Webster Signature Database Search Results

Important note: Most of these instruments are not in the Adler collection (which you can find more information about here). We know nothing about them beyond the information returned by searching this database. You may be able to learn more by contacting the institutions in the "Instruments" column, or by consulting the "References" listed.

Your search for signatures starting with A yielded 561 entries. Displaying entries 1–561.
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Signature Maker Info Instruments Comments Location References
A* Spain?, c.1600, NIM Mariner's Astrolabe = OXF. the star is above the "A"; ICA-319, Waters No. 6, NMM No. 6; known as the Vera Cruz Astrolabe. Price 1, 2, 4; Waters 1; ICA 2; Stimson 3.
A. 1 1597, NIM Nocturnal, 1597 = POB. RSW.
A. 2 Belgium?, this mark, which could stand for `anno', appears on an astronomical ring signed "Succa", which see; the ring is also marked "C.A.B." and "I.A.D." RSW.
A. 3 England, c.1830, NIM "A" with foul anchor on ivory scale of Hadley's quadrant at PEA. Brewington 1.
A. 4 Germany?MIM Three-legged Dividers = ADL-M72. stamped inside one leg. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
A. 5 this mark appears on a quadrant signed "H." (2), which see. RSW.
A. AND N. / C.S.L. England, c.1850, MIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Christie 10/31/67-55; Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. RSW.
A.A.S. Germany?, MIM Diptych Sundial = NOR. also marked "I.H.S." and "$". RSW.
A.B. 1 Italy, c.1564, MIM SIM Surveying Sector = FLO-2514. Antonio Bianchini. Bonelli 1.
A.B. 2 Germany, 1567-73, MIM wood-cut of a full pillar dial, 1567, and sketch of an instrument showing planetary hours, 1573; both in the Munich Staatsbibliothek; see Jacques Le Tellier. Zinner 1.
A.B. 3 Germany, MIM Andreas Becker? Abraham Bloch? Zinner 1.
A.B. 4 Sweden, MIM Sundial = NOR. time and year's age. RSW.
A.B. 5 marked on bottom of ivory pillar sundial signed "Jacques Le Tellier"; see A.B. 2. RSW.
A.B.S.C. 1599, MIM Artillery Level, 1599 = Roussel-216 = Rosenheim-393 = Findlay-128. grotesque mask as decoration; Roussel mentioned leather case; Rosenheim's signed "AB.SC."; Findlay's signed "AB.SC." and marked "IMS." Michel 3; Price 2; RSW.
A.B.T.C.D. on horizontal sundial signed "Edward Low 1763" at MYS. RSW.
A.B.V.A. 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = UTR. RSW.
A.D. 1 Italy, 1553, MIM Sundial, 1553 = FLO-178. Naples. Michel 3; Price 2.
A.D. 2 1604, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, 1604 = MERC-6 = McVitty Coll. Hamilton 1 and 2.
A.D. 3 England?, 1616, MIM Horary Quadrant, 1616 = Soth. 4/18/88. RSW.
A.D. 4 MIM Astrolabe = WHI-1462. probably a ghost; Bryden did not list it in his catalogue and it does not appear in ICA 2 or Gunther 1. Price 2; RSW.
A.D. 5 c.1900, Inclinable Sundial = ADL-T14. modern work, made by D.B. Sheahan to look like the work of Albrecht Durer. Fox 2; Tomlinson 1; ADL; RSW.
A.D. 6 Anno Domini.
A.D.C. Belgium, 1639, MIM Full Circle, 1639 = ANM. Antwerp. Belgian Inventory.
A.D.G. Holland, 17th Century, MIM Perpetual Calendar = Gold, Silver and Clock Museum, Utrecht. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
A.D.G. A.A. Austria, 1734, MIM Horizontal Pin-Gnomon Sundial, 1734 = BM. probably `Ad Dei Gloriam. Admonti Abbas'; Anton von Mänersperg was Abbot of Admont, 1727-51. Admont, Styria. Price 3; Ward 4.
A.E. 1 Germany, c.1650, MIM String-gnomon Sundial = Huelsmann Coll. Syndram.
A.E. 2 USA?, 1790, MIM SIM Graphometer, wood and brass, 1790 = Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison. may have been made and used by Andrew Ellicott. Bedini 8.
A.E.G.G. 1681, MIM Universal Ring Sundial, 1681 = SLM. RSW.
A.E.I.O.U. Austria, 1438-58, MIM Horary Quadrant, ivory, 1438 = VIE-166; Sundial, string gnomon, glass, 1458 = INN. cipher of Hapsburg Emperor Fredrick III; INN dial is glass window from Weiner Neustadt. Vienna. Zinner 1 (p. 608); Maurice 1.
A.F. 1 Germany, 17th Century, MIM Architect's Rule = OXF. RSW.
A.F. 2 Germany, 1758, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood, 1758 = POTS. Körber 1.
A.G. 1 France, c.1650, OIM Telescope, terrestrial, vellum = ADL-M422. Engelmann 1; ADL; RSW.
A.G. 2 France, 1843, MIM Wall Dial, 1843 = house at Pré-St.-Didier. Pré-St.-Didier. Berton.
A.G. 3 marked on artillery level, 1688, signed "M.K." 5. Syndram; RSW.
A.G.B.S. 1713, MIM Sandglass, quadruple, in wooden frame, 1713 = Koller 11/17/75. RSW.
A.G.K. 1730, MIM Measure, wood, 1730 = Rosenheim-333. inlaid woods. Price 2; RSW.
A.H. 1 see Ao. H. RSW.
A.H. 2 Holland, c.1825, MIM "A.H." is marked on the gimbals of a bearing compass signed "A.K. Lummen?" Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
A.H.Z.S. Germany, 1569, MIM Magnetic Compass, 1569 = DRE. Drechsler 2.
A.I. 1 Germany, 1696, MIM Astrolabe with Roias projection, 1696 = DEU. Price 2.
A.I. 2 Holland, 17th Century, these initials are marked on an Arsenius-type astrolabe at the HAK; the label reads Albert VII [?]. RSW.
A.K. 1 Denmark, NIM Compass = KRO. Zeeland. RSW.
A.K. 2 MIM Horary Quadrant = Soth. 12/19/66-14. USNM; RSW.
A.K. 3 Germany?, MIM Bow Compass, brass on wood = ADL-M92. signed "A" on one leg and "K" on the other; points missing. ADL; Engelmann 1; RSW.
A.K. 4 Holland, c.1787, NIM Compass, wood = RIJ. also marked in 1787 crown compass signed "Ignatius Lega" and in 1799 crown compass signed "Ignatius and Gerard Petrus R. Lega." Rotterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 1 and 2.
A.L. 1 Germany, c.1600, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = NAC. Augsburg. Nachet; RSW.
A.L. 2 Anthony Lamb ?; the initials are marked on the sight vane of a backstaff by William Guyse Hagger. D.J. Warner 8.
A.L. 3 Italy?, c.1800, marked on sundial by Felice Gori at FLO. Bonelli 9; RSW.
A.M. 1 1550, MIM Astrolabe, 1550 = BAM. ICA-3201. Zinner 1; Michel 2; ICA 2.
A.M. 2 1576, MIM Diptych Dial, hour scale only, 1576 = UTR. for latitudes 45°, 48°, and 51°; has Italian hours. Zinner 1; de Rijk.
A.M. 3 Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = KEN. Augsburg. RSW.
A.M. 4 on miners' compasses; Abend and Morgen = afternoon and morning = west and east. Michel 3.
A.M. 5 Germany, Andreas Mar? Zinner 1.
A.M. 6 ring sundial signed "C.I.K." over "A.M." RSW.
A.M.D.G. "Ad majorem Dei gloriam" = "To the greater glory of God."
A.M.H. 1749, MIM Table Sundial, 1749 = NOR. RSW.
A.M.S. 1834, MIM Sandglass, 1834 = OMM. RSW.
A.O. England, 1556, MIM Garden Sundial, round, 1556 = National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. Penbryn, Cardigan. Peate.
A.O.S. 1682, MIM Gunter's Quadrant, 1682 = NMM-Q.1. Sutton (?)-Caird Cat. Hill; NMM 2.
A.P. 1 England, c.1560, owner's initials on ring sundial signed "E.E." at OXF, c. 1560. Earle; RSW.
A.P. 2 Germany, fl.1590-1607, MIM Table Sundials, stone, 1601 = HAK and BM; Calendar Plate, stone, 1607 = GRA. possibly Andreas Plieninger, which see; BM dial also marked "Marcus Curtius." Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; RSW.
