Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with S yielded 1207 entries. Displaying entries 1–1207.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References
S. England?, 17th Century, MIM Calipers, steel = Christie 12/12/72. found at Hampton Court Palace. RSW.
S. H.L. marked on a 1597 sundial at Ecouen signed "Io. Fran. Prio." RSW
S.A.C. 1689, MIM Slide Rule, wood, 1689 = P.C. RSW.
S.B. 1 1578, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1578 = VAA. Gunther 330. Gunther 1.
S.B. 2 Germany, 1681, MIM Ring Sundial, 1681 = SLM. Zinner 1.
S.B. AND C. Spencer, Browning and Co. Moskowitz.
S.B.L. England, c.1850, OIM Microscope = D.(1989). Moskowitz 132.
S.B.R. England, fl.1791-1882, MIM NIM Spencer, Browning and Rust; ivory scales on sextants and quadrants marked this way were divided by the firm for a number of different makers. London. Brewington 1; Moskowitz; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW.
S.F. England?; France?, 1620, MIM Navicular Sundial, 1620 = WHI. Samuel Foster? Bryden 11 and 16.
S.G.D.G. sans garantie de gouvernment = patent without a government guarantee of quality. Price 2.
S.H.O. Germany, c.1600, MIM SIM Miner's Surveying Set = BM. Price said that the S.h.O. might be read as O.h.S; Ward made no reference to the initials which are on one of the sides. Bavaria. Price 3; Ward 4.
S.H.W. MIM Ring Sundial = Soth. 3/10/87 = Kelton Coll. (1990). the initials are marked on three scales inside the ring; summer, winter and ?; S.H.W. also marked on the outside to the left of the bail; M. over M. marked on right side of bail with smaller punch. RSW.
S.I. 1613, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon, compass, 1613 = Christie 9/11/86. ivory case with a coat-of arms on the cover. RSW.
S.L. 19th Century, MIM SIM Surveying Cross, spherical = D.(1985). candelabra punchmark; slits every 45°. Coffeen 10.
S.L.G.V.D. the initials are marked on a cube sundial dated 1647 in the BM and signed "von Dietrichstein." Price 3; Ward 4; RSW.
S.P.F. England?, fl.1716-36, MIM Ring Sundials, 1736 = KEN, BM, Huelsmann Coll. (1716). F. may be fecit; the KEN sundial also has the mark "** ++ cc" the same mark appears on a ring sundial dated 1714 at the DEU. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Syndram.
S.R. 1 England, c.1700, MIM Compass Sundial = D.(1987). may be Samuel Rolfe. Coffeen 17.
S.R. 2 Italy?, c.1750, MIM Protractor = ADL-M94. may be "sinistro" and "retto". Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
S.S. England, 1649, MIM Sundial, vertical, stained-glass, 1649 = Bucklebury Church, Berks. Daniels 1.
S.W. 1 see M.S. 3. RSW.
S.W. 2 Summer and Winter on English and German ring sundials RSW.
SABEUS see Zabeus. RSW.
SACHSE, ANDREAS Germany, d.1680, MIM PHIM made surveying instruments; see A.S. 3. Clausthal. RSW.
SACK, JOHN C. Germany; USA, 1823-95, MIM worked for Thomas Tennett, 1858-88; alone 1889-95. Nürnberg (1823-58); Battery Street (1858-88); # 4 California Street, Room 7 (1889-95); the last two in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1.
SACRE Belgium, 18th Century, MIM Level = BRO. Sacré. Brussels. Insley.
SACROBOSCO, JOHANNES DE England; Francec.1220-56, author; astronomer; mathematician; educated at Oxford; went to Paris in 1220; best known for his book "De Sphaera", an astronomical text based on Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators; also known as John of Holywood. Yorkshire; Monastery of Holywood, Nithsdale; Paris. Gunther 2; DSB.
SACROW, STAMMER 18th Century, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon = Soth. 5/19/1896. RSW.
SADTLER Austria, 18th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN. possibly Satler. Vienna. Michel 3.
SADTLER, G.T., AND SONS USA, c.1824, OIM George T. Sadtler; son of Philip B. and brother of John P. Sadtler. Baltimore, Md. USNM.
SADTLER, JOHN P. USA, c.1824, OIM son of Philip B. Sadtler; brother of George T. Sadtler. Baltimore, Md. USNM.
SADTLER, PHILIP B. Germany; USA, fl.1800-45, MIM OIM PHIM his two sons, John P. and George T. Sadtler were in the firm by 1824. Baltimore Md. USNM.
SADTLER, PHILIP B., AND SON USA, fl.1842-45, MIM OIM PHIM late T. Fenton Hamilton and Co. Baltimore, Md. USNM.
SAEGELKEN, JOHN HINRH. Germany, MIM NIM Compasses = BRE, D.(1983); Compass Card = BRE. Bremen. Coffeen C; RSW.
SAETTA, L'ABBE Italy, 18th Century, NIM Marine Compass = ROM. L'Abbé Saetta. Venice. Price 2.
SAFFORD AND WILLIAMS USA, fl.1849-52, PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM.
SAGER, JOHANN MELCHIOR misreading for Johann Melchior Hager, which see. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; RSW.
SAHLEENSTEIN, G.V. Germany?, c.1760, OIM Microscope = WHI. may not be German. Daumas 1.
SAINT-MARTIN, VIVIEN DE France, c.1850, MIM revised and corrected a terrestrial globe by Schotte. RSW.
SAINT-REMY, DE 1 France, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1989). "opticien"; see de Saint-Remy 2. Chateau Thierry. RSW.
SAINT-REMY, DE 2 France, late 18th Century, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1990). "opticien"; see de Saint-Remy 1; may be same person. Paris. RSW.
SALA, D.A. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth-Amsterdam 3/26/97. Leiden. RSW.
SALA, DE Italy; Holland, c.1790, PHIM Barometer = LEY. see D. Salla. Leiden. Daumas 1; RSW.
SALA, DOMINICO England, PHIM Double Barometers = Gloucester Museum, P.C. London. Goodison 1.
SALA, JOSEPH CHARLES Italy; USA, 1841-1916, MIM OIM PHIM SIM worked with John Roach, 1861-91; agent for W. and L.E. Gurley 1913-16; listed as Jos. G. Sala in 1915 (Julia); Italy (1841-61); 720 California Street (1861-91); 429 Montgomery Street (1891-1913); 48 Second Street (1913-16); the last three in San Francisco, Ca. Smart 1.
SALA, M. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. RSW.
SALA, S. England, c.1807, PHIM barometer maker. Taylor 2(1212).
SALAMONI, M. England, variant spelling of Salmoni, which see. Goodison 1.
SALDARINI, JOSEPH England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Taylor lists him as Salderini. Long Causeway, Peterborough. Taylor 2(1996); Goodison 1.
SALE, THOMAS England, 1629, MIM Garden Sundial, 1629 = Technical Museum, Oslo. Bath. RSW.
SALERI, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1.
SALIBOS, BALTHASAR Holland, 1597, MIM Astronomical Compendium, 1597 = SWE. Pipping 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW.
SALKIND, S. England, c.1860, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. North Walsham. RSW.
SALLA, ANTHONY England, fl.1832-39, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 65 Paradise Row (1832-33); 66 Paradise Row (1836-39); both in Chelsea, London. Goodison 1.
SALLA, ANTONIO England, c.1780, PHIM Double Tube Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. RSW.
SALLA, D. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth-Amsterdam 3/26/97. Signed "D. Salla Fec. Leijde.see De Sala. Leiden. RSW.
SALLA, J. BAPT. England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = Phillips 4/20/83, Soth.-S 4/24/87; Barometer = D.(1971). the barometers are signed variously "J.B. Salla", "J. Bapt. Salla London" and "Bapt. Salla London." London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SALLA, MARK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Preston. Goodison 1.
SALLA, P.B. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/20/88. London. RSW.
SALLERON, JULES France, 1829-97, PHIM barometer maker; may be related to, or the same as, T. Salleron; had partner, Jules Dujardin who succeeded him in 1888. 1 rue du Pont-de-Lodi; 24 rue Pavée du Marais (1860-88); both in Paris. Middleton 1.
SALLERON, T. France, pre-1888, PHIM Barometers = Istituto di fisica, U. of Bologna, Meteorological Office, Bracknell. may be related to, or the same as, Jules Salleron. 24 rue Pavée (du Marais), Paris. Middleton 1.
SALMON, ROBERT England, c.1803, MIM NIM received a silver medal from the Royal Society for his combination navigating instrument. Woburn, Bedfordshire. Taylor 2(1213).
SALMON, W.J. England, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = P.C., D.(1976). the micrscope in the private collection is signed "Salmon-Warington's Universal" plus address; see William John Salmon, may be the same man at a different address. 100 Fenchurch Street, London. USNM; RSW.
SALMON, WILLIAM JOHN England, c.1850, showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851, London; may be the same as W.J. Salmon at a different address. 254 Whitechapel Road, London. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SALMONI, MARK England, c.1838, PHIM called himself a "dealer" in barometers; maker? Oxford. Taylor 2(2228).
SALMONI, PETER PAUL England, fl.1829-41, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). stationer; probably a dealer; the barometers are signed "P. Salmoni Bath." 4 Milson Street (1829-30); 24 Union Street (1833-41); both in Bath. Goodison 1.
SALOM AND CO. Scotland & England, 19th Century, OIM Telescopes = Phillips 11/16/88, Christie-SK 11/27/86; Student Microscope No. 8491 = Soth. 12/1/75. Edinburgh and 137 Regent Street, London. RSW.
SALT, ABRAHAM England, c.1808, MIM rule maker and cutler; see Joseph and Abraham Salt also Abraham Salt and Son. Worcester Street, Birminghan. Bryden 9.
SALT, ABRAHAM, AND SON England, c.1815, MIM rule makers. Birmingham. Bryden 9.
SALT, JOSEPH AND ABRAHAM England, fl.1797-1801, MIM rule makers. Smallbrook Street (1797); Windmill Street, Bristol Street (1801); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9.
SALTER, GEORGE England, PHIM made spring balances. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SALTERI, ANTONIO England, fl.1805-28, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. looking glass maker; the barometer is signed "A. Salteri" plus address. No. 17 Great Queen Street, London Goodison 1; RSW.
SALTERY, F., VECHIO AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see Frans Saltery and Co. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1.
SALTERY, FRANS, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. see F. Saltery, Vechio and Co. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1.
SALTIERI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Nottingham. Goodison 1.
SALVADE, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4), BM. the barometers are signed "P. Salvade" or "P. Salvade Liverpool"; the barometer in the BM is from the Ilbert Coll. Liverpool. Goodison 1; RSW.
SALVIS, FRANCISCUS DE Italy; Spain, fl.1682-99, MIM SIM Proportional Compass, 1682 = ADL-M75; Universal Ring Sundial, 1695 = OXF; Sector, 1691 = ROM; Circumferentor, 1699 = ROM; Rule, 1691 = MAA. the proportional compass is marked "Neap"; the rule and the sundial are marked "Madrid." Naples (1682); Madrid (1691-95). Gunther 2; Michel 3; Price 2; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
SALZIGER Germany, c.1790, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 4" diameter, with case = VNN. Nürnberg. Yonge; RSW.
SAMALVICO see Somalvico. Taylor 2(2252a).
SAMALVICO, J. AND SON misreading for Somalvico. Taylor 2(2229).
SAMBROOK, JOHN England, c.1680, MIM apprenticed by turnover to William Elmes of the Clockmakers' Company on July 30, 1668; free of the Company, Sept. 6, 1680. J. Brown 3.
SAMOILOVY, ZAVOLACHY Russia, c.1790, MIM Protractor, rectangular, silver, and pair of Compasses, German silver, with case = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. protractor signed in Cyrillic, "pri sor Zavolachy Samoilovy." RSW.
SAMPSON, GEORGE BENTLEY England, c.1803, apprenticed to Robert Bancks 2 in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 15, 1803. Crawforth 7.
SAMSON Norway, c.1800, PHIM see Hirsch og Samson. RSW.
SAMUELS AND CO. Ireland, fl.1867-68, OIM 29 Nassau Street, Dublin. Morrison-low and Burnett.
SAMUELS, E.J., AND CO. England, fl.1838-46, OIM 73 Great Prescott Street, Goodman Fields, London. Taylor 2(2230).
SAMUELSON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Gunner's Calipers = Soth. 3/10/87. Breslau has been in Poland since 1945. Breslau. RSW.
SANBROOKE see Sambrook. J. Brown 3.
SANCTINI, DOMINICUS SANTES c.1680, MIM Armillary Sphere = X. Evans 1.
SANDBURG, SAMUEL Germany, MIM Instrument = Museum, Lubeck. Lubeck. Evans 1.
SANDER, H.C.D. Germany, MIM Brunswick. Evans 1.
SANDERLIN, JOHN England, c.1699, MIM apprenticed to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 19, 1699. J. Brown 3.
SANDERS, RICHARD England, c.1656, member of the Joiners' Company; had James Wells as an apprentice who was turned over to him by Thomas Worrall in 1656. Crawforth 7.
SANDERS, SAMUEL misreading for Samuel Saunders 2 or 3. Daumas 1.
SANDERS, THOMAS Ireland, c.1802, member of the Excise Board committee to evaluate hydrometers in 1802; surely same as Thomas Saunders, which see. Dublin. McConnell 4.
SANDERSON, WILLIAM England, c.1600, MIM London? Bedini 8.
SANDOZ, ABRAM-LOUIS France, c.1743, wrote a how-to book on the making of sundials. La Chaux de Fonds. RSW.
SANDRINI, B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/14/87. Liverpool. RSW.
SANDS see Hunter and Sands. RSW.
SANDWELL, JOHN England, c.1783, NIM Octant, 1783 = NMM. Broadstairs, Kent. Taylor 2(887).
SANDY, JAMES Scotland, 1770-1819, OIM made reflecting telescopes and other optical intruments. Alyth. Taylor 2(1037a).
SANEHAGEN, O.L. Germany, 1719, MIM Sundial, string-gnomon, with sights, 1719 = Drouot 4/27/79 = Huelsmann Coll. for latitude 52°. Syndram.
SANG, JOHN Scotland, fl.1844-52, MIM SIM Platometer = D.(1983). invented the platometer (area measuring device, planimeter) in 1851; showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; land surveyor. Kirkaldy. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; WEBDB.
SANGSTER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1.
SANGSTER, WILLIAM England, c.1820, MIM PHIM Beam Balances = Cavendish Lab, Cambridge. King's Arms, Butcher Row, Temple Bar, London. Taylor 2(2240); Dewhirst.
SANGSTRUP, S. Denmark, 18th Century, MIM Protractor = D.(1997). Kiöbenhaun has a tilde over the "u" ("v"). Kiöbenhaun Coffeen 56.
SANKEY, J. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Coalbrookdale, Salop. Goodison 1.
SANKEY, JEREMIAH England, c.1693, apprenticed to John Randall of the Grocers' Company on June 12, 1693. J. Brown 1.
SANSEDONIUS, FRANCISCUS Italy, c.1730, OIM telescope maker. Naples. Daumas 1; Dewhirst.
SANSUM, CHARLES England, c.1748, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 6, 1748. Crawforth 7.
SANTBECH, DAVID NOVIAMAGUS Switzerland?, c.1561, author; instrument designer (?). Basle? M. Gardner?; RSW.
SANTEN, A. VAN Holland, fl. c.1826-60, NIM OIM Octant = Veenkoloniaal Museum, Veendam. T.C. Leuvehaven, openhoek van de Zwanesteeg, c. Wijk 36, Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SANTI, A. France, fl.1831-62, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope = Drouot 12/-/69; Barometer = MAN; Goniometer = Koller 11/7/63; Surveying Level = P.C. rue Saint-Ferréol 6, Marseilles (Bouches du Rhône). Garcia Franco 1; USNM; RSW.
SANTOUT misreading of Sautout. RSW.
SANTUCCI, ANTONIO Italy, fl.1577-1611, MIM Armillary Spheres, wood = Escorial, Madrid (1582), FLO (1588-93). the armillary in the FLO is the larger, measuring 7 feet + in diameter; there is an unsigned one in the Huntington Library. Pomerance; Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Yonge; RSW.
SARBON France, 1750, MIM Sun Compass, 1750 = Hof Coll. RSW.
SARCHOIS France, c.1790, MIM Horizontal Sundial = MERC. Paris. Hamilton 1.
SARGENT, THOMAS CORNELIUS England, fl.1854-79, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = KEN. the barometer is signed "T.C. Sargent." 29 Cannon Street (1854); 4 Thomas Street (1856-79); both in London. Goodison 1.
SARGENT, THOMAS S., AND CO. England, NIM T.C. in the case of a Hadley quadrant at the OMM. London. RSW.
SARJANT, THOMAS England, fl.1710-12, MIM Slide Rule = X. apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 21, 1703; free in the Company, Jan. 9, 1710; took one apprentice. London. Taylor 2(112); Crawforth 7.
SARON, J.B. GASPARD BACHARD DE France, 1730-94, MIM see Bachard de Saron, J.B. Gaspard. A.J. Turner 10.
SARRAZIN France, NIM Octant = Soth. 3/21/73. this is a variation of the standard octant and was invented by Sarrazin. Marseilles. RSW.
SARTON, H. Belgium, MIM Sundial, portable = FIN-213; Horizontal Sundial, watch-form = PRIN = NMM-Caird. Liège. NMM 2; RSW.
SARTORIUS, J.P. 1797, MIM Table Sundial, lead, 1797 = MLL. RSW.
SASSE, J.P. Holland, MIM Measuring Rod = LOS. a complicated arranangement of hinged and sliding parts; 200 mm. RSW.
SASSI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 3/9/83. Weighton. RSW.
SATLER Austria, c.1820, NIM Sextant = DRE. see also Sadtler. Vienna. RSW.
SATORELLI, A., AND MAZZUCHI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Aylesbury. Goodison 1.
SATORELLI, A., AND MUZZUCHI variant spelling for Mazzuchi? Goodison 1.
SAUMAREZ, HENRY DE England, 1695-1729, patented the "Marine Surveyor" (a type of mechanical log) in 1715. Guernsey. Taylor 1(447) & 2(114); Bedini 8; Wynter and Turner; Evans 1.
SAUNDERS England, NIM Sextant = Soth. 5/12/75. might be Samuel Saunders 2 or 3. London. RSW.
SAUNDERS, CHARLES England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver of the Clockmakers' Company on March 25, 1672. J. Brown 3.
SAUNDERS, M.A. Ireland, fl.1821-31, OIM "Optician"; "Bristol Packet Office." Eden Quay (1821-22); 27 Eden Quay (1823-29); 6 Aston's Quay (1830-31); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SAUNDERS, RICHARD 1 England, fl.1681-1715, MIM PHIM made sundials and barometers; published almanacs. Ouston, Leicestershire (1683-95); Leesthorp, near Melton Mowbray (1696-1711). Taylor 1(425); Goodison 1.
SAUNDERS, RICHARD 2 England, c.1800, PHIM Air Pump, Cuthbertson-type = Queen's College, Cambridge. Salisbury Court, London. Taylor 2(1038); Dewhirst.
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 1 England, c.1708, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Roberts in the Broderers' Company on Feb. 5, 1699; turned over to John England in the Stationers' Company on Oct. 4, 1703; freed by Patrimony in the Masons' Company, June 14, 1708; took apprentices in that Company; captain in the Militia, 1743. London. Crawforth 7; Millburn 11.
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 2 England, fl.1730-50, MIM SIM Sundial with Compass = Soth. 3/17/83; Universal Ring Sundial = NOR; Circumferentor = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79; Sundial, octagonal = Soth.-PB pre-1980. apprenticed to Joseph South in the Clockmakers' Company, Sept. 2, 1723; free in the Company, Oct. 5, 1730; most of the instruments are signed "S. Saunders London"; the circumferentor is also marked with the address. West Holborn, London. J. Brown 3; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; RSW.
SAUNDERS, SAMUEL 3 England, fl.1743-83, MIM NIM Mariners' Compass = Auction, London, 1960; Sector = D.(1987). sector signed "S. Saunders"; made and sold quadrants and "sliding canes" telescope tubes; appointed master compass-maker to the Admiralty at Deptford Dockyard; he was succeeded in 1783 by R. Wager; T.C. the Ancient Mathematical Shop under St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(406); Crawforth 1; Coffeen 17; RSW.
SAUNDERS, THOMAS Ireland, fl.1793-1819, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Universal Ring Sundial = EGE; Sundial, 1794 = Soth. 11/1/65. the universal ring sundial has a diameter of 185 mm.; see Thomas Sanders. 8 George Street (1793); 7 George Street (1794); 35 College Green (1796); 23 Capel Street (1797); Church Lane (1800-03); Eden Quay (1819); all in Dublin. Bryden 9; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW.
SAUNDERSON AND SPEAR Ireland, fl.1831-35, OIM also wax and spermaceti candle manufacturers. 3 Westmorland Street (1831); 48 Grafton Street (1832-33); 25 Suffolk Street (1835); all in Dublin. Bryden 9.
SAUR, I.M.L. Germany, 1754, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1754 = Eichstätt Willibaldsburg. the dial is also marked "Clo. Marienstein."s Kloster Marienstein, Eichstätt. Zinner 1.
SAURET-ANDRIVEAU France, post-1850, MIM Planetarium = P.C. successor to Charles Dien 2. 8 Rue de Savoie, Paris. RSW.
SAUSE, RICHARD USA, c.1797, OIM advertised telescopes. New York, N.Y. (?). Bedini 8.
SAUSSURE, HORACE-BENEDICT DE Switzerland, 1740-99, PHIM Horace-Bénédict de Saussure; naturalist; professor of philosophy at the University of Geneva (1762-86); improved several instruments; left a large collection of sundials and other nautical and philosophical instruments which are now in the History of Science Museum in Geneva; invented and made a "cyanometer." Geneva. A.J. Turner 10; Archinard; DSB.
SAUTER AND GYLDENSTOLKE Sweden, c.1780, MIM Tellurian = ADL-L34. J.J. Sauter and Count Nils Gyldenstolke; this according to correspondence but the signatures are not yet found; the terrestrial globe is by R.B. Bate, London, 1809. Stockholm. Fox 1 & 2; ADL; RSW.
SAUTER, FR. JOHANNES Germany; Sweden, 1723-86, PHIM Balance = Berzelius Museum (SWE). also a clockmaker; Zinner said he was from Ostmettingen; Pipping said he was born in Strasbourg and moved to Stockholm; may have been father of Johann Jacob Sauter, which see. Stockholm. Zinner 1; Pipping 1; RSW.
SAUTER, JOHANN JACOB Germany; Sweden; Russia, b.1770, MIM Heliochronometers = ADL-M302, DRE, KEN, NOR, P.C. (2). may have been son of Fr. Johannes Sauter, which see; married in 1791; court mechanician in Stockholm; made calculating machines; the ADL, NOR and one of the P.C. instruments are signed "JN. JB. Sauter Stockholm; the others have "St. Petersburg" as an address. Ostmettingen; Kornwestheim (1791); Stockholm (1792); St. Petersburg. Zinner 1; Fox 1 and 2; Engelmann 1; Calvert 3; Wynter 2; Delehar 5; M. Sauter; ADL; RSW.
SAUTERLEITI Germany, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = STU, Konstanz Rosgarten Museum. an alternate spelling is "Sufferleiti." Konstanz. Zinner 1.
SAUTOUT France, c.1700, MIM SIM Graphometer with telescope = VNN. Paris. RSW.
SAUTOUT L'AINE France, c.1720, MIM Sundials, Butterfield-type = Soth. 2/1/79 (silver), Soth. 12/12/55; Sundials = Evans Coll., Soth. 10/22/56, FIN-58; Sector = X. Sautout l'aîné. Paris. Michel 3; Evans 1; RSW.
SAUTOUT-CHOIZY France, c.1740, MIM SIM Rule, folding = NYM; Graphometer = HAK; Sectors = AMST, HAR; Rule = D. see Choizy; alternate spelling is Choisy. Paris. Evans 1; Nachet; Rohde; Brieux 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Giordano X; RSW.
SAUVAGE, L.J., FILS AINE Belgium, c.1850, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = USNM; Compass = van Alfen Coll. the compass in the USNM is signed "L.J. Sauvage fils" and "Aîné à Liège." Liège. USNM; Hollands Glorie; RSW.
SAVAGE England, c.1845, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 12/21/72. Shrewsbury. RSW.
SAVAGE, GEORGE England, c.1801, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Hemsley of the Grocers' Company, June 4, 1801. London. J. Brown 2.
SAVAGE, JAMES England, fl.1803, MIM member of the Coachmakers' Company; took over Charles Gilbert as an apprentice on June 2, 1803 from William Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company. London. J. Brown 1.
SAVAGE, MICHAEL England, fl.1696-98, MIM apprenticed in the Joiners' Company in 1688; free in the Company, 1696; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 7.
SAVARIN France, c.1850, MIM Pillar Sundials = ADL-W72, Bernard Coll. "Horologer"; the ADL dial is for 45° lat. Rue Ste. Catherine, No. 57, Bordeaux. Madex; ADL; RSW.
SAVERY, SERVINGTON England, fl.1730-85, invented a micrometer for a heliometer in 1743, an example was made by Dollond, c.1749. Magdalen College, Oxford. Taylor 2(302); A.J. Turner 10.
SAVIN, P. France, 17th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, silver = NMM-Caird. probably a misreading for P. Sevin. Paris. NMM 2; RSW.
SAVOI, GIOVANNI Italy, fl.1766-68, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial, 1768 = Christie 4/3/85 = Kelton Coll. (1990); Augsburg-type Sundial = Christie 4/3/85; Equatorial Sundial = FLO; Horizontal Sundial with Compass in gimbals, 1766 = FLO. born in Siena; the horizontal sundial in Florence is signed "Johannes Savoi senensis F. Florentiniae"; one of the Augsburg sundials is signed "Gio. Savoi Fe: in Firenze"; the other "Gio. Savoi F. in Firenze 1768." Siena; Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3; RSW.
SAVORY, THOMAS England, invented a mechanical log. Wynter and Turner.
SAVVAGE, L.J., FILS see L.J. Sauvage, fils Ainé.
SAWTELL, E. Australia, NIM Pocket Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78. Rundle Street, Adelaide. RSW.
SAWYER AND HOBBY USA, fl.1840-54, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = GUR (1849), GUR, P.C.; Transit = P.C.; Telescopic Level = D.(1969); Dry Card Compass = X. Horace Sawyer and Jonathan Hobby. 156 Water Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; RSW.
SAWYER, HORACE USA, 1811-89, MIM SIM worked alone, 1835-40; partner with Jonathan T. Hobby as Sawyer and Hobby, 1840-54; again worked alone 1854-89; made transits, levels, surveying compasses, etc. 214 Biceker Street (1835-40); 156 Water Street (1840-54); both in New York N.Y.; Union Place (1855-88); 185 Woodworth Avenue (1888-89); both in Yonkers, N.Y. Smart 1.
SAWYER, WILLIAM England, c.1726, apprenticed to John Oxenford in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 3, 1717; free in the Company April 5, 1726. Crawforth 7.
SAXPEACH, JOSEPH England, c.1753, invented the "Catholic Organon or Universal Sliding Foot-Rule" (a slide rule with a telescope) in 1753; wrote a booklet about it; Benjamin Parker made them; Suxspeach is a variant spelling. Ratcliff, London. Taylor 2(202) & 2(534); RSW; Holland.
SAXTON, JOSEPH USA; England, 1799-1873, MIM PHIM Balance = U.S. Mint, Philadelphia, Pa.; Astronomical Clock, 1825 = X; Clock = Independence Hall Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical Machine = KEN. invented a magneto-electric machine in 1833; self-registering tide gauge devised by Saxton c.1845; automated Mr Troughton's dividing engine for use by the U.S. Coast Survey; etc. Huntington, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa. (1837-73); 94 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; 24 Sussex Street, London (1831-37). Taylor 2(1997); Bedini 8; Frazier; USNM; Coffeen B.
SAXTON, NATHANIEL S. USA, c.1855, patented the "Summator", a circular adding machine, in 1855. Riverhead, N.Y. Coffeen 13.
SAY, DE France, c.1774, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Versailles 11/20/88. "De Say, opticien du roi". Daumas 1; RSW.
SAYER, ROBERT England, c.1770, Tide Calculator, paper = P.C. volvelles; probably a designer. 53 Fleet Street, London. Wynter and Turner.
SCALVINO Italy, c.1758, MIM SIM Surveyor's Cross = P.C. Milan. RSW.
