Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with D yielded 800 entries. Displaying entries 1–800.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References
D'AMERY, LAMBERT Belgium, fl.1600-14, MIM Astrolabe, 1614 = BMR (ICA-451); Astrolabe = LIE (ICA-459). father of Leonard D'Amery. Liège. Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 1, 3, 9, 10, 13, 16; Belgian Inventory; Zinner 1; Société Belge; Art.
D'AMERY, LEONARD Belgium, 1607-40, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentors = ADL-M150 (missing, never shipped by Mensing who thought this was a double entry), ADL-M151, BMR, Michel Coll., Rosenheim; Holland Circle = ROU. signed himself as a `mathematician'; son of Lambert D'Amery. Brussels. Michel 3, 9, 10; Price 2; Engelmann 1; Zinner 1; Belgian Inventory; Daumas 1; ADL; RSW.
D'ANNONE, NIKLAUS Switzerland, fl.1678-1703, MIM Astronomical Clock = BASH. Basle. Baillie 1; Britten.
D. AND F. England, c.1810, NIM PHIM Hydrometer = D. Dring and Fage. RSW.
D. AND S. USA, -1866, MIM Triangular Plotting Scale = P.C. Darling and Schwartz. Bangor, Maine. G.L'E. Turner 24.
D. JAC. Italy?, 1658, MIM Plate for Equatorial Sundial, 1658 = NAC. "D. Jac. in ordine cart. fecit anno 58." Michel 3.
D.A.V.M. MIM Universal Ring Dial = P.C. bridge replaced by wire; similar instrument in Landau Coll. RSW.
D.B. 1 David Beringer; see also D.B.F. RSW.
D.B. 2 Bobinger thought this was David Buschmann. Evans 1; Bobinger 4.
D.B. PAT. Germany; Austria, PHIM Barometer, diagonal, No. 46 = GMM. Munich; Innsbruck. RSW.
D.B.F. MIM Sundial, oval, portable = VNN; Compass Sundials = ADL-M263, Drouot 4/7/87, etc. "D.B.f."; D.B. fecit; surely David Beringer, although Bobinger lists this as David Buschmann. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; ADL; RSW.
D.D. Germany?, 1674, MIM Sandglass, four-part, geared, 1674 = DRE. RSW.
D.F. England, c.1825, NIM scale on an octant is marked "D.F." with a fouled anchor, Dring and Fage. London. Brewington 1.
D.G. 1573, MIM Pillar Sundial, ivory, 1573 = STS. Zinner 1.
D.G.B.F. Italy, 1641, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1641 = Drecker Coll. = DPW. the dial has a cardboard lunar volvelle. RSW.
D.H.S./B.A.D. 1693, MIM Garden Sundial, stone, 1693 = NOR. "D.H.S." over "B.A.D." RSW.
D.I.V. 1692, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1692 = Soth. 3/17/38 = Kenney Sale = DPW. Kenney gives "I.D.V." but Exhibition-Maps gives "D.I.V." Exhibition-Maps; RSW.
D.K. 1 Germany, fl.1707-13, MIM Table Sundial, stone 1707 = MUN; Vertical Sundial, stone, 1713 = Landshut Isar Museum. Zinner 1.
D.K. 2 France, 18th Century, MIM Horizontal Sundial, paper dial plate, in boxwood case = Lausanne Palais Rumine. Strasbourg. Zinner 1.
D.K. 3 see the entry "I." (2). RSW.
D.N. France, 17th Century, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. "D.N." is punchmark on back. RSW.
D.N.J. 1693, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1693 = DEU-26897. RSW.
D.N.S. see "DNS." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
D.P. Germany?, 1664, MIM Cruciform Sundial, 1664 = White Coll. = WHI (FIT). Bryden 16; Evans 1.
D.Q. 1754, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1754 = USNM. Capuchin sundial on reverse. USNM.
D.R.P. Italy?, PHIM Barometer = FLM. Bonelli 4.
D.S. see Dom Stefano Bonsignori. Michel 3.
D.S.B.F.F. Italy?, MIM Sun and Moon Dial = FLO-2499. for 40°30'; Don Stephano Buonsignori? Florence? Bonelli 1.
D.S.F.F. Italy?, 1587, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, 1587 = FLO-2456. Don Stephano Buonsignori? Florence? Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Italian Inventory; A.J. Turner 10..
DABNEY, JOHN, JR. England; USA, fl.1739-43, MIM apprenticed to Jonathan Sisson; came to Boston, Mass. in 1739; met Rowland Houghton; repaired instruments for Harvard College. Mr. Rowland Houghton's Shop, the north side of the Town House (1739-43); Milk Street (1743); both in Boston, Mass. (1743). Bedini 1, 8 & 13; USNM.
DAFFNAY, JOANNES 1743, MIM SIM Circumferentor, 1743 = BMR. RSW.
DAGGER, D.D. FRANCISCUS LEONARDUS Austria, 1729, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1729 = SLM. Zinner 1; Haupolter.
DAGLISH, R. England, c.1780, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. Orell near Wigan. RSW.
DAGUET, THEODORE Switzerland, b.1795, OIM made optical lenses. Solothurn. USNM; Exhibition of the Industries of the World, N.Y., 1853.
DAKIN, JONATHAN USA, c.1745, PHIM balance maker. Sign of the Hand and Beam, Boston, Mass. Bedini 1.
DALE, E.R. England, c.1770, NIM Backstaff = Phillips-NE 7/19/93. may be owner. ATG 7/10/93.
DALE, JOHN England, 1661, MIM set up two sundials in the quadrangle of St. John's College, Oxford in 1661; he was a fellow there. Oxford. Beeson.
DALE, THOMAS England, MIM Sundial = Museum of Science and Industry, Oslo. Bath. Dr. Johan Knap, Antiquarian Horology, Sept. 1970.
DALES, CHARLES England, MIM Heliochronometer = Soth. 7/10/67. signed "optician"; perhaps only a dealer. Bournemouth. RSW.
DALLAND England, OIM Telescope = OMM. misreading for Dollond. London. RSW.
DALLAWAY 1 England, MIM Compass Sundial = Soth. 2/9/56; Map Measurer = Phillips 4/20/83. see Joseph James Dallaway. London. RSW.
DALLAWAY 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. could be Dallaway 3 or 4. Goodison 1; RSW..
DALLAWAY 3 England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 1/19/73. optician. Cheltenham. Goodison 1; RSW.
DALLAWAY 4 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie 5/26/76. Bath. RSW.
DALLAWAY, I. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. Wilkinson and Hodge 12/18/24. Stroud. RSW.
DALLAWAY, JOSEPH JAMES England, fl.1799-1809, MIM OIM apprenticed to Edward Troughton in the Grocers' Company on June 4, 1789; free of the Company on May 2, 1799; optician; T.C.; invented a map pedometer. 4 George Lane, Botolph Lane (1802); 147 Tottenham Court Road (1805-09); both in London. Goodison 1; J. Brown 1; Crawforth 1.
DALLMEYER, JOHN HENRY England, c.1850, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-T92; Telescopes = Christie 12/17/75, Phillips 2/14/79. issued a catalogue as late as 1865. London. Frank; Clarke et al; RSW.
DALTON, JOHN England, c.1850, NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA. Hartlepool. Brewington 1.
DAM, JAN VAN DEN Holland, fl.1738-73, MIM Orrery, 1756 = AMST. Michel thought this orrery was at the University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Michel 3.
DAME, RICHARD USA, c.1840, MIM made rulers. Hanover, N.H. DATM.
DAMERIN, MAISON Belgium, MIM SIM Graphometer = Auction, Chartres 6/10/79. House of Damérin. Brussels. RSW.
DAMMESTARRE Holland?, MIM Planetarium Clock = LEY. RSW.
DANBY, JOHN England, c.1737, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on Feb. 14, 1737. Crawforth 7.
DANCE, J.B. misreading for John Benjamin Dancer. RSW.
DANCER 1 England, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer, with Thermometer = K. and C. 12/3/75; Optical Square = OXF. Abraham or John Benjamin Dancer. Manchester. RSW.
DANCER 2 see Abraham and Dancer.
DANCER AND ABRAHAM England, c.1843, surely Abraham and Dancer. Manchester. Alker.
DANCER AND SONS England, fl.1800-10, MIM OIM Michael Dancer and his sons. 55 Great Sutton Street; 53 Red Lion Street; both in Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(1112).
DANCER, ABRAHAM England, fl.1838-42, OIM probably Abraham and Dancer. 13 Cross Street, King Street, Manchester. Taylor 2(2110); Clay and Court.
DANCER, E.E., AND CO. England, fl.1878-1900, OIM daughter of J.B. Dancer; succeeded him in 1878 when he retired; firm was taken over in 1900 by Richard Suter. Manchester. Soth. 3/25/86.
DANCER, J.B., AND CO. England, fl.1883-1884, MIM OIM PHIM John Benjamin Dancer and Co. Manchester. Alker and Osborne.
DANCER, JOHN BENJAMIN England, b.1812 d.1887 fl.1835-81, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including a microscope, balance and rule, all in silver, at College of Technology, Manchester, thermometers at Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, and 2 microscopes at KEN, etc. his father, Josiah, and his grandfather were instrument makers; partner of Abrahah Abraham in Manchester (1841-44); made instruments for Joule; T.C.; also signed " J.B. Dancer"; "Optician"; "By appointment to Her Majesty's Commissioners." Liverpool; 13 Cross Street, King Street (1835-45); 43 Cross Street, King Street (1848-81); both in Manchester. Taylor 2(1525); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Lowery; Ashworth; Alker and Osborne; Goodison 1; KEN; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW; Coffeen B; Bryden 9; Collins 1; Clarke et al.
DANCER, JOSIAH England, fl.1810-35, OIM father of John Benjamin Dancer who succeeded him in 1835. Liverpool. Taylor 2(1304); Clay and Court.
DANCER, MICHAEL England, fl.1776-1810, MIM apprenticed to Robert Tangate 1 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 2, 1766; free in the Company, Sept. 3, 1776; took apprentices. Bride Lane (1776); Bangor ourt, Shoe Lane, Holborn (1781); New Street Square (1788); Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane (1793); Rosomond Street, Clerkenwell (1796-1800); Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell (1801); 55 Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell (1810); all in london. Taylor 2(947); Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7.
DANCKERTS, JUSTUS Holland, 1635-1701, MIM Globe, glass = VIE. globemaker, engraver, map seller; also see Justinius Dankerts. Calverstraat, Amsterdam. Michel 3; Alker; Tooley; Globus, Dec. 1956; RSW.
DANESI, PIETRO PAOLO Italy; Paraguay, 1719-69, MIM made sundials in Paraguay. Babuco, Italy. Morpurgo 1.
DANFRIE, PHILIPPE France, 1525-1608, MIM SIM Astrolabe = BM; Astrolabes, wood and paper = PSH (1578); Astrolabes, 1584 = OXF, P. and S. 11/21/1894, Soth. 10/31/66, Soth. 6/2/87; Graphometers = P.C., Soth. 6/23/87, D.(1970), Prin Coll. = NMM; Theodolite (incomplete) = ADL-M187; Trigonometers = BMR, MAD, NMM; Armillary Spheres = MADEX (1602), OXFB; Sundial, silver-gilt = Evans Coll.; Circumferentors = HAK (1608), WHI; etc. invented the graphometer; author; Jehan Moreau reprinted the paper astrolabe of 1584 in 1622, which see. à l'Enseigne du Mirouer, rue des Carmes, Paris; Rouen (1608). Daumas 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Gunther 1 and 6; Michel 1 and 3; Engelmann 1; Josten; Belgian Inv.; Nachet; USNM; Hamilton 2; Whipple 1; MADEX; Paris 1900; Société Belge; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Gibbs 2; USNM; ADL; RSW.
DANGELO AND CADENAZZI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Winchester. Goodison 1.
DANGELO, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Basingstoke. Goodison 1.
DANIEL, HENRY England, c.1687, apprenticed to Thomas Walpole in the Grocers' Company on April 4, 1687. J. Brown 1.
DANIEL, JOHANN Germany, 178?, PHIM Balance = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Coin Balances = D. and D.(1986). in der Bergischen Hauptstadt, Lennep. Coffeen II; Wynter 1; RSW.
DANIELL, EDWARD England, c.1686, MIM apprenticed by turnover to James Atkinson of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 6, 1686. J. Brown 3.
DANIELL, JOHN FREDERICK England, 1790-1845, PHIM Hygrometer = WHI. inventor of the Daniell cell, the register pyrometer and the Daniell hygrometer; first professor of chemistry at King's College, London.. London. USNM; Whipple 1; Middleton 1; Coffeen 56.
DANIELL, WILLIAM England, fl.1632-70, MIM Quadrant Sundial, 1665 = OXF; Horary Quadrant, 1663 = X. member of the Clockmakers' Company, 1632; also made watch cases. Sign of the Golden Ball, Ivy Bridge, Strand, London. Taylor 1(172); Michel 3; Evans 1; USNM; Gunther 6.
DANIELS, AUGUSTUS Austria, c.1765, MIM Sundial = P.C. Vienna. USNM.
DANKBAAR Holland, 1789, NIM Cross-staff, 1789 = BMR. see L. Dankbaar. Belgian Inventory; Société Belge; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
DANKBAAR, L. Holland, fl.1783-98, MIM NIM Instrument = Schloss near Feidestock; Cross-staves = Haeberlin-Friesen Museum (1783), Heimatmuseum, Bremen-Schönebeck (1790), OMM (1798). see Dankbaar. Fiedestock. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
DANKERTS, JUSTINUS Holland, 1616, NIM Compass Rose, 1616 = Hamburg State Archives. may be related to Justus Danckerts, which see. Amsterdam. Schück 2; RSW.
DANNELLI England, c.1850, PHIM see Vittory and Dannelli. Manchester. RSW.
DANNER, JACOB USA, 1765-1850, MIM probably father of Jacob Sensensy Danner, which see; also clock maker and silversmith. Middletown, Va. Smart 1.
DANNER, JACOB SENSENSY USA, 1807-77, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = USNM, Winchester-Frederick Historical Society, Va. probably son of Jacob Danner; type invented by S. Kern. Middletown, Va. Smart 1; USNM.
DANTI, EGNATI Italy, 1747, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1747 = VNN. probably a fake. RSW.
DANTI, F. EGNAZIO Italy, 1537-86, MIM Astrolabe, 1568 = GEP; Astrolabes = DRE (ICA-181), NMM (ICA-427), Roussel = OXF (ICA-180); Armillary Sphere and Horary Quadrant = Santa Maria Novella, Florence; Terrestrial Globe = Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. see "F.E.D.P.F." Perugia; Florence (1562); Bologna (1573); Alatri (1583). Bonelli 1, 6 and 7; Gunther 1 and 6; Price 1; ICA 2; Italian Inventory; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Morpurgo 1; Globus, June 1963; Settle 1; DSB; A.J. Turner 10; RSW.
DANTI, GIROLAMO Italy, c.1550, MIM brother of Egnazio Danti, helped him with the maps in the Vatican. Perugia. Michel 3.
DANTI, GIULIO Italy, 1500-73, MIM son of Pier Vicenzo Danti and father of Egnazio Danti; goldsmith and architect. Perugia. Michel 3.
DANTI, PIER VINCENZO Italy, fl.1488-1522, MIM Astrolabe = HAK (ICA-171). grandfather of Egnazio Danti; the astrolabe in the Adler planetarium, ADL-DPW51, is a copy of the instrument in HAK. Perugia. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW.
DANTIS, EGNAZIO Cube Sundial, 1665 = BAR. fake. Pisa. Catalogo Generale; RSW.
DANTIS, G.B. Italy, MIM Compass with handle = BAR. fake? Pisa. RSW.
DANVER, I.L. USA, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = Winchester-Frederick Historical Society, Va. Middletown, Va. USNM.
DANVERS USA?, 1775, MIM Horary Quadrant, wood, 1775 = PEA. RSW.
DARDENNE France, c.1750, NIM Octant = PMM. Nantes. Daumas 1; MADEX; Paris 1900; RSW.
DARKER, C. England, PHIM Light Defractor = P. and S. 6/18/1894. Lambeth (London). RSW.
DARKER, C. AND F. England, PHIM Kaleidoscope = WHI. Whipple 1.
DARKER, W.H. England, c.1850, Pyrometer = D. Paradise Street, Lambeth (London). Weil 2(23).
DARLET, THOMAS England, 1769, NIM Octant, 1769 = MYS. Price 2.
DARLEY, JOHN USA, 1721, NIM Backstaff, 1721 = Auction, Honfleur 6/17/79 = D.(1983) = D.(1988). M.A.D., Nov. 1983; Rinaldi 22; RSW.
DARLEY, THOMAS 1769, NIM Backstaff, 1769 = P.C. RSW.
DARLING AND SCHWARTZ USA, -1866, MIM made rules; see D. and S. Bangor, Maine. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DARLING, BROWN AND SHARPE USA, MIM made rules, squares, etc. Providence, R.I. USNM.
DARLING, SAMUEL USA, c.1833, MIM rule maker; see Darling, Brown and Sharpe. Portland, Me. Bedini 8.
DARLOT France, c.1865, OIM succeeded Maison Jamin, pre-1865. Paris. USNM.
DASYPODIUS, KONRAD France, 1531-c.1583, MIM Celestial Globe = STR; Wall Sundial = Giebelfeld. made a planetarium and an astronomical clock in 1574; nom de plume of Konrad Hasenfratz. Strasburg. Zinner 1; Boffito; Baillie 1; Globus, Dec. 1956; Dawson 217, (1971); Tooley; DSB.
DATHEE, ALEXANDRE ET JEAN France, fl.1769-72, OIM Alexandre et Jean Dathée. Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet.
DAUTHIAU France, fl.1735-67, MIM Astronomical Clock with Armillary Sphere, 1749 = X. designed by Passement. Paris. Baillie 1; Bertele 2.
DAVANS see Dawans. Rooseboom 1.
DAVENPORT, ANTHONY USA, fl.1823-38, MIM NIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. T.C. Sign of the Quadrant and Compass, 10 Jones Row, Exchange Street, Portland, Maine. Bowditch; USNM; Wind Rose Vol. 18, No.2, April, 1987; D.J. Warner 7 & 10.