A.P. 3 MIM possibly Andreas Plieninger. Zinner 1.
A.P.S. 1784, MIM Quadrant, wood, 1784 = NOR. sliding scale. RSW.
A.R. 1 c.1590, MIM Wire Gauge, iron and brass = OXF. RSW.
A.R. 2 France, c.1670, MIM Celestial Globe = Strozzi Sale-380. Abraham Royer? Hamilton 1 and 2.
A.R. 3 fl.1754-81, MIM Zappeck-type Sundials = Greppin Coll. (1754), GRA (1768), PRZ (1781). Przypkowski 3; RSW.
A.R.D. see Olisipone. RSW.
A.R.K.L.O. MIM Rule = Christie-SK 11/27/86. the A.R.K.L.O. is surmounted by a crown. RSW.
A.R.N. France, c.1580, MIM Astrolabe, geographical = OXF. ICA-209. Gunther 1; Michel 2; Price 1; ICA 2.
A.S. 1 Germany, 1573, MIM Capuchin Sundial, 1573 = GEM. the sundial is for 49° lat.; Alexis Schniep ? Archinard 1.
A.S. 2 Germany, c.1590, MIM Table Sundial, powder-horn mark = Halle Stadt Museum; Standing Clock = KAS. Zinner 1.
A.S. 3 Germany, 1677, MIM SIM Surveyor's Level, 1677 = OXF. has a sighting tube; Andreas Sachse of Clausthal ? Zinner 1; Evans 1.
A.S. 4 England, Abraham Sharp (1651-1742)? or Ann Shepard (fl.1676)? Taylor 1(361, 395); Evans 1.
A.S.B. 18th Century, MIM Pedometer = X. Pipping 1.
A.S.M. 1 Germany?, 1670, MIM Mining Instrument, 1670 = FRE. also marked "Elias Eichler, B.M.", (burgomeister). Price 2.
A.S.M. 2 Germany, 1694, MIM Horizontal Sundial, compass, 1694 = NOR. probably for use with a surveying instrument. Zinner 1.
A.S.O.M. MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory = CLU. in spectacle case. RSW.
A.S.S. 1566, MIM Runic Calendar, wood, 1566 = Bibliothèque St. Geneviève, Paris. Journal of Suomen Museo, Helsinki, LIX, 1952.
A.V. MIM Rule = P.C. RSW.
A.V.C. 1765, MIM Garden Sundial, lead, 1765 = LIE. Price 2.
A.V.P. Holland, 1805, MIM Declinatory, 1805 = WHI. an instrument to lay out mural sundials. Bryden 16.
A.W. 1 England, c.1640-50, MIM Horary Quadrants = WHI(FIT) (1639), NMM-Q.4 (1640); Terrestrial Globe, silver, 1652 = Weil. the WHI and NMM quadrants have de Roias projections on the reverse; they could be by Andrew Wakely, Abraham Washington or Abraham Watlington; Bryden attributes them to Watlington as they are so similar to a signed instrument in the BM. London. Michel 3; Hill; Price 2 and 3; Ward 4; Zinner 1; Weil 2(17); Taylor 1(169) & 1(214a); Bryden 16; RSW.
A.W. 2 c.1700, MIM Proportional Dividers = DEU. RSW.
A.Y. England, c.1750, PHIM Balance, steel = Soth. 4/18/88. the initials are stamped on the circular pan under a heart. RSW.
A.Z. Germany, 1583, MIM Diptych Sundial, wood and ivory, 1583 = Soth. 11/27/72 = D.(1973) = TIM = Christie-SK 4/14/88. miner's compass marked "M.A." (morgen, abend); has two sets of rings; sundial set at slight angle to line up with compass needle when it points to red dot east of south. Wynter 1; RSW.
AAGER, M. Germany, MIM Universal Compass Sundial, small, silver case = KEN. probably M. Hager. Chaldecott 1.
AAKEN, VAN see van Aken.
AB.SC. Germany?, 1599, MIM see A.B.S.C. RSW.
ABATTE, J. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. possibly J. Abatte 2. Goodison 1.
ABATTE, J. 2 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see J. Abatte 1. Peterborough. Goodison 1.
ABATTI England, see Noretti and Abatti. Goodison 1.
ABBAS, GOTTFRIDUS Germany, 1516, MIM Garden Sundial, stone, 1516 = Fränkel Coll. = P.C. also marked "G.A.Z.N." Baillie 1; N.N. Fränkel Sale, Dusseldorf, 1913; RSW.
ABBATI, B. Italy, 1659, MIM Astrolabe, 1659 = FLO-243. ICA-488; may be owner; Bernardo Abbati. Bonelli 2; Price 1; ICA 2.
ABBOT England, c.1676, MIM made proportional compasses (?) for Robert Hooke and others. London. Taylor 1(389); Dewhirst; Evans 1.
ABBOT, C. see Charles Abbott. Taylor 2(791); Dewhirst.
ABBOT, RICHARD England, b. c.1654, MIM turned over as an appentice to Hilkiah Bedford of the Clockmakers' Company on June 1, 1668; served as an apprentice until 1675, but not freed; he may be the instrument maker consulted by Robert Hooke. J. Brown 3; Taylor 1(389); A.J. Turner 9; Loomes 2.
ABBOTT, AMOS USA, c.1850, MIM Horometer = X. a type of planisphere invented by Abbott and shown at Fair of American Institute, New York. Manchester, New Hampshire. Scientific American, 6:34, 1850; USNM.
ABBOTT, CHARLES England, fl.1801-27, OIM apprenticed in the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1794; free of the Company on Nov. 17, 1801; Taylor thought he fl.1780-1827. 6 Noble Street, Forster Lane; Angel Court at Skinners Street, Snowhill; both in London. Taylor 2(791); Dewhirst; Court and von Rohr 3(231); Crawforth 11.
ABBOTT, W. England, 19th Century, PHIM Money Scale = Melun 4/24/83. RSW.
ABBOTT, WILLIAM USA, c.1874, MIM made scientific instruments. Henniker, NH. DATM
ABEL, THOMAS England, fl.1838-41, PHIM made or sold barometers and thermometers. 55 Ray Street, Clerkenwell, London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2058).
ABEND, HANS LONHART Germany, c.1707, PHIM Nest of Weights = D.(1981). mark is stork within shield and initials L.A.; Hans Lönhart Abend. Nürnberg. Moskowitz Cat. 122.
ABLE, PETER Germany?, 16th to 17th Centuries, MIM Horizontal Sundial, ivory = INN. Zinner 1.
ABOAB, MORDECHAI SEMAH Holland, c.1750, there are two sundials with this name but it is probable that he was the owner. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Schuhmann; MADEX; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
ABRAHAM 1 England, 1818, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Phillips 2/2/84; Stick Barometers = X, Christie 5/5/83; Sundial = NMM-D.215; Wheel Barometer = X; Terrestrial Globe, miniature, case = Chicago Historical Society; Compass Sundials = Cooke's Shop, CMY, WHI-1670; Telescopes = D.(1984), London Nat'l Army Museum; Spyglass = Soth. 12/3/76; Telescope in cane = SNO; Microscopes = D.(1977), London Museum of the Pharmaceutical Soc. probably Jacob Abraham; optician. Bath. Taylor 2(1068); Goodison 1; NMM 2; Bryden 9; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 114; Coffeen F; Bryden 16.
ABRAHAM 2 England, OIM Telescope with tripod = D.(1967). London. F. Roux-Devillas Cat. 1967; USNM.
ABRAHAM 3 England, c.1800, PHIM Stick Barometer = D.(1978). "Optician"; may be Abrahams, which see. Exeter. RSW.
ABRAHAM 4 England, OIM T.C.; optician; probably Jacob Abraham. Corner of an opening into Old Well Lane near Queen's Circus, Cheltenham. Calvert 2.
ABRAHAM AND CO. England, c.1850, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie's 2/19/97. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW.
ABRAHAM AND CO. 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Jacob Abraham; see Abraham 1. Bath. Goodison 1.
ABRAHAM AND CO. 2 England, fl.1818-51, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Monocular Microscope = Soth.-West Sussex 10/18/83; Stick Barometers = Soth. 5/21/73, Soth-S 10/19/89; Telescope = Lancaster City Museum. Abraham Abraham and Co.; had second shop in Glasgow as A. Abraham and Co., which see; opticians; succeeded by G.S. Wood; T.C. Liverpool. USNM; RSW; Bryden 3 and 9; Taylor 2(1251); Crawforth 6.