SCANAGETY France, c.1770, dealer; sold Hadley's quadrants made by Gregory and Son. "Se vend à L'Orient chez Scanagety." RSW.
SCANEGATTY 1753, PHIM Thermometer, 1753 = Wallace Coll. F.J.B. Watson
SCANTLEBURY, JOHN England, c.1817, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J.B. Scantlebury Sheffield". Campo Lane, Sheffield. Goodison 1.
SCARLETT, EDWARD 1 England, fl.1705-43, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes, reflecting, miniature = Soth. 6/25/68 and 4/18/88; Microscope, ivory = Soth. 3/27/72; Microscope, screw barrel = P.C.; Wilson-type Microscope = Soth. 10/3/88; Stick Barometer = Dunham Massey, Altringham. apprenticed to Christopher Cock of the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 25, 1691; free of the Company, June 28, 1705; Master of the Company 1720-22; "Optician to his Majesty King George the Second"; T.C. in English, French, and Dutch; visited Paris in 1738; father of Edward Scarlett 2. at the Archimedes and Globe in Dean Street, near St. Anne's Church, Soho, London. Taylor 1(473), 2(115); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(63); Crawforth 1; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10; Goodison 1; RSW.
SCARLETT, EDWARD 2 England, 1702-79, OIM PHIM Barometer, 1753 = Evans Coll.; Angle Barometer = D.(1968). apprenticed to his father, Edward Scarlett 1, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Jan. 10, 1717; free of the Company on June 25, 1724; Master of the Company, 1745-46; made microscopes and telescopes; succeeded his father in 1743; angle barometer might be by Edward Scarlett 1. Maxwell Street (1749); the Spectacles, second house from Essex Street, near Temple Bar; both in London; may have been in reverse order. Taylor 2(209); Court and von Rohr 3(97); Goodison 1; Evans 1; Daumas 1.
SCARLETT, F. England, 1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95. may be mis-reading for Edward Scarlett 1 or 2. RSW.
SCARTII, ISAAC England, 1833, marked on a garden sundial by John Moon, 1833 at a dealer's in 1979. Coffeen A; RSW.
SCATLIFF, DANIEL England, fl.1759?-1830, MIM NIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1759 = Soth. 2/7/72; a Hadley's Quadrant by Scatliff was owned by a Mr. Hearne in 1796. the date shown for the quadrant in the Soth. sale may have been misread. 6 Wapping Wall, Shadwell, London. Taylor 2(1998); RSW.
SCATLIFF, JAMES 1 England, fl.1728-34, MIM uncle of Samuel Scatliff who succeeded him. Friar Bacon's Head, corner of St. Matthew's Alley, Cornhill, London. Taylor 2(210).
SCATLIFF, JAMES 2 England, c.1749, apprenticed to Samuel Scatliff in 1749. Robischon.
SCATLIFF, JOHN England, c.1765, OIM son of Samuel Scatliff; free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1765 by Patrimony; succeeded his father. Clay and Court; USNM; Robischon.
SCATLIFF, SAMUEL England, fl.1734-64, MIM OIM Telescope = OXF. may be the son of Simon Scatliff 1; Samuel was apprenticed to James Mann 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company, April 29, 1725; free of the Company on Oct. 2, 1734; Master of the Company, 1751-52; took apprentices; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1764; succeeded James Scatliff 1, his uncle, after 1734; he was succeeded by his son, John Scatliff; T.C. Friar Bacon's Head, corner of St. Matthew's Alley, Cornhill; St. Paul's Churchyard (1764); both in London. Taylor 2(303); Court and von Rohr 3(195); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 and 7; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Robischon.
SCATLIFF, SIMON 1 England, c.1683, NIM may have been the father of Samuel Scatliff; apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 3, 1683; listed as a compass maker and ship's chandler c.1690; he is listed in J. Brown 3 as Simon Scatliss. London. Taylor 2(1214); J. Brown 3.
SCATLIFF, SIMON 2 England, fl.1806-25, NIM compass maker. 23 Wapping; 21 Rotherhithe Street, Southwark; both in London. Taylor 2(1214).
SCATLIFF, WILLIAM England, 1759, NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1759 = D.(1973). the quadrant is also marked "William Christopher", the name of a ship's captain with the Hudson's Bay Company. RSW; WEBDB.
SCATTOGLIA Italy, 1784, MIM see I. Alessandri and Scattoglia. Venice. RSW.
SCHAAP, TJERK Holland, 1794-1877, NIM compass maker; ironmonger; son of Willem Schaap. Droogbak, Amsterdam; No.5, 1, 2 (1826-51); N0.7 (1852-60); No.UU 45, 43, 46 (1861-62); No.TT 45, 46 (1863-75); No.7, 8 (1876-77); all of the above addresses are at the same location. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SCHAAP, WILLEM Holland, 1754-1822, NIM Compasses = AMST (1798), P.C. (1799), Rijpermuseum, De Rijp (3); P.C. father of Tjerk Schaap; the undated compass in a private collection is marked "in Amsterdam." Droogbak 5, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
SCHABLASS, JOS., UND SOHN Austria, MIM SIM Triangular Scale = D.(1990). "Mechanika; in Austrian inches; box has paper medallion, "Ferdinand Kaiser für Osterreich." Josefstadt Piaristengasse 22, Vienna. RSW.
SCHAFFER, MENDEL see Mendel Schaffer Kolomet.
SCHALANI, C. England, c.1770, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips-Guilford 8/24/93. Taunton. ATG 8/20/93.
SCHALFINO, JOHN England, fl.1840-43, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), D.(1976), Auction, 1975. the barometer in the 1975 auction was signed "I. Schelfino", plus address. East Street, Taunton. Goodison 1; RSW.
SCHALL, JOHANN ADAM, VON BELL Germany; China, 1591-1666, MIM Sundial, ivory = Stonyhurst College, Lancaster, England. Jesuit; chief astronomer and President of the Mathematical Tribunal, Beijing. Cologne; Beijing (1618-66). H.J. Jones; D. Rowe 1.
SCHALLER, CHRISTOPHE Germany, fl.1630-42, MIM Wall Sundials = Sungau and Ferrette. the sundials in Ferrette have disappeared. Sentheim. Rohr 2.
SCHARASNELLA, P.J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 9/18/86. Kingswood. RSW.
SCHAUFEL, VEIT Germany, 1554, MIM Astronomical Clocks, 1554 = MUN, Feill Coll., Soth.-Amst. May 1981. the example at Soth. has a sundial and compass inside; some of the listings may be the same clock. Munich. Zinner 1; Neumann 1; RSW.
SCHAURHAMMER, HANS JACOB Belgium; Holland; Austriac.1660, OIM optics specialist; cousin and brother-in-law of Mattmüller. Enghien; south east Holland; Vienna. Habacher.
SCHEEFFER, W.D. Austria, 18th Century, marked on a graphometer by Joseph Czech. Vienna. Zinner 1.
SCHEFFELT, MICHAEL Germany, 1652-1739, MIM Sector with full bow, 1694 = ULM; Sectors = HAK (1700), EMA (1705), ULM (1710 & 1716)), KRE (1717), ROU (1730), NAC (1730), SAL (1739); Circumferentor, 1705 = HAK; Graphometers = NUR (1708), ULM (1719); Pantometrum = ULM. the pantometrum is marked "a P. Schott"; author; Zinner's dates for Scheffelt do not agree with the dated instruments. Ulm. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Daumas 1; RSW.
SCHEFFER, IVO Sweden, 1709, MIM Pillar Sundial, 1709 = SWE. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW.
SCHEFFLER, J.C.H. Germany, 1813, NIM Magnetic Compass, 1813 = HAM. Hamburg. RSW.
SCHEGA, JOHANN ANTONIUS Germany, c.1700, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = Greppin Coll., PRA, OXF, Koller 11/17/73, P.C.; Equatorial Sundials = München Stadtmuseum, SPI; Table Sundials = MUN, WUR. the instruments are signed "Antonius Schega"; the sundial in the PRA was made in Munich the one listed by Koller was made in Augsburg. Augsburg; Munich. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; W. Eckhardt 3; Horsky and Skopova; Dewhirst; A.J. Turner 10; RSW.
SCHEIF, DAVID Germany, c.1610, MIM Augsburg. Evans 1.
SCHEIFFELHUET Germany, fl.1700-17, MIM Astrolabe Clock = Kunstgewerbe Museum, Charlottenberg, Berlin. Augsburg. Berlin Cat., 1963; RSW.
SCHEINER, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1573-1650, MIM author; astronomer; invented the pantograph, c.1604; made the first Keplerian telescope in 1615. G.L'E. Turner 24; Dewhirst; Daumas 1.
SCHEIRLIN, ABRAHAM Germany, fl.1637-52, MIM Table Clock = OXF. Augsburg. RSW.
SCHELFINO, JOHN see John Schalfino. RSW.
SCHELNSTAINER, FRITZ Germany, c.1487, MIM made sundials, 1487. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SCHELTNER, HEINRICH Germany, 1566, MIM made sundials; Master in 1566. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SCHELTNER, HEINTZ Germany, d.pre-1530, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SCHELTNER, MICHAEL Germany, fl.1534-38, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SCHELTNER, SEBALD Germany, d.pre-1534, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SCHEMIT France, c.1810, OIM Telescope = P.C. Lyon. RSW.
SCHENA England, PHIM see J. Gestra and Schena. Newport. Goodison 1.
SCHENER misreading for Schöner. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2.
SCHENER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH see Johann Christoph Schöner. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2.
SCHERPENSELENSIS, ARNOLD Italy, 1595, MIM Horary and Sinecal Quadrant, 1595 = SWE. the quadrant has a radius of 380 mm.; it was made for Joh. Antonius Magnis and was signed "Arnoldum Scherpenselensem." Bologna. Pipping 1; RSW.
SCHIAVETTI, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. & C. 9/20/71. Newcastle. RSW.
SCHIAVETTI-BELLINI France, c.1840, MIM OIM Parallel Rule = VNN. "opticien de la Marine"; breveté; successor to Colombi; sole successor to Schwartz as the furnisher of maps and plans to the Office de la Marine; the only dispensor of the instruments of E. Lorieux and may have succeeded him. rue d'Aiguillon, no. 19, Paris. Calvert 2; RSW.
SCHIAVI, N. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Chesham. Goodison 1.
SCHICKARD, WILHELM 1 Germany, 1592-1635, MIM mathematician; uncle of Wilhelm Schickard 2, which see; invented and made a tellurium which he called an "Astroscopium"; a modern copy is at the Adler Planetarium, ADL-W147; devised a calculating machine in 1623. Tübingen. Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW.
SCHICKARD, WILHELM 2 Germany, 1692, MIM Astroscopium, 1692 = Lindau Stadtmuseum. nephew of Wilhelm Schickard 1; the instrument is signed "Wilhelm Schickard Junior"; the "Astroscopium" is a form of tellurium which shows either the Ptolemaic or the Copernican system. Zinner 1; RSW.
SCHICKERT, HUGO Germany, PHIM Money Balances = Stadtmuseum, Meissen. Dresden. RSW.
SCHIECK, FRIEDRICH WILHELM France, 1790-1870, OIM Drum Microscope = UTR; Microscope, compound = OXF; etc. apprenticed to Ludwig Wisskemann, 1808-11; journeymann for Karl Philipp Heinrich Pistor in Berlin, 1813-19; worked on his own, 1819-24; became shop manager and partner to Pistor as Pistor and Schieck, 1824-36; cocentrated on microscopes; made a dividing engine in 1819; had his son, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Schiek as an apprentice, 1860-64. Philippsthal (1808-11); 34 Mauerstrasse (1813); 31-g Dorotheenstrasse (1837); 1a Marienstrasse (1838); all in Berlin. Weil and Baden; USNM; Dewhirst.
SCHIECK, FRIEDRICH WILHELM HERMANN Germany, 1843-1916, OIM son of Friedrich Wilhelm Schieck; apprenticed to his father, 1860-64; went to London and Paris; worked there for Hartnack as journeyman; entered his father's firm; specialized in developing high-performance biological and travelling micrscopes; entered international various exhibitions from 1873-96. Berlin. Weil and Baden; USNM.
SCHIELIUS, GEORGIUS MIM Squadra Mobile = SKO. Price 2; RSW.
SCHIERBECK, JULIUS F. Denmark, 19th Century, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Kelton Coll. (1990). Kiobnhavn. RSW.
SCHILMLSZKIJ, JOSEPH 1792, MIM Sundial, 1792 = Evans Coll. Evans 1.
SCHINDEL, JOHANN Austria; Czech.; Germany, c.1370-1450, MIM Sundials = X. wrote on the astrolabe, the pillar sundial, etc., made sundials. Vienna; Prague; Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi.
SCHINDLER Germany, 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Christie 12/18/74; Table Sundial = P.C.; Horizontal Sundial, string-gnomon = ULM. the calendar at Christie and the table sundial are marked "Schmelnitz"; the other instrument may have been made by Christian Karl or C.H. Schindler. Schmelnitz. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; RSW.
SCHINDLER, C.H. Czechoslovakia?, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = MUN; Table Sundial = ROU; Sundial = ULM. possibly the son of Christian Carl Schindler, which see; the MUN sundial is signed "C.H. Schindler jun." Prague? Zinner 1; Michel 3.
SCHINDLER, CHRISTIAN CARL Germany, fl.1680-1716, MIM SIM Table Sundials = ADL-M289 (1680), Fürstenstein Schloss, WHI, ROU, BMR, DRE (lost); Nocturnals = DEU (1705), Fürstenstein Schloss; Altitude Sundial = OXF (1716); Universal Ring Sundials = BUD, D.(1993); Calendar = Fürstenstein Schloss; Surveying Instrument = G. Bernard Coll.; Vertical Sundials = Koller 11/17/75, P. and S. 2/28/1896, ADL-M369 (with perpetual calendar). Armillary Sphere Schmidt collection Vienna signed "Schindler M. & M. fecit à Vien", ARMILLARY SPHERE, signed "Schindler M. & M. / fecit"=DOROTHEUM auction October 18th , 2007, Circular Calendar with vertical Sundial=Auction DOROTHEUM April 2002, signed "Schindler Mathematicus et Mechanicus à Wiena", circular Calendar with vertical Sundial=Auction DOROTHEUM APril 2003 signed "Schindler fecit à Schmelnitz", he called himself "Mathematicus et Mechanicus"; ADL is signed "Schindler fecit." Halle. Schmelnitz (Schmöllnitz, Smolnik Slowakia), Dresden (see Schindler, Christian Karl. Metallische Probier-Kunst "MECHANICO in Dreßden" 1697), Vienna? (see à Vien and à Wiena) Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Schmidt und Egger; Coffeen 43; ADL; RSW.; DOROTHEUM, SCHINDLER, C.C. 1697
SCHIONNING, CHRISTIAN Denmark, PHIM Stick Barometer = Den Gamle By, AArhus Aarhus. RSW.
SCHISSLER, CHRISTOPHER 1 Germany, fl.1546-1609, MIM made a wide range of beautiful astronomical compendia, sundials and mathematical instruments dating from 1546 to 1605; examples may be found at ADL, USNM, OXF, BM, KEN, NMM, BASH, INN, AUG, FLO, MUN, DRE, EMA, RSM, DEU, VIE, WHI, etc. from 1580 on he signed "Christopher Schissler Senior" or "Christopher Schissler d. Alt." to distinguish himself from his son; he also used the title "Geometricus ac Astronomicus Artifex"; one of Germany's best and most prolific makers; he also produced instruments for the French and English markets. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bassermann-Jordan 1; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW.
SCHISSLER, CHRISTOPHER 2 Germany; Czechoslovakia, fl.1580-1646, MIM Sundials = NMM (1582), P.C. (1583), FLO; Bow Dividers with Compass and Scales, 1586 = DEU; Dividers with Sundial, 1599 = FLO; Proportional Compass, 1586 = DEU; Sundial Calculater, 1591 = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Quadrant, 1595 = FLO; Artillery Levels = HAK (1633), AUG (1646); Celestial Globe = ex-Michel Collection; etc. son of Christopher Schissler 1; Zinner thought his full name was Hans Christopher Schissler; see H.C. Schissler; he usually signed "Christopher Schissler Junior". Augsburg; Prague. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2; RSW.
SCHISSLER, H.C. Germany, fl.1580-1646, MIM Astrolabe Clock with Sundial = FLO. Zinner thought that the full name of Christopher Schissler 2 was Hans Christopher Schissler. Zinner 1.
SCHKOHR, C. MIM Analemmatic Sundial = D.(1973). RSW.
SCHLAGER, JOS. Germany, 1770, MIM Artillery Level, 1770 = ADL-M209. Walthussen. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW.
SCHLAPFY, JOHANN HINRICH Germany, fl.1722-49, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1748 = HAM. RSW.
SCHLEENSTEIN, C.V. Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Köln Rheinsches Museum. Cologne. Zinner 1.
SCHLEICHER, CARL, UND SCHULL Germany, MIM Architect's Drawing Instrument Set = Christie 7/5/71. Duren, Rhl. RSW.
SCHLICK, BENJAMIN France, c.1850, MIM Vertical Pantograph = NOR. RSW.
SCHMALCALDER, CHARLES AUGUSTUS England, fl.1806-38, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometers =X(2), Soth.-P 3/1/83; Wheel Barometer = OXF; Pantograph = D.; Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 7/27/64; Prismatic Compasses = WHI, OXF, D.(1993); Terrestrial Globe, miniature, 1815, with case = Christie-SK 11/19/87; Reflecting Circle = WHI; Plotting Protractor = Sotheby's 5/11/94; Pantograph = D.(1992). made and patented a prismatic compass in 1812; made microscopes, etc; his instruments are marked "London" or "82 Strand, London"; T.C. 82 Strand (later 399), London. Taylor 2(1215); Goodison 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen 36 and 43; RSW.
SCHMALCALDER, GEORGE England, c.1829, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, Nov. 5, 1829. London. J. Brown 2.
SCHMALCALDER, JOHN England, c.1829, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, Nov. 5, 1829. London. J. Brown 2.
SCHMEID, CONRAD Germany, 1750, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1750 = D.(c.1900) = BM. Schmeid was a canon at the College of Wetterhausen. Wetterhausen. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4.
SCHMEISSER, A. Germany, 1861, MIM Universal Skaphe Sundial, 1861. patented by H. Schmeisser, pre-1861. Berlin. Bryden 16.
SCHMEISSER, H. Germany, pre-1861, patented a string gnomon skaphe sundial an example of which was made by A. Meissner, and is at WHI. Berlin. Bryden 16; Koller 11/17/75.
SCHMICKHEL, JOHAN M. Austria, c.1740, MIM Inclinometer, mining = UIT. probably the same as Martin Schmickhel. Grecy (Graz?). Kirnbauer 1.
SCHMICKHEL, MARTIN Austria, 1741, MIM Inclinometer, 1741 = ADL-M172; Mining Compass = Mining School, Leoban. see also Johan M. Schmickhel. Graz. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Kirnbauer 1; ADL; RSW.
SCHMID France, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. Lyon. RSW.
SCHMID, J.C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 2/5/53. surely Josef Christoph Schmidt, which see. Augsburg. RSW.
SCHMIDLKOFER, SIMON Germany, "Simon Schmidlkofer der Junger 1577" marked on polyhedral sundial at BM, signed "M.S. (1) 1553", owner. Price 3; Ward 4; Zinner 1.
SCHMIDT, GEORG Germany, c.1581-1630, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = BEK. "compassmacher"; also made automaton clocks; might be Johann Georg Schmidt and or Johannes Schmidt. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 1 & 2.
SCHMIDT, J.B. Austria, c.1780, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = WHI. Vienna. Bryden 16.
SCHMIDT, JOHANN Germany, c.1600, MIM Compass with silvered wind-vane = Soth. 7/24/45. Neuviedt. RSW.
SCHMIDT, JOHANN GEORG Germany, MIM Instrument = Bourgeois Auction, Cologne, 1902. RSW.
SCHMIDT, JOHANNES Germany, 17th Century, MIM Pair of Globes on Atlases, silver-gilt = Albertinium, Dresden. Augsburg. RSW.
SCHMIDT, JOSEF CHRISTOPH Austria?, 1728, MIM Spherical Sundial, 1728 = SAL; Perpetual Calendar on a snuff box = Evans Coll.; Perpetual Calendar = AUG. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Esdaille; RSW.
SCHMIDT, NICOLAUS Germany, 1593, MIM Astrolabe, 1593 = P.C. (ICA-404). Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Maddison 1; Price 1; ICA 2.
SCHMIDTBAUR, JOHANN Germany, c.1750, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = WUP; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, silver and gilt-brass = P.C. (1974) = USNM. the sundial in the USNM is signed "Schmidtbaur", it looks very much like the work of the best Augsburg makers. Augsburg? Baillie 1; RSW.
SCHMITZ, P. Holland, c.1837, PHIM Hygrometer = UTR. sensitive material is wood; Schmitz was assistant to Prof. J.G. Crahay, Athenaeum at Massricht; later an engineer at Delft; made barometers and thermometers. Maasricht; Delft. Crommelin; Rooseboom 1.
SCHMOLZ, WILLIAM A. USA, c.1861, MIM SIM made Burt's solar compass. San Francisco, CA. Elgin.
SCHNAITMAN, ISAAC USA, fl.1837-59, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM dealer in all sorts of scientific instruments. Philadelphia. USNM.
SCHNEEWEISS, URBAN Germany, 1536-1600, MIM the celestial globe cup at NYM bearing his name is thought to be a late 19th century work; Schneeweiss was a goldsmith in Dresden. Dresden. Yonge; RSW.
SCHNEID, CONRAD Germany, 1750, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1750 = BM. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4.
SCHNEIDER, JOSUA Germany, c.1680, MIM Astrolabe Clock = MUN. Augsburg. Zinner 1.
SCHNIEP, ALEXIUS Germany; Austria, fl.1571-1613, MIM Diptych Sundials = SPI (1571), OXF (1578), Ecouen, Soth. 5/11/23; Sundials = Triebold Coll., Hannover (1583), Upsala Bibliothek (1586), VIE, POB, EMA. clockmaker; son of Ulrich Schniep; the dials in the VIE and the POB were made in Vienna. Munich (1571-82); Vienna (1583-1613). Zinner 1; Gunther 2; Michel 2 & 3; Madex; Dewhirst.
SCHNIEP, UDALRICUS see Ulrich Schniep. Zinner 1.
SCHNIEP, ULRICH Germany, fl.1553-88, MIM made many string-gnomon sundials and some artillery levels; his work is dated from 1553 to 1588; examples may be found at ADL, OXF, WHI, VIE, Munich Stadtmuseum, BM, MUN, BEK, HAK, Linz Museum, KEN, WUR, DRE, KAS, ex-Michel Collection, etc. many of his instruments are signed "V.S." 1, others are signed "Ulricus Schniep" or "Udalricus Schniep"; pupil or associate of Christoph Trechsler. Munich. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Michel 2 & 3; Berlin Cat. 1963; Bryden 16; Neumann 3; Abeler; ADL; RSW.
SCHNIEP, ULRICUS see Ulrich Schniep. Zinner 1.
SCHOBER, CHRISTIAN Germany, 1714, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1714 = Fürstenstein in Schlesien Schloss; Geometry Set = KAS. Zinner 1.
SCHOENERER, T.A. Germany, 1748, MIM Sundial, 1748 = Evans Coll. Augsburg. RSW.
SCHOENMANN, JOHAN Germany, c.1580, MIM Astronomical Clock, wood and paper = VIE. Constance. Michel 3.
SCHOKKING, A.J. Holland, c.1840, MIM Azimuth Compass = AMST. compass made between 1808 and 1814; Kleman label in box. Langestraat (1860-61); Langestraat SS 135 (1862); Martelaarsgracht L.554 (1863-68); all in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
SCHOLES, ROBERT England, c.1748, apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 29, 1748. J. Brown 1.
SCHOLTE, HARMANUS Holland, c.1792, MIM Rule, wood, 1792 = BOM Auction 1906. also marked "Anno MDCCXCII Den VIII September." Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SCHOLTS, J., JR. Holland, c.1742, MIM instrument maker, 1742. Bantammerstraat, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SCHONBERGER, GEORG Austria; Germany; Czech., 1595-1645, Schönberger wrote "Demonstratio et construtio Horologiorum novorum" in 1622; he was a Jesuit professor of mathematics in Freiburg. Innsbruck; Ingolstadt; Freiburg; Prague; Olmütz. Zinner 1.
SCHONER, ANDREAS Germany, 1562, son of Johann Schöner; published an astrolabe (Gunther-270) in his book "Gnomonice", Nürnberg, 1562. Nürnberg. Gunther 1; Michel 3.
SCHONER, JOHANN Germany, 1477-1547, MIM Terrestrial Globes = NUR (1520), DRE. Johann Schöner; author. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; RSW.
SCHONER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH Germany, c.1660-1709, MIM Horizontal Sundial = Thorban Coll.; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Universal Ring Sundial = BUD; Crescent Sundial = ROU-96; Astrolabe Clock = MUN; Astronomical Clock = Munich Residenz. Johann Christoph Schöner was also a clockmaker, he was the father of Joseph Anton Schöner, which see. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; RSW.
SCHONER, JOSEF ANTON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Sundial = Brünn Stadtmuseum. Josef Anton Schöner. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2.
SCHOOLING, JAMES England, 1787, PHIM Guinea Balance, 1787 = Phillips 4/20/83. "Scale-Maker." No. 44, Bishopsgate Street, within London. RSW.
SCHORT, J.J. France, 1638, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1638 = ADL-M294. signed "J.J. Schört"; also marked "Jacobus de Staney Paris", the owner. Paris. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
SCHOTSMAN, SAMUEL Holland, c.1690, MIM Leiden. Rooseboom 1.
SCHOTT, CHARLES Germany; USA, 1821-1903, MIM made instruments while still in Germany; came to the USA c. 1844; was in charge of the Garland Coll. of scientific instruments at Vanderbilt University. Heidelberg (1821-44?); Nashville, Tenn. (1854-1903). Smart 1.
SCHOTT, GASPAR Germany, c.1680, OIM microscope maker. Daumas 1.
SCHOTTE, ERNST Germany, c.1850, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Versailles 4/17/83; Celestial Globe = AUI terrestrial globe revised and corrected by Vivien de Saint-Martin; see Ernst Schotte and Co. Berlin. RSW.
SCHOTTE, ERNST, AND CO. Germany, 19th Century, MIM Tellurium = Christie 4/3/85. see Ernst Schotte. Berlin. RSW.
SCHOTTE, J.H. Germany, 1754, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1754 = Drecker Coll. = DPW. Zinner 1; RSW.
SCHRADER Germany; Russia, 1762-1869 ?, OIM Reflecting Telescope, 1794 = X. went to Lilienthal in 1792 to work for Schrötter; the telescope was 26 feet long. Kiel; Lilienthal (1792); St. Petersburg (post-1794). Daumas 1.
SCHRADER, BRYGGER R.F. Denmark, MIM Rule, wood = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. RSW.
SCHREIBELMAYER UND RAMSBECK Austria, c.1772, MIM Quadrant, 1772 = VIE. Vienna. Daumas 1.
SCHRETTEGGER, JOHANN NEPOMUK Germany, fl.1797-1843, MIM made a great many Augsburg-type sundials for the mass market; examples may be seen at ADL, NOR, STU, BM, BUD, KRE, DEU, AUG, EMA, WHI, etc. son-in-law of Andreas Vogler; the instruction sheets which are found with the dials are often printed in French as well as in German. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; Evans 1; Stewart; Bryden 16; USNM; ADL; RSW.
SCHRODER Germany, 1721, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1721 = KAS. Hannover. Zinner 1.
SCHRODTER, EMIL Germany, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Dusseldorf, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SCHROPP, SIMON Germany, 1826, MIM Celestial Globe, 1826 = DRE. Berlin. RSW.
SCHROTTER, J.H. Germany, c.1790, OIM Lilienthal. Daumas 1.
SCHUBART, CARL Germany, 1681, MIM made sand glasses. Nürnberg. Lunardi.
SCHUBLER, JOHANN JACOB Germany, c.1775, MIM Horizontal Sundial = HAK. RSW.
SCHULEN AND BOBY 19th Century, NIM T.C. in a sextant box. RSW.
SCHULER England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 16 City Road (London?). Goodison 1.
SCHULL see Carl Schleicher und Schull. RSW.
SCHULTES, HANS Germany, 1550-74, MIM Nürnberg Counters = USNM. USNM.
SCHULTHESS, AUG. Switzerland, c.1820, PHIM Balance = Koller, May, 1972. "Ingénieur-Mecanicien." Zurich. RSW.
