Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.
Your search for signatures starting with B yielded 1651 entries. Displaying entries 1–1651.See an error? Suggest a correction!
Signature | Maker Info | Instruments | Comments | Location | References |
B. 1 | 1673, MIM | Folding Rule, wood, 1673 = OXF. | RSW. | ||
B. 2 | 1770, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, 1770 = Evans Coll.? | Evans 1. | ||
B. 3 | MIM | Diptych Sundials = D.(1965), ADL-W195. | they have fleur-de-lys marks. | ADL; RSW. | |
B. 4 | Germany, c.1780, MIM | Compass Sundials = D.(1980), OXF, ADL-W182, Christie-G. 5/13/86, Peron et Corsy in Melun, 6/10/79, etc. | the "B" is punched on the hour-scale; we agree with Moskowitz who suggests that these sundials were made by David Beringer on the basis of the sundial in WHI, which is identical except that it is signed "David Beringer"; see also "D.B." | Nürnberg. | Evans 1; Moskowitz 132; ADL; RSW. |
B. 5 | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory = D.(1978). | decorated with three-leaf clovers; "B" stamped in compass box. | Moskowitz 116. | |
B. 6 | c.1740, MIM | Sandglass = AMST. | signed on top. | Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
B.A. 1 | Germany, 1561, MIM | Astrolabe, 1561 = BASH (lost). | ICA-3013. | Zinner 1; ICA 2; RSW. | |
B.A. 2 | Germany, c.1550, MIM SIM | Surveying Quadrant = BM-97/1/12-1. | see Bartholomew, Abbot; see P. Ildephonsus Mahrer. | Price 3; Ward 4. | |
B.A.D. | see D.H.S. | RSW. | |||
B.A.M. | Germany, 1719, MIM | Ring Sundial, 1719 = Evans Coll. | Evans 1. | ||
B.B. 1 | France, 1655, MIM | made portable sundials. | Blois. | Gunther 2; Hamilton 1. | |
B.B. 2 | Germany, c.1750, MIM | made sundials. | Pipping 1. | ||
B.B.C. | Holland, c.1700, MIM | Perpetual Calendar = Soth. 12/12/55. | RSW. | ||
B.B.G. | Holland, c.1590, MIM | Sundial with Quadrant = Hamilton Coll. | Hamilton 2. | ||
B.C. | MIM | Sandglass, double = NMM-H.12. | NMM 2. | ||
B.D.G. | France, 1595, MIM SIM | Radio Latino, 1595 = Roussel-9 = NMM; Rule, gilt-brass = MADEX-457. | rule is ex-Strauss Coll. | Michel 3; Price 2. | |
B.E. | Germany, | Zinner said to see "C. Fredensburg", but there is no such entry. | Zinner 1. | ||
B.F. | Germany, 1600, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1600 = DRE. | Zinner 1; RSW. | ||
B.H. 1 | Austria, fl.1583-84, MIM | Astrolabe, 1583 = POB; Nocturnal with Vertical Sundial, 1584 = POB. | nocturnal is MADEX-222; astrolabe is ICA-3019. | Vienna. | Zinner 1; Michel 1; MADEX; Price 2; M.J. Hagen; ICA 2. |
B.H. 2 | England, c.1750, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial = Soth. 11/27/72 = D.(1974). | owner?; initials in flowing script. | Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1. | |
B.H. 3 | punchmark on Barent Hendricke compass dial at NOR. | RSW. | |||
B.K. | Germany, 1569, MIM | Artillery Level, 1569 = ADL-M203. | the initials are punched in a shield with crossed swords between, one of the sword points ends in a cross. | Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. | |
B.M. | 1772?, OIM | Martin-type Barrel Microscope = Soth. 4/28/69. | RSW. | ||
B.P. 1 | 1601, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, stone, 1601 = X. | Brieux 2. | ||
B.P. 2 | Germany, late 18th Century, MIM | Diptych Sundials, wood and paper = EMA, PTA, REG, STS, WAI, and ZIT. | Zinner 1. | ||
B.R.H. | "B." over "R.H."; marked on a silver quadrant by Richard Blaxam at the BM. | Price 3; Ward 4. | |||
B.S. | Germany, 1562, MIM | Sundial inside bottom plate of round table clock, 1562 = PIC. | also marked "C.S." (2) inside lid. | Pippa. | |
B.T. | MIM | Astrological Instrument = NAC. | Nachet; RSW. | ||
B.V. | Italy, MIM | Dividers, in the shape of a stiletto = FLO-2515. | also marked "Volentieri"; Benvenuto della Vulparia? | Bonelli 1; Maccagni 1. | |
BA. H.F. C. | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Horizontal Sundial = WUR. | Würzburg. | Zinner 1. | |
BAADEN, FR. LIBE RATUS CARL. AUG. | misreading for Fr. Karl Liberatus of Augsburg and Baden. | Soth. 5/12/75. | |||
BAAK, TOBIAS | Scotland, 1695, MIM | Wall Dial, 1695 = Kirkgate, Alloa. | also Bachup; master mason; architect. | Gatty. | |
BAARDA, JOHANNES VAN | Holland, b.1742-c.1810, MIM | also made clocks. | The Hague. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BAARDA, PETRUS JOHANNES VAN | Holland, 1744-1800?, | ivory turner; pupil at "Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude." | The Hague. | Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BABBAGE, CHARLES | England, 1792-1871, MIM | Calculating Machine = Dudley Observatory, Albany, N.Y. | invented a calculator; F.R.S. in 1816. | 5 Devonshire Place, Portland Place (1815-27); 1 Dorset Street, Manchester Square (1828-71); both in London. | Taylor 2(1265); DNB; DSB; RSW; etc. |
BABBITT, H.M. | USA, 1846, MIM | Micrometer, 1846 = Fair of American Institute. | Providence, R.I. | USNM. | |
BABINEN, GEBHART | see Baeinen. | Price 2. | |||
BABKOV AND ARCHIPOV | Russia, fl.1770-80, OIM | Telescope, large = GEL. | worked in instrument shop attached to the Academy of Arts. | RSW. | |
BACCI, GIACOMO | Italy, 17th Century, OIM | made lorgnettes. | Venice. | Nachet. | |
BACELLI, ABBE L. | Italy, c.1780, | invented a vacuum pump made by Arleri; Abbé L. Bacelli. | Italian Inventory. | ||
BACH, L. | Germany, 19th Century, OIM | Telescope, three-inch = Wellesley College Observatory, Mass. | "Optiker." | Munich. | USNM. |
BACHARD DE SARON, J.B. GASPARD | France, 1730-94, MIM | copied Ramsden's dividing engine, 1775. | A.J. Turner 10. | ||
BACHELER | France, c.1625, MIM | Sundial in lid of watch = Soth. 3/18/74. | RSW. | ||
BACHELIER, DANIEL | Germany, 1700, MIM | Astronomical Clock, 1700 = DRE-C80. | Berlin. | Zinner 1. | |
BACHMAYER, JOAN GEORG | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, stone = ING. | Zinner 1. | ||
BACHMAYR, GEORG JOSEF | Germany, 1750, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, 1750 = WUR. | Zinner 1. | ||
BACHUP | see Tobias Baak. | ||||
BACKER, JAN | Johan Bacher van Call? | ||||
BACKER, MORTIMER DE | Holland, 1657, PHIM | Money Scales and Weights, 1657 = FIT-135. | Amsterdam. | Price 2. | |
BACKWELL | England, c.1780, PHIM | Stick Barometer = K. and C. 7/9/75. | London. | RSW. | |
BACKWELL, WILLIAM 1 | England, fl.1780-1818, MIM | compass and drawing instrument maker. | 6 Tash Street, Grays Inn Lane, London. | Taylor 2(794); Dewhirst; Crawforth 11. | |
BACKWELL, WILLIAM 2 | England, fl.1818-20, OIM | son of William Backwell 1. | 6 Long Lane, Smithfield, London. | Taylor 2(1266). | |
BADDELY, J. | England, c.1800, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Surveying Level = OXF; Telescope, stand = D.; Stick Barometer = Soth.-Chester 9/8/81. | possibly Bradderley, which see. | Albrighton. | Taylor 2(1075a); Daumas 1; Coffeen II; RSW. |
BADDELY, JOHN | England, c.1800, OIM PHIM | Telescope = Soth. 2/28/80; Stick Barometer = Soth.-C 9/8/81. | Albrighton. | RSW. | |
BADGER, JOSEPH | USA, 1784, MIM | Orrery, 1784 = X. | New Haven, Conn. | USNM. | |
BADOLLET, J.J. | Switzerland?, c.1815, MIM | Sundial in pocket watch = MERC-9 = WHI. | Hamilton thought he was G.G. Badollet and French. | Geneva? | Bryden 16; Hamilton 1. |
BADSEY, JOHN | England, c.1738, | apprenticed to John Urings 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1738. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BAEINEN, GEBHART VON | Germany, 1558, MIM | Horary Quadrant, 1558 = VIE-F1346. | Zinner 1; Michel 3. | ||
BAGATELLE | France, c.1750, | inventor or maker. | Paris. | Hamilton 2. | |
BAHARIE, A. | England, c.1840, NIM | Sextants = NMM, Soth. 11/9/59-176. | may be one instrument. | Sunderland. | Taylor 2(2067); NMM 2; RSW. |
BAIJENS | see Bayens. | Daumas 1; Rooseboom 1. | |||
BAIJER, JOSEPHUS | see Josephus Bayer. | ||||
BAILEY 1 | England, c.1791, MIM | NMM 1. | |||
BAILEY 2 | England, 19th Century, MIM | Magnetic Compass = Melun 4/24/83. | Birmingham. | RSW. | |
BAILEY, CHARLES | England, c.1778, | apprenticed to Charles Lincoln, an OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, on June 11, 1778. | Court and von Rohr 3(211). | ||
BAILEY, J.W. | England, fl.1850-62, MIM NIM SIM | Sextant, case = P.C. | sextant signed "Bailey Fenchurch Street, London"; exhibited at the 1862 Exhibition. | 162 Fenchurch Street, London. | USNM; RSW. |
BAILEY, JOHN 1 | England?; USA, fl.1775-78+, MIM SIM | made surveying instruments; Crawforth questioned his English origin. | New York, N.Y.; Fishkill, N. Y. (1778). | Bedini 1 and 8; Crawforth 11. | |
BAILEY, JOHN 2 | USA, 1731-1823, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass, 1804 = NYS. | signed "J. Bailey, Hanover, Mass."; mechanic; clockmaker. | Hanover (1804); Lynn; both in Mass. | Bedini 1; Smart 1. |
BAILEY, JOHN ALYESWORTH | USA?, f.1850-84, MIM | Burt's Solar Compass and Level = N.Y. Exhib. of the Industry of All Nations, 1853. | advertised as manufacturer of Burt's Solar Compass, etc.; partner with William Burt as Burt and Bailey, 1853-56; brass founder. | Detroit, Mich. | Smart 1; USNM; Elgin. |
BAILEY, R. | England, OIM | Reflecting Telescope = Soth. 3/21/73. | Bristol. | RSW. | |
BAILEY, S. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Newcastle-upon-Tyne. | Goodison 1. | |
BAILEY, T. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Stanion. | Goodison 1. | |
BAILI 1 | France, 1663, OIM | made telescopes. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Clay and Court. | |
BAILI 2 | see Bayley 1. | Dewhirst; Michel 3. | |||
BAILLE | see Bayley 2. | Michel 3. | |||
BAILLE AINE ET NEVEU | France, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Bretaudiere et Raynaud, Chalon-sur-Saône 6/23/79. | Baille Aîné et Neveu. | RSW. | |
BAILLIE, WILLIAM | Scotland, 1833, PHIM | spirit hyrometer maker. | 19 Saltmarket, Glasgow (1833). | Bryden 3. | |
BAILLON, FRANCISCUS | see Francus Baillou. | Engelmann 1; RSW. | |||
BAILLON, PIERRE | Italy, | see Pierre Baillou. | NMM 2. | ||
BAILLOU, FRANCUS DE | Italy, fl.1738-64, OIM | Telescope, 1738 = ADL-M431; Objective Lens, 1764 = FLO-3340; Microscope, 1755 = NAC. | "Francus de Baillou S.C.R. Majestatis Opticus fecit Mediolani anno 1755" on microscope. | Milan. | Evans 1; Bonelli 1; Nachet; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. |
BAILLOU, PIERRE | Italy, c.1721, MIM NIM SIM | Plane Table Compass = X; Octant = NMM; Mining Compass, 1721 = P.C. | Milan. | Bryden 9; NMM 2; RSW. | |
BAILLY, ROBERTUS DE | France, fl.1525-30, MIM | Terrestrial Globes, = X (1530), Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. | Bailly was an engraver and metal worker; the two globes listed may be the same one. | Tooley; Yonge. | |
BAILY, JOEL | USA, 1732-97, MIM SIM | Levels = Mason and Dixon (1767); Surveyor's Compass, 1765 = X. | worked as a surveyor and instrument maker for Mason and Dixon, 1764-68. | West Bradford, Chester County, Pa. | Bedini 8. |
BAIN AND AINSLEY | England, NIM | Course Correcter = ADL-A120. | ADL; RSW. | ||
BAIN, ALEXANDER | Scotland; England, 1810-77, MIM | apprenticed to a clockmaker in Wick; in 1827 he went to London where he was a journeyman. | Wick; London (1827). | Taylor 2(1769). | |
BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM | OIM | Telescope = Philadelphia Maritime Museum, Pa. | RSW. | ||
BAINS, ROBERT RAINS | England, fl.1816-19, NIM | invented a perpetual log. | Myton, Kingston-on-Hull. | Taylor 2(1269). | |
BAIRD AND TATLOCK | England, PHIM | Balances = Christie 2/13/68, K. and C. 10/8/75, 7/14/76. | London. | RSW. | |
BAIRD AND TAYLOR | misreading for Baird and Tatlock. | ||||
BAKER 1 | England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM SIM | Folding Rule = DRE; Dumpy Level = AUI; Theodolite = Soth. 10/22/76; Sextant, pocket = Melun 4/24/83; Set of Drawing Instruments, rosewood case = Bearnes 12/6/71; Microscope = FLO-2651. | other microscopes appear at auction; surely Charles Baker, which see. | 244 High Holborn, London. | Moskowitz 108; Bonelli 1; RSW. |
BAKER 2 | England, c.1835?, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Shrewsbury. | Goodison 1. | |
BAKER 3 | England, fl.1809-11, PHIM | partner with John Frodsham. | London. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1. | |
BAKER 4 | England, c.1880, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, mahogany case = WHI. | Bryden 16. | ||
BAKER AND HOOPER | USA, fl.1822-40, MIM NIM | Tell-Tale Compass, 1840 = D.(1976); Plotting Graphometer = D.(1993). | David Baker and Hooper; Thomas Wightman engraved the compass cards. | No. 54 Ann-Street, (on the Draw-Bridgw), Boston, Mass. | D.J. Warner 10 and 12; Moskowitz; Coffeen 41. |
BAKER, CARVER AND MORRELL | USA, c.1900, NIM | Marine Compass = PMS. | Portland, Maine. | RSW. | |
BAKER, CHARLES | England, c.1850, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Microscopes = Christie 12/18/74, Christie-SK 12/1/83, Phillips 5/20/75, 2/14/79, 4/20/83; Stick Barometer = D.(1975); Odometers = Phillips 2/2/84, Christie-SK 12/1/83; Meridian Transit = Keighley Art Gallery and Museum. | most instruments signed "C. Baker." | 244 High Holborn, London. | Stevens and Aked; USNM; Moskowitz 108; RSW; Coffeen A. |
BAKER, D. | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Bill. 4/21/93. | Billingshurst. | RSW. | |
BAKER, DAVID | USA, b.c.1792-1856, NIM | the Whaleman's List showed he was a dealer in nautical instruments; see Baker and Hooper. | New Bedford, Mass. | Moskowitz, 1976; D.J. Warner 10. | |
BAKER, EDWARD | England, c.1779, MIM | grand-nephew of Benjamin Cole 2 and brother-in-law of John Newton; drawing instrument maker; ensign in the Militia, 1779. | London. | Millburn 11. | |
BAKER, HENRY | England, fl.1848-58, OIM PHIM | optician; made barometers and thermometers; had a display in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. | 90 Hatton Garden, London. | Goodison 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Bonelli 1; Moskowitz 109. | |
BAKER, RICHARD | England, c.1806, MIM | apprenticed to Joseph Fairey of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1806. | J. Brown 2. | ||
BAKER, ROBERT 1 | England, fl.1685-1712, MIM | diallist; author; probably the designer of the "Celestial Hemisphere." | The Windmill, without Temple Bar (pre-1706); the Union Coffee House, over against the Royal Exchange; both in London. | Taylor 1(439); Dawson 216, 1971. | |
BAKER, ROBERT 2 | England, OIM | Nachet thought that he might have been the first maker of a reflecting microscope; doctor. | Nachet. | ||
BAKER, WILLIAM 1 | England, c.1680, MIM | Burford or Oxford. | Dewhirst; Taylor 1(416); Evans 1; Gunther 2. | ||
BAKER, WILLIAM 2 | England, c.1748, MIM | apprenticed to Edmund Blow in the Joiners' Company on July 4, 1738; turned over to Thomas Cole, leatherseller, March 6,1738; turned over to Richard Hut in the Clothworkers' Company on Oct. 20, 1740; free in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 2, 1748. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BAKER, WILLIAM 3 | USA, fl.1850-54, MIM NIM OIM | New York, N.Y. | USNM. | ||
BAKEWELL, R. | England, 18th Century, MIM | Sectors = UTR (wood), DEU (ivory). | London. | Daumas 1; RSW. | |
BAKEWELL, RICHARD | England, fl.1797-1826, MIM SIM | made mining compasses, rules of ivory and boxwood, surveying tapes; succeeded by Isaac Trow. | Loveday Street, Birmingham. | Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1477); RSW. | |
BAKKER, CLAES | Holland, c.1650, MIM | Astrolabe and Sundial on watch case = Michel Coll. | Groningen. | Michel 1. | |
BALBRECK | France, MIM SIM | Wye Level = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. | Paris. | USNM. | |
BALBRECK FILS AINE | France, MIM PHIM | Orographe Schrader = CNAM. | Balbreck fils aîné; surveying instrument to draw elevation and location of mountains. | Paris. | Delehar 8. |
BALCH, JOHN | USA, c.1800, MIM | Almanac, rotating, 1800-1900 = D.(1995). | Mass. | Coffeen 51. | |
BALCH, THOMAS H. | USA, fl.1771-1817, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.; Surveying Compasses, wood = PEA, P.C., D.(1978). | Essex Institute and PEA instruments may be only one. | at the Sign of the Mariner's Compass, State Street, Newburyport, Mass. | Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Warner 12; RSW. |
BALDANTONI, A. | Italy, c.1700, MIM NIM SIM | Cross-staff = KEN; Alidade = X. | Ancona. | Daumas 1; Holbrook; Price 2; Evans 1; Hamilton 2; USNM. | |
BALDANTONI, GIUSEPPE | Italy, 1784-1873, MIM | Ancona; Firenze (1861). | Brenni 1. | ||
BALDANTONI, GIUSEPPE, E FIGLIO | Italy, c.1861, MIM | Magnetic Compass = X. | Ancona. | Brenni 1. | |
BALDEN, JOSEPH | England, -1817, PHIM | see Beach and Balden. | Birmingham. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BALDOCK, RICHARD | England, c.1721, MIM | apprenticed to William Roberts 1 in the Broderers' Company on Nov. 8, 1705; free in the Company, Dec. 6, 1721. | Next the Three Tuns in Shoe Lane, London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BALDWEIN AND BUCHER | Germany, fl.1561-68, MIM | Orrery Clocks = DRE, KAS. | Eberhard Baldwein and Hans Bucher. | Marburg. | Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Baillie 1; RSW. |
BALDWEIN AND DIEPEL | Germany, fl.1561-63, MIM | Astrolabe Clock, 1561-63 = KAS. | Eberhard Baldwein and Hermann Diepel. | Marburg; Giessen. | Lübke. |
BALDWEIN, EBERHARD | Germany, fl.1558-81, MIM | Quadrant, wood = lost; Armillary Sphere = KAS; Azimuth Quadrants = KAS, lost (1569); Celestial Globe = P.C. | "mechanicus." | Kassel; Marburg. | Zinner 1. |
BALDWIN, JEDEDIAH | USA, fl.1790-1811, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass, wood = P.C. (1960). | Hanover, New Hampshire. | Bedini 1; Smart 1; A.L. King; Price 2; DATM. | |
BALDWIN, THOMAS | England, post-1713, MIM | George Dennis was turned over to Thomas Baldwin as an apprentice, after 1713; Baldwin may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BALDWIN, WILLIAM | England, c.1655, | apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1655. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BALE 1 | England, fl.1814-15, MIM | see Mitchell and Bale. | Taylor 2(1389). | ||
BALE 2 | England, c.1845, MIM | Celestial Globes = X (1845), Phillips 12/2/87 (1845), Soth. 5/21/73 (1846); Terrestrial Globe, miniature = D.(1971). | Soth. globe is five-inch diameter; see Bale and Woodward. | Tooley; Moskowitz 102; RSW. | |
BALE AND WOODWARD | England, c.1845, MIM | Celestial Globe = Melun 4/24/83. | see Bale 2. | RSW. | |
BALE, THOMAS 1 | England, c.1704, MIM | apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Oct. 2, 1704. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BALE, THOMAS 2 | England, PHIM | Marine Barometer = X. | Bristol. | Goodison 1. | |
BALEATO | Spain, NIM | Azimuth Compasses = MAN-I78 and -I90; Sextant = MAN-I123. | Ferrol. | Garcia 1. | |
BALERNA | Scotland, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. | probably Domenico Balerno. | Dundee. | RSW. |
BALERNA, D. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2). | Goodison 1. | ||
BALERNA, L. | England, fl.1841-53?, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 11/26/83, Soth.-Chester 6/20/85. | Halifax. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |
BALERNO, DOMENICO | Scotland, fl.1846-53, PHIM | barometer maker. | 14 Yeaman Shore, Dundee. | Bryden 3; Goodison 1. | |
BALES | see Bale | ||||
BALIE | see Bayley 2. | Dewhirst. | |||
BALL, JONATHAN | USA, 1835, NIM | patent for mariner's compass, 1835; example at D. with glass bowl and compass card signed "Hooker New York", surely William Hooker. | Buffalo, N.Y.; Newry, Me. | USNM; Bedini 8; Coffeen Comm.; Warner 12; RSW. | |
BALL, THOMAS | England, c.1724, MIM | apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 31, 1711; free of the Company, July 6, 1724. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BALLARA | misreading for Ballard 1. | RSW. | |||
BALLARD 1 | England, c.1820, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 10/19/89. | Cranbrook. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. | |
BALLARD 2 | England, fl.1826-28?, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Lamberhurst. | Goodison 1. | |
BALLARD, SAMUEL | USA, 1718-93, MIM | Boston, Mass. | Smart 1. | ||
BALLARD, T. | England, c.1805?, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | London? | Goodison 1. | |
BALLARINI, PETER | England, 1801-58, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | in partnership with Austin Cattaneo and others, pre-1838; barometer signed "P. Ballarini York." | Kings Staith, York. | Goodison 1. |
BALLESTEROS, MANUEL DE | Spain, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial = KEN-1938-369. | RSW. | ||
BALLESTEROS, PEDRO | Spain, 1829, | Sundial, 1829 = Man-I149. | invented by the Marques de Feria. | Madrid. | Garcia 1; RSW. |
BALLESTRE | Spain, PHIM | Balance, steel = Soth. 4/22/65-41. | Madrid. | RSW. | |
BALLOCK, PHIL. | England, MIM | Sundial, portable = Col. Baldwin (1890). | Gatty. | ||
BALSARY, G., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth.-C 10/9/86, New House 9/10/93. | New House barometer signed "Balsary and Co.". | London. | ATG 8/28/93; RSW. |
BALTHASER, JOHANN | Germany, 18th Century, OIM | Microscope = WHI. | Daumas 1. | ||
BALTUS, MARQUART | see Marquart, Baltus. | Michel 3. | |||
BALTZER | see Baltzer Cambon. | Zinner 1. | |||
BALY | see Bayley 2. | Dewhirst. | |||
BAMASCONI, FRANCIS | misreading for Francis Barnasconi, which see. | Taylor 2(1771). | |||
BAMBER | NIM | Rolling Rule = Versailles 4/17/83. | RSW. | ||
BAMBER, JAMES | Ireland, c.1820, NIM OIM | invented an improved ship's log; may be Bamber, which see. | Ballymoney. | Taylor 2(1479). | |
BAMBLER, P. MAURUS | Germany, MIM | Reichenbach. | Evans 1. | ||
BAMMAN, JOHANNES | Germany, fl.1484-91, MIM | Astrolabes = Schweinfurt Museum (1484), KRE (1487). | KRE is ICA-604, other is ICA-633; also see "H.B. 1." | Smalkaldens. | Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2. |
BANCE | England, c.1797?, PHIM | Wheel Barometer in bookcase = J. McGarva Coll. = Soth. 11/15/63. | Hungerford. | Goodison 1. | |
BANCE AINE | France, MIM | Diptych Sundial, wood = Soth. 10/21/74. | Bance Aîné. | Paris. | RSW. |
BANCKS 1 | see Robert Bancks 2. | ||||
BANCKS 2 | England, fl.1820-27, MIM OIM PHIM | son of Robert Bancks 2; referred to as Banks, Jr.; made instruments for Dr. Brewster; see Bancks and Son. | 119 New Bond Street (1820-27), London. | Taylor 2(921). | |
BANCKS AND SON | England, fl.1810-34, MIM OIM PHIM | Rule, ivory = BM-1918/7/12-19; Wheel Barometers = X(2); Spyglass = Soth. 12/15/78. | Robert Bancks 2 and a son; "Instrument makers and Opticians to His Majesty." | 119 New Bond Street, London (1820-27). | Taylor 2(921); Goodison 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW. |
BANCKS, ANTHONY OLDISS | England, fl.1792-96, MIM OIM | older brother of Robert Bancks 2; apprenticed to John Kitchingman in the Turners' Company, Aug. 3, 1780; free by patrimony in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 7, 1792; took apprentices; optician. | 25 Piccadilly, Strand (1794); 440 Strand (1796); both in London. | Crawforth 7; Clifton 1. | |
BANCKS, ROBERT 1 | England, fl.1765-pre-1792, | apprenticed to William Murry in the Joiners' Company, 1755; turned over to Philip Jones, member of Framework Knitters' Company in 1757; free in the Joiners' Company, 1765; may have been the father of Anthony Oldiss Bancks and Robert Bancks 2. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BANCKS, ROBERT 2 | England, fl.1803-38, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including ADL; barometers, microscopes, telescopes, sextants, pantographs, sundials, etc. | freed by Patrimony in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 5, 1803; instruments are signed "Bancks" or "Banks", all with same address; some may be by his son; T.C.; "Optical and Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales"; "Instrument Maker to His Majesty"; Royal appointment to George IV (1820) and to William IV later. | 440 Strand ; 441 Strand; 440-1 Strand; New Bond Street (1820); all in London. | Taylor 2(921); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 110; Wynter and Turner; Wynter 1; ADL; Clay and Court; Evans 1; Bonelli 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Coffeen 12; RSW. |
BANDERMAN, W. | Germany, MIM | Inclinometer = Soth. 11/9/59-179. | Berlin. | RSW. | |
BANFIELD | England, PHIM | Balance = K. and C. 12/3/75. | Brighton. | RSW. | |
BANG, T.A. | Denmark, c.1812, NIM | Marine Compass = Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Conn. | Kiopenhavn; enlarged copy of compass card used as table top. | Copenhagen. | RSW. |
BANGS, NIELS ROHR | Denmark, c.1830, NIM | Azimuth Compass = OMM. | Copenhagen. | RSW. | |
BANIDE | France, c.1775, OIM | made optical instruments for Rochon. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BANKEL | Germany, c.1780, PHIM | Money Balance = DRE. | may be misreading for James Bankes, which see. | RSW. | |
BANKES 1 | England, MIM SIM | Theodolite = Phillips 2/2/84. | surely misreading for Robert Bancks 2, which see. | 441 Strand, London. | RSW. |
BANKES 2 | see Banks. | J. Brown 3. | |||
BANKES, JAMES | England, PHIM | made folding balances. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BANKS | see Bancks. | Engelmann 1; RSW. | |||
BANKS AND HATCH | USA, fl.1841-44, MIM NIM | mathematical instrument makers, 1841; dealers in mathematical and nautical instruments, 1844; see Edward Prince Banks. | Sign of the Quadrant and Watch, No. 6 Exchange Street (1841); 72 Exchange Street (1844)' both in Portland, Me.. | Portland, Me. Business Directories; RSW. | |
BANKS, EDWARD PRINCE | USA, 1811-92 fl.1834-37, MIM NIM | T.C.; see Banks and Hatch. | two doors below Merchants Bank, Exchange Street (1834); No. 6 Exchange Street (1837); both in Portland, Me. | Smart 1; Moskowitz 102; Portland, Me, Business Directories; RSW. | |
BANKS, JOHN | c.1900, | Water Clock, 1682 = X, | made by Pearson-Page Co. of Birmingham in the 20th Century. | Britten 1; Darius 1. | |
BANKS, JOSEPH | England, c.1830, MIM | Terrestrial Globe = Maritime Museum, Horten, Norway. | Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society. | Fleet Street, London. | RSW. |
BANKS, JR. | England, | son of Robert Bancks; mentioned as maker by Brewster; see Bancks 2 and Bancks and Son. | Clay and Court. | ||
BANKS, ROBERT | England, | see Robert Bancks. | Taylor 2(921); Clay and Court; Moskowitz 110. | ||
BANKS, WILLIAM | England, c.1734, MIM | apprenticed to Fisher Combs of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1734. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BANNISTER, H. | England, c.1790, PHIM | Angle Barometer = P.C. | stolen. | Lichfield. | ATG 5/8/93. |
BANNISTER, JAMES | England, c.1751, | apprenticed to John Sudlow of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 1, 1751. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BANYARD, THOMAS | England, c.1683, | apprenticed to Joseph Wells in the Joiners' Company, Nov. 6, 1683. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BARABAN | France, c.1850, MIM SIM | succeeded by C. Dupressoir, which see; also succeeded by L. Thomas | Paris. | RSW. | |
BARADELLE 1 | France, 1702, MIM | Sundial, octagonal, gilt-brass, 1702 = Soth. 5/10/54. | may be misreading of date. | Paris. | RSW. |
BARADELLE 2 | France, fl.1752-1814, MIM NIM SIM | made sundials including Butterfield-type, inclining and other horizontal types; made circumferentors, globes, sectors and other drawing instruments, etc.; examples may be seen in many museums including ADL; ADL-N6, ADL-W41, ADL-W67; and octant, 1752 at PMM. | could be either Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle or his son, Nicolas-Eloi Baradelle; see entries for them; Daumas thought that most of the undated sundials were by Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; Weil (2)29; NMM 2; USNM; ADL; Price 3; Ward 4; Wynter 1; Nachet; RSW. |
BARADELLE FILS | France, 1749-1808, | Sundial = Prince de Conti Coll. (18th Century). | catalogue of instruments, 1778; see Nicolas-Eloi Baradelle. | Quai de l'Horloge du Palais, au Quartier Anglais, Paris. | Brieux 2; Nachet; Augarde; RSW. |
BARADELLE JUNIOR | France, MIM SIM | Rule, ebony and ivory = MADEX-504; Graphometer = X; Set of Drawing Instruments = P.C. | Baradelle Fils. | Paris. | MADEX; RSW; Bryden 9. |
BARADELLE L'AINE | France, 1752-94, MIM NIM PHIM SIM | Graphometer, 1782 = Versailles 5/6/79; Cam-type Sundial in gold watch case = D.(1985); Spherical Level = Libert et Castor 4/28/82; Equatorial Sundial, gold = NMM; Pair of Globes, wood = Schuhmann Sale-96; Surveying Cross = ADL-W193; Mining Instrument Set = P.C.; Instument Set (1788) = P.C. | Baradelle L'aîné; Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle, fl.1774-94; Augarde thought him Nicolas-Alexandre Baradelle, c.1761; made nine nautical and mathematical instruments for Courtanvaux. | Rue Dauphine, Paris. | Courtanvaux; Daumas 1; NMM 2; Philips; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; Augarde; RSW. |
BARADELLE LAINE | France, MIM | Astronomical Ring = Drouot 4/7/87; Sundial = TIM (1987). | misinscribed; should read "Baradelle L'aîné." | Paris. | RSW. |
BARADELLE S. OZ. | France, MIM | Pedometer in watch case = P.C. | Paris. | RSW. | |
BARADELLE, CHEZ | France, MIM | Capuchin-type Sundial = ADL-A---. | probably by Jacques or Nicholas Baradelle. | Quay del'horloge du Palais à l'Enseigne de l'Observatoire, Paris. | RSW. |
BARADELLE, J.L.J. | France, MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial = Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. | Jean Louis Jacques Baradelle, which see. | Paris. | RSW. |
BARADELLE, JEAN-LOUIS-JACQUES | France, 1752-94, MIM PHIM SIM | he made many instruments including sundials, sectors, globes, lodestones, artillery levels, graphometers, etc. | member of Guild of "fondeurs ciseleurs"; invented a type of crescent sundial and an artillery level; most instruments signed "Jacques Baradelle"; father of Nicholas-Eloi Baradelle; see Baradelle L'aîné. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Michel 1; Hamilton 1 and 2; NMM 2; Augarde; Wynter 1; RSW. |
BARADELLE, NICOLAS-ELOI | France, fl.pre-1774-1814, MIM | Universal Ring Sundials = Cardinal de Luynes (pre-1774), NMM (1774; Analemmatic Sundial = NMM; Meridian for a globe, 1774 = CNAM-1449; Ellipse Compass = CNAM-2774; Set of Geometric Figures, wood = CNAM-3824; Sundial = NAC; etc. | worked for Abbé Rochon in 1805; see Baradelle Fils; son of Jean-Louis-Jacques Baradelle. | Quay de l'Horloge, Paris. | Daumas 1; Maddison 1; Michel 3; Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Wynter 1; Nachet; NMM 2; Augarde; RSW. |
BARADELLEN, JACQUES | see Jean Louis Jacques Baradelle. | ||||
BARANCA, JOSEPH | Italy, 1687, MIM | worked with Franc. Ruvolo in producing globes; a terrestrial globe is signed "Franc. Ruvolo fecit. Joseph Baranca Sculpsit Octob. 1687" is at the Chicago Historical Society. | Yonge. | ||
BARANDELLE FILS | misreading for Baradelle Fils. | Lempertz 6/14/76. | |||
BARBA, GIOVANNI DELLA | Germany, c.1525, MIM | made excellent instruments, spheres, globes, astrolabes, etc. | Michel 3. | ||
BARBA, JOSEPH FRANCOIS | France, 1760, MIM | Astronomical Clock, 1760 = Museum, Nancy. | Joseph François Barba. | Michel 14. | |
BARBANTI, CARLO | Italy, fl.1829-37, MIM PHIM SIM | Drawing Instrument = ROM; Polariscope = FLO; Barometer, De Luc-type = FLM. | machinist to the Royal Observatory in 1829 and to the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1837, both in Turin. | Turin. | USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; RSW. |
BARBARET, JACQUES | France, MIM | Sundial and Compass inside lower lid of watch = LOU. | ex-Garnier Coll. | Paris. | Garnier Cat. |
BARBER, EDWARD | England, c.1674-97, MIM | apprenticed in the Joiners' Company in 1667; free of the Company in 1674; took apprentices. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BARBER, ISAAC | England, c.1676, | free of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1676. | Crawforth 6. | ||
BARBER, J. | England, c.1850, OIM | Telescopes = PMS, Christie-SK 4/17/86. | the Christie-SK telescope is signed "Barber London." | London. | RSW. |
BARBERIOS, FELICE | Italy, 1680, MIM | Astronomical Clock, 1680 = Santa Maria delle Grazie Church, Milan. | Milan. | Baillie 1. | |
BARBIER, JEAN | France, c.1720, MIM | apprenticed to Jean Lefebvre 2 in the "Corporation des fondeurs" on June 27, 1720. | Augarde 1. | ||
BARBON 1 | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | 21 Panton Street, Haymarket, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BARBON 2 | England, c.1825, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth. 5/14/87 & 10/22/87; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. | see Barbon and Co. | Fullwood Rents, Holborn, London; 281 Holborn, London. | RSW. |
BARBON AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Fullwood Rents, Holborn, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BARBON, PETER | Scotland, fl.1808-12, OIM | Microscope, 1810 = RSM. | microscope has 77 Princes Street, Edinburgh as the address. | 4 Lothian Street; 18 Nicholson Street (1809); 77 Princes Street (1810); all in Edinburgh. | Taylor 2(1076); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Bryden 3; Morrison-Low 1. |
BARBON, S., AND CO. | Scotland, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Edinburgh. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1076). | |
BARCLAY, ADAM | Scotland, d.1753, MIM OIM | Edinburgh. | Bryden 3. | ||
BARCLAY, ANDREW | Scotland, c.1870, OIM | Telescope = D.(1976); Telescope, Gregorian = Auction, Atlanta, Ga., May, 1987 = D.(1988); Telescope with micrometer eyepiece = FRK = RSM. | "engineer." | Kilmarnock. | Brieux 3; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BARCLAY, HUGH | Scotland, fl.1727-d.1749, OIM | also made watches. | Edinburg. | Bryden 3. | |
BARCLAY, W. | Scotland, fl.1825-26, MIM | invented instrument to measure elevations. | Auldeare, near Nairn. | Taylor 2(1480). | |
BARCLAY, WILL. | PHIM | Stick Barometer, Num. 132 = Christie 12/8/76. | RSW. | ||
BARCLAY, WILLIAM | Scotland, fl.1731-d.1758, OIM | Edinburgh. | Bryden 3 and 4. | ||
BARDE | France, c.1850, MIM | Equatorial Sundial = NYM. | Bardé. | Paris. | Lübke. |
BARDIN 1 | England, MIM | Orrery = Auction, 1915. | see H. Bardin. | Dewhirst. | |
BARDIN 2 | England, MIM | globe maker; either Thomas Marriot or William Bardin, which see. | USNM; Yonge.. | ||
