Websters' Instrument Makers Database
(Proofread and Corrected. - ML 7/27/01)
Aked, Charles K., "William Derham and 'The Artificial
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March, June, and Sept. 1970
Amber, Louise Todd, "Early Science at Harvard," Fogg Art Museum, Harvard
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Amiesenowa, Zofia, "The globe of Martin Bylica of Olkunsz and Celestial maps in the
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Anthiaume, A. and Sottas, Jules, "L'Astrolabe-quadrant du MusÈe des AntiquitÈs de
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Antike Uhren, "Catalogue of 1960 Congress of Chronometry," Munich.
Art, "Exposition Art, Histoire et Sciences," MusÈe Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire,
Brussels, 1957.
Astrand, Barbro, "Gamla Ur." Falkoping, Sweden, 1963.
Ashworth, J.R., "Joule's Thermometers in the Possession of the Manchester Literary
Philosophical Society," J. of Scientific Instruments, Nov. 1930.
Baber, Adin, "A. Lincoln with Compass and Chain," 1968, Kansas, Ill.
Baillie, G.H., "Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World," London, 1951.
Ball, William, Jr., "Another American Orrery," Antiques, October 1938.
Basserman-Jordan (1), "Uhren," Berlin 1922
---- (2) "The Book of Old Clocks and Watches" (trans. by Bertele), New York,
---- (3) "Alte Uhren and Ihre Meister." Leipzig, 1926
Bedini, Silvio A. (1) "Early American Scientific Instruments and Their Makers,"
USNM Bull.
231, Washington, D.C., 1964.
---- (2), "Johann Philipp Treffler, Clockmaker of Augsburg," Privately printed,
---- (3), "The Denzel Brothers of Ulm," Physis, 1964.
---- (4), "Johann Wolfgang Gelb of Ulm." Physis, Vol. VI, fasc. 3, 1964
---- (5), "The Aerial Telescope," Technology and Culture, 1967.
---- (6), "Correspondence."
Bedini and Maddison, "Mechanical Universe," American Phil.Soc., Philadelphia,
Penn., 1966.
Belloni, Luigi, "Testimonianze dell' Anatomico Bartolomeo Eustachi per la Storia del'
Geometico et Militare," Physis, Anno XI (1969), Fasc. 1-4.
Besson, C.F.C., "Clockmaking in Oxfordshire, 1400-1850," Oxford, 1967.
Beevers, S. Benson, "The John Gershom Parkington Memorial Collection of Time
Instruments," Bury St. Edmunds, The Connoisseur Year-Book 1958, London, 1958.
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September 1957.
Bell, G.H. and E.F., "Old English Barometers," Winchester, 1952. (New edition in
Bensaude, J., "L'Astronomie Nautique au Portugal." Berne, 1912; Amsterdam, 1967.
Bigger, Francis Joseph, "A County Antrim Horologer, John Birnie of
Connoisseur, October, 1921.
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Biswas, Asit K., "The Automatic Rain-gauge of Sir Christopher Wren, F.R.S.,"
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Blair, Claude, "A Royal Compass Dial." Connoisseur, 1964?
Bobinger, Maximilian (1), "Christoph Schissler der Altere und der Jungere,"
Augsburg and
---- (2), "Alt Augsburger kompass Macher," Augsburg, 1966.
---- (3), "Georg Friedrich Brander" Sonderdruck aus Band 4 der Lebensbilder aus
Bayerischen Schwaben, Augsburg, 1955.
---- (4), "Kunstuhrmacher in Alt Augsburg," Augsburg, 1969.
Boffito, G., "Gli Strumenti della Scienza e la Scienza degli Strumenti,"
Florence, 1930.
Bonacker, Wilhelm, "Globemacher aller Zeiten." Globus Freundus, A5, Dec. 1956.
Bond, John David, (1) "Richard Wallingford, 1292? -1335." Isis, No.12, Vol.IV
(3) 1922.
---- (2) "Translation of Quadripartitum of R. Wallingford," Isis, No. 14, Vol. V
(2), 1923.
Bonelli, Maria Luisa (ed.), (1.) "Catalog degli Strumenti dei Museo de Storia della
Florence, 1954.