SCHULTZ England, pre-1799, MIM described as a mathematical instrument maker at the William Wales' sale of 1799. Taylor 2(1039).
SCHULTZE, G.A. Germany, c.1849, designed a recording barometer, c.1849. Middleton 1.
SCHULZ, ANDREAS Austria, 18th Century, OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = Breslau Universitätssternwarte, Magdalenen-Gymnasium, Breslau. Vienna. Zinner 1.
SCHULZE, JOHANN WILHELM Germany, 1689, MIM Table Sundial, 1689 = KAS. Kassel. Zinner 1; Evans 1.
SCHUSSLER, H.C. misreading for H.C. Schissler. Michel 3.
SCHUSTER, HANNS Germany, d.1619, MIM sand-glass maker. Nürnberg. Lunardi.
SCHUSTER, JOHANN CHRISTOFER Germany, 1760-1820, MIM Calculating Machines = DEU, Christie 5/19/93 = D.(1993). fl.1785-1820; made an astronomical clock with Philipp Matthäus Hahn in 1785, to whom he was related; Daumas thought Schuster lived in Uffenheim and later in Anspach; Zinner placed him in Westheim where the clock was made; D. machine marked "Ansbach", and made 1820-22. see note. Zinner 1; Daumas 1; RSW.
SCHUSTER, PAULUS Germany, fl.1585-1634, MIM Astrolabe Clocks = DRE (1585), DHM (1591). the clock in the Dresden Historical Museum = Gunther-332. Nürnberg. Gunther 1; Lunardi; Britten 1; RSW.
SCHUTZE JUN., JOHANN LEONHARD Germany, 1793, MIM Dividing Circle, 1793 = DRE. Augsburg. RSW.
SCHUYLER, HARTLEY AND GRAHAM USA, fl.1854-80, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. Jacob Rutsen Schuyler, Marcellus Hartley and Malcolm Graham; all had worked for Young, Smith and Co. before 1854; firm became Hartley and Graham in 1880; by 1900 it was M. Hartley Company. 13 Maiden Lane (1854); 17 Maiden Lane; 19 Maiden Lane (1863-64); all in New York, N.Y.; and 6 Mary's Row, Birmingham, England (1863-64); and 15 Rue Enghein, Paris, France (1863-64); and in San Francisco, Cal. Smart 1.
SCHUYLER, JACOB RUTSEN USA, 1816-87, MIM SIM worked for Young, Smith and Co., 1833-46; was a partner in the firm, 1847-52; partner in Smith, Young and Co. 1852-54; senior partner in Schuyler, Hartley and Graham from 1854 on; this last firm probably dealt in various instruments. 4 Maiden Lane (1833-54); 13 Maiden Lane (1854 on); both in New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SCHWAB, JOS. Germany, MIM Pillar Sundial, wood and paper = MUN. Zinner 1.
SCHWAIGER, ANDREAS Germany, c.1840, MIM Rule = AUG. RSW.
SCHWALB, HERMANOS Peru, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 2/25/86; Analemmatic Sundial, round case = X. Soth. is an English sundial drawn for southern latitudes; Schwalb was probably a dealer. Lima. RSW; RSWx.
SCHWARTZ see D. and S.; see also Darling and Schwartz. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SCHWARTZ DIT LENOIR Germany?; France, c.1830, MIM NIM Quintant, No. 412 = D.(1989); Reflecting Circles = Versailles 4/17/83 (#39), P.C. (1971)(#99), Bourne 2/27/90; Octants, ebony = Hôtel des Ventes du Minage, La Rochelle 6/5/76, VNN (#8, "La Sibus"); Sextants = P.C. (#501), D.(1977). Paris. Coffeen 27; RSW.
SCHWARTZ, ANDREAS Germany, 1617, MIM Sundial, gilt-brass, 1617 = Dresden Kunstgewerbemuseum. Zinner 1.
SCHWARTZ, FRANCISCUS Belgium, c.1760, MIM Protractor = FLO-201. Brussels. Michel 3.
SCHWARTZ, J.G., AND SON Denmark, c.1860, MIM Rule, wood = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. Copenhagen. RSW.
SCHWARTZ, JACOB, AND CO. USA, c.1820, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1973). the scale is in both German and English. Alma, Wisconsin. RSW.
SCHWEDER, P.A. Sweden, c.1840, MIM Stockholm. Pipping 1.
SCHWEINFURTER, PETER Germany, MIM SIM Graphometer = Zurich Sternwarte. signed "M. Jak. Meyer Bas. G. Peter Schweinfurter fabricavit." Zinner 1.
SCHWENTER, DANIEL Germany, 1549-1612, mathematician; associated with Hans Troschel. Nürnberg. RSW.
SCHWERER AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Truro. Goodison 1.
SCHYRLE, ANTON MARIA Czechoslovakia, c.1650, MIM OIM telescope maker; made an elaborate planetary machine which he called the "Planetologium"; see "M.R." 1. Rheita, Bohemia. North 2; RSW.
SCOLA, I.S. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. and Co. 2/27/25. Alresford. RSW.
SCORESBY, WILLIAM England, 1789-1859, PHIM Artificial Magnets = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. apprenticed into the whale-fishing industry; experimented with and made magnets; F.R.S., 1824; author; see Joule and Scoresby. Whitby; Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars, London. Taylor 2(1217); RSW.
SCOTT 1 England, c.1817, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature, with cases = Christie-NY 10/24/83, D.(1986). either George or James Scott. Newgate Street, London. Taylor 2(1427) & (1428); Coffeen 13; RSW.
SCOTT 2 England, 1820, PHIM Balance, 1820 = OXF. RSW.
SCOTT 3 England, 1840, MIM Garden Sundial, 1840 = Oxford Botanical Gardens. Dewhirst.
SCOTT 4 England, c.1830, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Soth.-S 5/31/89. London. RSW.
SCOTT AND TIRYUTIN Russia, fl.1748-51, MIM Copy of Gottorp Globe = LOM. Benjamin Scott and Fillip Nikitich Tiryutin; globe has diameter of 3.1 meters. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. J. Brown 1; Chenakal 3.
SCOTT, B., AND C. PRICE England, 1718, MIM NIM Globe, 1718 = X. Benjamin Scott and Charles Price 1; T.C. at the Mariner and Globe, Exeter Exchange, Strand, London. Clay and Court; J. Brown 1; Calvert 2; Dewhirst; Tyacke 1.
SCOTT, BENJAMIN England; Russia, fl.1712-51, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to James Anderton of the Grocers' Company on April 14, 1702; turned over to John Rowley of the Broderers' Company on April 2, 1706; free of the Grocers' Sept. 16, 1712; took apprentices; compass maker to the Russian Navy Ministry, 1733-47; scientific instrument maker to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; see B. Scott and C. Price; see G. Lyford. Exeter Change (1712); the Mariner and Globe, Exeter Exchange Street, Strand (1715); near Exeter hange in the Srand (1731); all in London; St. Petersburg (1733-51). Taylor 1(577) & 2(116); Tyacke 1; J. Brown 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10; USNM; Wynter 1; Crawforth 7; Chenekal; RSW.
SCOTT, DAVID Ireland, fl.1825-38, MIM 14 Stafford Street, Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SCOTT, GEORGE England, fl.1804-27, MIM OIM PHIM apprenticed to Thomas Ventom in the Merchant Taylors' Company on Oct. 5, 1796; made free of the Company on March 7, 1804; succeeded James Scott in 1817; may have made miniature terrestrial globes; took apprentices; see Scott 1. 4 Butchershall Lane, Newgate Street (1818); 98 Newgate Street; both in London. Taylor 2(1427); Crawforth 7 & 8; Dewhirst; RSW.
SCOTT, GIDEON Scotland, 1765-1833, MIM OIM PHIM Reflecting Telescope, four-inch = Hawick Museum and Art Gallery. astronomer; inventor; made orreries and various astronomical instruments; invented a calculating rule to determine the number of teeth, the pitch and the diameters of gear wheels. Hawick. McKie; Transactions of the Hawick Archaeological Society, 1870; RSW.
SCOTT, J. England, c.1850, NIM PHIM Octant, ebony = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87; Marine Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. 17 Bermondsey Wall, London. RSW.
SCOTT, JAMES England, c.1817, MIM may have made miniature globes; see Scott 1; succeeded by George Scott in 1817. 4 Butchershall Lane (Newgate Street), London. Taylor 2(1428); Dewhirst; RSW.
SCOTT, JAMES GEORGE England, c.1846, MIM PHIM Dewhirst.
SCOTT, JOHN USA, 1752-1801, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Stark County Historical Society, Canton, Ohio (1772), P.C. clockmaker; the compass in a private collection was made before 1784. Chambersburg, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; RSW.
SCOTT, R. Scotland, c.1850, MIM OIM Dumpy Level = Phillips 10/26/83. Glasgow. RSW.
SCOTT, ROBERT 1 England, c.1739, MIM apprenticed to Benjamin Scott of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 12, 1731 (os); turned over to Joseph Jackson of the Grocers' Company on May 22, 1735; free of the Company on June 1, 1739; took one apprentice. at Mr. Jackson's near Surry Street in the Strand, London (1739). J. Brown 1.
SCOTT, ROBERT 2 England, c.1816, MIM Globe, miniature, with case = D.(1983). Oxford. Coffeen D.
SCOTT, ROBERT 3 USA, fl.1853-54, see Hunt and Scott. New York, N.Y. RSW.
SCOTT, WENTWORTH E. England, c.1850, PHIM Thermometer, self-registering maximum = X. Weatbourne Park, London. USNM.
SCOTT, WILLIAM SAMUEL England, c.1806, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 6, 1806. J. Brown 1.
SCRIBA alias for Jacob Ramminger, which see. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW.
SCRIVENER, HAYTER England, c.1811, apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company, on Jan. 3, 1811, for seven years. London. J. Brown 2.
SCULTETUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS Germany, 1532-1614, brother of Zacharias Scultetus; wrote about sundials. Görlitz. Zinner 1.
SCULTETUS, ZACHARIAS Germany, 1550, MIM Instrument, 1550 = DRE. brother of Bartholomaeus Scultetus. Zinner 1; RSW.
SEABORNE, JOHN England, c.1660, apprenticed to Thomas Aldus of the Joiners' Company on Feb. 16, 1660. Crawforth 7.
SEAGROVE, E.K. England, OIM Telescope = D.(1976). Rinaldi 2.
SEAN, A. Italy; France, fl.1612-17, MIM Surveying Instrument, 1612 = X. Bologna (1612); Paris 1617; Venice. Evans 1
SEARCH, JAMES England, fl.1780-90, MIM SIM Stick Barometer = X.; Magnetic Compass = OXF; Parallel Rules = Soth. 10/17/60; Circumferentor = OXF; Pair of Proportional Compasses = X. succeeded John Bennett 2. Crown Court, Soho and Pultney Street Golden Square, London. Taylor 2(888); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Goodison 1; Baillie 1.
SEBELIN L'AINE France, MIM Sebelin l'aîné; first name might be Josue; sundial maker; is he the same as or related to Jean Sibelin? RSW.
SECHTING, JOHANN GOTTFRIED EWALD Germany, 1749-1814, MIM Astronomical Clocks = Breslau Sternwarte, Breslau Schlesisches Museum. Breslau. Zinner 1.
SECOES, JACOB Holland, 1622, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1622 = USNM. USNM; RSW.
SECRETAN see Lerebours et Secretan. Daumas 1.
SECRETAN SUCCESSEUR France, fl.1855-67, OIM Marc Secretan succeeded Lerebours et Secretan in 1855. Paris. Moskowitz 122.
SECRETAN, AUGUSTE France, 1833-74, MIM SIM son of Marc Secretain; worked with his cousin, Georges Secretain, as Maison Lerebours et Secretan, 1867; succeeded by Georges Secretan in 1871. Paris. Poggendorff; Warner 13.
SECRETAN, GEORGES France, b.1837, MIM SIM nephew of Marc Secretan; worked with his cousin, Auguste Secretan, as Maison Lerebours et Secretan;; succeeded Auguste in 1871. Paris. Poggendorff; Warner 13.
SECRETAN, MARC-FRANCOIS-LOUIS Switzerland; France, 1804-67, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, noted for his telescopes, Borda circles, theodolites, surveyor's compasses, etc. professor of astronomy at Lausanne; worked with Noël-Marie- Paymel Lerebours in Paris from 1845 to 1855; on his own after that; "Opticien de S.A.M. l'Empereur"; did work for the Paris observatory; probably joined by his son and nephew, Auguste and Georges Secretan who later worked under the name Maison Lerebours et Secretan. Lausanne; Paris. Poggendorff; Moskowitz 122; Daumas 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Warner 13; RSW.
SEELHORST USA, see Kuebler and Seelhorst. USNM.
SEELIGER, JOHANN Austria?, c.1700, MIM produced mathematical instruments for Antonius Braun. Habacher.
SEELING England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM see Whitbread and Seeling. Taylor 2(2039); Crawforth 8; RSW.
SEELING, JOSEPH England, c.1817, MIM OIM apprenticed to William John Weeden in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Feb. 5, 1817; optician; probably a partner in Whitbread and Seeling. London. Crawforth 8.
SEFTON, HENRY England, c.1632, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 16, 1620; free of the Company Jan. 11, 1632. J. Brown 1.
SEGARD France, c.1754, OIM optician. A la Couronne d'or, Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet.
SEIDEL, GEORG Holland, c.1750, PHIM Set of Coin Balances = Soth. 10/3/88. carries mastermark of Georg Seidel. RSW.
SELDEN, JOSEPH England, c.1694, MIM scale and rule maker; invented a jointed sliding rule; author. Tunbridge Wells. Taylor 1(431).
SELLARS, WILLIAM England, fl.1691-1725, MIM apprenticed by turnover to John Clowes of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 5, 1683; free of the Company, Nov. 2, 1691; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3; Robischon.
SELLER AND PRICE England, fl.1697-1705, MIM NIM Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price; "Hydrographers to ye Queen"; "Compass makers to the Navy Royall"; made compass cards for Richard Glynne; globe makers. at the Hermitage in Wapping (1700-05); also at their shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill; both in London. Taylor 1(420 & 509); Tyacke; Bryden 9; A.J. Turner 10; RSW.
SELLER, JEREMIAH England, fl.1697-1720 d.c.1720, MIM NIM Equatorial Sundial = Evans Coll. apprenticed to John Seller 1, his father, in the Merchant Taylors' Company on Mar. 3, 1686; freed by patrimony, Sept. 1, 1703; T.C.; partner of Charles Price, 1697-1705; John Senex was also a partner, 1703-1705; author. at the Hermitage in Wapping (1699-1705); and at the shop next the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-05); both in London. Taylor 1(509); Tyacke; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 8; RSW.
SELLER, JOHN 1 England, c.1630-97, MIM NIM SIM Marine Compass (fragment) = OXF. apprenticed to Edward Lowe in the Merchant Taylors' Company, 1644; free of the Company, 1654; entered the Livery in 1676; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company in 1668; Junior Warden of the Company in 1672; father of John Seller 2 and Jeremiah Seller; "Hydrographer to the King." Covent Garden (1654); at the sign of the Mariners' Compass and Hour Glass at the Hermitage Stayers in Wapping (1660-69); at the Mariners' Compass at the Hermitage Stairs in Wapping (1669-75); also in Exchange Alley in Cornhill (1671-75); Pope's Head Alley in Cornhill (1678-81); west side Royal Exchange (1682-86); Westminster Hall (1690); all in London. Taylor 1(273); J. Brown 1 & 3; Daumas 1; Tyacke; Stevenson; Robischon; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7 & 8.
SELLER, JOHN 2 England, c.1667-98, MIM apprenticed to John Seller 1, his father, in the Merchant Taylors' Company, Aug. 21, 1681; probably the John Sellers who was admited by Patrimony to the Stationers' Company on Mar. 26, 1686; made compasses and maps; took an apprentice. the Star next the Mercers Chapel in Cheapside (1686); the West End of St. Paul's Churchyard (1687); at the Map of the World at the West End of St. Paul's (1687-89); all in London. Taylor 1(405); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 8.
SELLERS, JOHN USA, fl.1760-73, MIM SIM surveyor; made and used a sighting instrument c.1765. Pennsylvania. Bedini 8.
SELLIGUE France, c.1824, OIM made achromatic microscopes. Dewhirst.
SELTER, D.H. azimuth compass at AMST signed "G.W. Peter en Zoon" is also marked "D.H. Selter 183/673"; this may be a misreading or a misstamping of D.B. Selter. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
SELTER, DIRK BAREND Holland, 1820-99, NIM Dry Card Compass = Frisian Maritime Museum, Sneek; Compass = KRO. T.C. at AMST; see C. Brinkman & D.B. Selter. Binnen-Bantammerstraat N.383 (1860-75); Binnen-Bantammerstraat N.36 (1876-96); 'S Gravenhekje 6 (1899); all in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SELTMAN, JOHAN CAR. Germany, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = P.C. Braunschweig. RSW.
SELTOTTE Germany, MIM Armillary Sphere = MAN-I 165. Ptolemaic. Berlin. Garcia Franco 1.
SELVA see also Selvea. Goodison 1.
SELVA, DOMENICO Italy, fl.1710-58, MIM OIM SIM Telescopes, reflecting = NMM, D.(1975); Telescopes = NAC, P.C., Rou-37, KRE (1720); Circumferentor with telescope, 1758 = ROU-39. official optician to the Republic of Venice; father of Lorenzo Selva; made several improvements to optical instruments; the telescope in the private collection is marked "No. XXXVI"; KRE signed "Domenico Celvi." Venice. NMM 2; Moskowitz; Daumas 1; J. Hill 38; Michel 3; Nachet; A.J. Turner 10; RSW.
SELVA, JOHN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Plymouth. Goodison 1.
SELVA, LEONARDO Italy, c.1778, OIM telescope maker; Daumas lists him as the son of Domenico Selva. Venice. Daumas 1; Dewhirst.
SELVA, LORENZO Italy, c.1716-1800, OIM son of Domenico Selva; made improvements in optical instruments; official optician to the Republic of Venice. Venice. J. Hill.
SELVEA, GEORGE England, c.1826, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X(2). barometers signed "G. Selva Hull"; succeeded by John Selvea. 25 Grimsby Lane, Hull. Goodison 1.
SELVEA, JOHN England, c.1831, PHIM barometer maker; succeeded George Selvea. 25 Grimsby Lane, Hull. Goodison 1.
SELWIN, RICHARD England, c.1693, MIM apprenticed to John Seller 1 in the Merchant Taylors' Company on July 5, 1693. Crawforth 8.
SEM, LUDOVICUS Italy, c.1612, MIM SIM Armillary Sphere, 1612 = FLO; Surveying Instrument, 1612 = OXF. Bologna. Michel 3.
SEMAH see Aboab. RSW.
SEMINCOLO, LEONARDO misreading for Loenardo Semitecolo. Christie-SK 9/11/86.
SEMITECOLLO Telescope, three-draw, pastboard and horn = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. surely Semitecolo or a copy. RSW.
SEMITECOLO, LEONARDO Italy, 18th Century, OIM made a large number of telescopes of cardboard covered with vellum or leather, the lens mounts and rings are of horn, bone or wood; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL (3), FLO, WHI, USNM, OXF, DEU, DRE, etc. Venice? Maddison 1; Daumas 1; Coffeen E; Price 2; USNM; ADL; RSW.
SEMMONDS, H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be the same as Semmons in Truro. Goodison 1.
SEMMONS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Might be the same as H. Semmonds. Truro. Goodison 1.
SENEBIER, JACOB Switzerland?, c.1595, MIM Solar Calendar = SPI-2889. might be related to A. Senebier, a watchmaker in Geneva. Geneva? Michel 3.
SENECAL France, c.1690, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = Drouot 4/7/87, Madex, Musée du Chateau, Dieppe, Exhibition of 1000 Years of Navigation, Brussels, 1979. could be Ephraim or Jacques Senécal. Dieppe. MADEX; RSW.
SENECAL, EPHRAIM France, fl.1686-99, MIM Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = FIN-90, Evans Coll., NMM, MADEX, WHI. Ephraim Senécal. Dieppe. Bryden 16; Michel 3; Moreau; NMM 2; RSW.
SENECAL, JACQUES France, pre-1660, MIM made a large number of Bloud-type ivory sundials; examples may be seen at OXF, BM, NMM, NOR, HAM, UTR, ADL, etc. the Jacques Senécal sundials held at the Adler are ADL-T55, ADL-T56, and ADL-DPW18; ADL-T56 is incomplete; ADL-DPW18 has an addition of a string-gnomon sundial engraved on a silver chapter ring and fitted over the magnetic compass; the addition is signed "Felix Gervaise 1660", which see. Dieppe. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Tomlinson 1; Madison 1; Evans 1; Stevens and Aked; NMM 2; Madex; RSW.
SENEX AND MAXWELL England, fl.1710-c.1724, MIM John Senex and John Maxwell were partners from 1710 to shortly before 1724. London. Tyacke 1.
SENEX AND PRICE England, 1706-10, MIM Miniature Globe = X. John Senex and Charles Price. London. Wynter and Turner.
SENEX, JOHN England, 1680-1740, MIM made many globes, of various sizes, which may be seen at NMM, ADL (A277), Chicago Historical Society, Yale U., LOS, etc. apprenticed to Robert Clavell in the Stationers' Company in 1695; free, 1706; published with Jeremiah Seller and Charles Price, 1703-05; in partnership with Charles Price, 1706-10; with John Maxwell, 1710-c.1724; F.R.S. 1728; map and book publisher; made Whiston's "Copernicus" instrument; succeeded by his widow in 1740. against St. Clements Church in the Strand (1702); next to the Fleece Tavern in Cornhill (1703-06); at their House in White's Alley, Coleman Street (1707-10); at the Globe in Salisbury Court, Fleet Street (1710-21); against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street (1721-40); all in London. Taylor 1(547); Tyacke 1; Crawforth 1; Kroght 2; ADL; Yonge.
SENEX, MRS. JOHN England, fl.1740-49, MIM globe maker; continued her husband's shop. London. Wynter and Turner; Bedini 8.
SENIN, P. misreading for P. Sevin. Thielmann; Drouot 4/26/67.
SENTER, WILLIAM 1 USA, 1813-88, MIM NIM SIM apprenticed to Oliver Gerrish; became associated with Abner Lowell as Lowell and Senter (1836-70); joined by his nephew William Senter 2 in 1875 as William Senter and Co. Portsmouth, N.H. (1813-28); Portland Me. (1828-88). Smart 1.
SENTER, WILLIAM 2 USA, fl.1875-88, MIM SIM joined his uncle, William Senter 1 as William Senter and Co. (1875-88). Portland, Me. Smart 1.
SENTER, WILLIAM, AND CO. USA, fl.1875-88, MIM NIM SIM William Senter 1 and his nephew, William Senter 2. Portland, Me. Smart 1.
SEPP, CHRISTIAAN Germany; Holland, 1700-75, PHIM Hamburg; Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1.
SEPTALIUS, MANFRED variant of Manfredo Settala. RSW.
SERLE, GEORGE England, fl.1656-80, author; devised a quadrant and a dialing scale which was made and sold by Anthony Thompson and by Walter Hayes. London. Taylor 1(268); RSW.
SERSON, JOHN England, fl.1735-60, invented Serson's Whirling Speculum, an artificial horizon, in 1752. Taylor 2(305); Bedini 8.
SERVILL, J. misreading of J. Sewill. Christie 12/17/75.
SESINO, S. England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/13/88. Norwich. RSW.
SETTALA, MANFREDO Italy, 1600-80, MIM OIM Armillary Sphere, 1646 = Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan. made lenses and burning glasses; formed the Museo Settala which became part of the Ambrosiana in 1751. Milan. Tavernari; Spargo 1; Michel 3; Clay and Court.
SETTY Holland, c.1770, MIM Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1.
SEUTTER, GEORG MATTHAEUS Germany, 1678-1757, MIM Pair of Globes = ROM; Celestial Globes, 1710 = AUG, MUN, ROM; Celestial Globes = DRE, LOS, NMM, Seitenstetten Stift, etc. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bedini 12; USNM; NMM 2; RSW.
SEVERN, WILLIAM England, fl.1838-46, OIM 1 Walbrook Place, City Road, London. Taylor 2(2243).
SEVERUS, ALPHENUS c.1500, name marked on an astrolabe signed "Piervincenzo Danti del Rinaldi" in the HAK. RSW.
SEVIN, PIERRE France, fl.1662-85, MIM SIM wide range of instruments of very high quality, such as astrolabes, sundials, graphometers, levels, etc., that may be seen in many museums including ADL, NMM, OXF, LIE, PRIN, CNAM, BM, LOS, etc. made instruments for the Paris observatory, 1665-80; several instruments made by Grosselin are marked "Divisé par Sevin à Paris". Paris. Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; NMM 2; J.A. Bennett 2; ADL; RSW.
SEWARD Ireland, MIM SIM Compass Sundial = Soth. 5/11/23; Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 11/13/61; Proportional Dividers = Christie 11/22/78; Surveyor's Compass = D. Dublin. Coffeen I; RSW.
SEWARD, C. England, MIM PHIM Compass, wood = Lancaster City Museum; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 8/12/87. Lancaster. RSW.
SEWILL AND YOUNG England, 18th Century, PHIM Balance, steel = Phillips 4/20/83. RSW.
SEWILL, J. England, 19th Century, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM. also marked "J. Smith London", surely owner; may be either John or Joseph Sewill. Liverpool. RSW.
SEWILL, JOHN England, MIM NIM Double Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78; Sextant with Case = Phillips 5/20/75. a T.C. for "J. Sewill Liverpool" was found in a SBR sextant case; the sextant at Phillips was signed "Sewill Liverpool." Liverpool. RSW.
SEWILL, JOSEPH England, fl.1835-62, MIM OIM Stick Barometer = LEY; Barometer, 1862 = PMS; Aneroid Barometers = OMM, BMM; Octant = PMS; Sextant = Christie 5/26/76. T.C. "Maker to the Admiralty"; the sextant marked "Liverpool." 15 Canning Place (c.1835), Liverpool; 61 South Castle Street, Liverpool and 30 Cornhill, London. Goodison 1; Middleton 1; RSW.
SEXTON, PLINY USA, 1796-1881, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = GUR. the compass is marked "Palmyra, N.Y." Springfield, Mass. (1796-1819); Palmyra, New York (1819-81). Smart 1; USNM.
SEYFRIED, GEORG PAULUS Germany, c. 1773, MIM Cube Sundials, wood = WUR, Leipzig U. Sternwarte, etc; Cube Sundial, brass on wood, 1773 = Drouot 4/7/87. worked with David Beringer as Beringer und Seyfried. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Chandler and Vincent 2; Engelmann 1; RSW.
SHADD, CHARLES England, c.1703, MIM apprenticed to John Randall of the Grocers' Company on July 13, 1703. J. Brown 1.
SHADWELL England, NIM Sextant = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. the name of the owner, "W. Ford", is shown. 102 High Street, London. RSW.
SHAIN see Knox and Shain 1 and 2. Smart 1.
SHAIN, CHARLES J. USA, 1822-91, MIM worked alone 1851-55; as partner with Joseph Knox as Knox and Shain 1, 1855-76; worked alone, 1877; as partner with Henry M. Knox as Knox and Shain 2, 1878-91. 72 Dock Street (1851); 46 1/2 Walnut Street (1855-76); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller.
SHALFINO England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = P.C. Taunton. RSW.
SHALLAND see Challand. Clifton 1.
SHALLER, FERDINAND MIM Magnetic Compass = Buffalo Museum of Science. RSW.
SHANAHAN AND LOEBER USA, fl.1852-53, MIM SIM Transit = P.C. James M. Shanahan and Charles Loeber; made theodolites, transits, surveying compasses and drawing instruments. 181 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM.
SHANAHAN, JAMES M. Ireland; USA, 1824-85, MIM SIM partner with Charles Loeber as Shanahan and Loeber, 1853-56; listed as maker of surveying instruments, 1853-56. 181 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SHARMAN, JOHN England, c.1786, apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2 of the Grocers' Company, Jan. 6, 1786. London. J. Brown 1.
SHARP, ABRAHAM England, 1653-1742, MIM OIM Declining Sundial = Thoresby Coll. (1714); Garden Sundial, 1722 = Bolling Hall, Bradford; Mural Arc Quadrant, 1689 = X; Astronomical Quadrant = KEN; Telescope = NMM; Refracting Telescope, wood = Yorkshire Museum, York. assistant to Flamsteed (1684-90); the refracting telescope has an unusual mount, it is on loan to the NMM (1973); there are 10 instruments at Bolling Hall pertaining to Sharp, given by his heirs, they include the rete from a "Mathematical Jewell" and several unusual quadrants; see A.S. 4; his observatory at Horton Hall was dismantled and the stones numbered and buried in the garden at Bolling Hall. Horton Hall, Little Horton, near Bradford; Greenwich (1684-90). Taylor 1(361) & 2(118); Daumas 1; RSW.