BARDIN 3 | England?, NIM | Sextant = D.(1968). | RSW. | ||
BARDIN, G.A. | England, MIM | Celestial Globe = NMM-G.166. | London. | NMM 2. | |
BARDIN, H. | England, c.1780-85, MIM | Tellurium = NMM. | see Bardin 1. | London. | NMM 2. |
BARDIN, THOMAS MARRIOT | England, fl.1806-27, MIM | Terrestrial Globes on sta = P-B 1946 (on stand), Boston Athenaeum, Mass., Wilson Museum, Castine, Me.; Celestial Globes = Wilson Museum (1800), P.C. | worked with William Bardin, his father or uncle; member of Girdlers' Company. | 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. | Taylor 2(1077); Crawforth 11; Yonge. |
BARDIN, W. AND T.M. | England, c.1780-1819, MIM | Pairs of Globes = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 3/23/23, P-B 10/28/44-936, USNM, APS, Adams Nat'l Historic Site, Mass, (1800, 1807); Terrestrial Globes = Hispanic Society, New York, Essex Institute, Mass. (1798), Schuyler Mansion, (1798), Dartmouth College, New Hamp. (1814), Boston Athenaem, Mass. (1817), P.C. (1819); Celestial Globes = Christie 12/8/76, Essex Institute, USNM, Boston Athenaeum. | William and Thomas Marriot Bardin. | 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. | Taylor 2(796a, 1077); Multhauf 1; Bedini 1; RSW; USNM; Moskowitz 102; Crawforth 11; Yonge. |
BARDIN, W., AND SON | England, MIM | Pair of Globes = University Observatory, Coimbra. | RSW. | ||
BARDIN, WILLIAM | England, fl.pre-1780-1803, MIM | Pairs of Globes = NMM-168 and -169, VCW, Longleat House; Terrestrial Globes = Archaeological Museum, Nivelles, Belgium, VCW (1782-2), Phillips 12/12/89 (1783); Celestial Globes = PEA (1782), VCW (1785). | in Leathersellers' Company; in Girdlers' Company, 1776; most work signed "W. Bardin"; worked with Thomas Marriot Bardin, which see; collaborated with James Ferguson; Longleat globes are ten-inch, celestial dated "April, 1785", the other dated "1783"; PEA signed "Wright's New Improved Celestial Globe----Made and Sold by William Bardin---Jany. 1, 1782." | 16 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, London. | Taylor 2(796a); Belgian Inventory; Moskowitz 102; NMM 2; Crawforth 11; Yonge; RSW. |
BARDON | misreading for Bardou. | ||||
BARDOU | France, fl.1819-50, OIM | Telescope, enameled = Soth. 122/13/65-106; Telescope = PEA. | probably P.G. Bardou; he and A. Bardou shared the same address; firm established in 1819. | 55, rue de Chabrol, Paris. | USNM; Moskowitz 118; Brewington 1; RSW. |
BARDOU AND SON | France, post-1850, OIM | Telescope, 3-inch = P.C.; Telescopes = P.C.(1987), D.(1976). | first P.C. (3-inch) is 38" long; second P.C. is also marked "G B" with a type of ampersand in between. | Paris. | RSW. |
BARDOU AND SONS | France, post-1850, OIM | Telescope = D.(1977). | may be misreading for Bardou and Son. | Paris. | RSW. |
BARDOU ET FILS | France, post-1850, OIM | Telescopes = MYS. | one marked "Charles Hutchinson and Son, Boston." | Paris. | RSW. |
BARDOU, A. | France, c.1850, OIM | Telescopes = Christie-SK 11/19/87 (2), 8/20/87. | 55, rue de Chabrol, Paris. | Moskowitz; RSW. | |
BARDOU, P.G. | France, c.1850, OIM | made telescopes. | 55 rue de Chabrol, Paris. | Moskowitz; RSW. | |
BAREKHAN, J.R. | Germany, NIM | Sextant = OMM. | Bremerhaven. | RSW. | |
BARELLA AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Newcastle. | Goodison 1. | |
BARELLA, A. | Holland, PHIM | Barometer, double = Christie 12/8/76. | Amsterdam. | RSW. | |
BARELLA, D. | Holland, PHIM | Barometer = Soth.-Mak van Waay April, 1978. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BARELLI | England, c.1790, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Pulborough 3/1/83. | see Josh Barelli and Co. | Reading. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARELLI, JNO., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. | Bath. | Goodison 1. | |
BARELLI, JOHN | England, PHIM | Stick Barometers = X, D.(1975); Barometer = D.(1971). | may be Barelli in Della Torre and Barelli, which see; X is signed "J. Barelli"; 1971 D. signed "Jon" with little bar under the "n". | London. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARELLI, JOSH, AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | see Barelli. | Reading. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARELLI, JUNO | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Abridge Antique and Auction 2/21/90. | may be misreading for Jno. Barelli. | Bath. | RSW. |
BARETTA | USA, c.1850?, | see McAllister and Baretta. | Smart 1. | ||
BARINE, P. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | York. | Goodison 1. | |
BARKER 1 | England, c.1736, OIM | microscope maker. | Nachet. | ||
BARKER 2 | England, c.1780, MIM SIM | Theodolite = D. | Wynter and Turner. | ||
BARKER 3 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer in door of clock = Connoisseur, July, 1911. | attributed to William Barker, clockmaker, fl.1747-86. | Wigan. | Goodison 1; A.J. Hawkes. |
BARKER 4 | England, NIM | Magnetic Compass = Christie 3/9/65-3. | signed "Barker's Patents 181/15"; probably Francis Barker, which see. | RSW. | |
BARKER AND SON | England, 19th Century, NIM | Compass = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. | probably Francis Barker and Son. | London. | RSW. |
BARKER, FRANCIS | England, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM | Sundials, round, slate = Christie 12/18/74 = 4/9/75, P.C. | compass designer; see Barker 4. | 12 Clerkenwell Road, London. | NMM 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. |
BARKER, FRANCIS, AND SON | England, 1848-to present, MIM NIM PHIM | Sextant, box = Christie-SK 10/6/83; Augsburg-type Sundial = P.C.; Equatorial Sundials = Soth. 3/14/57-140, 11/9/59-174. | also made aneroid barometers; firm continues to produce instruments to this day; most are signed "F. Barker and Son"; T.C. marked "Late Grove and Barker"; "17 years with and successors to J. and G. Simms." | "Sundial House", 12 Clerkenwell Road; 23 Great Sutton Street, E.C. (post-1858); both in London. | Moskowitz 107; RSW; USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO. |
BARKER, WILLIAM | England, c.1711, MIM | apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on Oct. 8, 1700; was turned over to William Haddon, Stationer, on Mar. 12, 1700 (os). | London. | Taylor 1(560); Evans 1; J. Brown 1. | |
BARLACE | England, c.1780, MIM | Sectors = Soth. 6/23/87, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88. | both sectors have twelve-inch radii. | London. | RSW. |
BARLING | England, post-1740, MIM | Soho Rule, boxwood and ivory = P.C. | a type of slide rule designed by James Watt, c.1739. | Limehouse Hole, London. | Delehar 2 and 9. |
BARLOW, PETER | England, 1776-1862, | devised Barlow's Wheel, a machine which demonstrated Faraday's discovery of electro-mechanical rotation. | Greenslade, Jr. 1; G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BARLOW, THOMAS H. | USA, 1789-1865, MIM | Planetaria = Washington and Lee University, Lexington Va., Sayre School, Lexington Ky., University of Mississippi, University, Miss. | the planetaria were very large, 13 feet in diameter; at least 11 more were made, now all lost; inventor; machinist; published a brochure for the instrument. | Lexington Ky.; Cincinnati, Ohio. | Langemann. |
BARLOW, WILLIAM | England, 1544-1625 fl.1580-1618, MIM NIM | designed instruments, including a compass with an alidade to determine variation. | Winchester (1581); Salisbury (1615). | Taylor 1(37); Evans 1; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BARNABITI | Italy, c.1847, OIM | made reflecting microscopes. | Clay and Court. | ||
BARNARD, I. | England, 1784, MIM | Gauge, folding, for wine = X; Slide Rule, 1784 = P.C. | Queries, S.I.S. Bull. 1, 1983; Delehar 9. | ||
BARNARDA, P. | England, fl.1803-11, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | in directories as maker. | 22 West Street, West Smithfield, London. | Goodison 1. |
BARNARDA, P. AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | see P. Barnarda. | Goodison 1. | |
BARNASCHINA 1 | England, OIM | Telescope = D.(1973). | variant spelling of Barnasconi? | London. | RSW; Wynter 1. |
BARNASCHINA 2 | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | probably Francis Barnasconi. | Newcastle-on-Tyne. | Goodison 1. |
BARNASCHINA, ANTHONY | England, fl.1826-28, OIM PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/6/73. | one X is signed "A. Barnaschina." | New Road, Gravesend. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARNASCHINA, L. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Gravesend. | Goodison 1. | |
BARNASCHONE | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Devizes. | Goodison 1. | |
BARNASCHONE, CHAS. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Boston. | Goodison 1. | |
BARNASCHONI AND MONTHI | see Bernaschoni and Monthi. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |||
BARNASCHONI, B. | England, c.1800, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = P-B 10/24/42. | RSW. | ||
BARNASCONE 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2), Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. | possibly M. Barnascone. | Leeds. | Goodison 1; RSW; USNM. |
BARNASCONE 2 | England, c.1825, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D.(1997). | Merthyr. | ATG 6/14/97. | |
BARNASCONE, A. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | could be Andrew Barnascone of Boston or A. Bernasconi of Leeds. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |
BARNASCONE, ANDREW | England, c.1822, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/19/88. | signed "A. Barnascone". | High Street, Boston. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARNASCONE, G.B. | England, c.1780, PHIM | Stick Barometers = X, P.C. (1972). | 13 St. Michaels Square; 14 St. Michaels Square; both in Southampton. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |
BARNASCONE, J., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BARNASCONE, M. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(4). | also spelled Bernasconi. | Leeds. | Goodison 1. |
BARNASCONI, A. | England, 19th Century, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-Chester 2/2/84. | Leeds. | RSW. | |
BARNASCONI, F., AND SON | England, c.1860, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. | Francis Barnasconi renamed the firm to be "F. Barnasconi and Son" by 1860. | Newcastle. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BARNASCONI, FRANCIS | England, fl.1827-58, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. | signed "F. Barnasconi, Newcastle"; also spelled Barnesconi. | 34 The Side (1827-34); 16 Groat Market (1838); 28 Groat Market (1841); 29 Groat Market (1844); 20 High Bridge (1847-53); 35 High Bridge (1855-58); all in Newcastle. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1771); RSW. |
BARNASCONI, L. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer with Thermometer = Soth. 12/15/83. | signed "L. Barnasconi Trowbridge Warranted." | Trowbridge. | RSW. |
BARNASCONI, LEWIS | England, fl.1833-41, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2). | may have made barometers. | 42 Burgess Street (1833-37); 233 Waingate (1834-41); 19 Waingate (1841); all in Sheffield. | Goodison 1. |
BARNASCONI, M. | England, c.1840, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth.-Chester 5/16/85, 7/25/85. | Leeds. | RSW. | |
BARNES AND ASPINALL | England, PHIM | scale makers. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BARNES, WILLIAM | England, c.1706, MIM | apprenticed to John Johnson 3 of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 24, 1706. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BARNESCONI | see Barnascone, Barnasconi and Bernasconi. | Goodison 1. | |||
BARNETT, ASHER | England, fl.1770-77, OIM | spectacle grinder and optician. | 25 Coleman Street (1770); 25 Froggery (1777); both in Birmingham. | Bryden 9. | |
BARNETT, MORRIS | England, PHIM | Marine Barometer = MYS. | Ramsgate. | RSW. | |
BARNETT, THOMAS | England, 1768-1816 fl.1789-1816, MIM OIM PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | signed "T. Barnett"; T.C.; apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1782; free of the Company on Dec. 17, 1789; patented a method of aerating fluids, 1802; instrument maker to H.M. Board of Customs and Excise; advertised all kinds of barometers; made telescopes and other instruments. | 21 East Street, Lambeth (1789); 61 Great Tower Street; No. 4 Mores Yard, Old Fish Street near Dockers Commons; all in London. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(797); Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(216); Crawforth 1. |
BARNI | France, c.1825, PHIM | Wheel Barometer, diamond-shaped = Doyle 1/24/90. | Amiens. | RSW. | |
BARNS, DANIEL | England, c.1753, | apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on March 16, 1753. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BARNUKA | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Bury. | Goodison 1. | |
BAROCCIO, AMBROGIO | Italy, c.1600, MIM | Morpurgo 1. | |||
BAROCCIO, GIAMBATTISTA | Italy, | may be Giovanni Battista Baroccio. | Urbino. | Price 2. | |
BAROCCIO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA | Italy, 1570, MIM | Armillary Sphere, 1570 = ROB. | see Giovanni Maria Baroccio; Price thought he was Giambattista Baroccio. | Venice; Urbino. | Morpurgo 1; Michel 2; Price 2. |
BAROCCIO, GIOVANNI MARIA | Italy, 1570, MIM | Armillary Sphere, 1570 = ROB; Planetary Clock = Bernard Coll., Paris. | must be same as Giovanni Battista Baroccio, which see; clock was for the Pope; globe maker. | Urbino. | Morpurgo 1; Michel 2; Baillie 1. |
BAROCCIO, SIMONE | Italy, fl.1568-70, MIM | son of Giovanni Maria Baroccio; clockmaker; made Commandino- and Guidobaldi-type proportional compasses. | Urbino. | Morpurgo 1; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BARON, EDMOND | England, c.1693, MIM | apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1693. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BARON, PATRICK | Ireland, 1794, OIM | optician. | 83 Dame Street, Dublin (1794). | Morrison-Low and Burnett. | |
BARR | Scotland | see White and Barr. | Glasgow. | USNM. | |
BARRAND, ROGER | France, | Aneroid Barometer = D.(1972). | "horloger"; reproduction. | rue Despiches, Orléans. | RSW. |
BARRAUD | England, fl.1823-45, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D. | also made chronometers. | 41 Cornhill, London. | Wynter and Turner; USNM. |
BARRELL, JOHN | England?, c.1828, NIM | Sextant = Old Gaol Museum, Me. | USNM. | ||
BARRERE | France, | see Girard et Barrère. | Christie-SK 4/17/86. | ||
BARRETA, D. | England, c.1800, PHIM | Stick Barometers = X, D.(1996). | may be Dom Barret. | 67 Holborn, London. | Goodison 1; ATG 7/6/96. |
BARRETT | England, NIM | see Spencer, Barrett and Co. | |||
BARRETT, DOM | England, 1783?, PHIM | Angle Barometer = X. | dated in pencil; may be D. Barreta. | Goodison 1. | |
BARRETT, ROBERT M. | England, c.1850, MIM | in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; D. Primavesi was his agent in Cardiff. | 4 Jamaica Terrace, Limehouse, London. | G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. | |
BARRETT, SIMON | England, c.1678, MIM | apprenticed to Thomas Claxton in the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Joseph Wells of the Joiners' Company on July 3, 1668, until 1675; free of the Clockmakers' Company, April 8, 1678; took apprentices. | London. | J. Brown 3; Loomes 2. | |
BARRINGTON, THOMAS | England, c.1828, MIM | 32 Wytch Street, Strand, London. | O'Mara. | ||
BARROLL, JOHN | England, c.1701, MIM | apprenticed to John Wood 1 of the Clockmakers' Company for eight years on June 1, 1701. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BARROW AND OWEN | England, MIM NIM OIM | T.C. in marine compass box; Henry Barrow. | 26 Oxenden Street, London. | RSW. | |
BARROW, HENRY | England, 1790-1870, MIM NIM PHIM | Theodolite = KEN; Telescope = KEN; Mariner's Compass = NMM; Gunner's Level = NMM; Dip Needles = USNM, Royal Greenwich Observatory, Hurstmonceaux Castle; Actinometer = KEN; Barometer, Thermometers (2) = P. & S. 2/4/1876. | might have been apprenticed to either George Dollond 1 or Edward Troughton 2 as he did work for both of them before 1829; appointed MIM under the Surveyor General of India (1830-39); succeeded to the business of Thomas Charles Robinson in 1842; became "Robinson and Barrow" (1842-50); also made balances; invented a new dip needle. | London (pre 1830); Calcutta (1830-39); 38 Devonshire Street, London (1842-43); 26 Oxenden Street, London (1845-64). | Pipping 1; RSW; Bryden 8; Taylor 2(2069); McConnell; USNM; NMM 2; Stock 1 & 2. |
BARROW, HENRY, AND CO. | England, fl.1850-69, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Thermometer = Soth. 3/11/77; Telescope, three-draw = Phillips 1/30/84; Sextant, box = Phillips 10/26/83; Protractor, full, with sights = Drouot 4/7/87. | some signed "H. Barrow and Co.; one carries the East India Co. trademark; also made theodolites, magnetic compasses, etc.; see Henry Barrow. | 26 Oxenden Street, London. | O'Mara; RSW; USNM; Stock 1 & 2. |
BARROW, JOHN | England, 1792, MIM | author. | London. | Dawson 216, 1971. | |
BARROW, W., AND W. LOVELACE | England, pre-1756, PHIM | T.C.; made artificial magnets; partnership broke up in 1756. | at the Golden Lion in St. Martins Le-Grand, London. | Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. | |
BARROW, WILLIAM | England, c.1756, NIM PHIM | Compass, 1756 = NMM. | T.C.; see W. Barrow and W. Lovelace; made artificial magnets; left London in 1756. | London; Woolton near Prescott, Lancs. (1756). | NMM 2; Calvert 2. |
BARRY | England, c.1800, MIM NIM | Telescope, pocket = Soth.-N.Y. 2/23/79; Octant = Seamans Institute, New York; Sextants = MYS, LIM, Soth. 10/17/60-157; Circular Protractor = D.(1976). | probably Richard Barry, which see. | London. | Moskowitz, 1976; RSW; USNM. |
BARRY, JOSEPH | Ireland, fl.1780-1824, MIM SIM | Circumferentor = X. | also a watchmaker. | Cork. | Mollan 1 and 2; SIS Bulletin #1, 1983; Morrison-Low and Burnett. |
BARRY, M. | England, fl.1815-25, MIM | continued Richard Barry's business. | Navigation Warehouse, Minories, London. | Moskowitz 112; USNM; Brewington 1. | |
BARRY, RICHARD | England, fl.1799-1820, MIM NIM OIM | Telescopes = PEA, P.C.(1969); Protractor, full, with arm = D. (1976); Sextant, ebony = D.(1993). | sextant scale is signed "I.R." (8); T.C. | 290 Wapping Street (1799-); 106 Minories; Navigation Warehouse, Minories (1810-15); all in London. | Moskowitz 112; Taylor 2(925); Brewington 1; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Coffeen 43. |
BARSTON, JOHN | England, fl.1738-40, | patented a quadrant, 1738; Joseph Turner worked with him on the quadrant. | Hatton Garden, London. | Taylor 2(228); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Millburn 8. | |
BART, JOHANN | Germany, c.1525, MIM | see Giovanni della Barba. | Michel 3. | ||
BARTENSCHLAGER, J.C. | Germany, 1713-99, MIM SIM | Universal Ring Sundial = SCH-5269; Table Sundials = SCH-5268, ZUS-LM2639, and ZUR(2); Graphometer = ZUR; Surveying Instruments = SCH and ZUS; Sector = Soth. 10/17/60-132. | Schaffhausen. | Zinner 1; RSW. | |
BARTHELEMY | France, c.1790, PHIM | Hydrometer, silver, case = Drouot 11/7/75. | "Md Orfèvre et Joailler de Lunel"; Barthélémy. | dans la Grand'rue, vis-à-vis le Bureau de la Colerie, No. 346, Paris. | RSW. |
BARTHELMES | Germany, c.1830, PHIM | Barometer = DRE. | Gotha. | RSW. | |
BARTHOLOMAEUS, S. | Germany, 1736, MIM | Sundial, stone and brass, 1736 = FRA. | Zinner 1. | ||
BARTHOLOMEW, ABBOT | Germany, 1550, MIM | Chalice Dial, 1550 = BM-1896/12/14-1. | see B.A. 2. | Aldersbach. | Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Gatty. |
BARTLETT, JOHN 1 | England, c.1754, MIM | apprenticed to John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 18, 1746; turned over to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company by Barbara Gilbert, administrator, on March 18, 1752; free in the Grocers' Company, Feb. 5, 1754. | J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7. | ||
BARTLETT, JOHN 2 | England, c.1900, | Roman Sundials, copies = Wray Sale-78 = OXF (falsely dated 1640), ADL-T46 (falsely dated 1642). | by D.B. Sheahan of New York City; address marked on sundials is "Chester." | Michel 1; Dyer; Fox 2; Tomlinson 1; RSW. | |
BARTLETT, MOSES | England, d.1709, MIM | sundial recorded. | Exeter. | Loomes 2. | |
BARTLETT, WILLIAM | England, c.1700, | apprenticed to Elizabeth Toogood in the Joiners' Company, July 16, 1700. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BARTOLLA, G. | England, c.1775, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 12/15/72. | Barford. | RSW. | |
BARTON 1 | England, 18th Century, MIM | Ramsden worked under him. | Nachet . | ||
BARTON 2 | England, 19th Century, OIM | Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 4/14/89. | Strand, London. | RSW. | |
BARTON, JOHN | England, fl.1791-1815, NIM | invented a type of floating compass. | 36 Old Bond Street; upper Belgrave Square, Pimlico; both in London. | Taylor 2(926). | |
BARTON, PETER | misreading for Peter Barbon. | Morrison-Low; RSW. | |||
BARTRAM, ABRAHAM | England, c.1602, | apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1602. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BARTS | England, MIM | Sundial, portable, case = Central Museum and Art Gallery, Northampton. | London. | Stevens and Aked. | |
BARTSCH, JACOB | Holland, 1600-33, MIM | Instrument, 1624 = LEY. | also marked "Jac. ab Leiden." | Leiden. | Price 2; RSW. |
BARTSCHERER, HANS | Sweden, fl.1563-82, MIM | Cube Dial, 1580 = STH-12580. | Stockholm. | Zinner 1. | |
BARUCKER | Germany, 18th Century, OIM | made Cuff-type microscopes; optician; possibly W. Burucker, which see. | Nürnberg. | Nachet; RSW. | |
BASERGA | France, c.1805, MIM | succeeded by his son, A. Baserga. | 54 Quai des Orfevres et 15 Place Dauphines, Paris. | USNM. | |
BASERGA, A. | France, c.1830, MIM | succeeded his father, Baserga. | Paris. | USNM; RSW. | |
BASERGA, F., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Ipswich. | Goodison 1. | |
BASNETT | early spelling for Bassnett. | Moskowitz 101. | |||
BASS | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Northampton. | Goodison 1. | |
BASS, GEORGE | England, fl.1706-69, OIM | apprenticed in 1706 to Ralph Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company on March 28, 1716; Master of the Company in 1747; took apprentices; made early achromatic lenses in 1733 which had been invented by Chester Moor Hall. | Bridewell Precinct (1733); Fleet Ditch (1764); both in London. | Taylor 2(6); Daumas 1; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(82); A.J. Turner 10. | |
BASSANO, CHRISTOPHER | Italy, fl.1700-50, MIM | Sundial = E.C. Middleton Coll. | Evans 1. | ||
BASSETT | USA, MIM | Bassett Adder = D.(1984). | Chicago, Ill. | Moskowitz 127. | |
BASSETT, N. | USA, 1836, | patented a surveying compass, 1836. | Wilmington, Del. | USNM. | |
BASSETT, THOMAS | England, c.1669, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Isaac Webb of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 18, 1669. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BASSNET, JAMES | see James Bassnett. | ||||
BASSNETT | England, c.1840, NIM | Quadrant = PMS; Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M3274; Octants = PMS (2), BMM, NMM, Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass. | one PMS marked "G.W." on ivory scale, the other "SBR"; surely James Bassnett. | Liverpool. | NMM 2; Brewington 1; RSW; Moskowitz 101; USNM. |
BASSNETT, J., AND H. DUREN | England; USA, c.1850, NIM | Octant = PMS. | James Bassnett and his New York dealer, Henry Duren. | Liverpool and New York, N.Y. | RSW. |
BASSNETT, JAMES | England, fl.1829-57, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Barometer = PEA-751; Stick Barometers = PMS, VNN, MYS; Telescope = Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, Ill.; Marine Barometer = MYS; Sextant = SFM; Quadrant = D.(1972). | changed name from Basnet to Bassnett in 1841; spelling variants are Bassnet and Basnett; optician; watch and clockmaker; T.C.; in partnership with son, Thomas?, 1857-60. | 4 Barnes Court, Shaws Brow (1829); 13 Roberts Street North (1834-37); 1 Roberts Street (1841-51); 58 Roberts Street (1857); 8 Roberts Street (1857-60); all in Liverpool. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2070); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 101; Bryden 9; USNM; Crawforth 6; RSW. |
BASSNETT, JAMES, AND SON | England, fl.1855-65, MIM OIM PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76; Marine Compass = Soth.-PB pre-1980; Telescope = Christie-SK 4/14/89. | opticians; probably the son was Thomas Bassnett; both barometers and telescope signed "Bassnett and Son"; compass signed "J. Bassnet and Son, Liverpool". | 8 Roberts Street, Liverpool. | Bryden 9; Moskowitz 104; Brewington 1; Goodison 1; RSW. |
BASSO, FRANCESCO | Italy, fl.1560-70, MIM | also a cartographer. | Milan. | Tooley. | |
BASTARD, WILLIAM | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BASTICK AND DRIVER | England, PHIM | T.C.; scale makers; "late forman and apprentice to Mr. Vandome." | No.2 Holywell Row, Worship Street, near Finsbury Square, London. | Calvert 2. | |
BASTIEN L'AINE | France, 1842, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1842 = BOM 3/28/06-556. | Bastien L'aîné. | Rue St André des Arts, 60, Paris. | RSW. |
BAT. LUGD. | 1640, MIM | Diagonal Scale, 1640 = SKO. | may be Lugdini for London. | Price 2; Bedini 5; RSW. | |
BATCH, J. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Chichester. | Goodison 1. | |
BATE | England, fl.1807-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including a terrestrial globe on tellurian, ADL-L34, garden sundial at Washington Old Hall, Washington Village, County Durham; a wooden protractor, 1846, at BM; mountain barometer in a cane; Bate's Ready Reckoner; Thomson's Lunar Corrector (No. 209), etc. | could be Robert Brettell Bate or his son; ADL tellurian is reputed to be by Sauter and Gyldenstolke. | 17 Poultry, Cheapside; 20/21 Poultry, Cheapside; both in London. | Taylor 2(1079); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Brewington 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Moskowitz 107; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Delehar 9; ADL; Yonge; Coffeen 35; RSW. |
BATE AND POULTRY | misreading for Bate in Poultry. | RSW. | |||
BATE AND SON | England, pre-1840-49, | Robert Bretsell Bate and son. | London. | Taylor 2(1079); Moskowitz 105. | |
BATE, BARTHOLOMEW | England, 1806-95, OIM | apprenticed to Robert Brettell Bate, his father, of the Spectaclemakers' Company on Jan. 24, 1822, free of the Company on Jan. 27, 1829; see Bartlett Bate. | Clay and Court; Taylor 2(1079); Court and von Rohr 3(249). | ||
BATE, BARTLETT | England, c.1822, OIM PHIM | optician; took out a patent for improvements in hydrometers and saccharometers; called Junior; may be Brettell or Bretsell Bate or may be confused with Bartholomew Bate; may be the son of Robert Bretsell Bate or may be a ghost except for the "Jr." | of the Poultry, London. | Taylor 2(1079); Clay and Court; Court and von Rohr 3(249). | |
BATE, HENRY | France, c.1274, | wrote a treatise on the astrolabe. | Malines. | Gunther 1; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BATE, JOHN | England, 1809-40, PHIM | worked with his father, Robert Brettell Bate. | London. | McConnell 4. | |
BATE, JOHN 1 | England, c.1626, MIM | made gunner's scales; may be John Bates. | London. | Taylor 1(52); Evans. | |
BATE, JOHN 2 | Ireland, 1750, MIM | Sundials = X (1750), Soth.-PB pre-1980. | Dublin. | Morrison-Low and Burnett; RSW. | |
BATE, JOHN 3 | England, c.1832, OIM | London. | Taylor 2(1773). | ||
BATE, P. | England, 18th Century, MIM | Sundial = Christie-SK 11/27/86. | RSW. | ||
BATE, PHILIP | Ireland, fl.1761-62, MIM | Nicholas Street, Dublin. | Morrison-Low and Burnett. | ||
BATE, ROBERT BRETTELL | England, 1782-1847, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums; they include orreries, microscopes, dials, telescopes, globes, octants, barometers, etc.; Meridian Transit = ADL-A138. | T.C.;made free of the Spectaclemakers' Companyby redemption in 1814; Master of the Company, 1828-30; took his son, Bartholomew, as apprentice in 1822 and as partner before 1840; Brettell also appears as Brettel and Bretsell; some instruments are signed "R.B. Bate"; "Optician in Ordinary" to George IV in 1818, to William IV in 1830 and to Queen Victoria in 1837; also acted as dealer; T.C. | 17 Poultry; 20/21 Poultry (1830); both in Cheapside, London. | Taylor 2(1079); Goodison 1; Moskowitz 105; Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Price 3; Ward 4; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 7; Court and von Rohr 3(238); McConnell 4; ADL; RSW. |
BATECIN, S. LAUR. | Italy, NIM | Compass in gimbals = FLO-3176. | Venice. | Bonelli 1. | |
BATEMAN, JOSEPH | England, fl.1823-40, MIM | made an eight-foot slide rule. | Middlesex. | Taylor 2(2071). | |
BATEMAN, T. | England, MIM | globe maker; succeeded by John Newton. | at the Globe and Sun in Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, London. | Crawforth 1. | |
BATENBURG AND CO. | Holland, c.1790, NIM | Octants, ebony and ivory = ADL-A192, Christie 12/18/74. | Rotterdam. | ADL; RSW. | |
BATENBURGH, JAN VAN | see Jan van Call. | Rooseboom 1. | |||
BATERNA | 1780, PHIM | made barometer, c.1780; Baserga? | Halifax. | USNM. | |
BATES | England, c.1760, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2), Phillips 4/20/83. | Kettering. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |
BATES, JOHN | see John Bate 1. | Taylor 1(52); Evans 1. | |||
BATES, RICHARD | England, MIM | T.C. | at the Quadrant without Newgate facing the Old Bailey, London. | Crawforth 1. | |
BATES, THOMAS | England, c.1686, | apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on June 3, 1686. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BATH, ABRAHAM | Abraham, Bath; misreading of name on globe in the Chicago Historical Society; see Abraham 1 and Jacob Abraham. | Yonge; RSW. | |||
BATHER | England, PHIM | Chondrometer = Christie-SK 10/6/83. | Haymarket. | RSW. | |
BATIS, IOANNES | Italy, c.1575, MIM | Horary Quadrant = FLO-2525. | for latitude 42°. | Bonelli 1; Michel 3. | |
BATKA, WENZD | Czechoslovakia, c.1850, MIM | in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. | Prague (Austria). | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BATTELL, AFFABELL | England, fl.1737-48, MIM | apprenticed to John Potten in the Broderers' Company, Jan. 15, 1707; free in the Company, June 8, 1737; assistant compass maker at Deptford Yard, 1741-48. | Beaufort Buildings in the Strand, London (1737). | Crawforth 7. | |
BATTEN, EDWARD | England, c.1671, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to John Marke of the Clockmakers' Company on Jan. 16, 1671. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BATTENBURG AND CO. | misreading for Batenburg and Co. | RSW. | |||
BATTENBURGH | see Jan Bacher van Call. | Michel 3. | |||
BATTI | see Moretti and Batti. | ||||
BATTINI, B. | Italy, 1721, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, silver and ivory, 1721 = Michel Sale-7. | the bottom has an engraved cruciform motif. | RSW. | |
BATTISTA, B.D. | England, c.1860, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 1/27/88. | Downham. | RSW. | |
BATTISTESSA | see Zerbonie, Battistessa and Co. | RSW. | |||
BATTISTESSA AND CO. 1 | Scotland, c.1825, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = P.C. (1974); Soth.-S 1/27/88. | 8 and 9 Calton Street, Edinburgh. | RSW. | |
BATTISTESSA AND CO. 2 | England, fl.1830-43, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; see Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli; see Zerboni, Battistessa, Molteni and Guanziroli. | 13 Baldwins Gardens (1830-33); 106 Hatton Garden (1840-43); both in London. | Goodison 1. | |
BATTISTESSA, MOLTENI AND GUANZIROLI | England, c.1834, PHIM | made barometers. | 13 Baldwins Gardens, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BAUDEN | Belgium, c.1800, MIM | Alidade = DOR. | Mons. | RSW. | |
BAUDOU | France, c.1788, PHIM | made a balance barometer in 1788. | Grenoble. | Middleton 1. | |
BAUER, CARL | Germany, c.1820, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, miniature, box = Soth. 6/23/87. | globe marked "P.B. 5"; published a pocket globe with the celestial gores on the outside of the case. | Nürnberg. | Edell 1; RSW. |
BAUER, JOH. BERNARD | Germany, fl.1790-1801, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1792 = BAM; Terrestrial Globes = Markisches Museum, Berlin (1801), Soth. 6/9/25; Globe, 1800 = X; Planetarium, 1791 = BAM. | "mechanicus"; see Klinger and Bauer. | Nürnberg. | RSW; Tooley. |
BAUER, JOHANN | Germany, 1639, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1639 = Berlin-Babelsberg University Observatory. | see Jan van Call; may be same man. | Callens. | Zinner 1; Price 2. |
BAUER, KILIAN | Germany, fl.1725-26, MIM | Pillar Sundials, 1725, 1726 = WUR. | Würzburg. | Zinner 1. | |
BAUER, P. | Germany, 1683, MIM | Equatorial Sundial, 1683 = OXF. | Zinner 1. | ||
BAUGH, JOHN | England, c.1672, | apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on June 24, 1672. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BAUM, J., AND CO. | England, c.1875, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, folding = WHI. | marked "Birmingham Patent", but no patent found. | Birmingham. | Bryden 16. |
BAUMANN | Germany, fl.1760-1830, MIM NIM SIM | Circumferentor = STL; Repeating Circle = AMST. | Stuttgart. | Daumas 1; Evans 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
BAUMGARTINGER, JEAN ERASME | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Table Sundial, octagonal = Rosenheim Sale-374; Equatorial Sundial, copper-gilt and silvered = MADEX-152 = P.C.. | Mergentheim. | Michel 3; MADEX. | |
BAUMGARTNER, FRIEDRICH | Germany, 1759-1843, | Baumgärtner; wrote on new mechanical instruments. | Leipzig. | Michel 3. | |
BAUSCH, J.J. | Germany?, PHIM | Microscope, pocket, wood = HAR. | "Excelsior Microscope." | RSW. | |
BAUSSARD | France?, 1790, MIM | Water Clock, 1790 = CNAM. | Cons. Nat'l 2. | ||
BAUSSE, JOHANN GEORG | Germany, fl.1750-84, MIM | made Copernican and Tychonic planetaria, now lost. | Gotha. | Zinner 1; USNM. | |
BAXTER | USA, NIM | see Nickerson and Baxter. | Boston, Mass. | RSW. | |