---- (2), "Profilo di Giovan Battista Amici nei Diario Inedito de Filippo
Parlatore." Physis, Vol. 3,
---- (3), "Cimeli Galileiana," Insitituto e Museo di Storia Della Scienza,
Biblioteca, V, Florence,
---- (4), "Catalogo delle de Prima Expositione Nazional deStoria delle Scienza,
Florence, 1929.
---- (5), "Strumenti Scientifici," Enciclopedia mondadori delle Scienza,
Florence, 1969.
---- (6), "The Rvival of Ancient Science in Florence," Organon, 1967.
---- (7), "The Armillary Sphere in the Library of the Escorial, Madrid," Vistas
in Astronomy, Vol.
9, 1968.
---- (8), "Catologo dei Globi Antichi Conservati in Italie," Part 2, "I
Globi di Vicenzo Coronelli,"
Florence, 1960
Boursier, Charles, "800 Devises de Cadrans Solaires," Paris, 1936.
Bowditch, Harold, "Nathaniel Bowditch," Salem, 1945.
Bowditch, Nathaniel, "The New American Practical Navigator," 6th ed., 1826.
Brassler, C.A., "Astrolabe of Regiomontanus." Scientific American, August 12,
Brewington, M.V. (1),"Navigating Instruments," Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass.
---- (2), "The Back Staff," American Neptune, Vol. XXI, No. 2, April, 1961..
---- (3), "Cross-Staff," American Neptune, Vol. XIV, July 1954.
---- (4), "Four American Cross-Staves," American Neptune, Vol. XIX, April, 1959.
Brieux, Alain (1), "List of Makers" (unpublished).
--- (2), Catalogues
[See also Destomes]
Britten, E.J., "Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers." Seventh edition, New
York, 1956.
Brophy, Peter, "Notes" (unpublished).
Bruce, John, "Description of a Pocket Dial Made in 1593 for Earl of Essex."
Archaeologia, Vol.
40, p. 343, 1866.
Cajori, Florian, " The Early Mathematical Sciences in North and South America."
Boston, 1928.
Calthrop, J.E., "James Ferguson, the astronomer and the Ferguson Relics,"
Journal of Scientific
Instruments, May, 1932.
Calvert, Dr. H.R. (1), "Astronomy." Science Museum, London, 1967.
---- (2), "Scientific Trade Cards," London (to be published).
---- (3), "Notes" (unpublished).
Chaldecott, J.A.(1), "Handbook of the King George III Collection, Science Museum,
Outline Guide, 1949; Descriptive Catalogue, 1951.
---- (2), "Cromwell Mortimer, F.R.S. (c. 1698-1752) and the Invention of the
Thermometer for Measuring High Temperatures," Notes and Records of the Roya
Society of London, Vol. 24, No. 1, June, 1969.
Chamberlain Paul, "It's About Time," London, 1964.
Chandler, Bruce and Vincent, Clare (1), "A Sure Reckoning: Sundials of the 17th and
Centuries." Metropolitan Museum of Art Bull Dec. 1967.
---- (2), "Three N¸rnberg Compassmachers," Metropolitan Museum J., Vol. 2,
---- (3), Correspondence.
---- (4), "Article in Progress," Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammling des
Kaiserhauses, Vienna.
Chapin, Howard M., "Davis Quadrants." Antiques, Vol. XII, No. 5, November 1927.
Chenekal, V.L, (1), Sundials," in the book: Scientific Apparatus, Moscow, 1968, pp
---- (2), "Quadrants and Astrolaabes," ibid., pp. 40-44.
---- (3), "Globes and Spheres, ibid., pp. 45-63.
---- (4), "Eyepieces, Tubes and Telescopes," ibid., pp. 64-76,
Clay, Reginald, and Court, Thomas, "The History of the Microscope," London,
Cluny Museum Catalogue, 1883, Paris.
Cohen, I. Bernard, "Some Early Tools of American Science. An Account of the Early
Instruments and Mineralogical and Biological Collections in Harvard University."
Cambridge, Mass., 1950.
Comstock, Helen, "The Looking Glass in America, 1700-1825," Antiques, May 1968.
Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Metiers (1), Catalogue, Part 3. Paris, 1906.
---- (2). Exhibition, "Horloges et Automates," Paris, September-November, 1954.
---- (3), Catalogue, Section JB, Paris, 1949.
Coole, P.G., "Sundials: an Introduction to Scientific Instruments." Antiques
London, 1966.
Council of Europe Exhibitions (1), "The Age of Rococo," Munich, 1958.