SHARP, HENRY England, OIM made achromatic microscope objectives. 38 Bowden Street, Sheffield. USNM.
SHARP, SAMUEL England, c.1825, MIM OIM PHIM 29 Brownlow Street, Drury Lane; 16 Church Row, Pancras Road, Somerstown; both in London. Taylor 2(1699).
SHARP, THOMAS 1 England, c.1714, OIM Telescope = Thoresby Coll. (1714). Taylor 1(361).
SHARP, THOMAS 2 England, c.1724-1799, MIM Garden Sundial, 1785 = Falcon Hotel, Stratford-on-Avon. scientific instrument maker, wood worker, clock and watch repairer. Stratford-on Avon. RSW.
SHARPE, WILLIAM England, 1798, MIM Perpetual Calendar, cardboard, 1798 = Evans Coll. Norwich. Evans 1; Esdaille.
SHARPE, WM. England, member of the Clockmakers' Company?; made watch movement in wheel barometer by Roe 1, Soth.-S 9/18/86. London. RSW.
SHARPLIN, WILLIAM England, c.1770, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on May 4, 1762; free of the Company on Dec. 4, 1770. London. J. Brown 1.
SHAW 1 England, d.1666, MIM associated with Thompson to make Prince Rupert's perspective instrument; might be Anthony Thompson 2 or William Thompson. London. Daumas 1; Gunther 2.
SHAW 2 USA, see Frye and Shaw. Coffeen D; RSW.
SHAW, EDWARD England, c.1689, MIM apprenticed to Clement Forster of the Clockmakers' Company on June 24, 1689. J. Brown 1.
SHAW, JOHN 1 England, fl.1682-1715, PHIM Stick Barometer = D. apprenticed in 1672 in the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company in 1682; Master of the Company, 1712-15. Holborn, London. Goodison 1; Robischon.
SHAW, JOHN 2 England, c.1830, PHIM magnet manufacturer. Sheffield. Taylor 2(2001).
SHAW, PETER England, fl.1710-61, designed a portable set of chemical instruments and apparatus with Francis Hauksbee 1, F.R.S. Taylor 2(211).
SHAW, ROBERT LUDLOW USA, 1813-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer = P.C. (1988); Octant = MYS; Telescopes = MYS, Decatur House, Washington, D.C.; Marine Compasses = MYS, Philadelphia Maritime Museum, D.(1971); Sextant = MYS. may have been apprenticed to John H. Wheeler; Shaw and Addington D. Frye succeeded Wheeler in 1836 as Frye and Shaw, which see; the partnership lasted until 1845; the firm had a Ramsden-type dividing engine. 222 Water Street (1836-76); also at 119 Beekman 1858-67); 110 Wall Street (1876); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Preuss and Treworgy 2; Moskowitz 102; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; RSW.
SHEA, ROLAND H. Ireland; USA, 1829-55, MIM SIM Wye Level = New Bern, N.C. born in Ireland. Ireland (1829); 29 Front Street (ward 2), Brooklyn, N.Y. (1849-53); 167 Broadway, New York, N.Y. (1853-55); 82 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SHEAHAN, D.B. USA, fl.1900-22, MIM sundial maker; his monumental and wall sundials are found in towns and institutions in the New England states; he also made many pocket sundials which were influenced by Lewis Evans' chapter on portable sundials found in the 4th edition of Mrs. Gatty's book on sundials, 1904; the Tomlinson collection at the ADL contains many examples of his work. New York, N.Y. Tomlinson 1; Wray Cat.; USNM; Fox 2; ADL; RSW.
SHEARER, JAMES England, fl.1825-42, MIM Astronomical Clock with two Globes = P.-B. 11/19/42. London. RSW.
SHEARS, JOHN c.1920, Water Clock, signed "John Shears Newcastle, 1629" = Clock Museum, Newport, N.H. this looks like the work of Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. RSW.
SHEFFEL, MICHAEL mis-spelling of Michael Scheffelt. Daumas 1.
SHELDON, JOHN England, PHIM made spring balances. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SHELTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1702, free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1702. London. J. Brown 3.
SHELTON, JOHN 2 England, c.1721, MIM apprenticed to Henry Stanbury of the Clockmakers' Company on May 20, 1712; free of the Company, Jan. 16, 1721. London. J. Brown 3.
SHELTON, JOHN 3 England, c.1745, free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1745. J. Brown 3.
SHENSTON, J.T. England, fl.1836-46, PHIM Weight, earthenware = OXF. "Manufacturer." 395 Strand, London. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SHEPARD, ANN England, 1676, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1676 = NMM. see A.S. 4. Bristol. Taylor 1(395); NMM 2; RSW.
SHEPARD, JOHN England, c.1674, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 22, 1674. J. Brown 3.
SHEPEARD, J.H. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Congleton. Goodison 1.
SHEPHERD England, c.1820, NIM Octant = Soth. 2/3/76; Sextant, double frame = X. the sextant was shown on the QE 2 menu in 1983; see C. Shepherd. Leadenhall Street, London. RSW.
SHEPHERD, C. England, c.1820, NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = VNN; Telescope, two-draw = Melun 4/24/83. 53 Leadenhall Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SHEPPARD, EDEN England, c.1701, MIM apprenticed to John Rowley in the Broderers' Company on Sept. 12, 1701. Crawforth 7.
SHEPPARD, JOHN England, 1737, NIM Davis Quadrant, 1737 = Ader Picard Tajan 3/7/77. RSW.
SHEPPERE, LOUIS DE France; Russia, fl.1690-1700, OIM Frenchman working in St. Petersburg; Chenakal thought he did not take any pupils. St. Petersburg. Chenakal 3.
SHERMAN, C.R., AND CO. USA, fl.1865-73, NIM Marine Compasses = MYS (2), Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass. the Whaling Museum compass is signed "Charles R. Sherman and Co."; the "and Co." was his partner James Handley; T.C. reads, in part, "Successor to J. Kehew." 49 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW.
SHERMAN, CHARLES R. USA, fl.1849-73, NIM Mariner's Compass = Daggett House, Edgartown, Mass. he worked for John Kehew, 1849-59; succeeded him in 1865; instruments signed "C.R. Sherman"; see C.R. Sherman and Co. 49 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass. Moskowitz; RSW.
SHERWOOD England, c.1838, NIM compass maker?; designed a "Magnetic Geometer" for finding position at sea; this was patented by R.M. Hoe, which see. Taylor 2(2245).
SHETRINO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Worcester. Goodison 1.
SHEW, H. England, c.1800, MIM Pantograph = D.(1972). London. Moskowitz 104.
SHEWSWELL, THOMAS England, c.1623, MIM apprenticed to Elias Allen in the Grocers' Company between 1612 and 1617; free of the Company on July 29, 1623. London. J. Brown 1.
SHIELD, NICOLAS England, fl.1668, Shield had John Yarwell as an apprentice in 1668; Yarwell became a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. Clay and Court.
SHIPLEY, GEORGE USA, fl.1797-1801, sold telescopes. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8.
SHIPPY, JOHN England, c.1706, MIM apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on May 6, 1706. J. Brown 3.
SHIRK, JOSEPH USA, 1814-1902, MIM SIM Tansit = P.C.(1965). surveyor; Mennonite inventor. Churchtown; Union Grove (1841-1902); both in Pa. Smart 1.
SHIRTCLIFFE England, c.1700, designed a type of slide rule,made by William Wyeth. Cajori.
SHORT see De Grave, Short and Fanner. RSW.
SHORT AND MOWER England, PHIM Aneroid Barometer = K. and C. 5/23/73. London. RSW.
SHORT, JAMES Scotland; England, 1710-68, OIM reflecting telescopes in large numbers; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL, OXF, HAR, LEY, AMST, RSM, Zeiss of Jena, Palermo Observatory, Tashkent Observatory, etc. one of the most successful makers of his era; the earliest dated telescope is 1735; Short marked his telescopes with a serial number which appears as a formula, the production number of that particular focal length, over the total prduction to date, = the focal length of the telescope; he was succeeded by his brother, Thomas Short. Edinburgh (1710-38); Surrey Street, Strand, London (1739-68). Taylor 2(307); Bryden 1, 3, 7, & 19; G.L'E. Turner 3, 6, & 8; A.J. Turner 10; USNM; ADL; RSW.
SHORT, THOMAS Scotland; England, c.1712-88, OIM Reflecting Telescopes = ADL-W18, KEN, etc. succeeded his older brother, James Short in 1768; took out a patent in 1774 for a reflecting telescope with more than two specula. Foot of the Broad Wynd, Leith (1748); Surrey Street, Strand, London (1768-76); Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh (1776-88). Taylor 2(308); Bryden 3; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(XIV); ADL; RSW.
SHORTGRAVE, RICHARD England, fl.1658-76, PHIM made wheel and stick barometers, thermometers etc.; worked for Robert Hooke; became "Operator to the Royal Society", succeeded in that job by Harry Hunt; devised a new water level. Gresham College, London. Taylor 1(274); Goodison 1; Daumas 1; Evans 2.
SHORTGRAVE, THOMAS England, fl.1674-80, PHIM son of Richard Shortgrave; assistant to Robert Hooke. London. Taylor 1(274).
SHOTTE, J.N. see J.H. Schotte. Evans 1; Zinner 1.
SHREW England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 11/27/86. London. RSW.
SHUTTLEWORTH England, 18th Century, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = Franklin Institute, Soth. 3/11/77; Surveyor's Compass = Bruce Museum, Greenwich Conn.; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 12/15/72; Pantograph = Christie 7/23/80; Microscope Barrel = Soth. 5/21/73; Telescope = P.C. instruments signed this way could have been made by either Henry Raines Shuttleworth or Henry Shuttleworth. Goodison 1; USNM; Daumas 1; USNM; RSW.
SHUTTLEWORTH, HENRY England, fl.1787-1812, OIM Microscopes = Clay Coll.(2); Soth.-S 4/24/87. apprenticed to his father, Henry Raines Shuttleworth, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free in the Company in 1787 according to Crawforth; others think it was 1797. at the Sign of Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pair of Golden Spectacles (No. 23 Ludgate Street) near the West End of St. Paul's, London. Crawforth 1; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(226); Clay and Court; RSW.
SHUTTLEWORTH, HENRY RAINES England, c.1732-97, MIM OIM Microscopes = Stevens' Auction Rooms 6/14/1782, Soth.3/25/86; Garden Sundial = P.C.(1987); Spyglass = D.(1985). father of Henry Shuttleworth; apprenticed to John Cuff in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1747; free of the Company in 1754; Master of the Company, 1782-87; took apprentices; see Shuttleworth. at Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles; The Old Mathematical Shop near the West End of St. Paul's (1791) (otherwise 23 Ludgate Street); both in London. Taylor 2(537); Court and von Rohr 3(153); A.J. Turner 10; Robischon; Coffeen 9; Clay and Court; Goodison 1; Crawforth 1; RSW.
SHUTTLEWORTH, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-37, MIM Sectors, ivory = X, Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79, Soth. 7/15/63; Drawing Instrument Set = P.C. (1980). Evans noted that he made a microscope c.1786 but this surely is the work of H. Shuttleworth. 73 Lichfield Street, Birmingham; 133 Broad Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2002); Evans 1; RSW.
SIBE, JOHANN Denmark, see Brenner and Sibe. Baillie 1.
SIBELIN, JEAN France, fl.1706-35, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round = Musée Historique de Neuchätel. "horologer"; is he the same as or related to Sebelin l'aîné, which see. Neuchätel. RSW.
SIBLEY AND MARBLE USA, fl.1801-07, MIM advertised in 1801 that they repaired (and sold?) swords, clocks, mathematical and surgical instruments, etc. New Haven, Conn. USNM.
SICKLER, C. Germany, c.1850, MIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 3/10/87; Surveying Level = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. Karlsruhe. RSW.
SIEBER, MICHAEL Germany, 1744, MIM Equatorial Table Sundials, 1744 = PRA, PAM; Horizontal Sundial = PRA. signed "Pater Michael Sieber OSP fecit." Zinner 1; Astron. Inst.; RSW.
SIEFER, KONRAD Germany, 1403, MIM Wall Sundial, 1403 = Strassburg Cathedral. Lübke.
SIEGLER see Molteni et Siégler. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SIEMENS AND HALSKE Germany, c.1850, showed in 1851 at the Great Exhibition in London. Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SIEMENS, CHARLES WILLIAMS Germany, 1823-83, MIM PHIM patented a double cylinder air pump, exhibited at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London with his partner, Halske. Berlin. Chaldecott 3; RGO; G.L'E. Turner 24.
SIENER, G. Germany, c.1860, MIM OIM Telescopic Level = DRE. Darmstadt. RSW.
SIETE, LUDOLF DE Germany, 15th Century, MIM Astrolabe = Cracow University Observatory. master of the treasury of the abbey of Einbeck. Einbeck. Zinner 1.
SIKES, BARTHOLOMEW England, 1731-1803, PHIM devised a type of hydrometer; collector of Excise. Stourbridge; 5, Wilderness Row, Clerkenwell, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; McConnell 4.
SILBERADE Telescope = Phillips 6/15/76. this is probably a misreading for Charles Silberrad. RSW.
SILBERMANN JEUNE France, fl.1855-62, MIM PHIM Silbermann jeune; might have been the son of Jean Thiebaut Silbermann; "preparateur de physique au College de France"; found a way to print celestial and terrestrial globes with but one strike ? Paris. USNM.
SILBERMANN, JEAN THIEBAUT France, 1806-65, MIM PHIM on his arrival in Paris Silberman apprenticed himself to Jecker, a maker of physical apparatus; Silbermann later became Superintendent of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers; he developed a form of heliostat in 1843 which was widely adopted; Silbermann jeune may have been his son. Paris. USNM.
SILBERRAD, CHARLES England, fl.1801-33, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = WHI, CNY; Double Barometer = OXF; Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Universal Ring Sundial = Auction, 1961; Instrument = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa.; Telescope = Phillips 11/16/88. the wheel barometer is signed "C. Silberrad", the other barometers are signed "Silberrad." 34 Aldgate within, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1218); Michel 3; Daumas 1; O'Mara; RSW.
SILIPRANDI, IL Italy, 17th Century, MIM Water Level = D.(1973); Level, large, iron = D.(1971). RSW.
SILK, WILLIAM England, c.1762, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 29, 1762. Crawforth 7.
SILKER Sweden, c.1710, MIM instrument maker; probably a half-brother of Christopher Polhem. Stockholm. Pipping 1.
SILLO AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. York? Goodison 1.
SILLO, S. England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1986). York. Antique Collector, Nov. 1986.
SILVA, JOAO DA Portugal, late 19th Century, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood = Evans Coll., D.(1967), Lisbon Ethnological Museum. also signed as "J.S." 2, which see; "autor." RSW.
SILVA, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
SILVANI AND CO. England, PHIM Thermometer = K. and C. 12/12/73. Brighton. RSW.
SILVANI, G. AND B. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Brighton. Goodison 1.
SILVANI, V. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = Christie 12/8/76. Brighton. RSW.
SILVANI, V., AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Brighton. RSW.
SILVE, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/87. 9 East Street, Plymouth. RSW.
SILVER AND CO. England, NIM Octant with telescope = Melun 4/24/83. London. RSW.
SILVER, C.W., AND CO. England, NIM Octant = KEN-1872-77. RSW.
SILVER, G., AND CO. England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 11/13/86. RSW.
SILVER, P.W., AND CO. England, NIM Sextant = Christie 6/7/72. Cornhill, London. RSW.
SILVER, S.W., AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Electrical Machine, with ebonite fittings = X. 3 Bishopsgate Street, London. USNM.
SILVESTER, JOSHUA England, c.1594, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 25, 1594. J. Brown 1.
SIMENCOURT, DE France, c.1850, MIM Vertical, south-facing Sundial = D. No. 341; "Cadran Vertical Indiquant l'avance et le retard sur la Méridienne du Midi vrai." Faubourg St. Denis No. 42 (erased), Paris. Coffeen 55.
SIMES, CHARLES England, c.1784, MIM apprenticed to James Martin of the Grocers' Company on June 3, 1784. J. Brown 1.
SIMKIN, J. England, fl.1781-91, MIM card in Lewis Evans Coll. Burton Wood. Evans 1.
SIMMES, ISAAC 1 England, fl. 1609-10, MIM Garden Sundials = KEN (1609), X (1610); Sundial, bronze, square, 1610 = Phillips 2/15/89. goldsmith. Parish of St. Botolf, London. Delehar 1; RSW.
SIMMES, ISAAC 2 England, 1735, MIM Horizontal Sundial Plate, 1735 = X. clockmaker. Evans 1.
SIMMONS, H. USA, 1852, MIM Garden Sundial, 1852 = D.(1983). for "Lat. 43°". Paris, N.Y. Coffeen E.
SIMMONS, THOMAS England, c.1807, apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 30, 1807. Crawforth 7.
SIMMS 1 England, c.1824, MIM OIM Protractor = Soth. 10/28/86; Meridian Transit Telescope, 1824 = X; Altitude and Azimuth Telescope, 1824 = X. London. RSW.
SIMMS 2 see Troughton and Simms; Edward Troughton 2 and William Simms 2. Taylor and Wilson; RSW.
SIMMS 3 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95 Chipping Norton. RSW.
SIMMS, FREDERICK WILLIAM see William Simms 2. Daumas 1.
SIMMS, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1792-99, OIM 4 (later 8) Crooked Lane, London. Taylor 2(1041).
SIMMS, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of William Simms 1; brother of James Simms 2 and William Simms 2; see J. and G. Simms. London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, J. AND G. England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM James Simms 2 and George Simms 2; the firm made mariner's and other compasses; Francis Barker and Son in their Trade Card stated that they had worked for the Simms' firm for seventeen years and had succeeded them. 4 Broadway, Blackfriars; 9 Greville Street, Hatton Garden (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.
SIMMS, JAMES 1 England, 1711-95, MIM father of William Simms 1 and grandfather of William (2), James (2), and George Simms (2); made drawing compasses. Birmingham. Taylor 2(309); Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, JAMES 2 England, fl.1822-46, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of William Simms 1; see J. and G. Simms. London. Taylor 2(1042); Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, JAMES 3 England, 1828-1915, MIM OIM PHIM SIM apprenticed to his father, William Simms 2 in 1843; after his father's death in 1860, he became a partner with his cousin, William Simms 3, in Troughton and Simms until 1871 when William Simms retired; James Simms 3 carried on the firm alone until his death in 1915. Woolich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, Lomdon. Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, JAMES 4 England, 1862-1939, MIM OIM PHIM SIM son of James Simms 3 and brother of William Simms 4; carried on Troughton and Simms Ltd. with his brother, 1915-22; in 1922 the firm merged with T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. of York to become Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd. Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, London. Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1763-1820, MIM son of James Simms 1; father of William (2), James (2), and George Simms (2), which see. Birmingham; Bowman's Buildings, Aldersgate Street, London (1793). Taylor 2(889); Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, WILLIAM 2 England, 1793-1860, MIM OIM Frederick William Simms; son of William Simms 1; may have been apprenticed c.1807 to Bennett (?) of Cork who was one of Ramsden's workmen; after some years on his own he joined with Edward Troughton 2 as a partner (1826-36) in Troughton and Simms; joined by his nephew William Simms 3 in 1836; improved Troughton's dividing engine by adding a "self-acting mechanism"; exhibited standard yard rules at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; author; F.R.S., 1852. The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street (1826-43); 138 Fleet Street (1843-60); both in London. Taylor 2(1430); J.A. Bennett 2; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.; G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, WILLIAM 3 England, 1817-1907, OIM son of James Simms 2; joined his uncle, William Simms 2 in Troughton and Simmsin 1836; became partner in the firm with his cousin, James Simms 3 in 1860; retired in 1871. The Orrery, 136 Fleet Street, London; 138 Fleet Street (1841), London and Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent (1864). Taylor 2(1430); Taylor and Wilson.
SIMMS, WILLIAM 4 England, 1860-1938, MIM OIM PHIM SIM son of James Simms 3; carried on the firm of Troughton and Simms Ltd. with his brother, James Simms 4 from 1915-22; in 1922 the firm merged with T. Cooke and Sons Ltd. of York to become Cooke, Troughton and Simms Ltd. Woolwich Road, Charlton, Kent and 138 Fleet Street, London. Taylor and Wilson.
SIMONDO England, PHIM Table Orrery = Whitehall, London. Grimaldi.
SIMONS, D. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. West Sussex 10/18/83. Trowbridge. Goodison 1; RSW.
SIMONS, JAMES England, 1774-93, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolites = Bennington Museum, Vermont, Christie-SK 7/10/80; Butterfield-type Sundials = Soth. 5/21/73, D.(1974), D.; Pantograph = Phillips 11/16/76; Stick Barometer = X. one of the sundials shown by dealers had a list of six English cities, the other has a single hour scale; the barometer is signed "Simons London"; his trade card shows that he sold microscopes. Sir Isaac Newton's Head, corner of Marylebone Street and Golden Square, opposite Glasshouse Street (1773-85); Fleet Street; 17 Marylebone Street (1791); all in London. Taylor 2(1042a); Goodison 1; USNM; Wynter and Turner; C.N. Robinson; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1.
SIMPSON 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1.
SIMPSON 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
SIMPSON AND ROBERTS England, NIM Octant, ebony, ivory, brass, with case = ADL-T50. Roberts 2. 34 Strand Street, Liverpool. Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW.
SIMPSON, JOHN England, c.1815, MIM apprenticed to John Browning 1 in the Grocers' Company on Jan. 2, 1800; free of the Company on Dec. 7, 1815; Master; also spelled "Simson". London? J. Brown 1 & 2.
SIMPSON, JONATHAN USA, 1787-1863, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = USNM, Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort; Compass = Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. silversmith; clockmaker. Bardstown, Kentucky. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 17.
SIMSON England, NIM Octant = Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester. possibly John Simpson. Strand Street, Liverpool. Holbrook 2.
SIMSON, JOHN see John Simpson. J. Brown 1.
SINCLAIR, GEORGE 1 Scotland, fl.1654-96, PHIM barometer maker; professor of mathematics and philosophy; author. St. Andrews; Glasgow; Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 10; Middleton 1.
SINCLAIR, GEORGE 2 England, fl.1670-1703, MIM designed a pantograph; might be "St. Clair." at the Sign of the Log, Russell Street, Covent Garden, London? Taylor 1(349).
SINDLE, JOSEPH England, c.1800, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = OXF. Taylor 2(1219).
SING, MAURITIUS Germany, c.1740, MIM Astrolabe Clock = UTO 11/2/76; Astronomical Clock = UTO 9/29/75. Augsburg. RSW.
SINGELING see Cingeling. Rooseboom 1.
SINGER England, pre-1881, patented a compass sundial; the siver case is hallmarked 1881. London. Moskowitz 104.
SINGER, HANS Germany, c.1548, MIM made sundials. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
SIOLI, L. England, 1807, PHIM Stick Barometer, 1807 = X. Richmond. Goodison 1.
SIRE, GEORGES ETIENNE France, 1826-1906, invented a version of the gyroscope. Besançon. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SISSON England, PHIM Barometer = COR. probably either Jonathan Sisson 2 or Jeremiah Sisson. London. Courtanvaux.
SISSON, I. variant signature for J. Sisson, which see. RSW.
SISSON, J. England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments are signed "J. Sisson"; these could be by Jonathan Sisson 2 or by Jeremiah Sisson; examples may be found at AMST, KEN, UTR, NYM, WHI, etc; a drawing instrument, ADL-W100, is signed "I. Sisson." London. Bryden 16; de Rijk; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Coffeen F; Wynter & Turner; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW.
SISSON, JEREMIAH England, fl.1736-88, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Microscope = KEN; Mural Arc, 1770 = KEN; Telescope Micrometer = KEN; Octant, 1763 = UTR; Stick Barometers = KEN, WHI. son of Jonathan Sisson 2; succeeded him in 1747; made quadrants used by David Rittenhouse in 1768; instrument maker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. Corner of Beaufort Buildings, Strand London. Taylor 2(411); Goodison 1; USNM; Daumas 1; Clay and Court.
SISSON, JONATHAN 1 England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Jeremiah Gregory of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 1, 1720; J. Brown thought he was not the mathematical instrument maker, Jonathan Sisson 2 who was the father of Jeremiah Sisson. J. Brown 3.
SISSON, JONATHAN 2 England, c.1690-1747, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of finely divided instruments dating from 1725-42; examples can be seen at NMM, UTR, WAI, Bologna U. Observatory, etc. chief workman for George Graham; John Bird worked for Sisson; from 1729, instrument maker to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales; added telescopic sights to a theodolite; succeeded by his son, Jeremiah Sisson in 1747; see Graham and Sisson; T.C. at the Sphere, corner of Beaufort Buildings in the Strand, London (1722-47). Taylor 1(580) & 2(120); Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; J. Brown 3; Crawforth 1; USNM; Michel 3; von Cittert 1; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Millburn 6 & 10; RSW.
SIX, JAMES England, fl.1782-96, MIM PHIM invented a maximum-minimum thermometer; F.R.S., 1792; author. Maidstone; Canterbury. Taylor 2(890); Bedini 8; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24.
SIZER, NORTON England, NIM Mariner's Compass = Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. London. RSW.
SKIRROW, JAMES England, fl.1783-1814, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Adlington Hall. signed "J. Skirrow Wigan"; clockmaker. Lancaster and Wigan. Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW.
SLADE AND KEAST USA, c.1842, MIM NIM PHIM may be James Slade, which see. Boston, Mass. (1842). USNM.
SLADE, JAMES USA, c.1844, MIM NIM PHIM may be the Slade in "Slade and Keast", which see. Boston, Mass. (1844). USNM.
SLATER, THOMAS England, fl.1852-58, OIM ground lenses for 24-inch refracting telescopes for the Rev. J. Craig in 1852. 4 Somers Place, West Euston Square (1852); 136 Euston Road (1858); both in London. USNM.
SLEYER, W. England, fl.1674-80, MIM instrument maker and operator with Robert Boyle. Lady Ranelagh's House, Pall Mall, London. Taylor 1(378).
SLIPPER see Sloper. J. Brown 3.
SLOPER, A. England, 19th Century, MIM Plotting Scale, silver = Trinity College, Cambridge. London. Dewhirst.
SLOPER, JEREMIAH England, fl.1727-42, MIM apprenticed to Richard Hutchinson of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 4, 1717; free of the Company, Jan. 16, 1727. Maiden Lane, London. J. Brown 3.
SLOT, SYRACH VAN Holland, MIM Sector = Stedelijmuseum, Leiden. Rooseboom 1.
SMALKANDENSIS see Johannes Bamman and H.B.1; Smalkandensis appears as part of the signature on Bamman's 1484 astrolabe, it is the name of the town where he lived. Price 1.
SMALL, WILLIAM USA, fl.1819-24, MIM 22 East Pratt (1819); 44 South Gay Street (1822-23); 56 Pitt Street (1824); all in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM.
SMART England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
SMART, JOHN England, fl.1690-1700, MIM Evans 1.
SMART, ROBERT England, c.1760, apprenticed to Joseph Hill of the Grocers' Company on May 6, 1760. J. Brown 1.
SMEATON, JOHN England, 1724-91, MIM NIM PHIM Condensing Steam Engine = Herring Auction, May 1, 1793; Celestial Globe = Herring Auction, May 1, 1793. engineer; surveyor; switched from the study of law to instrument making; worked with Dr. Gowin Knight testing patent logs, etc.; designed an air pump in 1752; produced Smeaton's gyroscopic horizon, c.1760; F.R.S. in 1753. Furnival's Inn Court (1750); South Street, Grey's Inn, Holborn (1772); both in London. Taylor 2(412); A.J. Turner 10; Bedini 8; Loomes 2; RSW; Courtanvaux; G.L'E. Turner 24.
SMEATON, THOMAS 20th Century, Water Clock, signed "Thomas Smeaton, Salisbury, 1625" = BIR. probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. RSW.
SMETHWICK England, fl.1674-75, OIM partner of Jack Dunning; turner; glass grinder; made lenses for telescopes and other optical instruments. Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(379).
SMETHWICK, FRANCIS England, fl.1667-85, OIM pupil of William Oughtred; amateur optical instrument maker; worked with Hooke; made a microscope, a telescope, and some burning glasses; F.R.S. in 1667. London. Taylor 1(323); Gunther 2; Daumas 1; Spargo 1.