BAXTER, JOHN | England, fl.1825-26, MIM | 32 John Street, Birmingham. | Taylor 2(1481). | ||
BAXTER, ROBERT | England, c.1830, OIM | Livery Street, Birmingham. | Taylor 2(1774). | ||
BAXTER, WILLIAM | England, c.1752, | apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Mar. 19, 1752. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BAYENS GEBROEDERS | Holland, fl.1798-1850, MIM OIM SIM | Microscopes = LEY (1798), LEY; Circumferentor = Christie-SK 9/11/86. | Pieter and Adrianus Bayens; see Dellebarre and Bayens Gebroeders. | Delft. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BAYENS, ADRIANUS | Holland, fl.1790-post-1842, MIM OIM | see Bayens Brothers; see Dellebarre and Bayens Brothers. | Delft. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. | |
BAYENS, PIETER | Holland, 1744-1846, MIM OIM | Plane Table Alidade = Christie-SK 11/19/87. | see Bayens Brothers; see Dellebarre and Bayens Brothers. | Delft. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; RSW. |
BAYER, JOSEPH | Germany, c.1771, MIM | Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. May, 1903 = Evans Coll. = OXF-G.434. | marked "Soc. Jesu fecit." | Augsburg. | Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Evans 1; Michel 3; Maddison 1; RSW; Gatty. |
BAYER, MARTIN | Germany, c.1559, MIM | clockmaker; see M.B. 3. | Annaberg. | Bobinger 2. | |
BAYLEY 1 | England, fl.1663-70, OIM | Monconys called him Baili (1666); member of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1663; optician. | in St. Paul's Churchyard, London. | Taylor 1(295); Daumas 1; Michel 3; Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(III). | |
BAYLEY 2 | sometimes Baili, Bailie, Baly, Baylie, Baille. | Michel 3. | |||
BAYNHAM, CHARLES | England, c.1744, | apprenticed to George Adams 1 of the Grocers' Company on Mar. 8, 1742; turned over to William Collier, Goldsmith, on Oct. 27, 1744. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BAYSER | Germany, MIM | Inclinable Sundial, case = MADEX-133 = P.C. | may be Beyser. | MADEX. | |
BAYSER, BOE | Denmark, 1735, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, 1735 = Drecker Coll. | Price 2. | ||
BAZERGA, GEBROEDEN | Holland, c.1830, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Phillips 4/20/83. | "Gebroeden Bazerga tot Rotterdam." | Rotterdam. | RSW. |
BAZZANTI, ISIDORUS GASPAR | Italy, 1760, OIM | Solar Microscope, 1760 = FLO-3229. | Bonelli 1. | ||
BEACH AND BALDEN | England, -1817, PHIM | Thomas Beach and Joseph Balden; balance makers; succeeded by W. and T. Avery 1 in 1817. | Birmingham. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BEACH, LEWIS | USA, fl.1830-46, MIM | made rules and squares. | Mass.(1830-46); Bennington, Vermont (1859). | DATM. | |
BEACH, THOMAS | England, c.1800, PHIM | made balances; T.C.; was partner with Joseph Balden; succeeded by W. and T. Avery. | No. 11 in Digbeth, Birmingham. | Giordano 1; Calvert 2; G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BEAL, JOHN | England, c.1826, MIM | had James Prentice as an apprentice, c.1826; was he possibly John Beale 1 or 2? | London. | Smart 1; RSW. | |
BEALE, JOHN 1 | England, c.1812, MIM | Middlesex. | Taylor 2(1273). | ||
BEALE, JOHN 2 | England, 19th Century, MIM OIM PHIM | T.C. | No. 76 Maid Lane near the Borough, London. | Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. | |
BEAN, FOWLER | England, fl.1781-91, | apprenticed to George Adams 2 of the Grocers' Company on June 18, 1773; free of the Company on March 1, 1781; described himself as "surgeon" and took his two sons as apprentices. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BEARD, CORNELIUS | England, c.1670, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Edward Thorogood of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 7, 1670; turned over to James Atkinson 1 of the Clockmakers' Company. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BEARELLI | see Riva and Bearelli. | RSW. | |||
BEARETTI, PETER | England, c.1833, PHIM | barometer and thermometer maker. | 26 Great Bath Street, Clerkenwell, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BEASARDO, P. | Germany, 1553, MIM | Equatorial Sundial, 1553 = Drecker Coll. | Price 2. | ||
BEATTIE | see Proctor and Beattie. | London. | RSW. | ||
BEAUJEU, FRANQUE A. | France, MIM | Garden Sundials = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. | Rhône. | RSW. | |
BEAUJEU, LIENARD DE | Canada, MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial = X. | "Nouvelle France." | "Antiques", 1965, 87:336-7. | |
BEAULIEU, A. | Belgium, c.1790, OIM | made optical squares; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. | Brussels. | USNM; J.A. Bennett 2. | |
BEAUME | France, pre-1782, PHIM | Beaumé; invented an areometer. | Courtanvaux. | ||
BEAUMONT, PHILIP | England, c.1689, MIM | apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 15, 1689. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BEAUTEMPS DE ST.-POURCIN, P. | France, c.1575, MIM | Polyhedral Sundial, mounted on an atlas figure = D.(1976). | signed also "Inventeur." | Avergne. | Brieux 3; A.J. Turner 10. |
BEAUTIN | France, c.1820, MIM | Window Dial, glass, with noon cannon = Satterlee Coll. | "Opticien de la Reine." | Rue de Castiglione No. 8, Paris. | Hamilton 2. |
BEAUVAL, FIRMIN DE | France, c.1485, | designed an astronomical clock. | Amiens. | Weil 2(23). | |
BEAVER, SAMUEL | England, c.1828, | apprenticed to William Green 2 in the Joiners' Company on Dec. 4, 1828. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BEAVES | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Trowbridge. | Goodison 1. | |
BEAVISS, EDWARD | England, 1760, MIM | Orrery, 1760 = Soth. 12/16/63-112. | RSW. | ||
BECHADERGUE, P. | France?, 18th Century, MIM | Dividers, wood = D.(1982). | Coffeen A. | ||
BECHER, A.B. | England, fl. 1836-44, | invented an artificial horizon c.1843. | London. | McConnell 4. | |
BECHLIN | pre-1798, PHIM | made magnets. | Pipping 1. | ||
BECHTLER | USA, MIM SIM | Surveying Level, hand-held = North Carolina State Archives. | Rutherford County, North Carolina. | USNM. | |
BECK | see R.and J. Beck; see Smith and Beck. | ||||
BECK, G. | England, fl.1780-1840, NIM | Quadrant = Auction, August, 1807. | invented a quadrant, theodolite and protractor patented in 1780. | Taylor 2(1080); KEN. | |
BECK, GEORGE W. | USA, c.1834, PHIM | manufactured and sold electrical machinery of various kinds. | Boston, Mass. | USNM. | |
BECK, JOSEPH | England, c.1847, OIM | microscope maker; worked with his brother, Richard Beck 2, as R. and J. Beck. | London. | Moskowitz 132. | |
BECK, R. AND J. | England, fl.1847-94, OIM | Microscope = D.(1989). | Richard and Joseph Beck. | 31 Cornhill, London. | Moskowitz 132. |
BECK, RICHARD 1 | England, 1637, | apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 of the Clockmakers' Company in 1673. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BECK, RICHARD 2 | England, fl.1847-, OIM | worked first with James Smith 3 as Smith and Beck; later with his brother, Joseph Beck and James Smith 3; after 1866 worked alone with Joseph Beck. | London. | Moskowitz 111. | |
BECKEL BROTHERS | USA, OIM | Telescope = MYS. | New York, N.Y. | RSW; WEBDB. | |
BECKER | England, PHIM | Balance, case = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. | probably Jecker. | London. | RSW. |
BECKER AND SONS | USA, post-1836, MIM NIM SIM | founded by Christopher Becker 2, which see. | Brooklyn, N.Y. | RSW. | |
BECKER'S SONS | Holland?; USA, c.1860, PHIM | Specific Gravity Balance = D.(1972). | New York, N.Y. | Moskowitz 104. | |
BECKER, A. | Germany, c.1850, PHIM | Barometer = DRE. | Gotha. | RSW. | |
BECKER, ANDREAS | Germany, 1607, MIM | Astrolabe, 1607 = Elblag Museum, Poland. | ICA-594; offered to the Boerhave Museum, June, 1988. | Zinner 1; Price 1; ICA 2; RSW. | |
BECKER, C. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Galvanometer = Royal Institution, London; Heliochronometer = D.(1987). | London. | Coffeen 16; RSW. | |
BECKER, CHRISTOPHER 1 | Holland, 1806-90, PHIM | Physical Instruments = LEY, GRO. | Groningen. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BECKER, CHRISTOPHER 2 | Holland; USA, 1806-90, MIM NIM PHIM SIM | Theodolites = P.C., Christie-Amst 10/22/81-623. | made astronomical and nautical instruments; made first analytical balance in the U.S; see Becker's Sons; founded Becker and Sons in Brooklyn, N.Y. post-1836; Christie theodolite is signed "Becker Arnhem"; had display in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London as from Arnhem. | Arnhem (1851); New York, N.Y. | USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW. |
BECKET, JOHN | England, c.1698, MIM | apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 15, 1698. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BECKETT, BENJAMIN | England, c.1767, | apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company on March 3, 1767. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BECKHER, JOHANN | Austria, 1726, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1726 = NUR-WI1212. | invented by R.P. Michael Caucigh. | Linz. | Zinner 1; Globus Dec., 1956. |
BECKIT, ROBERTUS | England, 1597, MIM | Sector with bow, 1597 = P.C. = OXF. | steel points. | Calvert 3; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. | |
BECKMAN, L. | USA, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. | Toledo, Ohio. | USNM. | |
BEDFORD, HILKIAH | England, 1634-89, MIM | Universal Ring Sundials = NMM, OXF, FLO, LAW, PAK, Foster's Sales Rooms, May, 1916, London Museum, Soth. 6/23/69; Quadrant = Soth. 10/22/76; Gunter Quadrant and Nocturnal = TIM; Dialing Rule = KEN. | apprenticed to John Thompson 1 of the Stationers' Company in 1646; free of the Company in 1654; admitted to Clockmakers' Company in 1667; took apprentices. | Hosier Lane (-1666); at the Sign of the Globe, near Holborn Conduit; in Fleet Street, near end of Fetter Lane (1666-89); all in London. | Taylor 1(284); Maddison 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Michel 3; J. Brown 1 and 3; A.J. Turner 8, 9 & 10; RSW. |
BEDINGTON, JOHN | England, fl.1845-52, | T.C. | No. 40 Digbeth, Birmingham. | Crawforth 1. | |
BEDOS DE CELLES | France, | author; designed sundials. | |||
BEDWELL, THOMAS 1 | England, 1546-95, | designed a carpenter's rule. | London. | Taylor 1(41). | |
BEDWELL, THOMAS 2 | England, fl.1825-49, MIM PHIM | made barometers and thermometers. | Leman Street, Goodmans Field (1825); 53 Great Alie Street (1834-45); 3-4 Little Alie Street (1846-49; all in London. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1483). | |
BEEFE, NICOLAS DE | Holland, fl.1761-67, MIM | The Hague. | Rooseboom 1. | ||
BEELDSNIJDER, FRANCOIS | Holland, 1755-1808, OIM | Microscope objective, achromatic, 1791 = UTR-Physics Lab. | François Beeldsnijder. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. |
BEELING, Z. | see Boyling 2. | Zinner 1. | |||
BEER, JOOST DE | Holland, fl.1620-30, MIM | Sundial, 1625 = ROM; Astronomical Compendium = LEY-A74; Dutch Box Sundial, silver and ivory = Wray Sale-38. | delivered instruments for Jacob van Neck's expedition; surely the maker of a pocket sundial signed "I.B." (10) at AMST, which see; perhaps the same as Joost Peer. | Amsterdam. | Zinner 1; Rooseboom 1; Price 2; Mörzer Bruyns 2. |
BEERS, JAMES M. | USA, c.1810?, MIM | Wheelbarrow Hodometer = USNM. | New Haven, Conn. | USNM. | |
BEERS, SMITH | USA, 1839, MIM | held a patent on a hodometer, 1839. | Waterbury, Conn. | USNM. | |
BEETS, CORNELLIS | Germany, c.1787, NIM | Compass Roses = HAM, Focke. | Hamburg. | RSW. | |
BEHAIM, CASPAR | see Chasparus Bohémus. | Vincent 2. | |||
BEHAIM, HANS | 1740, PHIM | Weather Forecaster, 1740, #37 = MUN. | RSW. | ||
BEHAIM, MARTIN | Germany, 1459-1507, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1492 = NUR. | the globe is of cardboard covered with vellum. | Nürnberg. | Behaim Cat., 1957; Crone; Winter; Culver; Candee; Stevenson; DSB; A.J. Turner 10; Yonge. |
BEHAIM, MORITZ | Austria, 1559, MIM | Quadrant with Sundial = FRA; Astronomical Clock, 1559 = Spitzer = Paul Garnier Coll. | Vienna. | Neumann 1 & 3. | |
BEHAMB, MAURICUS | Germany, 1558, MIM | Evans thought that Behaim and Behamb were the same person; he said the town was Frankfort. | Frankfort. | Evans 1. | |
BEHRINGER | see Beringer. | ||||
BEIGHTON, HENRY | England, 1687-1743, | designed and made an improved plane table; constructed an hodometer; F.R.S., 1720; engineer and land-surveyor; author. | Griff, Warwickshire; Chilversloton, near Nuneaton. | Taylor 1(550) and 2(9); DNB; Middleton 1. | |
BEILBY 1 | England, c.1810, MIM PHIM | Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 1/22/73; Universal Ring Sundial = WHI-1661; Sundial, circular, with lid = Soth. 4/29/77; Stick Barometer = D.(1973), Soth. 5/18/89 = Soth.-S 10/19/89. | see Richard Beilby; see Charles Beilby. | Bristol. | Bryden 9 and 16; Wynter 2; RSW. |
BEILBY 2 | England, | see Proctor and Beilby. | Birmingham. | Bryden 9; RSW. | |
BEILBY, CHARLES | England, fl.1809-19, MIM OIM PHIM | Telescope, three-draw = Christie-SK 10/6/83. | T.C. | 2 Clare Street, Bristol (1814-19). | Bryden 9; RSW; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. |
BEILBY, R. AND C. | England, fl.1809-13, MIM OIM PHIM | Richard and Charles Beilby. | 2 Clare Street, Bristol. | Bryden 9. | |
BEILBY, RICHARD | England, fl.1809-20, MIM OIM PHIM | see R. and C. Beilby. | 2 Clare Street, Bristol. | Bryden 9. | |
BEILLY | misreading for Beilby. | ||||
BEIPOLTH, JOHANN | see Johann Deilpolth. | ||||
BEITELROCK, JOHANN | Germany, 1736, MIM | Astrolabe Clock, 1736 = Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague. | Augsburg. | Bruton. | |
BEITENMAN, JOHN | USA, c.1775, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = D.(1986). | Coffeen 12. | ||
BEKA AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = K. and C. 3/28/73. | Norwich. | RSW. | |
BELCHER AND BROTHERS | USA, c.1830, MIM | Gunter's Scales = MYS (2). | misreading for Belcher Brothers. | New York, N.Y. | DATM; RSW. |
BELCHER BROS. | USA, fl.1829-37, MIM | Gunter's Scales, wood = USNM, X. | New York, N.Y. | Bryden 9; USNM; Philip E. Stanley. | |
BELCHER BROS. AND CO. | USA, c.1835, MIM | Gunter's Scale, wood = D.(1972). | New York, N.Y. | Moskowitz 104; DATM. | |
BELCHER BROTHERS | USA, fl.1822-77, MIM | Gunter's Scales = PEA, D.(1979); Slide Rule, folding = D. (1972); Square, wood = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. | Thomas, William and Charles Belcher. | New York, N.Y. | Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1; Philip E. Stanley; RSW; Bedini 8. |
BELCHER, CHARLES, THOMAS AND WILLIAM | USA, fl.1837-43, MIM | rule makers; T. and W. Belcher and Co. may really be Thomas and William and Charles Belcher. | 17 Platt, New York, N.Y. (1837-43). | USNM. | |
BELCHER, T. AND J. | USA, | misreading, see T. and W. Belcher. | DATM. | ||
BELCHER, T. AND W. AND C. | USA, fl.1824-26, MIM | Gunter Scale, wood = Maine Historical Society, Portland. | Thomas and William and Charles (or is the "C" for Co.?) Belcher. | New York, N.Y. | RSW. |
BELCHER, T. AND W., AND CO. | USA, fl.1825-26, MIM | rule makers; see T. and W. and C. Belcher. | 146 Division (1824); 141 Mulberry (1825-26); both in New York, N.Y. | USNM; Bedini 8. | |
BELCHER, THOMAS | USA, fl.1823-29+, MIM | rule maker. | New York, N.Y. | Bedini 8. | |
BELCHER, ZACHARIAH | England, c.1822, MIM | made wood and ivory rules. | 4 Knight Street, Sheffield. | Taylor 2(1485). | |
BELKMEER, PETRUS | Holland, 1732, OIM | Microscope, 1732 = Optical Convention Cat., Leyden? | Enkhuisen. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BELL, EDMOND | England, c.1704, MIM | apprenticed to John Wood 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1704. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELL, H., AND CO. | England, PHIM | balance makers. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BELL, HENRY | Scotland, fl.1856-81, NIM OIM | worked with Isaac Bell, 1860-62. | 48 Maxwell Street (1856-57); 50 Maxwell Street (1858-59); both in Glasgow. | Bryden 3. | |
BELL, I. AND H. | Scotland, fl.1860-62, NIM | Isaac and Henry Bell. | 54 St. Enoch Square (1860-61); 70 1/2 Great Clyde Street (1862); both in Glasgow. | Bryden 3. | |
BELL, ISAAC | Scotland, fl.1838-59, NIM | compass maker; see I. and H. Bell. | Delftfield Lane (1839-44); 16 York Street (1847-48); 50 Maxwell Street (1849-57); 52 Maxwell Street (1858-59); all in Glasgow. | Bryden 3.à | |
BELL, JAMES | Scotland, fl.1836-61, OIM PHIM | after 1839 he is listed as a clock and machine maker. | 54 South Bridge Street, Edinburgh (1836-38). | Taylor 2(2073); Bryden 3; Clarke et al. | |
BELL, JOHN 1 | England, c.1667, MIM | admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667. | London. | Taylor 1(310); Clay and Court; J. Brown 3. | |
BELL, JOHN 2 | England, c.1699, MIM | apprenticed to Nathaniel Smith of the Clockmakers' Company on March 20, 1699. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELL, JOHN 3 | England, 1710, MIM | may be John Bell 1. | London. | Evans 1. | |
BELLA, DELLA | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2). | Preston. | Goodison 1. | |
BELLANGER, P. | France, 1658, MIM | Instrument, 1658 = X. | Blois. | Evans 1. | |
BELLANI, ANGELO | Italy, c.1835, PHIM | Thermographs = FLO-1794 (1835), FLO-2025. | Bonelli 1. | ||
BELLANI, ANGIOLO MARIA | Italy, 1786-52, PHIM | made barometers, thermometers and meteorological instruments. | Monza; Milan. | Brenni 1. | |
BELLARMATUS, HIERONYMUS | France, 1541, MIM | Sundial, ivory, 1541 = Prince de Conti Coll, 1771. | 7° east magnetic deviation. | Blois. | Evans 1; Hellman; Hamilton 2; Le Monnier; Vivielle 2. |
BELLATTI AND SON | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Newark. | Goodison 1. | |
BELLATTI, C. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Burton. | Goodison 1. | |
BELLATTI, L. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | may be Louis S. Bellatti, which see. | Lincoln. | Goodison 1. |
BELLATTI, L. 2 | England, c.1825, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2); Angle Barometers = D.(1982), D.(1973). | probably Lewis Bellatti; D.(1973) is signed "Bellatti of Grantham." | Grantham. | Goodison 1; Antiquarian Horology, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1982; RSW. |
BELLATTI, LEWIS | England, c.1822, OIM | optician; jeweler; may have sold or made barometers; see L. Bellatti 2. | High Street, Grantham. | Goodison 1. | |
BELLATTI, LOUIS S. | England, c.1856, PHIM | may be barometer maker; may be L. Bellatti 1. | 34 Steep Hill, Lincoln (1856). | Goodison 1. | |
BELLEJEAN | France, MIM | Neuveville. | Evans 1. | ||
BELLET | France, fl.1790-1825, NIM | Repeating Circle, 1805 = CNAM; Borda Circle = FGM; Surveying Compass = Melun 4/24/83. | principal worker for Etienne Lenoir. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Italian Inventory; RSW. |
BELLETTI, PAOLO | Italy, fl.1680-89, OIM | Telescope, 1680 = D.(1973); Telescopes, refracting = Waddesden Manor (1682), P.C. (1689). | Bologna. | Rizzo/Garisenda Antiquariato; G.L'E. Turner 30; RSW. | |
BELLHOUSE, E.T., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Force Pump = College of Technology, Manchester. | Eagle Foundry. | Manchester. | Lowery. |
BELLI, GIUSEPPE | Italy, PHIM | invented and made hygrometers, electric machines, electric magnetic models; invented an improvement in the pneumatic pump. | Pavia. | Brenni. | |
BELLIENI | France, c.1812, MIM SIM | Theodolite = Christie 6/7/72; Inclinometer, pocket = D.(1986); Telescopic Compass = P.C. | Nancy. | Coffeen 13; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. | |
BELLIENI, SCHIOVETTI | France, NIM OIM | Rhumb Line Finder = P.C. | optician; Belliéni. | Brest. | RSW. |
BELLING, J. | England, 18th Century, MIM | Ring Sundial = Soth. 2/28/80. | Fore Street, Bodmin. | RSW. | |
BELLINGAM, JOHN R. | England, c.1675, OIM | member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices. | Crawforth 6. | ||
BELLINGER, CHARLES | England, c.1687, MIM | apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company from date of indenture, Sept. 29, 1686, taken with a non-member of the Company. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELLINGER, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1686-1720, MIM NIM | Rule, 1699 = P.C; Nocturnal, boxwood = Bonhams 3/11/77; Davis Quadrants = Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Christie-SK 11/27/86. | apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 14, 1677; free of the Company, July 5, 1686; took apprentices; rule made for Thomas Scalinger; nocturnal and quadrant signed "J. Bellinger". | Taylor 1(510); J. Brown 3; RSW. | |
BELLINGER, JOHN 2 | England, fl.1726-32, MIM | apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 1, of the Clockmakers' Company on March 3, 1706; free of the Company, Jan. 17, 1726. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELLINGER, JOHN 3 | England, c.1730, MIM | apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 2, of the Clockmakers' Company on April 6, 1730. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELLINGER, WILLIAM | England, c.1732, MIM | apprenticed to his father, John Bellinger 2, of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 9, 1732. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BELLISA, FRANCESCO | Italy, MIM | Calendar in clock case = TIM. | Aquila. | RSW. | |
BELLONI, F. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BELLOTTI | variant spelling for Belotti. | Goodison 1. | |||
BELLOTTI AND GUGERI | see Belotti and Gugeri. | Goodison 1. | |||
BELLWORTH | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76. | London. | RSW. | |
BELNET | France, c.1861, MIM | see Thuret et Belnet | Dijon. | RSW. | |
BELOTTI | England, | see Gugeri and Belotti. | Taylor 2(2142); Goodison 1. | ||
BELOTTI AND GUGERI | England, fl.1829-36, PHIM | Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 12/14/89; Wheel Barometer = X. | Andrew Gugeri; changed to Gugeri and Belotti after 1838; the stick barometer has only London as an address; the wheel barometer shows the Holborn, London address; made thermometers and looking glasses | 15 Upper Union Court, Holborn (1829); 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (1830-36); both in London. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BELOTTI, THOMAS | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80. | St. Ives. | RSW. | |
BELTRAMI, LUIGI | Italy, c.1800, MIM | made instruments devised by Carlo Castelli. | Milan. | Emil Offenbacher 22, 1970. | |
BELTRAMI, MARTINI | Holland, c.1790, PHIM | Barometers = LEY; Thermometers = LEY. | Leeuwarden. | Daumas 1. | |
BELTRAMI, MARTINI, EN COMP. | Holland, c.1800, PHIM | made a mercury barometer, c.1800. | Leeuwarden. | USNM. | |
BEMBO, PIETRO | Italy?, 1547, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1547 = X. | Tooley. | ||
BEMBRIDGE, THOMAS | England, c.1683, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Robert Starr of the Clockmakers' Company on Aug. 16, 1669; free of the Company on May 23, 1683. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BEMELMANS, NICOLAS | Austria?, c.1738, MIM | maker or dealer; supplied a large collection of instruments to Charles, Duke of Lorraine, Regent-Prince of Belgium. | Vienna? | Michel 14. | |
BEMIS AND CALL CO. | England, c.1850, MIM | Bow Dividers, = D.(1971). | "Cast Steel." | Moskowitz 103. | |
BEMIS, SAMUEL AMERICANUS | USA, 1790-1881, MIM SIM | Graphometer, 1810 and 1860 = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Mich. | Professor of History, Yale University; made clocks and watches; dentist. | Keene, New Hampshire (1806); Boston, Mass. (1817). | Smart 1; Price 2. |
BENARD, F. | France, c.1600, | see Chauvin. | Paris. | Baillie 1; Britten. | |
BENARD, JEHAN | France, 1611, MIM | Sundial in watch lid = BM. | Paris. | Baillie 1. | |
BENBRICKE, JAMES | England, c.1671, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 5, 1671. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENBRIDGE | see Bembridge. | J. Brown 3. | |||
BENCI, CARLO | Italy, 1616-76, MIM | Pair of Globes, 1671 = X. | Tooley. | ||
BENDON | England, PHIM | see Keyzor and Bendon. | Bell 2; Goodison 1; Moskowitz 114. | ||
BENEDETTI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA | Italy, c.1574, MIM | invented an instrument, presumably to construct sundials; author. | Turin. | Schatzki, 1970. | |
BENEEDEN | Denmark?, 1763, NIM | Octant, 1763 = Roussel Sale-81. | signed on front "Beneeden het Lohat" below cupid; marked "Jens Nickelsen" on mirror support; also marked "Capt. Cornelis Strop 1763." | Lohat. | RSW. |
BENELLI, F. | Italy, 1813, PHIM | Measure, 1813 = FLO-1429. | Bonelli 1. | ||
BENER | see Benner. | RSW. | |||
BENER, PHILIPP JAKOB | Germany, fl.1582-1633, MIM | goldsmith; father of Johannes Benner; made pillar sundial signed "P.I.B.", 1629, at University Art Museum, Uppsala, Sweden. | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2. | |
BENETJINK AND CO. | England, c.1840, PHIM | Stick Barometer = K. and C. 9/29/76. | London. | RSW. | |
BENEVOLO | France, PHIM | Machine à Vapeur = D.(1966). | Bénévolo. | Passage de l'Hôtel Dieu 22, Lyon; Paris. | RSW; Brieux 3. |
BENHAM, JOHN | England, 18th Century, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Collumpton. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1. | |
BENNECKE | Germany, 1792, MIM OIM SIM | Graphometer, 1792 = P.C. | optician; variant spelling is Benecke. | Berlin. | Daumas 1; Brieux 3. |
BENNER | see Bener. | RSW. | |||
BENNER, JOHANNES | Germany, 1620-59+, MIM | Astrolabe Clock = Christie 6/20/74. | son of Philipp Jakob Bener, which see. | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2; RSW. |
BENNET 1 | England, fl.1785-1814, MIM SIM | Theodolite = Auction, 1803. | London. | Taylor 2(799). | |
BENNET 2 | variant spelling for Bennett. | ||||
BENNET, JOHN | England, c.1710, MIM SIM | Protractor = KEN; Compass = OXF; Circumferentor = NMM-T.22; Rule, ivory = Soth. 10/17/60-130. | sometimes spelt "Bennett"; T.C. at BM; member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. | London. | Taylor 1(556); Maddison 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; RSW. |
BENNET, NEHEMIAH | USA, 1775, MIM SIM | Surveying Quadrant, 1775 = D.(1992); Alidade for plane-table, 1777 = USNM - 319076. | both instruments signed "N. Bennet"; see Noah Bennet. | Middleboro, Mass. | USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; Coffeen 36. |
BENNET, NOAH | USA, 1777, MIM SIM | possibly Nehemiah Bennet. | Middleboro, Mass. | USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; RSW. | |
BENNET, THOMAS | England, fl.1775-94, MIM | made sandglasses. | 49 Wade Street (1775); Bridewell Lane (1793-94); both in Bristol. | Bryden 9. | |
BENNETT 1 | Ireland, fl.1780-1800, MIM | Compass Sundial = OXF. | Cork. | Taylor 2(1082); Michel 3; Britten; Gunther 2; Dewhirst; Evans 1. | |
BENNETT 2 | Ireland, PHIM | Marine Barometer = GMM. | see F. Bennett; see J. Bennett 2. | Cork. | RSW. |
BENNETT, ANTHONY | England, c.1841, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | barometer signed "Bennett" plus address. | High Street, Kettering. | Goodison 1. |
BENNETT, F. | Ireland, c.1815, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83. | see Bennett 2. | Cork. | RSW. |
BENNETT, J. 1 | England, 1775, MIM | Sundial, round, 1775 = Soth. 2/28/80. | London. | RSW. | |
BENNETT, J. 2 | Ireland, c.1800, PHIM | Stick Barometer = D.(1987). | see Bennett 2. | Cork. | RSW. |
BENNETT, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1712-50?, MIM SIM | Theodolite = KEN. | apprenticed to his father, William Bennett, of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Sept. 29, 1712; took apprentices. | High Holborn, London. | Taylor 2(10); J. Brown 3; Clay and Court. |
BENNETT, JOHN 2 | England, fl.1743-68, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Circumferentors = ADL-M156, NMM-T.22, KEN, Christie-SK 3/31/83; Pantograph, 1767 = Burton Constable; Pair of Globes = Temple Newsham, Leeds; Telescope, double prism eyepiece = VCW; Theodolite = Soth. 12/19/66-67; Stick Barometer = WHI. | most instruments signed "J. Bennett"; made "Fowler's Sliding Rule and Halfpenny's Tangent Rule"; "Instrument maker to their Royal Highnesses William, Duke of Gloucester, Prince Henry and Prince Frederick"; T.C.; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1754; not a member of the Spectaclemakers' Company. | The Globe, Crown Court, between St. Ann's, Soho and Golden Square, London. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(332); Crawforth 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; E. Hall; Calvert 2; Maddison 1; C.N. Robinson; ADL; RSW. |
BENNETT, JOHN 3 | England, c.1715, MIM | apprenticed to Richard Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct. 10, 1715. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENNETT, JOHN 4 | England, c.1733, MIM | apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company; turned over to Richard Bennett 2 of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on April 2, 1733. | Hatton Wall, St. Andrews Holborn, London. | J. Brown 3. | |
BENNETT, JOHN 5 | England, c.1850, MIM | Stick Barometers = WHI, D.(1976), Soth. 10/19/87. | in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. | 65 Cheapside, London. | G.L'E. Turner 24; Goodison 1; RSW. |
BENNETT, JOHN 6 | England, fl.1731-59, MIM | John Cobham turned over to him, in the Clockmakers' Company on May 6, 1732; took eleven apprentices. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENNETT, JOSEPH | England, c.1828, MIM | 133 Goswell Street and 10 E. Harding Street, London. | O'Mara. | ||
BENNETT, L. | England, fl.1799-1826, MIM | 26 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. | Taylor 2(1277); Dewhirst; Crawforth 6. | ||
BENNETT, RICHARD 1 | England, c.1663, | apprenticed to John Blighton 1 or 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 2, 1663. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BENNETT, RICHARD 2 | England, fl.1715-29, MIM | apprenticed to his father, William Bennett, of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1707; free of the Company, July 4, 1715; took apprentices. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENNETT, THOMAS 1 | Ireland, fl.1809-67, MIM NIM OIM | Stick Barometer = D.(1996). | T.C.; taken over by Reynolds and Wiggins, 1867. | Patrick Street (1809-12); 2 Patrick Street (1820); 65 Patrick (1824); 124 Patrick Street (1844-67); all in Cork. | Soth. 9/20/83-98; RSW; Morrison-Low and Burnett; AH Summer, 1996. |
BENNETT, THOMAS 2 | England, fl.1832-40, MIM PHIM | T.C. | 162 Goswell Street, London. | O'Mara; Taylor 2(1777). | |
BENNETT, WILLIAM | England, fl.1687-1733, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to John Brown 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on April 2, 1677; free of the Company, Sept. 29, 1687; took apprentices. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENOIT FILS, JEAN | France, c.1800, MIM | constructor, technician, clockmaker; firm founded in 1791. | Besançon. | USNM. | |
BENSON, FREDERICK | England, c.1796, | apprenticed to Anthony Oldiss Bancks in the Joiners' Company on Aug. 16, 1796. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BENSON, J.W. | England, PHIM | Barometer, pocket = K. and C. 12/12/73. | Ludgate Hill, London. | RSW. | |
BENSON, JOHN | USA, fl.1793-98, OIM | made lenses; imported telescopes. | Birmingham, N.Y.; 12 Princess Street; 106 Pearl Street; 147 Pearl Street, at the Sign of the Green Spectacles; all in New York, N.Y. | Bedini 1 and 8. | |
BENTLEY, G. | England, c.1850, MIM | Engineer's Set Square = D.(1975). | RSW. | ||
BENTLEY, THOMAS | England, c.1766, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Darlington. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1. | |
BENTWICKE, JAMES | England, c.1671, | Bentwicke's apprentice was turned over to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 2, 1671. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BENZONI, A. | England, c.1800, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). | Sheraton style. | RSW. | |
BERANGER, ANE. MAISON | France, c.1850, PHIM | Countertop Balance = Phillips 2/15/89. | (Ancienne Maison Beranger); "Usines de la Mulatière"; see Joseph Beranger et Cie. | Lyon. | RSW. |
BERANGER, DAVID | Germany, 1806, MIM | Astronomical Sundial, 1806 = MERC-115; Cube Sundial = MERC-163. | surely misreading for David Beringer. | Hamilton 1; RSW. | |
BERANGER, JOSEPH | France, 1847, PHIM | Béranger; invented a sensitive balance in 1847. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BERANGER, JOSEPH, ET CIE. | France, c.1850, PHIM | in 1851 Great Exhibition, London. | 97 Rue Centrale, Lyons. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BERCINI | England, PHIM | see Wheelhouse and Bercini. | Goodison 1. | ||
BERENDT | Holland, c.1777, MIM | Perpetual Calendar = X. | Groningen. | Michel 3. | |
BERENGER | Germany, MIM | Cube Sundial = Drouot 4/26/67-42. | surely David Beringer. | RSW. | |
BERG, F.L. | Germany, MIM | Augsburg. | Evans 1. | ||
BERG, FRANS JOHAN | Sweden, 1825-98, MIM OIM SIM | Telescopic Level, 1850 = NOR; Alidade = STM; Dumpy Level = P.C. (1987). | business founded in 1850; made surveying, mining, and drawing instruments; T.C. | Kammakaregaten 19 (hörnet af Drottinggaten), Stockholm. | Pipping 1; Calvert 2; RSW. |
BERG, JOHANN DANIEL VOM | Germany?; Belgium?, c.1795, PHIM | Money Balances = Koller 11/17/75, Soth. 10/3/88; Balance = DRE. | is Daniel the surname? | in der Bergischen Haupstadt, Lennep, 179. | RSW. |
BERGANER, MICHAEL | Austria, | misreading for Michael Bergauer. | MADEX-64. | ||
BERGAUER | Germany, MIM | Quadrant = P.C.(1976). | modern English forgery. | signed Bergauer of Augsburg but was made in London. | Brieux 4. |
BERGAUER, JOHANN MICHAEL | Austria, fl.1716-35, MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = BM-OA/384, NUR, INN, Beyer Coll., Diözesan Museum, Brixen, etc. | Ward thinks c.1690. | Innsbruck; Vienna. | Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Baillie 1; W. Eckhardt 3. |
BERGAUER, MICHAEL | Austria; Germany, c.1671, MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = BMR, NMM, BM, OXF, INN (1671), NUR, HEI, USNM, PRA, etc. | some made in Innsbruck, others in Augsburg; probably invented this type of sundial. | Innsbruck; Augsburg. | Josten; Zinner 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Price 3; Ward 4; Bobinger 2; Chandler and Vincent. |