---- (2), "Christina, Queen of Sweden," Stockholm, 1965.
Cousins, Frank W., "Sundials," New York, 1970.
Crommelin, C.A., "Descriptive Catalogue of the Physical Instruments of the 18th
Including the Collection s'Gravesande-Muschenbroeck in the National Museum of the
History of Science." Leiden, 1951
Crone, G.R., "Martin Behaim, Navigator and Cosmographer; Figment of Imagination or
Historical Personage?" Congresso internacional de Historia dos Descrobrimentos.
ii, Lisbon, 1961.
Culver, H.B. (1), "Early Mahematical Instruments of Europe." International
Studios, 91.
December, 1928.
---- (2) "Early scientific Insruments," Connoisseur, March, 1936.
Daumas, Maurice,"Les Instruments Scientifiques aux XVII et XVIII Si Ë cles. Paris,
Dawsons, "Catalogues of Dawsons of Pall Mall," London.
Delambre (1), "Histoire de l'Astronomie Ancienne," Paris, 1817.
---- (2), "Histoire de l'Astronomie du Moyen ¬ge," Paris, 1819.
---- (3), "Histoire de l'Astronomie Moderne," Paris, 1821.
Demoraine, HÈl Ë ne, "Le Instruments Scientifiques du Temps PassÈ," Part 1,
June, 1963; Part II,
November 1964; Part III, March, 1965; Part IV, Janury, 1956. Connaissance des Arts.
Destombes, Marcel (1), "La Diffusion des Instruments Scientifiques de Haut Moyen ¬ge
au XVe
Si Ë cle," Cahiers d"Histoire Modiale, Vol. X, No. 1, 1966.
---- (2), "Un Astrolabe Carolingien et l'Origine de Nos Chiffres Arabes,"
Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, No. 58-59, 1962.
---- (3), "Un Astrolabe Nautique de la Casa de ContrataciÛn (SÈville, 1563),"
Revue d'Histoire
des Sciences, Paris, 1969.
Destombes, M. and Brieux, A., "Un Astrolabe Inconnu, SignÈ Jean Naze ‡ Lyon,
1553." Bull.
des MusÈes et Monuments, Vol III, No. 3, Lyon, 1966.
Destombes, Marcel, and ThÈorides, Jean, "Sur la Presence ‡ Strasbourg d'Instruments
Scientifiques Ayant Appartenu ‡ A. von Humboldt," Compte-Rendus du 92e Congr Ë s
National des SociÈtÈs Savantes, Paris, 1969.
Dewhirst, David W., "List of Makers" (unpublished; through the courtesy of D.J.
Disney, Alfred N., Cyril F. Hill and Wilfred E. Watson Baker, editors, "Origin and
of the Microscope," Royal Microscopical Society, 1928.
Dopplemayer, Johann Gabriel. "Regiomontanus." Nuremberg, 1730.
Drechsler, Dr. Ad. (1), "Catalog der Sammlung des K. Mathematisch-Physikalischen
Dresden, 1874. (Short Version.)
---- (2), (Same title; full version).
Duckworth, M., "Lawrence Earnshow, A Remarkable Clockmker," J. British
Association, 1967
Earle, A.M., "Sundials and Roses of Yesterday," New York, 1902.
Egestorff, Paul "Notes" (unpublished).
Egger, Gerhart., "Naturwissenschaftliche Instrumente der Renaissance." Alte and
Kunst, August, 1961.
Engelmann, Max (1), "Sammlung Mensing. Altwissenschaftliche Instrumente."
(Frederik Muller and Co.). Amsterdam, 1924.
---- (2), "Zwei Mathematische Instrumente des 16 Jahrhunderts," Sonderabdruck
aus Schlesiens
Vorzeit in Bild un Schrift Neue Folge, XII Band, Breslau, 1919.
Ernst, Alfred, "Instruments de MathÈmatiques," Spitzer Colletiton Catalogue,
Esdaile, Edmund, "Pocket and Pendant Calendars," Connoisseur, March, 1935.
Evans, Lewis (1),"List of Makers" (unpublished), Museum of the History of
Science, Oxford
(courtesy of F.R. Maddison)
---- (2), "A Portable Sundial Made for Cardinal Wolsey." Archaeologia, vol. 57,
part 2, 1901.
---- (3), "Portable Sun-Dials," from "The Book of Sundials" by Mrs.