ABRAHAM AND DANCER England, fl.1841-44, MIM OIM PHIM Map-making Instrument = Soth. 3/19/73; Induction Coil = College of Technology, Manchester; Marking Protractor = D. (1981); Mining Dial = P.C.; Monocular Microscope and Microscope, travelling = Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester. barometer makers; coil from Joule Coll; Jacob (?) Abraham and John B. Dancer; T.C. Liverpool; 13 Cross Street, King Street, Manchester (1841). Goodison 1; RSW; Lowery; Moskowitz Cat. 122; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Holbrook 2.
ABRAHAM, A. England, c.1800, MIM PHIM SIM Compass = Soth. 7/27/64-200; Surveying Level = NMM-13; Mining Compass = Soth. 6/19/72; Stick Barometers = D.(1975), Soth-S 1/10/90; Surveying Compass = CMY; Theodolite = Phillips 2/14/79. see Abraham and Co. 2. Liverpool. Bryden 9; RSW; NMM 2.
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. retail branch of Abraham and Co. 2 in Glasgow. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW.
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. 1 Scotland, fl.1838-43, MIM OIM PHIM Inclinable Sundial, portable = FRK = RSM; Stick Barometer = Soth. 12/14/89. retail branch of Abraham and Co. (2) in Liverpool; managed by S.P. Cohen, a partner, who continued the branch under his own name, 1843-60. 8 Exchange Square (1838-40); 82 Queen Street (1841-43); both in Glasgow. Bryden 3; Clarke et al; RSW.
ABRAHAM, A., AND CO. 2 England, c.1840, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 5/15/96. surely same as Abraham and Co. 2. 20 Lord Street, Liverpool. RSW.
ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM England, fl.1818-50, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Rule, ivory = D.(1982); Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometers = D.(1975), X; Spectroscope = Soth. 1960; Surveying Levels = NMM, Christie 10/31/67-52 and 2/13/68-18; Microscope = X; Pocket Compass = Phillips 4/20/83; Cuff Microscope variant = Soth. 6/23/69; Telescope as part of cane, 1839 = Soth. 2/1/79; Miner's Dials= Nat'l Museum of Wales, Cardiff and CYM; Sector, ivory = Grosvenor Mus., Chester; etc. the instruments are signed "A. Abraham Liverpool." 8 Lord Street (1818-20); 10 Lord Street (1821-22); 7 Lord Street (1823-28); 9 Lord Street (1829-34); 76 Lord Street (1835); 84 Lord Street (1837); 20 Lord Street (1839-50); all in Liverpool. Taylor 2(1251); Wynter and Turner; Crawforth 6; Bryden 9; Goodison 1; NMM 2; Holbrook 2.
ABRAHAM, ABRAHAM, AND CO. England, c.1851, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Pantograph = Phillips 10/26/83. barometer makers; pantograph signed "A. Abraham and Co. 2"; showed at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Liverpool; see Abraham, Abraham for street addresses. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1251); RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Crawforth 6 & 11.
ABRAHAM, J. 1 England, c.1815, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Liskeard. Goodison 1.
ABRAHAM, J. 2 England, fl.1805-51, MIM OIM PHIM Culpeper Microscope = Soth. 4/22/65-19; Horizontal Sundial = Christie 7/5/71. probably Jacob Abraham; optician; made globes, telescopes, barometers, etc; mathematical instrument maker to the Duke of Gloucester and to the Duke of Wellington; T.C. 7 Bartlett Street, near the Upper Rooms, Bath; adjoining Mr.Thompson's Pump Room, Cheltenham; 1 Bartlett Street, Bath (1819). Bryden 9; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; RSW.
ABRAHAM, J.A. England, c.1850, PHIM invented a type of barometer shown at Great Exhibition, 1851. 87 Bold Street, Liverpool. Bryden 9.
ABRAHAM, J.H. England, c.1827, MIM Holy Green, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1470).
ABRAHAM, JACOB England, fl.1805-41, MIM OIM PHIM Orrery = OXF; Wheel Barometer = Bath Municipal Library; Stick Barometer = X; Microscope = VCW. T.C.; optician and mathematical instrument maker to the Duke of Gloucester and to the Duke of Wellington; see Abraham and Co. 1; see Abraham 1; see J. Abraham 2. 1 St. Andrews Terrace (1809); 7 Bartlett Street (1819); both in Bath; shop adjoining Mr. Thompson's Pump Room, Cheltenham. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1068); Moskowitz Cat. 114; Chaldecott 1; C.N. Robinson; RSW.
ABRAHAMS England, OIM Telescope = D.(1971). may be Abraham 3. Exeter. RSW.
ABRAHAMS, A.E. England, c.1810, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 7/19/88, Bearne's 2/17/92. "Optician" appears after the Soth. signature. Exeter. RSW.
ABRAHAMS, JOHN England, c.1830, MIM Magnetic Compass = FIT (WHI). T.C. Montpelier Rotunda; the Shop adjoining Mr. Thompson's Pump Room; both in Cheltenham. Taylor 2(1761); Clay and Court.
ACCUM, FREDERICK CHRISTIAN Germany; England, 1769-1828, PHIM Hygrometers = WHI, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. sold chemical apparatus; author; had a commercial partnership with Alexander Garden for a few years. Hanover (1769-93); Old Compton Street, Soho, London. Whipple 1; A.L. King; G.L'E. Turner 24.
ACKERMAN, ANDERS Sweden, fl.1759-1804, MIM Celestial Globes = SKO (1759), Royal Library, Stockholm (1759, 1766 (2)); Terrestrial Globes = SKO (1759), Royal Library, Stockholm (1759, 1762, 1766 (2), 1779, 1804), Soth. 3/27/72 (1762). Åckerman; sometimes written Åkerman. Uppsala. Pipping 1; Price 2; Edell 1; RSW.
ACKERMANN AND CO. England, fl.1847-52, MIM NIM Parallel Rules = DeLuca 8/1/87. 96 Strand, London. O'Mara; RSW.
ACKLAND England, MIM Time Assimilator - Sidereal/Meantime = Dept of Physics, U. of Liverpool. Hatton Garden, London. Holbrook 2.
ADAIR, WILLIAM Ireland, 1794, MIM Sundial, slate, 1794 = Ulster Folk Museum. Clarke et al.
ADAKYMOE, TODA M. MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial = KEN; Instrument = VAA. Evans 1.
ADAM 1 England, MIM SIM Surveyor's Compass = Soth. 4/26/65-53. London. RSW.
ADAM 2 England, MIM NIM Sector, ivory = COR; Sextant = COR. may be one of the Adams. London. Courtanvaux.
ADAM, ELIAS 1 England, 1627, MIM recorded as a sundial maker in 1627; may be misreading for Elias Allen. Loomes 2.
ADAM, ELIAS 2 England, 1750, MIM Sundial, stone, 1750 = Crisp Coll. Dewhirst; Clay and Court.
ADAM, EUGENE France, 19th Century, MIM Trimming Tool = Soth. 10/20/75. "mecanicien." Colmar. RSW.
ADAM, J. Scotland, c.1870, PHIM Marine Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Dundee. RSW.
ADAM, MATHEW Scotland, fl.1822-23, NIM improved quadrants and sextants by adding artificial horizons. Inverness Academy, Inverness. Taylor 2(1471).
ADAM, ROBERT England, post-1760, MIM sundial maker to King George III; designed sundial on wall of Turner Art Gallery, Eastbourne. Stevens and Aked.
ADAM, U. Germany, 18th Century, MIM Wall Sundials on churches in Hartmannsweiler, Kayserberg, Kienzheim, Lautenbach, etc. Colmar. Zinner 1.
ADAMI, CARL CHRISTIAN LUDWIG Germany, 1802-74, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1847 = New York Public Library. teacher in Berlin, 1838-52; joined firm of Dietrich Reimer 1852-74. Daberkov, Pommerania; Berlin. Yonge.
ADAMS 1 England, OIM Telescope = NMM. "Adams' New Patent Portable Telescope"; may be John Adams 2. No. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478) and 2(1); NMM 2; RSW.
ADAMS 2 England, 18th Century, MIM NIM OIM SIM Inclinable Sundial = MLL; Solar Microscope = HER; Armillary Sphere = COO; Sextants = Wellesley College Observatory, Mass., Mystic Seaport, Conn.; Octant = D.(1987); Theodolite = P.C.; Telescope = Bennington Museum, Vermont; Telescope, 1810 = Christie-SK 2/8/79; Gunter's Scale = D.(1984); etc. there are many undated instruments signed "Adams"; it is impossible to tell whether George 1, George 2, or Dudley Adams is the maker in question; the ivory scale on the octant is marked "I.D.". London. USNM; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 110; Coffeen 15; Price 3; Ward 4;
ADAMS 3 USA, c.1835, MIM SIM see Frost and Adams. Moskowitz Cat. 115.