BERGE | England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Sextant = D.(1986). | many instruments are signed "Berge"; some are marked "Berge London late Ramsden" it is difficult to determine whether John or Matthew Berge made them. | London. | Goodison 1; Bedini 5; Wynter 1; Serrio; Moskowitz 105; Coffeen 14; RSW. |
BERGE, JOHN | England, 1742-1808, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Octant = D.(c.1976); Telescope = P.C.; Mirometer = WHI-399; Sextant, box = X; etc. | apprenticed to Peter Dollond of the Spectaclemakers' Company, 1756; free of the Company in 1773; worked for Dollond until 1790; Taylor and Wynter think John Berge was responsible for the instruments signed "late Ramsden"; Crawforth and Goodison think that Matthew Berge was the maker. | 59 St. Paul's Churchyard (1756); Johnson Court, Fleet Street (1791); 3 Crane Court, Fleet Street (1797-1803); 26 Lower Eaton Street, Pimlico (1805-07); all in London. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(571); Dewhirst; USNM; Court and von Rohr 3(193); Crawforth 6; RSW. |
BERGE, MATTHEW | England, fl.1802-51, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including sextants, surveying compasses, gunner's calipers, stick barometers, Gunter's scales, telescopes, etc. | above instruments all signed "M. Berge late Ramsden"; son or nephew to John Berge, which see; also see Berge; worked for Ramsden and succeeded him; may have been apprenticed to him; T.C. | 119 Piccadilly, London (c.1819). | Taylor 2(1083); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Evans 1; Moskowitz 105; USNM; Crawforth 1 & 6; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BERGEN | USA, | see Doty and Bergen. | RSW. | ||
BERGER | England, c.1800, | "late Ramsden"; misreading for Berge. | Daumas 1. | ||
BERGER, C.L., AND SONS | USA, MIM SIM | Plane Table = Mystic Seaport, Conn.; Theodolite = P.C. | No. 37 Williams Street, Boston, Mass. | USNM; RSW. | |
BERGER, L., AND SON | USA, MIM SIM | Field Theodolite = Christie 12/21/71. | Boston, Mass. | RSW. | |
BERGER, MATTHIAS | Germany, MIM | Astronomical Instrument = NOR. | Nürnberg. | RSW. | |
BERGERE, VAN DER | Holland, fl.1800-21, OIM | microscopes in 1800 and 1821 catalogues. | Rooseboom 1. | ||
BERGERON | France, 1796, MIM | Ornamental Lathe, 1796 = P.C. (1988); Set of Turning Tools = Christie-SK 5/24/90. | à la Flotte d'Angleterre, Paris. | RSW. | |
BERGNA, J. BAPTIST | England, fl.1830-40, PHIM | barometer maker; some barometers signed "J.B. Bergna", others "Baptist Bergna"; see Grassi, Bergna and Origoni. | St. Nicholas Churchyard, Newcastle. | Taylor 2(2074); Goodison 1. | |
BERHAIM, MARTIN | see Martin Behaim. | Candee. | |||
BERI AND PATERA | England?, c.1780, PHIM | Barometer = X. | Leek. | USNM. | |
BERI, G. | England, c.1770?, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BERIDGE | England, c.1748, PHIM | made a certain type of thermometer; watchmaker. | Boston. | Chaldecott 2. | |
BERIGER | see Beringer. | Bonelli 1. | |||
BERINGER, A. | France, MIM | Sundial (dated 1708) = P.C. | Bedini thinks it is by D.B. Sheahan. | Dieppe. | Price 2; Bedini 6. |
BERINGER, D. | Germany, MIM SIM | Surveying Instrument = OXF. | "D. Beringer fecit"; possibly David Beringer, which see. | RSW. | |
BERINGER, D., AND G.P. SEYFRIED | Germany, c.1800, MIM | Cube Sundials , wood and paper = BRS, FLO, MUN, WUR, LIE, KAS, UTR, Soth. 2/28/75; etc; Cube Sundial, silver = ADL-M327; etc. | David Beringer; the ADL sundial is mounted on a later base. | Nürnberg. | Zinner 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 1; Chandler and Vincent 2; Price 2; de Rijk; ADL; RSW. |
BERINGER, DAVID | Germany, 1756-1821, MIM | many wood and paper cube and diptych sundials exist; some of the latter have two volvelles on the lid and sometimes are in French; compass sundials are at OXF, WHI and ADL, etc.; brass horizontal sundial is at OXF; a pair of globes, signed "David Beringer", are in a P.C.; we agree with Moskowitz that compass sundials signed "B." or "D.B." were made by Beringer; an artillery level is at NYC. | some of the sundials are signed "D. Beringer"; wooden diptychs often signed "Verfertigt von David Beringer." | Nürnberg. | Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 1; Bonelli 1; Moskowitz 109; Monreal; Garcia 1; Engelmann 1; Hamilton; Wynter 1 and 2; USNM; Nachet; Chandler and Vincent 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Syndram; RSW. |
BERINGERUS, P. | Germany, 1750, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, 1750 = NMM-D.1. | signed "P. Beringerus Herzog Can:Soreth"; may be owner. | NMM 2. | |
BERKETTS | see Becket. | J. Brown 3. | |||
BERLE, JEAN DE | France, c.1400, MIM | pupil of Johannes Fusoris. | Paris. | Poulle 1; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BERLINGER | Austria, post-1769, MIM | Astronomical Clock = P.C. | Vienna. | Tardy. | |
BERNARD DE VERDUN | France, c.1250, | may have devised the torquetum. | Verdun. | A.J. Turner 10. | |
BERNARD, DESIRE F. | France, c.1850, MIM | Desiré F. Bernard; in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. | 30 rue des Maroursets, Paris. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BERNARDA | see Cermanati and Bernarda. | ||||
BERNARDI, DANIEL | Italy, 1629, MIM | Cruciform Dial, 1629 = MADEX-80 = Prin Coll. = NMM-D.44. | Michel 1; Dewhirst; MADEX; NMM 2. | ||
BERNARDI, N. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BERNARDINUS | Italy, 1565, MIM | Astrolabe, 1565 = Museo Civico Malatestiano, Fano. | "Aurifex." | Italian Inventory. | |
BERNARDUS | France, c.1680, MIM | Astronomical Compendia = OXF-B, Evans Coll. = D.(1988). | first name. | Maddison 1; D. Brieux 1. | |
BERNASCHONI AND MONTHI | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X (2); Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/28/80. | one of the wheel barometers is signed "Barnaschoni and Monthi"; one of the stick barometers is signed "Bernaschoni and Monti." | Leicester. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BERNASCHONI AND MONTI | Barometer=P.C. | see Bernaschoni and Monthi. | RSW; WEBDB. | ||
BERNASCONE | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Merthyr. | Goodison 1. | |
BERNASCONE, L. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/19/78. | Sheffield. | RSW. | |
BERNASCONI | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. | see M. Bernasconi. | Leeds. | RSW. |
BERNASCONI, A. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Newcastle. | Goodison 1. | |
BERNASCONI, A. 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83. | "Warranted." | Boston. | RSW. |
BERNASCONI, M. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Soth.-S 1/27/88, Soth.-S 7/17/96. | variant of M. Barnasconi? | Leeds. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BERNHARDUS | France, c.1600, MIM | Sundial = Evans Coll. = OXF? | Dewhirst; Price 2. | ||
BERNIE | France, MIM | Sundial, octagonal, small = Wray Sale-62. | probably Bernier. | Paris. | RSW. |
BERNIER | France, fl.1783-1820, MIM OIM SIM | Pantograph = Spitzer Sale-2870; Rules = MADEX-499, WHI, Roussel Sale; Sector = Soth. 10/17/60-134; Butterfield-type Sundials = P.C., D., Drouot 4/26/67-45, Libert et Castor 4/28/82, Drouot 4/7/87; Telescopic Quadrant = NAC; Folding Square = BIR; Protractor = VCW; Graphometers = Chayette 6/28/86, P.C. | probably successor to Langlois; WHI has 30 inches on one side, 80 cm. on the other. | au Niveau à la Sphère; en la Cité; both in Paris. | Daumas 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Nachet; RSW. |
BERNIERES, M. | France, c.1774, OIM | constructed a burning glass for M. Trulaine de Montigny of the Académie des Sciences, Paris. | Paris. | Spargo 1. | |
BEROSSUS | c.300 B.C., MIM | invented an early sundial, the hemicycle. | Cousins. | ||
BERQUEZ | England, c.1820, PHIM | Wheel Barometer and clock = Soth.-Chester 3/9/83. | Vere Street, Cavendish Square, London. | RSW. | |
BERQUIN, JEAN | France, 18th Century, MIM | Ring Sundials = WHI-733, McVitty Coll. | WHI is silver, 1650?, and with leather case. | Bordeaux. | Bryden 16; Hamilton 2; RSW. |
BERRICK, RALPH | England, c.1770, MIM | rule maker. | Queen Street, Wolverhampton. | Bryden 9. | |
BERRINGER | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BERRINGTON, JOHN | England, c.1822, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | signed "J. Berrington, Leicester." | High Street, Leicester. | Goodison 1. |
BERRY 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Great Windmill Street, Hay Market, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BERRY 2 | see Newton and Berry; see Newton Son and Berry. | London. | RSW. | ||
BERRY 3 | England, c.1777, OIM PHIM | optician; succeeded by Matthew Wisker, a barometer maker. | Spurriergate, York. | Goodison 1. | |
BERRY AND BERRY | England, post-1700, MIM | globe makers; William and E. Berry. | Holborn Court, London. | Taylor 1(331). | |
BERRY AND MACKAY | Scotland, fl.1879-1975, NIM | Octants = Christie 3/31/83, FRK = RSM. | made clocks and watches; started out as James Berry and Alexander Spence Mackay, 1879-90; Mackay worked alone until his death in 1914; firm taken over in the 1940's by Walter Murray, who may have already been working for the firm; the firm closed in 1975 when Murray died. | Aberdeen. | Clarke et al; RSW. |
BERRY, A. | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 3/11/97. | Hertford. | RSW. | |
BERRY, D. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Huntingdon. | Goodison 1. | |
BERRY, D. 2 | England, c.1780, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Phillips 1/13/76. | Nottingham. | RSW. | |
BERRY, E. | see William Berry. | ||||
BERRY, G., AND SON | England, NIM | Sextant = Soth. 12/15/78. | West Hartlepool. | RSW. | |
BERRY, GEORGE ALLAN | Scotland, fl.1857-86, NIM | son of James Berry; see James Berry and Son, 1857-64; was made a member of the Hammermen Incorporation in 1866. | Aberdeen. | Clarke et al. | |
BERRY, J. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Soth. 5/18/89. | Soth. signed "J. Berry Berwick St. John"; maybe J. Berry 2, 3 or 4 at different addresses. | 16 Berwick Street, Soho, London. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BERRY, J. 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | may be J. Berry 1, 3 or 4 at different addresses. | 12 Little Chapple Street, Soho, London. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BERRY, J. 3 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | may be same as J. Berry 1, 2 or 4 at different addresses. | 78 Wardover Street, Soho, London. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BERRY, J. 4 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie 1/26/90. | may be J. Berry 1, 2 or 3 at different addresses. | 17 Noel Street, Soho, London. | RSW. |
BERRY, JAMES | Scotland, 1808-90, NIM OIM | Sextant = Christie-SK 5/17/78. | apprenticed to William Spark; admitted to the Hammermen, 1837; made clocks, watches and chronometers; took his son, George Allan Berry, as a partner in James Berry and Son, 1856-64; took Alexander Spence Mackay as partner in Berry and Mackay, 1879-1890; firm lasted until 1975. | 52 Castle Street (1835-52); 53 Marischal Street (1852); 88 Union Street (1853-56); all in Aberdeen. | Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BERRY, JAMES, AND SON | Scotland, fl.1857-65, NIM OIM | Sextant = Soth. 10/28/86. | James Berry and George Allan Berry, 1857-64; son worked alone, 1866-78. | 88 Union Street (1857-60); 29 Union Street (1861); 29 St. Nicholas Street (1862-64); 59 1/2 Marischal Street (1865); all in Aberdeen. | Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BERRY, JOH. | England, c.1836, MIM | 14 Jamaica Terrace, Limehouse, London. | O'Mara. | ||
BERRY, JOHN | England, fl.1738-65, PHIM | Angle Barometer = X. | The Dial near the Cross, Manchester. | Goodison 1. | |
BERRY, T. | Scotland, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Christie-Glasgow 5/19/82 lot #36. | Aberdeen. | Clarke et al. | |
BERRY, WILLIAM | England, 1639-1718, MIM | apprenticed to Joseph Moxon of the Weavers' Company in 1656; free of the Company, 1664; globe maker; publisher; his grandson was William Watkins 1; some of the addresses probably the same place; partner with Robert Morden as Morden and Berry, (1669-70). | The Blue Anchor, Middle Row, Holborn, just outside Holborn Bars (1669); The Globe near the New Exchange on the north side of the Strand (1674); at the Globe between Charing Cross and Whitehall (1680); The Globe, Craggs Court near Charing Cross (1681-1700); Holborn Court, between Holborn and Gray's Inn; Sign of the Globe, between Charing Cross and Whitehall; all in London. | Taylor 1(331); Evans 1; Tooley; Tyacke 1. | |
BERSELIUS, HADRIAN AMEROCCIO | Italy, 1522, MIM | Astrolabe, 1522 = Fry Coll. | Price thought the astrolabe was c.1380; ICA-202; owner? | Michel 2; Price 1; ICA 2; Gunther 1. | |
BERT, PAUL | France, 1767, MIM | Globe Sundials, stone, 1767 = MADEX-173 & -174 = NMM-Caird; Globe Sundials, ivory, 1767 = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. | Michel 1; Dewhirst; NMM 2; RSW. | ||
BERTHAUD, L'ABBE | France, MIM SIM | Circumferentor = P.C.(1965). | l'Abbé Berthaud. | RSW. | |
BERTHAUX | France, MIM | Celestial Globe = CNAM-7432; Armillary Sphere = CNAM-7444. | Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. | ||
BERTHELEMY, A. | France, 19th Century, MIM OIM | Telescopic Level = La Rochelle 7/16/83. | Berthélémy; succeeded by A. Lepetit. | Paris. | Christie 12/18/74; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BERTHERAN, M. | France, c.1560, MIM | Sundial in base of clock = Soth.-NY 6/22/88. | needle in compass box probably is a replacement. | RSW. | |
BERTHET | France, c.1750, NIM | mounted a micrometer on a quadrant. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BERTHET, ANDRE | France; Portugal, 1774, MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundial, 1774 = Ineichen 10/18/74; Heliochronometer, case = LIM. | "Horloger"; see Berthet; André Berthet. | Lisbon. | RSW. |
BERTHOUD, FERDINAND | Switzerland; France, 1729-1807, MIM NIM | Tide Timer, 1788 = AMST; Celestial Globe on clock = Hertford House, London. | Paris. | USNM; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Grimaldi (975); Cajori; J.A, Bennett 2. | |
BERTHOUD, PIERRE-FREDERIC | France, c.1750, MIM | Sundial = Musée de la Chaux-des-Fonds. | Pierre-Frédéric Berthoud. | Couvet. | RSW. |
BERTHROUD | France, | misreading for Berthoud. | Grimaldi (975). | ||
BERTIE, GEORGE | USA, fl.1807-08, MIM | Georges Street, Baltimore, Md. | Smart 1. | ||
BERTIN, JEAN | France, c.1830, PHIM | Steam Apparatus = ADL-M412. | "Bertin inv. No. 175." | Engelmann 1; Michel 1; ADL; RSW. | |
BERTINI, D. | Italy, 1796, PHIM | Electric Machine, 1796 = Lycée, Lucca. | Italian Inventory. | ||
BERTINI, MICHELE | Italy, c.1780, MIM | Universal Equatorial Sundial, 1780 = WHI. | Bryden 16; Price 2. | ||
BERTOLA, ANTONIO BARTOLOMEO | Italy, c.1763, MIM OIM | made astronomical instruments. | Morpurgo 1. | ||
BERTONI, ANGIOLO | Italy, fl.1850-61, OIM | Florence. | Brenni 1. | ||
BERUCKER | Germany, c.1768, OIM | made solar microscopes. | Nürnberg. | Clay and Court. | |
BERVILLE, MATTHIEU | France, c.1690, MIM | Bloud-type Sundials = Wray Sale-138, D.(1964). | Dieppe. | Michel 1; Dewhirst; RSW. | |
BERZELIUS, JONS JACOB | Sweden, 1779-1848, MIM | Baron Jöns Jacob Berzelius; chemist; secretary to the Academy of Sciences; invented a slide rule for atomic weights, c.1830. | Stockholm. | Pipping 1; RSW. | |
BESANCENOT | France, 1759, MIM | Sundial, oval, 1759 = NAC. | Besançenot. | Is-sur-Tille. | Michel 3; Nachet. |
BESERGA | England, | see Monti and Beserga. | Bell 2. | ||
BESNOS | England, c.1849, MIM | Armillary Sphere = CNAM. | misreading for Desnos. | Paris. | Grimaldi(991). |
BESOZZI, B. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 10/20/89. | the barometer at Christie was marked "Shaftsbury." | Weymouth; Shaftsbury. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BESSARD, TOUSSAINCTS DE | France, c.1574, MIM | invented a canometer to find the meridian and a micrometer for directional measurements; author. | Rouen. | RSW. | |
BESSLER, JOHANN ERNEST ELIAS | Germany, 1680-1745, PHIM | made a "perpetuum mobile"; called himself "Orffyrius." | Kassel? | USNM. | |
BESSON, JACQUES | France, c.1567, | author; designed instruments for astronomy, surveying and navigation including the "cosmolabe." | Paris. | O'Neal; Poggendorf; Dawson 216, 1971. | |
BEST, ROBERT | USA, fl.1811-31, MIM PHIM | repaired philosophical and mathematical instruments; watchmaker. | Cincinnatti, Ohio. | "Antiques", July, 1974. | |
BESTER, OWEN HIBBARD | USA, 1809-57, MIM OIM PHIM | Washington, D.C. | Smart 1; USNM. | ||
BETALLI | France, c.1800, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = CNAM. | same as Christophe Bettally. | Paris. | Daumas 1. |
BETTALLY, CHRISTOPHE | France; England, fl.1770?-88, PHIM | Wheel Barometer and Thermometer = Bute Coll. (1787) = D. (1967); Stick Barometer = X; Vacuum Pump = FLO-1537. | surely same as Betalli; stick barometer is signed "Bettally London"; other signed "C. Bettally fecit London 1787"; T.C.; made physical instruments in glass. | Paris; 1 Charlotte Street, Pimlico (1787); 292 Oxford Street, opposite Stratford Place (1788); both in London. | Goodison 1 and 5; Bonelli 1. |
BETTALLY, JOSEPHE | France, fl.1768-71, PHIM | Wheel Barometer, 1771 with a Thermometer, 1768 = Christie 6/22/89. | Paris. | RSW. | |
BETTESWORTH, J. | England, c.1800, MIM | succeeded by William Garrard. | The Naval Academy, Ormond House, Paridise Row, Chelsea, London. | Taylor 2(838); NMM 2. | |
BETTINI, MARIO | Italy, 1582-1657, MIM | invented instrument for tracing the meridian. | Bologna. | Boffito; Michel 3. | |
BETTS, JOHN | England, fl.1839-63, MIM | Globe, portable, 1850 = X. | publisher. | 115 Strand; 7 Compton Street Brunswick Square; both in London. | Taylor 2(2075); Tooley. |
BETTS, THOMAS | England, c.1818, MIM | rule maker. | Inge Street, Birmingham. | Bryden 9. | |
BEUCKEL | 1763, MIM | Diptych Sundial, wood, 1763 = P.C. | date could be 1768. | RSW. | |
BEUERLEIN, JOACHIM | misreading for Joachim Deuerlin. | Zinner 1. | |||
BEVAN, BENJAMIN | England, fl.1804-38, MIM | engineer; modified the Dunn-type accounting slide rule in 1822; invented a self-registering rain-gauge. | Leighton Buzzard, Bushey Heath. | Taylor 2(1084); Delehar 2 and 9. | |
BEVAN, E. | England, PHIM | Marine Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BEVAN, SYLVANUS | England, c.1817, | invented an improved slide rule. | Taylor 2(1279); G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BEWTON, ARNOLD | England?, 1865, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1865, on stand = Lesieur et Le Bars, Le Havre 7/9/90. | RSW. | ||
BEYER, JOHANN | Germany, 1673-1751, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1718 = KAS. | Hamburg. | Zinner 1; Tooley. | |
BEYERINCK | Holland, fl.1829-45, OIM | Telescope = LEY. | Leiden. | RSW. | |
BEYSER, JEAN-DAVID | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = OXF, MEM; Augsburg-type Sundials = Spaulding Coll., P.B. 1/22/54-55, OXF; Sundials, horizontal = OXF, CLU, USNM, MERC-49 (silver), Schuhmann Sale-134, Lempertz 6/14/76; Perpetual Calendars = D.(1972), Soth. 3/27/72. | D. calendar is in lid of case of L.T.M. sundial. | Mannheim. | Maddison 5; Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 3; Daumas 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Dewhirst; RSW. |
BEZARD | France, c.1769, OIM | optician; lens maker. | Quai de l'Horloge, Paris (1769). | Daumas 1; Nachet. | |
BIANCHETTI, I. | France, c.1850, NIM | Hadley Quadrant = NMM-S.189; Octant = Christie-SK 10/23/87. | T.C. | 1 rue Beauvais, Marseilles. | NMM 2; RSW. |
BIANCHI 1 | Holland, fl.1740-78, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. | |
BIANCHI 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. | probably George Bianchi. | Ipswich. | Goodison 1. |
BIANCHI 3 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Manchester. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI 4 | France, 18th Century, MIM SIM | Graphometer = D.(1980). | rue de Coq, St. Honoré 11, Paris. | Coffeen I; Moskowitz 120. | |
BIANCHI AND CO. | Holland, pre-1793, MIM OIM PHIM | made solar microscopes, pumps, etc.; by 1793 owners of a fancy-goods shop. | Kalverstraat over de Gapensteeg, Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. | |
BIANCHI AND PRIMAVESI | Holland, PHIM | Barometer = LEY. | Amsterdam. | RSW. | |
BIANCHI AND SONS | France, 1831, MIM | worked in 1831. | Paris. | USNM. | |
BIANCHI, A., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. | RSW. | ||
BIANCHI, B. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Portsmouth. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI, B. 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Tunbridge Wells. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI, B. 3 | France; Italy?, c.1820, PHIM | see Fioruzzi e Bianchi. | Paris; Piacenza? | Brenni 1. | |
BIANCHI, BARTHELEMY | NIM | Sextant = CNAM-6692. | Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4. | ||
BIANCHI, CAMPORINO | Belgium, NIM | Spyglass, ivory = Soth. 12/13/65-95. | Brussels. | RSW. | |
BIANCHI, F., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Leicester. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI, G. 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. | could be either G. Bianchi 2 or 3 or George Bianchi. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI, G. 2 | Scotland, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Edinburgh. | Goodison 1. | |
BIANCHI, G. 3 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/16/76. | Windsor. | RSW. | |
BIANCHI, GEORGE | England, fl.1805-16, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/8/86; Stick Barometer = X. | all signed "G. Bianchi Ipswich." | St. Clements Street (1805-08); Westgate Street (1809-16); both in Ipswich. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BIANCHI, P. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Barometer = Soth. 2/4/77. | wheel marked "Lane End"; other marked "Blandford." | Lane End, Blandford. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BIANCHI, PRIMAVESI AND CO. | Holland, c.1771, OIM | made optical instruments. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BIANCHI, V. | Ireland, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, D.(1976), Christie-SK 10/20/89. | the barometer at Christie's is marked "Belfast." | Dublin; Belfast. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BIANCHII, FILIPPO E XAVIER DI | Italy, fl.1764-66, MIM PHIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundials = DEU, KEN-1923/404; Equatorial Sundials = VEN (1764), Soth. 5/19/96-46 (1754); Universal Equatorial Sundial, No. 3, 1764 = P. and S. 3/20/96; Air Pump, No. 93, 1766 = PRA. | "Filippo and Xavier Fratelli di Bianchii"; also spelled "Bianchy." | Venice. | Evans 1; Michel 3; Czech. Inventory; D. Bachman (1983); Earle; RSW. |
BIANCHINI, ANTONIO | Italy, 1564, MIM SIM | Surveying Sector, with dials, 1564 = FLO-2511. | see A.B. 1; clockmaker. | Venice. | Bonelli 1; Michel 2; Price 2. |
BIANCHINI, FRANCESCO | Italy, 1662-1729, MIM | inventor or maker. | Verona. | Hamilton 2. | |
BIANCHINI, P. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D.(1972). | RSW. | ||
BIANCHY 1 | Austria, 1767, PHIM | Thermometer, 1767 = X. | Vienna. | Daumas 1. | |
BIANCHY 2 | France, 1785, PHIM | made physical apparatus. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BIANCHY 3 | Holland, c.1790, PHIM | made barometers. | Daumas 1. | ||
BIANCHY 4 | see Bianchi. | ||||
BIANCHY, DI | MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = P.C. | probably Filippo e Xavier Fratelli di Bianchii, which see. | RSW. | |
BIANCHY, R. | France, c.1785, PHIM | Barometer = CNAM. | Rue St. Honoré No. 252, Paris. | Middleton 1. | |
BIANELI | England, 19th Century, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. | Ipswich. | RSW. | |
BICKERTON, JOHN | England, c.1735, MIM | Samuel How turned over to him as an apprentice; may have been a member of the Clockmakers' Company. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BIDAULT, C. | France, 1650, MIM | Equatorial Sundial, case, 1650 = Evans Coll. = OXF; Table of Latitudes = Evans Coll. | au Palais des Galleries, quai de l'Horloge, Paris. | Evans 1; Dewhirst; Nachet; Price 2; Britten; RSW. | |
BIDAULT, JACQUES | France, post-1762, MIM | Garden Sundial = Picard, Drouot Richelieu, Dec. 11, 1991. | perhaps related to C. Bidault, which see; apprenticed to Clerget. | Quay de l'Horloge, Paris. | RSW. |
BIDDELL, JONAS | England, c.1756, | apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Grocers' Company on Nov. 2, 1756. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BIDDLE | USA, pre-1776, OIM | repaired telescope now at Library Company, Philadelphia, Pa. | Philadelphia, Pa. | RSW. | |
BIDDLE, OWEN | USA, 1737-1799, MIM | clockmaker; made a planetarium. | North Ward, Philadelphia; Chester County; both in Pa. | Bedini 1 and 8;; USNM. | |
BIDER, FRANCIS | England, 1716, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, 1716 = OXF-Evans. | Evans 1. | ||
BIDLAKE, JAMES 1 | England, 1767-1805, MIM | also made clocks and watches. | 31 Minories, (until 1782); 16 Sun Street, Bishopsgate Without (1799-1805); both in London. | Taylor 2(572). | |
BIDLAKE, JAMES 2 | England, fl.1820-27, MIM | watch and clockmaker; son of James Bidlake 1. | 48 (or 8) Chiswell Street, London. | Taylor 2(1489). | |
BIDSTRUP, JESPER | Denmark; England; Denmark, fl.1762-1802, MIM OIM PHIM | Telescopes = ROS, Soth. 4/27/64-140, D., AUI, Videnskabs- historisk Museum, Aarhus; Mechanical Powers Apparatus = Sor° Akademi, Sor°. | worked first with Nairne and Blunt, 1788; by 1793 was working by himself; had a catalogue; appointed "Royal City Mechanicus" upon his return to Copenhagen. | Copenhagen; 36 St. Martin's Street, Leicester Square, London (1793); Copenhagen. | Brieux 3; Chaldecott 3; Taylor 2(438); Dewhirst; RSW. |
BIE, C. DE | Holland, c.1689, NIM | Magnetic Compass = D.(1986). | compass maker. | The Hague. | Schück; Coffeen Z. |
BIEHELER, LANDELINUS | Germany, fl.1781-84, MIM | Celestial Globe, 1781 = FRE; Terrestrial Globe, 1784 = FRE. | Freiburg. | Zinner 1. | |
BIENNAIS, MARTIN GUILLAUME | France, 1764-1843, MIM | Instrument Set in travel case = Musée Carnavalet; Rule, folding, mother-of-pearl = D. | "orfèvre de Leurs Majestés Imperiales et Royales"; "Me. Tabletier ébeniste"; travel case belonged to Napoleon; rule from travel case of the Duchess d'Otrante; made magnificent traveling cases. | au Singe violet, rue St.-Honoré, No. 283, Paris (1809-19). | "Connaissance des Arts", Oct., 1980; Versailles 11/19/78; RSW. |
BIENVENU | France, c.1775, PHIM | made physical apparatus. | 18, rue de Rohan, Paris. | Daumas 1; Nachet. | |
BIETTE | France, c.1820, OIM PHIM | Telescope = P.C. (1973); Marine Barometer = Drouot Richelieu 4/28/88. | Lyon. | Troadec; RSW. | |
BIFEZZI, G. | Italy, 1835, MIM | Telemeter, 1835 = FGM. | Naples. | Italian Inventory. | |
BIGAS | England, PHIM | Hydrometer = A-P 3/15/76. | "Patented". | Liverpool. | RSW. |
BIGG, BENJAMIN | England, c.1679, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Robert Cooke of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 3, 1679. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BIGGS, B. | England, c.1800, NIM | Octant = P.C.; Sextant = ADL-A249. | Swansea; Cardiff. | Taylor 2(1085); ADL; RSW. | |
BIGGS, EDMUND | England, c.1695, MIM | apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on Dec. 12, 1695. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BIGGS, SAMUEL | England, c.1752, | apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Grocers' Company on March 9, 1752. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BIGGS, THOMAS | England; USA, fl.1785-1822, MIM NIM OIM SIM | Hadley Quadrant, 1785 = Virgina Historical Society, Richmond, Va.; Octant, 1792 = P.C. | T.C. in Adams' quadrant; apprenticed to Benjamin Condy, up to 1776; soldier, 1776-1781; worked in New York for eight years; returned to Philadelphia; succeeded Benjamin Condy in 1792; made and dealt in instruments. | 32 Well-Fleet Street, London; Philadelphia, Pa.; No. 8 Water Street; 60, facing Beekman's Slip (1786); 32 Wall Street, near the Coffee House; both in New York, N.Y.; 81 South Front Street (1792); 85 South Front Street (1801-06): at the Sign of the Sextant (1815), 66 South Front Street (1807-21); all in Philadelphia, Pa. | Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; Gillingham; USNM; D.J. Warner 8; DATM; RSW. |
BIGNELL | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BIGOT, E. | French Guiana, MIM | Cruciform Sundials = MERC-14 (176)= WHI, ADL-DPW47. | may be one sundial, Bryden 16 does not show it, although Hamilton stated that it was sold to Whipple. | Cayenne. | Hamilton 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. |
BIHLER, JOHANN PHILIP | Germany, c.1750, MIM | Equatorial Sundial = Huelsmann Coll. | hour-plate is star-shaped; fitted case. | Augsburg. | Syndram. |
BILD, VEIT | Germany, 1484-1529, MIM | astronomer; sundial maker. | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2. | |
BILDT, BAUKE EISMA VAN DER | Holland, 1753-1831, OIM | Telescopes = LEY, LOS, UTR, Eisinga's House, Franeker, Bom Auctions 1906 & 1910. | succeeded his great-uncle, Jan van der Bildt 1, c.1791. | Franeker. | Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; Daumas 1. USNM; RSW. |
BILDT, JOHANNES VAN DER 1 | Holland, 1709-91, OIM | Telescopes = ZUR, UTR; LEY, Eisinga's House, Franeker, Dr. Coopman's House, Franeker (No. 368), LOS, TEY, P.C., Frisian Maritime Museum, etc. | worked with his two sons; his great-nephew, Bauke Eisma van der Bildt succeeded to the business c.1791; full name was Jan Pytters van der Bildt; taught in high school in Franeker. | Franeker. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Zinner 1; G.L'E. Turner 28; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. |
BILDT, JOHANNES VAN DER 2 | Holland, 1736-1779, OIM | Telescopes = LEY, AMST, Eisinga's House, Franeker. | son of Jan van der Bildt 1. | Franeker. | Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2; RSW. |
BILDT, LUBBERTUS VAN DER | Holland, 1738-80, OIM PHIM | Instruments = LEY, UTR (Physics Dept), Eisinga"s House, Franeker. | Franeker. | Rooseboom 1; RSW. | |
BILLAUX L'AINE | France, c.1787, PHIM | made physical apparatus; also spelled Billeau and Billiaux; Billaux l'Aîné. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Nachet. | |
BILLIAUX | France, c.1782, PHIM | see Greppin et Billiaux. | Paris. | A.J. Turner 10. | |
BILLING, JOSEPH | England, c.1830, OIM | 14 Maryland Street, Birmingham. | Taylor 2(1778). | ||
BILLING, R. | England, c.1703, MIM | bookseller with G. Briant, may have been instrument makers. | at the King's Head, Cornhill, London. | Taylor 1(536). | |
BILLINGHURST, ANTHONY | England, c.1672, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on July 1, 1672. | J. Brown 3; A.J. Turner 9. | ||
BILLON | France, 1787, MIM | made instrument to draw ellipses. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BINDA 1 | France, MIM | Cannon Sundials = NOR (2). | Marseilles. | RSW. | |
BINDA 2 | France, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Versailles 4/17/83. | "Opticien". | RSW. | |
BINDA, GIOVANNI | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D.(1973). | York. | RSW. | |
BINGHAM | England, c.1825, | Captain, R.N.; invented a perpetual log. | 22 Arundel Street, Strand, London. | Taylor 2(1779). | |
BINGHAM, CHARLES | England, fl.1808-18, MIM | Table of Equation of Time, silver = BM-1897/3/15-2. | signed "C. Bingham"; Price thought London and 18th Century; made sundials. | Ann Street, Birmingham. | Taylor 2(1779a); Bryden 9; Price 3; Ward 4. |
BINGLEY, WILLIAM, AND SON | England, 1808-18, PHIM | made plates for batteries and piles. | Bishopgate Street, Islington, Birmingham. | Bryden 9. | |
BIOLA, B. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Cambridge. | Goodison 1. | |
BIOLO, B. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Norwich. | Goodison 1. | |
BION FILS | France, | son of Nicholas Bion. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BION, L. | MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, case = Soth. 5/19/86-64. | possibly Nicholas Bion. | RSW. | |
BION, NICHOLAS | France, 1652-1733, MIM | his wide range of very well made instruments is illustrated in his book of 1709 on the construction and use of mathematical instruments; his production was very large and examples can be seen in numerous museums. | his book was translated into English in 1723 by Stone, and into German in 1717 by Doppelmayer; "Ingénieur du Roi pour les Instruments de Mathématique"; T.C.; Lordelle was successor. | quay de l'Horloge du Palais à l'enseigne du Soleil d'or (1699-1702 and 1708); au Quart de Cercle Géométrique sur le quay de l'orloge du Palais (1704); both in Paris. | Daumas 1; Michel 1 and 2; Maddison 1 and 5; Josten; Bonelli 1; Price 3; Ward 4; NMM 2; USNM; Wynter 1; Hamilton 2; Tooley; Dewhirst; Moskowitz 109; Calvert 2; Engelmann 1; DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Syndram; Nachet; RSW. |
BIRCH, WYRLEY | England, MIM | Vertical Plate Dial = Evans Coll.= OXF. | Evans 1; Dewhirst. | ||
BIRD, JOHN | England, 1709-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums including miniature sextant, ADL-A288, mural quadrants at Technical Museum, Milan and NMM (1750), theodolite at Palermo Observatory, meridian telescope at MLL, stick barometer and thermometer at Herschel Home Museum, Bath; etc. | apprenticed to Jonathan Sisson 2 in 1740; worked for him and George Graham; author; last great instrument maker to divide his scales by hand; T.C.; opposed Peter Dollond`s patent. | Durham (1709-40); Sea Quadrant, Court Gardens; Sea Quadrant near the New Exchange Buildings (1748-63); both in Strand, London. | Taylor 2(232); Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Maddison 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Stimson 2; Moskowitz 4 & 7; USNM; King 1; ADL; RSW; Daniel; Pipping 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Garcia 1; DNB; DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; Crawforth 1; de Rijk; Coffeen 11; A.J. Turner 10. |