A.K. Gatty, 4th edition,
---- (4), "Some European and Oriental Astrolabes," Archaeologia, Vol. LXVIII,
No. 271,
London, 1911.
---- (5), "Sundials nd Their Mottoes," Trans. of the Hertfordshire Natural
History Society, Vol.
XII, pt 1, Feb. 1904.
---- (6), "On Pocket Sundials," The Hertfordshire Illustrated Review, Dec. 1894.
Exhibition - Maps, "Five Centuries of Maps," Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors, July,
1954, London.
Exhibition, Nuremberg, "Aufgang de Neuzeit Deutsche Kunst und Kultur,"
Nationalmuseun, Nuremberg, 15 July to 15 October, 1952.
Fabri, Ottavio, "L'Uso della Squadra Mobile, " Trento, 1753.
Falke, Otto Von, " An Instrument Casket by Georg Hartmann." Pantheon, November,
Fischer, Karl, (1), "Mathematisch-physicalishe instrumente in dem Sammlugen des
Museums in Pressburg (Slowakii)." Sammelband, Bratislava 1965.
---- (2), "Die Sonnenuhrmacher Engelbrecht in Beraun." Neve Uhrmacher-Zeitung,
Ulm, 17
Jahrgang 1/1963.
Fitzgerald, Rosemary, "Caalogue of Instruments in the Whipple Museum"
Florence Exhibition Catalogue (M.L. Bonelli, ed.), Instituto e Museo de Storia Delle
Florence, 1952.
Fog Cat. See Louise Tod Ambler.
Fontenla, Luis Montanes, "Los Relojes del Emporador y los Reloges de la ExposiciÛn
Carlos V y
su Ambiente," Cuadernos de Relojer Ì a, No. 18, Madrid, 1959.
Forti, Umberto, "Storia della Tecnica dal Medioevo al Rinacimento," Florence,
Frank "The Frank Collection of Early Scinetific Instruments," Interim List,
Gabb, George H., "The Astronomical Astrolabe of Queen Elizabeth." Archaeologia,
Vol. 86,
Gabb, George H. and Taylor, F. Sherwood, "An Early Orrery by Thomas Tompion and
Graham." Connoisseur, September, 1948.
Garcia Franco, Salvador (1), "Instrumentos Nauticos en el Museo Naval," Madrid,
---- (2), "Catalogo critico de Astrolabios Existenes en Espana, " Madrid, 1945.
Garvan, Anthony, N.B., "Slide Rule and Sector," Ithaca, 26 VIII -2 IX, Paris,
Gatty, Mrs. Alfred K., "The Book of Sundials." Edited by H.K.P. Edens &
Eleanor Lloyd.
Fourth ed. 1900.
GÈlis, ...douard, "L'Horologerie Ancienne," Paris, 1949.
Gerry, Roger G., "Richard Patten, Mathematical Instrument Maker." Antiques,
July, 1959.
Gersaint, E.F., "Catalogue de Cabinet de MÈchanique et de Physique de Bonnier de la
Paris, 1744.
Gillingham, Harrold E. (1), "Some Early Philadelphia Instrument Makers." The
Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1927.
---- (2), "The First Orreries in America," Journal of the Franklin Institute,
Vol. 229, No. 1,
January, 1940, Philadelphia.
---- (3), "Old Business Cards of Philadelphia." The Pennsylvania Magazine of
History and
Biography, July, 1929.
---- (4), "Astrological Instruments." Antiques, July, 1928.
---- (5), "Notes on Early Navigating Instruments," The Mariner, 1930.
Globus, "Der Globusfreund," Coronelli-Weltbund der Globus Freunde, Vienna.
Goldschmidt, "Catalogues," E.P. Goldschmidt and Co., London.
Goodison, Nicholas (1), "English Barometers, 1680-1860." New York, 1968.
---- (2), "Charles Orme's Place in the History of the Barometer," Physis , 1966.
---- (3), "Daniel Quare and the Portable Barometer," Annals of Science, 1967.
Gould, Heywood, Sir Christopher Wren, 1970.
Greenaway, Frank, "Chemistry, Part 1," Science Museum Booklet, London, 1966.
Grˆtzsch, H., "Die Etsten Forschungsergebnisse der Globusinventarisierung in der
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---- (3), "Early Science in Cambridge," Oxford, 1937.