ADAMS AND TAGLIABUE USA, c.1850, PHIM made barometers and thermometers, glass hydrometers. Cat. of the New York Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations, 1853.
ADAMS, C. England, c.1790, MIM Crescent Sundial = Spitzer-Anderson sale 3/25/27. London. RSW.
ADAMS, D. England, MIM OIM Celestial Globe = Soth. 6/27/57-133; Telescope = Christie-SK 12/1/83; Wheel Barometer and Metallic Thermometer = Woburn Abbey; Compass Rose, paper = D.(1974). surely Dudley Adams; telescope is Charing Cross; Woburn Abbey instruments are Fleet Street. Charing Cross; Fleet Street; both in London. Wynter Cat. Vol. 2, No. 2; RSW.
ADAMS, DUDLEY England, 1762-1826, MIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to George Adams 2, his brother, in the Grocers' Company, 1777; free of the Company, 1788; succeeded to the family business in 1796; globe maker to the King, 1794, and mathematical instrument maker to the King, 1796; optician to the Prince of Wales by 1804; several patents; T.C. Spring Gardens, Charing Cross (1788); 53 Charing Cross (1793-1821); 6 Jewry Street, Aldgate (-1822); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(792); Chaldecott 1; USNM; Moskowitz 114; G.L'E. Turner 24; J. Brown 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Calvert 2; RSW; Crawforth 1; Court and Rohr 3(XXXII); Millburn 9; Bryden 16; Yonge.
ADAMS, F. England, OIM Microscope = FLO. probably G. Adams. London. Italian Inventory.
ADAMS, G. England, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM many instruments signed this way; impossible to tell whether George 1 or George 2 Adams is involved except for the relevant dated instruments. 60 Fleet Street, London. USNM; Brewington 1; Bedini 1; Belgian Inv.; Price 3; Ward 4; NMM 2; RSW; Moskowitz Cat. 114; Brieux Cat.
ADAMS, GEORGE 1 England, 1704-72, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to James Parker in the Grocers' Company, 1724; turned over to Thomas Heath 1, 1726; free of the Company, 1733; father of George 2 and Dudley Adams; instrument maker to the King and to the East India Company; author; difficult to tell, except by date, whether George Adams 1 or 2; T.C. Southampton; Shore Lane (1733); at Tycho Brahe's Head, corner of Racquet Court, in Fleet Street; both in London. Taylor 2(145); Chaldecott 1; Maddison 1; Bonelli 1; USNM; Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24; Calvert 2; Crawforth 1; Bedini 8; J. Brown 1; RSW; Court and von Rohr 3(XVIII); Millburn 9; C.N. Robinson; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Yonge; ADL; Tyler.
ADAMS, GEORGE 2 England, 1750-95, MIM NIM OIM PHIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums. apprenticed to his father, George Adams 1, in the Grocers' Company, 1765; free of the Company, 1772, by his mother, Ann Adams, the executrix; author; instrument maker to the King; optician to the Prince of Wales; associated with Thomas Hatton in making and selling four portable instruments for checking weight of gold; stock and books bought by Jones Brothers in 1795; see George Adams, Jr. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 2(676); Chaldecott 1; Maddison 2; Bonelli 1; Brewington 1; RSW; Moskowitz Cats; Wynter 2; G.L'E. Turner 24; A.J. Turner 10; J. Brown 1; Bedini 8; Court and von Rohr 3(XXV); Millburn 9; J.A. Bennett 2; Goodison 1; Yonge; Hillier; Syndram; Whipple 1; ADL.
ADAMS, GEORGE 3 England, c.1811, apprenticed to Dudley Adams, his father, in the Grocers' Company, on June 16, 1811. J. Brown 1; Millburn 9.
ADAMS, GEORGE, JR. England, 1750-95, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Telescope, pocket, 1774 = D.(1978); Orrery = X. telescope signed" G. Adams London" on tube; "Adams, Jr." on inside of draw tube; George Adams 2. 60 Fleet Street, London. Moskowitz 116; RSW.
ADAMS, HANNAH England, fl.1795-96 d.1810, MIM "Mathematical Instrument Maker to the King" and supplier of instruments to the Royal Mathematical School at Christ's Hospital, after the death of her husband, George Adams 2; succeeded by William Cary in the latter post. London. Millburn 9 and 11.
ADAMS, JAMES USA, c.1850, MIM Set of Drawing Instruments = FRK = Soth. 3/25/86. Portsmouth, Ohio. RSW.
ADAMS, JOHN 1 England, fl.1670-96, MIM instrument designer; lawyer; surveyor. Shropshire; Tanfield Court, Inner Temple, London. Taylor 1(344).
ADAMS, JOHN 2 England, fl.1714-38, OIM apprenticed to William Saunders 2 in 1707, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company on July 1, 1714; perhaps maker of "Adams' New Patent Portable Telescope" at NMM; see John Adams 4; Taylor's dates are different. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478) and 2(1); Court and von Rohr 3(83).
ADAMS, JOHN 3 England, fl.1759-96, MIM NIM teacher of mathematics; partner with Richard Rust; their names appear on engraved compass cards; Adams was the designer and Richard Rust the maker. Farnhill Academy, near Waltham Abbey, Essex (1773); Mathematical Academy, Brook Street, Ratcliff Cross, London (1780). Taylor 2(432); Crawforth 11.
ADAMS, JOHN 4 England, may be John Adams 2. 60 Fleet Street, London. Taylor 1(478).
ADAMS, NATHANIEL 1 England, 1708-43, OIM Mirror on Culpeper Microscope = X. apprenticed to Edward Scarlett in 1722, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1730; optician to Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of George II; Francis Watkins was apprenticed to him in 1737, and John Margas, pre-1742. The Golden Spectacles, Charing Cross, London. Taylor 2(146); Clay and Court; Daumas 1; Court and von Rohr 3(111); Robischon; WEBDB.
ADAMS, NATHANIEL 2 USA, 1793, MIM SIM apprenticed to Nathaniel Shipman and Son of Norwich, Conn. in 1793. Smart 2.
ADAMS, NATHANIEL, AND WHIPPLE USA, c.1809, MIM SIM Surveying Compass = P.C. in jewelry business. Troy, N.Y. Smart 2; RSW.
ADAMS, W.G. England, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, alidade = P-B 9/24/38. London. RSW.
ADAMS, WILLIAM USA, b.1801 fl.1829-62, MIM Terrestrial Globe, silver, 1841 = U.S. House of Repre- sentatives, Washington, D.C. part of a mace. 185 Church Street, New York, N.Y. (1841). J. S. Brown.
ADAMSON England, c.1790, PHIM Wheel Barometer and Thermometer in clock = P-B 6/7/68-46; Stick Barometer = X; Wheel Barometer = X. Fleet Street, London. USNM; RSW; Goodison 1.
ADAMSON AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). London. Goodison 1.
ADAMSON, HUMPHREY England, fl.1668-82, MIM PHIM Calculating Machine = KEN; Clock, pendulum = KEN. made Morland's calculating machine; made wheel and stick barometers; member of the Clockmakers' Company; Loomes said he was not a member of the Clockmakers' Company. near the Turnstile in Holborn; at the House of Jonas Moor, Esq. in the Tower; both in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 1(326); Evans 1; Dewhirst; Calvert 2; Loomes 2.
ADAMSON, JOHN England, c.1686, MIM made free of the Clockmakers' Company on Sept. 29, 1686; may have made only clocks; Loomes only mentions clocks. Clay and Court; Crawforth 11; Loomes 2.
ADCOCK, RICHARD England, c.1659, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1652; free in the Company, 1659. Crawforth 7.
ADDISON, G., AND CO. England, c.1830, MIM Celestial Globe = GMM. London. RSW.
ADDISON, JOHN England, c.1800, MIM Orrery = NMM; Globes, pair = MLL; Terraqueous Globe = U. of Utah, Salt Lake City. maker of globes manufactured and published by Malby and Co.; orrery signed "J. Addison"; globes say "manufactured and sold by G. and J. Cary"; made terrestrial globe on Thomas Heath orrery, ADL-DPW1; see John Addison and Co. 37 Parker Street, Little Queen Street; Regent Street; both in London. Maddison 1; RSW; NMM 2; Yonge; ADL.