DAVENPORT, J. USA, fl.1856-57, MIM NIM PHIM may be James M. Davenport; may be J. Davenport in S. and J. M. Davenport, which see. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
DAVENPORT, JAMES M. USA, fl.1835-37, MIM 144 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1.
DAVENPORT, QUINCY AND CO. USA, c.1846, were agents for James McCoskrie. 81 John Street, New York, N.Y. USNM.
DAVENPORT, ROBERT England; Scotland, fl.1635-c.1650, MIM Oughtred Double Horizontal Sundial with Circles of Proportion on reverse = Christie 12/12/72 = RSM. apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on March 25, 1623; free of the Grocers' Company on Nov. 25, 1635; he received permission to settle in Edinburgh in 1647. London (1635); Edinburgh (1647). J. Brown 1; Bryden 15; Wynter and Turner; RSW.
DAVENPORT, S. AND J. see S. and J.M. Davenport.
DAVENPORT, S. AND J.M. USA, fl.1830-38, MIM OIM SIM Plane Table Azimuth Compass, case = P.-B. 9/24/38. shop called "William Davenport, sign of the Quadrant; S. and James M. Davenport; probably sons of William Davenport. Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; RSW.
DAVENPORT, STEPHEN 1 England, fl.1720-37, MIM PHIM made air pumps, barometers, etc.; T.C.; author; may be same man as Stephen Davenport 2. against the Distillery, High Holborn, near Drury Lane; Smarts Building, Cole Yard in High Holborn near Drury Lane; both in London. Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Taylor 2(160); Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Crawforth 1 and 7.
DAVENPORT, STEPHEN 2 England, fl.1725-57, MIM apprenticed to John Hodgkin in the Joiners' Company, Sept. 6, 1715; free in the Company, Sept. 7, 1725; may be same as Stephen Davenport 1. London. Crawforth 7.
DAVENPORT, WILLIAM USA, 1778-1829, MIM NIM SIM Artillery Instrument = D.; Magnetic Compass = Old Gaol Museum, York, Maine; Surveying Compasses = PEA, GUR, Michigan State U. Museum, Lansing, Old Gaol Museum, York, Maine, Mercer Museum, Pa. apprenticed to William Dean; made nautical compasses. 43 South Front Street (1802-03); 45 South Front Street (1805-14); 25 South Front Street (1816-29); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; DATM; RSW.
DAVEY England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. Lewes. RSW.
DAVID, I. Poland, 1638, MIM Sectors = Museum, Torun (1638), SWE (1640); Protractor = Museum, Torun. Gdansk. Polish Inventory.
DAVID, J. England, MIM see John Davis 3. Windsor. Taylor 2(1823); Daumas 1.
DAVID, JACOB Holland, b.1607 fl.1637, MIM son of Jan David. Leyden. Rooseboom 1; Pipping 1.
DAVID, JAN Holland, fl.1640-50, MIM SIM Astrolabes = Auction, 1799; Circumferentors = SWE (1640), SKO (1640, 1641), P.C., West Friese Museum, Hoorn; Marine Compass = Auction, 1981; Sector = SWE. father of Jacob David; made sectors, including one for Hevelius. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Pipping 1; Hollands Glorie; Price 2; Daumas 1; RSW.
DAVID, PATER CAJETANO CAPUC. Austria, 1726-96, MIM Table Sundials, stone = SLM (1735), MUN (1737), ADL-M282 (1742), SLM (1750), DEU, Soth. 12/12/55 (1750), SLM(3), Berchtesgarden, ROU; Astronomical Clock = Schwartzenberg Coll. alias for Sebastian Rutschmann; worked with Joseph Rutschmann. Lembach; Vienna. Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Britten; Haupolter; ADL; RSW.
DAVIDSON, D. England?, 1781, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, stone, 1781 = EMA. RSW.
DAVIDSON, F., AND CO. England, OIM PHIM Telescope, refracting = FRK-T181; Telescope, sighting = Christie-SK 11/15/79; Barometer, Liègeois = P.C. 29 Great Portland Street, London. Frank; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DAVIDSON, GEORGE USA, 1825-1911, NIM Octant = USNM. moved to Washington, D.C. in late 1840's; sextant mentioned in Journal of Franklin Institute, 1866. Philadelphia, Pa; Washington, D.C. USNM.
DAVIDSON, H. USA, c.1864, MIM made rules; "H. Davidson Maker/N.Y." N.Y. DATM.
DAVIDSON, THOMAS Scotland, fl.1836-45, MIM OIM see Thomas Davidson and Co; worked for John Davis 5, 1836-38 and for Robert Bryson 1, c.1838. 12 Royal Exchange (1840-43); 63 Prnces Street (1844); 67 Canongate (1845); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Clarke et al.
DAVIDSON, THOMAS, AND CO. Scotland, fl.1848-53, OIM see Thomas Davidson. 29 Haddington Place (1848-49); 187 High Street (1850-51); 4 Infirmary Street (1852-53); all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DAVIES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Edward or James Davies? Liverpool. Goodison 1.
DAVIES AND CO. England, MIM Universal Ring Dial, on tripod = Christie 7/28/70. Liverpool. RSW.
DAVIES AND MERRILL see Merrill and Davis. Moskowitz 103.
DAVIES, ALFRED, AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN. London. RSW.
DAVIES, D. Scotland, fl.1823-32, MIM OIM 110 Nelson Street (1823-25); 98 Trongate (1826-32); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DAVIES, EDWARD England, c.1835, OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker? 65 Bold Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1.
DAVIES, GABRIEL England, fl. pre-1822-53, OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. also made hydrographical instruments. Sadley Street, Durham City; 20 Boar Lane (1822); 34 Boar Lane (1826-53); last two both in Leeds. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1527).
DAVIES, J. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1996). London. ATG 6/22/96.
DAVIES, JAMES 1 England, fl.1787-99, MIM Perpetual Calendar Discs, 1789, 1792-95, 1799 = BM (11); Perpetual Calendar Disc, 1787 = P.C. Birmingham. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW.
DAVIES, JAMES 2 England, c.1835, OIM PHIM optician; barometer maker? 51 Paradise Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1.
DAVIES, JOHN 1 England, c.1773, apprenticed to Tycho Wing in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 4, 1773; may be same as John Davies 2. J. Brown 1.
DAVIES, JOHN 2 England, fl.1818-27, OIM may be same as John Davies 1. 10 High Street, Marylebone, London. Taylor 2(1307); J. Brown 1.
DAVIES, JOHN 3 England, c.1825, PHIM Barometer = Nat'l Museum of Wales. also made long case clocks. St. Harmons, Radnor. Peate.
DAVIES, JOHN 4 Scotland, "optician"; see John Davis 5. Edinburgh. Clarke et al.
DAVIES, M. England, c.1820, OIM 101 High Street, Marylebone, London. Taylor 2(1307).
DAVIES, OWEN England, c.1835, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Long Bridge?, Llanidloes. Goodison 1.
DAVIES, WILLIAM England, 1670, MIM Sundial, 1670 = X. see Davys. Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 1(392).
DAVIES, WILLIAM C. misreading for William C. Davis. RSW.
DAVIS 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. H. Davis? David Davis? London. Goodison 1.
DAVIS 2 England, OIM Telescopes, refracting = FRK-T169,T170. probably John Davis 2. Derby. Frank.
DAVIS 3 England, c.1830, OIM PHIM Telescope = Cheltenham Museum; Telescope, miniature = DeLuca 8/1/87; Cary-type Microscope = Wellcome Institute; Wheel Barometer = X; Microscope, Carpenter-type = D.(1987). optician; T.C.; may be Edward Davis; see Messrs. Davis. Cheltenham; 6 Bold Street, Liverpool. Goodison 1; Bryden 9; Coffeen 15; RSW.
DAVIS 4 USA, c.1836, see Merrill and Davis. New York, N.Y. RSW.
DAVIS 5 see Syeds and Davis.
DAVIS AND SON England, fl.1840-1850+, MIM PHIM SIM Protractors, full = D.(1975), Christie-SK 6/2/83; Hedley Mining Compass = D.(1983); Surveying Instrument = Soth.? 12/8/69; Mining Anemometer = Phillips 2/2/84. see John Davis 2. London and Derby. Coffeen D; Moskowitz; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DAVIS AND SONS England, PHIM Barometer = Christie-SK 12/1/83. see John Davis 2. Derby. RSW.
DAVIS BROS. England, fl.1820-60, MIM OIM Walking Stick Telescope = Soth. 7/22/68. T.C.; John 4 and ? Davis; sometimes written Davis' Brothers. 33 New Bond Street (1820); manufactory, 209 High Holborn (1820); both in London; 1 Lower Terrace, Islington (1838). Taylor 2(2113); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1.
DAVIS, A. England, OIM T.C.; spectacle maker. 29 Warner Street, Portland Place, New Kent Road, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1.
DAVIS, ALBERT England, Clepsydra, 1671 = P.C. modern work? Norwich. RSW.
DAVIS, ARI USA, 1811-85, MIM NIM PHIM SIM also a watchmaker and inventor; took Elias Howe as an apprentice from 1837-44 in Boston. Princeton, Mass.; 87 Washington (1834); 11 Cornhill; 19 Court Square 75 Court (1839-45); all in Boston, Mass.; Lowell, Mass., (1845-85). Smart 1; USNM.
DAVIS, CLARA England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM 12 South Finsbury, London.. Taylor 2(1824).
DAVIS, D. 1 England, c.1765, OIM Cuff-type Microscope = FRK-M42. London. Frank.
DAVIS, D. 2 Scotland, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Glasgow. Goodison 1.
DAVIS, DANIEL, JR. USA, 1813-87 fl.1834-49, MIM NIM PHIM brother of Ari Davis; worked with him from 1834-49; succeeded by Palmer and Thomas Hall, 1849; made electrical apparatus. Princeton, Mass. (1813); 11 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. (1834-52). USNM; Romaine; D.J. Warner 6.
DAVIS, DAVID England, fl.1822-28, OIM Microscope = Melun 4/24/83. successor to H. Davis; signed "D. Davis"; see D. Davis 1. 9 Macclesfield, Soho (1822-23); 28 Bury Street, St. Mary Axe (1828); both in London. O'Mara; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1529); RSW.
DAVIS, E. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. optician. Shrewsbury. Goodison 1.
DAVIS, EDWARD England, fl.1833-42, MIM OIM PHIM optician; see Davis 4; see Messrs. Davis. 171 High Street (1833); 101 High Street (1842); both in Cheltenham; 65 Bold Street, Liverpool (1842). Bryden 9.
DAVIS, ELIZABETH England, c.1830, MIM perhaps widow of David Davis, which see. 9 Macclesfield Street, London. Taylor 2(1529).
DAVIS, G. 1 England, c.1790, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescopic Level = Phillips 2/2/84; Hadley Quadrant = NMM; Pantograph = American Art Galleries 3/18/75; Wheel Barometers = Bolling Hall, Bradford, Soth. 1/10/90; Etui of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Garden Sundial = NYM; Drafting Instrument = Burndy Library; Surveying Instrument = Soth. 10/27/69; Stick Barometer = Phillips-Leeds 6/24/87. some sources thought he might be Gabriel Davies but this is improbable. Leeds. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1527); USNM; RSW.
DAVIS, G. 2 England, c.1800, MIM London. Evans 1.
DAVIS, G. AND E. England, 19th Century, MIM SIM Drawing Instrument Set, case = Soth.-B 9/15/76; Protractor, full, geared = Christie 4/3/85; Protractor, full = P.C.; Surveying Cross = Phillips 2/2/84. see G. Davis 1. Leeds. RSW.
DAVIS, G.D. England, 19th Century, MIM Protractor with pivoted arm = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Leeds. RSW.
DAVIS, GABRIEL see Gabriel Davies. Goodison 1.
DAVIS, H. England, fl.1799-1822, OIM succeeded by David Davis. 8 Macclesfield Street, Soho, London (1799-1817). Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1309).
DAVIS, I. 1 England, PHIM Barometer = Soth. 7/15/66. optician. Leeds. RSW.
DAVIS, I. 2 see John Davis 3. Chaldecott 1; KEN.
DAVIS, J. 1 England, MIM SIM Theodolites = Soth. 7/7/78 and 6/23/87; Prismatic Compasses = Soth. 4/22/65, Exhibition-Maps; 3-draw telescope=PC. Cheltenham. RSW; WEBDB.
DAVIS, J. 2 see John Davis 3. Taylor 2(1823); Chaldecott 1; RSW; Daumas 1.
DAVIS, J. 3 England, c.1830, MIM Microscope = Soth. 3/10/87. "Improved Compound Microscope"; see Davis 4, Messrs. Davis and Edward Davis. 65 Bold Street, Liverpool. RSW.
DAVIS, J., AND SONS England, c.1850, MIM NIM Marking Protractor = D.(1991). probably John Davis 2. Derby. Gemmary III.
DAVIS, JAMES England, 1783, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1783 = RSM. Birmingham. RSW.
DAVIS, JOHN 1 England, 1552-1605, invented the Davis quadrant, or backstaff, in 1590; arctic explorer. Sandridge, Devon. Taylor 1(46); USNM; Daumas 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; King; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DAVIS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1830-51, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Theodolite = Soth. 7/12/71; Anemometer = WHI; Microscope = Soth. 3/13/67; Telescopic Levels = D.(1969), Versailles 11/20/83; Miner's Surveying Compass = Phillips-Leeds 12/16/87. optician; in 1851 Exhibition; signed "Davis, Derby" or "J. Davis, Derby." 14 Iron Gate, Derby. Bryden 9; Price 12; Taylor 2(1825); RSW.
DAVIS, JOHN 3 England, c.1690, MIM Odometer = Guildhall Exhibition, Windsor; Plummet Inclinometer = KEN; Horizontal Sundial = Soth. 12/8/69. see I. Davis 2 and J. Davis 3; inclinometer is from George III Collection. Windsor. Chaldecott 1; Taylor 2(1823); Daumas 1; RSW.
DAVIS, JOHN 4 England, fl.1820-42, MIM OIM 33 New Bond Street, London. O'Mara.
DAVIS, JOHN 5 Scotland, fl. 1836-42, MIM OIM PHIM Inclinable Sundials = FRK = RSM, Ships of the Sea Museum, Savannah, Ga.; Telescope = EGE; Stick Barometer = Phillips-E 7/25/86; Sympiesometer = X; Thermometer = Phillips-E 2/24/89. usually signed "J. Davis Edinburgh"; barometer signed "J. Davis, Optician Edinburgh"; was he only a dealer? 64 Princes Street (1836-40); 78 Princes Street (1841-42); both in Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Egestorff; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW.
DAVIS, JOHN 6 England, c.1752, OIM apprenticed to Edward Scarlett 2 in the Spectaclemakers' Company; admitted as a brother to the Company, 1752. at Mr Scarlett's, the Archimedes and Globe, near Soho Square, London. Robischon.
DAVIS, JOHN 7 England, 1685, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1685; is he the same as John Davis 3. J. Brown 3.
DAVIS, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1850+, MIM PHIM SIM Barometer = D.(1972); Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88; Psychrometer = USNM; Compass = Phillips 4/20/83; Theodolite = Phillips 4/20/83. T.C.; see John Davis 2. London and Derby. Middleton 4; RSW; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DAVIS, MESSRS. England, c.1842, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, six-draw = KEN. T.C.; see J. Davis 2, Davis 4 and Edward Davis. 65 Bold Street, Liverpool and 101 High Street, Cheltenham. Calvert 2; KEN.
DAVIS, SAMUEL England, c.1770, MIM rule maker. Burry Street, Wolverhampton. Bryden 9.
DAVIS, WILLIAM 1 Ireland, c.1790, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Soth. 3/10/87. No. 7, Portland Row, Dublin. RSW.
DAVIS, WILLIAM 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Shiffnall. Goodison 1.
DAVIS, WILLIAM C. USA, 1813-79 fl.1835-79, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compasses = GUR, P.C., New York State Museum, Historical Society of Plainfield, N.J., D.(1972), D.(1994). all instruments signed "W.C. Davis"; partner of Merrill; see Merrill and Davis. 36 Oak Street (1835-36); 157 South Street (1836-37); 255 Front Street (1837-38); 196 Water Street (1841-42); 302 Pearl Street (1878-79); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 104; Garcelon 33; RSW.
DAVISON, THOMAS England, c.1832, OIM made a new form of reflecting telescope. Taylor 2(1826).
DAVY, MICHAEL England, c.1674, MIM made gauges. Evans 1.
DAVYS England, fl.1676-77, MIM OIM made instruments for Robert Hooke including a pole-telescope (partly made by Christopher Cock), a compass, rulers and telescope tubes; he may be same as William Davies, which see. London. Taylor 1(392).
DAWANS, HENRIJ Holland, fl.1758-69, MIM The Hague. Rooseboom 1.
DAWES England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
DAWKINS, HENRY USA, c.1740, worked for Anthony Lamb as an engraver. New York, N.Y. Bedini 8.
DAWSON 1 Scotland, c.1790, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. Perth. RSW.
DAWSON 2 see Bywater, Dawson and Co.; see Dawson and Melling. RSW.
DAWSON AND CO. see Bywater, Dawson and Co. Taylor 2(1288).
DAWSON AND MELLING England, fl.1837, MIM OIM agents for R.B. Bate. 20 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Taylor 2(2114); Crawforth 1.
DAWSON, ALEXE Ireland, OIM in telescope case; owner? Dublin. NMM 2.
DAWSON, GEORGE England, c.1722, apprenticed to Mark Rogers in the Joiners' Company on June 19, 1722. Crawforth 7.
DAWSON, M. England, post-1780, MIM Quadrant = KEN. invented by G. Beck, patented in 1780. KEN.
DAWSON, NATHAN England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
DAWSON, THOMAS England, c.1650, NIM turned over his apprentice, Ralph Greatorex, to Elias Allen. J. Brown 1.
DAWSON, WILLIAM England, c.1818, MIM rule and bed screw maker. Hill Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9.
DAY England, c.1840, PHIM Thermometer = PEA. Brewington 1.
DAY, FRANCIS England, c.1810, MIM OIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Soth. 7/31/67-2; Microscopes = FRK (2), Soth. 10/27/69, 3/23/70 and 10/28/86; Parallel Rule = D.(1970). also signed as "F. Day." 37 Poultry, London. Frank; Moskowitz 101; USNM; RSW.
DAY, I. England, OIM Telescope, 4-draw = FRK-T156. Frank.