BIRD, THOMAS | England, c.1822, OIM | High Street, Sheffield. | Taylor 2(1490); Dewhirst. | ||
BIRDSTRUP, J. | misreading for Jesper Bidstrup. | Taylor 2(438); Dewhirst; Chaldecott 3; RSW. | |||
BIRKHEAD, JOHN | England, c.1722, MIM | apprenticed to Joseph Smith 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 2, 1722. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BIRNIE, JOHN | Ireland, fl.1775-85, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial = Bigger Coll. | clockmaker. | Templepatrick, Co. Antrim. | Bigger; Baillie 1. |
BISCHOFF, J.P. | Germany, fl.1780-90, MIM | Heliochronometer = Huelsmann Coll.; Instrument = DEU. | Ansbach. | Syndram; RSW. | |
BISHOP 1 | England?, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = APS. | London? | Multhauf 1. | |
BISHOP 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | see John Bishop. | Sherborne. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1. |
BISHOP, JAMES | Scotland, c.1794?, PHIM | Stick Barometers = X, Christie-SK 5/15/96. | clockmaker; X instrument signed "Jas. Bishop Edinburgh"; Christies signed "Jas. Bishop Musselburgh." | Edinburgh. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1; RSW. |
BISHOP, JOAQUIM | USA, fl.1845-57, MIM NIM PHIM | made philosophical and chemical instruments. | Philadelphia, Pa. | USNM. | |
BISS, JOHN | England, c.1746, | apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Grocers' Company on Oct. 14, 1746. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BISSAKER, ROBERT | England, fl.1642-54, MIM | Slide Rule, wood, 1654 = KEN. | made shipbuilder's rule. | Ratcliff over against the Red Lyon Tavern, London. | Bryden 9; Taylor 1(200); Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; A.J. Turner 10. |
BISSEKER | see Bissaker. | ||||
BITHRAY, STEPHEN | England, fl.1827-60, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 1/22/88; Stick Barometers = X, Heathcote Ball 12/14/90, Phillips 10/5/76; Telescopes = D.(1982), Soth.-West Sussex 6/21/83; Compass Sundial = KEN-1947-280; Sextant with Telescope = Soth. 11/13/61-70; Universal Equatorial Sundial, case = Soth. 3/25/86. | also made microscopes; "Bithray successor to J. Smith, Royal Exchange, London." | North Piazza (or North Gate), 29 Royal Exchange, London. | Taylor 2(1491); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; Lake Forest, Ill. Antique Show, June 1982; RSW. |
BITTERLIN | Germany, MIM | Compass = Strasbourg. | Colmar. | Evans 1. | |
BIZOT, J.L. | France, 1702-81, MIM | Vertical Dial = House, Faubourg Tarragnoz, Besançon, 1757; Floor Dial = Madeleine Church, Besançon. | Bizot was counselor to the Presidial of Besançon; vertical dial was destroyed in 1880. | Besançon. | Gatty; COMP Vol. 1, No. 2. |
BLACHFORD AND CO. | England, NIM | probably Robert and William Blachford. | Minories, London. | Taylor 2(1086). | |
BLACHFORD AND IMRAY | England, fl.1836-42, NIM OIM PHIM | Gunter Rule, sliding = D.(1980); Wheel Barometer= Christie-SK 5/15/96. | Robert Blachford and James Imray were partners, 1836-42. | 116 Minories; Navigation Warehouse; both in London. | Taylor 2(1086); Brewington 1; O'Mara; Moskowitz 120; RSW. |
BLACHFORD, ROBERT | England, fl.1804-42, NIM OIM | Telescope = PEA; Sextant = D.(1989). | signed "Blachford"; worked with William Blachford at the Warehouse in the Minories; it was Blachford and Co. at Leadenhall Street; James Imray joined him in 1836. | Navigation Warehouse, Little Tower Hill (1804-20); 137 Minories 1805; 114 Minories (1810-17); 79 Leadenhall Street (1821-25); 116 Minories (1836-40); all in London. | Taylor 2(1086); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 120; O'Mara; RSW. |
BLACHFORD, WILLIAM | England, c.1830, OIM | worked with Robert Blachford in the Minories; perhaps Blachford and Co. | Minories, London. | Taylor 2(1086). | |
BLACKBURN | England, | see Moffett and Blackburn; T.C. | Calvert 2. | ||
BLACKBURN, CUTHBERT | England, fl.1847-48, PHIM | see Johnson and Blackburn; barometer and thermometer maker. | 34 Hatton Garden (1847-48); 7 Alfred Street, City Road (1848); both in London. | Goodison 1; Bell 2. | |
BLACKBURNE, R. | England, c.1850, NIM | Mariner's Journalets = P.C.(1986), D.(1986). | plotting device; D. also marked "aBn.", letters being in reverse. | London. | Multhauf 3; Coffeen 12. |
BLACKIE | England, c.1825, OIM | microscope maker. | Clay and Court. | ||
BLACKIE, WILLIAM | Scotland, fl.1834-38, OIM | made jewel lenses for microscopes. | Edinburgh. | Bryden 3. | |
BLACKWELL, J. | England, c.1820, OIM | Telescope = Frau Dr. Gustav Bloch Coll., Vienna. | watchmaker. | 43 Plumben Street, City Road, London. | Britten; RSW. |
BLACKWOOD, W. AND J.T. | England, NIM | Octant = Christie 3/29/60-9. | North Shields. | Morrison-Low 1; RSW. | |
BLADEL, JOSEPH | Germany?, 18th Century, MIM | Crescent Sundial = ZAG. | Zinner 1. | ||
BLADO- | England, c.1800, NIM | name appears on a Hadley's quadrant shown on Thomas Swann's T.C.; may be owner or maker. | Crawforth 1. | ||
BLADON | see Bleyghton. | Taylor 1. | |||
BLAEU, WILLEM JANSZOON | Holland; Italy, 1571-1638, MIM | he made many celestial and terrestrial globes of different sizes including a 67.7 cm. celestial globe, 1640 = ADL-M440, a printed astrolabe, telluriums to be found at LEY, BAU, WOL, KAS and AMST, etc.; a mural quadrant at LEY. | pupil of Tyche Brahe on Hven; designed a Copernican armillary sphere; dated globes range from 1602-40. | Alkmaar; Amsterdam; Venice. | Koman; Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Stevenson; Gunther 1; Bonelli 1; Michel 2; Daumas 1; Belgian and Italian Inventories; Millburn 5; Wynter 1; Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2; NMM 2; DSB; ADL; T. Campbell; Yonge; RSW. |
BLAGRAVE, JOHN | England, b.1558? d.1612, | designed many fine astronomical and surveying instruments, including his Mathematical Jewel, Uranical Astrolabe, three-legged compass, running staff, armillary sphere, etc; author. | Reading. | Taylor 1(52); Dewhirst; Gunther 1 and 4; Michel 1, 2 and 3; Engelmann 1; D. King; DNB; ADL; John Collins; Blundeville; John Palmer; RSW. | |
BLAIR | USA, | see Booth, Garrett and Blair. | USNM. | ||
BLAIR, ARCHIBALD | Scotland, c.1827, OIM | 16 Broughton Place, Edinburgh (1827). | Bryden 3. | ||
BLAIR, H.G., AND CO. | England, fl.1829-60, NIM | T.C. in OOM Hadley octant case; compass adjusters; made chronometers; opticians. | Bristol (1829); 95 Bute Street, Cardiff (1860). | Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW. | |
BLAIR, ROBERT | Scotland, fl.1783-1828, | invented the aplanatic telescope. | Edinburgh. | Taylor 2(802). | |
BLAKE, JOHN | England, fl.1766-1820, MIM | apprenticed to John Urings 2 in the Joiners' Company, July 23,1752; free in the Company, May 6, 1766; took apprentices. | near Hermitage Bridge, near Broad Street, Ratcliff (1766-73); New Ratcliff (1774-76); near Ratcliff Cross (1801); near Brewers Meeting, Stepney (1820); all in London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BLAKELEY, BENJAMIN | England, fl.1832-36, MIM PHIM | 11 High Street, Lambeth, London. | Taylor 2(1780); O'Mara. | ||
BLAKELY | England, c.1780, MIM | Drawing Instrument Set = NMM. | London. | NMM 2. | |
BLAKENE | England, 1342, MIM | Astrolabe, 1342 = BM-1853/11/4-1. | ICA-292. | Gunther 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Michel 3; Dewhirst. | |
BLAKENEY | see Cameron and Blakeney. | RSW. | |||
BLAKENEY AND CO. | England, NIM | Octant, brass with ivory scale = Christie-SK 10/6/83. | Sunderland and Howe. | Morrison-Low 1; RSW. | |
BLAKENEY, J.B., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = OMM. | see J.W. Blakeney and Co. | South Shields. | RSW. |
BLAKENEY, J.W., AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = VNN. | see J.B. Blakeney and Co. | Hull and Sutherland. | RSW. |
BLAKEY, G.H. | England, | Master, R.N.; invented a stadiometer, c.1850; instrument made by W. Heath, Devonport. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BLAKSLEE, ZIBA | USA, 1768-1834, MIM SIM | made surveying instruments, clocks and bells. | Newtown, Conn. | Bedini 1; Smart 1. | |
BLANC, JACQUES | Switzerland, PHIM | Money Balances = Stadtmuseum, Meissen. | Geneva. | RSW. | |
BLANCHINI, ANTONIUS | see Antonio Bianchini. | Bonelli 1. | |||
BLANCKE BZ., HENDRIK | Holland, fl.1816-26, NIM | compass maker. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BLAND, EDWARD | England, c.1668, | apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on Aug. 19, 1668. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLAND, JOSEPH | England, c.1700?, MIM | diallist. | Beeston, Nottinghamshire. | Taylor 1(516). | |
BLASER, JACOB | Switzerland, MIM | Hohenmesscheibe = Stuker 11/22/66. | Berne. | RSW. | |
BLASET | France, fl.1769-72, OIM | optician. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Nachet. | |
BLATCHFORD AND IMRAY | see Blachford and Imray. | O'Mara. | |||
BLATON | see Bleyghton. | Taylor 1(163). | |||
BLATT, I. | England, 20th Century?, PHIM | Stick Barometers = D.(1975), K. & C. 12/12/73. | Brighton. | RSW. | |
BLATTNER, JACOB | Switzerland; USA, 1812-88, MIM SIM | Surveying Compasses = P.C.; Clark County Historical Museum, Vancouver, B.C., Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, D.(1990), D.(1987). | Berne; St. Louis, Mo. | USNM; Smart 1; Coffeen 16; RSW. | |
BLAUWE, P.D. | Belgium, 1777, MIM | Perpetual Calendar, disc, 1777 = BM-1901/11/15-16. | Gend. | Price 3; Ward 4. | |
BLAVET | France, 1769, OIM | made lenses and mirrors. | Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. | Nachet. | |
BLAXAM, RICHARD | England, 1651, MIM | Quadrant, silver, 1651 = BM-1855/5/9-1 (destroyed). | also has monogram of "B." over "RH."; usually listed erroneously as "Bloxham." | Price 3; Ward 4; Taylor 1(250); Clay and Court; Dewhirst. | |
BLAYTON, EDWARD | England, c.1612, | apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on July 7, 1612. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLENAERTS, I. | France, 1770, MIM | Sundial, 1770 = OXF. | Malines. | Michel 3. | |
BLENKINSOP, JOHN | England, c.1793, | apprenticed to Dudley Adams of the Grocers' Company on July 4, 1793. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLENLER | misreading for Bleuler. | K. and C. 3/28/73. | |||
BLEUBER | misreading for Bleuler. | Christie 2/8/79. | |||
BLEULER, JOCK | Globe, miniature = D.(1997). | misreadimg for John Bleuler. | ATG 10/14/97. | ||
BLEULER, JOHN | England, c.1757-1829, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums , including a microscope, 1788, sextants, an orrery, sundials, an ivory thermometer, a barometer, Miniature Terrestrial Globe, etc. | apprenticed to Henry Raines Shuttleworth of the Spectacle- makers' Company in 1771; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1779; Master of the Company 1792, 1795, 1811; worked with Shuttleworth until 1791; succeeded to Thomas Whitford's business, 1791; T.C., optician. | Mr. Shuttleworth's, 23 Ludgate Street; 27 Ludgate Street, (1791); both in London. | Taylor 2(687); Daumas 1; Brewington 1; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Moskowitz 105; Calvert 2; Court and von Rohr 3(200); USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Sotheby's 5/11/94; RSW. |
BLEWLER | misreading for Bleuler. | Brewington 1. | |||
BLEYGHTON, JOHN | England, fl.1630-34, MIM | may be the same as John Blighton 1. | near Bull Head Tavern in Tower Street, London. | Taylor 1(163); Dewhirst; Evans 1; J. Brown 1. | |
BLIGHTON, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1620-54?, MIM | apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company; free of the Company on Aug. 16, 1620; may be John Bleyghton. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLIGHTON, JOHN 2 | England, fl.1654-, MIM | free of the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Aug. 9, 1654; might mean that his father, John Blighton 1, had died and thus the last three apprentices in his father's list would have been his. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLIGNY, AUGUST | 18th Century, MIM SIM | Carpenter's Square with pivoted index = LOS. | USNM; RSW. | ||
BLISS AND CO. | USA, c.1845, NIM | Bearing Sight Instrument = MYS. | New York, N.Y. | RSW. | |
BLISS AND CREIGHTON | USA, c.1845, MIM NIM SIM | John Bliss 1 and Creighton. | New York City. | USNM. | |
BLISS, JOHN (1), AND CO. | USA, fl.1845-78, MIM NIM PHIM SIM | Marine Compasses = PMS, Nat'l Museum of Canada, D.(1978); Surveying Compass = USNM; Bliss Taffrail Log = D.(1971). | log patented 1864 and 1878.; started as Bliss and Creighton; T.C. | 2 Burling Slip; 128 Front Street, between Wall and Pine; all in New York, N.Y. | USNM; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 132; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BLISS, JOHN 1 | USA, 1795-1857, MIM NIM SIM | Surveying Compasses = D.(1960); Marine Compass = Glenbow Museum, Canada; Alidade = D.(1997). | became John Bliss and Co. in 1845. | 42 Fulton Street, New York, N.Y. | USNM; Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1; Bedini 6; J.A. Bennett 2; MAD June 1997. |
BLISS, JOHN 2 | USA, fl.1840-78, NIM | New York, N.Y. | J.A. Bennett 2. | ||
BLISS, MOSES BRIDGMAN | USA, 1798-1885, MIM | Garden Sundial with compass and analemma = D.(1980). | sundial registered in Maine. | Mass.; Maine; Wis. | Moskowitz 120. |
BLOCH, ABRAHAM | Germany, 1583, MIM | Calendar Plate, 1583 = MUN-1294. | Bayreuth. | Zinner 1. | |
BLOCK, FRANCIS | England, c.1689, MIM | apprenticed to John Bellinger 1 of the Clockmakers' Company on July 18, 1689. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BLOCKER, SYMEN DIRCKXSEN | Holland, c.1626, MIM | marked on mariner's astrolabe at SKO, (NMM-13); thought to be owner; copy of it is at STK. | Waters 1; A. Stimson 3; Mörzer Bruyns 2. | ||
BLOK, TJEPKE | see Keimpe Zeilmaker en Tjepke Blok. | Rooseboom 1. | |||
BLOMBERG, MARTINUS | Sweden, c.1575, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, silver = NOR-81.147. | Stockholm. | Swedish Exhib. Cat., 1952; RSW. | |
BLOND, C. | misreading for C. Bloud. | Pugsley Sale. | |||
BLOND, C.H. | misreading for C. Bloud. | Stewart, et al. | |||
BLONDEAU | France, 18th Century, MIM | Square = Spitzer-2869; Level = Spitzer-2824 = And.-Spitzer Sale-5; Universal Ring Sundial = MADEX-218 = CNAM; Sector = ADL-M89. | universal ring sundial had five sundials added at a later time and is signed "Blondeaux"; could be B., or Nicholas or Roch Blondeau. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Cons. Nat'1 1; Destombes 4; Hamilton 2; ADL; RSW. |
BLONDEAU, B. | France, 18th Century, MIM | sundial maker. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BLONDEAU, NICOLAUS | France; Italy, fl.1694-1706, MIM SIM | Universal Ring Sundials = CNAM, Nouveau Drouot 5/20/88, D.(1986), OXF-B112, TIM, Drecker Coll.= P.C., etc.; Military Protractor = ADL-M125; Sector, 1694 = OXF; Pair of Dividers, = NMM (1694); Compass = P.C.(1965); Surveying Quadrant, 1695 = P.C.; Ellipsometer Track = HAK; Gunnery Calipers = MAA. | calipers signed "N. Blondo"; OXF sector signed "Nicolaus Blondo fecit" (the final "o" has an acute accent over it); the Nouveau Drouot and D.(1986) universal ring sundials all have an inner rotating ring divided into 15-minute intervals, to give Italian or Babylonian hours as well as local suntime. | Paris (1694-95); Naples (1706). | Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Gunther 2; Josten; NMM 2; Coffeen 12; ADL; RSW. |
BLONDEAU, PETRUS | see Petrus Blondeus. | Daumas 1; Michel 3. | |||
BLONDEAU, ROCH | France, fl.1664-90, MIM SIM | Sector, 1670 = Soth. 12/19/66-53; Rule, 1668 = CNAM; Butterfield-type Sundials = OXF-B71 and B72, WHI (silver) (1673), MADEX-91 = NMM (1670), Christie 2/13/68-38, LEY, ADL-M89; Rule, folding, silver, 1670 = A-P 3/15/76; Horizontal String-gnomon Sundial, 1667 = WHI; Pocket Sundial, 1664 = D.(1994); etc. | "ingénieur du roi en instruments des mathématiques." | à l'enseigne de la Boussole, Quai du Grandcours-d'Eau, Ile de la Cité, Paris (1665). | Daumas 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; Josten; Bryden 11 and 16; Coffeen 46; ADL; RSW. |
BLONDEAUX | see Blondeau. | MADEX. | |||
BLONDEL ET MELLY | Switzerland, 1840, MIM | Zakhorloge, 1840 = AMST. | Geneva. | Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
BLONDEL, HENRY | 1707, MIM | Sundial, copper, 1707 = P.C. | for 48°. | RSW. | |
BLONDEUS, PETRUS | France; Italy, c.1700, MIM | Recipiangle = ADL-M107. | the instrument is signed "Petrus Blondeus Gall. fecit Romae"; he was a Frenchman working in Rome; the invention of the recipiangle is credited to Silvius Maggirius. | Rome. | Engelmann 1; Daumas 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. |
BLONDO, NICOLAUS | see Nicolaus Blondeau. | RSW. | |||
BLONO, NICOLO | Italy, MIM | Instrument = NMM. | probably Nicolaus Blondeau. | Naples. | NMM 2; RSW. |
BLOUD | many Bloud-type sundials are signed "Bloud"; could be by Charles, Charles le Jeune, Gabriel, Jacques or Jean Bloud. | ||||
BLOUD, CHARLES | France, fl.1653-80, MIM | Bloud-type Sundial, large, 1653 = HAR; a great number of his portable sundials are found in numerous collections, including ADL, WHI, OXF, etc. | Huguenot; he invented a magnetic azimuth sundial now known as the Bloud-type; they were usually of ivory but a few tortoise- shell ones exist; a sliding hour scale within the compass box is adjusted to the time of year by turning the volvelle on the back; when the sundial is aligned with the sun, the compass needle points to the proper hour; usually signed "Fait et Invent par Charles Bloud à Dieppe" on back plate. | Dieppe. | Michel 1 and 3; ADL; Syndram; Bryden 16; Daumas 1; Maddison 1 and 5; Josten; Vivielle 1; Monreal; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; USNM; NMM 2; Tardy; Nachet; Hamilton 1; T. Murdock; RSW. |
BLOUD, CHARLES, LE JEUNE | France, c.1700, MIM | Diptych Sundials, ivory = WUP, Lempertz 4/28/61, Christie 11/24/83; Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = Soth. 11/13/61-81. | Dieppe. | RSW. | |
BLOUD, GABRIEL | France, c.1666, MIM | Bloud-type Sundials, ivory = ADL-N20, MADEX-168 = Musée, Dieppe, MERC-88, PMM, etc.; Diptych Sundial, ivory = P.C. | probably son or brother of Charles Bloud. | Dieppe. | Michel 3; Hamilton 1 and 2; ADL; RSW. |
BLOUD, I. | France, c.1670, MIM | Horizontal Sundials = BM, Soth. 12/12/55/ (ivory). | BM gnomon is for 50° latitude; maybe Jacques or, less likely, Jean Bloud. | Ward 4; RSW. | |
BLOUD, JACQUES | France, c.1666, MIM | Bloud-type Sundial, ivory = MERC-60. | possibly son or brother of Charles Bloud. | Dieppe. | Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW. |
BLOUD, JEAN | France, c.1690, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, ivory and silver = OXFB-201. | Dieppe. | Maddison 5. | |
BLOUD, KAREL | France, MIM | Montfoort. | Evans 1. | ||
BLOW, EDMUND | England, fl.1704-38, MIM NIM | Napier's Bones, 1715 = OXF; Backstaff, 1736 = WHI. | apprenticed to Grace Wells in the Joiners' Company, Aug. 6, 1695; free in the Company, June 13, 1704; took apprentices; the bones were made for Mr. Julius Deeds; the backstaff was made for James M'Culloch. | Golden Quadrant, Plow Alley, Union Stairs, Wapping; Virginia Street; both in London. | Taylor 1(570) and 2(14); Dewhirst; Crawforth 7; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2. |
BLOW, F. | see Edmund Blow. | ||||
BLOXAM, JAMES MACKENZIE | England, 1843, | invented depleidoscope in 1843, made and sold by E.J. Dent who named the instrument. | Coffeen; G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BLOXHAM, RICHARD | misreading for Richard Blaxam. | Taylor 1(250); Price 3; Dewhirst; Clay and Court. | |||
BLOYD, C. | misreading for C. Bloud. | Bernal Sale. | |||
BLUNDY, CHARLES | England; USA, fl.1753-60, PHIM | made or sold thermometers. | London; Church Street, Charleston, S.C. | Bedini 1. | |
BLUNT 1 | see Nairne and Blunt. | ||||
BLUNT 2 | England, OIM | Spyglass = USNM. | could be Edward or Thomas Blunt. | London. | USNM. |
BLUNT AND CO. | USA, fl.1868-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | George William Blunt; succeeded Blunt and Nichols. | New York, N.Y. | Moskowitz 103; Brewington 1. | |
BLUNT AND NICHOLS | USA, fl.1866-68, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Edmund Blunt 2, F.M. Nash and John H Nichols were partners in Blunt and Nichols; succeeded by Blunt and Co., in 1868; Nichols was the Blunts' uncle. | New York, N.Y. | Smart 1. | |
BLUNT AND SON 1 | England, 1802 and 1814, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Thomas Blunt 1 and possibly William Blunt or Thomas Blunt 2. | London. | Wess 1. | |
BLUNT AND SON 2 | England, fl.1822-24, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Thomas Blunt 1 and Edward Blunt. | London. | Wess 1. | |
BLUNT, CHARLES 1 | England, fl.1811-18, MIM NIM OIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Soth. 4/22/65-53; Instrument = NMM; Alt-azimuth Quadrant = WHI; Telescope, single draw = Christie-SK 4/14/89. | T.C.; made sextants, alt-azimuth circles and pocket theodolites; compass is signed "C. Blunt." | Cornhill; 38 Tavistock Street (1817); both in London. | Taylor 2(1281); Wess 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BLUNT, CHARLES 2 | Sir Charles Blunt; marked on a sundial, ADL-T22, which is signed "H.C. 1591"; it is the work of D.B. Sheahan of New York, N.Y. c.1900. | ADL; RSW. | |||
BLUNT, E. | England or USA, OIM | Telescope = MYS. | could be Edmund or Edward Blunt. | RSW. | |
BLUNT, E. AND G.W. | USA, fl.1826-66, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. | Edmund (1) and George William Blunt, sons of Edmund March Blunt; manufactory at Elizabeth, N.J., listed as being formerly Hermann Wendt (1859). | 149 Fly Market Street (1826); Maiden Lane; 179 Water Street, corner of Burling Slip and West Hooker Street; all in New York, N.Y. | Moskowitz 103; Smart 1; Brewington 1; USNM; Bedini 8; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10; DATM. |
BLUNT, EDMUND 1 | USA, 1799-1866, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | son of Edmund March Blunt; older brother and partner of George William Blunt; see E. and G.W. Blunt. | New York, N.Y. | Smart 1; Moskowitz 103; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10. | |
BLUNT, EDMUND 2 | USA, 1842-94, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | son of Edmund Blunt 1; partner in Blunt and Nichols with F.M. Nash and John H. Nichols, 1866-68; this firm became Blunt and Co. in 1868, and Edmund was succeeded by his brother, William Sinclair Blunt at that time; he established the New York Optical Works that same year. | 16 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. (1868-94). | Smart 1 | |
BLUNT, EDMUND MARCH | USA, 1770-1862, MIM NIM | Nautical Compass = USNM. | publisher; set up chart and quadrant shop, 1812; his sons, Edmund (1) and George William Blunt, carried on the firm; Warner 12 says that son-in-law, William Hooker, took over 202 Water Street in 1819. | Newburyport, Mass. (1793-1811); at the Sign of the Quadrant, 202 Water Street, corner of Beekman Slip, New York, N.Y. (1811-62). | USNM; Brewington 1; Bedini 8; D.J. Warner 10 and 12. |
BLUNT, EDWARD | England, c.1828, MIM PHIM | Barometer = Christie 8/2/72. | son of Thomas Blunt 1; could be Blunt and Son, 1822-24; free by Patrimony in 1825; took over the business; barometer is signed "E. Blunt"; spirit level signed "Pool-London." | 22 Cornhill, London. | O'Mara; Wess 1; RSW. |
BLUNT, GEORGE WILLIAM | USA, 1802-78, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | younger son of Edmund March Blunt and younger brother of Edmund Blunt 1; see E. and G.W. Blunt. | New York, N.Y. | Smart 1; Brewington 1; Moskowitz 103; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; D.J. Warner 10. | |
BLUNT, JOHN | England, c.1767, NIM | Sextants = Soth. 3/21/73, Christie 12/17/75. | compass maker; catalogues think he is 1800 or later; may be two men. | Wapping Dock, London. | Taylor 2(576); RSW. |
BLUNT, ROBERT | England, c.1789, MIM | apprenticed to George Adams 2 of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 5, 1782; free of the Company on Dec. 3, 1789. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BLUNT, T. AND T. | England, c. 1822, MIM OIM PHIM | Sets of Drawing Instruments = P.C., Decatur House, Washington, D.C.; Microscope = Phillips 11/16/76; Rule, ivory = P.C.; Hydrometers = X (de Luc-type), Phillips 5/20/75; Garden Sundial = D.(1975); Telescope, Gregorian = Moose Factory Museum, Ontario; Barometer = P.C. | perhaps Thomas Blunt 1 and 2. | 22 Cornhill, London. | USNM; Delehar 3; Wess 1; RSW. |
BLUNT, T., AND SON | England, c.1822, OIM | Microscope = P.C.; Telescope = Christie 4/9/75. | Thomas Blunt and Son; telescope signed "Blunt and Son." | 22 Cornhill, London. | O'Mara; RSW. |
BLUNT, T.T. | misreading for T. and T. Blunt? | Soth. 2/8/83. | |||
BLUNT, THOMAS 1 | England, fl.1760-1822, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including barometers, microscopes, telescopes, sundials, levels, dipping needles, orreries, etc. | apprenticed to Edward Nairne of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1760; free of the Company in 1771; Master of the Company 1782-94; partner of Nairne, 1774-93; worked alone, 1793-1805; had son in business in 1805; "Mathematical Instrument Maker to His Majesty"; T.C.; see Nairne and Blunt; see T. and T. Blunt; see T. Blunt and Son; succeeded by Thomas Harris.. | 22 Cornhill; 136 Minories (1814-20); both in London. | Taylor 2(577); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Symonds; Moskowitz 112; Wynter and Turner; Dewhirst; Multhauf 1; USNM; Pipping 1; Court and von Rohr 3(180); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1 & 6; Wynter 1; Wess 1; Bryden 16; RSW. |
BLUNT, THOMAS 2 | England, c.1811., MIM OIM | free of the Spectaclemakers' Company on March 2, 1811; may have been son in Blunt and Son 1. | 18 Ivy Lane, London. | Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(241); Wess 1. | |
BLUNT, WILLIAM | England, c.1825, MIM | Rev. William Blunt, son of and apprenticed to Thomas Blunt 1 of the Spectaclemakers' Company, June 1, 1816; free of the Company on Oct. 11, 1825. | Court and von Rohr 3(244); Wess 1. | ||
BLUNT, WILLIAM SINCLAIR | USA, 1837-1903, MIM SIM | in 1868 he replaced his brother, Edmund Blunt 2 in Blunt and Co. with F.M. Nash as a partner. | New York, N.Y. | Smart 1. | |
BLYDENBURGH AND GILES | USA, fl.1838-42, MIM SIM | Transit = D.(1983). | Samuel Blydenburgh and Edward Giles; also sold nautical, optical and philosophical instruments. | Philadelphia, Pa. | Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen E. |
BLYDENBURGH AND HYDE | USA, c.1847, MIM | Samuel Blydenburgh and Joseph Hyde; machinists. | 1 Fetter Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. | Smart 1. | |
BLYDENBURGH, SAMUEL | USA, 1802-52, MIM | see Blydenburgh and Giles; see Blydenburgh and Hyde. | Philadelphia, Pa. | Smart 1; USNM. | |
BLYTON | see Blighton. | J. Brown 1. | |||
BOARDMAN | England, 1709, MIM | Perpetual Calendar, 1709 = D.(1975). | Wynter 1. | ||
BOBY | see Schulen and Boby. | ||||
BOCHSEN, JOHANN CARL | France, 1616, | Bochsen designed an artillery level in 1616; author; in a mms. in Ulm he takes the title "Meisterey." | Strasbourg. | RSW. | |
BOCKELTS, JAN | Holland; Germany, fl.1607-40, MIM | Sundials in watch lids = Mallett Coll., NYM (Morgan Coll.) | the sundial in the NYM is signed "Jan Bockelts Aachen." | Aachen. | Vincent 2; Baillie 1. |
BOCKSTAEL, VAN | France, d.1740, MIM | Equatorial Sundials = Musée, Nancy (2). | "Machiniste du Roy." | Nancy. | Michel 3 and 14. |
BODDINGTON, JOHN | England, c.1734, MIM | Perpetual Calendar = BM-1930/1/6-1 | apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on April 5, 1725; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1734. | Threadneedle Street, London. | Price 3; Ward 4. |
BODEUR | France, 1819, PHIM | Barometer, 1819 = CNAM. | Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. | USNM; Middleton 1. | |
BODIN, FRIEDRICH | Germany?, 1788, MIM | Lippspring. | Evans 1. | ||
BODSON | France, c.1800, OIM | optician; made lenses and mirrors. | Quai de l'Horloge, Paris. | Nachet. | |
BODUMONT, J.B.F. | Belgium, 1796, MIM | Sundial, slate, large = X; Tellurium = X. | rue de l'Intendant, Brussels. | Michel 3. | |
BOEHM, ANDREAS | Germany, 1720-90, OIM PHIM | Geissen. | Daumas 1. | ||
BOEKENES, P. | Holland, 1707, NIM | Cross-staff, three vanes, 1707 = HAK. | Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. | ||
BOEKMER, TOBIAS | misreading for Tobias Volkmer. | "Engineering", post-1944. | |||
BOELAU, G. | Ireland?, c.1850, MIM | Clinometer = D.(1972). | Moskowitz 104. | ||
BOERNAVE, JEHAN | France, 1354, MIM | Astrolabe Clock = Strasbourg Cathedral. | destroyed c.1550. | Strasbourg. | Gunther 1. |
BOETHIUS, A.M.S. | fl.480-525, MIM | was commissioned by Theodoric to construct a water clock and sundial for Gundibald, King of the Burgundians. | Cousins. | ||
BOFFAT | see Buffat. | ||||
BOFFI, A. AND P. | England, c.1840, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. | see P. and A. Boffi. | Hastings. | RSW. |
BOFFI, L. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Hastings. | Goodison 1. | |
BOFFI, P. AND A. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/21/87, D.(1990). | D.(1990) is signed "P.A. Boffi." | RSW. | |
BOFFY, L. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Christie 4/25/91. | Hastings. | RSW. | |
BOGGAIA, D. | England, c.1839, PHIM | barometer and thermometer maker. | 29 1/2 Great Warner Street, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BOHAIM | see Behaim. | ||||
BOHEIM, MORITZ | see Moritz Behaim. | Neumann 1. | |||
BOHEMUS, CHASPARUS | Austria, 1568, MIM | Astrolabe Clocks = Spitzer Sale = Chauteau d'Anet (1568), Morgan Coll. = NYM (1568). | Chasparus Bohémus; alternative spelling is "Caspar Böheim." | Vienna. | Tardy 1; Vincent 2; Van Cittert; Neumann 1. |
BOHINI DE PORTARIS | Italy, 17th Century, MIM | Astrolabe = Castello Sforzesco, Milan. | might be ICA-2059 or -2061. | Italian Inventory; ICA 2. | |
BOHLING, CHRISTIAN | see Christian Boyling. | Michel 3. | |||
BOHM, MARCUS | Germany, c.1660, MIM | Astrolabe Table Clock = UTR. | Gunther 333; Van Cittert thought c.1600. | Augsburg. | Gunther 1; Michel 3; Britten; Van Cittert; de Rijk. |
BOHME, PROF., AND M. REITER | Austria, MIM | Starfinder, celestial globe with two telescopes = AUI. | "Pat. des Prof. Bohme, etc." | Innsbruck. | RSW. |
BOIG, JOHN | Scotland, fl.1649-d.1663, MIM | Edinburgh. | Bryden 3. | ||
BOIJLING | see Boyling. | ||||
BOISSIER | Germany, MIM | Equatorial Sundial = HEI. | Berlin. | RSW. | |
BOITTE | France, MIM | see Girard and Boitte. | RSW. | ||
BOJSI, PAUL | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Rayleigh. | Goodison 1. | |
BOKMA, ALLE JANS | Holland, 1801-80, MIM | Planetarium, 1841 = Eisinga's House, Franeker; Tellurium = FRI. | mill maker. | Workum. | Rooseboom 1; RSW. |
BOLING, Z. | Z. Böling; see Z. Boyling. | Zinner 1. | |||
BOLLAND, WILLIAM | PHIM | Beam Balance, pocket = Christie-SK 2/9/84. | RSW. | ||
BOLLEN, E.R. | Germany, 1697, MIM | Instrument, 1697 = X. | Hertogenbosch. | Evans 1. | |
BOLLES, WILLIAM | USA, 1800-67, | designed a trigonometer, 1824. | New London, Conn. | Brewington 1; Bedini 8. | |
BOLLETTI, L. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BOLLING | Germany, 1709, | Bölling; possibly Z. Boyling. | Kassel. | Evans 1. | |
BOLLON | see Thomas Bolton. | Bryden 9. | |||
BOLLORE, LOUIS | France, NIM | Marine Compass, small = Versailles 4/17/83. | Concarneau. | RSW. | |
BOLONGARO AND SON | England, fl.1848-60, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; "Printers and Publishers to the Queen"; Dominic and Peter Bolongaro. | 32 Market Street (1845-54); 30-32 Market Street (1855-60); both in Manchester. | Goodison 1. | |
BOLONGARO, DOMINIC | Italy; England, 1817?-60, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | making barometers by 1843; his son, Peter, was partner, 1848-60; worked with Vittore Zanetti up to 1817. | 2 Old Millgate (1817-30); 14 Market Street (1832-33); 32 Market Street (1834-54); 30-32 Market Street (1855-60); all in Manchester. | Goodison 1. |
BOLONGARO, PETER | England, fl.1848-60, PHIM | son of Dominic Bolongaro; see Bolongaro and Son. | Manchester. | Goodison 1. | |
BOLTER, HUGH | England, fl.pre-1638-72, OIM | apprenticed into the Woodmongers' Company; free of the Company in 1666; transferred to the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1666; worked for Robert Hooke. | Little Minories, London (1670-72). | Taylor 1(275); Court and von Rohr 3(18); Crawforth 6. | |
BOLTON 1 | England, fl. c.1837-50, MIM | Rule, ivory = Soth.-Chester 9/22/83; Sectors, ivory = Phillips 2/2/84, D.(1984); Routledge-type Slide Rule, ivory = Christie-SK 11/15/79. | the rule from the Soth. Cat. is from a set of drawing instruments. | RSW. | |
BOLTON 2 | MIM | Bolton's Cypher Wheel = D.(1973). | Wynter 1. | ||
BOLTON, D. | England, c.1815, MIM | Garden Sundial = BM-1926/10/16-10. | made for Queen Caroline. | London. | Price 3; Ward 4. |
BOLTON, FREDERICK AND HENRY | England, c.1837, MIM | successors of Thomas Bolton. | 62 Loveday Street, Birmingham. | Taylor 2(2018). | |
BOLTON, JOHN | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Durham. | Goodison 1; Baillie 1. | |
BOLTON, THOMAS | England, fl.1808-45, MIM | Set of Mathematical Instruments, case = X; Garden Dial = X. | Bryden says (Bollon?), 1808-18 and rule maker; Clay and Court thought instrument set c.1780; may be two makers. | 6 Colmore Row (1808; Colmore Row (1818); 61 and 62 Loveday Street; all in Birmingham. | Bryden 9; Taylor 2(1782); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Crawforth 6. |
BOMBARDA | see Augustinus Cucco, bombarda. | Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. | |||
BOMBELLI, BALDASSARO | England, c.1830, PHIM | made barometers. | 6 King Street, Whitehaven. | Taylor 2(1783). | |
BOMBERG, CARL | Germany, OIM | Refracting Telescope = P.C. | four-inch. | Fredinau Strasse, Berlin. | RSW. |
BON, JEAN | France, c.1820, | Jambon? | Coffeen Note. | ||
BON, JOHN | Scotland, fl.1840-46, NIM | Octant = D.(1976); Marine Barometer = Soth. 4/28/88. | also made chronometers and watches; succeeded by Mrs. John Bon by 1850; signature on back of compass card in azimuth cmpass by Thomas Smith. | 17 Dock Street (1840); 25 Dock Street (1845); 26 Dock Street (1846); all in Dundee. | Taylor 2(2082); Bryden 3; Moskowitz; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BON, MRS. JOHN | Scotland, fl.1850-53, NIM | succeeded her husband after 1846; by 1853 she was no longer listed as a NIM. | 24 Dock Street East, Dundee (1850). | Bryden 3; Clarke et al. | |