ADDISON, JOHN, AND CO. England, fl.1820-37, MIM Terrestrial Globe, twelve-inch, stand = Phillips 2/2/84; Terrestrial Globe = D.(1975); Pair of Globes = D.(1975); Terrestrial Globe, miniature = Chicago Historical Society. Phillips globe signed "J. Addison and Co., Globe Makers and by appointment to his Majesty King George IV"; others signed "J. Addison and Co. Globe makers by appointment to His Most Gracious Majesty, George IV." 9 Skinner Street (1820); 117 Regent Street, Piccadilly (1823); 7 Hampstead Road, Tottenham Court Road (1827); all in London. Taylor 2(1472); RSW; Moskowitz 118; Yonge.
ADDISON, L. England, MIM Celestial Globe, miniature, papier-maché = Christie 7/16/68. probably John Addison. USNM; Crawforth 11.RSW.
ADERMAN, CLAS OTTO Sweden, 1826-96, PHIM meteorological instrument maker. Stockholm. Pipping 1.
ADHEMAR France, MIM Terrestrial Globe = CNAM-7255. Adhémar. Cons. Nat'l 1; Destombes 4.
ADIE 1 Scotland, MIM PHIM Garden Sundial = Phillips 10/26/83; Sextant, pocket = Christie 12/21/71 = FRK = RSM; Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76; Universal Equatorial Sundial = Soth. 3/25/86; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Sympiesometer No.1181 = FRK = RSM; Box Sextant = RSM. probably either Alexander or John Adie. Edinburgh. Bryden 3; RSW; Clarke et al.
ADIE 2 England, c.1845, MIM NIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Level = Christie 10/31/67-53; Sextant, pocket = D.(1967); Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 11/27/86; Dumpy Level = WHI. surely Patrick Adie. 395 Strand, 5 Arthur Street West, London Bridge, London. USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Clarke et al; RSW.
ADIE AND SON Scotland, fl.1835-80, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Barometer, travelling = Soth. 7/21/83; Thermometer, ivory = Soth. 2/8/83; Stick Barometers = X; Surveying Compass = Kenney Sale-171; Theodolite = Soth. 11/27/67-5; Sympiesometer, No. 1708 = Phillips 7/20/83; Robinson-type Balance = RSM; Telescope = Christie 5/6/69; Surveyor's Level = D.(1972); Marine Barometer = D.(1976); Mining Compass D.(1986); etc. Alexander and his second son, John; Taylor thought that the son was Richard; marine barometer is No. 89; "Instrument Makers to the Queen." 58 Princes Street (1835-43); 50 Princes Street (1844-76); 37 Hanover Street (1837-80) all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3 and 8; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2059)(2060); RSW; Moskowitz 104; G.L'E. Turner 24; Coffeen 13; Nuttall; Clarke et al.
ADIE AND WEDDERBURN Scotland, 1881-99, MIM OIM PHIM Folding Gauge Rod = Kenney Sale-124 = P.C; Telescopes = Soth. 3/19/73, RSM; Barometer, portable = Soth. 5/1/86; Barograph = FRK = RSM. Thomas Wedderburn was foreman with Adie and Son. 37 Hanover Street (1881-82); 17 Hanover Street (1883-99); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(2061); Clarke et al; RSW.
ADIE, A. Scotland, MIM Garden Sundial = D.(1975); Sundial = FRK = RSM; Miner's Dial = RSM; Polarizing Microscope = RSM; Surveying Compass = RSM. surely Alexander Adie. Edinburgh. Wynter Cat; Clarke et al.
ADIE, ALEXANDER Scotland, 1774-1858, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometers = X; Sympiesometers = RSM, D.(1967), Atwater Kent Museum, Philadelphia, Pa.; Polarizing Microscope = RSM; Telescope and stand = D.(1989). apprenticed to his uncle, John Miller, 1787; was his partner, 1804-22; his second son, John, joined him in 1835 (Taylor says son Richard); invented and patented sympiesometer in 1818; other sons Richard and Patrick, which see; also see Miller and Adie; first polarizing microscope made 1823-29. 94 Nicholson Street (1804-7); 96 Nicholson Street (1807-10); 8 Nicholson Street (1811-18); 35 Princes Street (1818-34); 15 Nicholson Street (1825-26); 58 Princes Street (1830-34: all in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1069); Middleton 1; USNM; RSW; Clarke et al; Rinaldi 23.
ADIE, JOHN Scotland, fl.1835-81, MIM OIM PHIM second son of Alexander Adie; in partnership with him in 1835; see Adie and Son and Adie and Wedderburn. Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; Middleton 1; Clarke et al.
ADIE, PATRICK Scotland; England, fl.1846-68, MIM OIM PHIM SIM Artificial Horizon = FRK = RSM; Current Meter = FRK = RSM; Telescope = FRK = RSM; Magnetic Variometer = RSM. youngest son of Alexander Adie; made marine barometers; business continued until 1868 at Strand address and went on to 1942; held patents on semicircle, diastameter, level, eidograph, etc.; see Adie 2. 1A Conduit Street (1846-47); 395 Strand (1848-68); both in London. Bryden 3; Goodison 1; RSW; USNM; O'Mara; Clarke et al; Middleton 1.
ADIE, RICHARD Scotland; England, fl.1835-75, MIM OIM PHIM Stick Barometer = X; Cometarium, 1835 = OXF; Sympiesometer = GHS. also made a steam and vacuum gauge and a double telescope; barometer signed "R. Adie Bold Street Liverpool"; was third son of Alexander Adie; Taylor thought that he was partner in Adie and Co. 26 Bold Street (1835); 28 Bold Street (1837);.55 Bold Street (1839); 4 Exchange Building (1868) and 5 Edmund Street (1870); 5 Harington Street (1872-75); all in Liverpool. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(2059 and 2061); Bryden 3; USNM; G.L'E. Turner 24; Clarke et al.
ADMIRAL, JACOB L' Holland, 17th Century, PHIM Coin Balance = Soth. 6/23/87. mastermark of L'Admiral is stamped on the pans and the weights. RSW.
ADRIAENSEN, JAN Holland, 1575-1654, MIM Sundial = Fry Coll. DeRijp. Michel 3; Price 2; RSW.
ADRIAENSZOON, JACOB see Jacob Metius. A.J. Turner 10.
ADRIANO, P. FE. Italy, 1700, MIM Astrolabe, 1700 = BM. ICA-188; "P. Adriano Fe." Turin. Gunther 1; Price 1, 2 and 3; Ward 4; ICA 2; Evans 1; Holbrook 2.
ADZERSEN, KARL Sweden?, 1732, MIM Vertical Sundial, 1732 = USNM. Lydersholm. USNM.
AECHERSPERG, JOHANN PETER Germany, fl.1765-86, PHIM Money Balances, 1765, 1775, undated = DRE; Balances = Köller May, 1972, 11/17/75 (1786); Gold Balances = Den Gamle By, Aarhus (1762), HAK (1773); etc. also Aeckersberg; many signed "J.P. Aeckersberg." Wichtlinghausen im Ober-Barmen. RSW.
AEHNELT, C.G. Germany, 1782, MIM OIM Rule, 1782 = DRE; Telescope = DRE. Dresden. RSW.
AERTRYCKE, PHILIPS VAN Holland, c.1520, NIM compass maker. Bruges; Middelburg. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
AERTS, PETRUS Belgium, 17th Century, MIM Quadrant = X. resembled Lusuerg quadrant in Michel collection. Brussels. Michel 3; Price 2.
AFFLECK, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1800-02, MIM Glasgow. Taylor 2(1071).
AGGERE, PETRUS AB see Petrus ab aggere. Bonelli 1.
AGGERIUS, PETRUS see Petrus ab aggere. Gunther 2.
AGGIO, PAUL England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Phillips 2/14/79, Soth. 7/21/87. Colchester. Goodison 1; RSW.
AGNELO, MICHIEL Italy, c.1545, MIM invented an ellipsograph in 1545. Arrighi.
AGNESE Italy, 1554, MIM Compass set inside book cover, 1554 = NMM. RSW.
AGNEW 1 England, see Zanetti and Agnew. RSW.
AGNEW 2 England, c.1840, MIM SIM Circumferentor = P.C. Manchester. Delehar 4.
AGNEW AND ZANETTI England, fl.1825-34, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometers = X(2). one wheel barometer signed "Agnew and Zanetti, Exchange Street, Manchester"; others signed "Agnew and Zanetti, 18 Exchange Street, Manchester"; Thomas Agnew and Vittore Zanetti; succeeded Zanetti and Agnew, which see. 94 Market Street (1825-26); 10 Exchange Street (1826-32); 18 Exchange Street (1834); all in Manchester. Taylor 2(1473); Goodison 1.