DAY, ISAAC England, c.1690, MIM NMM 1.
DAY, JACOB England, c.1694, MIM son of Isaac Day. NMM 1.
DAY, JOHN England, c.1783, apprenticed to John Blake in the Joiners' Company on May 20, 1783. Crawforth 7.
DAY, W. USA, 1850, OIM patented a submarine telescope, 1850. Brooklyn, N.Y. USNM.
DAY, WILLIAM England, see A. Martinelli and William Day and Co. RSW.
DAYE England?, 1678, MIM Sector, boxwood, 1679 = HAR. name is stamped; there is a perpetual calendar; might be owner. Giordano X.
DCC DVVV DIXVV 1736, Chalice Sundial, glass, 1736 = SLM. chronogram. RSW.
DE BIE, C. see Bie, C. de.
DE DIN, PHILIS France, 1595, MIM Astrolabe, 1595 = P. and S. 6/18/1894 = OXF. ICA 211; "Ich Toebehorre Philis de Din." Lille. Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1, 2 and 6; Evans 4.
DE GRAGE AND CO. misreading for De Grave and Co. Christie-SK 10/6/83.
DE GRAVE England, PHIM Balances = K. and C. 10/8/75, Versailles 11/20/83. could be either Charles De Grave 1 or 2. London. RSW.
DE GRAVE AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Coin Balance, Avery-type = Soth. 6/23/87; Set of Balances, case = Phillips 2/14/79. London. RSW.
DE GRAVE AND SAWGOOD England, post-1821, PHIM balance makers. London. Taylor 2(841).
DE GRAVE AND SON England, c.1799, PHIM Diamond Balance = D.(1985). probably Mary De Grave and her stepson, Charles De Grave 2; "Scale Makers." corner of St. Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 9.
DE GRAVE, CHARLES 1 England, fl.1767-99, PHIM Balances = D.(1981); Diamond Balance = Pym Sale. partner with and successor to Samuel Read in 1780; T.C. "Scale maker to His Majesty"; "20 August 1789"; see De Grave; succeeded by his wife, Mary. 59 (later 16) St Martin-Le-Grand, the corner of St Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. G.L'E. Turner 24; Taylor 2(841); Moskowitz 126; RSW.
DE GRAVE, CHARLES 2 England, c.1844, PHIM maker of weights and balances; son of Mary and Charles De Grave 1; succeeded his mother in 1844; firm finally became De Grave, Short and Fanner; in 1920 the firm was taken over by W. and T. Avery. London. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DE GRAVE, CHARLES, AND SON England, fl.1793-1821, PHIM Diamond Balance = D.(1985); Balances = OXF, KEN, WHI, etc. one of the balances is dated 1821. 59 (later 16) St Martin le Grand, corner of St. Ann's Lane, Aldersgate, London. Coffeen 9; Taylor 2(841); Crawforth 6.
DE GRAVE, MARY England, fl.1800-16, PHIM Balance = X; Gold Balance = HAK. succeeded her husband, Charles De Grave 1 in 1799; signed her balances "Widow of Charles De Grave"; see De Grave and Son. No. 59 St. Martin Le Grand, corner of St. Anns Lane, Aldersgate, London. Taylor 2(841); G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 6; RSW.
DE GRAVE, SHORT AND CO. England, c.1900, PHIM Apothecary's Balance = Soth. 6/23/87. continuation of the De Grave family business into the twentieth century. RSW.
DE GRAVE, SHORT AND FANNER England, pre-1859-1962, MIM PHIM Standard Yard = Christie 2/13/68. Charles De Grave 2; firm taken over in 1920 by W. and T. Avery though old name lasted until 1962; made beam balances. London. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DE JONG EN BRUYN Holland, c.1850, NIM Azimuth Compass = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1.
DE L'ISLE, GUILLAUME France, see "Isle, Guillaume de l'." RSW.
DE LA COUR England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87. 327 and 59 High Street, Chatham. RSW.
DE LUC, JEAN ANDRE Switzerland; England, 1727-1817, Jean André De Luc; invented the first portable barometer, c.1750, and a type of hygrometer; author. Geneva; Windsor. Middleton 1 & 4; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10.
DE MORY, D. USA, NIM Octant = VNN. 62 South Street, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DE MORY, GRAY AND W.D. ALDER USA, NIM Sextant = D.(1981). T.C.; successors to George C. Baker; also made chronometers. No. 62 South Street, near Wall, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DE NEGANI origin of Denegan, Donegan? Bedini 1.
DE PALMA, FILIPPO Italy; France; Austria1813-73, MIM PHIM made a dividing engine and electrical apparatus. Naples (1813); Florence (1861); Paris (1867); Vienna (1873). Brenni 1.
DE SAUSSURE, HORACE BENEDICK Switzerland, 1740-99, Horace Bénédick De Saussure; invented a type of hygrometer; suggested many improvements for meteorilogical instruments; professor of philosophy at Geneva; author; his collection of instruments is in the Museum of the History of Science, Geneva. Geneva. G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; USNM.
DE STEUR, JACOBUS Holland, c.1675, MIM NIM SIM Holland Circle = X; Circumferentor = D.(1960). Leiden. Bryden 9; Price 2.
DE. D.S. ERG. C.H. 1571, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1571 = VIE-AR2655. Zinner 4.
DEACON 1 England, c.1834-35, MIM made model of part of Babbage's computing machine. Beaufort House, Strand, London. Taylor 2(1828).
DEACON 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometers = Leicester Museum, X; Wheel Barometer = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27. could be Frederick or J. Deacon. Leicester. Goodison 1; RSW.
DEACON, FREDERICK England, c.1822, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. barometer signed "F. Deacon, Leicester"; watch and clockmaker. Market Place, Leicester. Goodison 1.
DEACON, J. England, fl.1795-1835, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Leicester Museum; Sundial = Phillips 7/17/85. see Deacon 2. Leicester. Goodison 1; RSW.
DEACON, SAMUEL England, 1746-1816, PHIM Stick Barometer = Heathcote Ball and Co. 2/13/97. brass plate to print barometer paper plates signed "S. Deacon Barton" in Leicester Museum; made barometers, clocks and watches. Barton-in-the-Beans (1771+). Goodison 1; Daniell; ATG 2/6/97.
DEAMER, JAMES USA, fl.1823-28, MIM OIM PHIM made, sold and repaired cases of mathematical instruments, barometers, thermometers, telescopes, microscopes, etc.; successor to J. Anderson, whipmaker. 38 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. USNM.
DEAN, JAMES USA, c.1830, professor at the University of Vermont; invented a cometarium which was made by Aaron Willard, Jr. D.J. Warner 6.
DEAN, JOHN England, c.1828, MIM 6 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London. O'Mara.
DEAN, PETER England, c.1830, MIM OIM PHIM Bear Yard, Lincoln's Inn, London. Taylor 2(1531).
DEAN, WILLIAM USA, fl.1778-97, MIM NIM OIM SIM Surveying Compass = Clark County Historical Society, Ohio. succeeded in business by William Davenport. 43 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1; Smart 1; D.J. Warner 10.
DEANE England, c.1730, NIM Compass Rose = Soth. 6/1/88. "Deane fecit"; possibly Ino. Deane. RSW.
DEANE, DAVID England, fl.1735-77, OIM apprenticed or turned over to Matthew Loft in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1728; free of the Company in 1735; Master of the Company, 1760-61; signed the petition against Peter Dollond. Smithfields, London (1764). Taylor 2(161); Court and von Rohr 3(113); Robischon.
DEANE, INO. England, 1742, NIM Backstaff, 1742 = D.(1974). "Ino. Deane May 20 1742 IP." Wynter 1.
DEANE, WILLIAM England, fl.1718-48, MIM SIM Hodometer = WHI; Horizontal Sundials = KEN (1718),(stone), OXF, NMM, P.C., WHI; Universal Ring Sundials = VCW, NUR, KENNEY-140, BM, DEU, ROU-73; Sectors = ADL-M90, OXF; Gunners' Calipers = P.C. (1982), EGE, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Gunner's Scale = NMM; Gunter Quadrant with Sundial = WHI; etc. apprenticed to John Rowley of the Broderers' Company, July 28, 1710; free in the Company Feb. 4, 1718; Master of the Company, 1747; took an apprentice; MIM to the Office of Ordnance. Garden House, Crane Court, Fleet Street (1712); Golden Sphere in three Crane Court, Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 1(464) and 2(34); Bryden 16; Price 3 and 12; Ward 3 and 4; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; Gunther 2 and 6; Nachet; Egestorff; KEN; Crawforth 6 & 7; ADL; RSW.
DEANS, JOHN England, PHIM Thermometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. on barometer by Lennie. RSW.
DEARBORN, WARREN USA, 1802-63, MIM made rulers, etc.; Dearborn and Skinner, cabinetmakers and planemakers. Sandwich, N.H. DATM.
DEBOMBOURG, I. France, c.1725, MIM Protractor = D.(1993). see Pierre Debombourg. Lyon. Coffeen 43.
DEBOMBOURG, PIERRE France, 18th Century, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = LOU; Butterfield-type Sundial = LOU; Compass Sundial, square = Ernst Coll.(HAR); Horizontal Sundial = P.C. see I. Debombourg. Lyon. Wheatland 2; Coffeen 43; RSW.
DEBONNAIRE, MR. 1647, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1647 = ADL-M271. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
DECHALES, CLAUDE FRANCOIS MILLIET France; Italy, 1621-78, MIM Claude François Milliet Dechales; compass maker; author. Paris; Turin. Schück; DSB.
DECK England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. see I. Deck. Leamington. Goodison 1; RSW.
DECK, I. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86. may be same as Deck of Leamington. Cambridge. RSW.
DECOOL, J.F. Belgium, c.1805, MIM Astronomical Clock = P.C. = BMR. Namur. Société Belge; ART.
DEE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Skipton. Goodison 1.
DEEMS misreading for Deens. Daumas 1.
DEENS, INDOCUS misreading for Jodocus Deens. P. and S. 4/3/1894.
DEENS, JODOCUS Belgium; Austria, c.1682, MIM SIM Graphometers = KEN (1682), VIT; Universal Ring Dials = VIU, P. and S. 4/3/1894, Soth. 10/17/60. graphometers made in Vienna; Daumas thought it was "Deems". Louvain; Vienna. Daumas 1; Evans 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Kirnbauer 2.
DEFORGES L'AINE France, 1744, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, marble, 1744 = ADL-M328. "Deforges l'aîné fecit." tools, stars, comet, etc, carved in relief and colored, on the sides; owned by Heilbronner. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
DEGENAUR, PIETER DIRCKZ Germany?, NIM Compass Rose, paper = GMM. RSW.
DEGERMAN, O.N. Holland, 1756, OIM Solar Microscope, 1756 = CRI-345 = KEN. Rooseboom 1; Nachet; KEN.
DEGREZ Sundial = Drouot 11/14/68. probably misreading for "degrees." RSW.
DEICHMANN, L. Germany, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = Geographische Institut, Hamburg; Tellurian = DEU. sundial is for 51°19'. Kassel. RSW.
DEIJL, HARMANUS VAN 1 Holland, 1705, OIM Telescope, 1705 = LEY. son of Jan van Deijl 1 and father of Jan van Diejl 2; Mörzer Bruyns thought he lived c.1775. Leiden. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
DEIJL, HARMANUS VAN 2 Holland, 1738-1809, OIM Achromatic Microscopes = LEY, UTP, UTR, BIL, TEY. son of Jan van Deijl 2. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1 and 2; van Cittert 3; Daumas 1; Purtle; G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1.
DEIJL, JAN VAN (2), EN ZOON Holland, fl.1769-75, OIM Telescopes = STROZZI, KEN, AMST (1769 and 1775), DEU, PMM, Auctions, 1906 (1769) and 1910 (1769). son was Harmanus van Deijl 2; see Jan Bunders and Jan van Deijl Bunders. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; Hamilton 2; KEN; Price 2; RSW.
DEIJL, JAN VAN 1 Holland, 1704, OIM Telescope, 1704 = UTP. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1.
DEIJL, JAN VAN 2 Holland, 1715-1801, OIM Telescopes and Microscopes = TEY, LEY, Museum of Education, The Hague; Achromatic Telescope, pasteboard = DEU. father of Harmanus van Deijl 2; DEU telescope signed "Jan van Deylen Zoon" (c. 1765). Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Council of Europe 1; Wheatland 2; Price 2.
DEIMAN PHIM made potentiometers. McConnell (1984).
DEINERT, PAULUS see Deivert; see P.D.
DEIPHOLTH, JOHANN Germany; Holland, c.1750, MIM Table Sundial = MADEX-107; Crescent Sundial = Bernal Coll. = BM. Baillie thought him 17th century; Price thought him `Beipolth'; table sundial is signed "Augsburg", the other "Haag." Augsburg; The Hague. Whipple 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1.
DEIVERT, PAULUS Germany, 1758, PHIM Money Balance, 1758 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW.
DEKANG, JANA Poland, 1643, MIM Artillery Instrument, 1643 = Military Museum, Warsaw. Lesznic. RSW.
DEKKER, R. Holland, c.1791, MIM NIM Nautical Rule = RIJ; Azimuth Compass = RIJ; Log = RIJ. requested a patent in 1791. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
DEL VECCHIO, J. see Vecchio, J. del Morrison-Low and Burnett.
DEL VECCHIO, JAMES Ireland, fl.1833-38, looking-glass and frame maker. 15 Lower Abbey Street (1833-35); 68 Dame Street (1836-38); both in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
DELACOUR, L. France, c.1730, MIM SIM Cicumferentor = SPI-2763 = AND-SPI-30. Dunkerque. Daumas 1; Michel 3; RSW.
DELAGRAVE France, 19th Century, MIM Magnetic Compass = Versailles 4/17/83. RSW.
DELAGRAVE, CH. France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM-12852. CNAM 1; Destombes 4.
DELAHAYE France, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. Paris. RSW.
DELALANDE France, fl.1775-79, MIM Celestial Globes = Roussel (1779), Auction, Paris 6/15/79 (1779), GEL (1775), BMR (1777), Palermo Observatory. Paris. Serrio (1983); Chenekal 3; Belgian Inv.; RSW.
DELAMAIN, RICHARD England, fl.1610-45, MIM designed and made instruments for Charles I; author; designed a circular slide rule in 1632-33. Drury Lane, upper part of Chancery Lane, London. Bryden 15; Taylor 1(122); Gunther 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10.
DELAMARCHE 1 see Charles François Delamarche.
DELAMARCHE 2 France, fl.1821-57, MIM Terrestrial Globes = A-P 3/15/76 (2), FLO (1821); Planetarium, mechanical, 1839 = Soth. 12/15/78. son of Charles François Delamarche. 12, rue du Jardinet; rue du Battoir (1839-57); both in Paris. Moskowitz 122; RSW.
DELAMARCHE, C.F., ET MESSIER, C. France, c.1780, MIM Terrestrial and Celestial Globes = NMM-Caird. Paris. NMM 2; RSW.
DELAMARCHE, CHARLES FRANCOIS France, 1740-1809, MIM made many terrestrial and celestial globes, planetariums and armillary spheres (wood and paper); dated ones range from 1780-1808. Charles François Delamarche; "Geographer"; successor to Sanson and Robert de Vaugondy. chez Delamarche, 12 rue du Jardinet (1780); Géog., Rue de Foin St. Jacques au Collège de Mtre. Gervais (1783-91); both in Paris. Moskowitz 122; Nachet; Price 2; USNM; Brewington 1; Bonelli 1; Brieux 2; Syndram; Yonge; RSW.
DELAMARCHE, FX. France, 1831, MIM Terrestrial Globe, wood and paper, 1831 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. "Succ. de Robert de Vaugondy, 1831"; "Ingen-Mécan. pour les globes et sphères." Paris. RSW.
DELAMARCHE, FX., ET CHLES. DIEN France, 1816, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1816 = Melun 4/24/83. "dressée ordre du Roi par le S. Robert de Vaugondy"; surely a misreading of the date. rue du Jardinet N°13, Paris. RSW.
DELAMARCHE, MAISON France, c.1860, MIM Terrestrial Globe = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. the house of Delamarche. Paris. RSW.
DELAMARRE, CHOLLET France, NIM Repeating Circle = USNM. Rue de Fourcy St. Antoine 6, Paris. USNM.
DELANDER, DANIEL England, 1674-1733, PHIM Barometer = D.(1962); Stick Barometer = Clumber Park = P.C. apprenticed to Charles Halsted of the Clockmakers' Company in 1692; free of the Company, 1699; journeyman assistant to Tompion; also made clocks; bill for another barometer is known. Devereux Court; Temple, Fleet Street, London (1712 on). Goodison 1; RSW.
DELANDER, R. England, c.1620, MIM Sundial inside back cover of watch = Soth. 12/1/78. RSW.
DELCANO, JUAN SEBASTIAN Spain, fl.1520-26, MIM Delcaño; globe maker. Globus, Dec. 1956.
DELCOMINETE France, 18th Century, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Auction Sale, Paris 11/24/79. Moreau; RSW.
DELEUIL, JEAN-ADRIEN France, 1820-94, MIM OIM PHIM Cannon Sundial = CNAM; Meter Rod = FLM; Barometer = FLO-1144; Wind Instrument = PMM; Electrical Apparatus = D.; Photographic Barograph = USNM; Meridian Instrument = D.; Microscope = D.(1976). Rue des Fourneaux 42, Paris. CNAM 2; USNM; Paris 1900; Belgian Inv.; Brieux 1; Middleton 4; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DELEUIL, L.J. France; England, c.1850, PHIM made air pumps, etc.; son of Jean Adrien Deleuil. 8 rue du Pont-le-Lodi, Paris and 7 Althorpe Street, Grey's Inn Lane, London. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DELHEUX, JEAN Belgium?, 1814, MIM Vertical Sundial, pewter, 1814 = LIE. RSW.
DELL'ACQUA, CARLO Italy, 1806-75, PHIM Barlow's Globe = Pavia University; Magnetic Sparkler = Pavia University. Milan. G.L'E. Turner 24; Brenni 1.
DELLA TORRE, J. Scotland, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Carter's Grove, Va., Soth. 2/4/77, Christie-SK 1/22/87. Perth. RSW.
DELLA TORRE, T. Scotland, PHIM Barometer = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. may be J. Della Torre. Perth. RSW.