BONALDO, MARCO | Italy, 1677-99, MIM | Pair of Globes = Widener Library, Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass. | the celestial globe is dated 1677, the terrestrial, 1699. | Venice. | Yonge. |
BONANNI, P. PHILIPPE | Italy, c.1689, OIM | made microscopes; author. | Daumas 1; Nachet; Price 2. | ||
BONAR, JOHN | Scotland, fl.1623-34, MIM | Equatorial Sundial, Dec. 11, 1623, slate = Dumfries Burgh Museum; Sundials, slate = Kirkcudbright (1623), Loudoun Castle (1634), Soth. 10/15/73 (1634) = Soth. 6/24/74 = D, RSM, Bangor Heritage Center. | Johanne? | Aerae = Ayr. | Gatty; Wynter and Turner; USNM; Rohr and Somerville; RSW; Clarke et al; Somerville. |
BOND, A. | England, c.1850, OIM | Microscope, double pillar = D.(1981). | London. | Moskowitz 122. | |
BOND, HENRY | England, c.1600-78, | developed a ship-builder's scale; may be the Henry Bond who observed variations in the compass in 1662. | London. | Bryden 9; Bedini 8. | |
BOND, JOHN | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X. | one barometer is signed "Bond Okehampton", the other "John Bond." | Okehampton. | Goodison 1. |
BOND, THOMAS | England, c.1685, MIM | apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on April 30, 1685. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BOND, W. | England, 1795, MIM | Garden Dial, 1795 = D.(1975). | RSW. | ||
BOND, WILLIAM | USA, fl.1781-1823, MIM NIM | Horizontal Sundial, 1781 = X; Octant, ebony, 1823 = UTR. | apprenticed in 1769; naturalized in 1785; father of William Cranch Bond. | 152 State Street, Boston, Mass. | Price 2; Evans 1; Carlaw. |
BOND, WILLIAM CRANCH | USA, 1789-1859, MIM PHIM | astronomical and meteorological instruments, 1819; son of William Bond; showed in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London; Director of Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge (1839-). | Dorchester, Mass. | USNM; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Carlaw. | |
BOND, WILLIAM, AND SON | USA, c.1850, MIM NIM | in the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. | Boston, Mass. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BONET | see Bonetus de Latis. | ||||
BONETUS DE LATIS | France, c.1490, MIM | Astrolabe on a finger ring = X. | made for Pope Alexander; Gunther 172. | Gunther 1; Michel 3; Bonelli 1. | |
BONFA, R.P., S.J. | France, fl.1672-73, MIM | Wall Dial, 1672-73 = facade of the Jesuit College (now a girls' high school, Grenoble. | Grenoble. | Boursier. | |
BONIUS, JOANNES | Germany, fl.1573-91, MIM | Astronomical Compendia = ADL-M366, KEN, FRA, VAA; Diptych Sun- dial, gilt-brass = LIE; Perpetual Calendar, 1591 = Rein Stift. | Boone? | Bamberg? | Zinner 1; Michel 1 and 2; Engelmann 1; Evans 1; Rooseboom 1; ADL; RSW. |
BONNE | France, 1727-94, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1783 = CNAM-768; Celestial Globe = Dépôt de la Marine, Paris. | "Ingénieur-hydrographie de la Marine." | Paris. | Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4; Michel 3; Brieux 2; Howse 2. |
BONNEAU, VINCENT | France, 1574, MIM | Nocturnal with Quadrant, 1574 = WHI. | "Faict à Sens par Vincent Bonneau." | Sens. | Bryden 16; Hamilton 2; RSW. |
BONNEMAIN | 1626, MIM SIM | Surveying Cross, 1626 = BMR. | Michel 7; A.J. Turner 10. | ||
BONNES | France, 18th Century, MIM | Analemmatic Sundial = OXFB-237. | Maddison 5. | ||
BONNET | France, c.1850, MIM | in Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. | 5, Chemin de Ronde de la Barriere, Ménilmontant. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BONNEVIE, CLAUDE | France, fl. 1654-87, MIM | Horizontal Sundials, silver, oval = NMM-D.125 (Caird), D.(1997); Watch, enameled = Musée Paul Dupuy. | NMM is ex-Bernard Coll.; watch is signed "Claude Bonnevye." | Paris. | Hamilton 2; Nachet; Tardy 1. |
BONONIE, PEREGRINA SPANIOLUS | 1637, MIM | Square, 1637 = ROM-4080. | Price 2. | ||
BONSIGNORI, DOM STEFANO | Italy, fl.1570-87, | made polyhedral sundials of wood and leather; for instruments see D.S.B.F.F., D.S.F.F., D. Steph. B.F.F.; possibly D. Stephanus; sometimes spelled "Buonsignori." | Florence. | Bonelli 1; Michel 3. | |
BOOK | see Boig. | Bryden 3. | |||
BOOKER, FRANCIS AND JOHN | Ireland, fl.1761-73, OIM | T.C. shows microscope and telescope. | Essex Bridge, Dublin. | Morrison-Low and Burnett. | |
BOOKER, JOHN | Ireland, fl.1774-89, | sold looking glasses; see Francis and John Booker. | 6 Essex Bridge; 4 Jervis Street; both in Dublin. | Morrison-Low and Burnett. | |
BOONE | see Joannes Bonius. | Engelmann 1; Michel 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; RSW.. | |||
BOONEN, J. STAATS | Holland, fl.1823-40, NIM | succeeded Johannes Gerard Hulst van Keulen van de Velde in 1823; succeeded by Jacob Swart although the firm continued under the name of "Gerard Hulst van Keulen." | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BOONIUS | see Bonius. | Rooseboom 1. | |||
BOOSMAN, W. | Holland, 19th Century, NIM | Compass Rose = AMST. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
BOOSMAN, WILLEM, EN CO. | Holland, 1836-1926, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Horseshoe Magnet = LEY; Compass = KRO; Instruments = ROT; Compasses = AMST (19); Sextant = AMST. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. | |
BOOTH, GARRETT AND BLAIR | USA, 1836-99, PHIM | made chemical and physical instruments. | 404 and 406 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. | USNM. | |
BOOZ | Germany, 18th Century, MIM SIM | Protractor and Compass = BAM. | made geodetic instruments. | Aschaffenburg. | Michel 3. |
BORBIGE, CHARLES | England, c.1830, MIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | 1 King Street, Whitehaven. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1784). | |
BORCH, HANS | MIM | Horizontal Sundial, lead = Den Gamle By, Aarhus. | RSW. | ||
BORDA, JEAN CHARLES, CHEVALIER DE | France, 1733-99, NIM | Reflecting Circles = PMM, PEA-M4082. | improved the reflecting circle in 1787; author. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Brewington 1; Italian Inventory; G.L'E. Turner 24. |
BORDER, G. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Sleaford. | Goodison 1. | |
BORDES, LOUIS | France, fl.1700-47, MIM | inventor or maker. | Lyon. | Hamilton 2. | |
BORDESSA AND EATON | England, c.1855, PHIM | barometer and thermometer makers; see Novati, Bordessa and Eaton. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BORDESSA, PIETRO | England, fl.1834-60, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | signed "P. Bordessa Chester"; sometimes found as Peter Bordesa. | 33 Bridge Street Row, Chester. | Goodison 1. |
BORDOGNA | Italy, 1780, MIM | Instrument, 1780 = X. | Milan. | Evans 1. | |
BORDOGNA, ANTONIO | Italy, c.1810, MIM | made meteorological and magnetic instruments; compasses and astronomical instruments. | Milan. | Brenni 1. | |
BORDOLI AND CASSAROTI | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Stamford. | Goodison 1. | |
BORDOLI, BERNARD | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Marlborough. | Goodison 1. | |
BORDOLI, P. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | 22 Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BOREL, PIERRE | France, 1620-89, OIM | made a telescope for l'observatoire de Paris in 1673; member of l'Académie Royal des Sciences, 1674. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Nachet. | |
BORELLI 1 | Italy, 1608-79, OIM | pupil of Galileo; made 40' and 60' telescopes. | Dewhirst. | ||
BORELLI 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/18/89. | RSW. | ||
BORELLI, D. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 11/21/95; Thermometers = Christie-SK 11/21/95. | thermometers signed "Borelli Farnham." | Farnham. | RSW. |
BORELLI, G. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BORG, ERIC | fl.1737-67, MIM | globe maker. | RSW. | ||
BORGER | France, 1753, NIM | compass maker. | Paris. | Schück. | |
BORGER, IVER JENSEN | Denmark, fl.1755-99, MIM NIM | Compasses = P.C., PEA, ADL-N50; Hanging Compasses = CRT, Soth. 11/16/87; Compass Sundial = Ineichen 10/20/75; Compass Rose, paper = GMM. | compass card is one of four in a crown compass at PEA, see also Benjamin Brown. | Copenhagen. | Brewington 1; RSW. |
BORINI | England, c.1810, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = D.(1965). | Birmingham. | RSW. | |
BORINI, P. 1 | England, 19th Century, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/16/76, X(3); Stick Barometer = X. | the stick and two wheels signed "P.Borini." | Bull Street, Birmingham. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BORINI, P. 2 | England, c.1818, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; see Peter Borini and Co. | Snowhill, Birmingham. | Goodison 1; Bryden 9. | |
BORINI, PETER, AND CO. | England, c.1808, OIM PHIM | opticians. | 14 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. | Goodison 1; Bryden 9. | |
BORIUS | Holland?, pre-1794, OIM | telescope mentioned in catalogue of 1794. | Rooseboom 1. | ||
BORLACE, J. | 1724, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, silver, 1724 = P.C.(1983). | RSW. | ||
BORNER, JOHAN HENRICH | Germany, 1693, MIM | Vertical Disc Sundial, 1693 = KEN-1938/337. | Johan Henrich Börner; has perpetual calendar. | Zinner 1; RSW. | |
BORNIER | misreading for Bernier. | RSW. | |||
BORRELLI, J. | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/16/86. | Basingstoke. | RSW. | |
BORRIUS | see Borius. | Rooseboom 1. | |||
BORROMEI, JULES | 1775, MIM | Plotting Protractor, 1775 = ADL-M98. | instrument invented by Robequi. | Daumas 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. | |
BORSARI, BONIFACIO | Italy, 1760, MIM | Armillary Sphere, 1760 = Modena Museum? | Modena. | Michel 3. | |
BOS, JOHANNES | Belgium, fl.1591-1623, MIM | Astrolabe, 1597 = ADL-M33A; Calculating Device, 1623 = Soth. 3/11/52. | son of Jacob Bos, cartographer; he made several astrolabes dated between 1591-97; some are dated "Marti 24 1597"; these last seem to be copies, in a smaller size, of ADL-M33A, including HAR, WHI, etc. | Antwerp; Rome. | Engelmann 1; Maddison; Price 1 and 5; Zinner 1; Michel 3; Rooseboom 1; Gunther 1; Hollands Glorie; ADL; RSW. |
BOS, SALOMON EN JAN | Holland, c.1799, NIM | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2; Rooseboom 1. | ||
BOSCH, ANDREAS | see Andreas Busch. | Zinner 1; Baillie 1. | |||
BOSCH, D. VAN DER | Holland, fl.1821-50, MIM | Rule = AMST; Parallel Rules, 1821 = RIJ. | Rotterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2. | |
BOSCH, S. | see P. Odenkirchen. | ||||
BOSE, GEORG MATTHIAS | Germany, c.1743, | improved the electrical machine. | A.J. Turner 10. | ||
BOSIUS, IOANNES | see Johannes Bos. | Michel 3. | |||
BOSSAGE, NICOLAS | France?, c.1790, PHIM | Thermometers, mercury = GEM (2). | de Saussure Coll. | A.J. Turner 10. | |
BOSSI, L. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Hastings. | Goodison 1. | |
BOSSI, P. | England, PHIM | WQheel Barometer = X. | Rayleigh. | Goodison 1. | |
BOSTOCK, J. | England, c.1765, OIM | Microscope = D.(1983); Microscope, Watkins-type = D.(1986). | London. | Coffeen. | |
BOSWELL, SAMUEL | England, fl.1709-57, MIM | apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 1 of the Joiners' Company Sept. 9, 1701; free in the Company on May 5, 1709. | Spittalfields, London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BOTJES, WILDRIK | Holland, 1814-74, MIM | Planetariums = X(2), Eisiga's House, Franeker, (1857-58). | Nieuwe Pekela. | Baillie 1; RSW. | |
BOTTA, LOUIS | England, c.1780, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = Soth. 6/6/75, 1975 Sales Cat., X. | sometimes Luigi Botta. | Evesham and Worcester. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BOTTI, GIOVANBATTISTA AND MATTEO | Italy, pre-1776, MIM SIM | Sundial = FLO-2506; Graphometer = FLO-187. | Bonelli 1; Michel 3. | ||
BOTTOMLEY | England, c.1850, NIM | Sextant = Christie 12/12/72. | 11 Billiter Street, London. | RSW. | |
BOTTOMLY, J. | USA, MIM | Protractor = X. | DATM. | ||
BOUCART | France, MIM PHIM | Cameras Lucida = Soth. 12/2/74, Christie 11/22 78; Horizontal Sundial = Chez Boucart; Cannon Sundial = Cranbrook Institute of Science, Michigan. | sundial maker; "Constructeur." | Quai de l'horloge 35, Paris. | Boursier; USNM; RSW. |
BOUCART, MAISON | France, MIM | Sundial = Maison Boucart. | 35 Quai de l'horloge, Paris. | Boursier. | |
BOUCHER ET LESNE | France, c.1810, OIM | Boucher et Lesné; opticians and lens makers. | au Soleil et à la Gerbe d'or, 3 Quai de l'horloge, Paris. | Nachet. | |
BOUDHUINE | France?, 19th Century, NIM | Reflecting Circle = PMM. | RSW. | ||
BOUDRY | see François Ducommun-dit-Boudry. | RSW. | |||
BOUFFLER, R. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | 17 Leather Lane, Holborn, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BOUFFLER, ROBERT | England, c.1839, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers. | 7 Bell Court, Grays Inn Lane, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BOUGLOUX | France, c.1830, PHIM | Thermometer = Nouveau Drout 5/20/88. | "élève et succ. de Mr. Vincent." | Quai Pelletier No. 30, Paris. | RSW. |
BOUGUER, PIERRE | France, 1698-1758, PHIM | barometer maker; constructed the first effective photometer. | Poggendorff; DSB; Wolf; Middleton 1; A.J. Turner 10. | ||
BOUILLY | France, MIM SIM | Graphometer, copper = And.-Spitzer-32. | Paris. | RSW. | |
BOUJUS | see Bovius. | ||||
BOULANGER, LOUIS | France, fl.1500-50, MIM | Globe, 1514 = X. | sometimes spelt Boulenger; astronomer and geographer. | Albi. | Tooley; Hamilton 2; Price 2; Gunther 2. |
BOULBY, GEORGE | England?, 1813, MIM | Polyhedral Sundial, 1813 = X. | RSW. | ||
BOULTER, BENJAMIN | England, c.1776, | apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 1, 1776. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BOULTER, JAMES | USA?, c.1850, MIM | made mathematical drawing instruments. | USNM. | ||
BOULTON, THOMAS | England, c.1645, | apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1645. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BOUQUET ET GEORGES OBERHAUSER | France, c.1830, OIM | Microscope = NAC. | Trécourt was also involved with this microscope. | Paris. | Nachet. |
BOUR | France, post-1817, MIM | Orrery = VNN. | invented by Ch. Rouy, 1817, Paris. | Paris. | RSW. |
BOURBON ET ASSIER-PERRICAT | France, c.1771, PHIM | Thermometer = CNAM; Barometer = CNAM. | André Bourbon and Antoine Assier-Perricat. | Paris. | Daumas 1. |
BOURBON, ANDRE | France, fl.1751-71, PHIM | Barometers = Lehmann Sale-31, Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1751; Thermometers = COR, Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1752. | André Bourbon; took Antoine Assier-Perricat as partner, c. 1771. | Paris. | Daumas 1; RSW. |
BOURBON, M. LANGE DE | see Lange de Bourbon, M. | Hamilton 2. | |||
BOURBON, MICHAEL | France, fl.1735-53, MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial, 1735 = MERC-45 = OXFB-209; Sundial, silver, 1753 = Soth. 5/10/54-134. | 1753 dial may be Butterfield-type. | Paris. | Maddison 5; Michel 3; Hamilton 1; F.J.B. Watson; RSW. |
BOURDIN | see Bourdon. | Weschler 5/22/76. | |||
BOURDON, EUGENE | France, 1808-84, PHIM | Aneroid Barometer in clock base = Weschler 5/22/76. | Eugène Bourdon; invented the aneroid barometer, 1849. | 74 Faubourg du Temple, Paris. | G.L'E. Turner 24; Middleton 1; DSB; RSW. |
BOURET, VDA DE CH. | France, c.1850, MIM | label on Spanish terrestrial globe. | Paris. | Moskowitz 104. | |
BOURETTE, E.H. | France, fl.1841-62, PHIM | made thermometers. | rue Saint-Maur, 131, Paris. | USNM. | |
BOURGAUD | France, MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial = USNM (1964). | Nantes. | USNM. | |
BOURGEOIS, JACQUES | France, c.1645, OIM | made mirrors and lenses. | rue Saint-Denis, près Saint-Jacques, Paris. | Nachet. | |
BOURGOIS | France, PHIM | Altimeter Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. | 27 Rue des Pyramides, Paris. | RSW. | |
BOURIOT, L'ABBE, DE L'ETANG | France, fl.1765-70, OIM | L'Abbé Bouriot de l'Etang; amateur; made achromatic lens. | Daumas 1. | ||
BOURN | England, c.1839, PHIM | made barometers. | 40 Bull Street, Birmingham. | Goodison 1. | |
BOURNE AND SON | England, fl.1799-1802, MIM | Thomas Bourne 1 and 2. | London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BOURNE, JOSHUA | England, fl.1744-67, MIM | apprenticed to John Urings 1 in the Joiners' Company on April 4, 1731; free in the Company, Oct. 2, 1744; took apprentices. | Goodmans' Fields, London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BOURNE, THOMAS 1 | England, fl.1767-1821, MIM | apprenticed to Joshua Bourne in the Joiners' Company on June 3, 1755; free in the Company, May 5, 1767; listed as Bourne and Son, 1799-1802; may have taken apprentices. | Bethnal Green Road (1803-09); Hog Row, Bethnal Green Road (1821-38); both in London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BOURNE, THOMAS 2 | England, fl.1801-03, MIM | younger son of Thomas Bourne 1; free in the Joiners' Company by Patrimony on March 3, 1801, on the report of William Williams 3 and Michael Dancer; the apprentices listed to him might have been his father's. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BOURNE, WILLIAM | England, fl.1565-88, | designed nautical instruments; wrote in 1574 a description of the log line. | Gravesend. | Taylor 1(38); Bedini 8; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BOUTORDO | France, 18th Century, PHIM | Coin Balance = Soth. 10/3/88. | also marked "D.O.R." with anchor. | RSW. | |
BOUTY, EDOUARD | France, NIM | Borda Circles = D.(1967), Soth. 2/25/86. | Paris. | USNM; RSW. | |
BOUVERI | England, | also spelled Bouverie; see Francis Boveri. | Goodison 1. | ||
BOVERI, FRANCIS | England, fl.1830-41, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | also made thermometers. | 9 Eyre Street Hill, London. | Goodison 1. |
BOVIUS, FRANC. XAVER JOSEF | Germanyfl.1711-19, MIM SIM | Sundials, stone = AUG (1711), KEN-1880-33 (1712), GRA-7655 (1715), EIS (1716), SOL (1716), MUN (1718), FRA (1718), ADL-M286 (1719); Surveying Instrument = MOS. | "Franc. Xaveri Josephus Bovius SS can. exam. et approb. Presbyter Eystettensis invent fecit"; see F.B.P. | Eichstatt. | Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. |
BOVOLENTA, ANTO FABRIS | Italy, MIM SIM | Quadrant = Christie 2/8/66-6; Alidade for plane table = ADL-M134; Rule = P.C. | Fabris probably means maker; ADL is signed "Fabris Bovolenta." | Engelmann 1; Michel 3; ADL; RSW. | |
BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL | USA, 1773-1838, MIM | Horary Quadrant, Aug. 20, 1792 = PEA-M9819. | author of "American Navigator." | Boston, Mass. | Bowditch; Brewington 1; Loring; Taylor 2(689); Burstyn; Bedini 8; DSB. |
BOWE, JOHN | England, c.1699, | apprenticed to Thomas Cooke 2 of the Joiners' Company in 1699. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BOWEN, EMANUEL | England, fl.1720-67, MIM | Planisphere = Soth. 10/17/60-148. | geographer to George II, 1748-60. | Taylor 2(153). | |
BOWEN, RICHARD | England, c.1678, MIM | apprenticed to Joseph Wells of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on Dec. 2, 1678. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BOWEN, THOMAS | England, c.1830, OIM | 27 Market Place, Manchester. | Taylor 2(1785). | ||
BOWER | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = D.(1976). | "Model Barometer". | St. Neats. | RSW. |
BOWERMAN, R. | England?, c.1770, MIM | Gunter's Rule. | signature stamped, may be owner, though another name is carved on the rule. | Coffeen 55. | |
BOWERS, JOHN | England, c.1761, | apprenticed to John Farmer 2 in the Joiners' Company on June 30, 1761. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BOWLES, DANIEL | England, c.1767, | apprenticed to John Atkinson 2 of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1764; turned over to Richard Rust of the Company on March 26, 1767. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BOWLES, J.S. | England, c.1830, MIM | Quadrant Sundial, slate. 1830 = South Wilts. and Blackmore Museum, Salisbury. | Stevens and Aked. | ||
BOWLES, THOMAS SALTER | USA, b.c.1765-1821, MIM NIM SIM | Surveyor's Compasses, wood = Bedini Coll., D.(pre-1967), P.C., Streeter Coll., Yale University / Bennington Museum, Vermont; Compass Card from surveying compass = Dartmouth College Museum, Hanover, New Hamp. | some compass cards engraved by Joseph Callender. | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. | Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; Price 2; USNM; D.J. Warner 10 and 12; DATM; RSW. |
BOWLEY, WILLIAM | England, fl.1809-16, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X. | barometers signed "Bowley Salop"; also made thermometers; T.C. in FIT (WHI). | Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury. | Goodison 1. |
BOWMAN, EDMUND | USA?, 1785, MIM | Sundial, 1785 = Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. | USNM. | ||
BOWMAN, ROBERT | Scotland, c.1802, OIM | Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh. | Bryden 3. | ||
BOWSKILL | England, NIM | Marine Compass = Versailles 11/20/83. | London. | RSW. | |
BOWYER, WILLIAM | England, 1630, MIM | Garden Sundial, copper, 1630 = Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. | clockmaker. | London. | RSW. |
BOXER, J. | England, 19th Century, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Phillips 2/2/84. | "warranted." | Folkestone. | RSW. |
BOY DE MORNAS, CLAUDE | France, fl.1761-68 d.1783, MIM | Celestial Globe = HAY. | Paris; Lyon. | Yonge. | |
BOYER | France, c.1800, MIM | Mechanical Equatorial Sundial = Appay, Cannes 5/14/88. | Amiens. | RSW. | |
BOYER, J.H. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BOYLE, ROBERT | England, 1627-91, | scientist; invented the hydrometer and named it; developed an air pump at Oxford with Robert Hooke. | Oxford; London. | G.L'E. Turner 20; Middleton 1; USNM; DNB; DSB. | |
BOYLING, CHRISTIAN | Germany, fl.1669-77, MIM SIM | Circumferentor, 1669 = GRA-7678; Artillery Levels = ROU-217 = Rosenheim-319 = ADL-M206 (1675), OXF (1677), Auction Sale, 1903 (1671); Augsburg-type Sundial, 1676 = NOR; Perpetual Calendars = Marouf III 3/27/71 (on base of sand-box), TIM = Christie 4/14/88 (on top of silver pill box, 1677). | the "y" in Boyling has an umlaut over it; "Mechanicus"; silver pill box has hall-mark for 1677. | Dresden. | Zinner 1; Michel 3; Engelmann 1; ADL; Evans 1; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. |
BOYNTON, G.W. | England?, OIM | Telescope = D.(1978). | RSW. | ||
BR---- | England, NIM | Octant = Pannett Park Museum, Whitby. | ivory scale signed "SBR", for Spencer, Browning and Rust. | Bristol. | RSW. |
BRABY | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Tunbridge Wells. | Goodison 1. | |
BRACEGIRDLE | England, PHIM | Barometer with feet = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BRACHER, GEORGE | England, fl.1826-38, MIM OIM PHIM | Telescopes = PEA, D.(1976), Dukes County Historical Society, Edgartown, Mass., Whalers' Village Museum, Lahine, Maui. | made telescopes for E.A. Kutz (1), New York, City; Taylor dated him a century earlier; telescopes signed "G. Bracher." | 19 King Street, Commercial Road, London. | Taylor 2(1496); O'Mara; Brewington 1; RSW. |
BRACHER, H. | England, c.1820, OIM | Telescope, refracting = Soth. 10/19/87. | London. | RSW. | |
BRACHET | Germany, MIM | Universal Sundial, folding gnomon = P.B. 1/22/54-28. | Hannover. | RSW. | |
BRADBURN | England, c.1840, MIM | Gunter Rule, boxwood = D.(1975). | Birmingham. | Moskowitz 110. | |
BRADBURY, A. | England, c.1822, MIM | 28 Hollis Street, Cavendish Square, London. | O'Mara. | ||
BRADDERLEY | England, 1760, MIM SIM | Theodolite, 1760 = X. | Taylor thinks may be same as J. Baddely. | Daumas 1; Taylor 2(578). | |
BRADEL, JOSEPH | Germany, | see Joseph Bradl. | RSW. | ||
BRADFIELD, WILLIAM HENRY | England, fl.1838-46, OIM | 30 Royal Street, Lambeth, London. | Taylor 2(2085). | ||
BRADFORD | England, c.1820, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Octant = Bowes Museum; Hadley Quadrant = OMM; Inclinable Sundials = Soth. 3/10/87, Gilbert 8/27/76, NOR; Telescopes = Soth. 3/12/62, D.(1982); Sextants = PEA, D.(1972), Historical Society of Delaware; Circumferentor = D.(1975); Marine Barometer = Phillips 10/26/83. | could be George, Isaac or John Bradford 2; all worked at same address; octant was given as a prize in 1863. | 99 Minories; 136 Minories; both in London. | Taylor 2(929 and 929a); Brewington 1; Moskowitz 108; Coffeen B; USNM; RSW. |
BRADFORD AND SON | England, c.1825, NIM | Octant = D.(1987). | 136 Minories, London. | Coffeen 15. | |
BRADFORD, GEORGE | England, fl.1817-46, MIM NIM OIM | Hadley Quadrants, ebony = NMM, PEA; Sextants = PEA, Victory Museum, Portsmouth; Telescopes = PEA, P.C., HAM, Honfleur 6/17/79; Compass = AMST; Circumferentor = WHI. | uncle of John Omer; T.C. | 99 Minories (1817-36); near Tower Hill (1843); both in London. | Taylor 2(1284); Brewington 1; Soth. 7/7/78; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Moskowitz 108; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BRADFORD, I., AND SON | England, OIM | Telescope = DeLuca 8/1/87. | London. | RSW. | |
BRADFORD, ISAAC | England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM | Mariner's Compass = Christie-SK 10 23/87. | T.C.; worked with his brother, John Bradford 2; see Isaac Bradford and Co.; see Isaac and John Bradford (2). | Wapping Old Stairs; 136 Minories; both in London. | Taylor 2(929); Collins 1; RSW. |
BRADFORD, ISAAC AND JOHN | England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM | Isaac Bradford and his brother, John Bradford 2. | 87 Bell Dock, Wapping (1795-1800); 69 Bell Dock, Wapping (1805-15); 136 Minories; all in London. | Taylor 2(929, 929a). | |
BRADFORD, ISAAC, AND CO. | England, NIM | Octant, ebony = TIM (1987). | 136 Minories, London. | RSW. | |
BRADFORD, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1654-56, MIM | Taylor 1(261); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1. | |||
BRADFORD, JOHN 2 | England, fl.1795-1822, MIM NIM | worked with his brother, Isaac Bradford, 1817-22. | London. | Taylor 2(929a); Coffeen B. | |
BRADL, JOSEPH | Germany, fl.1756-70, MIM | Augsburg-type Sundial = AUG. | Oberhausen. | RSW . | |
BRADLEE, J. | see John Bradley. | RSW. | |||
BRADLEY, JAMES 1 | England, 1693-1762, | Astronomer Royal, 1742-62; 1719; made a clock-driven telescope with his uncle, James Pound in 1719; discovered the aberration of light, 1728, etc. | London. | Taylor 1(470)and 2(16); DNB; DSB; Dewhirst; Bedini 8. | |
BRADLEY, JAMES 2 | England, c.1786, MIM | member of the Feltmakers' Company; took over Rowland Tiddler as an apprentice from William Morris of the Grocers' Company on Sept. 12, 1786; Tiddler became a MIM in the Grocers' Company. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BRADLEY, JOHN | England; Russia, fl.1710-16, MIM | Analemmatic Sundial = MLL; Universal Ring Sundial = GEL. | apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company in 1697; turned over to Jonathan Roberts, Embroiderer; free of the Grocers' Company in 1704. | Navigation School, Moscow; Naval Academy, St. Petersburg (1715). | Taylor 2(17); Chenekal; J. Brown 1. |
BRADSHAW, J. | England, | Water Clock, 1690 = Neumarkt 10/8/71. | surely a modern object. | RSW. | |
BRAGAZZI, A. AND J. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | see Bregazzi. | Ashburn. | Goodison 1. |
BRAGONZI, P. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BRAHAM BROS. | England, MIM | Protractor and Parallel Rule = Christie-SK 3/31/83. | Bath. | RSW. | |
BRAHAM, JAMES | England, c.1850, MIM PHIM | Compass and Thermometer on column = Soth.-Chester 6/9/83; Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = D.(1973). | thermometer gives full name and address; wheel barometer signed "Braham Torquay"; "Clockmaker to the Duchess of Clarence." | 8 The Strand, Torquay. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BRAHAM, JOHN | England, 1797-1856, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Microscope = Wellcome Institute; Plotting Rule = OXF; Instrument = KEN; Telescope with stand = P.C.; Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometers = X(2), Christie-SK 10/20/89; Theodolite = D.(1979); Telescope, refracting = Soth. 3/10/87. | P.C. telescope, rule and one wheel barometer signed "Braham Bristol"; other telescope signed "Braham Bath"; one stick barometer signed "Braham Bath and Bristol." | 42 College Green, Bristol (1830); 8 Pulteney Bridge, Bath (1833); 10 St. Augustines Parade, Bristol (1833-42); 5 York Buildings, Bath (1837); 17 St. Augustines Parade, Bristol (1851-56). | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1788); O'Mara; Bryden 9; RSW; Moskowitz 119; G.L'E. Turner 24. |
BRAHE, TYCHO | Denmark; Czechoslovakia, 1546-1601, | Pin Gnomon Sundial, 1578 = DEU. | astronomer; author; teacher; designer of many important large instruments that he used in his observatories on Hven and in Prague. | Hven; Prague. | Brahe; Dreyer; Michel 3; Repsold; Raeder and Strömgren; Maddison; Grimaldi; Tooley; Price 2; DSB; A.J. Turner 10. |
BRAMAN, J. | England, pre-1867, MIM | Instrument = Royal Institution. | invented and made by J. Braman; belonged to Faraday. | London. | RSW. |
BRAMBANA AND CO. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 3/7/75. | see P. Brambano. | RSW. | |
BRAMBANO, P. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | see Brambana and Co. | Evesham. | Goodison 1. |
BRAMEN, THOMAS | Holland, c.1675, MIM | planetarium mentioned in 1765 collection catalogue. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BRAMER, BENJAMIN | Holland; Germany; Czech., 1588-1652, | brother-in-law and student of Jost Bürgi; author; architect to the Prince Elector in Marburg; may have been the father of Willem Bramer, according to Rooseboom; made improvements to some surveying instruments. | Kassel (1591-1604); Prague (1604-09); Kassel (1609-12); Marburg (1612-30); Kassel (1630-34); Ziegenhain (1635-52). | Zinner 1; Michel 3; DSB; Rooseboom 1. | |
BRAMER, PAULUS | Holland, 18th Century, MIM | Cube Sundials = Spitzer-2852, Ken-93. | may be one sundial. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Michel 3. |
BRAMER, WILLEM | Holland, fl.1686-1734, MIM | clockmaker; Rooseboom thought that he might be son of Benjamin Bramer. | Zwolle. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BRANCHLE, T. | Germany, | I. Brauchle?. | Munich. | Evans 1. | |
BRAND FRERES | Belgium, c.1800, MIM SIM | Augsburg-type Sundial, case = D.(1972); Graphometer = Soth. 3/10/87. | Brand Frères; "Opticiens du Roi." | Brussels. | Moskowitz 104; RSW. |
BRAND, G. 1 | see Gerardus Brand. | ||||
BRAND, G. 2 | see Georg Brand. | ||||
BRAND, GEORG | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Ring Sundial = OXFB-34; Equatorial Sundial = OXFB-101. | Zinner thought he might be Gerardus Brand. | Augsburg. | Zinner 1; Josten. |
BRAND, GERARDUS | Holland, 1594-1659, MIM | Diptych Sundials = NOR, LIN, MOS (1653); Sundial, pocket = Maritime Museum, Groningen; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Hour Scale from Compass Sundial = NOR; Sundial, oval, in ivory box = MERC = McVitty Coll. = P.B. 1/22/54-53. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1; Zinner 1; Hamilton 1 & 2; RSW. | |
BRAND, J. | Holland, | see Gerardus Brand. | Hamilton 1 and 2. | ||
BRANDEGGER | Germany, c.1800, MIM NIM | Measuring Instrument = Stuker 11/22/66; Sextants = BAM, Soth. 6/23/87. | Ellwangen. | Evans 1; RSW. | |
BRANDER AND CO. | England, c.1760, NIM | Compass in gimbals = D.(1971). | signed on compass card. | 82 Minories, London. | Moskowitz 102. |
BRANDER UND HOSCHEL | Germany, 1774-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | Alidade, large = AUG; Reflecting Quadrant = ADL-M184; Sextants = OXF, Christie-SK 4/17/86; Theodolite = Soth. 4/22/65-49; Microscope = KEN; Meridian Compasses = D., P.C.; Instrument Set, silver = OXF; Artillery Level = BAM; Meridian Sundial = AMST; Equatorial Sundials = ADL-W228, Harburg Museum, DEU, ZUR; Protractors, full = Christie-SK 4/17/86, Huelsmann Coll. (with vernier); Compass = P.C. (1987). | Georg Friedrich Brander and his son-in-law, Christof Kaspar Höschel. | Augsburg. | Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; Brachner; Wissner; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Syndram; ADL; RSW. |
BRANDER, C.G., AND SON | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Soth. 6/1/88. | includes an "Improved Sympiesometer." | London. | RSW. |
BRANDER, GEORG FRIEDRICH | Germany, 1713-83, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM | noted prolific instrument maker; his instruments are found in many museums,the principal collection being at DEU; the quality ranges from magnificent to mediocre. | pupil of J.G. Doppelmayer in Nürnberg; invented quite a few new types of instruments, star-finder and mirror dividers, etc.; took his son-in-law, Christof Kasper Höschel, as a partner, 1744-83; one of the microsopes at the DEU is signed "G. F. Brander Ratisb." (Regensburg); most of the instruments however have Augsburg as an address. | Regensburg; Augsburg (1734). | Zinner 1; Brachner; Wissner; Daumas 1; Maddison 5; Bobinger 2; Michel 3; Price 3; Ward 4; Bonelli 1; Pipping 1; USNM; Nachet; Clay and Court; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. |
BRANDER, J.F. | Germany, | misreading for G.F. Brander. | NAC. | ||
BRANDIS AND SONS | USA, fl.1916-20, NIM | Sextants = USNM, ADL-L46b, D.(1990). | ADL is on loan from Navy; D. marked "No. 3227", its frame marked "Navy 845." | Brooklyn, N.Y. | ADL; USNM; RSW. |
BRANDIS, F.E., SONS AND CO. | USA, fl.1890-1916, NIM | Mechanical Navigator = USNM; Wye Level = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. | Brooklyn, N.Y. | USNM; Smart 1. | |
BRANDRETH AND WILLDEY | England, fl.1711-13, MIM OIM | Timothy Brandreth and George Willdey; "late servants to Mr. Yarwell and Mr. Sterrop"; produced maps; T.C. | Sign of Archimedes and Globe, Ludgate Street (1711); in Exchange Alley running out of Cornhill (1712); both in London. | Taylor 1(498 and 517); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Tyacke 1. | |