AGNEW, THOMAS England, 1794-1871, MIM PHIM SIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Circumferentor = P.C. apprenticed to Vittore Zanetti, 1810; partner with him, 1817; partner with his son, 1825-34; working alone by 1835; circumferentor is signed "Agnew Manchester"; also made thermometers. 94 Market Street (1810-26); 10 Exchange Street (1826-32); 18 Exchange Street (1834); 14 Exchange Street (1841); all in Manchester. Goodison 1; Delehar 4.
AGOSTI, G. England, c.1840, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 5-7-96. with hydrometer, thermometer and level; may be same as I. Agosti, which see. Falmouth. RSW.
AGOSTI, I. England, PHIM Marine Barometer = X. may be John Augustus. Falmouth. Goodison 1.
AHL, JOHAN Sweden; Denmark, fl.pre-1755-95, OIM Astronomical Quadrant, 3-foot radius = CRT. apprenticed to Eckström; partner with Steinholtz, 1755-62. Stockholm (pre-1755-62); Copenhagen (1762-95). Pipping 1; RSW.
AHRENS, C.D. England, 19th Century, OIM Microscope = Phillips 12/12/89. London. RSW.
AIANO England, fl.1790-1800, PHIM Stick Barometers = X(2), Christie 5/5/83, Soth. 2/28/80, (1800); Wheel Barometers = Phillips 10/26/83 (4). probably Charles Aiano; Phillips and one other wheel signed "Aiano Canterbury." Canterbury. Goodison 1; RSW.
AIANO, CARLS. England, PHIM variant spelling for Charles Aiano, which see. RSW.
AIANO, CHARLES England, fl.1826-41, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(3), Chrisrie-SK 6/30/89 = D.(1989), Soth.-S 7/17/96; Stick Barometers = X, Soth. 2/4/77; Double Barometer = X. some signed "C. Aiano" or "Chas. Aiano"; Soth. 1977 signed "Carls. Aiano." At the Sign of the Providence; 9 Northgate (1826-28); Northgate (1841); 90-1 Northgate; all in Canterbury. Goodison 1; RSW.
AICHINGER c.1850, MIM Equatorial Sundial with alidade = AMST. Mörzer Bruyns 1; RSW.
AINAO, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 5/12/72. misreading for Charles Aiano. Northgate, Canterbury. RSW.
AINSLEY, THOMAS L. England, fl.1858-86, MIM NIM Hadley's Quadrant = PEA-M3535; Instrument = OXF; Octant = Christie-SK 3/31/83; Sextants = Christie 12/21/7, Soth. 3/19/73 and MYS; Pelorus = MYS; Octant = Science and Engineering Museum, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; etc. Christie sextant signed "Thos. L. Ainsley" and MYS one signed "Ainsley"; second octant signed Thomas L. Ainsley; rest signed "T.L. Ainsley"; quadrant also signed "London"; first octant also signed; "Cardiff and Barry Docks"; see Bain and Ainsley. South Shields, Durham; South Shields, Tyne and Wear; Cardiff and Barry Docks; London. Brewington 1; Taylor 2(1072); Crawford 11; RSW.
AIRES, BENJAMIN see Benjamin Ayres. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
AKEN, ABRAHAM VAN Holland, c.1760, MIM PHIM Astrolabe = BOM 3/28/06-564; Fire Engine Model = UTR-Physics Lab.; Planetaria = LEY, GEM. made planetaria and other astronomical and physical instruments; sometimes spelled van Aaken. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Brieux 3; RSW; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
AKENHEAD, ROBERT England, c.1718, T.C.; stationer and seller of instruments and spectacles. at the Bible and Crown up on the Bridge, Newcastle. Calvert 2.
AKERBOOM, JOHANNES Holland, c.1775, NIM Mariner's Compass = Auction, 1981, Holland. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
AKERMAN, ANDREA Åkerman; variant of Anders Åckerman. Price 2; Edell 1.
AKRELL, CARL FREDRIK Sweden, 1779-1868, MIM made and repaired globes; probably son of Fredrik Akrell. RSW.
AKRELL, FREDRIK Sweden, 1740-1804, MIM Terrestrial Globe, 1790 = NOR. renewed several Åckerman globes; worked at the Academy of Sciences; also made celestial globes. Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW.
AL. RI. Italy, initials on pin-gnomon sundial by Carolus Platus, 1593, at BM. Dalton.
ALAMANNI, ANTONIO Italy, c.1641, PHIM Barometers and Thermometers = FLO. Florence. Bonelli 1.
ALAND, JONATHAN Ireland, c.1685, designed instruments to determine longitude. Waterford. Taylor 1(438).
ALBERTI, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Stick Barometer = X. probably Angelo Alberti; stick also signed "Sheffield" and its case was made by Charles Guggiari. Sheffield. Goodison 1.
ALBERTI, ANGELO England, fl.1822-25, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Goodison 1.
ALBERTI, GIANBATTISTA Italy, 1688, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1688 = Brescia; Compass Instruments = Brescia-7 and -32. Michel 3; Price 2.
ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA Italy, 1404-72, MIM made hodometers. Morpurgo 1.
ALBINO, D. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie-N.Y. 4/19/89. the barometer listed by Goodison is signed "Albino, Cheltenham." Cheltenham. Goodison 1; RSW.
ALBINO, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Christie 4/28/89. Cheltenham. RSW.
ALBINO, JOHN England, fl.1839-60, PHIM made barometers. 47 St. John Street, West Smithfield (1839-49); 63 Hatton Garden (1850-60); both in London. Goodison 1.
ALBRECHT, ANDREAS Germany, d.1628, MIM SIM Surveying Instrument, 1625 = NUR-WI 1262. compass maker; designed the theodolite and plane table made by Michael Bumel. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Evans 1; Weil 1; Bonelli 1; Price 2; Gouk 1.
ALBRECHT, H. Germany, 19th Century, MIM Planetarium = Ineichen 6/5/75. Berlin. RSW.
ALCOCK, JOHN England, 1743, NIM Nocturnal, boxwood, 1743 = HAK. Rohde; RSW.
ALDER 1 USA, NIM T.C.; see Duren and Alder, Alder and Co., Alder and Duren, Alder and Mackay, and W.D. Alder. New York, N.Y. RSW.
ALDER 2 USA, see Choate and Alder. New York, N.Y. RSW.
ALDER AND CO. England, NIM Octant = Christie 7/5/71. Blyth. RSW.
ALDER AND DUREN USA, c.1850, NIM sold nautical instruments; makers? New York, N.Y. RSW.
ALDER AND MACKAY Scotland, c.1825, PHIM Barograph in clock = D.(1972). Edinburgh. RSW.
ALDER, WILLIAM D. USA, c.1859, MIM NIM see De Mory, Gray and W.D. Alder, T.C.; successor to Duren and Alder; see Choate, Alder and Topham. New Bedford, Mass. (1859); 20 Burling Slip, New York, N.Y. D.J. Warner 10; RSW.
ALDERSON, WALTON England, fl.1823-31, MIM clockmaker; made sundials. Leyburn. Loomes.
ALDINUS, FRANCISCUS Italy, 1660, MIM Armillary Sphere, iron, 1660 = ADL-M8. Engelmann 1; Michel 3; Price 2; Yonge; ADL; RSW.
ALDRIDGE, JOHN England, c.1669, MIM OIM member of the Spectaclemakers' Company in 1669. Minories, London. Court and von Rohr 3(24).
ALDRIDGE, T. USA, NIM Navigational Rule = X. Bergen, New Jersey. RSW.
ALDUS, THOMAS England, fl.1659-62, MIM apprenticed to Henry Sutton in the Joiners' Company, June 12, 1652; free in the Company, Mar. 5, 1659; took apprentices. Crawforth 7.
ALEA, YARWAY England, c.1661, apprenticed to John Brown 6 in the Joiners' Company, 1654; free in the Company, 1661. Crawforth 7.
ALESSANDRI, I, AND SCATTOGLIA Italy, 1784, MIM Celestial Globe, 1784 = ROM. Venice. Bonelli 4; Bedini 12.
ALETT, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = D.(1976). Oxford. RSW.
ALEXANDER England, c.1790, NIM Quadrant = NMM-S.160. Yarmouth. Taylor 2(910); NMM 2.
ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER 1 Scotland, fl.1812-20, OIM Edinburgh. Taylor 2(1254); Morrison-Low.
ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER 2 England, fl.1812-41, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Hadley's Quadrant = X; Pantograph = Christie 12/12/72; Camera Lucida = OXF. optician to the King, the Duchess of Kent and to Princess Victoria; may be same person as Alexander Alexander 1; invented Graphic Mirror (1841); T.C.; pantograph signed "A. Alexander." 6 High Street opposite Castle Street, Exeter. Taylor 2(1254); Bryden 9; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 24; Crawforth 1.
ALEXANDER, ANDREAS 1666, MIM Sector, 1666 = NUR. Nürnberg? Evans 1.
ALEXANDER, GEORGE Scotland, fl.1813-25, NIM watch and compass maker; held a patent for compass card suspension. 27 Timber Street; 62 Shore (1822-25); both in Leith. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1255); Clarke et al.
ALEXANDER, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth. 2/19/87. Norwich. RSW.
ALEXANDER, JOHN Scotland, c.1671, MIM apprenticed to Robert Smith of the Clockmakers' Company in Dec. 1667; freed in the Company, Aug. 1671; his test pieces were one clock and one sundial. Edinburgh. Loomes 2.
ALEXANDRE, B. France; India, MIM PHIM Thermometer = P.C.; Planetarium Clock = UTO 11/2/76; Aneroid Barometer = Phillips 11/16/88. "Opticien"; the barometer is marked "Cannes." Cannes and Luckow; Paris. RSW; Brieux.
ALFIERI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Manchester. Goodison 1.
ALFIERI, P. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Halifax. Goodison 1.
ALIEZER AND SON England? U.S.A.?, 1790, MIM SIM Graphometer, 1790 = P.C. USNM.
ALIMENIUS, MATTEO CAMPANI see Matteo Campani. Daumas 1.
ALINGHAM, WILLIAM England, fl.1694-1710, MIM advertised as making dials. Rummer Tavern, Chanel (or Cannon) Row, Westminster, London. Taylor 1(482).
ALIOVSY, IOECHI MICUS 1591, MIM Astronomical Plate, 1591 = UTO 11/2/76. also marked "Iohannes Praetorius." RSW.
ALLAM England, fl.1821-46, MIM see Worthington and Allam. Taylor 2(1749).
ALLAN 1 England, NIM Sextant, pocket, with Telescope = D.(1975). could be James Allan. London. RSW.
ALLAN 2 England, probably misreading for Worthington and Allam; see Worthington and Allam. Christie 5/26/76.
ALLAN 3 England, c.1850, PHIM designed and made saccharometers; in competition with Gray and Mackay. Chaldecott 3; RGO.
ALLAN, ALEXANDER Scotland, fl.1806-35, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X; Saccarometer = RSM. instrument signed "Alexr Allan"; made Thomas Thomson's direct reading saccharometers, used by the Scottish Excise Office; succeeded by Peter Stevenson, his apprentice. Baron Grant's Close (1806-10); 9 Lothian Street (1811-35); both in Edinburgh. Bryden 3; Taylor 2(1073); Goodison 1; Clarke et al; McConnell 4.
ALLAN, JAMES England, fl.1790-1825, MIM SIM Sextants = WHI, Phillips 11/16/88; Repeating Circle, 1811 = Soth. 7/26/65 = Soth. 2/21/66. apprenticed to Fairbone (probably Charles Fairbone 2 of the Grocers' Company); instrument maker and designer; made an improved dividing engine and theodolite; author; sometimes spelled "Allen"; awarded a prize in 1820 by the Commissioners of the Board of Longitude; his son, John Allan, succeeded him in 1825. 13, Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane, London. Society of Arts Transactions, 1810, 1815-16; USNM; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Taylor 2(912); Daumas 1; Moskowitz 105; RSW; J.A. Bennett 2; Coffeen 39.
ALLAN, JOHN England; USAb.1786 fl.1810-25+, MIM NIM OIM Sextant = USNM; Sextant, miniature, with case = D.(1992). son of James Allan of London, who died in 1825; T.C. states he is son and successor to the late J(ames) Allan, sextant maker and divider; D.J. Warner lists him as "Allen" even though the USNM sextant is signed "J. Allan." Fell Street (1810); 86 Bond Street (1814-15); 1 Fell Street (1819); all in Baltimore, Md; No. 12 Blewitt's Buildings, Fetter Lane, London (after 1825). Smart 1; USNM; D.J. Warner 10; Coffeen 39.
ALLARD, ABRAHAN Holland, c.1713, MIM advertised pocket globes with cases in 1713. Amsterdam. Krogt 2.
ALLARD, KAREL Holland, c.1706, MIM advertised a pair of pocket globes in 1706. Amsterdam. Krogt 2.
ALLEAUME, JACQUES France, c.1610-15, MIM made sectors with points; "Ingénieur du Roi"; set up by Henri IV with a workshop in the Louvre. Louvre, Paris. Daumas 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10.
ALLEN 1 Scotland, c.1820, PHIM made sets of solids. near the College, Edinburgh. Bryden 3.
ALLEN 2 USA, misreading for Allam, which see; see Worthington and Allam. Taylor 2(1749).
ALLEN, ELIAS England, fl.1606-d.1654, MIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, including a mariner's astrolabe (ICA-321) (NMM-11) and a very distinctive type of astronomical compendium. apprenticed to Charles Whitwell of the Grocers' Company in 1602; free of the Company July 7, 1612; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company Oct. 3, 1633; Master, 1636-38; took apprentices in both Companies. Blackhorse Alley, running off the north side of Fleet Street and close to the bridge across Fleet Ditch (1601-11); in the Strand (1613); Sign of the Horse Shoe, near Essex Gate, over against St. Clement's Church, Strand and outside Temple Bar (1616-53); all in London. Taylor 1(112); Coffeen 51; Ward 4; Bryden 16; A. Stimson 3; Maddison 5; J. Brown 1 and 3; Waters 1; J.A. Bennett 2; RSW.
ALLEN, HORATIO USA, MIM made earth and sun instruments; made astronomical instruments. Homewood, South Orange, New Jersey. USNM.
ALLEN, JAMES alternate selling for James Allan, which see. Daumas 1; RSW.
ALLEN, JOHN 1 England, fl.1632-53, MIM Astrolabe-Quadrant, 1633 = BMR; Double Horizontal Sundial = BMR; Universal Ring Sundial on compass stand = ROM-674; Equinoctial Meridian Sundial = ROM-7768; Sector = OXF. apprenticed to Elias Allen of the Grocers' Company on June 25, 1617, may have been the son of Elias Allen; free of the Company Jan. 11, 1632; took Walter Hayes as an apprentice, Feb. 22, 1632; may be John Allen 2 who was a member of the Clockmakers' Company in 1653. near the Savoy, in the Strand, London. Taylor 1(171); Bonelli 1; Price 2; Michel 2; Belgian Inventaire; USNM; J. Brown 1 & 3; RSW.
ALLEN, JOHN 2 England, MIM member of the Clockmakers' Company in 1653; may be John Allen 1. J. Brown 1, 2 and 3.
ALLEN, JOHN 3 alternate spelling for John Allan. Smart 1; USNM.
ALLEN, JOHN 4 England, fl.1842-52, MIM 35 St. Swithin's Lane (1842); 5 Three King Court, Lombard Street (1847-52); both in London. O'Mara.
ALLEN, JOHN 5 USA, 1810-19, MIM OIM T.C. in Dollond sextant box, the sextant having Maskelyne's flap. At the Sign of the Mariner, Thames Street 15, Fells Point, Baltimore. Coffeen 43.
ALLEN, JOSIAH BENNETT USA, 1813-70 fl.1849-70, MIM OIM made reflecting telescopes and microscopes, astronomical and musical instruments; some signed "J.B. Allen." Springfield, Mass.; Thompsonville, Conn. USNM.
ALLEN, M.H. AND T.W. Ireland, c.1838, MIM retailers of a beam-compass invented by W. and A. Smith of London. Dame Street, Dublin. Taylor 2(2063); USNM.
ALLEN, NATHANIEL England, 18th Century, NIM apprenticed to Jonathan Eade in the Merchant Taylors' Company; partner in Eade, Wilton and Allen. London. Crawforth 8; RSW.
ALLEN, T. USA, NIM Sextant = USNM. is he same person as John Allen 2? Baltimore, Md. USNM.
ALLEN, WILLIAM 1 England, 1770-1843, MIM PHIM F.R.S., 1807; may be too long a working period for one man. Plough Court, Lombard Street (1770- ); 29 Seward Street, Goswell Street; both in London. O'Mara; Taylor 2(2064).
ALLEN, WILLIAM 2 England, c.1787, MIM PHIM No. 37 High Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9.