DELLEBARRE Holland, OIM microscope maker; may be A. or Louis François Dellebarre. Nachet.
DELLEBARRE EN BAYENS GEBROEDERS Holland, c.1800, OIM Microscope = LEY. Delft. Daumas 1.
DELLEBARRE EN CANZIUS Holland, fl.1798-1806, OIM Microscopes = LEY(1798), CRI(1806), UTP, LEY, DEU. Delft. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Gunther 2.
DELLEBARRE, A. Holland, c.1797, OIM Microscope = BIL; Dellebarre-type Microscope, 1788 = Soth. 4/18/88 = Soth. 10/3/88. Soth. signed on microscope tube; marked on microscope at KEN, made by Onderdewijnwgaart. Leiden. Purtle; RSW.
DELLEBARRE, LOUIS FRANCOIS Holland; France, 1726-1805, OIM Microscopes = CNAM(1771), WHI(1785), NAC(1789, 1793), KEN(1793), DEU, OXF, UTR, BIL, LEY, UTP; Compound Microscopes = X, GEM (1788). Louis François Dellebarre; see Dellebarre and Canzius, Dellebarre and Bayens. Leyden (pre-1776); rue Saint-Jacques (after 1776); rue Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois (1793); both in Paris. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Nachet; Whipple 1; Purtle; KEN; Bryden 9; A.J. Turner 10.
DELLEMONT France, pre-1840, see Guillemin and Dellemont. RSW.
DELLER, COMP. P. AEMILIANUS Germany, 1786, MIM Quadrant, 1786 = DEU. also marked "Ben. Prist." RSW.
DELLING, P. AEMILIANUS Austria, 1699-1746, MIM may be "P.AE.D.P.K." signed on horizontal sundial at KRM. Rabenalt.
DELMOTTE, J. Belgium, c.1800, PHIM Money Balance = Koller 11/17/75. Brussels. RSW.
DELURE, CLAUDE France, c.1723, MIM son (?) of Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Delure; apprenticed to him in 1723 in the "Corporation des fondeurs." Paris. Augarde.
DELURE, JEAN-BAPTISTE-NICOLAS France, fl. 1695-1736, MIM SIM Butterfield-type Sundials = ADL-DPW3, USNM, P.C., MAD, MAN, ANM, MERC, OPM, LIE, WHI (silver) (2), WRAY, etc.; Universal Ring Dials = MADEX, PEA, NMM, WRAY, MERC; Sectors = VEN, NAC; Graphometers = USNM, D.; Artillery Level = ROU; Analematic Sundial = ADL-DPW3; Drawing Instrument = WHI; Rapporteur = Drouot 11/14/68; Compass = NMM; Sundial = ADL-L3; etc. father-in-law of Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas Bion; master and juror in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi";took apprentices; worked for Abbé Nollet. à l'Image Nostre-Dame, Place de Marché Neuf (1700); Quaide l'Horloge (1707); both on Il de la Cité, Paris. Daumas 1; Bryden 16; Michel 1, 3, and 9; Hamilton 2; Nachet; Brieux 1; USNM; Price 12; Chenekal 1; MADEX; Augarde; ADL; RSW.
DELUREX France, misreading for Delure. Gilbert 8/27/76.
DELVEDEZ France, c.1800, OIM Full Circle with Telescope = D. Clermont. Brieux files.
DELVEDEZ AINE France, c.1810, NIM Holland Circle = P.C. Delvedez Aîné. Clermont. Brieux 1; Wheatland 3.
DEMAINBRAY, STEPHEN CHARLES TRIBOUDET England; Scotland, 1710-82, designed a microscope; collected instruments for George III. Westminster, London; Edinburgh; Kew, London. Chaldecott 1; Taylor 2(248); Gunther 6; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DEMEURIE France, c.1820, NIM Mariner's Compass = D. Brest. Brieux 1.
DEMONGENET, FRANCISCUS France; Italyfl.1552-1590, MIM Pairs of Globes, 1552 = Drecker, ROM; Terrestrial Globe with Sundial and watch inside, 1552 = UTC; Gores for both a Celestial and Terrestrial Globe = ADL-A. Vesow; Venice. Stevenson; FOX; Yonge; Karrow 1; ADL; RSW.
DENCH, THOMAS England, c.1795, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Rust 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1788; turned over to Thomas Lorkin, member of the Wheelwrights' Company, on March 16, 1789; free of the Grocers' Company, Oct. 1, 1795. J. Brown 1.
DENEGAN, JOHN Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; succeeded by Alloysius Ketterer. Race and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1 & 8; USNM; Middleton 1.
DENEGAN, JOSEPH Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers; may be same as John Denegan, which see. Philadelphia, Pa. (1785). D.J. Warner 5.
DENGG, P. JOSEPHUS Germany, 1752, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1752 = NUR-WI 1228. Mondsee. Zinner 1; Evans 1.
DENISOR, FEDOR Russia, 1789, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1789 = MOS-18463. Chenekal 1.
DENN, WILLIAM England, c.1695, apprenticed to John Waite of the Grocers' Company on May 6, 1695. J. Brown 1.
DENNERT AND PAPE England, c.1850, MIM Instrument? = Soth. 10/4/77. RSW.
DENNEWALT, GERHART Germany, 1681, PHIM Gold Balance, 1681 = HAM. Hamburg. RSW.
DENNIS England, OIM Telescope, refracting = FRK-T 163. London. Frank.
DENNIS, GEORGE England, c.1713, MIM apprenticed to John Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 21, 1713; turned over to Thomas Baldwin. J. Brown 3.
DENNIS, J.C. England, c.1845, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Calling card; see John Charles Dennis. Bristol. Chaldecott 3; RGO.
DENNIS, JOHN CHARLES England, fl.1825-61, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Marine Barometer = KEN; Artificial Horizon = KEN; Microscope = CRI. T.C.; made sextants with Becher's artificial horizon; the microscope is signed "Dennis 118 Bishopsgate Street, London"; some instruments signed "J.C. Dennis", which see; calling card has "Bristol" as an address. 118 Bishopsgate Street (1839-49); 122 Bishopsgate Street (1850-61); both in London; Bristol. Taylor 2(1534); KEN; Goodison 1; Chaldecott 3 & 4; RGO; Gunther 2; McConnell 4.
DENNIS, JOHN WILLIAM England, c.1816, MIM apprenticed to John Holyman of the Grocers' Company, April 4, 1816. J. Brown 1.
DENNS, J. 1679, MIM Sundial, circular, 6 annular rings, 1679 = Soth. 3/17/38 = P-B 10/31/52 = Koller 11/17/75. may be Jodocus Deens. RSW.
DENORRY France, 1588, professor of mathematics; invented a "Compas Optique", a form of Radio Latino, with optical sight attached to one leg. Paris. Kraus Catalogue.
DENT England, PHIM Depliedoscope = UTR; Altimeter and Aneroid Barometer = Christie-Geneva 11/20/79. surely E.J. Dent. 33 and 34 Cockspur Street, London. RSW.
DENT, E., AND CO. England, c.1820, NIM Magnetic Compasses = Christie 7/16/68 (2), 10/8/68. 61 Strand and 4 Royal Exchange, London. RSW.
DENT, E.I. England, see Edward John Dent.
DENT, EDWARD JOHN England, 1790-1853, MIM NIM PHIM Dipleidoscopes = HAY, ADL-W189, P.C., WHI (5), Soth. 11/9/59, Ineichen 5/3/74, etc.; Barometers with Thermometers = Soth. 7/26/65, K. and C. 3/19/75; Compass = Christie 7/28/70. maker of "Big Ben"; named and made "E.I. Dent's Patent Meridian" which he called the dipleidoscope; author; a dipleidoscope shows the moment when the sun crosses the meridian; "Chronometer Maker to the Queen"; also invented a new magnetic compass and a chronograph. 82 Strand and 33 Cockspur Street; 34 Royal Exchange; 61 Strand (post-1851); all in London. Taylor 2(1310); Bryden 16; Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Whipple 1; Namur; Moskowitz; ADL; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2.
DENT, J. England, c.1845, PHIM see Edward John Dent. Particular Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, Vol. IV, ppp. 100-01.
DENTON England, invented a level made by W. and S. Jones. Whipple 1.
DENTON AND CO. England, 1809, MIM Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case, 1809 = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 11/16/22. London. RSW.
DENTON, JOSEPH England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Hull. Goodison 1.
DENTZEL, JOHANN Germany, 1572-1625, painter; devised a variant type of graphometer in 1616 with his brother, Melchior Dentzel. Ulm. Bedini 3.
DENTZEL, MELCHIOR Germany, 1585-1635, MIM SIM Graphometer = Soth. 2/26/62 = USNM. apprenticed to Michael Pauly Schmid, a master goldsmith, in 1599; passed his examination as a goldsmith in accessories in 1611; invented this type of graphometer in 1616 with his brother, Johann Dentzel; original case also includes some drawing instruments; author. Ulm. USNM; Price 2; Bedini 3; RSW.
DEPAGNET France, c.1650, OIM Dépagnet; made telescopes. Paris. Nachet.
DEPARCIEUX, ANTOINE France, 1703-68, MIM made sundials, instruments and watches; invented a lens-polishing machine; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Moskowitz 130.
DEPETRIS, I., S.J. France, 1753, MIM Sundial, 1753 = ADL-A100. ADL; RSW.
DEPEUILLE France, 1786, PHIM Thermometer on Barometer, 1786 = Drouot 11/19/70. RSW.
DEPOUILLY France, fl.1683-92, OIM Microscopes = BIL, KEN (CRI). see Depovilly and J. Pouilly; Coffeen thinks Pouilly and Depouilly are the same maker; Nachet thought it was Depovilly as the "u" is engraved as a "v". Paris. Nachet; Purtle; KEN; A.J. Turner 10; Nachet; Coffeen 46.
DEPOVILLY France, see J.Pouilly and Depouilly. Paris. Nachet; Purtle; KEN; A.J. Turner 10; Coffeen 46; RSW.
DERBY, EDWARD England, PHIM T.C.; "Successor to the Ingenious Mr. Joseph Hickman." Union Court, facing St. Andrews Church, Holborn, London. Calvert 2.
DEREGNI, ANGELO Italy, 18th Century, OIM Telescopes, pasteboard and horn = ADL-M449, P.C., Soth. 10/28/86; Telescope, vellum and paper = D. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW; Brieux 2.
DEREPAS France, c.1850, OIM Achromatic Spyglass = WHI; Reflecting Telescope = Hérmes Museum, Paris; Spyglasses = Soth. 12/13/65, FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. Palais Royal 23 (25), Paris. Dewhirst; Whipple 1; Frank; RSW.
DERG, CAREL GUST. Sweden, 1768, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1768 = NOR. Stockholm. RSW.
DERHAM, WILLIAM England, 1657-1735, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1678 = OXF; Wall Sundials = St. George's Chapel, Windsor (1723), Lincoln Chapel (1723), St. Laurence Church, Upminster. quadrant signed "W. Durham", early form of his name; owner/maker?; designer of clocks and instruments; author. Upminster. Aked; Chamberlain.
DERING, G. 1791, PHIM Lodestone, 1791 = P.C. Wheatland 3.
DERNER, I.M. misreading for Dorner. Lagos and Jozsef; Zinner 1; RSW.
DEROGY France, OIM made optical instruments. Paris. USNM.
DERRIEN ET LEPRIEUR France, NIM Sextants = MYS (3). Derrien et LePrieur. RSW.
DERRY, CHARLES England, c.1838, MIM PHIM 6 Leigh Street, Barton Crescent, London. Taylor 2(2115).
DERVIE, DE France, pre-1690, OIM mentioned by Bonani in 1690 as an instrument maker. Lyon. Clay and Court.
DES BORDES & P.D.J.E. France, c.1780, MIM Surveyor's Square = P.C.(1987). RSW.
DESAGNEAUX France, c.1809, invented a rapporteur, made by Marchois. Paris. Daumas 1.
DESAGULIERS, JOHN THEOPHILUS England, 1683-1744, MIM made and designed instruments. Westminster; Plough Court, Fetter Lane; both in London. Taylor 1(545); Daumas 1; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DESARGUES, GERARD France, 1593-1661, OIM Gérard Desargues; worked on objective lenses; author. Paris. Nachet; Daumas 1.
DESCARTES, RENE France, 1596-1650, René Descartes; scientist and philosopher; designed microscopes; first to design scale for barometers; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Nachet; Middleton 1 & 4; DSB.
DESCOMBES, MAL(COLM) England, NIM Octant = P.C. RSW.
DESCRIVANI Italy, c.1832, designed a planetarium, made by Pierret and at CNAM. Morpurgo 1; CNAM 2.
DESCROIZILLES, FRANCOIS ANTOINE HENRI France, 1751-1825, François Antoine Henri Descroizilles; chemist; invented a still for wine analysis, 1810. Rouen. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DESCROLIERES, ADRIEN Italy; Belgium; France, fl.1571-80, MIM Astrolabes = VEN (1571)(ICA-503), GRE (1577)(ICA-455), TPD (1579)(ICA-525), SPI-2782 = BM (1580)(ICA-208), TIM (157?) = Christie-SK 4/14/88 = P.C.; Rule, folding with three legs, 1579 = OXF. Adrien Descrolières. Venice; Mantua (1577); Antwerp (1579); Paris (1580). Michel 1 and 3; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Gunther 1 and 2; Nachet; Belgian Inv; Italian Inv; Ernst; Maison Française; A.J. Turner 8; RSW.
DESHARYS, JEAN France, c.1790, instrument maker? Nachet.
DESILVA, WILLIAM England, c.1850, NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = PMS (3); Octant = USNM; Compass = D.(1965); Sextants = Maritime Museum, Philadelphia, Pa., MYS; Stick Barometer = VNN; Wheel Barometer = Soth.-C 10/9/86. barometer signed "Desilva." 37 Bath Street, Princes Dock and 126 Duke Street; 250 Great Howard Street; 38 Regent Street (1857); all in Liverpool. USNM; Bryden 9; RSW.
DESLINCOURT, JEAN FRACTORENSIS France, c.1680, MIM Skaphe, 1680 = CNAM-929. copy of a classic skaphe; Fractorensis may be a town. CNAM 2.
DESNOS, LOUIS-CHARLES France, fl.1753-82, MIM SIM Circumferentor = Mariner's Museum, Newport News, Va.; Carte Odagraphique, 1763 = Balzekas Museum, Chicago; Sector = ADL-M89; Folding Square = USNM; Celestial Globes = LNB (1758), P.C. (1770); Butterfield-type Sundials = P. and S. 2/28/1896, FRY; Armillary Spheres = CNAM (1757), (1768), X (1754), DEU (2), Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88; Terrestrial Globe Clock, 1782 = DRE; Terrestrial Globes, 1757, 1772 = CNAM (2). "on trouve chez Desnos toutes sortes D'instruments de Mathématiques"; son-in-law of Nicholas Hardy ? Beauvais (1754); Chez Desnos, ingénieur géographe, rue St. Jacques St Severin à l'enseigne du Globe; rue St. Julien le pauvre, Quartier de la Place Maubert; both in Paris. Michel 3; Engelmann 1; USNM; Nachet; Chenekal 3; Drechsler 2; Globus, Nov. 1954, June 1963; Pastoreau; ADL; RSW.
DESNOS, V.T. France?, 1850, MIM Goniometer, 1850 = MOS. designed by Douglas. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja.
DESPAGNET see Dépagnet. Nachet.
DESROLIS see Mlle. Ginot-Desrois. RSW.
DESUOS France, MIM Goniometer = Koller, May 1962. probably Desnos. Paris. RSW.
DETOUCHE France, MIM Pliers, engraved, iron = ROU-306; Planetarium = CNAM. Sedan. Michel 3.
DETOUCHE ET HOUDIN France, c.1850, MIM in the Great Exhibition, 1851, London. 228 and 230 Rue St. Martin, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DETURE France, cadran solaire de poche fin 18ème Delure, fabriquant Paris Pugsley Sale. Corpechot.
DEUCHAR, JOHN Scotland, fl.1815-33, PHIM made chemical apparatus. Lothian Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DEUERLIN, JOACHIM Germany?, fl.1619-33, MIM Horizontal Sundial, 1619 = OXFB; Drawing Compasses, 1633 = DRE (2). one compass has micrometer divided by letters. Zinner 1; Maddison 5; Evans 1; Gunther 2; Drechsler 2; Price 2; RSW.
DEUR, JOHANNES Holland, fl.1702-14, MIM Terrestrial Globes, cases = KRA, LEY. engraved maps. Amsterdam. Globus, Dec. 1956; Krogt 1; Edell 1.
DEVACHT, FRANCOIS USA, c.1792, MIM François Devacht; made sundials, compasses, etc.; worked with his brother, Joseph. Gallipolis, Ohio. Bedini 1.
DEVACHT, JOSEPH USA, c.1792, MIM made sundials, compasses, etc.; worked with his brother, François. Gallipolis, Ohio. Bedini 1.
DEVASTON, J. England, 1790, MIM Pantograph, 1790 = P.C. RSW.
DEVAULX France, 1583, MIM Astrolabe, geographical, paper, 1583 = Giraudon. Reichen.
DEVINPORT, ROBERT variant of Robert Davenport. Bryden 3.
DEVOT France, NIM Dry Card Compass = MYS. Le Havre. RSW.
DEW, SAMUEL USA, 1822, patented nautical compass, 1822. Romney, Va. USNM.
DEWAR, SIR JAMES England, 1842-1923, see Liveing and Dewar. G.L'E. Turner 24.
DEWILDE, JOHN England, c.1735, apprenticed to John Patrick 1 in the Joiners' Company on Nov. 6, 1722; free in the Company, Mar. 23, 1735. Crawforth 7.
DEWRY England, 1693, zodiac band engraved on Coronelli globe by Dewry. Grimaldi.
DEXTER, GEORGE USA, 1846, PHIM 57 State Street, Albany, N.Y. USNM.
DEYERLIN England, 1819, see Holtzapffel and Deyerlin. RSW.
DEYL see Deijl; also found as Deyle.
DHIDERIC, MISER Germany, c.1200, MIM Sundial on pillar of church = Niederurff. "Dhideric Miser Fecit." Niederurff. Zinner 1.
DIAKOFF, GEORGE Russia, MIM made a new type of arithmometer. St. Petersburg. USNM.