---- (4), "The Great Astrolabe and Other Scientific Instruments of Humphrey
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lxxvi (1927).
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---- (7), "The Handbook of the Museum of the History of Science," Oxford, 1935.
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175 Jarhigen Bestehen der Firma F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn in Kassel." Kassel, 1938.
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Band 35, 1937, Berlin.
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Technikgeschichte (erschienen in Wein), 7, Heft, 1940, P. 1-154.
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Jahrhunderts im Geomanetischen Institute Potsdam."
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Le Monnier, "Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences." 1771
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Lloyd, H. Alan (1), "Giovanni de Dondi's Horological Masterpiece, 1364," La
Clessidra, xvii,
nos. 9, 10 & 11, 1961.
---- (2), "Some Outstanding Cocks, 1250-1950." London, 1958
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Loring, A.P., "Nathaniel Bowditch," Newcomen Society in America, Boston, Mass,
Loske, Lothar M., "Die Sonnenuhren." Berlin, 1959.
Lowery, J., "The Joule Collection in the College of Technology, Manchester,"
part I and II, J. of
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Lubke, Anton, "Die Uhr." Dusseldorf, 1958.
Maddison, F.R. (1), "Scientific Instruments," The Concise Encyclopedia of
Antiques, Vol. 5,
London, 1961.
---- (2), "Early Astronomical and Mathematical Insruments," History of Science,
Vol. 5, 1963.
---- (3), "An 18th Century Orrery of Thomas Heath," Connoisseur, May, 1958.
---- (4), "Hugo Helt and the Rojas Astrolabe Projection," Junta de Investigacoes
do Ultramar,
Coimbra, 1966.
---- (5), "A Supplement to a Catalogue of Scientific Instruments," Oxford, 1957.
---- (6), "Medieval Scientific Instruments and the Development of Navigational
Instruments in the
XV and XVI Centuries," Junta de Inventigacoes do Ultramar, Coimbra, 1969.
MADEX MusÈe des Arts Decortifs. Exhibition des Instruments et Outils d'Autrefois, Paris,
Maison FranÁaise, "Cinq Si Ë cles de l'Art FranÁaise des Instruments Scientifiques,
Si Ë cle." Esposition, Maison FranÁaise, Oxford, 1970.
Maistrov, L.E. (1), "Calendars," in the book: Scientific Apparatus, Moscow,
1968, pp. 11-19.
---- (2), "Calculating Machines," ibid., pp, 88-98.
---- (3), "Drawing Instruments," ibid., pp. 99-104.
---- (4), "Various Instruments," ibid., pp. 149-154.
---- (5), "12th International Congress of the History of Sciences," Paris, 1968.
---- (6), See Jolovanova and Maistrov.
Mannheimer, Edgar, "Correspondence."
Martin, Thomas, "The Instruments Used by Davy and Faraday in Florence for the
Combustion of
Diamonds," J. of Scientific Instruments, Dec. 1931.
Maurer, Andreas, "Die Astronomischen Telesckope William Herschels," Orion, 28th
year, No.
116, Feb., 1970.
May, Cmdr W.E, R.N., "Birth of the Compass," J. of the Institute of Navigation,
Vol. 2, 1949.
Merzbach, Dr. Uta, "Correspondence."
MMA Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
Michel, Henri (1), "Introduciton a l'...tude d'une Collection d'Instruments Anciens de
MathÈmatiques." Antwerp, 1939.
---- (2), "TraitÈ de l'Astrolabe, " Paris, 1947.
---- (3), "List of Makers" (unpublished; through the courtesy of D.J. Price).
---- (4), "L'Art des Instruments de MathÈmatiques en Belgique au XVI Si Ë cle."
Bulletin de la
SociÈtÈ Royale d'Archeologie de Bruxelles, No. 2, 1935.
---- (5), "Scientific Instruments in Art and History," London, 1967.
---- (6), "Astrolabistes, GÈographes et Graveurs Belges du XVI Si Ë cle," Paris,
---- (7), "Les Instruments Anciens de MathÈmatiques des MusÈes d'Art et
d'Histoire," Bulletin
des MusÈes Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles, Mar-Apr, 1935.
---- (8), "Gemini (Thomas Lambert ou Lambrechts, dit)" Biographie Nationale
PubliÈe par
l'AcadÈmie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Art de Belgique, xxxi.
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