BRANDRETH, TIMOTHY | England, 1677-1714, MIM OIM | apprenticed to John Yarwell and Ralph Sterrop of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1693; free of the Company, 1701; took apprentices; made instruments, as journeyman, for John Marshall; partner to George Willdey, 1707-13; made maps. | Sign of the Archimedes and Globe, near Ludgate (1711); in Exchange Alley running out of Cornhill (1712); both in London. | Taylor 1(517); Clay and Court; Evans 1; Tyacke 1; Court and von Rohr 3(69). | |
BRANDT, G. | see Gerardus or Georg Brand. | Zinner 1. | |||
BRANHAM, JAMES | England, | misreading for James Braham. | RSW. | ||
BRASELMANN, JOHANN PET. | Germany, fl.1776-79, PHIM | Money Scales = HAK (1779), DRE, Phillips 4/20/83; Balances = Pharmacy Museum, Cracow, Phillips 2/2/84. | Wichlinghausen in Oberbarman. | RSW. | |
BRASHER, G. | England, OIM | Telescope = MYS. | London. | RSW. | |
BRASSI, F. HIERONOMI | Italy1591, MIM | Azimuth Quadrant, 1591 = POB. | also signed "Graecius." | Destombes 1. | |
BRAUCHLE, I. | Germany, 18th Century, MIM | Universal Ring Sundials = SLM, OXF. | OXF is on stand with compass. | Munich. | Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1. |
BRAUCHLER, I. | surely I. Brauchle. | Evans 1. | |||
BRAUER | Germany, 19th Century, MIM | Transit = KEN. | J.A. Bennett 2. | ||
BRAUN, ANTONIUS | Czechoslovakia; Austria, 1685-1728, MIM NIM OIM | Sundial, silver and brass, 1716 = OXF; Astrolabe with compass, 1716 = Lanna Coll-1220; Universal Ring Sundial on stand, 1719 = ADL-M313; Ring Sundial, 1720 = Miller Coll.; Parallel Rule, 1722 = Warren Coll. = P.B. 10/9/43-120; Telescope, parchment = DEU-34362; Astronomical Instrument = Auction Sale, 1943; Linear Rule, 1722 = D.(1987). | linear rule signed "Invenit et Fecit"; Price and Daumas say the telescope was marked "de Löwenfeld"; developed a multiplying machine. | Prague (1720); Vienna (1724). | Zinner 1; Culver 1; Habacher; Daumas 1; Engelmann 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; ADL; cOFFEEN 17; RSW. |
BRAUND, J. | England, c.1690, PHIM | Barometer with Thermometer = Soth., Wilkinson and Hodge 2/9/23. | London. | RSW. | |
BRAUNHOFFER, MATHIAS | Germany, 1759, MIM | Circle Measuring Instrument, 1759 = Pressburg Museum. | Augsburg. | Fischer. | |
BRAUNMULLER, JOSEF ANTON | Germany, 1763-1800, MIM | Augsburg-type Sundials = AUG, ZUR. | signed "Anton Braunmüller." | Augsburg. | Zinner 1; Bobinger 2; RSW. |
BRAUNSHARDT | Germany, OIM | Telescope, ivory and brass = DRE (lost). | RSW. | ||
BRAY, JOHN | England?, c.1820, MIM SIM | Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1978). | Moskowitz 116; RSW. | ||
BREAKS, THOMAS | England, 1771, | improved the theodolite; author. | Moskowitz 104. | ||
BRECAZZI | England, | misreading for Bregazzi. | RSW. | ||
BRECHTE, ROGER | France?, 1537, MIM | Vertical Sundial with Quadrant and Calendar, 1537 = OXF. | Gunther 2; Michel 3. | ||
BRECKNEEL | England, c.1850, PHIM | Balance = K. and C. 7/13/73. | Birmingham. | RSW. | |
BREE, CORNELIS JANSZ. DE | Holland, c.1672, NIM | marine compass maker; head of the compass makers guild in 1672. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BREE, WEDUWE CORN. DE | Holland, c.1744, NIM | compass maker; widow of Corn. de Bree. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2 & 5. | |
BREED, AARON | USA, 1791-1861; fl.1810-60, MIM NIM OIM SIM | Surveying Compass, wood = Old Sturbridge Village Museum, Mass.; Surveying Compass, brass = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.; Marine Compass, dry = DeLuca Auction 3/21/81. | T.C. | at the Sign of the Quadrant, No. 2 Rowe's Wharf, opposite Purchase Street; No. 166 Broad, corner of Purchase Street; No. 143 Broad Street, head of India Wharf; all in Boston, Mass. | Bedini 1 and 8; Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner; Chaldecott; DATM. |
BREEM BURGH, JAN | Holland, c.1740?, NIM | Compass Card = AMST. | marked on the back "Iacob de Iong in Amsterdam"; Jong may be the maker. | Edam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. |
BREESE, JAS. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. | Wisbech. | RSW. | |
BREGAZZI 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | probably Samuel Bregazzi, which see. | Derby. | Goodison 1. |
BREGAZZI 2 | England, c.1790, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = D.(1970), X(2), Phillips, Son and Neall Jan. 1971. | probably Innocent or Peter Bregazzi; D. and Phillips barometers signed "Breggazzi". | Nottingham. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BREGAZZI, INNOCENT | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Dursley. | Goodison 1. | |
BREGAZZI, IT. AND PR. | England, fl.1825-34, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; Innocent and Peter Bregazzi, brothers; T.C. | High Pavement, Nottingham. | Goodison 1. | |
BREGAZZI, J.P. | England, c.1800, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie-SK 10/20/89. | Nottingham. | RSW. | |
BREGAZZI, J.P. AND T. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2). | probably Innocent and Peter Bregazzi. | High Pavement, Nottingham. | Goodison 1. |
BREGAZZI, PETER | England, fl.1825-42, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2). | barometers signed "P. Bregazzi"; worked with his brother, Innocent, 1825-34. | Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham (1840-42). | Goodison 1. |
BREGAZZI, S., AND CO. | England, c.1809, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 12/17/87. | Willow Row, Derby. | Goodison 1; RSW. | |
BREGAZZI, SAMUEL | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X (2); Barometer, Thermometer and timepiece in Gothic tower = John Harrison, 1830 = Bagshaws of Ashbourne Auction House, July, 1946; Angle Barometer = Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. | wheel barometers signed "S. Bregazzi"; one says "Darby." | Queen Street, Derby. | Goodison 1. |
BREGENS, BENEDICT | Germany, 1690, OIM | Burning Glass, 1690 = FLO-2545. | Dresden. | Bonelli 1. | |
BREGNA | see Grassi, Bregna and Origoni. | Taylor 2(1869). | |||
BREGUET, ABRAHAM-LOUIS | France, 1747-1823, PHIM | Thermometers = Christie 7/16/68-173, BM; Pedometer = BM. | watchmaker; invented bi-metallic thermometer, 1820. | Paris. | G.L'E. Turner 24; C. Breguet; Ward 4. |
BREGUET, ANTOINE LOUIS | France, c.1770, MIM | Paris. | C. Breguet. | ||
BREGUET, LOUIS-FRANCOIS-CLEMENT | France, 1804-83, PHIM | Thermometer = FLO-367; Resistor = FLO-494. | Louis-François-Clement Breguet; grandson of Abraham-Louis Breguet. | Paris. | Bonelli 1; C. Breguet; DSB. |
BREHMER, E.F. | Sweden, c.1855, MIM | Kammakargatan 62; Normalmsgaten 20; both in Stockholm. | Pipping 1. | ||
BREITHAUPT, CARL WILHELM | Germany, c.1790, MIM | son of Johann Christian Breithaupt; brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Breithaupt; made astronomical instruments. | Kassel. | J.A. Bennett 2; von Mackenson 3. | |
BREITHAUPT, F.W., UND SOHNE | Germany, c.1850, MIM NIM PHIM SIM | Theodolites = DRE, Clock Museum, Warsaw, Christie 12/12/72; Meter = P.C.(1973); Compass = DRE. | also made balances; they were in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. | Kassel, Hesse, Prussia. | G.L'E. Turner 24; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW; von Mackenson 3. |
BREITHAUPT, FREDRICK WILLIAM | Germany, 1780-1855, MIM | Artillery Level = Christie 4/9/75; Mining Compass = P.C.; Sundial, watch-type = USNM. | succeeded his father, J.C. Breithaupt. | Kassel. | Zinner 1; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW; von Mackenson. |
BREITHAUPT, JOHAN CHRISTIAN | Germany, 1736-99, MIM OIM | Ruling Engine = KAS; Mural Quadrant = KAS; Semi-Circles = KAS (2). | succeeded by his son, Fredrick William Breithaupt. | Kassel. | Zinner 1; Kirchvogel; Daumas 1; J.A. Bennett 2; von Mackenson 3. |
BREITINGER | Switzerland, PHIM | Stick Barometer = DEU. | Zurich. | Middleton 1. | |
BREMER, GABRIEL | Sweden, fl.1770-90, OIM | apprenticed to Henrik Holmbom. | Stockholm. | Pipping 1. | |
BRENNER | see Bener. | Zinner 1. | |||
BRENNER AND SIBE | Denmark, fl.1556-1600, MIM | Astronomical Clock = ROS. | Copenhagen. | Baillie 1. | |
BRENNER, STEFFEN | Denmark, fl.1556-1602, MIM | Astrolabe Clock, 1588 = Tihloror Museum, Lubeck. | see Brenner and Sibe. | Copenhagen. | Baillie 1; Maurice 1. |
BRENTA, DOMINICUS | Italy; Holland, fl.1760-85, PHIM | Barometer = P.C. | also made mirrors. | Varenna (-1760); Holland. | USNM. |
BRENTA, JOSEPH | Holland, PHIM | Stick Barometer = Christie 4/28/82. | Amsterdam. | RSW. | |
BRENTEL, GEORG | Germany, fl.1573-1619, MIM | Chalice Sundial, paper, 1608 = CRT. | also designed various types of sundials; Price thought Brentel was from Nürnberg. | Lauingen. | Zinner 1; Price 2. |
BRESTBARTA, C. | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth., 6/6/96. | Northampton. | RSW. | |
BRETON | France, c.1850, PHIM | Thermometer = Versailles 11/20/83. | RSW. | ||
BRETON FRERES | France, c.1840, MIM OIM PHIM | Model of Rack and Pinion = Soth. 11/21/74; Solar Microscope = A-P 3/15/76; Model Jack = OXF; Equatorial Sundial = Gersaint 7/20/96. | Breton Frères. | Rue Dauphine 23 (25), Paris. | G.L'E. Turner 24; USNM; RSW. |
BREWING | misreading for Browning. | Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79. | |||
BREWSTER, DAVID | Scotland1781-1868, | scientist; invented the kaleidoscope; held various patents including a micrometer telescope with William Harris 1, c.1809; F.R.S. in 1815; author. | Edinburgh. | Taylor 2(1088); Dewhirst; G.L'E. Turner 24; DNB; DSB; Wynter 1; Morrison-Low 4; RSW. | |
BREZI | see Brzezi. | ||||
BRIANT, G. | England, c.1703, | bookseller with R. Billing; may have been instrument makers. | King's Head, Cornhill, London. | Taylor 1(536). | |
BRICKHEAD | see Birkhead. | J. Brown 3. | |||
BRICKHILL, JAMES | England, c.1688, MIM | apprenticed, by turnover, to Robert Jole of the Clockmakers' Company, for eight years, on Oct. 5, 1668. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BRIDGER, RICHARD | England, fl.1707-17, MIM PHIM | apprenticed to Francis Hauksbee 1; carried on the business for Hauksbee's widow; see Vream and Bridger. | Upper end of Hind Court, Fleet Street, London. | Goodison 1; Taylor 1(551) and 2(18); Evans 1. | |
BRIDGES, HENRY | England, fl.1730-41, MIM | Astronomical Clock, monumental = X. | Waltham Abbey. | Baillie 1. | |
BRIDGES, THOMAS | Englandc.1761, MIM | apprenticed to Christopher Jacobs; ran away before 7/20/1761. | Wolverhampton. | Bryden 9. | |
BRIEF, FRANCIS | England?, 1575?, MIM | Polyhedral Sundial = ADL-M318. | Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW. | ||
BRIERE | France, 1789, MIM | Sectors = Wray Sale, VCW, NYC-156-27-349; Square = D.(1964); Set of Drafting Instruments, silver, 1789 = P.C.; Graphometer = KEN. | Brière; the drafting set is signed on the protractor. | Paris. | Industrial Museum of New York Cat.; Bedini 8; RSW. |
BRIGGS | see Lewis and Briggs. | Taylor 2(623). | |||
BRIGGS, FRANCIS | England, c.1718, MIM | apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on May 5, 1718. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BRIGGS, JAMES | England, c.1804, | apprenticed to Ebenezer Hoppé in the Joiners' Company on Jan. 10, 1804. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BRIGGS, MATTHEW | England, c.1785, MIM | apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on June 7, 1785; made excise insruments. | London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BRIGGS, WILLIAM | England, c.1819, MIM | globe maker; worked for Thomas Marriott Bardin in 1819. | London. | Millburn 11. | |
BRIGHTLY, CHARLES H. | USA, 1816-97, MIM SIM | Wye Level = Gurley Museum, Troy, N.Y. | partner with Charles S. Heller in Heller and Brightly, 1870-89; initial is H. or S. | Philadelphia, Pa. | USNM; Smart 1. |
BRIGUET | Germany, c.1800, MIM | Quadrant with equation of time, silver = Evans Coll. | Paris. | Evans 1. | |
BRIN, N. | Germany, 17th Century, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial = O-P-6. | Nürnberg. | Monreal. | |
BRIND, WILLIAM | England, PHIM | T.C.; "from Mr, Reed's." | at the Hand and Scales in Carey Lane in Foster Lane, Cheapside, London. | Calvert 2. | |
BRINK, VAN DEN | Holland, c.1830, | see Krap and van den Brink. | Rotterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
BRINKMAN, C., AND D.B. SELTER | Holland, c.1860, MIM NIM | makers and repairers of instruments; T.C. in octant box at BRE. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW. | |
BRINKMAN, J.G. | Germany, 18th Century, OIM | Microscope = UTR. | Bremen. | Daumas 1. | |
BRIOT, I.F. | France, 19th Century, MIM | Floating Sundial, paper = ADL-N10. | manuscript. | ADL; RSW. | |
BRIOYS, JEAN | 1644, MIM SIM | Circumferentor, 1644 = DOR. | RSW. | ||
BRISCALL | England, PHIM | Barometer = D.(1972). | Birmingham. | John Bell. | |
BRISSYEUS, STEPHEN | France, pre-1690, MIM OIM | mentioned by Bonanni in 1690 as an instrument maker. | Grenoble. | Dewhirst; Clay and Court. | |
BRISTOW, JOHN | England, fl.1775-95, MIM | engine-maker (instruments). | 47 Ratcliff Highway; 12 Mansion House Street; both in London. | Taylor 2(691). | |
BRISTOW, MARGARET AND JAMES | England, c.1820, MIM | probably daughter and son of John Bristow; T.C. | Taylor 2(691). | ||
BRISTOW, MARY | England, fl.1796-1805, MIM | widow of John Bristow; presumably mother of Margaret and James Bristow. | London.. | Taylor 2(691). | |
BRISTOW, MARY, AND SONS | England, c.1805, MIM | widow and sons of John Bristow. | London. | Taylor 2(691). | |
BRIT, WALTER | England, 1395, MIM | Horary Quadrant, 1395 = OXF? | Gunther 2. | ||
BRITTON, W. | England, c.1840, OIM | Goring Aplanatic Engiscope = Crisp Coll. | Taylor 2(2087); Clay and Court. | ||
BROADBELT, MICHAEL | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Knaresborough. | Goodison 1. | |
BROADHURST, CLARKSON AND CO. | England, c.1850, OIM | Telescope, refracting = Soth. 6/23/87. | 63 Farringdon Road, London. | RSW. | |
BROCI | England, c.1850, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 10/19/87. | RSW. | ||
BROCK, B. | England, c.1753, OIM | Solar Microscope = X. | see G. Brock. | London. | Taylor 2(443). |
BROCK, G. | England, c.1775, OIM | Solar Microscope = X. | may be same as B. Brock. | London. | Clay and Court. |
BROCOT | Germany?, PHIM | Barometer on clock = Keglemann Auctionhaus 6/8/74. | RSW. | ||
BRODARD | France, c.1800, PHIM | made barometers. | Paris. | Daumas 1. | |
BRODERICK, WILLIAM | Ireland, c.1824, PHIM | Barometer and Thermometer on clock = Armagh County Museum, The Mall. | Dublin. | Stevens and Aked; G. Fennel; Morrison-Low and Burnett. | |
BRODSORG, S. | see S.B. 1. | Gunther 1. | |||
BROEDE, H. | Holland, c.1742, NIM | compass maker. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BROEN, JOANNES DE | c.1650, MIM | Celestial and Terrestrial Globes = Lehmann Sale-307. | only one is signed. | RSW. | |
BROGGI, GILLANDO | England, fl.1826-28, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = P.B. 5/31/39, X(6), Soth. 5/14/87 = 10/22/87; Stick Barometer = X. | stick barometer signed "Broggi Chelmsford"; some wheel barometers are signed "G. Broggi", two are signed "G. Broggi Chelmsford", one is "G. Brogi", others, "G. Broggio." | Maulsham, Chelmsford. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1789); RSW. |
BROGGIO, G. | see Gillando Broggi. | RSW. | |||
BROGI, G. | see Gillando Broggi. | RSW. | |||
BROKAW, ISAAC | USA, c.1771, MIM | may have been instrument maker; son-in-law of Aaron Miller. | Philadelphia Pa.; New Jersey? | Bedini 1; USNM. | |
BROMAN, ANDERS | Sweden, c.1816, PHIM | Electrical Machine = SWE. | Pipping 1. | ||
BROME | see Broom. | Taylor 1(368). | |||
BRONLUND, R.J. | Sweden?, c.1850, NIM | Marine Compass = OMM. | Porsgrunn. | RSW. | |
BRONNE, JOHN | T.C.; misreading for John Browne (3). | Pearsall. | |||
BROOK, ABRAHAM | England, c.1789, PHIM | Barometer with Thermometer - USNM. | devised an electrometer; barometer and thermometer signed "Brook Norwich." | Norwich. | USNM; Schuman Cat. XXIII, 1970. |
BROOKE | England, MIM | Dividers, iron = Soth. 10/15/73. | Sheffield. | RSW. | |
BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER | see Christopher Brookes. | Taylor 1(230); J. Brown 1. | |||
BROOKE, JACOBUS | England, 1698, MIM | Sundial, rectangular, 1698 = Soth. 2/5/53 = P.C. (1990). | RSW. | ||
BROOKES AND HAWKES | England, NIM | Binnacle Compass = Christie-SK 2/9/79. | Birmingham. | RSW. | |
BROOKES, CHRISTOPHER | England, fl.1649-51, MIM | apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company in 1629; free of the Company, 1639; married to the daughter of William Oughtred; worked in metal; designed and made quadrants and planispheres; the name sometimes appears as Brooks. | Oxford. | Taylor 1(230); J. Brown 1. | |
BROOKES, THOMAS | England, 1695, MIM | Gunner's Calipers = D.(1994). | might be owner? | Coffeen X (1994). | |
BROOKS | England, c.1850, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Microscope = Christie 5/26/76; Wheel Barometer = Soth. 7/21/83; Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. 3/10/87; Drum Sextant = Kelton Coll. (1990). | Ludgate Street, London. | RSW. | |
BROOKSBY, THOMAS | England, PHIM | free of the Blacksmiths' Company 24 years after he was apprenticed; scalemaker. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROOM | England, c.1674, OIM | glass grinder for Robert Hooke. | St. Paul's Churchyard, London. | Taylor 1(368). | |
BROSONI, M. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Brighton. | Goodison 1. | |
BROSSET FRERES | France, c.1855, MIM OIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Peron et Corsy, Melun 6/10/79; Telescopic Level = D.(1975). | "Brosset Frères." | 22 Puedes Fianes-Bourgeois, Paris. | J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BROUGHTON, WILLIAM | England, 1679, MIM | Nocturnal, fruitwood, 1679 = Soth. 2/2/76. | "for both Bears." | RSW. | |
BROURBER, ALEXANDER | see Alexander Brourbrer. | Michel 3. | |||
BROURBRER, ALEXANDER | MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, small = Roussel Sale-234. | Michel 3; RSW. | ||
BROUSSON, MARC HENR | Germany, MIM | Pedometer = Evans Coll. = OXF? | accent mark over `n' in Henr. | Neirwied. | Evans 1. |
BROUWER, REINIER | Holland, c.1708, NIM | Marine Compass = WMH. | Hoorn. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BROWGI, GILLANDO | see Gillando Broggi. | Goodison 1. | |||
BROWN 1 | England, 1792-96, NIM OIM | Octant, 1792 = RSM; Hadley Quadrant, 1796 = MYS. | Bristol. | Bryden 9; RSW. | |
BROWN 2 | England, c.1799, OIM | made telescopes. | Taylor 2(930); Daumas 1. | ||
BROWN 3 | England, c.1850, OIM | Microscope = D.(1980). | signed "Brown London", but might be of French origin. | London. | Moskowitz 121. |
BROWN 4 | see Browne. | ||||
BROWN AND CHALMERS | Scotland, fl.1838-42, NIM | George B. Brown or H. Brown and James S. Chalmers. | 37 Bridge Street (1838-40); 48 Bridge Street (1841-42); both in Leith. | Bryden 3. | |
BROWN AND HEARTTE | USA, fl.1830-31, MIM NIM OIM SIM | Surveying Compass = GUR. | John G. Brown and Isaac T. Heartte; T.C. | at the Sign of the Quadrant, Baltimore, Md. (1830). | Smart 1; USNM. |
BROWN AND HUNT | USA, fl.1834-37, MIM NIM OIM | Sextants = Peabody Museum, Yale University. | Edmund Brown and Harvey W. Hunt; T.C. | Sign of the Compass Card, 190 Water Street (1834-35); Sign of the Compass, 27 Fulton, one door from Water Street, near Holt's Hotel (1835-37); both in New York, N.Y. | Smart 1; USNM. |
BROWN, ANDREW | Scotland, fl.1817-21, MIM | 100 High Street, Glasgow. | Bryden 3. | ||
BROWN, B. | Scotland, PHIM | Double Barometer = P.C. | Edinburgh. | Goodison 1. | |
BROWN, BENJAMIN | England, fl.1797-1831, MIM NIM OIM | Octant = MYS; Telescope = WHI; Crown Compass = PEA. | may be Brown 1 or 2; sometimes spelled Browne; T.C.; foul anchor on scale of octant; telescope signed "Browne Bristol"; the crown compass at PEA is signed "B. Browne Bristol" but has three other cards on top; see I.I. Borger, James Gale, and Gray and Lisset. | the Quay (1813); Quay and 14 Wilson Street (1814-24); 2 Old Park Hill and opposite Crane No. 7 (1829-31); all in Bristol. | Taylor 2(930a and 1497); Bryden 9; Brewington 1. |
BROWN, BUSH G. | USA, 1820-63, MIM | see E. Brown and Son. | New York, N.Y. | Smart 1. | |
BROWN, D., AND SON | USA, c.1833, MIM NIM | owned their own dividing engine. | Providence, R.I. | Bedini 8. | |
BROWN, DAVID STEPHENS | England, PHIM | made self-acting sympiesometer and barometer. | Eton Lodge, Ashby Road, Islington, London. | USNM. | |
BROWN, E., AND SON | USA, fl.1841-63, MIM NIM PHIM SIM | Surveying Compass = P.C.; Transit = WHI; Octant = USNM; Theodolite = D.(1981). | T.C. at PEA; T.C. in box of Gennert and Holzke Wye Level; Edmund Brown and Son; octant signed "E.W. Brown and Son." | New York, N.Y. | Brewington 1; USNM; Smart 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen H; Moskowitz 122; Garcelon 33. |
BROWN, E.W., AND SON | see E. Brown and Son. | ||||
BROWN, GEORGE | Scotland, 1650-1730, MIM | Rotulas Arithmetica = RSM (1699,incomplete), (1699), (1700), (1701). | Rev. George Brown; patented his Rotula Arithmetica, a simple calculator, in 1698. | Edinburgh. | Bryden 15; Morrison-Low 1; RSW. |
BROWN, GEORGE B. | Scotland, fl.1836-37, NIM | H. Brown probably was his brother. | 38 Shore, Leith. | Taylor 2(2088); Bryden 3. | |
BROWN, GEORGE G. | England, c.1850, NIM | Binnacle = MAN-I65. | compass rose signed "Imray, Son and Co. London." | London. | Garcia 1. |
BROWN, H. | Scotland, c.1837, NIM | George B. Brown was probably his brother. | 38 Shore, Leith. | Taylor 2(2088a); Bryden 3. | |
BROWN, H.L., AND SON | England, PHIM | Aneroid Barometer = D.(1976). | Sheffield. | RSW. | |
BROWN, J., AND C.S. FRANCIS | USA, c.1836, MIM OIM | astronomical instrument makers. | New York, N.Y. | USNM. | |
BROWN, JAMES | Scotland, fl.1773-89, PHIM | Hydrostatic Glass Bubbles = RSM (4). | T.C.; made hydrostatical bubbles invented by Alexander Wilson; the business was continued by William Twadell from 1789 to 1792. | Irongate, Glasgow. | Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BROWN, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1654-97, MIM OIM PHIM | Nocturnal, boxwood = Gabb Coll. = NMM-N.20; Triangular Quadrant, fragment = OXF; Quadrant, ivory = BM-1923/2/6-2; White's Rule, 1663 = Pepys; Timber Rule, small, 1663 = Pepys; Spiral Calculator, 1664 = Pepys; Telescope, 1666 = Pepys; Perspective Instrument (Wren's design), 1669 = Pepys; Vertical Sundial, boxwood = NMM-D.341. | son of Thomas Brown 1; father of Thomas Brown 2; apprenticed in the Joiners' Company; free in the Company sometime between 1627 and 1654; see J.B. 2; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company in 1667 as a Brother; took apprentices; Master of the Company in 1681; T.C.; invented a triangular quadrant; see Crawforth 7 for further information. | see Brown, John 1 (cont.). | see Brown, John 1 (cont.). |
BROWN, JOHN 1 (CONT.) | Dukes Place (1661); Sign of the Sun Dyal (later Sphere and Sun Dial or Sphere and Dial), Minories; both near Aldgate, London. | Taylor 1(224); Goodison 1; Dewhirst; Latham and Matthews, vols. 4,5,7,9; Price 3; Ward 4; Wynter and Turner; Daumas 1; Calvert 2; J. Brown 1 and 3; NMM 2; Clay and Court; Crawforth 7; Robischon; Rabone 1; RSW. | |||
BROWN, JOHN 10 | Scotland, 1708, MIM | Polyhedral Sundial, 1708 = Bowland, Galashiels. | Edinburgh. | Somerville. | |
BROWN, JOHN 2 | England, c.1654, MIM | apprenticed to John Johnson 1 in the Joiners' Company, Jan. 8, 1627; free of the Company on Aug. 7, 1654; may be John Brown 1. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 3 | Englandc.1627, MIM | apprenticed to William Hammond of the Joiners' Company in 1627; may be John Brown 1. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 4 | England, c.1629, MIM | apprenticed to Henry Wylan in the Joiners" Company, 1629; may be John Brown 1. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 5 | England, c.1635, MIM | apprenticed to Christopher Turner in the Joiners' Company, 1635; may be John Brown 1. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 6 | England, fl.1642-99, MIM | had fourteen apprentices in the Joiners' Company; could have been John Brown 1-5 or another man. | London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BROWN, JOHN 7 | England, c.1703, MIM | apprenticed to Walter Henshaw of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 13, 1703. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 8 | England, c.1808, | apprenticed to John Corless in the Joiners' Company on May 3, 1808. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWN, JOHN 9 | England, c.1830, OIM | 51 Dean Street, Newcastle. | Taylor 2(1790). | ||
BROWN, JOHN G. | USA, 1805-post-48, MIM | worked for Richard Patten for many years in New York, N.Y.; partner with Isaac T. Heartte as Brown and Heartte, 1830. | New York, N.Y.; Baltimore, Md. (1830-39); Washington, D.C. | Smart 1; USNM. | |
BROWN, JOHN ROGERS | USA, 1810-76, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = X. | invented first automatic machine for graduating rules, 1850. | Providence, R.I. | Smart 1; USNM. |
BROWN, JOSEPH R. | USA, c.1852, MIM | made rules, standards. | Providence, R.I. | DATM. | |
BROWN, M. | England, c.1802, OIM | made a special type of telescope. | London. | USNM. | |
BROWN, R., AND SONS | England, c.1850, PHIM | balance makers. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | ||
BROWN, S.G. | USA, NIM | Marine Compass in binnacle = K. and C. 3/19/75. | may be S.B. Brown. | Watfford. | RSW. |
BROWN, T. | England, | Water Clock, variant, 1631 = D.(1973). | modern work. | York. | RSW. |
BROWN, THOMAS 1 | England, fl.1627-53, MIM | Gunter's Quadrant, circular, ivory = P.C.(1987). | sometimes spelled `Browne'; father of John Brown 1; apprenticed to Launcelot Smith in the Joiners' Company; free of the Company in 1623; took apprentices; made a circular, wooden slide rule in 1631; made Napier's bones, etc. | The Globe, Fenchurch Street, near Northumberland Alley, Aldgate, Minories, London. | Taylor 1(154); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Daumas 1; RSW. |
BROWN, THOMAS 2 | England, fl.1676-79, MIM | apprenticed by turnover to his father, John Brown 1, of the Clockmakers' Company, on April 5, 1669; free of the Company, July 3, 1676; took an apprentice; "Thomas Browne" was an alternative spelling. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BROWN, W.H., AND CO. | England, 19th Century, MIM | Slide Rule, boxwood, with index = D.(1986). | Birmingham. | Coffeen 13. | |
BROWN, WILLIAM | England, c.1797, | apprenticed to John Browning 1 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 5, 1797. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BROWNE, B. | England, fl.1797-1831, MIM | T.C. at PEA; see Benjamin Brown. | The Quay, Bristol. | Taylor 2(930a); Brewington 1. | |
BROWNE, DANIEL | England, fl.1614-34, MIM | made brass instruments. | Cricklade, London. | Taylor 1(127); Evans 1. | |
BROWNE, JOHN 1 | England, | see John Brown 1. | Calvert 2; Robischon; Rabone 1; RSW. | ||
BROWNE, JOHN 2 | England, c.1650, | apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company in 1650. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BROWNE, JOHN 3 | England, fl.1750-75, NIM | Backstaff = Soth. 1960. | also made compasses; T.C. | near Wapping Old Stairs; Southwark; both in London. | Taylor 2(450); Calvert 2; Crawforth 1. |
BROWNE, JOHN 4 | England, c.1750, NIM | compass maker. | No. 5 Stoney Lane near Pickle Herring Stairs, Southwark, London. | Delehar 1. | |
BROWNE, ROBERT | England, fl.1705-30, | devised sextants and quadrants. | near St Katherine's Dock, London. | Taylor 1(548). | |
BROWNE, WILLIAM | England, c.1790, NIM | Hadley's Quadrant = Soth. 3/10/87. | might possibly be William Brown, which see. | Wapping, London. | RSW. |
BROWNELL, FRANKLIN C. | USA, fl.1855-60+, | educator; hired by Dwight Holbrook in 1855 as a promoter, wrote manuals; he founded the American School Apparatus Co. of New York, N.Y. in the 1860s. | Hartford, Conn.; New York, N.Y. | D,J. Warner 4. | |
BROWNING 1 | England, c.1780-1830, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | Spectroscopes = OXF. | probably John Browning 1; see Spencer, Browning and Rust; see Spencer, Browning and Co; see Browning and Rust. | London. | Taylor 2(805); Brewington 1. |
BROWNING 2 | USA, c.1825, MIM NIM SIM | Surveying Compasses, wood = Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich., P.C.; Octant = De Young Museum, San Francisco. | P.C. and octant signed "Baltimore"; other instrument signed "Boston"; probably Samuel Browning 1. | Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md. | Smart 1; USNM; DATM. |
BROWNING 3 | USA, c.1803, MIM OIM | see Newell and Browning. | Merchants' Row, Boston, Mass.(1803). | Smart 1. | |
BROWNING AND RUST | England, c.1835, NIM | Octant = OMM; Sextant = PMS. | London. | USNM; RSW. | |
BROWNING AND SON | USA, fl.1816-41, MIM SIM | Surveying Compasses = GUR, Old Sturbridge Village, Mass. | Samuel (1) and Samuel S. Browning, father and son. | 67 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. | Smart 1; USNM; DATM; RSW. |
BROWNING, GEORGE | England?, 1782, NIM | Octant, mahogany, 1782 = Soth. 12/19/66-16. | RSW. | ||
BROWNING, JOHN 1 | England, fl.1782-1838, MIM OIM PHIM | Microscope = D.(1972); | apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on March 1, 1768; free of the Company, July 4, 1782; brother of Samuel Browning 1; according to the addresses John Browning appears not to have been involved in any firm; Taylor's addresses were different. | 49 Virginia Street (1782); Pennington Street, Ratcliffe Highway (1793); Prince's Square, Ratcliffe Highway (1797); 25 Prince's Square (1800); 17 Wellclose Place, New Road, St. George in the East (1803); all in London. | Taylor 2(805); Moskowitz 104; Coffeen B; USNM; J. Brown 1; RSW. |
BROWNING, JOHN 2 | England, fl.1803-, MIM | apprenticed to his father, Samuel Browning 1, of the Grocers' Company on Sept.3, 1795; free of the Company, May 5, 1803. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BROWNING, JOHN 3 | England, fl.1860-72, OIM PHIM | Spectroscope, hand = D.(1991). | T.C.; "Optical and Physical Instrument Maker to Her Majesty's Goverment, The Royal Observatory, Kew Observatory, etc."; probably was the successor to Spencer, Browning and Co., c.1860. | 111 Minories E. (1860-72) and 63 Strand (1872); 6 Vine Street, E.C.(factory); all in London. | Calvert 2; Moskowitz 4; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Gemmary III. |
BROWNING, RICHARD | England, c.1818, MIM | admitted to the Grocers' Company by Patrimony on Dec. 3, 1818; son of Samuel Browning 1; partner in the firm of Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 with his brother, William and with Ebenezer Rust 2 from 1819 until 1840 when the name of the firm changed to Spencer, Browning and Co. | 66 Wapping (1818-39); 111 Minories (1839); also at 6 Vine Street (1848); all in London. | J. Brown 1. | |
BROWNING, SAMUEL 1 | USA, 1778-1864, MIM NIM | see Browning 2; clockmaker; partner with Joseph Newell, as Newell and Browning, 1803; T.C. engraved by Thomas Wightman. | 4 Dock Square (1805); 35 Broad Street (1809); 77 Broad Street (1816-25); 282 Washington (1829-41); all are in Boston, Mass.; Baltimore, Md. | Smart 1; USNM; Warner 12. | |
BROWNING, SAMUEL 2 | England, fl.1782-1819, MIM NIM | Octant = VNN. | brother of John Browning 1; apprenticed to Richard Rust of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1767; free of the Company, July 4, 1782; partner in Spencer, Browning and Rust 1 with Ebenezer Rust 1 and William Spencer 2. | 327 Wapping Street, London (1782-83); Eaton Socon, Beds. (1786-92); Wapping, London (1795-1819). | J. Brown 1; RSW. |
BROWNING, SAMUEL 3 | England, c.1792, | apprenticed to Samuel Browning 2, his father, in the Grocers' Company on June 7, 1792. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BROWNING, SAMUEL S. | USA, c.1803-35, MIM OIM | son of Samuel Browning 1. | Boston, Mass. | Smart 1. | |
BROWNING, WILLIAM | England, fl.1819-40, MIM | brother of Richard Browning; Spencer, Browning and Rust 2 was run by Ebenezer Rust 2 and William and Richard Browning, 1819-40, a continuation of the original firm. | London. | J. Brown 1. | |
BRUCE | England, | see Wilson and Gillie, Bruce and Son. | Cardiff. | ||
BRUCE, J., AND SONS | England, NIM PHIM | Marine Compass = NOR; Marine Barometer = D.(1972). | Liverpool. | RSW. | |
BRUCE, JOHN | England, fl.1865-96, NIM PHIM | Sextant = Melun 4/24/83; Octant, ebony and brass = Soth. 12/8/69; Marine Barometer = DeLuca 10/21/95. | octant signed "J. Bruce Liverpool"; T.C. in sextant case; also made chronometers. | Wopping?, Liverpool. | Bryden 9; Crawforth 1. RSW; Nautical Brass Jan/Feb, 1996. |
BRUCE, JOHN, AND SON | England, NIM | Sextant = Christie-SK 2/8/79; Position Indicator = Soth. 7/15/63-152. | Liverpool. | RSW. | |
BRUCE, WILLIAM | England, fl.1806-27, | brass and optical turner; worked with Charles Robert West on a portable telescope, 1806. | 16 King's Head Court, Shoe, Lane, London. | Taylor 2(1092). | |
BRUCKNER, G. | 1842, MIM | Pair of Globes, 1842 = X. | Tooley. | ||
BRUFF, CHARLES OLIVER | USA; Canada, 1735-1817, MIM | loyalist. | New York, N.Y.; Tarrytown, N.Y. (1777); New York, N.Y.; Shelburne, Nova Scotia (1783). | Bedini 8. | |
BRUGGER AND HOFFMEYER | England, c.1822, PHIM | made barometers and clocks. | Norfolk Street, Lynn Regis. | Goodison 1. | |
BRUGGER AND STRAUB | England, fl.1845-60, PHIM | barometer and thermometer makers? German clock and watchmakers, 1856. | 79 High Holborn, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BRUGGER, LORENZ AND A. | England, fl.1843-44, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; see Brugger and Straub. | 79 High Holborn, London. | Goodison 1. | |
BRULAT ET CHOARET | France, 18th Century, MIM | Sundial = D.(1970). | Lyon. | Merzbach. | |
BRUMELL, G.T. | England, post-1839, MIM | Slide Rule, Hawthorn-type = P.C. | Delehar 2 and 9. | ||
BRUN, J. | England, 1772, OIM | Microscope, 1772 = KEN. | Clay and Court. | ||
BRUNDELL, PHILIP GEORGE | England, c.1795, | apprenticed to John King 2 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 5, 1795. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BRUNDL, J. | Sweden?, MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial = NOR. | Zinner 1. | ||
BRUNELL, J. | MIM | Butterfield-type Sundial = NOR. | scales for 59° and 63°20'. | RSW. | |
BRUNER | France, NIM | Meridian Circle = PMM. | RSW. | ||