DIAS, JOAO Portugal, fl.1614-38, Joa~o Dias; thought to be the maker who signed mariner's astrolabes as "Y°. Dyas", which see; astrolabes dated 1614, 1619, and 1628; listed as astrolabe maker and examiner of Agostinhode Goes in 1630. Lisbon? A. Stimson 3.
DIBBLEY England, fl.1560-70?, MIM also clock maker. Taylor 1(28); Evans 1.
DIBOLD, JOH. CHRISTOPH Germany, 1780, MIM Celestial Globe, 1780 = Baden-Baden Neues Schloss-6897. Durlach. Zinner 1.
DICAS 1 England, c.1790, PHIM Hygrometer = KEN; Proof Slide Rule, ivory = ADL-161. see John Dicas who patented an accurate hygrometer; the slide rule at the ADL is marked "Dicas Patentee Liverpool." Liverpool. Wheatland 1; KEN; ADL; RSW.
DICAS 2 England, c.1800, MIM Slide Rules, ivory = BM, NMM-Gabb Coll., KEN (2). London. Price 3; Ward 4; KEN; RSW.
DICAS AND ARSTALL England, c.1807, PHIM Mary Dicas and George Arstall; patent hydrometer makers. 8 North Side Old Dock, Liverpool (1807). Bryden 9.
DICAS, ANN England, fl.1797-1822, PHIM Hygrometer = Soth. 10/17/60. made patented hygrometers sold by John Bywater and Co.; Turner thinks she was daughter and successor to John Dicas. 83 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool. Taylor 2(1535); RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DICAS, I. England, MIM Compass = Christie-SK 3/31/83. may be related to Ann Dicas; see John Dicas. Liverpool. RSW.
DICAS, JOHN England, fl.1774-97, MIM PHIM Hydrometer, No. 986 = HAR. patented Dicas Alcohol Hydrometer, June 1780; succeeded by his daughter, Mary Dicas, in 1797; T.C.; Turner thinks that Ann Dicas was his daughter; see Dicas 1. Navigation Shop, 29 Pool Lane (1790); 27 Pool Lane (1796); both in Liverpool. Bryden 9; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DICAS, MARY England, fl.1797-1806, MIM PHIM succeeded her father in 1797; made hydrometers. 27 Pool Lane (1800); 7 North Side Old Dock, Strand Street (1803); 7 North End Old Dock (1804-5); all in Liverpool. Bryden 9.
DICEY misreading for Dixey. Soth.-S 10/19/89.
DICK, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1827-74, MIM SIM made surveying chains; surveyor. 101 Bridgegate (1827-32); Buchanan Court, 105 Stockwell (1833-74); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3.
DICK, WILLIAM England, c.1723, MIM apprenticed to John Dobson of the Clockmakers' Company, June 3, 1723. J. Brown 3.
DICKENS, JOHANNES Holland, c.1740, NIM Reflecting Circle = AMST. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2.
DICKENS, JOHN England, c.1648, apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 12, 1648. J. Brown 1.
DICKINSON, EDMUND USA, c.1772, MIM made dip needles. Williamsburg, Va. Bedini 8.
DICKINSON, S. England, 1808, NIM Compass Rose, 1808 = X. Schück.
DICKMAN, JOHN 1 Scotland, 1794-1855, NIM OIM nautical instrument maker to Queen Victoria, 1845; made clocks, chronometers, telescopes, etc. Kirkgate (1794-96); Bernard Street (1797-1813); 33 Shore (1814-40); all in Leith; 142 George Street (1841-42); 91 Princeses Street (1843); both in Edinburgh; 6 Charlotte Place (1844-48); 4 Charlotte Place (1849-54); both in Leith. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1829); USNM; Clarke et al.
DICKMAN, JOHN 2 England, pre-1830, MIM see John Dickman and Son. Quayside, West Shore, Sunderland. Taylor 2(1829)(1829a).
DICKMAN, JOHN, AND SON England, c.1830, MIM John Dickman 2 and his son. Quayside, West Shore, Sunderland. Taylor 2(1829a).
DICKSON AND CARGILL Ireland, OIM Student Microscope = P.C. optician. Belfast. RSW.
DIDDERICHSEN, JACOB Denmark, MIM Magnetic Compass, box = FRE. cast pewter or tin. Copenhagen. Price 2.
DIEBOLDT France, MIM Drawing Instruments = LEY; Instrument = DEU. Strasbourg. RSW.
DIEGHEM, FRAN DE Belgium, MIM SIM Circumferentor = D.(1960); Quadrant = VEN. sometimes signed "F.R. van Dieghem." Brussels. Bonelli 4; RSW.
DIEM, JAKOB Germany, fl.1586-89, MIM Astronomical Clock = Old Town Hall, Esslingen. Esslingen. Zinner 1.
DIEN, CHARLES 1 1740, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1740 = P.C. Globus, Dec. 1957.
DIEN, CHARLES 2 France, 1809-70, MIM Celestial Globes = MOS (1831), VNL (1840), MOS, Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Globe = D.; Terrestrial Globe, 1844 = Versailles 4/17/83. "géographe"; see Delamarche et Dien. rue Hauteville N. 13; Rue du Foin St. Jacques au Collège de Mtre. Gervais; both in Paris. Chenakal 3; Globus, June 1962, Dec. 1957; Brieux 3; Tooley; RSW.
DIENERT, PAULUS PHIM balance maker; see "P.D." (1); may be Dierert. RSW.
DIEPEL, HERMANN Germany, fl.1558-77, MIM Celestial Globes = KAS (1563), DRE. Kassel. Zinner 1.
DIETA France, PHIM Barometer = Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg. optician. Strasbourg. RSW.
DIETHELM, ABBOT Switzerland, 1549, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1549 = St. Gallen. "Abbot Diethelm u St. Gallen, 1549." St. Gallen Abbey. RSW.
DIETRICH, HANS Austria, c.1628, MIM see Johann Dietrich 1. Zinner 1.
DIETRICH, JOHANN 1 Czechoslovakia, 1611, MIM Bow Compass, 1611 = Polytecnic Institute, Prague. Cenipo. Czech. Inv.
DIETRICH, JOHANN 2 Switzerland, fl.1751-55, MIM Basle. Evans 1.
DIETRICHSTEIN, VON Germany, 1647, MIM Cube Sundial, 1647 = BM. owner; the dial is also marked "S.L.G.V.D." with the "G" raised slightly above the other initials. Price 3; Ward 4; RSW.
DIETSCHI, PANCRATZ Germany, fl.1584-94, MIM made an astronomical clock; "Passerace Troche" is alternative name. Fribourg. Baillie 1.
DIETTE France, c.1800, OIM Telescope = Stuker, 1958. Lyon. RSW.
DIEU, FRANCISCUS LE Holland, b.1700 fl.1726, MIM also made clocks. Leiden. Rooseboom 1.
DIGBY, CHARLES England, fl.1729-67, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1749 = Bowes Museum. apprenticed to Benjamin Macy of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 12, 1721; T.C.; took over John Henshaw's shop. The Globe, near Hermitage Stairs, Wapping, London. Taylor 2(465a); J. Brown 3; Weil 2(23); Crawforth 1.
DIGEON see Pigeon. CNAM 2.
DIGGES, JOHANNES Holland, c.1650, MIM worked with William Corderoy and Caspar Kalthoff. Dordrecht. Rooseboom 1.
DIGGES, LEONARD England, 1510-58, devised a theodolite and other instruments; author. Barham, East Kent. Taylor 1(4); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Gunther 6; DSB; DNB.
DIGGES, THOMAS England, 1531-95, son of Leonard Digges; designed instruments; author. Daumas 1; DSB; DNB; A.J. Turner 10.
DIGUE France, MIM SIM Level = Soth. 6/9/39; Surveying Instrument = P.C. Paris. RSW.
DIJK, VAN DEN see Petrus ab Aggere. Michel 3.
DIJON France, c.1781, MIM won a prize from the Royal Academy of Sciences, 1781; possibly Pigeon. Daumas 1.
DIKAUF, JOHANN Germany?, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood = WUR. Zinner 1.
DILLER, BALTHASAR Germany1780, MIM Table Sundial, stone, 1780 = STU-8446. Mergentheim. Zinner 1.
DILLON England, c.1742, OIM T.C.; optician. in Long Acre, next door to the White Hart, London. Calvert 2.
DILLON AND TUTTLE USA, fl.1820-40, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1980). T.C.; formerly Kline and Co. 74 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DIMMOCK England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Ryde. Goodison 1.
DINGLEY, JAMES England, c.1770, apprenticed to Joseph Edwards; ran away May 11, 1770. Birmingham. Bryden 9.
DININCKOFF, BERNARD England, 1585, MIM Sundial, stained-glass, 1585 = Gilling Castle, Yorkshire North. Daniels 1.
DIONYSODORUS Greece?, c.100 B.C., invented the conical sundial. Amisus. Cousins.
DIPHOP Russia, 1775, MIM Sundial, 1775 = GMELV-IM 3035. Chenekal 1.
DIRCK, JOHAN Germany, 1653, NIM Compass Rose, 1653 = X. Hamburg. Schück 2.
DIRCKXSEN, SYMEN see Symen Dirckxsen Blocker. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
DIRICKSEN, DI Germany, 1644, NIM Compass Rose, 1644 = X. Hamburg. Schück 2.
DISMORR, J. England, MIM Slide Rule = Soth. 10/28/86. 42 Russell Street, Rotherhithe, London. RSW.
DIVINI, EUSTACHIO Italy; France; Italy, 1620-95, OIM Telescopes = ROM (1663), FLO (1664 and 1674), POB (1673), BM; Oculars = FLO (1665 and 1666); Microscopes, 1668 = ROM, BIL; etc. developed a micrometer; tried fitting telescopic sights to surveying instruments in 1664. Bologna; Paris; Rome. Bonelli 1 and 4; Purtle; Michel 3; Dewhirst; USNM; Nachet; Gunther 2; Italian Inv.; Daumas 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10.
DIVIS, P. 1754, PHIM made a thunder house (Paratonnerre). ?
DIVISIOLI, G. AND F. see Giovannes Franciscus Divizioli. Forti.
DIVITIOLO, GIOAN. FRANCESCHO see Giovannes Franciscus Divizioli. Brieux 2.
DIVIZIOLI, GIOVANNES FRANCISCUS Italy, fl.1593-1612, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1593 = Cabinet de physique du "Lycée d'Etudes Classiques Daniel Manin"; Reduction Compass with Protractor, 1612 = D.(1981). Cremona. Italian Inv.; Brieux 2.
DIX, HENRY England, c.1716, apprenticed to Mark Rogers in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 7, 1716. Crawforth 7.
DIXEY 1 England, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer in clock = Soth. 12/15/83; Telescope, single-draw = Phillips 4/20/83; Telescopes = D. (1976)(2); Stick Barometer = D.(1977). probably Charles Wastell Dixey; the clock is inscribed "Luke Briggs, Wisbeach 144". New Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
DIXEY 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Norwich. Goodison 1.
DIXEY 3 England, OIM PHIM Microscope = Phillips 6/15/76; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see L. Dixey; Soth.-S marked "from London and Brighton." Brighton; London. RSW.
DIXEY 4 see Willson and Dixey. RSW.
DIXEY AND SON England, MIM PHIM Stick Barometer = VNN; Proportional Dividers = Christie-SK 7/10/80. surely Charles Wastell Dixey and Son. 552 Oxford Street; Bond Street; both in London. RSW.
DIXEY, C.W., AND SON England, c.1845, MIM PHIM Barographs =Christie 6/7/72, Phillips 10/26/83; Aneroid Barometer = D.(1976). Charles Wastell Dixey; later became "C.W. Dixey and Sons"; "Opticians to the Queen." 3 New Bond Street, London. Gatty; RSW.
DIXEY, CHARLES WASTELL England, 1798-1880, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant, 1842 = NMM; Telescope = KEN; Barometers = X (4); Wheel Barometer = Buckingham Palace; Barograph = Melun 4/24/83; Microscope = Christie-SK 2/9/84; Stick Barometer and Thermometer = Longleat; Garden Sundial = Harlestone House, Northampton.; Sector, ivory = P.C.; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80; Spirit Level = Soth. 7/21/87; etc. T.C.; "Optician to the Queen and to H.R.H. Prince Albert"; Taylor thought he was successor to George and Charles Dixey; generally signed "C.W. Dixey." 335 Oxford Street (1821); 78 New Bond Street (1822-23); 3 New Bond Street (1825-60); all in London. Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Calvert 2; KEN; Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Earle; RSW.
DIXEY, EDWARD England, 1757-1838, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. apprenticed to George Linnell of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1771; free of the Company in 1778; succeeded Fraser and Son in 1817; was succeeded by George and Charles Dixey, sons or nephews. 335 Oxford Street (1782); 370 Oxford Street (1808); 335 Oxford Street (1822); all in London. Taylor 2(703); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(202); RSW.
DIXEY, G. England, 19th Century, OIM Telescopes = D.(1987), Gersaint 7/20/96. could be George Dixey 1 or 2; D. signed "Improved day or night." London. RSW.
DIXEY, G. AND C. England, fl.1821-38, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = CRI; Pedometer = Koller Oct. 1970; Beam Compass = WHI; Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 6/23/64; Ellipsograph = WHI; Spy Glass, 1821 = D.(1972); Marine Barometer = VNN; Pocket Compass = Christie 12/18/74; Hodometer = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 12/5/24 = Soth. 2/6/25; Telescope = KEN; etc. T.C.; George and Charles (Wastell?) Dixey, which see; "Opticians to the King"; twin sons and successors to Edward Dixey; signed as "Late Fraser"; "Mathematical Instrument Makers to the King." 335 Oxford Street (1821); 78 New Bond Street (1822-23); 3 New Bond Street (1825-28); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1536, 1537); Whipple 1; Price 12; Gunther 2; KEN; Moskowitz 104; RSW; Crawforth 1.
DIXEY, GEORGE 1 England, fl.1810-32, OIM Telescope, 1825 = D. may be connected with Charles and George Dixey 2. 20 Vine Street, Picadilly, London. Taylor 2(1311); Coffeen II.
DIXEY, GEORGE 2 England, 1798-1838, MIM OIM PHIM twin brother of Charles Wastell Dixey? father of L. Dixey; optician to the Royal Family; T.C. Bond Street, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1.
DIXEY, GEORGE AND CHARLES England, fl.1825-38, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = CRI; Pedometer = Koller Oct. 1970; Beam Compass = WHI; Mathematical Instrument Set = Soth. 6/23/64; Ellipsograph = WHI; Spyglass = Soth. 12/13/65;Telescope = KEN; Thermometer = KEN; Opera Glasses = KEN (2). George Dixey 2 and Charles Wastell Dixey; "Opticians to the King"; successors to Edward Dixey; signed as "Late Fraser"; see G. and C. Dixey. 3 New Bond Street (1825-38); 335 Oxford Street; 78 New Bond Street; all in London. Taylor 2(1536)(1537); Whipple 1; Price 12; Gunther 2; KEN; RSW.
DIXEY, L. England, fl.1843-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer with clock = K. and C. 5/6/75. optician; T.C.; son of George Dixey 2; see Dixey 3. Bond Street, London; 62 Kings Road (1843); 21 Kings Road (1860); last two in Brighton. Calvert 2; KEN; RSW; Crawforth 1; RSW.
DIXON England, instrument maker. NMM 1.
DIXON AND PICKERING PHIM Stick Barometer = Salem Maritime Nat'l Historic Site, Mass. RSW.
DIXON, HUGH England, c.1785, OIM patented improvements of optical instruments; made telescopes, microscopes, etc. St. James's, Clerkenwell, London. Taylor 2(827); Dewhirst.
DIXON, JOHN England, c.1822, MIM 93 Newman Street, London. O'Mara.
DIXON, WILLIAM England, fl.1688-90, MIM member of the Joiners' Company; turned over William Roloson to Joseph Wells in 1690. London. Crawforth 7.
DNS Germany, 1562, Ring Sundial, 1562 = ADL-M308. marked "Anno Dns 1562"; "Dns" has a bar over the "ns"; shorthand for "Dominus." Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
DO France, c.1691, enameler who sold barometers. rue du Harley, Aux Armes de France, Paris. Daumas 1.
DO---- England, NIM Compass Card = NMM. Minories, London. RSW.
DOBBIE, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1815-87, NIM OIM Sextants = PEA, FRK(2) = RSM(1); Octant = Phillips 5/20/75; Telescopes = MYS, FRK = RSM(2); Chronometer = FRK = RSM. also made watches; T.C.; retailed Chrichton octants. 20 Clyde Place (1844-56); 24 Clyde Place, south side of Quay (1857-72); 24 and 25 Clyde Place (1873-85); all in Glasgow. Brewington 1; Bryden 3; Frank; Clarke et al. RSW.
DOBBIE, ALEXANDER, AND SON Scotland, fl.1886-1900+, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Compass Rose = AMST; Stick Barometer = P.C. son was John Clark Dobbie. 24 & 25 Clyde Place (1886-88); 18 & 19 Clyde Place (1889-91); 44 & 45 Clyde Place (1893-95); all in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Clarke et al; RSW.
DOBBIE, JOHN CLARK Scotland, fl.1817-96, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of Alexander Dobbie; carried on the firm after his father's death in 1887; designed nautical instruments. Glasgow. Clarke et al.
DOBBIE, RICHARD England, NIM repaired Bianchetti sextant. RSW.
DOBBIE, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1821-45, PHIM made two barometers in 1845. Falkirk. Goodison 1.
DOBERSCHITZ, LAUR. Austria, 1734-99, MIM Lunar Volvelle = KRM-FS32; Sector = KRM. cleric. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1; RSW.
DOBINSON England, c.1780, PHIM Angle Barometer = P.-B. 4/28/39. Wolsingham. RSW.
DOBLER, EUGENIUS Austria, fl.1746-62, OIM Gregorian Telescope = KRM. Kremsmünster. Zinner 1.
DOBLER, J.M. Germany, fl.1690-1730, OIM Telescopes = Gel-TX895, DRE; Binocular Telescopes = DRE (1730), MOS (2). "opticus fecit." Berlin. Chenekal 4; Drechsler 2; RSW.
DOBROMIL Germany, 18th Century, MIM Equatorial Sundial = Drecker. RSW.
DOBSON 1 USA, c.1798, MIM Philadelphia, Pa. Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences, Vol. IX, Philadelphia, Pa. 1798.