SMION Germany, 1592, MIM Artillery Dividers, 1592 = MUN. Simon? Nürnberg. Price 2.
SMISSEN, VANDER Holland, late 17th Century, MIM Inclinable Sundial = BMR; Sector = D.(1994). sector signed "Vander Smissen Maestricht." Maestricht; Brussels. Rooseboom 1; Michel 1; Evans 1; Coffeen 46; RSW.
SMIT, FR. ANTON Germany, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial = DEU. Zinner 1.
SMIT, J. CHR. Holland, fl.1831-47, MIM NIM instrument and compass maker. Elandstraat 551 (1831-38); Elandstraat over de Franschen tuin 551 (1839-47); both in Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SMITH 1 England, fl.1763-74, MIM see Watkins and Smith. London. Moskowitz 122; RSW.
SMITH 2 England, 1788, MIM Planetarium = Mr. Didier (1788). optician and instrument maker; member of the Bath Philosophical Society. Bond Street, Bath. Bryden 9.
SMITH 3 England, c.1819, PHIM T.C.; see James Smith 1. Royal Exchange, London. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2.
SMITH 4 England, c.1830, MIM Terrestrial Globes = Soth. 4/17/61, Soth. 7/15/63, Versailles 2/28/82; Celestial Globe = Christie-SK 4/17/86. probably Charles Smith of Charles Smith and Son. London. RSW.
SMITH 5 England, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = KEN. RSW.
SMITH 6 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Reading. Goodison 1.
SMITH 7 England, OIM Telescope = Christie-SK 4/17/86. see Smith 3. Royal Exchange, London. RSW.
SMITH AND BECK England, fl.1847-57, OIM Microscopes = Hunterian Museum, U. of Glasgow, Christie 12/8/76, Phillips 10/26/83 and 2/15/89, Soth. 2/26/68 & 2/25/86, D.(1975), D.(1985), P.C.; Binocular Microscope, No.1527 = Soth. 2/25/86; etc. James Smith 3 and Richard Beck; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Phillips 2/15/89 was presentation gift in 1852, No. 667. 6 Coleman Street, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Nuttall 2; Moskowitz; Coffeen 9; RSW.
SMITH AND CO. 1 USA, 1831, MIM made mathematical instruments and clocks. Canton, Ohio. USNM.
SMITH AND CO. 2 England, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Christie 12/8/76. 63 Charing Cross, London. RSW.
SMITH AND HIND England, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Scot. 5/11/93. Hartlepool. ATG 5/8/93.
SMITH AND RAMAGE 1 Scotland, PHIM Smith and John Ramage 2 Aberdeen. Goodison 1.
SMITH AND RAMAGE 2 Scotland, fl.1845-60, NIM OIM PHIM Marine barometer = X. Charles Ramage. 45 Regents Quay, Aberdeen. Goodison 1.
SMITH AND WATKINS England, fl.1764-74, OIM Addison Smith and Francis Watkins 1. London. Clay and Court.
SMITH'S England, MIM Celestial Globe = Herschel Home Museum, Bath. RSW.
SMITH'S NAVIGATION SHOP England, Hadley Quadrant = D.(1976). Pool Lane (Liverpool). RSW.
SMITH'S, PROF., ETABLESSMENT Denmark, c.1843, Quadrant on stand = AUI. Copenhagen. RSW.
SMITH, ABRAHAM, AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. RSW.
SMITH, ADDISON England, fl.1763-89, OIM PHIM Telescopes = Burndy Library, Conn., Phillips 4/20/83, D.(1982); Microscope = Phillips 4/20/83; Barometer = X. apprenticed to Francis Watkins 1 in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Oct. 4, 1750; free of the Company, June 30, 1763; partner with Francis Watkins 1, 1764-68, as Watkins and Smith; opticians and scale makers; opposed Peter Dollond's patent; the shop sign was "Hands and Scales" T.C.; took out patents on spectacles in 1783. St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross (1764); 5 Charing Cross (1764-74); opposite Northumberland Street, 481 Strand (1779); 79 Charlotte Street, Rathbone Place (1783); all in London. Taylor 2(538); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Robischon; Clay and Court; Cort and von Rohr 3(160); Coffeen B; USNM; RSW.
SMITH, ANDREW 1 Scotland, 1821, invented the "Apograph", a scale drawing device (pantograph); it was sold by Mason of Dublin; R.B. Bate ried to get the rights. Ayr. Darius 3; McConnell 4; RSW.
SMITH, ANDREW 2 England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see William and Andrew Smith; William Smith 6 and Andrew Smith 2. 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248).
SMITH, AUDLEY England, NIM Sextant = Burndy Library, Norwalk, Conn. London. USNM.
SMITH, B. England, 19th Century, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 12/12/89. Bath. RSW.
SMITH, BECK AND BECK England, fl.1857-66, OIM Microscope, # 3527 = Christie 12/8/76; Binocular Microscope = Soth. 7/10/67; etc. James Smith 3, Richard Beck and Joseph Beck. 6 Coleman Street, London E.C. USNM; Moskowitz; RSW.
SMITH, CALEB 1 England, fl.1734-45, insurance broker; invented an astronomical sextant, 1734; invented a sea-quadrant, c.1742, of which 2 examples survive. London. Bedini 8.
SMITH, CALEB 2 see Ward and Smith. J. Brown 1.
SMITH, CHARLES England, MIM globemaker; see Smith 4, Charles Smith and Son, and Charles Smith and Sons. London. Taylor 2(1705); Yonge.
SMITH, CHARLES, AND SON England, fl.1827-1850, MIM Terrestrial Globes, miniature = Christie 12/12/72, Soth. 2/12/76 & 2/8/83; Terrestrial Globes = P.C., P.C. (1839); Celestial Globe = Rutgers U. Library, New Brunswick, N.J., Wellesley College Observatory, Mass; Pair of Globes = Soth. 5/30/75. see Charles Smith and Sons; sometimes signed "Smith and Son" or "C. Smith and Son"; Soth. 5/30/75 misread as "G. Smith and Son." 172 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1705); Wynter and Turner; USNM; Wynter 1974; Yonge; RSW.
SMITH, CHARLES, AND SONS England, c.1867, MIM Pair of Globes, 18" = Soth. 2/8/83; Terrestrial Globe, miniature, with case, 1867 = Peron & Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. see Charles Smith and Son. London. Taylor 2(1705); RSW.
SMITH, CORDIAL USA, c.1775, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, 1775 = Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Smart 1.
SMITH, D.L. USA, c.1870, MIM Floating Sundials = Bliss Coll., D.(1978), D.(1983). "D.L. Smith's Patent, August 23, 1870." Coffeen D; RSW.
SMITH, EDGERTON (2) AND WILLIAM (1) England, fl.1803-08, MIM NIM succeeded their father Edgerton Smith (1); the elder Smith was probably associated with Edward Massey between 1805 and 1808 and was the author of the booklet on the use of Massey's log. Navigation Shop, 18 Pool Lane, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1220a)(769).
SMITH, EDGERTON 1 England, fl.1766-1807, MIM NIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Octants = NMM (2). took out a patent for improvements in binnacles and compasses with his mechanic, Michael Harris; school master and printer, 1766-72; instrument maker and lecturer on philosophy, 1774; succeeded by his sons, Edgerton (2) and William (1) Smith. Church Street (1766-72); Newton's Head, 17 Pool Lane (1774); both in Liverpool. Taylor 2(769); Goodison 1; Bryden 9.
SMITH, EDGERTON 2 England, c.1825, NIM Magnetic Compass = Soth. 12/1/75. see Edgerton (2) and William (1) Smith. Liverpool. RSW.
SMITH, EDGERTON, AND CO. England, c.1819, PHIM Edgerton Smith 2; T.C. Liverpool. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2.
SMITH, F., AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Mariner's Compass = Christie-SK 4/14/89. Frederick Smith. Southampton. RSW.
SMITH, FREDK. England, 19th Century, NIM Smith's trade card in the case of a Kettlewell sextant says "from Plymouth." Plymouth; 23 Oxford Street, Southampton. RSW.
SMITH, G., AND SON probably a misreading for Charles Smith and Son. Soth. 5/30/75; RSW.
SMITH, GEORGE 1 England, c.1674, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1664; free of the Company in 1674. London. Crawforth 7.
SMITH, GEORGE 2 England, c.1803, apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on June 2, 1803. J. Brown 1.
SMITH, GEORGES France, 19th. Century, MIM Sundial, round, silver = Lempertz 6/14/76. perhaps a misreading for Monsieur George. Paris. RSW.
SMITH, I. England, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = USNM. USNM.
SMITH, J. 1 Holland, 19th Century, NIM Compass, small = Zuiderzee Museum, Enkhuizen. Groningen. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SMITH, J. 2 England, MIM Orrery, pocket sized, = Soth. 11/13/61; Globe, miniature = Soth. 2/26/68. surely James Smith 1. Royal Exchange, London. RSW.
SMITH, J. 3 Denmark, OIM Spyglass = D. "Dag og Nat" Koebenhaven. RSW.
SMITH, JAMES 1 England, fl.1812-28, PHIM Stick Barometers = Gloucester Museum, X; Wheel Barometers = X (5), Christie 4/25/91. succeeded James Long; the barometers are signed "Smith Royal Exchange" or "J. Smith, Royal Exchange, London"; see J. Smith 2. Royal Exchange, London. Goodison 1.
SMITH, JAMES 2 England, fl.1820-25, MIM NIM OIM Telescope = OMM. the telescope is signed "J. Smith, 126 Wapping, London"; also made octants; succeeded John Smith 4 at this address. 126 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1706); Pipping 1; RSW.
SMITH, JAMES 3 England, fl.1840-66, OIM Microscope, 1840 = Hunterian Museum, U. of Glasgow; Microscope, # 5 = RSM. founding partner of Smith, Beck and Beck; member of the R.M.S. in 1840. 17 Bath Place (later 15 Palace Row), New Road, Fitzroy Square; 56 Tollington Road; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 3; Nuttall 2; Taylor 2(1707).
SMITH, JAMES JOHN England, c.1868, OIM Microscope, binocular, Wenham-type = P.C. "late Smith and Beck"; probably a great-nephew of James Smith 3; member of the R.M.S. in 1868. 56 Tollington Road, Islington, London (1868). Moskowitz 3.
SMITH, JAMES R. USA, fl.1858-69, probably a dealer; worked with his father, William Henry Smith, in the firm of William H. Smith and son; later his brother, Lewis Bayard Smith joined the firm which became William H. Smith and Sons. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMITH, JOHN 1 England, fl.1674-94, MIM PHIM Universal Ring Sundial = FIN = Weil = USNM. toolmaker in Lancashire; came to London, c.1673; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1674; wrote two books on horology including the earliest horology book in English and two on "baroscopes"; may or may not have made barometers; clockmaker; Britten said that he died before 1730. Lancashire; St. Augustine, London. Goodison 1; Evans 1; USNM; Taylor 1(413); Britten; Middleton 1; Baillie 1; Aked.
SMITH, JOHN 2 England, c.1725, OIM succeeded John Marshall 2 as optician to King George II. at the Archimedes and Three Golden Prospects, Ludgate Street, London. Taylor 2(212); Delehar 4; Clay and Court.
SMITH, JOHN 3 England, fl.1740-80, MIM apprenticed to Henry Hindley, assistant to Dr. Demainbray at Kew. York; Richmond, Surrey; Royal Exchange, London. Taylor 2(413).
SMITH, JOHN 4 England, fl.1817-22, MIM NIM OIM succeeded by James Smith 2. 126 Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1432).
SMITH, JOHN 5 England, 1807-95, MIM Sundial, 1838 = Wesleyan Chapel, Bielby; Sundial = Albert Park, Middlesbrough. astronomer; diallist; made a pedometer. Bielby. Gatty.
SMITH, JOHN 6 USA, c.1846, MIM NIM OIM also an engineer and surveyor. Philadelphia, Pa. (1846). USNM.
SMITH, JOHN A. Scotland, 19th Century, NIM Lifeboat Compass = D.(1989). Peterhead. Moskowitz 132.
SMITH, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1717-22, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company, c.1717; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3.
SMITH, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1817-46, MIM OIM PHIM partner of James Smith 3. 42 Threadneedle Street (1817); Northgate, Royal Exchange (1822); 17 Bath Placee (later 15 Palace Row, New Road, Fitzroy Square; all in London. Taylor 2(1433).
SMITH, JOSEPH 3 England, c.1825, NIM made mariner's compasses and quadrants. Rigman's Rents, Fore Street, Limehouse, London. Taylor 2(1710).
SMITH, L.A. USA, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Doyle Americana Auction 11/30/88. New York, N.Y. RSW.
SMITH, LAUNCELOT England, fl.1616-23, MIM free of the Joiners' Company before 1623; had already taken Thomas Brown 1 as an apprentice. London. Crawforth 7.
SMITH, LEWIS BAYARD USA, c.1860, worked with his father, William Henry Smith and his brother, James R. Smith in William H. Smith and Sons; probably dealers. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMITH, M.F., AND CO. Holland, 1848, MIM Chronometer = National Museum of Canada. The Hague; Antwerp. USNM.
SMITH, MARY England, c.1730, widow of John Smith 1; advertised her husband's books for sale at the Fan and Flower deluce over against Somerset House in the Strand. St. Augustine, London. Goodison 1; Britten.
SMITH, MIHILL England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to James Parker 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1723; turned over to Benjamin Scott on Mar. 11, 1727; free of the Company on May 13, 1735. London. J. Brown 1.
SMITH, MOSES USA, c.1830, developed a new technique to remagnetize compass needles in 1830. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8; USNM.
SMITH, NATHANIEL England, fl.1689-1720, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Carver in the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on May 5, 1680; free of the Company, July 1, 1689; took apprentices. London. Taylor 1(563); Evans 1; J. Brown 3.
SMITH, PETER England, c.1793, apprenticed to James Clarke 1 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 3, 1793. J. Brown 1.
SMITH, PHILIP England, fl.1686-83, MIM Scale, folding, boxwood, 1670 = ADL-A290. admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 24, 1668; took an apprentice. London. Taylor 1(298); Clay and Court; Robischon; J. Brown 1 & 3; ADL; RSW.
SMITH, R. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescope = Versailles 11/20/83; Stick Barometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. "cutter and optician." York. RSW.
SMITH, ROBERT 1 England, c.1604, invented a method for plotting sundials. Taylor 1(110).
SMITH, ROBERT 2 England, 1698-1768, designed a reflecting microscope; author. Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10.
SMITH, S., AND SONS England, MIM Orrery Clock = Christie 3/29/60. RSW.
SMITH, SAML. ALBT. England, MIM Rule, brass = D.(1984). signed "Maker." Birmingham. RSW.
SMITH, SAMUEL B. USA, 1847, PHIM exhibited an electro-magnetic machine at the Fair of the American Institute, Oct. 1847; won a diploma. 197 1/2 Broadway, New York, N.Y. USNM.
SMITH, T. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1983). may be Thomas Smith, which see. Royal Exchange, London. RSW.
SMITH, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1772-, apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 22, 1772; may be the same as T. Smith, which see. Crawforth 7; RSW.
SMITH, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1814-22, NIM Azimuth Compass = D.(1971). marked on back of compass card "Lee Newmarch." 53 Old Gravel Lane, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(1434); Moskowitz 102.
SMITH, THOMAS S. England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see Thomas Stokes Smith. 11 Goldsmith Street, Hackney Road, London. Taylor 2(2247).
SMITH, THOMAS STOKES England, c.1809, MIM apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company, Oct. 31, 1809; listed as a MIM in the directories; see Thomas S. Smith. London. Crawforth 7.
SMITH, W.A. England, MIM Eidograph = D.(1984). "inv. and made by W.A. Smith"; "sold by Mason, Parliament Street, Dublin." Coffeen G.
SMITH, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.1803-08, MIM NIM son of Edgerton Smith 1; partner with his brother, Edgerton Smith 2. Liverpool. Taylor 2(769) & (1220a).
SMITH, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1822, MIM 54 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1711).
SMITH, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1830, MIM compass maker. 5 Briton Side, Plymouth. Taylor 2(2006).
SMITH, WILLIAM 4 England, fl.1830-37, MIM 6 Court, Loveday Street, Birmingham. Taylor 2(2005).
SMITH, WILLIAM 5 England, fl.1835-41, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "W. Smith Crowland"; watchmaker. North Street, Crowland. Goodison 1.
SMITH, WILLIAM 6 England, c.1838, MIM PHIM see William and Andrew Smith; Andrew Smith 2. 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248).
SMITH, WILLIAM AND ANDREW England, c.1838, MIM PHIM Beam Compass = OXF; Apograph = RSM; Eidograph = D.(1996). William Smith 6 and Andrew Smith 2; apograph sold by Mason of Dublin; eidigraph signed "Invented and made by W. and A. Smith, No. 332." 46 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London. Taylor 2(2248); Coffeen 55; RSW.
SMITH, WILLIAM H., AND SON USA, fl.1858-69, MIM PHIM importers; William Henry Smith and his son, James R. Smith; see also William H. Smith and Sons. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMITH, WILLIAM H., AND SONS USA, 1858-1869, MIM SIM William H. Smith and his sons, James R. Smith and Lewis Bayard Smith; probably dealers. 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY USA, 1803-69, MIM SIM probably a dealer; see Young, Smith and Co., Smith, Young and Co., William H. Smith and Son and William H. Smith and Sons. 4 Maiden Lane (1830-57); 2 Maiden Lane and 77 William Street (1858-69); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMITH, YOUNG AND CO. USA, fl.1852-57, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. William Henry Smith and Henry Young. 4 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. Smart 1.
SMYTH England, c.1800, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(4); Barometer = Soth. 9/1/70. one X is marked "London." London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SMYTH, ROBERT 20th Century, Water Clock, signed "Robert Smyth, London, 1659" = Local History Museum, Shaftesbury. probably made by Pearson Page Ltd. of Birmingham. Stevens and Aked.
SMYTHE, JOHN England, c.1596, apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on May 1, 1596. J. Brown 1.
SNART, CHARLES England, c.1795, MIM free of the Haberdashers' Company; scalemaker; reported on William Elliott 1 in 1795. London. Crawforth 7.
SNART, JOHN 1 England, fl.1690-1700, MIM PHIM Balances = NMM. T.C. at the Sign of the Heart and Scales, Maiden Lane, against the Goldsmiths' Hall, London. Taylor 1(471); RSW.
SNART, JOHN 2 England, fl.1807-30, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Christie-SK 11/19/87; Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 10/19/87. apprenticed in the Merchant Taylors' Company; trade card read "Telescope Maker to the Trade"; succeeded by Neaziah Snart. Southwark; 215 Tooley Street, London. Crawforth 7; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1221); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; RSW.
SNART, NEAZIAH England, fl.1830-46, PHIM succeeded John Snart 2 before 1833; sometimes listed as Nehomiah or Neariah Snart in directories. 215 Tooley Street, London. Taylor 2(1221); Goodison 1.
SNEEBERGER, MICHAEL Czechoslovakia, c.1600, MIM associated with Jost Bürgi. Prague. Michel 3.
SNEEWINS, ANTONIUS Holland, fl.1642-73, MIM NIM SIM made many fine instruments including astrolabes, nocturnals, quadrants, surveying instrument, rules, sundials, etc., dating from 1642 to 1673; examples may be found at AMST, UTR, SKO, CNAM, LEY, KEN, CMY, RIK, etc. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Zinner 1; Michel 2; Price 1; ICA-2; Gunther 1; van Cittert; Hollands Glorie; RSW.
SNEEWINS, HENRICUS Holland, fl.1640-75, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundials = LEY, FIN, Drecker Coll. = DPW, D.(1984); Magnetic Compass, 1651 = SKO; Sectors = NUR, Berg Akademie, Freiburg; Ring Sundial = Evans Coll.; Circumferentor = Soth. 11/13/61. son of Johannes Sneewins; the universal ring sundial listed by the dealer is also marked "Alexander Brouwer"; see H.S. 4. Leiden. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Price 2; RSW.
SNEEWINS, JAN. see Johannes Sneewins. Michel 2 & 3.
SNEEWINS, JOHANNES Holland, fl.1637-75, MIM NIM Compass = ROT; Sundial = Oude Dordrecht (society)(1905). father of Henricus Sneewins; grandfather of Willem Sneewins; author; wrote on the astrolabe. Rotterdam; Utrecht. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Evans 1; Daumas 1.
SNEEWINS, WILLEM Holland, fl.1677-1709, MIM NIM SIM Quadrants = AMST (1697), van Cleef Auction, 1799; Sundials = AMST (1700), Evans Coll. (1703), OXF (1709); Graphometer = LEY; Theodolite = SPI-2762 = AND-11 = Bliss Coll. son of Henricus Sneewins; Rooseboom thought that Antonius Sneewins was his father. Delft. Zinner 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Rooseboom 1; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3.
SNELLEN, W. Holland, c.1800, MIM Horizontal Sundial = UTR; Sundial, silver = Zeiss-Jena. Rooseboom 1; de Rijk.
SNELLING, JOHN England, fl.1761-1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Snelling Alton." High Street, Alton (1830). Goodison 1; Baillie 1.
SNOW England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ripon. Goodison 1.
SNOW-HARRIS, WILLIAM England, c.1838, PHIM constructed a wheel barometer. Middleton 1.
SODERBERG, MR. England, late 18th Centuryy., OIM T.C.; "Working Optician." No. 2 Crown Court, Crown Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 1.
SOHER, JOHANNES Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = AUG. RSW.
SOHLBERG, GORAN Sweden, b.1745, MIM Göran Sohlberg; apprenticed to J.Z. Steinholtz in 1760. Pipping 1.
SOLARO Holland, 1817, PHIM barometer maker; partner with Donati Butti in 1817; may be A. Solaro or J. Solaro. Amsterdam. Crommelin 1; Daumas 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SOLARO AND BUTTI Holland, c.1817, PHIM barometer makers; Donati Butti came from Milan in 1794; partner with A. or J. Solaro in 1817. Vijgendam 39, Amsterdam (1817). Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SOLARO, A. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = FML. see Solaro and Butti. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SOLARO, J. Italy; Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = FML. see Solaro and Butti. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SOLCA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X(3). Tunbridge Wells. Goodison 1.
SOLCA, J. AND J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hull. Goodison 1.
SOLCA, JOSEPH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1.
SOLCHA see Lappi and Solcha. Goodison 1.
SOLCHA, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Kettering. Goodison 1.
SOLCHA, J. England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. might be a variant for J. and J. Solca, which see. Hull. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOLCHA, LEWIS England, fl.1851-59, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (3). the barometers are signed either "Solcha Hull" or "L. Solcha Hull"; may have been a partner in Lappi and Solcha (Luppie and Solcha), which see. 1 Dagger Lane (1851); 17 Robinson Row (1855-59); both in Hull. Goodison 1; Loomes 1.
SOLDINI, A. England, fl.1848-55, PHIM barometer maker. 17 Robinson Row (1848); 9 Robinson Row (1851-55); both in Hull. Goodison 1.
SOLDINI, GIOSUE England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth.-WS 12/13/83. jeweller; some of the barometers are signed "G. Soldini Wincanton." High Street, Wincanton. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOLDINI, J. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. RSW.
SOLDINI, P., AND MASPOLI England, c.1860, PHIM barometer makers; Pasqual Soldini and James Maspoli. 9 Robinson Row, Hull (1860). Goodison 1.
SOLDINI, PASQUAL England, fl.1855-60, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). see P. Soldini and Maspoli. 9 Robinson Row, Hull. Goodison 1.
SOLEIL France, c.1790, MIM SIM Graphometer = Soth. 2/25/86. may be the father of Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil, which see. Passage Freydeau, Paris. RSW.
SOLEIL FILS France, fl.1834-49, OIM PHIM Telescopes = P.C., Christie 12/12/72, Gersaint, La Rochelle 7/20/96; Polarimeter = USNM. "Opticien du Roi"; Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil, which see; Gersaint and USNM address is "Rue de l'Odèon." Galerie Vivienne No. 23; Rue de l'Odèon No. 35; both in Paris. USNM; Warner 13; RSW.
SOLEIL, HENRI France, fl.1849-72, PHIM Polariscope = USNM; Fresnel Lens = USNM. "èleve et successeur de son père"; son of Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil. Paris. Warner 13.
SOLEIL, JEAN-BAPTISTE-FRANCOIS France, 1798-1878, OIM PHIM Achromatic Lens and Prism = OXF; Telescope, three-power, miniature = D.(1992); Camera Lucida, miniature = D.(1993); Fresnel Press = USNM. Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil; may be the same as "Soleil Fils", which see; invented the saccharimeter; succeeded by his son, Henri Soleil, and son-in-law, Jules Duboscq, independently, in 1849; camera lucida signed "Soleil" plus address. 21 rue de l'Odéon, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24; Poggendorff; USNM; Coffeen 36 and 41; Warner 13; RSW.
SOLMS, JOHAN JACOB Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = PRA; Horizontal Sundials = PRA, PRN, SPI-2857, D.(1933). Horsky and Skopova; Michel 3; RSW.
SOLOMON, AARON England, c.1801, OIM optician. Bell Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9.
SOLOMON, D. England, OIM T.C.; spectaclemaker. Crawforth 1.
SOLOMON, JOSEPH England, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851, London. 22 Red Lion Square, London. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SOLOMON, S. England, fl.1815-30, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be a watchmaker. Lewes. Goodison 1.
SOLOMON, SAMUEL England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Saml. Solomon." Devizes. Goodison 1.
SOLOMONS AND CO. India, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = TIM. 7, Government Place, Calcutta. RSW.
SOLOMONS, ABRAHAM England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM 6 New Road, St. George's East, London. Taylor 2(2250).
SOLOMONS, BENJAMIN England, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM PHIM see Samuel and Benjamin Solomons. 5 New Road, St. George's East (1838); 39 Albemarle Street, Piccadilly (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(2252).
SOLOMONS, ELIAS 1 England, c.1832, OIM see George and Elias Solomons. Stepney, London. Taylor 2(2008).
SOLOMONS, ELIAS 2 England, fl.1832-46, OIM may be the same as Elias Solomons 1, which see. 36 Old Bond Street, London. Taylor 2(2007).
SOLOMONS, G.M. England, c.1838, MIM OIM PHIM 9 East Bedford Square, Commercial Road, London. Taylor 2(2251).
SOLOMONS, GEORGE AND ELIAS England, c.1832, OIM took out a patent in 1832; George Solomons and Elias Solomon 1. Stepney, London. Taylor 2(2006).
SOLOMONS, SAMUEL AND BENJAMIN England, fl.1838-56, MIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/20/75 and 4/29/77, Christie-SK 4/17/86, K. & C. 11/24/76, FRK = Soth. 3/25/86, etc.; Microscope = FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. "Opticians to the Government"; the instruments are signed "S. and B. Solomons"; T.C. 5 New Road, St. George's East (1838); 39 Albermarle Street, Picadilly (1846); both in London. Taylor 2(2252); Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.
SOM, LUDWIG Germany, c.1708, MIM Horizontal Table Sundials = BASH, Bern Historical Museum, Lindau Stadtmuseum; Analemmatic Sundial = Lindau Stadtmuseum. Lindau. Zinner 1.
SOMALRICO AND CO. misreading for Somalvico and Co. RSW.
SOMALVECO, J. misreading for J. Somalvico. Phillips 2/22/77.
SOMALVICO see "Lione and Somalvico" and "Lione, Somalvico and Co." Goodison 1.
SOMALVICO AND CO. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = D.(1997) possibly J. Somalvico and Co. ATG 5/24/97.
SOMALVICO AND SON England, c.1840, OIM Telescope, three-draw = D.(1990). "Day or Night"; on folding stand. London. RSW.
SOMALVICO, CHARLES England, c.1820, PHIM Barometer = Phillips 2/3/82; Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87; Wheel Barometers = X(6). son of Joseph Somalvico 1; brother of James Somalvico; all the instruments are signed "C. Somalvico." 11 Brook Street, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOMALVICO, J., AND CO. England, fl.1839-60, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometers = Beresford Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., Soth. 12/15/72, Soth.-WS 6/21/83; Chrondrometer = Christie-SK 2/9/81. Joseph Somalvico 2; T.C. states "Manufacturers ------- Opticians"; showed in the Great Exhibition in London in 1851. 2 Hatton Garden; 18 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; both in London. Taylor 2(2252a); Crawforth 1; Goodison 1; Vincent 1; Wynter 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
SOMALVICO, J., AND SON England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 12/15/72, 5/4/73 and 12/14/89; Marine Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X(2); Telescope = Larvik Marine Museum, Norway. probably James Somalvico and his son, Joseph Somalvico 2. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden; 91 Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOMALVICO, JAMES England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. son of Joseph Somalvico 1; brother of Charles Somalvico; father of Joseph Somalvico 2. 41 Kirby Street; 22 Kirby Street; both in Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1.