BRUNER AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BRUNER, ERASMUS | Germany, c.1600, MIM | Instrument = DRE. | there is a tower clock case at OXF signed Asmus Birin Bruner, 1577 = Mallett Coll.-120. | Augsburg. | Evans 1; Maddison 7. |
BRUNI | Italy, 1787, MIM | Horary Quadrant, 1787 = Koller 11/17/75. | Bologna. | RSW. | |
BRUNI, POMPILIO | Italy, d.1668, MIM NIM | also made compasses. | Urbino. | Morpurgo 1. | |
BRUNI, THEOPHILI | Italy, 1640, MIM | Astronomical Clock, 1640 = Naval Museum, Venice. | Venice. | Italian Inventory. | |
BRUNN, LUKAS | Germany, fl.1598-1620, MIM | Protractor = DRE; Rules = DRE(2). | invented a measuring instrument with screw micrometer, made by Christoph Trechsler. | Annaberg. | Zinner 1; Evans 1; RSW. |
BRUNNER, CASPAR | Germany, c.1555, MIM | Rule, folding, 1555 = HAK; Artillery Level, 1556 = DRE. | Nürnberg. | RSW. | |
BRUNNER, IGNATIUS | England, fl.1849-60, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 4/17/86. | wheel signed "I. Brunner Birmingham"; stick signed "Brunner" with full address. | 66 Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BRUNNER, JOHANN | Germany; France, 1804-62, MIM OIM SIM | succeeded by his sons, Emil and Otto; perhaps worked with them, 1855 on. | rue de Vaugirard, 183, Paris. | Pipping 1; Poggendorff; USNM. | |
BRUNTON | England, NIM | Sextant = MYS. | London. | RSW. | |
BRUSH, THOMAS | England, fl.1643-56, MIM | made garden sundials. | Taylor 1(225). | ||
BRUYN, WEDUWE W. | Holland, fl.1826-35, MIM NIM | the widow of W. Bruyn; instrument and compass maker. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BRUYNEEL, CORNELIS | Holland, c.1684, NIM | compass maker. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BRYAM, E.M. | USA, c.1846, | see Ephraim N. Byram. | USNM. | ||
BRYAN, EDWARD | England, MIM | Level = Melun 2/24/83. | 24 Cross Street, Manchester. | RSW. | |
BRYAN, THOMAS | England, 1656, MIM | Garden Sundial, 1656 = MYS. | RSW. | ||
BRYANT, J. | England, c.1825, MIM | Garden Sundial, bronze = D.(1982). | (check Pearson Page Pictures)? | Coffeen A. | |
BRYN | see Jong and Bryn. | Rooseboom 1. | |||
BRYSON | Scotland, c.1830, NIM | Sextant, pocket = Soth. 2/28/80. | Edinburgh. | RSW. | |
BRYSON, ALEXANDER | Scotland, 1816-66, MIM NIM PHIM | eldest son of Robert Bryson 1; made meteorological instruments including thermometers and barometers; member of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in Scotland; trained in Musselburgh and London. | Edinburgh (1844-66). | Clarke et al. | |
BRYSON, JAMES MACKAY | Scotland, 1824-94, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X; Surveying Compass = Soth. 2/8/83; Microscopes = Christie-SK 7/10/80, FRK = RSM (3); Spectroscope = FRK = RSM; Scale, boxwood = RSM; Rain Gauge = RSM; Thermometer, maximum, mercury = RSM; etc. | son of Robert Bryson 1; brother of Alexander and Robert (2) Bryson; worked under Repsold in Hamburg,1843, and later under Merz in Munich; set up as an optician in 1850; worked independently; member of the Edinburgh Merchant Company; instruments signed "Bryson Edinburgh." | 65 Princes Street (1850-52); 24 Princes Street (1853); 60 Princes Street (1855-66); 60A Princes Street (1867-93); all in Edinburgh. | Goodison 1; Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW. |
BRYSON, ROBERT 1 | Scotland, 1778-1852, MIM PHIM | a Hammerman, 1815; noted clockmaker; interested in instruments involving time pieces; made self-registering barometers and thermometers; father of Robert Bryson 2 and Alexander Bryson; founding member of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in Scotland; influential member of the scientific community in Edinburgh; see Robert Bryson and Son(s). | The Mint, High Street (1810-15); 5 South Bridge opposite to Hunter's Square (1815-40); 66 Princes Street (1840-52). | Clarke et al. | |
BRYSON, ROBERT 2 | Scotland, 1819-86, MIM PHIM | son of Robert Bryson 1; worked with his father and brother Alexander as Robert Bryson and Son(s). | Edinburgh. | Clarke et al. | |
BRYSON, ROBERT, AND SON(S) | Scotland, 1844-86, PHIM | clockmakers; also made meteorological instruments; Robert Bryson 1 and his sons Robert Bryson 2 and Alexander Bryson. | 66 Princes Street, Edinburgh. | Clarke et al. | |
BRZEZI, STEPH A. | Czechoslovakia, 1573, MIM | Sandglass, four-part, 1573 = Museum Kradec Kralové, Bohemia. | Brezi? | Czech. Inventory. | |
BUC, N. DU | France, c.1666, NIM | compass maker. | Dieppe. | Schück. | |
BUCH, D. ZACCARIAS | Germany, fl.1593-1633, MIM | Armillary Spheres = Hamilton Coll. (1593), AMST (1633). | the AMST instrument is signed "D. Zaccarias Buch. Aquensis"; the Hamilton sphere is signed "Zacharias Bucha." | Aquensis. | Mörzer Bruyns 1; Hamilton 2; Michel 3. |
BUCHAN, L. | Scotland, c.1835, MIM PHIM | Barometer, portable = RSM. | Taylor thoght that he was a Scot. | Manchester. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2089); Morrison-Low 1. |
BUCHANAN, A. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Goodison 1. | ||
BUCHANAN, JOHN | England, fl.1710-11, MIM | made sundials. | Steeple Bumpstead, Essex. | Taylor 1(557). | |
BUCHART | see Bucher. | Baillie 1. | |||
BUCHART, JOHAN HEINRICH | Germany, 1686, MIM | Sundial, composite, 1686 = KAS; Mathematical Instrument Set, 1686 = KAS. | Hamburg. | Michel 3; RSW. | |
BUCHER, HANS 1 | Germany, fl.1561-79, MIM | Orrery Clock = DRE; Celestial Globes, 1575, 1577 = lost. | see Baldwein and Bucher. | Marburg. | Zinner 1; Baillie 1. |
BUCHER, HANS 2 | Germany, 1570, MIM | Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1570 = Soth. 1/27/48-148 = 16/17/75. | probably misreading for Hans Ducher. | RSW. | |
BUCHER, HANS 3 | Germany, 1750, MIM | Diptych Sundial, ivory, 1750 = Koller 11/17/75. | Marburg. | RSW. | |
BUCK, J. | England, c.1850, MIM PHIM | Drawing Compass = Versailles 11/20/83; Balance, folding = DRE. | "maker". | New Gate Street (London?). | RSW. |
BUCK, J.W. | England, c.1850, PHIM | Barometer = Soth. 5/31/89. | "Improved Marine." | 36 High Street, Wapping (London). | RSW. |
BUCKHAM, A. | USA, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = P.C. | Smart 1. | ||
BUCKLEY, AND. | England, fl.1716-18, MIM | Perpetual Calendars = Wray Coll. (1716), BM-1901/11/15-4, Bodleian Library, Oxford. | Price 3; Ward 4; Evans 1; Wray; Gunther 2. | ||
BUCKLEY, JOSEPH | Ireland, fl.1832-59, MIM OIM PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/28/80; Protractor with Rule = D.(1995). | optician; the barometer is signed "J. Buckley Dublin." | 14 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. | Bryden 9; Morrison-Low and Burnett; offeen 51; RSW. |
BUCKLEY, WILLIAM | England, 1519-71, MIM | Ring Sundial, 1546 = Princess Elizabeth (1546). | may be W.B. 1. | Lillieshal, Shropshire; London. | Taylor 1(14); RSW. |
BUCKNALL, WILLIAM | England, 1731, | received a patent in 1731 for an astronomical instrument. | Millburn 8. | ||
BUDD | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Banbury. | Goodison 1. | |
BUEHLER, JAMES A. | England, fl.1740-1800, MIM | globe maker. | Tooley. | ||
BUEL, ABEL | USA, 1742-1822, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Conn. Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. | sometimes spelled as "Buell." | New Haven, Conn. | Smart 1. |
BUFFAT | France, 1682, | invented the sidérostat. | Toulouse. | Nachet. | |
BUFFHAM | USA, c.1850, OIM | Telescope, tin and brass = D.(1988). | has three- and six-inch lenses. | Milburn, Lake County, Illinois. | RSW. |
BUFFHAM, WILLIAM | England, OIM | Microscope = Phillips 6/15/76. | Rochdale. | RSW. | |
BUFFON | France, MIM | Cannon Sundial = Jardin des Plantes (Jardin Royal), Paris. | Paris. | Boursier. | |
BUHLE, GEB. | Germany, 1853, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, 1853 = BOM 3/28/16-557. | Berlin. | RSW. | |
BUHLER, J.A. | Germany, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Soth. 2/9/61. | Nürnberg. | RSW. | |
BUIRD, EDWARD | Scotland, fl.1674-80, | a sea captain; imported nautical instruments. | Leith. | Bryden 3; Clarke et al. | |
BULBRECK | France, c.1850, MIM | made Burnier's combined compass and clinometer. | Paris. | USNM. | |
BULFORT | see Newbord and Bulfort. | RSW. | |||
BULKELEY, THOMAS | England, c.1715, MIM | apprenticed to Thomas Feilder of the Clockmakers' Company on June 11, 1707; free of the Company, Dec.17, 1715; took an apprentice. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BULL 1 | England, c.1830, NIM | Octant, ebony and ivory = Soth. 6/9/77. | 113 Upper East Smithfield, London. | RSW. | |
BULL 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Bedford. | Goodison 1. | |
BULL, JOHN | England, c.1582, MIM | made rules, compasses and geometrical instruments in metal; may have held office at the Mint. | Exchange Gate, London. | Taylor 1(59); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Michel 3; Gunther 4; A.J. Turner 10. | |
BULL, WILLIAM | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Stratford, Essex. | Goodison 1. | |
BULLA, A. | England, c.1830, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | see Bulla, Grasi and Fontana. | Exeter. | Goodison 1. |
BULLA, GRASI AND FONTANA | England, c.1830, PHIM | barometer makers; variant is Bulla, Grassi and Fontana; probably A. Bulla and B. Fontana. | 134 Fore Street, Exeter. | Goodison 1. | |
BULLANT, JEAN | France, fl.1561-72, MIM | Armillary Sphere = X. | tradition says that he made the sphere for Catherine de Medici, c.1572; wrote book on sundials, 1561. | NYM Bulletin, Summer, 1966; Weil 2(19); Nachet; Price 2. | |
BULLET, PIERRE | France, 1639-1716, | invented the "pantomètre" about which he wrote. | Paris. | Daumas 1; Nachet; Price 2. | |
BULLOCK | England, c.1780, PHIM | Wheel Barometers = X, K. and C. 3/19/75. | K. and C. has thermometer on it; X could be F. Bullock. | Melkesham. | Goodison 1; RSW. |
BULLOCK, F. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Corsham. | Goodison 1. | |
BULLOCK, JAMES | England, fl.1776-94, MIM | Mathematical Machine = OXF; Calculating Machines = KEN, (see Sotheby 1994 note), Aubert Sale, 1806. | the calculating machine was invented by Viscount Mahon (later Lord Stanhope) in 1777; Sotheby's offered, by private treaty, a calculating machine in 1994; clockmaker; his son, Edward, was apprenticed to David Cateay in 1776. | Leather Lane; Furnival's Inn; both in London. | Taylor 2(807); A.J. Turner 10; RSW. |
BULMAIN AND DENNIES | USA, c.1799, NIM | New York, N.Y. | Bedini 1. | ||
BULMAN, HANS | see Jakob Pühlmann. | Zinner 1. | |||
BULTE, DANIEL | England, c.1663, MIM | apprenticed to Ralph Greatorex of the Clockmakers' Company; free of the Company on April 6, 1663. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BUMA SIBOUT | 1747, MIM | Ring Sundial, silver, 1747, with case = Soth. 12/12/55. | probably not the maker's name. | RSW. | |
BUMEL, MICHAEL | Germany, fl.1613-33, MIM SIM | Surveying Instrument, 1613 = STU; Plane Table with Alidade and Sundial, 1625 = FLO-150; Pedometer, 1626 = NUR-WI1320; Graphometer, 1633 = STU-12870; Horary Quadrant = SLM. | see M.B. | Nürnberg. | Zinner 1; Bonelli 1; Michel 3; Price 2. |
BUNDERS, JAN | Holland, 1797, MIM | grandson and pupil of Jan van Deijl; see Jan van Deijl en Zoon. | Rooseboom 1. | ||
BUNDERS, JAN VAN DEIJL | Holland, 19th Century, OIM PHIM | Barometer = X. | probably great grandson of Jan van Deijl 2. made telescopes; see Jan Van Deijl Bunders en Zoon. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1. |
BUNDERS, JAN VAN DEIJL, EN ZOON | Holland, c.1850, PHIM | Barometer = X. | Amsterdam. | Rooseboom 1. | |
BUNDOCK, C. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer, with clock = Soth. 5/14/87. | London. | RSW. | |
BUNTEN | France, fl.pre-1828-43, NIM PHIM | Barometers, Siphon-type = OXF (1840), CNAM (1841); Mountain Barometer = Nisbit 4/4/1860; Marine Compass, small = PMM. | made standard thermometers. | Quai Pelletier 30, Paris. | Dewhirst; USNM; Chaldecott 3; RGO; Middleton 1; RSW. |
BUNTING, THOMAS | England, c.1724, | apprenticed to John Crooke 1 or 2 in the Joiners' Company on May 12, 1724. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BUONSIGNORI, DOM STEPHANO | see Dom Stephano Bonsignori. | Bonelli 1 and 2; Michel 3. | |||
BURACKER | MIM | Floating Sundial = UTC. | probably Burucker. | ||
BURATTINI, TITO LIVIO | Italy; Poland, fl.1659=80, MIM OIM | Lens = FLO (1690 inventory); Calculating Machine = FLO-3179 (?). | made microscopes and telescopes; made telescopes for Hevilius; he gave a calculating machine to one of the Medici and may have been the maker. | Warsaw (post-1670). | Bonelli 1; Daumas 1. |
BURBIDGE | England, c.1820, MIM | Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Soth. 5/21/73. | London. | RSW. | |
BURBRIDGES | see Burgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire. | RSW. | |||
BURCKARDT, JOANN: AD: | Germany, 1692, MIM | Universal Ring Sundial, 1692 = Habsburg, Feldman S.A. Auction, Geneva 1987. | solid center plate with alidade. | Munich. | Delehar 5. |
BURDEN, PETER | England, c.1682, | apprenticed to John Worgan of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1682. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BURDETT, HENRY | England, c.1734, MIM | apprenticed to Simon Cade of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 2, 1723; free of the Company, Oct. 7, 1734; took an apprentice, Willand Challand (Shalland), 1737/38. | Crooked Lane, London. | J. Brown 1; Clifton 1. | |
BURDETT, WILLIAM | Holland, MIM | Inclinable Sundial, round, case = DRE. | Amsterdam. | RSW. | |
BURDON, E., ET RICHARDS | misreading for E. Bourdon et Richards. | Brewington 1. | |||
BURDY, WILLIAM | England, fl.1806-23, MIM | Camden Town, Middlesex; Fulham, London. | Taylor 2(1094). | ||
BUREAU, THOMAS | England, fl.1756-60, OIM | Microscope = OXF; Microscope, pocket, 1756 = Crisp Coll. | ownership of the OXF microscope is attributed to George III, of England. | Taylor 2(452); Nachet; Gunther 2. | |
BUREL, COL. | c.1829, | invented a plummet level, 1829. | USNM. | ||
BURFORD, EDMUND GOODWIN | England, c.1778, | apprenticed to John Gilbert 2 of the Grocers' Company on Jan. 9, 1778. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BURGE | misreading for Berge. | Christie 12/18/74. | |||
BURGE, CALEB | England, c.1682, MIM | apprenticed to Simon Barrett of the Clockmakers' Company on April 13, 1682. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BURGE, JUSTE | see Jost Burgi. | Hamilton 2. | |||
BURGE, M. | England, 1851, NIM | Sextant, 1851 = NMM. | possibly M. Berge. | Taylor 2(1083); NMM 2. | |
BURGER, GEORG MATHAUS | Germany, 1750-1825, MIM | Heliochronometers = O-F 5, Drecker Coll., Schmitt-Friderich Coll., DEU-1679, Traunstein Heimatmuseum-1344. | "Mechaniker"; all signed "Mathäus Burger." | Nürnberg. | Zinner 1; Monreal; Lunardi. |
BURGER, M. GEORG ARNOLD | Germany, 1649-1712?, MIM | Evans 1; Doppelmayer. | |||
BURGERS UND CO. | Germany, MIM | Sector = DRE. | Cologne. | RSW. | |
BURGES, BARTHOLOMEW | USA, 1740-1807, MIM | made an orrery; lecturer. | Boston, Mass. | Hindle 1; Bedini 1 and 8. | |
BURGESS, GEORGE JAMES | England, c.1789, | apprenticed to William Morris 1 of the Grocers' Company on April 2, 1789. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BURGESS, ROGER | England, c.1737, MIM | apprenticed to William Dean in the Broderers' Company on March 5, 1728; free in the Company, Oct. 5, 1737. | Vere Street, Clare Market, London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BURGH, IAN BREEM | Holland, c.1730, NIM | Compass Rose = AMST. | Edam. | Mörzer Bruyns 1. | |
BURGH, JAN VAN DER | Holland, 1690, NIM | Parallel Rules, 1690 = AMST. | Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2. | ||
BURGH, JUST | see Jost Bürgi. | ||||
BURGI, JOST | Switzerland; Germany, 1552-1632, MIM SIM | a notable maker of fine instruments, his work covered a wide range including an astrolabe (KAS), astronomical sextant (PRA), globe clocks (BASH), (GOT), (CNAM), proportional dividers (KAS), etc. | Jost Bürgi; thought to have invented the proportional dividers; worked for Wilhelm IV at Kassel; see"I.B." (12). | Lichtensteig; Kassel (1584-1623). | Zinner 1; Michel 3; Evans 1; Baillie 1; Josten; Horsky; Horsky and Skopova; Maddison 5; Daumas 1; Aked; Von Mackensen (1983); DSB; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW. |
BURGOYNE, BURBIDGES, AND SQUIRE | England, MIM | 16 Coleman Street, London. | USNM. | ||
BURI | see Burry. | Britten. | |||
BURKETT, EDWARD | England, c.1700, MIM | apprenticed to William Sellars of the Clockmakers' Company on April 16, 1700. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BURLEIGH, M. | England, MIM | Calculating Scale = ADL-N41. | also marked "M.B." | ADL; RSW. | |
BURLESTER, E. | South Africa, OIM | Microscope = Christie-SK 2/9/84. | see Burmester, probably the same man. | Cape Town. | RSW. |
BURLINI, BIAGIO | see Biasio Burlini. | Brieux 2. | |||
BURLINI, BIASIO | Italy; England, 1720-60, OIM | Telescope = KEN; Microscopes = LEY, NAC, Natural History Museum, Antwerp, Crisp Coll. | "Prof. in Venig"; author; Crisp signed "Elaboratum a Blasis Burlini Venitiis Optico", according to Clay and Court. | Venice; at Archimedes, London. | Brieux 2; Daumas 1; Belgian Inventory; Nachet; Crisp Coll.; Clay and Court; RSW. |
BURMEISTER, JOCHAM | Germany, 1777, NIM | Hanging Compass = NMM-C152. | Lubeck. | NMM 2. | |
BURMESTER | South Africa, OIM | Telescope, single draw = Phillips 2/14/79. | see E. Burlester, probably the same man. | Cape Town. | RSW. |
BURNABY, THOMAS | England, c.1697, MIM | apprenticed to Thomas Tuttell of the Clockmakers' Company on June 7, 1697. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BURNAP, DANIEL | USA, 1759-1838, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass, 1791 = Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. | clockmaker; also made wooden and brass surveying compasses. | East Windsor; Coventry; both in Conn. | Bedini 1, 8 and 17; Price 2; Smart 1. |
BURNCKER | see W. Burucker. | Daumas 1. | |||
BURNELL, RICHARD | England, c.1801, | apprenticed to Charles Fairbone 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb.6, 1794; turned over to Richard Lomas of the Wheelwrights' Company on Feb.12, 1794; free of the Grocers' Company on May 7, 1801. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BURNETT 1 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Durham. | Goodison 1. | |
BURNETT 2 | Ireland, c.1860, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 7/23/87. | Dublin. | RSW. | |
BURNHAM | USA, c.1831-42, MIM | a partner in the firm of Robinson, Burnham and Co., 1831-42; probably from Essex, Mass. | Danvers, Mass. | Smart 1. | |
BURNIER, CAPT. | France, c.1850, MIM | invented a type of compass and clinometer, 1850. | Paris. | USNM. | |
BURNS | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | Epsom. | Goodison 1. | |
BURNTHWAITE, GEORGE | England, MIM | Protractor, full = P.C. | Lamonby. | RSW. | |
BURON | France, fl.1830-51, NIM | Octant, case = D.(1976). | 8, rue des Trois Pavillons, Paris. | Brieux 3; G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BURROUGHS, ROBERT S. | USA, c.1840, NIM | made or sold nautical compasses. | Warner 12. | ||
BURROW | England, 19th Century, PHIM | Barometer = Phillips 9/10/86. | Malvern. | RSW. | |
BURROW AND THOMS | England, c.1847, PHIM | 289 Strand, London. | O'Mara. | ||
BURROW, W. AND J. | England, c.1810, MIM | Slide Rule = D.(1983). | 62 and 63 Great Tower Street, London. | Moskowitz 125. | |
BURRY, JACOB | France, 1667-1722, MIM | Cruciform Sundial = Feill Coll. | Paris. | Baillie 1; Britten. | |
BURSILL AND CO. | England, PHIM | Stick Barometer = X. | London. | Goodison 1. | |
BURT AND BAILEY | USA, fl.1835-56, MIM SIM | Surveying Compass = Sacramento County Historical Society, Cal. | William Burt and John Aylesworth Bailey. | Jefferson Avenue between Bates and Randolph (1853-54); 213 Jefferson Avenue (1855-56); both in Detroit, Mich. | Smart 1; Elgin. |
BURT AND WATSON 1 | USA, fl. 1857-58, MIM SIM | Burt's Solar Compasses = Henry Ford Museum; Burt's Equatorial Sextant = Michigan Museum of Surveying, Lansing. | William Burt and Thomas Watson. | Detroit, Mich. | Elgin; Leiserowitz. |
BURT AND WATSON 2 | USA, 1860, MIM SIM | Burt Solar Compass = Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Detroit, Mich. | William Austin and John (2) Burt and Thomas Watson. | Detroit, Mich. | Elgin; RSW. |
BURT, J. AND W. | USA, fl.1856-57, MIM | John Burt 2 and his brother, William Burt; W.H. Fawcett, a MIM, worked for them. | 214 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. | Smart 1. | |
BURT, JOHN 1 | England, c.1824, | apprenticed to William Elliott 1 in the Joiners' Company on March 31, 1824. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BURT, JOHN 2 | USA, 1814-86, MIM | surveyor with his father, William Austin Burt, 1840-50; partner with his brother, William Burt in J. and W. Burt, 1856-57; also a partner in Burt and Watson, 1857-58; invented a type of lock for canals. | Detroit, Mich. | Smart 1. | |
BURT, PETER | England, fl.1813-27, | devised a new binnacle, log and steering compass. | 4 Providence Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, London. | Taylor 2(1286); Bedini 8. | |
BURT, WILLIAM | USA, 1825=98, MIM SIM | son of William Austin Burt; partner with John A. Bailey, 1853-56; partner with his brother, John Burt 2 as J. and W. Burt, 1856-57; partner with John Burt 2 and Thomas Watson in Burt and Watson, 1857-58. | Detroit, Mich. (1814-66); Marquette, Mich. | Smart 1. | |
BURT, WILLIAM AUSTIN | USA, 1792-1858, MIM | Equatorial Sextants = D.(1993, U.S Naval Obs., USNA. | invented the solar compass in 1836, a typewriter in 1829, and the equatorial sextant c.1855; see William Burt and Watson. | Petersham, Mass.; Wales Township, Erie County, N.Y. (pre-1824); Mount Vernon, Mich. (1824); Detroit, Mich. | Smart 1; Bedini 8; Coffeen 43; RSW. |
BURTON | England, c.1750, MIM NIM | Sextant = Leigh and Soth. 4/10/1794. | Ramsden started as an engraver to a Burton in 1751, perhaps Mark Burton, which see. | London. | Goodison 1; Daumas 1; RSW. |
BURTON, EDWARD | England, MIM OIM | 47 Church Street, Minories, London. | USNM. | ||
BURTON, GEORGE 1 | England, fl.1772-1815, MIM OIM PHIM SIM | Stick Barometers = Gloucester Museum, Christie-SK 9/11/86, X. | "X" is signed "G. Burton"; the others signed "Burton London"; he was probably the Burton whose instruments were carried on Cook's second voyage by William Wales and another set was given to Mr. W. Gooch when he went to join Vancouver in the Pacific in 1791; it is unlikely that John Burton was the maker involved. | 136 High Street Borough, Southwark, London. | Taylor 2(694); Goodison 1; RSW. |
BURTON, GEORGE 2 | England, c.1830, MIM NIM PHIM | 3 Devonshire Buildings, Great Dover Street, London. | Taylor 2(1791). | ||
BURTON, JAMES | England, fl.1828-46, OIM PHIM | 10 Great Bell Alley (1828-29); 10 Western Street, Pentonville; 25 Pleasant Row, Pentonville; all in London. | Taylor 2(1792); O'Mara. | ||
BURTON, JOHN | England, fl.1758-75, OIM | might have been the Burton who furnished instruments for Cook's second voyage but more likely it was George Burton 1; opposed Peter Dollond's patent in 1764. | Johnson Court, Fleet Street, London. | Taylor 2(453); Court and von Rohr 3(XXVI). | |
BURTON, JON. | Ireland, c.1780, MIM | Garden Sundial, "made for Henry Percy" = D.(1973). | Dublin. | RSW. | |
BURTON, JOSEPH | England, c.1822, OIM | 15 Blackfriars Bridge, near the Magdalen, London. | Taylor 2(1499); Dewhirst. | ||
BURTON, MARK | England, fl.1730-69, d,1786, MIM OIM PHIM | barometer and thermometer maker; divided scales; T.C.; possibly successor to G. Lyford; took apprentices, including Jesse Ramsden; Clay and Court thought him 20 years later. | Euclid's Head, near New Church, Strand; Denmark Court, Strand (1755); Strand (1763-69); all in London. | Taylor 2(454); Goodison 1; Clay and Court; Clifton 1. | |
BURTON, W. | England, c.1750, MIM | Sector = Soth. 2/20/85 = D.(1991). | Coffeen 35; Clifton 1; RSW. | ||
BURUCKER, W. | Germany, 1728-80, MIM | Pillar Sundials, wood = CNAM-13.591, Luipold Museum, Würzburg, LID-M43, Drecker Coll., STS, NUR-WI1300, BASH-1917/856, D.(1984); Sundials = AMST, Koller 11/17/75; Magnetic Compass = P.C.; Calendar, pendant = OXF; Equatorial Sundial = OXF; Horizontal Sundials = Drecker Coll.(3); Artillery Level = P. and S. 3/20/1896 = OXF. | Koller sundial is polychrome paper dial in brass sphere; the OXF instrument is also marked "W.B." (1), which see. | Nürnberg. | Zinner 1; Esdaille; Lunardi; Coffeen F; Cons. Nat'l 2; Mörzer Bruyns 1; Daumas 1; RSW. |
BURY | see Burry. | Britten. | |||
BUSBY, SAMUEL | England, c.1811, | invented a compass to show the time of longitude. | Taylor 2(1287). | ||
BUSCH AND OEHLSCHLAGER | Germany, fl.1654-64, MIM | Copernican Planetaria = MLL, Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark, | Andreas Busch and Adam Oehlschläger. | Limburg; Gottorp. | Zinner 1; Michel 3; H.C. King 2. |
BUSCH, ANDREAS | Germany, fl.1654-64, MIM | worked for Duke Ferdinand IV; see Busch and Oehlschläger. | Limburg; Gottorp. | Zinner 1; Michel 3; King 2. | |
BUSCH, C.C., AND CO. | USA?, PHIM | Kalaidoscope = Maria Mitchell House, Nantucket, Mass. | RSW. | ||
BUSCH, E. | Germany, c.1850, OIM | in the 1851 Great Exhibition, London. | Rathenow, Prussia. | USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24. | |
BUSCH, ELIAS | Germany, MIM | Augsburg-type Sundial = Soth. 7/23/62-10. | RSW. | ||
BUSCHMAN, JNO. | Germany, c.1692, MIM | Sundial with Compass on table clock = SPI-Anderson 3/25/27. | RSW. | ||
BUSCHMANN, CASPAR 1 | Germany, c.1536-1613, MIM | Calendar Clock = ADL-M378. | clockmaker; signed "Cas: Bu." | Augsburg. | Engelmann 1; Bobinger 2 and 3; ADL; RSW. |
BUSCHMANN, CASPAR 2 | Germany, c.1563-1629, MIM | Astronomical Compendium with Regiomontanus-type Sundial and a Nocturnal, 1611 = BEK; Compass and Calendar, 1628 = CLU; Astronomical Compendium = DEU; Sundial, 1628 = Middelburg Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen. | signature on the 1611 sundial is "Caspar Buschman automatarius in Augusta Anno 1611." | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2 & 3; Zinner 1. |
BUSCHMANN, DAVID | Germany, 1626-1701, MIM | Vertical Sundial on a table clock = MUN; Equatorial Sundials on clocks = VIE, Feill Coll., P.C.(1918-Frankfort). | VIE has a sundial and an armillary sphere on a clock. | Augsburg. | Zinner 1; Bobinger 2 and 3; Michel 3. |
BUSCHMANN, HANNS | see Johann Buschmann 1. | Bobinger 2 and 3. | |||
BUSCHMANN, JOHANN 1 | Germany, c.1600-62, MIM | Diptych Sundial, round = MUN-33/234; Sundial in pocket watch = SPI-2731; Planispheric Sundial = Prin Coll. = NMM; Proportional Compasses, = NUR (1635), THO. | member of the Clockmakers' Guild; SPI signed "Hanns Buschmann." | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2 and 3; Zinner 1; NMM 2; A.J. Turner 10; RSW. |
BUSCHMANN, JOHANN 2 | Germany, c.1632-76, MIM | Magnetic Azimuth Sundial = MADEX-105 = NMM-D.60; Ring Sundial = Stuker 2/7/58-3442 = Weil = P.C.; Pin-gnomon Horizontal Sundials = MUN-33/234, Prin. | clockmaker. | Augsburg. | Bobinger 2 and 3; Zinner 1; NMM 2. |
BUSH, JOSEPH | England, c.1700, MIM | free of the Stationers' Company after 1664 and before 1747. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BUSH, MARGARET | England, c.1763, MIM | member of the Stationers' Company for at least 15 years after William Bush's death; took apprentices. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BUSH, R., AND CO. | England, c.1816, PHIM | made a brass and copper still, in use for many years; seized by the I.R.S. in 1951. | Bristol. | USNM. | |
BUSH, WILLIAM | England, pre-1763, MIM | free of the Stationers' Company; succeeded by his widow, Margaret Bush. | Crawforth 7. | ||
BUSHELL, EDWARD | England, c.1687, MIM | apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct.3, 1687. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BUSHELL, SAMUEL | England, c.1690, MIM | apprenticed to Withers Cheney of the Clockmakers' Company on July 12, 1690. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BUSNELL, WALTER | India, 19th Century, MIM | Equatorial Sundial = Phillips 10/26/83. | Calcutta. | RSW. | |
BUSS | England, MIM | Slide Rule, Proof, ivory = D.(1981). | 48 Hatton Garden, London. | RSW. | |
BUSS, THOMAS O'DEMPSEY | England, 1847- 83, PHIM | Saccharometer = D.(1972); Sikes' Hydrometer = Christie 5/15/73; Hydrometer Sets = Longleat House, Wilts.(2); etc. | successor to R.B. Bate. | 33 Hatton Garden; 3 Upper East Smithfield, Tower Hill; both in London. | G.L'E. Turner 24; Moskowitz 104; RSW; Coffeen A; USNM. |
BUSS, THOMAS ODEMCY | see Thomas O'Dempsey. | G.L'E. Turner 24. | |||
BUSSY, WILLIAM | England, c.1714, MIM | apprenticed to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Oct.26, 1714. | J. Brown 3. | ||
BUSUCKER | see W. Burucker. | Zinner 1; RSW. | |||
BUTCHER, CHAR. | England, MIM | Garden Sundial = Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell. | for 52°10' latitude. | Bedford. | RSW. |
BUTCHER, JOHN | England, c.1786, | apprenticed to John Parminter 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec.3, 1778; free of the Company on Feb.2, 1786. | J. Brown 1. | ||
BUTERFIEL | Butterfield-type Sundial = Christie-N.Y. 4/3/85 = D. | naive copy of a Butterfield-type sundial. | Moskowitz ; RSW. | ||
BUTERFIELD | instruments signed this way are sometimes contemporary copies of the very popular sundials made by Michael Butterfield. | Moskowitz 102; RSW. | |||
BUTLER | England, 1630, MIM | Horizontal Sundial, 1630 = Christie-SK 11/15/79. | London. | RSW. | |
BUTLER AND POWELL | England, c.1818, MIM | rule makers. | Lionel Street, Birmingham. | Bryden 9. | |
BUTLER, JAMES | England, c.1765, MIM | apprenticed to Francis Morgan in the Joiners' Company on November 19, 1765; listed as a MIM in the directories. | London. | Crawforth 7. | |
BUTT, MR. | England, c.1815, OIM | made a short Cassegrain telescope. | The Paragon, Kent Road, London. | USNM. | |
BUTTERFIELD, HORACE S. | USA, c.1815, MIM | made an astronomical calculator with Olof Ohlson. | Portland, Oregon. | A.H. Brown. | |
BUTTERFIELD, MICHAEL | England; France, 1635-1724, MIM OIM SIM | Butterfield made a wide range of well made instruments. | an Englishman who spent his working life in Paris, from before 1665 to his death in 1724; master and juror (1702-04) in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; "Ingénieur du Roi"; best known as the developer of the Butterfield-type sundial; many copies and forgeries of his work exist. | England (1635-pre-1665); Aux Armes d'Angleterre, Faubourg Saint-Germain, rue Neuve-des-Fossés (1678); Quai des Morfundus, Ile de la Cité (1691); both in Paris. | Daumas 1; Taylor 1(369) and 2(22); Coffeen A; Mörzer Bruyns 1; USNM; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Price 3; Ward 4; Belgian Inventory; Hamilton 2; Wynter 1; Stewart; Moskowitz 110; Lister; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; Bryden 16; Bonelli; A.J. Turner 10; Rinaldi 23; Syndram; Augarde; ADL; RSW. |
BUTTERWORTH, JOHN | England, c.1759, MIM | clockmaker; engraver; may have made sundials. | Bull and Bear Yard, Leeds. | Loomes. | |
BUTTI 1 | Holland, PHIM | Barometer = LEY. | Amsterdam. | RSW. | |
BUTTI 2 | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Taunton. | Goodison 1. | |
BUTTI GEBROEDERS EN STOPANNI | Holland, fl.1794-1817, PHIM | Barometer = WMH. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. | |
BUTTI, BARNASCHINA AND CO. | England, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | Francis Barnaschina? | Newcastle-on-Tyne. | Goodison 1. |
BUTTI, DONATI | Italy; Holland, c.1794, PHIM | made barometers and thermometers; see the Gebroeders Butti en Stopanni as well as D. Butti and Sons; partner with Solaro in 1817. | Milan; Amsterdam (1794-1817). | Mörzer Bruyns 2; Crommelin; Daumas 1. | |
BUTTI, DTO, EN ZONEN | Holland, c.1800, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = Christie April, 1978. | made thermometers. | Amsterdam. | Mörzer Bruyns 2. |
BUTTI, L. | Scotland, fl.1825-67, PHIM | Wheel Barometer = X. | carver and gilder. | 232 Cargate (1825-26); 1 and 2 Ronaldson's Buildings (1836); 2 Springfield Buildings (1848-52); all in Leith; 14 Hanover Street, Edinburgh (1853-67). | Goodison 1; Morrison-Low. |
BUTTI, LOUIS JOSEPH | Italy; Scotland, fl.1823-24, OIM PHIM | worked with John Zenone as Zenone and Butti; dealt in telescopes and, probably, barometers. | 5 Calton Street, Edinburgh. | Clarke et al. | |
BUTTIERI, CARLO ANTONIO | Italy, OIM | Telescope, cardboard = D.(1986). | signed on the objective lens. | Rome. | Wynter 1. |
BUZZOFO, HIERONIMO DE ANTONIO | Italy, 1562, MIM NIM SIM | Cross-staff, wood and brass, 1562 = BM-1901/7/20-1. | Price 3; Ward 4. | ||
BYGRAVE, RICHARD | England, c.1742, OIM | apprenticed to George Bass, an OIM in the Spectaclemakers' Company, March 27, 1733; free in the Company on Feb. 28, 1742 | Court and von Rohr 3(136). | ||
BYNTER, JORG | Germany, 1485, MIM | "compastmacher" in 1485. | Nürnberg. | Gouk 1. | |
BYRAM, EPHRAIM N. | USA, fl.1836-46, MIM NIM | made a "Universal Planetarium", c.1836; received an award for an improvement in the suspension of the marine compass, c.1846. | Sag Harbor, Long Island, N.Y. | USNM; Warner 12. | |
BYRD, JOHN | England, c.1760, MIM | Garden Sundial = Palacio Réal, Madrid. | misreading for John Bird, which see. | London. | RSW. |
BYWATER AND CO. | England, c.1840, NIM | Quadrant = D.(1976). | Liverpool. | Rinaldi. | |
BYWATER, DAWSON AND CO. | England, c.1835, MIM NIM | Octant = D.(1975); Compass, portable = Soth. 5/25/68; Marine Compass = Soth. 3/25 86. | see John Bywater, Dawson and Co. | No. 18 Pool Lane , Liverpool. | Bryden 9; RSW. |
BYWATER, JOHN | England, fl.1816-35, MIM NIM OIM PHIM | invented a corrected compass for deviation; see John Bywater, Dawson and Co.; see Bywater, Dawson and Co; optician. | 49 Gloucester Street (1816); 44 Seymour Street (1832-35); 18 Pool Lane; all in Liverpool. | Taylor 2(1288); Goodison 1; Crawforth 6. | |
BYWATER, JOHN, AND CO. | England, MIM PHIM | Marine Barometer = P.C.(1976). | opticians; agent for Dollond telescopes. | 18 Pool Lane, Liverpool. | Crawforth 6; RSW. |
BYWATER, JOHN, DAWSON AND CO. | England, fl.1819-32, MIM NIM OIM | agents for Adie, Dicas and Willis; T.C.; see John Bywater; see Bywater, Dawson and Co. | 20 Pool Lane, Liverpool. | Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1288); Moskowitz 101. |
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