DOBSON 2 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
DOBSON AND BAKER England, NIM Quadrant = P.C. London. USNM.
DOBSON, F. misreading for J. Dobson 1. RSW.
DOBSON, GLOVER AND CO. England, c.1780, NIM OIM Quadrant, case = D.(1983); Telescope = Portland Museum of Art, Me. telescope marked "Improved Day or Night." 144 Leadenhall Street, London. RSW.
DOBSON, J. 1 England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 10/22/87. Finsbury Street, Finsbury Square, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
DOBSON, J. 2 see John Dobson.
DOBSON, JAMES England, 1794, MIM Chart Globe, 1794 = X. based on Halley's observations. Tooley.
DOBSON, JOHN 1 England, fl.1714-23, MIM apprenticed to John Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 15, 1698; free of the Company, Nov. 1, 1714; took apprentices. J. Brown 3.
DOBSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1828-46, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X. apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; made free in the Company. 4 Great Suffolk Street (1828-29); 13 Newington Causeway (1830); 54 Newington Causeway (1836-46); all in London.. Taylor 2(1830); Goodison 1; O'Mara; Crawforth 7.
DOBSON, LEONARD England, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Lefever in the Merchant Taylors' Company; free in the Company. Crawforth 7.
DOD, DANIEL USA, 1778-1823, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compendium = Fort Laramie Nat'l Monument, Wyoming; Surveying Compass = ADL- son of Lebbeus Dod. Mendham, New Jersey. Smart 1; Bedini 8.
DOD, LEBBENS see Lebbeus Dod. Smart 1; USNM.
DOD, LEBBEUS USA, 1739-1816, MIM SIM Parallel Rule and Protractor = Guthman Coll.; Drafting Instrument = P.C.; Drawing Instrument Set = P.C. sometimes signed "Lebbus Dod"; surveyor. Mendham, New Jersey. Smart 1; Guthman 1; USNM; Bedini 8.
DODASNE, DOMINIQUE Belgium, 1697, OIM Telescope, 1697 = Tomba. Brussels. RSW.
DODD Scotland, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. Andrew Dodd? Glasgow. Goodison 1; RSW.
DODD, ANDREW Scotland, fl.1837-47, MIM OIM PHIM 70 Hutcheson Street (1837-38); 36 Glassford Street (1838-47); 88 Glassford Street 1847-48; all in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Bryden 3.
DODD, S. USA, 19th Century, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = New Haven Colony Historical Society, Conn. USNM.
DOERRETY England, 1727, PHIM Barometer, 1727 = D.(1971). London. RSW.
Dolberg & Hannay Rostock, Germany Octants see Dolberg, Adolf Rostock
Dolberg & Petri Rostock, Germany, c. 1858 Theolodites see Dolberg, Adolf Rostock
Dolberg, Adolf Rostock, Germany, 1848-1863 Octants, reflecting circle, chemical balances continued as Dolberg & Petri, Dolberg & Hannay Rostock, Munich, Stralsund, Greenwich Hamel, Juergen, in Beitrag zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 10 (2010)
DOLL, JOHAN GEORG Germany, 1739, MIM Perpetual Calendar, 1739 = OXF. Evans 1; Esdaille.
DOLLAND many optical and philosophical instruments signed "Dolland" are to be found; some are surely misreadings but others are deliberately mis-signed to take advantage of the great popularity of the Dollond name and avoid any legal action. RSW.
DOLLARD England, PHIM Pocket Barometer = K. and C. 7/9/75. misreading for Dollond? London. RSW.
DOLLON England, c. 1780, NIM Sextant = MOS. probably Dollond. London. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja.
DOLLOND England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM a great many instruments are signed just "Dollond"; they could have been made by John 1, John 2, Peter or George (Huggins) (1) Dollond and covered a long period of time. London. ADL; RSW.
DOLLOND AND SON England, c.1752, MIM OIM Orrery = Morrison Planetarium, San Francisco, Cal.; Telescopes = Soth. 10/17/60, D.(1972)(1977); Microscope = WHI. John Dollond 1 and Peter Dollond. London. Whipple 1; RSW; O'Mara; Wynter 1.
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 1 England, 1774-1856, MIM OIM PHIM Telescope, case = D.(1983); Microscope = Soth. 7/29/69; Instruments = OXF, WHI, NMM; Stick Barometers = City of Gloucester Museum, Erddig Park, Wrexham; etc. born George Huggins 1, son of John Huggins 1; changed name 1805-06; nephew of Peter Dollond; apprenticed to him in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1788; turned over to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company in 1788; turned over to Charles Fairbone 2 in the Company in 1802; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company by redemption in 1807; optician to William IV, Queen Victoria and the Honble. Board of Customs; F.R.S., 1819; author; succeeded Peter Dollond in 1820. see Dollond, George (Huggins) 1 (continued).
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 1 (CONTINUED) 28 New Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road; 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1804-54); 61 Paternoster Row (1854-56); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(955), (992a); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; J. Brown 1 and 2; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; Court and von Rohr 3(223); Robischon; Clay and Court; RSW.
DOLLOND, GEORGE (HUGGINS) 2 England, fl.1827-64, MIM OIM born George Huggins 2; apprenticed to George (Huggins) Dollond 1 (who was probably his father) in the Grocers' Company on Feb. 6, 1817; free of the Company on April 5, 1827; took name of Dollond in 1852 as George (Huggins) Dollond 2; succeeded George (Huggins) Dollond 1 in 1856; took apprentices. London. J. Brown 2; Robischon.
DOLLOND, J., AND SON England, c.1752, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Telescopes = Soth. 10/17/60, D.(1973); Microscope = WHI; Octant, wood, with Telescope = P.C.(1978). John Dollond 1 and son, Peter. London. Whipple 1; RSW.
DOLLOND, JOHN 1 France; England, 1706-61, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. French silk weaver; joined his son, Peter, in 1752; first to commercially produce achromatic lenses; F.R.S.; invented the splt objective micrometer; received the Copley medal. Spitalfields (1750-52); Golden Spectacles and Sea Quadrant, Exeter Exchange, Strand (1752); both in London. Taylor 2(164); Michel 3; Price 5; Dewhirst; Brewington 1; Daumas 1; Nachet; Gunther 6; G.L'E. Turner 24; Multhauf 1; Court and von Rohr 3(XX); J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Robischon; RSW.
DOLLOND, JOHN 2 England, 1740-1804, MIM NIM OIM PHIM son of John Dollond 1; younger brother of Peter Dollond; admitted to the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 26, 1767 by redemption ; Master of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1790 and 1792; partner of Peter Dollond from 1766 on; see Peter and John Dollond. 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1766); Haymarket (1795); both in London. Daumas 1; Nachet; Clay and Court; J. Brown 1; Bedini 8; Court and von Rohr 3(181); Robischon.
DOLLOND, P. AND J. England, fl.1766-1820, MIM OIM PHIM Orreries = P.C., Christie 5/7/63;; Eckardt's Rolling Rules = Soth. 10/17/60, P.C. (1968); Telescopes = OXF (2); etc. Peter and John 2 Dollond; sons of John Dollond 1; "Opticians to His Majesty"; also made barometers. 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1766); 35 Haymarket (1795); both in London. Taylor 2(469); Evans 1; RSW; Nachet; Daumas 1; Gunther 2; Goodison 1;
DOLLOND, PETER England, 1730-1820, MIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including telescopes at RSM (1765), VCW, ARM (Kew mural quadrant and equatorial); barometers = Earl of Bute (1793) and English, Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd., London, etc.; sundial at MOS; compass at NMM; mariner's astrolabe at Gold and Silver Museum, Schoonhoven (NMM-53). oldest son of John Dollond 1; admitted as a foreign Brother to the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1755; took over William Gilbert 2 as an apprentice, July 4, 1769; in business for himself 1750-52 and 1761-66; "Optician to His Majesty and to His Royal Highness the Duke of York", 1763; his father joined him, 1752-61; see Dollond, Peter (continued).
DOLLOND, PETER (CONTINUED) nephew, George (Huggins) Dollond 1 was a partner, 1804-20, and succeeded him; T.C.; author; Warden of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1772; Master of the Company in 1774, 1778 and 1799; took apprentices; John Dollond 2 was partner, 1766-1804. Vine Street, Spitalfields (1750); Golden Spectacles and Sea Quadrant, near Exeter Exchange, Strand (1752-63); at the Sign of the Prisms (1763); 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1769-1820); 35 Haymarket (1784); all in London; Richmond Hills, Surrey. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(469); Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Nachet; Clay and Court; Chenekal 1; Chaldecott 1; Bryden 9; RSW; Crawforth 1; Purtle; Gunther 6; J. Brown 1; Court and von Rohr 3(155); J.A. Bennett 2; Robischon; A.J. Turner 10; A. Stimson 3.
DOLLOND, PETER AND GEORGE England, 1804-20, MIM OIM PHIM T.C. St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1.
DOLLOND, THOMAS England, c.1770, NIM Compass = NMM. name covered by P. Dollond mark. RSW; NMM 2.
DOLLOND, WILLIAM England, post-1852, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = Soth. 2/25/86-123. instrument signed "Dollond London"; T.C.; "Mathematical and Optical Instrument Maker to Her Majesty"; perhaps son (or son-in-law, having changed his name) of George (Huggins) Dollond 1. 59 St.Paul's Churchyard, London. Moskowitz 2; RSW.
DOLLORD England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 3/19/75. misprinting for Dollond. London. RSW.
DOLON England, c.1780, OIM Telescope = ADL-M436. signed "Dolon à Londres"; probably a contemporary forgery. London. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
DOLOND England, OIM Telescope = Maria Mitchell Science Library, Nantucket, Mass. imitator of Dollond; "Day or Night." Daumas 1; RSW.
DOMBEY AND SON England, 19th Century, NIM Octant, ebony and ivory = WHI. could be retailers; arm marked "W. and T. Gilbert, London." London. Fitzgerald; Gunther 3; RSW.
DOMENECUS, M. Holland, 1770, MIM Napier's Bones, 1770 = P.C. sometimes spelled "Dominicus." Amsterdam. Wynter and Turner; RSW.
DOMET DU MONT France, fl.1801-23, OIM amateur maker of achromatic lenses. Nachet.
DOMINUIS, C.D. Holland, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer = Christie April, 1978. oak. The Hague. Mörzer Bruyns 2
DONALDSON AND SONS Scotland, c.1829, MIM Pair of Globes, 1829 = Phillips 11/16/88. published by Donaldson and Sons; engraved by W. and A.K. Johnston. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. RSW.
DONALDSON, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1799-1830, MIM toolmaker; made globes. Cowgate (1799); South Niddry Street (1818-30); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DONALDSON, ALEXANDER, AND SON Scotland, fl.1831-55, MIM Alexander and his son John; globe makers and toolmakers. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DONALDSON, JOHN Scotland, c.1850, MIM son of Alexander Donaldson. South Niddry Street, Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
DONAUER see Donaverus. Zinner 1.
DONAVERUS painter Hans Danauer; on stone calendar by Andreas Pleninger. Zinner 1.
DONCKER, HENDRIK Holland, 1626-99, MIM NIM Cross-staff, 1698 = D.(1986). also made protractors; hydrographer. in de Nieuwbrugh Street, in't Stuurmans gereetschap, Amsterdam (1651-99). Rooseboom 1; Tooley; Wynter 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
DONDI, GIOVANNI DI Italy, 1318-80, MIM made the astrarium (astronomical clock); author; several models of the astrarium have been made, examples are at KEN, TIM, USNM, etc. Padua. Maddison and Bedini; Morpurgo 1 and 2; Baillie 1.
DONEGAN variant spelling for "Denegan". Bedini 1.
DONEGAN AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 94 Holborn Hill, London. Goodison 1.
DONEGAN CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-PB pre-1980. London. RSW.
DONEGAN, F. England, c.1775, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. Leicester. RSW.
DONEGAN, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Joseph Donegan. Goodison 1.
DONEGAN, JOSEPH England, fl.1830-35, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Lad Lane, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Taylor 2(1831); Goodison 1.
DONEGAN, L., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. 3 Long Lane, London. Goodison 1.
DONEGAN, PETER England, c.1805, PHIM probably seller of barometers. 7 Union Court, Holborn, Lomdon. Goodison 1.
DONEGAN, PETER, AND CO. England, c.1805?, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X(2); Barometers = X. one stick barometer is signed "Peter Donegan and Co."; others signed "P. Donegan and Co."; may be dealer only. London. Goodison 1.
DONEGANI England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Goodison 1.
DONEGANI, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. perhaps Joseph Donegan. Newcastle-under-Lyme. Goodison 1.
DONEGANI, SANTINO Italy, 18th Century, PHIM Barometer = FLO. Bonelli 1.
DONEGANY, JOSEPH Italy; USA, c.1785, PHIM made barometers and thermometers. Philadelphia, Pa.; 54 Smith Street, New York, N.Y. Bedini 1 & 8.
DONEVAN, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Donegan? London. Goodison 1.
DONI, CARLO Italy, pre-1761, MIM SIM Graphometer = FLO-619. Bonelli 1; Italian Inv.
DONKIN, B. England, 1768-1855, MIM Slide Rule = KEN; Rule = KEN. London. KEN.
DONN, BENJAMIN England, 1729-98, MIM NIM Gunter's Scales = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby, D.(1995). designed an improved Gunter's scale pre-1764 and wrote booklet about it; scales signed "Navigation Scale improved by B. Donn." Bideford (until 1766); The Library House, King Street, Bristol; The Academy, Kingston (1774). Taylor 2(470); Bryden 9; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 51; RSW.
DONNAGE France, c.1810, PHIM Barometer, stick = D.(1996). Paris. AH Vol. 23.
DONNIGAN AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 2/2/84. RSW.
DONOSTADIUS see Simon Tunsted. Michel 3.
DOOLITTLE, ENOS USA, 1751-1806, MIM NIM SIM Circumferentor = P.C. made surveying and mariner's compasses; nephew of Isaac Doolittle 1. Chapel Street, Hartford, Conn. Bedini 1; Smart 1.
DOOLITTLE, ISAAC 1 USA, 1721-1800, MIM SIM made surveying instruments, etc; Bedini lists some of the family as clockmakers. New Haven, Conn. Bedini 1, 8 & 17; Smart 1.
DOOLITTLE, ISAAC 2 USA, 1759-1821, MIM NIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Vermont Historical Society. 46 North Haven, New Haven, Conn. Bedini 1; Smart 1.
DOOLITTLE, JAMES USA, fl.1802-39, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Chester Count Historical Society. son of Enos Doolittle. Hartford, Conn. Smart 1.
DOPPELMAYR AND PUSCHNER Germany, 1730, MIM Celestial Globe, 1730 = DRE. Nürnberg. RSW.
DOPPELMAYR, JOHAN GABRIEL Germany, 1671-1750, MIM Celestial Globes = WOL (1718), Würzburg University (1720), PRA (2)(1728), DRE (1736), DEU, NMM (2), Innsbruck Stift, Wilton, KRO; Terrestrial Globes = NMM, DRE (1730, 1736), Soth. 3/10/87 (1728); Terrestrial and Celestial Globe Gores, 1728 = Drouot 12/19/66; Pair of Globes = D.(1989); etc. "Mathem. Prof. Publ. Norib. exhibentur, concinnatus a Joh. Georg Puschnero Chalcographo Norib."; published a celestial atlas; translated Bion's book on instruments into German in 1717; had Georg Friedrich Brander as a pupil. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Horsky and Skopova; Stevenson; Drechsler 2; Globus Nov. 1954 and June 1962; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10; Antiwue Collector May, 1989; RSW.
DORAL, D. ANTONIO Spain, c.1850, NIM Sighting Circle = MAN-I82. Garcia Franco 2.
DORING, HANS Poland, 1463-1470, MIM Astronomical Clock = Marien Church, Danzig. Danzig. Zinner 1.
DORMER, ROBERT see Dorner. Michel 3.
DORN, HANS Austria, c.1430-1509, MIM Astrolabes = BM (1491) (ICA-250), FLO (1483), KRA (1486) (ICA-642); Diptych Sundials = STU (1476), ADL-M288 (1476), OXF (1481), HAK; Celestial Globe, 1480 = KRA; Torquetum, 1486 = KRA. Dominican friar; studied with Peurbach in Vienna; BM astro- labe has nocturnal, compass on the back, it is the only signed instrument; the others are identified because of the delicate, intricate strap-work decoration; BM & FLO astro- labes were divided by transversal lines; KRA instruments were left to the University by Martin Bylica, an alumnus. Vienna. Zinner 1; Amiesenowa; Przypkowski 2; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Maddison 1; Gunther 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; Fox 1 and 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW.
DORNER, I.M. Germany, MIM Horizontal Sundial = BUD; Floating Sundial = Drouot 4/7/87. Zinner 1; Lajos and Jozsef; RSW.
DORNER, P. AEGIDIUS Austria, 1652-1727, MIM may be "P.AE.D.P.K." signed on horizontal sundial at KRM. Rabenalt.
DORNER, ROBERT England; Italy, 1715, MIM Sundial, slate, 1715 = FLO. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3.
DORNSTRAUCH, ADAMAS Germany?, 1677, MIM Mining Compass and Sundial, 1677 = P.C. (1677). it is also marked "M.F. 1677." RSW.
DORRINGTON England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Truro. Goodison 1.
DORSEY, PHILIP USA, fl.1793-1802, MIM NIM OIM Sign of Hadley's Quadrant and Compass-Card, corner of Queen and Thames Streets (1793); Fell's Point, 20 Queen Street; both in Baltimore, Md. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10.
DORSMAN, SALING Holland, 1750-1825, NIM Compass = AMST. Hoorn. Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
DOTTI, G. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1.
DOTTI, G. 2 England, c.1820, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Pulborough 3/1/83. Carlisle. RSW.
DOTY AND BERGEN USA, c.1840, MIM Perpetual Calendar, volvelles = X. engraved calendar devised by L.H. Corson. 120 William Street, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DOU, JAN PIETERSZ. Holland, fl.1612-20, invented the Holland circle in 1612. Amsterdam. Bryden 9; Zinner 1; Daumas 1.
DOUBLET England, OIM Telescope, tripod = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. see T. and H. Doublet. London. RSW.
DOUBLET, HANNAH England, c.1830, MIM NIM PHIM 14 Shepperton Place, New North Street, London. Taylor 2(1833).