SOMALVICO, JH. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94. Possibly Josh or Joseph Somalvico. London. RSW.
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH (1), AND CO. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometers = Phillips 12/2/87 (2). one barometer is signed "J. Somalvico and Co. Improved", it is also marked with the dealer's or owner's name. 81 Holborn, London. RSW.
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 1 England, fl.1805-19, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1993). barometer maker; father of James and Charles Somalvico; partner with Dominick Lione as Lione and Somalvico and Lione, Somalvico and Co. 125 Holborn Hill (1805-07); 14 Brook Street (1811-19); both in London. Goodison 1; Bell 2; Ant. Hor. Summer, 1993.
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 2 England, fl.1833-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = X, D.(1983); Barometer = Christie 11/6/69. son of James Somalvico and brother of Vincent Somalvico; formed J. Somalvico and Co. and succeeded Ronchetti and Son. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1833-39); 2 Hatton Garden; both in London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOMALVICO, JOSEPH 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 5/14/87; Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/20/88, Phillips 9/10/86; Stick Barometers = X (2). No. 67 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SOMALVICO, JOSH England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 1/12/89. possibly Joseph Somalvico 1 or 2. 18 Charles Street, London. RSW.
SOMALVICO, JOSH, AND CO. England, c.1869, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Phillips 2/15/89, Christie 4/28/89; Marine Barometer = D.(1983); Stick Barometers = Soth. 7/21/83, X. marine one also signed "J. Somalvico and Son, Makers, London."; repaired a Nairne and Blunt stick barometer after 1869; perhaps Joseph Somalvico 1 or 2. 81 Holborn; 256 Holborn; 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (post-1869); all in London. Goodison 1; Wynter 2; Taylor 2(2252a); RSW.
SOMALVICO, V., AND CO. England, c.1856, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. surely Vincent Somalvico, which see. London. Goodison 1.
SOMALVICO, VINCENT England, fl.1856-58, PHIM made barometers, thermometers and philosophical instruments. 14 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1.
SOMATIICO, JOSH, AND CO. misreading for Josh Somalvico and Co. K. & C. 7/9/75.
SOMMER, AUGUST Germany, c.1850, MIM Augsburg-type Sundials = Przypkowski Coll. descendent of Johann Sommer? Augsburg. Bobinger 2; Maddison ?
SOMMER, BALTHASAR Holland; USA, c.1750, OIM Telescope = Assenborch Coll. (1794). succeeded by his widow; also made microscopes. Amsterdam; New York, N.Y. Rooseboom 1; Bedini 8.
SOMMER, JOHANN Germany, 1636-1702, MIM Universal Ring Sundials = ADL-T7, GRA, KRE; Sundials = STU, LUN. the universal ring sundial at the ADL is signed on the outer surface of the equatorial circle and the name can not be seen when the dial is folded; some reproductions, in silver, of a universal ring sundial, signed "Johann Sommer" have appeared in the London market. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW.
SOMMER, MRS. BALTHASAR USA, c.1753, OIM advertised that she ground optical glasses for microscopes, spy glasses, etc; succeeded her husband who was trained in Amsterdam. Pot-Baker's Hill, Smith Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8.
SONDWAL, AND. Holland, variant of And. Soutwal. Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1.
SONGA, ANTONIO England, c.1772, MIM Cornhill, London. Moskowitz.
SONTHALMER, VALENTINUS Germany, an astrolabe is insribed "Valentinus Sonthalmer Georgio Weinmayster dono anno 1535"; it is also marked "H.G." (1) and "1537"; it was formerly in the Nachet Coll.; Zinner thought that Valentinus Sonthalmer was also known as Joh. Gebhart; Nachet thought it was the work of Georg Hartmann. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Nachet; MADEX; Michel 2 and 3.
SORDELLI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 23 Baldwin Gardens, Holborn, London. Goodison 1.
SORDELLI, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 3/7/75. probably J. Sordelli, which see. 37 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SORDELLI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometer = X. probably the same as I. Sordelli, which see. London. Goodison 1.
SORDILLI, L. England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86. London. RSW.
SORENSEN, SOREN Sweden, 1806-75, MIM Sören Sörenson. 24 Styckgjutarebacken, Stockholm. Pipping 1.
SORMANI, PAUL France?, PHIM Barometers and Thermometers = Soth.-PB (Los Angeles) 10/14/74. RSW.
SORSBY, WILLIAM England, c.1724, apprenticed into the Joiners' Company, 1724; perhaps to Thomas Cooke 1. Crawforth 7.
SOULBY, JOHN England, fl.1830-42, NIM OIM PHIM Octants = OMM, Christie-SK 9/11/86. T.C. reads "J. Soulby late Smith"; may have been John Smith 4; see John Soulby and Co. 126 Wapping, London. RSW.
SOULBY, JOHN, AND CO. England, fl.1842-56, NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = OMM; Stick Barometer = OMM. 126 Wapping High Street, London. O'Mara; RSW.
SOULBY, S., AND CO. misreading of J. Soulby. RSW.
SOUTH, JOSEPH England, fl.1709-24, MIM apprenticed to John Hewson of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1702; free of the Company, Nov. 7, 1709; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 3.
SOUTHALMER, VALENTINUS misreading for Valentinus Sonthalmer. Gunther 1.
SOUTHHOUSE, JAMES England, fl.1856-85, NIM 25 Goodmans Yard, Minories, London. O'Mara.
SOUTHHOUSE, ROBERT England, fl.1868-72, NIM 25 Goodmans Yard, Minories, London. O'Mara.
SOUTHWELL, THOMAS England, c.1759, MIM apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1749; free in the Company, March 6, 1759. London. Crawforth 7.
SOUTHWORTH, BLENDINA USA, fl.1834-35, PHIM widow of Elijah Southworth; made hydrometers and watches. 230 Greenwich, New York, N.Y. USNM.
SOUTHWORTH, ELIJAH USA, fl.1797-1834, PHIM patented a hydrometer Feb. 28, 1821; made hydrometers, oliometers, saccharimeters and watches; grocer; succeeded by his widow, Belinda Southworth in 1834. 53 Water (1797-99); 135 Broadway (1800-03); 228 Greenwich (1804); 230 Greenwich (1805-34); all in New York, N.Y. USNM.
SOUTWAL, AND. Holland, 1742, MIM PHIM made a Bianchi-type air pump. Kalverstraat, Amsterdam (1742). Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1.
SOWER, CHRISTOPHER USA, fl.1724-40, MIM printer; doctor; author; also made clocks and mathematical instruments. Germantown and Philadelphia; both in Pa. USNM.
SOWERBY, J. England, c.1850, MIM PHIM Mathematical Instrument = Soth. 7/15/63; Sector, boxwood = D.; Surveyors Rule, ivory = D.(1976); Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "J. Sowerby London"; the other instruments are signed "Sowerby London." Chiswell Street, London. Goodison 1; Moskowitz; Coffeen II; RSW.
SPACKMAN, JOHN England, c.1711, MIM apprenticed to Richard Glynne of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 3, 1711. J. Brown 3.
SPADA, VIRGILIO owned a microscope now at the ROM (1960); might be Virginio Spada, a member of Pope Alexander VII's household. Price 2.
SPAHN AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Leighton. Goodison 1.
SPANO, ANTONIUS Italy; Spainfl.1593-1615, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1593 = Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, N.Y. patron was Philip II of Spain. Tropea; Spain. Yonge.
SPARKES, GEORGE England, c.1715, apprenticed to Edmund Culpeper 1 of the Grocers' Company, on March 5, 1713; turned over to John Wolmesley on Sept. 21, 1715. J. Brown 1.
SPARROW, W. England, OIM Microscope = Soth. 2/8/83. Eastbourne. RSW.
SPEAKMAN, JOHN England, c.1729, MIM apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 6, 1729; Speakman may have been admitted to the Company in 1729 instead of being apprenticed in that year. J. Brown 3.
SPEAR Ireland, MIM OIM SIM Sector, large, ivory = BM; Pocket Microscope = Crisp Coll.; Inclinable Sundials = WHI, Pugsley Sale; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Compound Microscope = Wellcome Institute. Dublin. Bryden 9 and 16; Price 4; RSW.
SPEAR AND CLARK Ireland, fl.1815-17, MIM OIM Richard Spear 1 and Edward Clark. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9.
SPEAR AND CO. Ireland, fl.1838-64, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = UTO 11/2/76, Phillips 2/22/77, D.(1973). Richard Spear 2. 27 College Green (1838-42); 28 College Green (1843-64); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Egestorff; RSW.
SPEAR, PHINEAS USA, c.1830, devised an artificial horizon in 1830. Portland, Me. Bedini 8.
SPEAR, RICHARD 1 Ireland, fl.1791-1814, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Compass Sundial = Christie-SK 10/6/83; Clinometer = Phillips 2/2/84; Sextant = P.C.(1982); Stick Barometer = X; Surveyor's Compass = P.C.(1982); Telescope = D.(1981); Gunner's Calipers = Phillips 11/16/88. made William Spear's saccharometer, c.1802; as most instru- ments are signed "Spear Dublin" it is hard to distinguish between Richard Spear 1 and 2; worked with Edward Clark as Spear and Clark (1815-17); was Instrument Maker to His Majesty's Crown [Agent?] in Ireland and to His Ordnance. 29 Capel Street (1791-92); 23 Capel Street (1793-1808); 23 Capel Street and College Green (1809); 35 College Green (1810); 35 College Green (1812-14); all in Dublin. Egestorff; Goodison 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1046); Moskowitz 122; RSW.
SPEAR, RICHARD 2 Ireland, fl.1818-37, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. succeeded Richard Spear 1; see Spear and Co., as well as Richard Spear and Co.; also a wax and oil merchant. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1.
SPEAR, RICHARD, AND CO. Ireland, fl.1820-31, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Richard Spear 1; spermaceti refiners and oil merchants. 27 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1.
SPEAR, SAUNDERSON Ireland, fl.1831-37, OIM optician, wax chandler and oil merchant. 3 Westmorland Street (1831); 98 Grafton Street (1832-34); 23 Suffolk Street (1835-37); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SPEAR, WILLIAM Ireland, c.1802, invented a saccharometer in 1802; a variant spelling was "Spere." Bryden 9.
SPEARS Ireland, NIM Octant = P.C.(1978). see Richard Spear 1 and 2. Dublin. Rinaldi.
SPEARS AND CO. see Spear and Co. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SPECHT, JOHANN Austria, 1697, MIM Gunner's Levels = Porte de Hal, Brussels, Huelsmann Coll. Huelsmann signed "Specht fecit Vienna 1697." Vienna. Michel 3; Syndram.
SPEER Ireland, c.1791, see Richard Spear 1. 29 Capel Street, Dublin. RSW.
SPEETH, JOHANN GEORG Germany, 17th Century ?, MIM Equatorial Sundial = KRE. Zinner 1.
SPEIDELL, JOHN 1 England, fl.1600-34, invented rules for special measurements; author; mathematician. Queen Street, Drury Lane, London. Taylor 1(103); Clay and Court.
SPELZINI, I. England, c.1770, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Short Graham and Co. 6/16/93. Cirencester. ATG 7/10/93.
SPELZINI, J. 1 England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. RSW.
SPELZINI, J. 2 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. 11 Brooks Market, (London ?). RSW.
SPELZINI, J. 3 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1.
SPELZINI, J., AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. might be John Spelzini and his son. London. Goodison 1.
SPELZINI, JOHN England, fl.1836-59, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76 & 6/27/88, Phillips 4/30/83; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88; Barometer = Christie 2/5/70. the barometers are signed either "Spelzini Beauchamp Street, Leather Lane", "J. Spelzini, 91 Leather Lane, London" or "J. Spelzini, 11 Beauchamp Street, Holborn, London." 8 Beauchamp Street (1836); 11 Beauchamp Street (1839-48); 74 Great Saffron Hill (1856-59); all in London. Goodison 1; RSW.
SPENCER Scotland, OIM Telescope, refracting = Phillips 10/26/83. Glasgow. RSW.
SPENCER AND BROWNING England, fl.1781-84, MIM NIM Octants = Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa., Phillips-NE 7/19/93. William Spencer 2 and Samuel Browning 2; turned into Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 in 1784 when Ebenezer Rust 1 joined the partners; Spencer married Browning's sister. 327 Wapping High Stret, London. J. Brown 1; ATG 7/10/93; RSW.
SPENCER AND CO. England, c.1846, MIM NIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, these include, surveyor's compasses, octants, sextants, marine compasses, quadrants, stick barometers, etc. Coffeen and Moskowitz think that this name was used by Spencer, Browning and Rust on certain of their instruments; a sextant at MYS has the address "111 Minories, London"; 3 mariner's compasses show "No. 66 Wapping, London" as does a quadrant dated 1846 at LOS; a sextant, ADL-A257 is marked with the name of the agent, "H. Duren," of New York, N.Y. 66 Wapping; 111 Minories; both in London. Goodison 1; USNM; Coffeen B; Moskowitz 132; Brewington 1; RSW.
SPENCER AND GRENOP England, c.1880, OIM Telescope, refracting = Soth.-Chester 6/10/83. RSW.
SPENCER AND PERKINS England, fl.1775-94, MIM made many pedometers; examples may be found at WHI, KEN, OXF, DRE, etc. 44 Snow Hill, London. Taylor 2(770); Coffeen D; RSW.
SPENCER AND SON Ireland, fl.1864-86, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. John Spencer 2; also mechanical engineers. 13 Aungier Street (1864-65); 13 Aungier Street and 19 Grafton Street (1866-68); 19 Grafton Street (1869-83); 23 Nassau Street (1884-86); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1.
SPENCER, ARTHUR England, c.1732, MIM apprenticed to Joseph South of the Clockmakers' Company on July 6, 1724; free of the Company Oct. 3, 1732. London. J. Brown 3.
SPENCER, BARRETT AND CO. England, c.1850, NIM Quadrants = PMS, MYS (2), D.(1972); Sextants = MYS (3), Virginia Historical Society; Octants = Virginia Historical Society, USNM, Hart Nautical Museum, Boston, Mass. the octant at the Virginia Hist. Soc. is also marked "H. Duren, N.Y.", its case has a Duren trade card. London. USNM; Moskowitz 104; RSW.
SPENCER, BREWING AND CO. misreading of Spencer Browning and Co. Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79.
SPENCER, BROWN AND RUST misreading of Spencer, Browning and Rust. Pugsley Sale.
SPENCER, BROWNING England, c.1850, NIM Octant = MAN-I126; Quadrants = PMS, Maritime Museum of British Columbia; Barometer = PMS; Compass = PMS. surely a misreading for Spencer, Browning and Co. or for Spencer and Browning. London. Garcia 1; USNM.
SPENCER, BROWNING AND CO. England, fl.1840-62, MIM NIM OIM PHIM made octants, quadrants, sextants, compasses, telescopes; a spectroscope at TEY; examples are numerous and may be found at OMM, MYS, MSI, AMST, VNN, Longleat, Wiltshire, Wadsworth Atheneum, Woodman Institute, Maine Historical Society, etc. after Ebenezer Rust 2 died in 1838, Spencer, Browning and Rust became Spencer, Browning and Co. by 1840 (Rinaldi gives this date as 1843); Charles Taber and Co., New Bedford, Mass. were the American agents; T.C. stated that the instruments were genuine if "SBR" was stamped on the scales. 111 Minories (1840); also 6 Vine Street, America Square (1848); both in London. J. Brown 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; USNM; Coffeen 9; Rinaldi 23; RSW.
SPENCER, BROWNING AND LIGHT England, c.1860, OIM Telescope = Westerly Public Library, R.I. London. USNM.
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RICH England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = USNM. misreading of Spencer, Browning and Rust? London. USNM.
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RUST 1 England, fl.1784-1819, MIM NIM OIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including Octant, 1791 =NMM; Quadrant, 1801 = D.(1983). William Spencer 2, Samuel Browning 2 and Ebenezer Rust 1; the firm divided ivory scales signed "SBR" for other nautical instrument makers; T.C. 327 Wapping High Street (1784-91);123 Wapping (1791); 66 Wapping (1797); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1 & 7; USNM; Taylor 2(894); Calvert 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
SPENCER, BROWNING AND RUST 2 England, fl.1819-40, MIM NIM OIM made mostly nautical instruments including: Octant, 1820 = Little Compton R.I.; Octant, 1825 = Seamans Institute, New York, N.Y. William and Richard Browning and Ebenezer Rust 2; after the death of Ebenezer Rust 2 in 1838, the firm changed the name to Spencer, Browning and Co. in 1840; it is difficult to tell the difference between the instruments made by Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 and those made by Spencer, Browning and Rust 2. 66 Wapping, London. J. Brown 1; USNM.
SPENCER, C.A. AND H. USA, c.1850, OIM microscope makers; Charles A. Spencer and H. Spencer who may have been a son. Canastota, N.Y. Moskowitz 103.
SPENCER, C.A., AND SONS USA, fl.1877-80, MIM OIM PHIM Charles A. Spencer and sons. Geneva, N.Y. USNM.
SPENCER, CHARLES A. USA, 1813-81, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope = Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y. (1858); Microscopes = USNM, St. Barnard College, Alabama; Microscope Objective = USNM. made the first American microscopes; partner with A.K. Eaton, c.1854 for a few years; had Robert B. Tolles as apprentice and collaborator, 1843-58; later in business with his sons until 1873; after his shop burned he moved to Geneva, N.Y. (1877-80). Canastota (1813-75); Geneva (1877-80); both in N.Y. USNM; Ashbrook 2; Moskowitz 103.
SPENCER, DEVEREUX England, c.1712, apprenticed to Thomas Sarjant in the Joiners' Company on Sept. 30, 1712. Crawforth 7.
SPENCER, JAMES Ireland, fl.1861-68, OIM Microscope = D.(1987). made for the French market; signed "J. Spencer." 47 Cullenwood Avenue, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Goodison 1; Moskowitz; RSW.
SPENCER, JOHN 1 England, c.1793, apprenticed to William Spencer 2 of the Grocers' Company on Nov.7, 1793. J. Brown 1.
SPENCER, JOHN 2 Ireland, fl.1838-63, MIM OIM PHIM see Spencer and Son. 128 Summerhill (1838); 3 Aungier Street (1845-51); 13 Aungier Street (1852-63); all in Dublin. Goodison 1.
SPENCER, SAMUEL England, c.1778, apprenticed to William Spencer 2 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 16, 1778. J. Brown 1.
SPENCER, THOMAS England, c.1634, MIM free of the Joiners' Company in 1634; had Thomas Worrall as an apprentice; Worrall was also freed in 1634. Crawforth 7.
SPENCER, WILLIAM 1 England, fl.pre-1669-73, OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company before 1668. in the Minories (1668); Bermondsy (1671); both in London. Court and von Rohr 3(5).
SPENCER, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1773-1819, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on Nov. 4, 1766; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1773; took apprentices; George Mills was turned over to him on May 23, 1783 by Walton Willcox of the Joiners' Company; was a partner in Spencer and Browning and in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1. at Mr. Rust's in the Minories (1773); No. 26 Wapping Street (1777); No.327 Wapping Street (1778); Virginia Street(1790); No. 327 Wapping Street (1795); all in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7.
SPENCER, WILLIAM 3 England, c.1811, MIM apprenticed to Samuel Browning 1 in the Grocers' Company on July 2, 1801; free of the Company, June 6, 1811. J. Brown 1.
SPENDER, JOHN England, c.1669, apprenticed to Benjamin Emott in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 2, 1669. Crawforth 7.
SPERE see Spear.
SPETZINA England, c.1815, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. London. RSW.
SPICER AND LYNCH Ireland, c.1772?, MIM OIM SIM Edward Spicer and James Lynch 1. Capel Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(655).
SPICER, EDWARD Ireland, fl.1760-71, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Soth. 3/5/81 & 2/25/86, D.(1985); Cartographer's Chest = Phillips Auction. worked with James Lynch 1 as Spicer and Lynch, which see. Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(655); Coffeen 10; RSW.
SPIEDELL, JOHN 2 England, fl.1675-85, MIM A.J. Turner 1 & 2.
SPIEGEL, JOHANN Germany, c.1705, MIM Cube Sundial, wood,1705 = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Pillar Sundial, wood = Drecker Coll. = DPW; Cube Sundial = Pressburg Museum. Lindau. Zinner 1.
SPIERING, JAN HENDRIK Holland, c.1760, OIM made solar microscopes. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1.
SPILLER see Tisley and Spiller. Royal Institution Notes, 1971.
SPILLETT, JOHN 1 England, fl.1734-72, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1727; free of the Company, Oct. 2, 1734: appointed Beadle Mar. 31, 1743. London. Court and von Rohr 3(124).
SPILLETT, JOHN 2 England, c.1757, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on Feb. 5, 1750; free of the Company, Oct. 6, 1757. Court and von Rohr 3(158).
SPINELLI France, 1815, NIM PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 3/29/73. see Spinelli, Mahier and Co. Le Havre. RSW.
SPINELLI, MAHIER AND CO. France, c.1868, NIM T.C.; won prize in 1868; see Spinelli. opposite the church of Nôtre Dame, Rue des Drapiers, 15, Le Havre. RSW.
SPINEUX, J.A. England, c.1760, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Christie-SK 11/19/87. the magnetic needle lock is marked "H.B." (4). RSW.
SPINGEL, JOHAN JOACHIM Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial = GEL. it is possible that this is Johann Spiegel, which see. RSW.
SPINOZA, BARUCH DE Holland, 1632-77, MIM Crommelin said that Spinoza was an instrument maker. Clay and Court.
SPIRINX, NICOLAS France, fl.1606-43, MIM Pair of Globe Gores, 1610 = Yale U., New Haven, Conn. engraver and artist. Lyons; Dijon. Yonge.
SPITTELL, JOHN ? England, c.1734, OIM apprenticed to John Johnson 1, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company, July 1, 1726; free in the Company on Oct. 2, 1734; Court and von Rohr thought he might be the same as John Spillett 1, but the dates differ. Court and von Rohr 3(120).
SPITZ, CASPAR Germany, c.1555, MIM Astronomical Clock = VIE. Schwaz. Neumann 1.
SPITZER, ANDREAS Austria, 1764, MIM Ptolemaic and Copernican Planetariums, 1764 = VNL. Jesuit. Vienna. Zinner 1 (Nachträge); Wawrlk.
SPLEISS, THOMAS Germany, 1705-76, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Schaffhausen Museum; Celestial Globe = Schaffhausen Museum. also made sundials, terrestrial globes and planetariums; author. Schaffhausen. Zinner 1.
SPOFFORTH, R. England, c.1700, "R. Spofforth Sculp." marked on the compass card of a declination compass made by Richard Glynne at OXF. A.J. Turner 10.
SPONG, JOHN England, 1623-69, MIM OIM Microscope = S. Pepys (1664); Pantograph = S. Pepys (1668). may have been an amateur. London. Latham and Matthews, Vol. 5 & 9.
SPOONER, E.C. USA, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Barometer = Andover Historical Society, Mass. Boston, Mass. RSW.
SPRAT, JOHN England, c.1677, OIM apprenticed to Joseph Howe of the Broderers' Company, through the Spectaclemakers' Company, Feb. 8, 1677; Howe was also a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(50).
SPREIAFICUS, P.D. JACOBUS Italy, 1632, MIM Vertical Sundial, round, 1632 = Evans Coll. Evans 1.
SPRINGER England, c.1795, MIM NIM OIM Equatorial Sundial = Archaeological Museum, Cambridge; Hadley's Quadrant = P.C.; Reflecting Telescopes = CAS, Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco, Cal.; Dry-card Compasses = RSM, Wotton Auction 12/30/96; Hadley's Quadrant, 1795 = P.C. Wotton compass signed "MIM to the King"; may be Joshua or Joseph Springer; Taylor ascribes the 1795 quadrant to Joshua Springer. Bristol. A.J. Turner 10; Dewhirst; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(770a); ATG 2/1/97; RSW.
SPRINGER, J. England, c.1790, MIM Sundial, round box, folding gnomon = NMM (Gabb Coll.); Pocket Sundial = Phillips 9/10/86. could be Joseph or Joshua Springer. Bristol. NMM2; RSW.
SPRINGER, JOSEPH England, OIM Telescopes, Gregorian = X. recorded by T.H. Court. Bryden 9.
SPRINGER, JOSHUA England, fl.1759-1808, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Hadley's Quadrant = HAM; Angle Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = City of Gloucester Museum. T.C. (1760); his shop formerly belonged to Mr. John Wright; see Joshua Springer and Co. at Hadley's Quadrant, in St. Stephan's Lane; 2 Clare Street; both in Bristol. Crawforth 1; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(770a); A.J. Turner 10; Goodison 1; RSW.
SPRINGER, JOSHUA, AND CO. England, c.1773, in partnership with George Atwood 1 as hardware manufacturers. Bristol. Bryden 9.
SPRINGER, WILLIAM England, fl.1775-94, MIM 24 Charles Street (1775-85); John Street (1787); Charles Street (1793-94); all in Bristol. Bryden 9.
SPRONK, D. Germany, MIM Pepetual Calendar = PAK. Cleve. Parkington Cat.; RSW.
SPURRIER, AARON England, c.1741, turned over to Thomas Ribright 1, OIM, in the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 28, 1741. Court and von Rohr 3(145).
SQUERREL, ROBERT England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Stow Market. RSW.
SQUIRE see Burgoyne, Burbidges and Squire. USNM.
SQUIRE, P. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Phillips 4/30/83. "Chemist to the Queen"; surely a retailer. London. RSW.
SQUIRREL, W. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bildeston. Goodison 1.
ST. Germany, MIM Sundial, round, with lid = Focke Museum, Bremen. the signature is "St."; the master mark is a star. Zinner 1.
ST. CLAIR see Sinclair. Taylor 1(349).
ST. GOBAIN, CHAUNY ET CIREY France, 1655 -1922, OIM optical and chemical glass makers. Siege social, 1 bis Place des Saussaies, Paris. USNM.
ST. JOHN England, 1671, MIM Wall Sundial, 1671 = X. Henslow.
ST. JOHN, J.R. USA, c.1852, took out a patent on a compass to find local variation of the magnetic flux, 1852. New York, N.Y. USNM.
STAB, JOHANN Germany; Austria, fl.1494-1522, designed the large, square sundial in the Lorenzerkirche, Nürnberg, 1502; author. Ingolstadt; Vienna; Graz. Zinner 1.
STACKPOLE AND BROTHER Ireland; USAfl.1851-1910, MIM NIM SIM Sextants = Versailles 11/20/83, USNM; Octant = Seamans Institute of New York; Transits = D.(1986), GUR, USNM; Compass, Compass-Transit, Transits (2) = Cornell U.; Theodolites = ADL-A122, Cornell U. (2); Reflecting Circles = MYS (4); Surveyor's Compass = D.(1989); Third of a Circle = MYS. William and Robert Stackpole; supplied nautical instruments to the U.S. Government. Ireland; 41 Fulton (1856-1910), New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; ADL; RSW.
STACKPOLE, ROBERT Ireland; USA1823-73, MIM NIM SIM came to America with his parents and older brother, William, in 1833; worked with William Stackpole as Stackpole and Brother. Ireland; 41 Fulton, New York, N.Y. (1833). Smart 1; Coffeen 27; D.J. Warner 10.
STACKPOLE, WILLIAM Ireland; USA1819-95, MIM NIM SIM came to America with his parents and younger brother, Robert, in 1833; worked alone, 1843-51; see Stackpole and Brother. Ireland; 41 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. Smart 1; Coffeen 27; D.J. Warner 10.
STACY, THOMAS England, c.1797, MIM Sundial = Municipal Museum, Newark-on-Trent. Stevens and Aked.
STADION, HANS GEORG VON Germany, c.1685, MIM SIM Mining Surveyor's Compass, 1585 = VIE; Surveying Instrument, 1587 = VIE. owner? Bamberg; Augsburg. Michel 3.
STADTLANDER, JOHANN Germany, 1686-1742, MIM SIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1730 = Focke Museum, Bremen; Graphometer = Focke Museum, Bremen. "fein mechaniker." Bremen. Zinner 1; RSW.
STAES, ROBERT Belgium, c.1609, OIM telescope maker? Brussels. Michel 3.
STAFFORD, J. England, fl.1677-84, MIM assistant to John Flamsteed. Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London. Taylor 1(406); Evans 1.
