magnetic deviation. London; Oxford; London. Taylor 1(138); Evans 1; DNB; DSB. suggest correction
GUARNERIO, ANGELO England, fl.1839-50, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. jeweler and silversmith. Sheep Market, St. Ives. Goodison 1; Bell 2. suggest correction
HIRSCHVOGEL, AUGUSTIN Germany, 1503-53, MIM Surveying Instruments in wooden box = X. made for the city of Vienna and delivered in 1594. Nürnberg. Zinner 1. suggest correction
KOEDIJK, ENGELB Holland, c.1817, MIM OIM PHIM Kalverstraat bij de Bagijnenhofsteeg, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2. suggest correction
LANSUERG, ANGELUS Italy, misreading for Lusuerg. Evans 1. suggest correction
LOVI, ANGELO Scotland, c.1804, PHIM Stick Barometer = RSM; Double Barometer = WHI. glass-blower; may be Lovi 2; RSM is signed "A. Lovi." 82 South Bridge (1804); 16 South Bridge; both in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; RSW. suggest correction
LUSUERG, ANGELO Italy, fl.1744-47, MIM Dividers, 1744 = BRU; Armillary Sphere, 1745 = X; Sundial, 1747 = NYM. Rome. Morpurgo 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW. suggest correction
MAGELLAN, J.H. DE AND FIERI England, MIM London. COO notes, 1968; RSW. suggest correction
MAGELLAN, JEAN HYACINTHE DE Portugal; France; England, 1723-90, NIM Repeating Circle = NMM. invented a type of repeating circle; made Gowin Knight's compasses with George Adams 2; took out a patent for an improvement for the barometer with Henry Pyefinch in 1765; agent for some London instrument makers; F.R.S. Paris; London (by 1765). Taylor 2(378); DNB; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. suggest correction
MASCAGNE, DANGELO Italy, PHIM Measure = Koller 11/7/63. Certosino. RSW. suggest correction
MEGELE France, MIM Compass Sundial, round = Soth. 5/10/54. Vienne. RSW. suggest correction
MEGELE, JOSEPH Italy, 1775, OIM mechanician at the Milan Observatory, 1775. Milan. Daumas 1. suggest correction
NEGELEIN, N.G. Germany, c.1830, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = UTR, ADL-N15, OXF, D.(1977), P.C., Delft Sundial Exhibition; Magnetic Compass, small, boxwood = D.(1971). the magnetic compass has a multi-colored compass rose printed in English. Nürnberg a Bavaria. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; de Rijk; Giordano 2; Moskowitz 102; ADL; RSW. suggest correction
NEGRETTI, ENRICO ANGELO LUDOVICO see Henry Negretti. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2194); Bell 2. suggest correction
PETRALI, ANGELO c.1820, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory and brass = Christie 5/10/83. RSW. suggest correction
PREGELL, THOMAS Germany, fl.1617-29, MIM Astrolabe, 1629 = VIE (ICA-560); Diptych Sundial, 1617 = Greppin Coll. = Koller 11/17/75; Sundial, ivory, 1619 = AMST; Sundial, 1617 = de Longrée Coll; Diptych Sundial = P.C.; Sundials = Fremersdorf Coll. (1623), BRE (1629). alternative spelling was "Prögel." Nürnberg (1617); Zwickau. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Michel 2; Price 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; GHD; RSW. suggest correction
PROGEL Prögel see Pregell. Michel 3. suggest correction
RANNOY, P. GELASIUS VISCHER Germany, 1712, MIM Sundial, stone, 1712 = DEU. Price 2. suggest correction
RAWBENGEL, HANS Germany, 1487, MIM made sundials, 1487. Nürnberg. Gouk 1. suggest correction
RINGELBERGH, JOACHIM STERCK VAN Antwerp, fl.1499-1536, MIM he was reported to have made a ring sundial. Ringelberg. Zinner 1. WEBDB. suggest correction
SAEGELKEN, JOHN HINRH. Germany, MIM NIM Compasses = BRE, D.(1983); Compass Card = BRE. Bremen. Coffeen C; RSW. suggest correction
SINGELING see Cingeling. Rooseboom 1. suggest correction
SPIEGEL, JOHANN Germany, c.1705, MIM Cube Sundial, wood,1705 = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Pillar Sundial, wood = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Cube Sundial = Pressburg Museum. Lindau. Zinner 1. suggest correction
SPINGEL, JOHAN JOACHIM Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = GEL. it is possible that this is Johann Spiegel, which see. RSW. suggest correction
STRIGEL Holland, pre-1745, MIM Rule, with case = D.(1993). scale on each side, "Pouc. d. Roy", "Pouc. de Rhyn", "Antwerp Fer Calibre" and "Antwerp Piere Putre"; signed "Strigel a la Hay" and "Nicolas Mercator 1745", owner; both "ys" have an umlaut over them; see J.C. Strigelius. The Hague. Coffeen 43. suggest correction
STRIGELIUS, J.C. Germany, 1742, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1742 = DES. with compass and level; see Strigel. Crailsheim. Zinner 1; Michel 3; DES Cat. suggest correction
TAGLIABUE, ANGELO England, fl.1829-48, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. partner with Anthony Tagliabue, 1829-31, as A. and A. Tagliabue, which see; barometer is signed "A. Tagliabue 19 Leather Lane." 11 Brook Street, Holborn (1829-33); 19 Leather Lane (1835-40); 91 Leather Lane (1841-44); 3 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1845-48); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2261). suggest correction
TOREY, ANGELO England, c.1830, MIM Salisbury. Taylor 2(2030). suggest correction
TORNAGHI, ANGELO England; Australia, fl.1850-64, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Level and Compass = Soth. 4/18/88. "optical and mathematical instrument maker to the Surveyor General Department Observatory, etc."; worked with Negretti and Zambra. London (1858); 28 Bridge Street, Sydney (1861); 312 George Street, two doors from Hunter Street, Sydney, (1864). RSW. suggest correction
TORRICELLI, EVANGELISTA Italy, 1608-47, MIM OIM PHIM mathematician, and briefly a pupil of Galileo; Torricelli's work with air pressure led to his invention of the mercury barometer. Florence. G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10; Daumas 1 suggest correction
VISCHER, GELASIUS Germany, 1712, MIM Horizontal Table Sundial, chalk stone, 1712 = DEU. Raunou. Zinner 1. suggest correction
VOGEL, J.H. Switzerland, "J.H. Vogel delineavit" is marked on a horary quadrant made by Johann Meylin. Zinner 1. suggest correction
WEGELIN, BARTHOLOMAEUS Switzerland, 1683-1750, author; wrote on cosmography and armillary spheres. St. Gallen. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEGELIN, JOSUA Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial on table clock = Auction, Munich 1933. Augsburg. Michel 3. suggest correction
WEIGEL, ERHARD Germany, 1625-99, MIM Celestial Globes inside Armillary Spheres, 1699 = BASH, KAS, Breslau Universitäts Sternwarte, NUR, etc.; Globe, silver with coat-of-arms and weather vane = MUN; Celestial Globes, 1699 = NMM, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. (copper); Terrestrial Globe, 1699 = FLO; Celestial Globe = FLO. author; wrote on globes. Jena. Zinner 1; Price 2; Yonge; RSW. suggest correction

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