DOUBLET, T. AND H. England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM Transit Theodolite = Phillips 11/16/88; Telescope = Phillips 2/14/79; Microscope = Phillips 2/14/79; Pair of long Rules in cane = Soth.-B. 9/26/73; Magnetic Compass = Christie 12/16/69; Rule, ivory = D.; Rule = P.C.; Sextant = Bearnes 1/24/90. Thomas and Henry or Thomas and Hannah Doublet; sextant marked "for W. and E. Seagrove Portsea." 6 Moorgate Street, Bank; 48 City Road; Finsbury Square; all in London. RSW.
DOUBLETT, HENRY England, MIM may be the H. Doublett in T. and H. Doublett. London. Gilliland.
DOUBLETT, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM see T. and H. Doublett. London. Gilliland.
DOUBLOTT, HANNAH see Hannah Doublet. Gilliland.
DOUGALL, J. Scotland, c.1778, MIM Kirkaldy. Evans 1; Bryden 3.
DOUGHTY England, PHIM Thermometer = TIM. on ivory base. 431 West Strand, London. RSW.
DOUGLAS, HOWARD England, c.1811, Sir Howard Douglas; patented a protractor for plane table use in 1811. Novokshanova-Soklovskaja; J.A. Bennett 2.
DOUGLAS, J. England, 1724, designed a surveying instrument called "The Infallible", in 1724. Gunther 2.
DOUGLAS, JAMES Scotland, fl.1788-93, OIM grandson and successor to Thomas Short. Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburg. Bryden 3.
DOULLON imitator of Dollond. Daumas 1.
DOULLY, JACQUES-ANTOINE CARLIER 1755, MIM Horizontal Sundial, slate, 1755 = X. Namur.
DOVER, A.W. England, fl.1890-1918, NIM Dip Needle Compass = Gilbert 8/27/76; Inclinometers = USNM (5). son of John Dover; T.C. Westwich Road, Charlton, Kent. Multhauf and Good; McConnell 3; RSW.
DOVER, JOHN England, 1824-81, NIM PHIM Inclinometer = USNM; Magnetometer = USNM; Dip Needle = Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge. father of A.W. Dover; apprenticed to Thomas Charles Robinson; balance maker; exhibited a balance at the Great Exhibition of 1851, in London. 14 Little Street, London; Charlton, Kent. Multhauf and Good; Bryden 8; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DOVIKH, FEDOR see Fedor Dowich. Chenakal 1.
DOWICH, FEDOR Russia, fl.1788-95, MIM SIM Sundials = MOS (1795), MOS (2); Circumferentor, 1788 = MOS. Tula. Chenakal 1; Novokshanova-Soklovskaja.
DOWLER, D.T. England, NIM Sextant = D. RSW.
DOWLING England, c.1826, MIM tried to punch graduations and numerals on rules in one operation; probably William Dowling; which see. Delehar 9.
DOWLING, MICHAEL USA, 1790-1853, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = P.C. 158 Market Street, Newark, New Jersey. Smart 1.
DOWLING, ROBERT Ireland, fl.1830-33, OIM optician. 21 Lower Sackville Street (1830-31); 8 George's Quay (1832-33); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett.
DOWLING, WILLIAM England, fl.1822-29, MIM OIM PHIM Sundial = Soth. 12/8/69; Spyglass = D.(1968). T.C.; "working optician." Serle's Passage, West Gate, Lincoln"s Inn, London. Taylor 2(1538); Calvert 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 1.
DOWNIE, J. Germany, c.1780, NIM Octant = FRK. Hamburg. Frank.
DOWNIE, THOMAS Germany, c.1827, NIM OIM PHIM Telescope = HAM; Marine Compass = HAM; Thermometer = MYS; Barometer = MYS. telescope marked `Day or Night'; T.C. in box of ADL-A168. No. 9 (or 19) Stebbinhur (or Stubbenhuk); Stuchvenhuk No. 9; both in Hamburg. ADL; RSW.
DOWNING England, see Kull and Downing. RSW.
DOWNING, SAMUEL England, c.1829, MIM rule maker; devised punch to mark gradations and numbers. Delehar 2.
DOYLE, WILLIAM England, 1815, MIM Stained-glass Sundial, 1815 = Blackheath, London. Daniels 1.
DRAGSTEDT, GUSTAF Sweden?, c.1775, MIM Pipping 1.
DRAKE, O.P. USA, fl.1846-55, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM.
DRAKEFORD, DAVID England, c.1716, OIM apprenticed to George Bass in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company, 1716; worked with George Bass. Fleet Ditch, London. Robischon.
DRANCHIJ, FILIPPO AND DE HAVERI Italy, PHIM Pneumatic Machine = FLO-831. see Bianchi. Bonelli 1.
DRAPER AND KNOX USA, fl.1837-38, MIM SIM Edmund or George (his brother) Draper and Joseph Knox. 60 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Miller.
DRAPER, E.A. USA, see Edmund Draper. Miller.
DRAPER, EDMUND USA, 1805-82, MIM OIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Talbot County Historical Society, Md., P.C., USNM, William Penn Memorial Museum, Ohio Historical Society, Transit = P.C. first was partner with Benjamin Stancliffe as Stancliffe and Draper, 1830-33; worked alone 1833-38; thn he took Joseph Knox as a partner, see Draper and Knox; the Gurley Co. has repaired over thirty of his instruments; made his own dividing engine; T.C.; some of his small compasses were signed "E.A. Draper." 80 South Third Street (1833-37); 25 Pear Street, near Third below Walnut Street (1839-50); 22 Pear Street (1850-82); all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 8; Miller; RSW.
DRAPER, EDWARD USA, fl.1838-53, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM possibly Edmund Draper. 25 Pear Street, Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
DRAPER, GEORGE USA, c.1844, MIM brother of Edmund Draper who refused to recommend him for a job with the Coast Survey in 1844; may have been the Draper in Draper and Knox, 1837. 60 Dock, Philadelphia, PA. Miller.
DRAPER, MURRAY AND FAIRMAN USA, pre-1827, MIM Gideon Fairman. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 1.
DRAYCOTT, RICHARD England, c.1727, MIM apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 1, 1727. J. Brown 1.
DREBBEL, CORNELIUS JACOBSZ Holland; England, 1572-1633, MIM OIM Globe, 1621 = James I of England; Microscope, 1619 = X. scholar who made a wide range of original instruments; invented baroscope; author; came to England in 1604-05 and was instrument maker to James I; made planetarium, etc; "Cor Drebel 1579" marked on diptych sundial, ADL-W236. Alkmaar; Eltham, Ipswich. Taylor 1(90); Rooseboom 1; Nachet; Zinner 1; Daumas 1; Dawson 207; Tooley; Michel 22; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW.
DRECHSEL, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1611, MIM Equatorial Sundial, 1611 = DRE. surely Christoph Trechsler. Dresden. Lübke.
DRECHSLER Germany, c.1850, MIM Celestial Globe = DRE. date on label wrong for Trechsler. Dresden. RSW.
DRECHSLER, E. Austria, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1975). Vienna. RSW.
DRECHSLER, GEORG Germany, fl.1775-82, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, case = PMM; Bloud-type Sundial = PMM. installed Herschel telescopes at Lilienthal, 1782. Hannover. Zinner 1; Daumas 1.
DREEVEN, J.J. VAN Holland, OIM Microscope, base only = UTR. Nijmegen. Van Cittert 3.
DRESSLER Czechoslovakia, c.1841, PHIM Barometrograph = KEN. the barometrograph was designed in 1841 by Karl Kreil of Prague and used at the Kew Observatory in 1845. Prague. KEN; Middleton 1.
DREUX, S.T. France, c.1585, see Thibault. Higgens 3.
DREW, HENRY Scotland, fl.1730-38, MIM clockmaker. Glasgow. Bryden 3.
DRIELENBURG, JACOB Holland, 1656, PHIM Coin Balance, box, 1656 = Soth. 4/18/88. many weights stamped "I.D." (2). Amsterdam. RSW.
DRIESSENS, P. France, 1828, MIM Tellurian, 1828 = Yale U., New Haven, Conn. Paris? Yonge.
DRING AND FAGE England, fl.1790-1940, MIM NIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including PEA, WHI, NMM, KEN, RSM, etc. T.C.; John Dring and William Fage; used fouled anchor with D and F on either side as mark on ivory scales; "Hygrometer Makers to His Majesty's Honourable Board of Excise." 6 Tooley Street, London Bridge, Borough, Southwark (1792-96); 248 Tooley Street, Southwark (1796-1804); 20 Tooley Street, Southwark (1804-44); 19-20 Tooley Street, Southwark (1846-60); 145 The Strand (1883-1902); 56 Stamford Street, S.E. (1903-38); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(958); Calvert 2; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Price 12; Whipple 1; NMM 2; Brieux 3; KEN; Crawforth 1; RSW; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 58; Clifton 1.
DRING AND FAGE AND CO. England, c. 1850, PHIM Edward Hall and Edward Jenkin; appointed Hydrometer and Saccharometer Makers to the Board of Inland Revenue, 1850. 19 and 20 Tooley Street, London Bridge, Londn. McConnell 4.
DRING, JOHN England, fl.1784-90, MIM freed by Patrimony, 1780, possibly in the Feltmakers' Company; worked with William Fage, 1790 on, as Dring and Fage, which see; produced ivory scales for octants, etc.; signed "I.D." (2), which see. 4 Albion Place, Walworth (1784-90); Gracechurch Street; both in London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; Moskowitz 122; Coffeen 15; Clifton 1; RSW.
DRING, THOMAS England; USA; England, fl.1786-98, MIM NIM PHIM Barometer, 1796 = Chester County Historical Society, Pa. optician; clockmaker. West Chester, Pa. (1786-98). Bedini 1 & 8.
DRIVER England, PHIM balance maker; apprenticed to Mr. Vandome; see Bastick and Driver. Calvert 2.
DROOGTE, GROOTE Holland, c.1830, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. Amsterdam. RSW.
DROSCHEL see Troschel; another variant is Droschell. Gouk 1.
DRUNCKER, H. Germany?, 1611, MIM Diptych Sundial, oval, ivory, 1611 = P.C. RSW.
DRURY, JAMES England, c.1714, member of the Clockmakers' Company; James Rowley (MIM) was turned over to him by Thomas Woods in 1714. London. J. Brown 3.
DRURY, JEREMIAH England, c.1616, MIM he and John Harper worked with William Pratt to obtain a patent for Pratt's 'Arithmeticall Jewell', in 1616. A.J. Turner 10.
DRURY, STEPHEN USA, fl.1788-1809, MIM also made clocks; took David Moritz as an apprentice, c.1802. Huntingdon County, Pa. James W. Gibbs.
DRURY, WILLIAM 1 England, c.1761, MIM apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 18, 1761; might be William Drury 2, which see. Crawforth 7.
DRURY, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1769-74, MIM may be the same as William Drury 1, which see. Dale Street (1769); North Side Old Dock (1772); both in Liverpool. Bryden 9; Crawforth 7.
DRYANDER, JOHANNES Germany, c.1500-60, expert instrument designer; "Cylindri usus et canones", 1543, is first known description of a portable cylinder sundial; Johann Eichmann, M.D. RSW.
DRYDEN, JOHN England, Water Clock = X; Garden Sundial, 1677 = D.(1996). water clock is modern work; sundial looks like Pearson Page work, has long motto. Coventry. MAD, April, 1996; RSW.
DRYER, C. USA, c.1850, PHIM made thermometers and clocks. Louisville, Ky. USNM.
DU BOIS, A. Belgium, NIM T.C. in sextant box, OMM. Antwerp. RSW.
DU BUC see Buc, du.
DU PONT France, 1580, MIM Horizontal Sundial inside watch lid = P.C.; Sundial in watch = Bernal Sale. Baillie thought about 1650. Castres. Benson; Baillie 1.
DUBARY France, c.1810, MIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Graphometer = P.C. barometer signed "Dubarry Selon Toricelli". Dijon. Brieux 2; RSW.
DUBAS France, c.1850, NIM Octant, night = NMM-S.84; Octant = PMM; Sextant = D.(1985). "breveté." Nantes. Coffeen 11; RSW.
DUBINI 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 8 North Place, Brunswick Place (London). Goodison 1.
DUBINI 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. 25 Little College Street, West Camdentown (London). Goodison 1.
DUBINI, L. England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/17/87. Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London. RSW.
DUBINI, PETER England, fl.1832-60, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. also spelled Duhum and Dulbini (?). 11 Beauchamp Street (1832-33); 12 Beauchamp Street (1836); both in Leather Lane; 47 Red Lion Street (1853-60); all in London. Goodison 1.
DUBOIA France, MIM Butterfield-type Sundial = OXF. possibly owner, engraving is different; may be misreading for Dubois. Paris. RSW; Soth. 2/28/80.
DUBOIN France, 18th Century, see Dubois. Paris. Nachet.
DUBOIS France, fl.1771-74, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL, ROM, FLO, COR, NMM, etc. Aux Génies, Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 3; Bonelli 1 and 4; Nachet; Italian Inv.; Frank; Wynter 1; Courtanvaux; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; RSW.
DUBOIS, FREDERIC WILLIAM Switzerland, 1811-69, MIM Frédéric William Dubois; made several astronomical clocks. Le Locle. Baillie 1.
DUBOIS, HENNON France, c.1800, invented a type of surveying instrument for triangulation; it was made by Charles Mercklein. Libert et Castor 4/28/82; RSW.
DUBOSCQ, JULES France, 1817-86, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Heliostats = WHI, Versailles 11/20/83, USNM; Microscopes = AMH, UTR, Versailles 11/20/83; Prism = La Rochelle 7/16/83; Goniometer = Soth. 3/10/87; Polariscope = USNM; etc. "ingénieur, gendre et successeur de Soleil, opticien du Roy", 1849; "Appareil Breveté S.G.D.G."; also pupil and son-in-law of Soleil; traded as Duboscq- Soleil, which see; T.C.; took Ph. Pellin as a partner in 1883, until 1886 when Pellin took over. 21, rue de l'Odéon au fond de la Cour, Paris (1849-83). USNM; Calvert 2; Bonelli 1; Brieux 3; Fitzgerald; Paris 1900; Belgian Inv.; Van Cittert 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; Warner 13; RSW.
DUBOSCQ, L.J. France, c.1850, OIM perhaps related to Jules Duboscq. 21 Rue de l'Odéon, Paris. USNM.
DUBOSCQ, TH. AND A. France, c.1883, PHIM J.W. Queen announced they were sole agents for the above; may have been disgruntled sons of Jules Duboscq. Paris. Warner 13.
DUBOSCQ-SOLEIL, J. France, 1851-75, PHIM Solar Polariscope and Fresnel Press = Brown U., Providence, RI.; Saccharimeter = College of Charlston, SC; Fresnel Press = U. of Virginia; Cyanopolarimeter = Columbia College (University); etc. "J. Duboscq-Soleil Brete S.G.D.G." Paris. Warner 13.
DUBOSE France, MIM SIM Graphometer = P.C. RSW.
DUBOSQ, G. France, c.1831, PHIM Polaiscope = FRK-M328. polariscope; possibly J. Dubosq. Paris. Frank; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DUBOSQ, PROSPER EDMOND France, MIM SIM Surveying Square = P.C. RSW.
DUBOSQ-SOLEIL, J. France, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = UTR, STM. surely Jules Duboscq. 35 Rue de l'Odéon, Paris. Van Cittert 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DUBY, C. France, 1724, MIM Horizontal Sundial, round, lead, 1724 = Schuhmann Sale. Estavage. RSW.
DUCHAFFAT, A. see Chaffat, a. du. RSW.
DUCHASSAR, A. see Chaffat, a. du. RSW.
DUCHEMIN, EMILE France, 19th Century, NIM Compass Rose = AMST. Paris. Mörzer Bruyns.
DUCHER alternative spelling is Tucher.
DUCHER, CHRISTOPH Germany, 1582-1632, MIM member of the compass makers' guild; became a pedlar. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
DUCHER, H. Germany, MIM Polyhedral Sundial, octagonal, compass on top = DRE. RSW.
DUCHER, HANNS Germany, fl.1600-09, MIM Sundial in watch case, 1600 = ADL-M287; Mining Compass, 1609 = ADL-M173. ADL-M173 is signed "hanns ducher faci eh badt 1609"; ADL-M287 is signed "hanns ducher 1600"; punchmark is orb; Zinner confused him with Hans Ducher (Tucher), the ivory diptych sundial maker. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
DUCHER, HANS 1 Germany, fl.1537-50, MIM made ivory diptych sundials; Master in 1537; Ducher used a serpent as a mastermark; one of his sundials, signed "H.D." (2), is at OXF. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1.
DUCHER, HANS 2 Germany, fl.1557-1615, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = OXF (1560, 1567), MERC-68 (1576) = Soth. 12/12/55. became master in 1557; made ivory diptych sundials dating from 1560-97; hard to tell his work apart from Hans Ducher 3, his son, when their dates overlap; see H.D. 2. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Gouk 1; Hamilton 1 and 2.
DUCHER, HANS 3 Germany, 1549-1632, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = P.C. (1569), ADL-W20, ADL-DPW30, BM (5), UTO 11/2/76, Christie-G 5/3/86, WHI (1567), OXF (1578), (1588), Huelsmann Coll. (1580); Cube Sundial, brass, 1581 = WHI. son of Hans Ducher 2; Master in 1580; made ivory diptych and brass sundials dating from 1569-1621; some of the dials prior to 1597 may be by Hans Ducher 2; used both plain and spotted snakes as mastermarks; sometimes signed "H.D." (2), or "Hans Tucher" (OXF, 1588, signed as the latter), which see; see H.T. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Price 3; Ward 4; Engelmann 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; ADL; RSW.
DUCHER, HANS CHRISTOPH Germany, 1584-post-1656, MIM member of Compassmakers' Guild; became a city wait. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
DUCHER, JORG Germany, c.1490, MIM became Master compass maker in 1490; probably made ivory diptych sundials. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1.
DUCHER, JOSEF Germany, 1614-44, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory, = STU (1641), OXF (1642), OXF, WHI, Drecker Coll. = DPW. bird flying to left was his punchmark; several sundials with this punchmark are in the Huelsmann Coll. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; Bryden 16.