STAGNAES 1790, Hadley's Quadrant, 1790 = OMM. this might be the name of a town. RSW.
STAHEL, ANDREAS Germany, fl.1586-1634, MIM Horizontal Sundials = Uppsala (1586), Halle. also made clocks. Augsburg. Bobinger 2.
STAIGHT, THOMAS England, fl.1829-60, MIM PHIM Floating Sundials = TIM, WHI, D.(1997); Horizontal Sundial, wood and cardboard = Geneva Museum of Arts; Compass Sundial = Phillips 11/16/88. freed by Patrimony in the Fanmakers' Company, 1828; took apprentices; also made barometers and thermometers; Zinner thought the Geneva sundial was signed "T. Stuight"; Evans thought he was T.P. Staight; Straight is alternate spelling; D.(1997) sundial has thermometer with Fahrenheit and Reamur scales. 26 Bartlett Buildings, Holborn(1829-39); 12 Wallbrook (1846); both in London. Bryden 16; Zinner 1; Goodison 1; Coffeen 58; Clifton 1; RSW.
STALKER, DAVID Scotland, c.1860, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = D.(1968); Marine Compasses = Den Gamle By, Aarhus, Melun 4/24/83; Marine Barometer = VNN. T.C.; also made watches and clocks. 6 Commercial Place, Leith. RSW.
STAMBERG, FRANC. ANTON VON Germany, 1717, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1717 = Düsseldorf Kunstgewerbe Museum. Zinner 1.
STAMMER, J. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 12/10/81 = D.(1984) = P.C. Sacrow (west of Berlin). Coffeen G; RSW.
STAMPA AND SON England, fl.1802-18, PHIM barometer and thermometer makers; possibly Charles Stampa and Son. 74 Leather Lane, London. Goodison 1.
STAMPA, CHARLES, AND CO. England, fl.1802-11, PHIM Stick Barometers = OXF, X. the barometer at OXF is signed "Stampa and Co., London", the other is signed "Stampa and Co." 125 Holborn Hill (1802); 25 Kirby Street, Hatton Carden (1803-11); both in London. Taylor 2(1225); Goodison 1.
STAMPA, D. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometers X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. 14 Leith Street, Edinburgh. Goodison 1.
STAMPA, D., AND CO. Scotland, c.1770, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-Scot. 5/11/93; Wheel Barometer = D.(1996). Christie-Scot. barometer signed "D. Stampa and Co."; see D. Stampa of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. ATG 5/8/93; ATG 5/4/96.
STAMPER, R. Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = Whalers' Village Museum, Lahine, Maui. 14 Leith Street, Edinburgh. RSW.
STAMPFER, JACOB Germany, 1505-79, MIM Globe with Armillary Sphere, 1539 = X. Michel 3; Stevenson.
STAMPFER, S. Austria, c.1832, professor; invented the stroboscope at the same time that Plateau invented the phenakistoscope which was the same thing. Vienna. G.L'E. Turner 24.
STAMPIOEN, JOHAN JANSZ, DE JONGE Holland, b.1610 fl. 1664-84, MIM Planisphere, paper = ADL-A259. signed "J. Stampioen." The Hague. USNM; D.J. Warner 2; ADL; RSW.
STANCLIEF USA, c.1859, MIM OIM PHIM see Tiensch and Stanclief. Smart 1.
STANCLIFFE AND DRAPER USA, fl.1828-32, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Wye Levels = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. and the New York Central & Hartford Railroad which had a Wye Level in 1874; Wye Level and Compass = Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Del. Benjamin Stancliffe and Edmund Draper; T.C. 118 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Miller.
STANCLIFFE, BENJAMIN England; USA, 1782-1834, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Sextants = APS, P.C., X(3); Surveyor's Compass = P.C., X(3), USNM; Alidades = Coast and Geodetic Survey (1834) 2). apprenticed to his uncle, John Stancliffe, in London, 1796; worked for Edward Troughton 2, 1812-15; took Edmund Draper as an apprentice and later as a partner in Stancliffe and Draper (1830-33; Edward Troughton Hassler worked with him in 1834; Miller says that one sextant is signed "London" and that Stancliffe possibly did not make the other sextants. 13 Bennet Street, Blackfriars Rd., London (1782-1816); 14 Walnut Street (1817); 118 South Front Street (1833); both in Philadelphia, Pa. Multhauf 1; Bedini 8; Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; Miller; RSW.
STANCLIFFE, JOHN England, fl.1770-1810, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = WHI, Aubert Auction, 1806, Soth. 3/24/1834, Christie 12/12/73, D.(1982); Quintants = GEM, Phillips 12/12/89; Pocket Sextant = SFM; Stick Barometer = Phillips 2/15/89. may have been apprenticed to Joseph Hindley of York; made a dividing engine, c.1788 while still an apprentice; foreman to Jesse Ramsden; WHI sextant is marked "Divided by J. Allen." York; London. Taylor 2(896); Coffeen A; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW.
STANDARD USA, Surveyor's Tape = Adirondack Museum, N.Y. the tape is marked "Standard." Brooklin, N.Y. USNM.
STANDARD RULE CO. USA, fl.1872-1922, MIM Sliding Rule, folding, wood = D.(1972). Unionville, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; Moskowitz 103.
STANEY, JACOBUS DE France, marked on a 1638 diptych sundial, ADL-M294, signed "J.J. Schört Paris"; Staney must have been the owner. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
STANFORD, EDWARD England, c.1880, MIM Two Pairs of Globes = NMM. geographer and publisher; one set has a compass in the base; the other set is marked "Malby's." 55 Charing Cross, London. NMM 2; RSW.
STANHOPE see Charles Mahon, Lord Stanhope. RSW.
STANLEY 1 see Stanley and Co. RSW.
STANLEY 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. Peterborough. Goodison 1.
STANLEY AND CO. England, fl.1853- on, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. the instruments are usually signed "Stanley." Great Turnstile, Holborn, London. Moskowitz; RSW.
STANLEY AND HARLING England, MIM Drawing Instruments = Phillips 4/20/83. RSW.
STANLEY RULE AND LEVEL CO. USA, fl.1855-date, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = ADL-W155. "warranted boxwood." New Britain, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; ADL; RSW.
STANLEY, BELCHER AND MASON LTD. England, post-1856, PHIM Stick Barometer = P.C. London. RSW.
STANLEY, G.I. England, c.1840, MIM SIM Theodolite = Ineichen 10/20/75. G.I. may be part of the address. Turnstile, Holborn, London. RSW.
STANLEY, THOMAS England, fl.1801-26, MIM OIM St. Mary's Row (1801); Bath Sreet (1818); 73 Bath Street(1825-26); all in Birmingham. Taylor 2(1713); Bryden 9.
STANLEY, WILLIAM FORD England, 1829-1909, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. went into the tool business in 1853; founded Stanley and Co. Great Turnstile, Holborn; Railway Approach, London Bridge; both in London. G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; USNM; RSW.
STANLY misreading for Stanley. Soth. 1/27/75.
STANRIDGE see Staynred. Taylor 1(145).
STANTON 1 England, fl.1662-96, MIM free in the Clockmakers' Company, 1662; Master of the Company in 1696; made a calculating machine for Robert Hooke. Seething Lane, near Navy Office, London. Taylor 1(362); Robischon.
STANTON 2 England, MIM Rule, two-foot, folding, ivory = X. may be John Stanton, which see; Great Turnstile leads out of Holborn. Great Turnstile, London. Taylor 2(1226).
STANTON, JOHN England, fl.1800-22, MIM see Stanton 2. 73 Shoe Lane, Holborn, London. Taylor 2(1226).
STARCK, THOMAS Germany?, 1620, MIM Astrolabe Clock, 1620 = Ilbert Coll. = BM. RSW.
STARK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Torquay. Goodison 1.
STARK, VIKTOR Germany, fl.1628-36, MIM SIM Sector, 1628 = DAR; Theodolite, 1633 = DRE. used the title "Mechanius"; there is an astrolabe signed "V.S.F. 1632" in a P.C., and an artillery level signed "V.S.M.F. 1636" at DRE, which see. Dresden. Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW.
STARKE AND KAMMERER Germany and Austria, MIM Planimeter = Technical Museum, Warsaw. Name was also read as Starke and Hammerr RSW; WEBDB
STARR, ROBERT England, fl.1667-86, MIM free of the Stationers' Company, pre-1667; admitted as a Brother to the Clockmakers' Company, Feb. 24, 1668; took apprentices. near the Golden Tun, Smithfield, London. J. Brown 1 & 3; Taylor 1(324); Clay and Court.
STARRAT, WILLIAM England, c.1746, author; described a gunnery instrument and its use. London. C.N. Robinson.
STARRE, D. Holland?, MIM Pedometer = MAA. Rooseboom 1.
STARRETT, HERBERT RISTEEN USA, 1865-1950, MIM NIM worked for S. Thaxter and Son, 1884-1905; he purchased the firm from Abby C. Cushing in 1905; it appears that he closed the firm c.1916. 28 Central Street, Boston, Mass. (in 1916). Smart 1.
STASSNIE France, OIM Microscope = Drouot 5/20/69. Paris. RSW.
STAUBHAR Germany, 1741, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1741 = STR. Evans 1.
STAYNES/STAINES/STANES/STAGNES, JEOFFREY England, c.1680, apprenticed to George Ryley in the Lorimers' Company; turned over to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company. J. Brown 3, Loomes.
STAYNRED, PHILIP England, fl.1621?-69, MIM made measuring rules and gauging rods. Bristol. Taylor 1(145).
STEALE AND SON England, c.1800, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = Exhib. 1000 Years of Navigation, Brussels, 1979. Liverpool. RSW.
STEAR, ADAM England, 1660, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1660 = Rev. G.W.W. Minnes (1902). Earle.
STEARNS, E.A., AND CO. USA, fl.1833-92, MIM Slide Rule, Coggeshall-type = ADL-W142. made a wide range of wooden rules. Brattleboro, Vt. Philip E. Stanley; ADL; RSW.
STEBBING AND CO. England, c.1850, OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. "Opticians to the Queen"; J.R. Stebbing. Southampton. RSW.
STEBBING AND WOOD England, fl.1851-53, PHIM Stick Barometer with Thermometer = Soth.-Bearne 4/4/78. J.R. Stebbing and Wood. 47 High Street, Southampton. Goodison 1.
STEBBING, GEORGE England, fl.1805-45, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometers = VNN, X; Wheel Barometer = X(2). took out a patent for improvement of land and sea compasses. Broad Street (1805-08) and (1810-45); 66 High Street; all in Portsmouth. Taylor 2(1435); Goodison 1; RSW.
STEBBING, J.R. England, fl.1840-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Sextants = Nat'l Museum of Canada (case), Christie 12/18/74; Protractor with pointers = P.C.; Marine Barometer = Gloucester Museum; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 5/26/76; Telescope = Detroit Historical Museum. protractor invented by Cmdr. Hay, R.N. 47 High Street (1845); Dock Chambers (1857); both in Southampton. Goodison 1; USNM; RSW.
STEBBING, J.R. AND H. England, c.1833, MIM NIM OIM PHIM T.C. No. 63 High Street, Southampton. Crawforth 1.
STEDMAN, CHRISTOPHER 1 England, fl.1747-72, MIM NIM OIM Telescope, small, case = D.(1989); Sundial = Ed. Jones Coll.; Slide Rule, boxwood = D.(1983); Backstaff, 1760 = Marine Museum, Horten, Norway; Magnetic Compass, round box = Huelsmann Coll. member of the Stationers' Company; took apprentices; Huelsmann signed "Stedman London" on printed paper compass rose inside lid, also marked "R. v. Graffen 1786" in center of printed rose in compass box; succeeded by his widow, Elizabeth Stedman, who was in turn succeeded by Christopher Stedman 2 in 1786; T.C. at the Globe on London Bridge (1750); 24 Leadenhall Street (1761); both in London. J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Wynter; Clay and Court; USNM; Moskowitz 132; Syndram; RSW.
STEDMAN, CHRISTOPHER 2 England, c.1784, MIM son of Christopher Stedman 1; apprenticed to George Adams 2 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 2, 1777; free of the Company, Oct. 21, 1784; succeeded Elizabeth Stedman, his mother, in 1786. 24 Leadenhall Street, London. J. Brown 1; Taylor 2(541).
STEDMAN, ELIZABETH England, fl.1780-86, MIM succeeded her husband, Christopher Stedman 1 in 1780; succeeded by Christopher Stedman 2 in 1786, probably her son. 24 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(541).
STEDWELL, JOHN England, c.1752, OIM apprenticed to Thomas Lincoln, OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, June 27, 1745; free of the Company on Oct. 5, 1752. Court and von Rohr 3(151).
STEEL AND GODDART England, fl.1714-1780 (?), NIM Quadrant = Pugsley Sale. London. RSW.
STEEL, DAVID England, 1819, nautical publisher; firm was bought out by J. W. Norie and Co. in 1819. London. RSW.
STEEL, P. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = Soth. 6/9/77. Tower Hill, London. RSW.
STEELE see Palmer, Steele and Younghusband. RSW.
STEELE, JOHN, AND SON England, fl.1829-47, MIM OIM PHIM Instrument = OXF; Wheel Barometer = X; Marine Barometer = Dundee Museum. see Palmer, Steele and Younghusband. 9 and 10 Duke's Place, Liverpool. Bryden 9; Taylor 2(2011); Goodison 1.
STEER, JOHN England, c.1830, OIM Rotten Row, Derby. Taylor 2(2012).
STEFANI, GIUSEPPE Italy, c.1802, MIM OIM SIM Plane Table Alidade = ADL-M134. succeeded Giovanni Battista Rodello as mechanician to the Specola di Padova in 1802. Padua. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; Brenni 1; RSW.
STEFFANI, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Eyre Street Hill, Hatton Garden, London. Goodison 1.
STEFFANI, WILLIAM DE England, fl.1829-39, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-WS 6/21/83. also made thermometers. 33 Exmouth Street, Spitalfields, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
STEFFENONI, JOSH. misreading for Stefferoni. Phillips 7/20/83.
STEFFERONI, JOSH. England, c.1810, PHIM Marine Barometer = VNN; Wheel Barometer = Phillips 7/20/83. the Phillips barometer was misread as "Josh. Steffenoni." 74 Leather Lane. Holborn, London. RSW.
STEGMANN, JOHANN GOTTLIEB Germany, 1725-95, MIM OIM SIM Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = MLL; Circumferentor = KAS; Mining Compass = KAS; Surveying Instrument = Braunschweig Stadt Museum; Magnetic Sundial = DRE; Solar Microscope, 1759 = D.(1986) = Soth. 11/16/87. mathematics professor; made the meridian telescope for the Kassel Observatory in 1754; the microscope was signed "fait par Stegmann à Cassel." Kassel; Marburg (1786). Zinner 1; Wynter 1; Daumas 1; RSW.
STEIB, ANDREAS Germany, 1752-1828, MIM Astronomical Clock with pair of Globes, 1804 = MUN. Master in 1792; pupil of and journeyman for Philipp Matthäus Hahn; clockmaker; terrestrial globe is by J.G. Klinger of Nürnberg, celestial one by Jean Pigeon of Paris. Ofen (1752); Munich (1778-80); Mainz (1787-89); Würzburg (1789-1828). Friess.
STEIGER, WILLIAM T. USA, fl.1838-pre-1855, took out a patent for a protracting table in 1838. Washington, D.C. USNM.
STEINER Germany?, 1723, MIM Artillery Level, 1723 = ADL-M212. may be Philipp Jakob Steiner; or perhaps may be the father or older brother of Johann Ludwig Steiner. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW.
STEINER, JEAN MICHEL Switzerland, c.1760, OIM PHIM clockmaker; made barometers, thermometers and physical apparatus; optician. Zurich. Daumas 1.
STEINER, JOHANN LUDWIG Switzerland, 1711-79, MIM mechanician; clockmaker; author. Zurich. Michel 3.
STEINER, PHILIPP JACKOB England, 18th Century, MIM Sundials = MEM, MUN. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2.
STEINER, PHILIPP JACOB Germany, 1709-79, MIM Sundials = MUN, Memmingen Stadtmuseum. Augsburg. Zinner 1; Bobinger 2.
STEINHEIL, ADOLPH Germany, 1832-92, MIM OIM worked with his father, Carl August Steinheil, 1855 on; Adolph Steinheil's son, Rudolph, took over the business in 1892. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2.
STEINHEIL, EDUARD Germany, 1830-78, MIM OIM younger son of Carl August Steinheil; entered the firm in 1862. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2.
STEINHEIL, KARL AUGUST Germany, 1801-70, MIM OIM Telescopes = OMM, MYS (No. 8259); Telescope, with right-angled prism = TEY. father of Adolph and Eduard Steinheil; grandfather of Rudolph Steinheil; established an independent optical workshop in 1854; he was joined by Adolph Steinheil in 1855 and by Eduard Steinheil in 1862; he also made microscopes; professor of mathematics and physics; it is hard to tell which instruments were made by the son or the grandson by the signatures. Munich. G.L'E. Turner 7 & 24; J.A. Bennett 2; Chaldecott 3; R.G.O.; RSW.
STEINHEIL, RUDOLPH Germany, 1865-1930, MIM OIM son of Adolph Steinheil; joined the firm in 1892. Munich. J.A. Bennett 2.
STEINHOESUR, JOHN LEBERECHT England, fl.1812-20, MIM called himself a MIM; patented a hardware improvement in 1812. Piccadilly, London. Taylor 2(1437).
STEINHOLTZ, JOHAN ZACHARIUS Sweden, fl.1733-76, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Circle = SWE; Microscope, No.4 = NOR. apprenticed to Daniel Ekström; ran the Academy workshop with Ahl, 1755-62. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW.
STEISEL, J.P. Luxemburg, 1773, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1773 = P.C. signed "J.P. Steisel Pyrotechnicus." Pippa.
STEITZ, ADAM Holland, fl.1759-66, MIM PHIM Rule, 1759 = AMST; Water Jet = Ebeling Coll.; Centrifugal Machines = TEY, UTR (1766), etc. see J. Kampman and Adam Steitz. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 7.
STEIZ, JOSEF Germany, 1768, MIM Table Sundial, 1768 = MUN. Zinner 1.
STENGLIN, JOHANN PHILIPP I. Germany, 1636-1706, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver = Huelsmann Coll. carries mastermark; goldsmith; Master in 1661. Augsburg. Syndram.
STENNE, SAMUEL England, c.1672, MIM apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1664; free in the Company, 1672. Crawforth 7.
STENSON, JOHN England, c.1782, PHIM Angle Barometer = Phillips 2/22/77. author. Derby. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; RSW.
STEPAN, D. Italy, 1572, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1572 = WHI. also marked "Flo. M.M.F."; almost certainly Don Stephanus of Florence. Florence. Bryden 16.
STEPHANUS, D., B.F.F. Italy, fl.1572-87, MIM Pillar Sundials , ivory = ROS (1572), Soth. 6/25/68 (1573), KEN (1587); Quadrant, ebony = FLO-2499. see also D.S.B.F.F., D.S.F.F., D. Steph. B.F.F.,D. Stepan; possibly all Don Stephano Buonsignori. Florence. Bonelli 1; Bryden 16; Lübke; RSW.
STEPHENS AND CO. USA, fl.1854-1901, MIM Rule, wood = D.(1976). made a wide variety of wood and ivory rules; merged with Chapin in 1901 to form Chapin-Stephens. Riverton, Conn. Philip E. Stanley; RSW.
STEPHENS, ALEXANDER Ireland, fl.1747-81, MIM NIM Backstaves = WHI, Soth. 18/6/85 (1747). the backstaff at the WHI was made for George Waddington, the Soth. example was made for Gyles Fearon. Temple Barr, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9.
STEPHENS, ALEXANDER AND JOHN Ireland, fl.1760-81, MIM NIM Temple Bar (1760-74); 31 Temple Bar (1775-81); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9.
STEPHENS, JOHN Ireland, fl.1760-93, MIM NIM worked with Alexander Stephens, 1760-81. 31 Temple Bar, Dublin (1782-93). Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9.
STEPHENSON, GEORGE Scotland, 1781-1848, MIM father of Robert Stephenson. Killingworth. Earle; DNB.
STEPHENSON, GEORGE AND ROBERT Scotland, c.1830, MIM Wall Sundial = Stephenson home, Killingworth. father and son team. Killingworth. Earle; DNB.
STEPHENSON, NICHOLAS England, fl.1674-80, devised a mechanical orrery; author. The Tower, London. Taylor 1(380).
STEPHENSON, ROBERT Scotland, 1803-59, MIM son of George Stephenson. Killingworth. Earle; DNB.
STEPHENSON, WM. England, 1782, NIM Octant, ebony, 1782 = Soth. 12/15/78. RSW.
STEPNEY, WILLIAM England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Dreweatt-Neate Auction, Newbury 3/21/90. Horsham. A.T.G. 3/10/90.
STERCK see Ringelbergh. Zinner 1.
STERLING England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1.
STERNE, THOMAS England, fl.1619-31, MIM globe maker. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 1(140).
STERR, JOHANN England, 1719, OIM see Maurstotter and Sterr. Freising. Price 2; Daumas 1.
STERROP England, 18th Century, MIM NIM OIM Microscopes = D.(1973), Soth. 5/25/86; Solar Microscope = Clay Coll.; Octant, wood = Exhibit "1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels, 1979; Telescopes = NMM, DRE, D.(1977); Garden Sundial = Victory Museum, Portsmouth. the garden sundial is drawn for 17°18', it belonged to Nelson; it is hard to determine which Sterrop was the maker of any item signed that way. London. Clay and Court; Wynter 1; RSW.
STERROP AND YARWELL England, fl.c.1697-1708, OIM T.C.; partners sometime between 1697 and 1708; Ralph Sterrop and John Yarwell. at the Archimedes and Three Pair of Golden Spectacles in Ludgate Street, the second Shop from Ludgate, London. Crawforth 1.
STERROP, AVIS England, fl.1756-60, OIM widow of George Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company; the widow may have also been made free of the Company; Joseph Linnell 1 was turned over to her from June 28, 1756 to Oct. 1, 1760; she was succeeded by Mary Sterrop. St, Paul's Churchyard, London. Court and von Rohr 3(173); Robischon.
STERROP, GEORGE England, 1715-56, NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, No.525 = HAR; Octant, No.529 = Soth. 7/15/63; Sexant, No.528 = P.C.; Solar Microscopes = Court Coll., OXF; Microscopes = VCW, D.(1972)(1745); Telescopes = D.(1981), Soth. 3/25/86. son of Thomas Sterrop 3 and Mary Sterrop; apprentice to his mother in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1730; free in the Company, 1737; took an apprentice; nephew of Ralph Sterrop; succeeded him in 1734. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Taylor 2(122); Goodison 1; Court and von Rhor 3(132); Robischon; Clay and Court; Moskowitz 122; Hillier; Wynter 1 & 2; Daumas 1; RSW.
STERROP, JANE England, fl.1715-33, OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company; ran her husband's business for 18 years after Thomas Sterrop 1 died; took apprentices. Little Britain, London. Crawforth 7; Robischon; Court and von Rohr 3(84).
STERROP, MARY England, fl.1729-71, OIM widow of Thomas Sterrop 3; probably a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices, including her son George; succeeded her husband in 1729, ran the shop untill 1737; later succeeded her daughter-in-law Avis Sterrop in 1760, she then ran the shop until 1766; see Mary Sterrop and Co.; Joseph Linnell was turned over to her from Avis Sterrop in 1760. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Robischon; Court and von Rohr 3(118).
STERROP, MARY, AND CO. England, c.1767, OIM Peter Dollond took over the shop in 1767. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Robischon.
STERROP, RALPH England, fl.1685-1736, OIM son of Thomas Sterrop 1; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1678; free in the Company Sept. 30, 1685 by paying 13s 4d; Master of the Company, 1705-06; wrote an instruction book for his microscopes; partner with John Yarwell, 1697-1708; succeeded Yarwell; succeeded by his nephew, George Sterrop. St. Paul's Churchyard (1695); Archimedes and Golden Prospects, Ludgate Street; both in London. Taylor 1(513), 2(123); Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(52); Robischon; Goodison 1; Clay and Court; RSW.
STERROP, RICHARD England, c.1677, brother of Thomas Sterrop 1; apprenticed to James Throgmorton in the Spectaclemakers' Company on June 28, 1677. Court and von Rohr 3(51); Clay and Court.
STERROP, THOMAS 1 England, fl.1679-1715, OIM apprenticed to Thomas King 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company in Dec. 1669; free of the Company, June 26, 1679; took apprentices; father of Thomas Sterrop 3; Master of the Company, 1701-02. Little Britain, London (1693). Court and von Rohr 3(42); Robischon; Clay and Court.
STERROP, THOMAS 2 England, fl.1683-1734, OIM probably a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company by 1683; took apprentices; Court and von Rohr thought he might be the same as Thomas Sterrop 3. Court and von Rohr 3(57).
STERROP, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1708-29, OIM apprenticed to his father, Thomas Sterrop 1 in 1701 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free in the Company, (by Patrimony) April 1, 1708; took apprentices; succeeded by his widow, Mary Sterrop. St. Paul's Chuchyard, London. Court and von Rohr 3(76); Clay and Court; Robischon.
STEUR, JACOBUS DE Holland, fl.1659-72, MIM SIM Sundial with two compasses, 1667 = Leoben Montan Hochschule; Sundials = Drecker Coll.(1672), Ley; Circumferentors = DOR, WHI, Van Alfen Coll., USNM, NOR (2),; Instrument = NUR; Holland Circle = WHI; Sector = ROM; Protractor = Hammer Coll.; Astrolabe = WHI; Pantograph = SWE. one of the NOR circumferentors is only the base plate. Leiden. Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Pipping 1; Hollands Glorie; Daumas 1; USNM; RSW.
STEVENS see Riley and Stevens. RSW.
STEVENS, EDWARD England, c.1717, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on May 7, 1717. Crawforth 7.
STEVENS, GEORGE England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 22, 1712; turned over to John Gilbert 1 on Feb. 3, 1718. J. Brown 1.
STEVENS, JEREMIAH England, c.1825, MIM SIM made sundials and surveying instruments. 2 Bell Court, Doctors Commons,, Bloomsbury, London. Taylor 2(1714).
STEVENS, JOSEPH England, c.1718, apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 3, 1718. J. Brown 1.
STEVENSON Scotland, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. 51 George, Forth Bridge, Edinburgh. RSW.
STEVENSON, DAVID Scotland, c.1844, civil engineer; made improvements on leveling instruments; "Practical Mechanics" referred to him as D. Stevenson and T. Stevenson in the same issue. Edinburgh. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol III, pp. 408-10.
STEVENSON, PETER Scotland, fl.1835-86, PHIM apprenticed to Alexander Allan; succeeded him in 1835. 9 Lothian Street, Edinburgh. Taylor 2(2256); Dewhirst.
STEVENSON, T. see David Stevenson. Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. III, pp. 408-410.
STEVENSON, THOMAS Scotland, 1818-87, PHIM devised a thermometer screen in 1864. G.L'E. Turner 24.
STEWARD, HENRY England, fl.1823-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. the barometer is signed "Steward York." 6 Low Ousegate, York. Goodison 1; Baillie 1.
STEWARD, J.H. England, c.1850+, MIM OIM PHIM SIM made microscopes, telescopes, sundials, stick barometers, etc.; examples may be found at MMA, NMM, Cambridge Zoological Laboratory, WHI, and in numerous auctions. WHI signed "J.H. Steward Ltd." 406 and 66 Strand and 54 Cornhill; 406 Strand and 56 Cornhill; all in London. Bryden 16; Lübke; Dewhirst; Moskowitz; Coffeen C; NMM 2; RSW.
STEWART, CHARLES England, c.1791, apprenticed to Dudley Adams of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 3, 1791. J. Brown 1.
STIBBING misreading for Stebbing. Christie 5/26/76.
STIEREN, W.E. USA, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass, vernier = P.C. Pittsburg, Pa. USNM.
STILES, J.J. England, NIM Octant = Christie 12/18/74. T.C.; "Nautical and St--- Schools, Charts and Navigation Warehouse." 196 High Street East, Sunderland. RSW.
STILES, WILLIAM MASON England, fl.1830-60, MIM PHIM Demonstration Apparatus = USNM (3); Orrery = Brown University, R.I. also made barometers and thermometers. 29 Seward Street, Goswell Street (1830-46); 70 Ossulston Street (1853-60); both in London. Taylor 2(2013); Goodison 1; Price 2; USNM; RSW.