DUCHER, JOSEPH PLUMEN Germany, 1642, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1642 = Phillips 10/20/82. "Angst und Kumer ist aler menschen Driwsal"; probably same as Joseph Ducher. Nürnberg. RSW.
DUCHER, KATHARINA Germany, fl.1530, MIM compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
DUCHER, THEODOR Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, 1600 = X. compass maker. Nürnberg. Gouk 1.
DUCHER, THOMAS 1 Germany, 1590-1645, MIM Diptych Sundials, ivory = OXF (1620), HAK. son of Hans Ducher 2; Master in 1613; a snake is the mastermark; see T.D.; HAK is signed "Thomas Tucher"; Bryden thinks there are two unsigned diptych sundials at WHI by this maker. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Gouk 1; Syndram; Bryden 16; RSW.
DUCHER, THOMAS 2 Germany, 1683, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1683 = NOR. Nürnberg. RSW.
DUCOMMUN, FRANCOIS France, 1763-1839, MIM Tellurian Clocks = CHF (1817), MIS, P.C., D.(1965); Universal Ring Sun Dials = P.C. (2). François Ducommun-dit-Boudry. La Chaux-de-Fonds. NMM 2; RSW. Britten; Baillie 1; Musée d'Horlogerie.
DUCOMMUN-DIT-BOUDRY see François Ducommun.
DUCOMMUN-DIT-TINNON, DANIEL France, 1728, wrote of making sundials, 1728. La Chaux-de-Fonds. RSW; DRE Notes, 1973.
DUDIER, HANS Germany, 1578, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1578 = BASH. the cover is 14th century work. Augsburg. Tardy.
DUDLEY England, PHIM Barometer = D.(1970). RSW.
DUDLEY, JOHN England, c.1731, apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company, Dec. 14, 1731. Crawforth 7.
DUDLEY, ROBERT England; Italy, 1573-1649, Sir Robert Dudley; author, invented several instruments including a mariner's astrolabe (1596), an azimuth sundial, etc.; examples are in BM and FLO; exiled from England and went to Florence. London; Florence. Taylor 1(92); Bonelli 1; Michel 3, Boffito; Price 3; Italian Inv.; Ward 4; A. Stimson 3; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DUDMAN, T. England, NIM Sextant, ebony and ivory = Star of India Maritime Museum, San Diego, Cal. London. RSW.
DUDUICT, JACQUES France, fl.1599-1645, author; invented a sciatere (quadrant) to lay out sundials. Blois. Baillie 1; Zeitlin and Ver Brugge 219.
DUFFEY, JAMES P. USA, fl.1844-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM also made chemical and engineering instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
DUFOUR France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = P. and S. 11/21/1894. Paris. Evans 1; RSW.
DUFOUR, H. France, 18th Century, MIM Sundials, oval, silver = OXF, Strozzi; Butterfield-type Sundial, silver = Drouot 2/18/23; Sundial = AMST. Blois. Evans 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW.
DUGGLEBY, W. England, c.1850, PHIM barometer maker. Kirkby Moorside. Loomes 1.
DUGLAS, JACQUES France, NIM Compass Rose = D.(1972). Honfleur. Brieux 3.
DUGUE France, c.1620, MIM Sundial in watch = Ilbert Coll. Dugué; Duguet? Paris. Baillie 1.
DUHAMEL 1 France, 18th Century, MIM OIM Sectors = Soth. 12/12/55, Huelsmann Coll., Koller May, 1966; Sundial = Drouot 11/14/68; Folding Rule = Koller May, 1966; Set of Drawing Instruments, case = DEU. made lenses and Butterfield-type sundials. Paris. Michel 1 and 3; Evans 1; Nachet; Wheatland 2; Syndram; RSW.
DUHAMEL 2 Germany, MIM De Roias Sundial = DEU-1695. DuHamel. Munich. Price 2; RSW.
DUHAMEL, CLEMENT France; USA, 1818-86, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C.; Augsburg-type Sundials = P.C., D.; Telescope = USNM. optician. 111 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. Smart 1; USNM; Price 2; RSW.
DUHIM England, c.1832-33, see Dubini. London. Goodison 1.
DUHRE, GABRIEL OSTEN Sweden, fl.1763-81, MIM apprenticed to C.H. Westberg. Stockholm. Pipping 1.
DUJARDIN, FELIX France, 1801-68, designed a microscope. Nachet.
DULAC France, c.1607, invented a protractor with sundial and two movable arms; made by Vernie. Hamilton 2; Whipple 1.
DULBINI England, c.1836, see Dubini. London. Goodison 1.
DULNIG, J. Germany, c.1820, MIM Astrolabe = Bleiberg. Bleiberg. Kirnbauer 2.
DULOULIN France, 1845, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, glass and metal, case, 1845 = Cincinnati Museum of Natural History. "Cadran solaire analemmatique", 15"X12". RSW.
DULTON AND SMITH England, 1828, PHIM Set of Inspector's Standard Weights and Measures, 1828 = Phillips 10/26/83. London. RSW.
DUMAYNE CADET Switzerland, NIM Mariner's Compass = Koller May, 1966. Lausanne. RSW.
DUMONT D'URVILLE France, c.1830, NIM Artificial Horizon = PMM. RSW.
DUMOTIEZ France, c.1780, MIM OIM PHIM Sector = PEA; Barometers = FLO (2); Microscope = CNAM; Augsburg-type Sundial = P. et J. Martin, Versailles 11/18/79; Electrometer = GEM. one or the other of the Dumotiez frères. Rue du Jardinet, no. 2; Rue Saint-André-des-Arts, both in Paris. Brewington 1; Bonelli 1; Daumas 1; Moreau; A.J. Turner 10; USNM.
DUMOTIEZ FRERES France, fl.1784-1815, PHIM Hydrostatic Balance = P.C.; Air Pump = USNM. Dumotiez Frères were Louis Joseph and Pierre François; succeeded by Nicholas Constant Pixii, 1815. Rue du Jardinet; St André-des Arts; both in Paris. Multhauf 1; USNM; Brewington 1; Daumas 1; Brieux 3; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
DUMOTIEZ, LOUIS JOSEPH France, b.1757; fl.1784-1815, PHIM see Dumotiez Frères. Rue du Jardinet, Paris (1784). Daumas 1; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DUMOTIEZ, PIERRE FRANCOIS France, fl.1784-1815, PHIM Pierre François Dumotiez; see Dumotiez Frères. Rue du Jardinet, Paris (1784). Daumas 1; NMM 2; G.L'E. Turner 24.
DUNBARR USA, 1795, MIM Philadelphia, Pa. or Maryland or South Carolina. Prime; USNM.
DUNCAN 1 Scotland, see William Duncan.
DUNCAN 2 England, c.1781, MIM Zakhorloge = X. might be John Duncan 1. London. Mörzer Bruyns; Clarke et al.
DUNCAN, JOHN 1 England, fl.1828-34, OIM 4 King David Lane, London. Taylor 2(1835); O'Mara.
DUNCAN, JOHN 2 Scotland, pre-1856, OIM Microscope = D.(1981). Aberdeen. Moskowitz 122.
DUNCAN, WILLIAM Scotland, fl.1841-49, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Microscope = CRI = RSM; Level = RSM. microscope signed "W. Duncan, Aberdeen"; barometer signed "Duncan 92 Union Street, Aberdeen." 46 Dee Street (1841); 92 Union Street (1842-49); both in Aberdeen. Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Nachet; Gunther 2; Clarke et al.
DUNDAS see Melville, Dundas and Whitson.
DUNGAN, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 4/24/87. Newcastle. RSW.
DUNKEN, THOMAS England, c.1830, MIM apprenticed to William Gilbert of the Grocers' Company, March 4, 1830. J. Brown 1.
DUNN 1 England, pre-1794, NIM Sextant, rosewood = Leigh and Soth. 4/10/1794-65. possibly Samuel Dunn. RSW.
DUNN 2 Scotland, PHIM Marine Barometer = X; Theodolite = FRK = RSM. may be John 2 or Thomas Dunn. Edinburgh. Goodison 1; Clarke et al.
DUNN, JOHN 1 England, c.1758, MIM apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on May 17, 1751; free of the Company on June 6, 1758. J. Brown 1.
DUNN, JOHN 2 Scotland, fl.1824-43, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Level = RSM; Theodolite = Soth. 6/23/87; Graphometer, 1827 = Soth. 2/25/86 = RSM; Pyrometer = RSM; Magnetic Survey Compass = RSM; Transit for chronometer adjustment = RSM. T.C.; made an improved air pump; older brother of Thomas Dunn; protractor, thermometer and telescope = Nisbet 4/4/1860; probably made barometer signed "Dunn Edinburgh"; RSM graphometer also marked "invt et fecit." 7 West Bow (1824); 25 Thistle Street (1825-27); 52 Hanover Street (1828-31); Sign of the Gilded Globe, 50 Hanover Street 1832-42; all in Edinburgh; 157 Buchanan Street (1840); 28 Buchanan Street (1841); both in Glasgow. Goodison 1; Calvert 2; Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1542); Clay and Court; Darius 3; Chaldecott 3; RGO; R.G.W. Anderson 1; Clarke et al; RSW.
DUNN, MICHAEL 1813, MIM Evans 1.
DUNN, SAMUEL England, 1723-94, MIM NIM designed an orrery within an armillary sphere, pre-1780; improved azimuth compass and Hadley's quadrant. Crediton, Devon (-1751); Ormond House, Chelsea; Brompton Park, near Kensington (1763); 6 Clement's Inn, near Temple Bar (1774); 8 Maiden Lane, Covent Garden (1774); 1 Boar's Head Court, Fleet Street (1780-94); all in London. Taylor 2(348); RSW.
DUNN, THOMAS Scotland, fl.1818-67, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Soth. 7/4/66; Telescopic Levels (2) = RSM; Stick Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77; Box Sextant, 1842 = Exhibit,"1000 Years of Navigation", Brussels, 1979; Calendar, elapsed-time, circular = P.C.; "Improved Pantograph" = RSM; Theodolite = P.C.(1987); Surveyor's Compass = P.C.(1987); Transit, incomplete = RSM. worked with his brother, John Dunn 2, 1825-43; succeeded him, 1843-67; T.C.; in the London Exhibition of 1851; RSM transit marked "Edinburgh"; designed an accounting slide rule in 1818. Glasgow (c.1818); 50 Hanover Street, Edinburgh (1843-67). Taylor 2(1542); Goodison 1; Bryden 1; Delehar 2 and 9; Clarke et al; RSW.
DUNNETT see Jack Dunning. A.J. Turner 10.
DUNNING, JACK England, fl.1674-78, MIM OIM may have been an apprentice of Richard Reeves 1; member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; a Turner; had John Marshall 2 as an apprentice in the Turners' Company; made tubes for telescopes. Charing Cross, London. Taylor 1(373); Evans 1; Crawforth 6; A.J. Turner 10.
DUNOD, CLAUDE France; Germany, 1672-1716, MIM Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = HAK (1711 1713 1714), DUS (1714), MERC = WHI (1713), NYM (1714), OXF (1716), NYC, KRM, Freiburg i Breisgau Museum, KRE, etc. of French origin; an early maker of the mehanical equatorial sundial; some of these dials have cams to set the latitude. Burgundy; Munich (1678-95); Düsseldorf (1711-16). Zinner 1; Bryden 16; Michel 1 and 3; Nachet; Whipple 1; Art.; Chandler and Vincent; Gunther 6; Rabenalt; Belgian Inv.; Brieux 3; RSW; W. Eckhardt 3.
DUNSCOMBE AND HUSBANDS England, pre-1876, MIM OIM PHIM SIM M.W. Dunscombe and H. Husbands. Bristol. Bryden 9.
DUNSCOMBE, M.W. England, c.1855, MIM OIM PHIM SIM apprenticed to John Braham in 1855; succeeded him. Bristol. Bryden 9.
DUNSFORD, JAMES N. England, c.1830, OIM Fore Street, Devonport. Taylor 2(1836).
DUNSTON, PAUL England, c. 1695, MIM apprenticed to Simon Chapman of the Clockmakers' Company on June 24, 1687 for eight years. J. Brown 3.
DUPEE, JOHN USA, 1729-1773, MIM NIM SIM Backstaves 1764 = X (1753), Kelton Coll. (1764)(1990); Octants = PEA (1755), X (1760); Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Bostonian Society, South Natick Historical Society, P.C., Andover Historical Society, Mass., etc. father was a French Huguenot; PEA quadrant made for Patrick Montgomerie; made nautical compasses. North Side of Swing Bridge, Boston, New Eng. Bedini 1; Smart 1; Taylor 2(472); USNM; Brewington 1; Price 2; American Neptune, Jan. 1975; D.J. Warner 8, 10 and 12; RSW.
DUPRA France, c.1770, PHIM worked 18 years for the Abbé Nollet. Paris. Daumas 1.
DUPRESSOIR, C. France, c.1850, MIM SIM Mining Compass, box = P.C.(1987). succeeded Baraban. rue St. Honoré, 175, Paris. RSW.
DUPRESSOIR, J.P.H. France, MIM Planetarium on clock = MLL. Paris. RSW.
DUPUIS, JEAN France, 17th Century, MIM SIM Theodolite, wood = ROU-207; Theodolite, elaborate = CNAM; Astronomical Clock = ROU-260. Paris. Michel 3; Nachet.
DUQUET France, c.1733, devised a water clock. Baillie 1.
DUREN USA, see Henry Duren, Alder and Duren, Bassnet and Duren, Duren and Alder, Duren and Castigan, Duren and Mediger. New York, N.Y. RSW.
DUREN AND ALDER USA, T.C.; dealers in nautical instruments. 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DUREN AND CASTIGAN USA, NIM Sextants = Mystic Seaport, Conn.(2). New York, N.Y. RSW.
DUREN AND MEDINGER USA, c.1850, T.C.; dealers in chronometers. 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. RSW.
DUREN, HENRY USA, fl.1852-61, MIM NIM PHIM Quadrants = P.C., MYS; Octants = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Newport Historical Society, R.I.; Sextants = MYS (2). "S.B.R." signed on ivory scale of P.C. quadrant; "Importer"; may have made some instruments; machinist, 1860; nautical instrument maker, 1861; name stamped on a Spencer & Co. sextant at ADL; American agent for James Bassnett. 39 Burling Slip, opposite Fulton Ferry, one door from South Street, New York, N.Y. Brewington 1; USNM; Moskowitz 104; ADL; RSW.
DUREN, T. USA, c.1860, NIM Octant, ebony, case = D. probably a misreading; H. Duren T.C. in lid of box. New York, N.Y. RSW.
DURER, ALBRECHT Germany, 1471-1528, Altitude Sundials, round = WRAY, NYM, ADL-T4. the sundials listed are all modern work, probably by D.B. Sheahan; Dürer designed sundials which are shown in his book on perspective; artist; author. Nürnberg. Lübke; Zinner 1; Baillie 1; Kurz; ADL; RSW.
DURHAM, W. see William Derham. Aked.
DURINGER see Döring. Evans 1.
DURKEE, C.D., AND CO. USA, NIM Boxed Dry Compass = MYS. New York, N.Y. RSW.
DURN see Duru. Evans 1.
DUROD, CLAUDE see Claude Dunod. Smith.
DURONI AND CO. Italy, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = Christie-SK 12/1/83. German work, so Duroni and Co. probably dealers. Milan. RSW.
DURRAN, JAMES HOPKINS England, fl.1832-54, PHIM advertised thermometers and barometers. Banbury. Beeson.
DURROCH, W.F. England, c.1850, OIM Microscopes = Christie-SK 3/4/82, Soth. 9/20/83. Soth. one signed "H. Durroch." 28 St. Thomas's Street, Borough, London. RSW.
DURU France, 1717, MIM Sundial, in wooden box, 1717 = P. and S. 3/20/1896 = P. and S. 5/19/1896. might be Durn. RSW.
DURU, L., ET FILS France, OIM Telescopic Level = Melun 4/24/83. Bordeaux. RSW.
DUTCH, HENRY D. USA, fl.1841-42, MIM NIM PHIM Boston, Mass. USNM.
DUTRO France, c.1850, MIM SIM Y-Level = P.C. (1987); Mining Dial = P.C. (1987). the instruments are signed "Dutro Fabt." Bould. St. Germain, 94, Paris. RSW.
DUTTON AND SMITH England, c.1815, PHIM Apothecary Balance = D. "Scale Makers, late apprentice and foreman to Vincent and Co., London Bridge." 248 Tooley Street, near London Bridge, London. Coffeen II.
DUTTON, HENRY England, c.1666, misreading for Henry Sutton? Evans 1.
DUTTON, MATTHEW England, fl.1779-1800, MIM free of the Clockmakers' Company in 1779; Master of the Company, 1800. London. Robischon.
DUTTON, RICHARD England, fl.1663-82, MIM probably a sundial maker. Sign of the Dial, Holborn, London. Taylor 1(296); Evans 1.
DUVAHN, CARL Sweden; Denmark; Sweden, fl.1845-86, MIM Lund (1845-49); Copenhagen (1849-); Lund (-1886). Pipping 1.
DUVAL France, c.1680, MIM NIM Horizontal Sundial = SPI; Marine Compass, 1680 = SPI. made table sundials with bubble levels; Pierre Duval? Paris. Michel 3; Nachet; Ernst.
DUVAL, PIERRE France, 1618-83, wrote treatise on the sphere. Michel 3.
DUYSTER, J.J. Holland, 1761-1813, MIM Rotterdam (c.1806). Daumas 1.
DWYER, R.O. Canada, c.1790, NIM Sextant = Royal Ontario Museum. St. Johns, Newfoundland. USNM.
DYAS, Y°. Portugal, fl.1614-28, NIM Mariner's Astrolabes = Museo de las Casas Reales, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (16?9) (NMM-40), Dept. of Culture, St. John's, Newfoundland (1628) (NMM-44), Christie-NY 6/14/88 (Atocha)(1614)(NMM-60) = Museo de Marinha, Lisbon. thought to be Joa~o Dias; the small "o" is directly over the "Y"; NMM is the National Maritime Museum Registry of Mariner's Astrolabes. Stimson 3.
DYER, SAMUEL England, c.1696, MIM apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1696. J. Brown 3.
DYSON, JOHN England, c.1695, MIM apprenticed by turnover to Peter Collins of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 25, 1687; free of the Company, April 1, 1695. J. Brown 3.

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