STILL, OLD, AND CO. England, c.1812, NIM Navigational Charting Device = D. Bristol. Coffeen 55.
STIPRIAAN, LUISCIUS Holland, see Abraham van Stipriaan Luiscius. Rooseboom 1.
STIRRUP, THOMAS England, fl.1651-59, "Description and Use of the Universall Quadrant", London, 1655; he had designed it; Anthony Thompson drew the plate. London. Taylor 1(248); Gunther 2; Dewhirst.
STOAKES see Stokes. RSW.
STOCKERT Germany, 18th Century, MIM made many wooden cube and diptych sundials; examples can be seen at ADL, BAR, VNN, Clock Museum, Newport, R.I., etc; the name appears on some floating sundials. some are marked "à Bavaria" or "in Bavaria" for the French or the English market; either Ernst Christophe Stockert or Johann Paulus Stockert. Bavaria. Zinner 1; Wynter 1; Coffeen B; ADL; RSW.
STOCKERT, E.C. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Cube Sundials, wood and paper = WHI, NMM, CNAM, NOR, WUR, Zürich Sternwarte, Lindau Stadt Museum, etc. surely Ernst Christophe Stockert, Zinner 1.
STOCKERT, E.D. surely a misreading for E.C. Stockert. Wray.
STOCKERT, ERNST CHRISTOPHE Germany, 1730-1806, MIM made many wooden diptych sundials, floating sundials and wooden cube sundials; the wood is covered with printed paper scales; examples can be seen in many collections including the ADL, NUR, NOR, WHI, CNAM, WUR, NMM, NYM, Spaulding Coll. (1806), etc. surely E. C. Stockert; these are inexpensive sundials made for the mass market. Nürnberg in Bavaria. Zinner 1; Hamilton 2; Bryden 16; Gillingham 6; ADL; RSW.
STOCKERT, JOHANN PAUL Germany, c.1780-90, MIM Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = ADL-W212, Geneva Museum of Horology, CNAM, STU, Linz Museum, Huelsmann Coll., etc.; Sundials, round, wood = NOR, Geneva Museum of Arts, P.C., Linz Museum, etc; Horizontal Sundial = Geneva Museum of Arts; Floating Sundial = ADL-N9. the sundials are signed "Johann Paul Stockert", "Johann Paulus Stockert", "Stockert", or "Stockert a Bavaria"; made "räderlosen uhren." Bavaria. Zinner 1; ADL; Syndram; Stuttgart Cat., 1913; RSW.
STOCKL, I. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = ADL-M300. I. Stöckl. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
STOCKTON, GEORGE England, fl.1830-37, NIM 9 Long Row, South Shields. Taylor 2(2014).
STOCKTON, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. London. Goodison 1.
STOER, WILHELM TOBIAS Germany, 1812, MIM made sandglasses. Nürnberg. Lunardi.
STOFFLER, JOHANNES Germany, 1452-1531, MIM Celestial Globe, wood, 1493 = NUR. Johannes Stöffler; author; wrote on the astrolabe, the calendar, etc.; professor of mathematics at Tübingen; see I.M.S. 1. Justingen; Tubingen. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; RSW.
STOKER misreading for Stockert. RSWx.
STOKER, FRANZ Germany, MIM Sundial = Evans Coll. Nürnberg. Evans 1.
STOKES, GABRIEL Ireland, c.1682-1768, MIM NIM Horary Quadrant, 1738 = NMM; Slide Rule, 1713 = NMM; Gunter Sliding Rule, 1719 = WHI; Sundial, 1742 = Willis Museum, Basingstoke; Miner's Theodolite, 1717 = Court Coll. invented the "Pantometron", a surveying instrument; wrote pamphlet about his latitude-finding invention for the univrsal ring dial. Essex Street, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Taylor 2(657); NMM 2; Coffeen 51; RSW.
STOKES, WILLIAM Ireland, fl.1842-50, OIM worked for Spear and Co., 1846-50; optician. 3 Upper Leeson Street (1842-45) Dublin; 3 Ballygihen, Sandy Cove, Kingstown; 28 College Green, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
STOLLE, HEINRICH Czechoslovakia, fl.1607-13, MIM OIM Triangular Instrument = Zurich Sternwarte; Graphometers = DRE, Breslau Schlesisches Museum; Instrument = NUR; Sectors = VIE, DEU (2); Telescope = BM; Pair of Compasses = DEU; Mathematical Compendium, silver = Soth. 7/29/69. clockmaker; the compasses are also marked "Th. Teuffel Czeilbergk." Prague. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 3; RSW.
STONE, ARCHIMEDES England, c.1735, apprenticed to Joseph Jackson 2 of the Grocers' Company on May 15, 1735. J. Brown 1.
STONE, EDMUND England, fl.1700-68, mathematical practitioner; translated Bion's book on mathematical insruments from French to English and added a supplement. London. Taylor 1(582).
STONE, JOSHUA England, c.1760, NIM OIM Sextant, 1760 = P.C. Taylor 2(659).
STONE, NICHOLAS England, fl.1619-22, MIM Sundial, 1619 = St. James, London; Sundials, 1622 = Privy Garden, Whitehall, London and Holbourn. London? Gatty.
STONE, RICHARD England, c.1763, apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1763. J. Brown 1.
STONE, S USA, c.1835, MIM SIM patented a device to measure distance with a theodolite in 1835. Long Green, Maryland. USNM.
STONE, WILLIAM Scotland?, c.1684, MIM Nocturnal, wood = EMA. Taylor 1(437); RSW.
STOPANI see P. Wachano and Stopani. RSW.
STOPANI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Sheffield. Goodison 1.
STOPANI, JOHN Scotland, fl.1824-50, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 11/27/86, Phillips 8/12/87. the barometers are signed "J. Stopani" or "J. Stopani Aberdeen." 38 North Street (1824-25); 42 Queen Street (1827-40); 44 Queen Street (1841-43);68 Broad Street (1844-50); all in Aberdeen. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; RSW.
STOPANNI Holland, PHIM see Butti Gebroeders en Stopanni. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
STOPPANI, F. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. 25 Red Lion Street, Holborn, London. RSW.
STOPPANI, NICHOLAS England, c.1825, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3). the barometers are signed "N. Stopani Sheffield" or "N. Stoppani Sheffield.. Orchard Street, Sheffield. Goodison 1.
STORDY, JON. England, 1789, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round, 1789 = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87. folding gnomon. Orton. RSW.
STORER, WILLIAM England, c.1780, OIM PHIM Camera Obscura = DRE; Telescope, refracting = Soth. 3/25/86. the telescope is signed "Storer Professor of Optics to his Majesty no.176 The Subscription Telescope by the King's Patent Warranted to be adjusted by Wm Storer and delivered to the Subscribers at Chas. Lincoln's No. 62 Leadenhall Street"; invented the "Royal Delineator", a type of camera obscura. No. 14 Lisle Street, Leicester Fields, London. Crawforth 1; RSW.
STORR England, 18th Century, MIM Perpetual Almanacs = KEN, Law-290. York. RSW.
STORR, B. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be Batty Storrs, which see. Beverley. Goodison 1.
STORRS, BATTY England, 1710-93, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(4); Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. all the barometers are signed "B. Storrs York" or "B.Storr (York)". Minster Gates, York. Goodison 1; RSW. WEBDB.
STORRS, NATHAN USA, 1768-1839, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Heritage Foundation, Deerfield, Mass. clockmaker; apprenticed to Jacob Sargeant of Springfield, Mass. in 1791, of Storrs it was said "He was lately from New York"; partner in Baldwin and Storrs, 1792-94, with Jedidiah Baldwin; partner with Benjamin E. Cook, as Storrs and Cook, 1827-34; succeeded by Cook. Springfield, Mass.; New York, N.Y.; King Street, Northampton, Mass. (1791); Shop Row, Northampton Mass. Smart 1; USNM.
STORRS, SHUBAEL USA, 1778-1847, MIM SIM gold and silversmith, in business for himself 1808-47; his nephew, Charles Storrs was also a siversmith. 30 Genessee Street, Utica, N.Y. (1803-47). Smart 1.
STOTT Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2). Dunfries. Goodison 1.
STOTT, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Goodison 1.
STOTTRUP, M.J. Germany, MIM Nocturnal = Evans Coll. Evans 1.
STOYLE, J. England, fl.1817-19, MIM may have been a designer and not an instrument maker. Taylor 2(1438).
STRACHAN, A.F. England, c.1810, MIM Perpetual Calendar, silver = Soth. 7/21/75. London. RSW.
STRAIGHT see Thomas Staight. RSW.
STRALENDORF, PETER HENRICH VON, R.P. Germany, 1612, MIM Astrolabe, 1612 = Ecouen (Cl.24146). rete has contellation figures; no tympans; ICA-286. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA-2; RSW.
STRAN, THOMAS F. USA, fl.1819-23, MIM Baltimore, Md. USNM.
STRASY, STEVEN see Steven Stacy. Michel 3.
STRATTON, J.P. USA, c.1848, PHIM made electrical apparatus. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
STRATTON, JOHN 1 England, c.1750, MIM OIM T.C.; optician. at ye Golden Spectacles in Sidney's Alley near Leicester Fields, London. Crawforth 1.
STRATTON, JOHN 2 England, 1819, MIM Counter, 1819 = D.(1975). Devizes. RSW.
STRATZ AND FEHRENBACK Scotland, PHIM Barometer = D.(1972). Perth. John Bell.
STRAUB see Brugger and Straub. Goodison 1.
STRAUB AND HEATING England, c.1850, MIM Wheel Barometers = Phillips 10/26/83 and 2/2/84, K. & C. 2/8/78. signatures misread as "Straub and Meating" and "Straub and Itebting." Possibly Straub and Hebting (WEBDB). 77 Blackman Street, Borough. RSW. WEBDB.
STRAUB, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1.
STREATFIELD England, c.1750, MIM SIM Graphometer = KEN. London. Daumas 1.
STREATFIELD, JOHN England, fl. pre-1847-59, PHIM partner with Edward Wilds Ladd, c.1847-59; made hydrometers in R.B. Bates workshop. London. McConnell 4.
STREBIN Germany, c.1840, MIM see Strebin und Ferchel. RSW.
STREBIN UND FERCHEL Germany, c.1840, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Soth.-Geneva 4/8/76 = TIM. signed "Strebin und Ferchel Erfinder"; Erfinder means inventor; instrument patented in 1840; may be Joseph Ferchel, which see. Soth.-G 11/8/76.
STREET, R.W. England, c.1860, MIM SIM Theodolite = D.(1976). Commercial Road, Lambeth, London. Moskowitz.
STREET, THOMAS England, fl.1830-46, MIM OIM SIM Telescopic Level = D.(1975); Theodolite = Soth.-B 9/18/81; Pocket Compasses = Christie 12/21/71 and 6/7/72; Surveying Instrument = Soth. 12/15/78; Dumpy Level = Phillips 10/26/83. 39 Commercial Road, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(2015).
STREET, THOMAS AND SON England, MIM OIM Telescope, stand, case = D.(1983). 39 Commercial Road, Waterloo Bridge, London. RSW.
STREETE, THOMAS England, 1621-89, MIM devised a reflecting instrument; made planetary instruments and tables. New Buildings, Tower Hill, near the Surgeon's Arms (1652); popping Court, Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 1(206); A.J. Turner 1 & 2.
STRELER, BERNARDUS Germany, 1745, MIM Block Sundial, wood, 1745 = Dillingen Lyzeum. the dial is signed "Bernard Streler CRW FECIT Anno 1745." Zinner 1.
STRETTEGER see Schrettegger. Parke-Bernet 12/16/71.
STRETTON, WIDOW England, fl.1819-22, MIM presuably succeeded her husband. Platform, Rotherhithe, London. Taylor 2(1439).
STRIGEL Holland, pre-1745, MIM Rule, with case = D.(1993). scale on each side, "Pouc. d. Roy", "Pouc. de Rhyn", "Antwerp Fer Calibre" and "Antwerp Piere Putre"; signed "Strigel a la Hay" and "Nicolas Mercator 1745", owner; both "ys" have an umlaut over them; see J.C. Strigelius. The Hague. Coffeen 43.
STRIGELIUS, J.C. Germany, 1742, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1742 = DES. with compass and level; see Strigel. Crailsheim. Zinner 1; Michel 3; DES Cat.
STRINGA AND CAPELLI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Newport. Goodison 1.
STRINGAL, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer =X. Carmarthen. Goodison 1.
STRINGER, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Brecon. Goodison 1.
STRINGER, WILLIAM England, pre-1761, apprenticed to Christopher Jacob; ran away before July 20, 1761. Wolverhampton. Bryden 9.
STRODE, THOMAS England, fl.1642-97, MIM dialist and author. Maperton, Somerset. Taylor 1(202).
STRONG, TIMOTHY England, 1781, MIM Capuchin Sundial, 1781 = D.(1986). Coffeen 13.
STROPE JEUNE France, MIM OIM Armillary Sphere, wood and paper = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79. "opticien et luthier", lute maker. Chartres. RSW.
STROSSER, J.P. Belgium, MIM Brussels. Evans 1.
STUART, BERNARD Scot.; Germ.; Austr.; Russ., 1706-55, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1735 = VIE; Horizontal Sundial, 1736 = SAL. born Alexander Stuart in Scotland; became a priest in the Regensburg Abbey; in 1725 he took the name Bernard. Regensburg; Salzburg; St. Petersburg. Zinner 1.
STUART, GEORGE England, c.1837, MIM 82 Westgate Street, Newcastle. Taylor 2(2257).
STUCKHAUBTMAN a title; see Laurentius Mayer. Price 2; RSW.
STUCKJUNKER Germany, title; see Theodor August Narzis. Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW.
STUDER, J.G. Germany, c.1840, MIM SIM Theodolite = DEU. Freiberg. J.A. Bennett 2.
STUIGHT, T. see Thomas Straight. Zinner 1; RSW.
STUIJVENBERG, J. VAN, EN ZOON Holland, 19th Century, MIM Bevel = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1.
STUKELEY, WILLIAM England, 1687-1774, MIM invented and made a "lunaesolarium" in 1747. Stamford (1730-47); London (1747-74). Millburn 5.
STUMPFF, J.A. England, c.1780, OIM Microscope = Royal Medical Society. London. Taylor 2(898); Dewhirst; Clay and Court.
STURGEON, WILLIAM England, 1783-1850, PHIM apprenticed to a boot-maker; soldier at Woolich; made electrical apparatus; invented an electro-magnet, c.1825. G.L'E. Turner 24.
STURM, JOHANN CHRISTOPHORUS Germany, fl.1678-85, invented philosophical instruments including a differential thermometer; author. Altdorf. O'Neal.
STURMEN, REUBEN England, c.1803, MIM apprenticed to James Gardner on Jan. 6, 1803, for 7 years. London. J. Brown 2.
STUTCHBURY, JOSEPH England, fl.1791-1826, MIM Slide Rules = OXF, X; Gauging Rule, four slides = P.C.; Slide Rule, proof, boxwood = Christie-SK 4/17/86; Excise Rule = OXF. apprenticed to Edward Roberts 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 3, 1784; free in the Company Mar. 1, 1791; took an apprentice. Dove Court, old Jewry, London (1803-15). Taylor 2(897); Crawforth 7; Delehar 2; Clay and Court; RSW.
SUCCA, IAC. DE Belgium, c.1600, MIM Astronomical Ring, 1600 = OXF; Horizontal Sundials, round, 1601 = Ruben's House, Antwerp, P.C. the astronomical ring is also marked "I.A.D.", "C.A.B.", and "A", see A. 2. Antwerp. Zinner 1; Michel 3; Maddison 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW.
SUDLOW, JOHN England, fl.1750 ->, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Jackson 2 in the Grocers' Company on Dec. 7, 1736; free of the Company May 3, 1750; took an apprentice. Ball Alley, Lombard Street, London (1750). J. Brown 1.
SUESS, W. Germany, c.1850, MIM showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851, London. Marburg, Hesse, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24.
SUFFELL, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1839-77, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Stick Barometer = X; Protractor = Phillips 11/16/76; Circular Protractor, ivory = D.(1972); Diagonally divided Scale = Phillips 11/16/76. T.C.; Suffell was a salesman, 1839-43; a MIM, 1844-77. 132 Long Acre (1839-65); 122 Long Acre (1866-77); both in London. Delehar 1; Crawforth 3; Goodison 1.
SUFFELL, CHARLES 2 England, fl.1864-70, MIM 11 Bridge Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 3.
SUFFELL, CHARLES 3 England, fl.1864-66, OIM optician. 45 King Street, Westminster, London. Crawforth 3.
SUFFERLEITI alternate spelling for Sauterleiti. Zinner 1.
SUGAR, JOHN England, fl.1645-65?, MIM globe maker and seller; worked with Joseph Moxon (1653-65?). near St. Michael's in Cornhill at the Sign of the Atlas on Parnassus Hill, London (1653-65?). Taylor 1(254); Tyacke 1; Evans 1;
SUGGART see MacKenzie and Suggart. Taylor 2(1381).
SULLIVAN, J.L.D. USA, 1878, MIM "Solaragraph", 1878 = Clock Museum, Newport, N.H. 26 School Street, Boston, Mass. RSW.
SULLIVAN, PATRICK England, fl.1738-43, PHIM Stick Barometers = NMM, X(2); Thermometer = NMM. one barometer signed "Pat Sullivan London", the other is signed "P. Sullivan without Temple Barr, London." Wickham Court (1738-43); at ye South back of St. Clemonts Church near Temple Bar: both in London. Goodison 1; Symonds.
SULLY, HENRY England; Holland; France1680-1728, MIM Backstaff, No. 143 = Soth. 5/29/61 watchmaker; worked in Amsterdam in 1711; put a meridian sundial in Saint-Suplice, Paris in 1722; may be two people. Amsterdam (1711); Versailles (by 1722). Taylor 2(126); Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; RSW.
SUMERAU, BARTHOLEMEW England, fl.1840-60, PHIM barometer and thermometer maker. 27 Lisle Street, London. Goodison 1.
SURGETT, CHARLES England, fl.1830-38, OIM 12 Beauchamp Street, London. Taylor 2(2016).
SURLANIS, PAULUS DE see Paulus de Furlanis. O. Brown 3; D. Woodard 1.
SURRIDGE, A. England, c.1850, MIM Parallel Rule, boxwood = D.(1976). 12 1/4" long. London. RSW.
SUTHARD, THOMAS England, c.1788, apprenticed to Edward Troughton 2, his uncle, in the Grocers' Company on June 5, 1788. J. Brown 1.
SUTTER Germany, c.1890, NIM Sextant = Auction, Saint-Brieuc 11/12/78. Berlin SW 68. RSW.
SUTTER, JOHN Scotland, fl.1811-22, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. signed "John Sutter, Edinburgh." Toddrick's Wynd, Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 9.
SUTTON England, OIM Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 6/2/83. Great Newport Street (London?). RSW.
SUTTON AND KNIBB England, fl.1664-66, MIM Calculating Machines = KEN (1664), FLO (1664-66). Henry Sutton and Samuel Knibb; Knibb was workman for Sutton; machines were Sir Samuel Morland's invention in 1663; both are signed "Henricus Sutton et Samuel Knibb Londini fecurent 1664"; FLO given to Cosimo II in 1669. London. A.J. Turner 10; G.L'E. Turner 24; Michel 3; Daumas 1; Bonelli 1.
SUTTON, BAPTIST England, fl.1636-53, MIM instrument maker; father or uncle of Henry Sutton? Chancery Lane, Holborn, London. Taylor 1(184); Evans 1.
SUTTON, GEORGE England, fl.1838-46, OIM 14 Bridge Street, Lambeth, London. Taylor 2(2259).
SUTTON, HENRY England, fl.1648-69, MIM made a wide range of fine, interesting instruments including astrolabes, sundials, horary quadrants, sectors, globes, etc; examples may be seen at ADL, OXF, CMY, AMST, VNN, CNAM, BM, KEN, WHI, USNM, RSM, etc. apprenticed to Thomas Brown 1 in the Joiners' Company, 1638; free of the Company in 1647-1648; took apprentices; made calculating machines with Samuel Knibb; some of the horary quadrants are printed from a copper plate, to be mounted on wood by the customer. Threadneedle Street at the back of the Royal Exchange, near St. Christopher's Church, London. Crawforth 7; Gunther 1; ICA 2; A.J. Turner 10; J.A. Bennett 2; Michel 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1; USNM; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Clay and Court; Taylor 1(188); Maddison 1; Bryden 16; ADL; RSW.
SUTTON, J. name marked on slide rule of 1777 by Walter Field at BM; owner. Price 3.
SUTTON, SAMUEL England, c.1782, MIM apprenticed to Richard Rust in the Grocers' Company on May 5, 1774; free of the Company, March 7, 1782. J. Brown 1.
SUTTON, WILLIAM England, fl.1656-78, MIM brother or relative of Henry Sutton; apprenticed to Thomas Worrall in the Joiners' Company on May 4, 1642; free of the Company, Feb. 2, 1656; took apprentices. a little beyond the church, in Upper Shadwell, below Wapping, London. Taylor 1(259); Crawforth 7; Clay and Court; Dewhirst.
SUXPEACH, JOHN misreading for Joseph Saxpeach. Clay and Court.
SUYWENS, VICTOR France, c.1830, NIM Magnetic Azimuth Compass = D.(1989). "Poulieur", pulley-maker. Dunkerque. Coffeen 27.
SWAIM, JAMES USA, 1833, MIM held a patent for an "astronomical machine", 1833. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
SWAIN, B.O. USA, 1849, MIM held a patent on an astronomical planetarium, 1849. Annisquam, Mass. USNM.
SWAN 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Carlisle. Goodison 1
SWAN 2 see Mawson and Swan. King and Chasemore 12/15/72
SWAN, ALEXANDER Scotlandfl.1829-36, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 75 High Street (1829); 22 Gallowgate (1830); 112 Gallowgate (1831); 106 Gallowgate (1834-36); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Bryden 3.
SWAN, OWEN 1762, MIM Magnetic Compass, 1762 = D.(1957). RSW.
SWAN, THOMAS England, fl.1790-1837, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1791 = OMM. T.C.; Crawforth thought the name was Swann and had thirteen addresses for him. 34 Barnastre Street (later 3 Bridge Water Place); 43 Banastre Street; 3 Manns Island; 57 Freemason Row, Vauxhall Road; 54 Barnastre Street; all in Liverpool. Crawforth 1 & 6; Taylor 2(1718); Bryden 9; RSW.
SWAN, WILLIAM England, c.1700, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Tompion in the Clockmakers' Company. Robischon.
SWANN see Swan. RSW.
SWART, JACOB 1 Holland, fl.1840-63, NIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen, 1840-63; succeeded J. Staats Boonen and was succeeded by his son, Jacob Swart 2. Nieuwebrugsteeg-Nieuwebrug, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SWART, JACOB 2 Holland, fl.1863-85, NIM partner in the firm of Gerard Hulst van Keulen; succeeded his father, Jacob Swart 1; the firm closed in 1885. Kampasteiger, hoek Nieuwebrugsteeg No. 171, Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
SWEENEY, EDWARD Ireland, 1763, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SWEENEY, ELIAS USA, c.1802, MIM Baltimore, Md. USNM.
SWEENEY, NATHANIEL Ireland, 1763, MIM Cork. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
SWEET England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. London. Goodison 1.
SWEETMAN see Swetman. J. Brown 1.
SWESCHNIKOW, W. Russia, c.1740, MIM Inclinable Sundial = Ineichen 10/18/74. Ws. Pe. RSW.
SWETMAN, JAMES 1 England, fl.1702-35, MIM apprenticed to William Howe in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 5, 1694; free of the Company, Mar. 9, 1703; took apprentices; rulemaker. Glasshouse Yard, Minories (1707); Minories (1711-12); both in London; Stepney (1725); Penington Street, Ratcliffe Highway, London (1730-35). J. Brown 1.
SWETMAN, JAMES 2 England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to his father James Swetman 1, in the Grocers' Company, Sept. 28, 1722; free of the Company on Aug. 19, 1730. J. Brown 1.
SWETMAN, JOHN England, c.1735, MIM apprenticed to his father, James Swetman 1 in the Grocers' Company on Mar. 25, 1725; free of the Company July 3, 1735. J. Brown 1.
SWIFT, JAMES England, post-1856, OIM Microscopes = Christie 11/22/78, Phillips 2/22/77, Christie-SK 2/8/79 & 7/10/80; Field Microscope = Christie-SK 5/10/77; Binocular Microscope = Soth. 2/7/72; Microscope, small, with box = P.C.(1978); Stage Illuminator = Christie 12/18/74. made improvements in mechanical construction of microscopes. 3 Matson's Terrace, Kingsland Road; 43 University Street, W.C.; both in London.
SWIFT, JAMES, AND SON England, post-1860, OIM Microscopes = Christie 5/26/76, Phillips 2/22/77, 2/14/79 and 12/12/89, Soth. 12/15/78, Soth.-Torquay 7/8/81, Christie-SK 12/1/83. 81 Tottenham Court Road, London. RSW.
SWIFT, JAMES, AND SONS England, post-1860, OIM Microscope = Soth. 10/21/74. London. RSW.
SWIGTERS, ISAAC Holland, d.1750, MIM NIM last partner in Inde Jonge Lootsman (at the young pilot's), a business dealing in charts and navigating instruments including cross-staffs and pleinschaals (a type of Gunter scale); he was succeeded by his second cousin, Hendrik Mooy. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 4.
SWINDEN, JEAN HENRI VAN Holland; France1746-1823, professor at Franeker, pre-1785; mathematician, astronomer and physicist; studied the metric system in Paris, 1798-99; author. Franeker; Amsterdam (1785); Paris (1798-99); Amsterdam. USNM.
SWYGGART see Suggart. Taylor 2(1381).
SWYGGETT, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM PHIM 43 Edmund Street, King's Cross, London. Taylor 2(2018).
SYBENGA, S.P. England, 19th Century, NIM Sextant = USNM. North Shields. USNM.
SYCHEN, JAN VAN Belgium, 17th Century, MIM Universal Ring Sundial = P.C. (1988). Gandavi (Ghent). RSW.
SYEDS AND DAVIS England, fl.1817-35, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant = OMM; Compass Rose in Binnacle = D.(1975). Agnes Syeds and Davis 5; compass makers; succeeded Agnes Syeds and Co. 379 Rotherhithe; Fountain Stairs, Rotherhithe; both in London. Taylor 2(1047); RSW.
SYEDS, AGNES, AND CO. England, fl.1810-17, MIM NIM OIM T.C.; "Mathematical Instrument Makers to His Majesty's Navy"; "Inventors of the Boats Betticle"; succeeded John Syeds, her husband. 379 Rotherhithe Street near Kings Stairs, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Taylor 2(1047a).
SYEDS, JOHN England, fl.1790-1810, NIM T.C.; "Syeds' Patent Quadrant"; took out patent No. 1789 in 1791; compass maker; succeeded by his wife, Agnes Syeds. No. 25 Parker Row, New Road, Dock Head; at No. 17, near East-Lane Stairs, Rotherhithe (1794); Fountain Stairs, Rotherhithe (1805); all in London. Crawforth 1; Calvert 2; Taylor 2(1047).
SYKES England, c.1840, invented a type of hydrometer, made by Loftus and others. London. RSW.
SYKES, H. England; France, fl.1780-90, MIM OIM Butterfield-type Sundials = X, D.(1986), Bernard Coll.; Sector = Soth. 2/25/86. optician; made telescopes; Englishman living in Paris; agent for English instrument makers; "privilégié du roi." Place du Palais-Royal, Maison du Caffé, Paris (1782). Taylor 2(899); Michel 3; A.J. Turner 10; Brieux 2; RSW.
SYLVESTER II, POPE see Gerbert of Aurillac. Maddison 2; Michel 2.
SYM, JAMES Scotland, c.1837, MIM 167 High Street, Glasgow. Taylor 2(2260).
SYMMES, ISAACK see Isaack Simmes. Delehar 1.
SYMONS, JOHN England, fl.1800-1810, MIM apprenticed to John Troughton 2 in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1799; free of the Company on Nov. 6, 1800; took apprentices after 1800. Salmon and Ball Court, Bunhill Row, London. J. Brown 1 & 2.
SYMPSON, JOHN England, fl.1702-14, MIM Master of Mechanics to Queen Anne. London. Taylor and Wilson.
SYPE, LAURENTZ VAN DE Germany, MIM Astrolabe (ICA-2075) = St. Paul Gymnasium, Görlitz Kunstsammlung. in the ICA this instrument is listed under "Van de Sype." Zinner 1; ICA 2.

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