ALLESTREE, RICHARD England, fl.1643-51, MIM paper quadrant in almanac. Taylor 1(203).
ALLFORD, JAMES England?, MIM Horary Quadrant = Soth. 12/16/63-126. RSW.
ALLIS, J.H. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. Bristol. Goodison 1.
ALLISTER, MR. USA, misreading of McAllister, Willam Y., Versailles 11/19/78. RSW.
ALLIZEAU France, PHIM Mineralogical Compendium = Soth. 10/28/63-20. Paris. RSW.
ALMENT, JOHN Ireland, 1740-87, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Compasses = P.C., D.(1990); Garden Sundial = D.(1989). optician; Evans also reported him as Almont; worked for John Margas before 1767. Mary's Abbey (1767-74); 34 Mary's Abbey (1775-87); both in Dublin. Bryden 9; Evans 1; Morrison-Low and Burnett; Moskowitz 132; Coffeen 30.
ALMONT Ireland, c.1750, MIM probably John Alment, which see. Dublin. Evans 1.
ALOTTI, C. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Cirencester. Goodison 1.
ALSTON AND CO. England, fl.1789-95, MIM Perpetual Calendar Volvelle = BM-1901/11/15-29. Willmore. Price 3; Ward 4.
ALT, ISAAC England, c.1675, member of the Spectaclemakers' Company; took apprentices. London. Crawforth 6.
ALTENDER, T., AND SONS. USA, MIM made rules. Philadelphia, PA. DATM.
ALTENEDER, T. USA, fl.1850-76, MIM NIM OIM PHIM patented a drawing instrument joint, 1850, and a telescopic range finder, 1862; made drawing instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
ALTORFII, JOACHIMUS 1591, MIM Instrument = X. Evans 1.
ALURESONOVO, MEL Spain, c.1648, this name is marked on the back of a mariner's astrolabe made by Andre Ruffo (NMM-64). A. Stimson 3.
ALVERGNIAT France, 18th Century, PHIM Air Pumps = FLO (2). may be predecessor to Alvergniat frères, fl. 1858-90, at 10 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris. Paris? Bonelli 1; G.L'E. Turner 24.
ALWORTH, THOMAS England, 1695, MIM Garden Sundial, 1695 = Phillips 2/2/84. Oxon (Oxford). RSW.
ALZ, M. see Joao Mellorio and M. Alz.
AMADIO England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Bearne's 2/17/92. London. RSW.
AMADIO AND SON England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), English, Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd. Francis Amadio 1 and 2. 118 St. John Street Road, London. Goodison 1.
AMADIO, A. England, 1736, PHIM Angle Barometer, 1736 = X. in style of Charles Orme; probably repaired and re-signed by Amadio. Ashby de-la-Zouch. Goodison 1.
AMADIO, F., AND SON England, 1840-44, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X, Christie 12/6/78, Phillips 12/2/87; Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 2/26/88. Francis Amadio 1 and son, probably Francis Amadio 2. 118 St. John Street Road, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
AMADIO, FRANCIS 1 England, fl.1820-44, MIM OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(6), Soth. 6/6/75, Soth.-S 9/18/86, Christie-SK 3/3/89. made other philosophical instruments; in partnership with son, 1840-44, probably Francis Amadio 2, which see; often signed "F. Amadio"; the Christie barometer is signed "E. Amadio 118 St. John Street Road, London" but the "E" might be a misreading. 10 St. John Street Road (1820-28); 118 St. John Street Road (1829-44); 2 St. John Street Road; all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1763); RSW; USNM.
AMADIO, FRANCIS 2 England, fl.1840-60, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometer with clock = X. optician; probably son of Francis Amadio 1, which see; clock is signed "Cummins." 63 Moorgate (1840-41); 35 Moorgate (1842-51); 5 Cowpers Court and 5 Birchin Lane (1852-60); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1763).
AMADIO, J. 1 England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. possibly the J. Amadio, optician, who was at a different address. 17a Telegraph Street, Moorgate Street, London. Goodison 1.
AMADIO, J. 2 England, OIM Microscope = D.(1983). 7 Throgmorton Street, London. Coffeen C.
AMADIO, J. 3 England, c.1850, PHIM Wheel Barometers = Soth. 10/19/87, Phillips 12/2/87. some instruments are signed "Amadio." 6 Shorters Court, City (London?). RSW.
AMALDI, PAOLO Italy, 1844, MIM Radio Latino, 1844 = D.(1970). later catalogue calls it a goniometer. Mantua. RSW.
AMARDIO, F., AND SON misreading for Amadio. RSW.
AMATIUS, F., CAPUC. Italy, c.1750, MIM Regiomontanus-type Sundial, wood = Linton Coll. = Libert et Castor 10/10/80. Belluno. Moreau.
AMBROSINI AND MANZINI England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Portsea. Goodison 1.
AMBROSONE England, c.1830, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Sotheby 12/15/94. Brighton. RSW.
AMELLI Italy, c.1590, MIM Skaphe Dial in gilt-brass box = Evans Coll. Palermo. Gunther 2; Price 2.
AMERICAN SCHOOL APPARATUS CO. USA, fl.1860-65, MIM Hemisphere Globe, 5-inch = MIT. company founded by Franklin C. Brownell. 19 Murray Street, New York, N.Y. Warner 4.
AMERLINUS, ALBERTUS c.1560-70, MIM Drawing Instrument = BM Print Room. Price 2.
AMERLINUS, PAULUS c.1567-69, MIM Quadrant, painted = BM Print Room. Price 2.
AMERY, LEONARD D' see Leonard D'Amery.
AMICI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA Italy, 1786-1863 fl.1811-63, MIM OIM PHIM he made a great many telescopes and microscopes; a sundial, micrometer and a spectroscope are known; dated instruments range from 1812-35. a renowned astronomer and fine instrument maker; designed a prism. Modena; Florence. Bonelli 1, 2 and 4; Pipping 1; Bryden 9; Dewhirst; Clay and Court; G.L'E. Turner 24.
AMIEL England, c.1890, PHIM see Lloyd, Payne and Amiel. Manchester. RSW.
AMMON, ERHARD Germany, 1579, MIM Artillery Level, 1579 = DRE. also marked "Macht Mych." RSW.
AMONTONS, GUILLAUME France, fl.1663-d.1705, MIM PHIM SIM made surveying and architect's instruments, and barometers; invented an air thermometer; described a form of marine barometer in 1695. Paris. Nachet; Hamilton 2; Daumas 1; USNM; Goldschmidt 70; Bedini 8; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1.
AMSLER, C.T. Switzerland; USA, fl.1848-61, MIM OIM SIM Surveying Compasses = X, D.(1982). importer and manufacturer of mathematical and optical instruments. Philadelphia, Pa. (1848-). Smart 2; USNM; Coffeen.
AMSLER, CHARLES F. MIM probably C.T. Amsler, which see. USNM.
AMUEL, F. Germany, MIM Cannon Sundials = OXF, Miss Wilmott Coll., P. and S. 11/21/1894. Berlin. G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1; RSW.
AMUEL, J. see F. Amuel. G.L'E. Turner 24; Evans 1.
ANAAND, THOMAS England, 1683, MIM Gunter Scale, 1683 = P.C. earliest Gunter scale known to date. Delehar 9.
ANDERSEN, NIELS Sweden, 1737, MIM Table Dial, small, 1737 = NOR. RSW.
ANDERSON Scotland, c.1859, PHIM see Marr and Anderson; probably Robert Marr. 14 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Bryden 3.
ANDERSON, DAVID, JR. Scotland, 1597, MIM made a town sundial in 1597. Aberdeen. Loomes 2.
ANDERSON, F. England, 1848, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one signed "Anderson, Registered 1586 Sept. 14, 1848 No. 183." Gravesend. Goodison 1.
ANDERSON, J.B. Sweden, MIM Sundial = Evans Coll. owner or maker of dial. Evans 1.
ANDERSON, JOHN England, c.1818, NIM claimed to have made an instrument for locating position at sea by observing the Pole Star. 235 High Street, Poplar, London; Liverpool. Taylor 2(1258).
ANDERSON, N. England?, c.1850, name on a ten-inch celestial globe constructed by C.A. Reitzel. RSW.
ANDERSON, WALTER misreading for Walter Alderson. Loomes.
ANDERSONE, DAVID Scotland, 1597, MIM Sundial, 1597 = Tolbooth, Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Baillie 1.
ANDERTON England, fl.1783-1810, PHIM Apothecary Balances = OXF, X (1810). probably by Anderton and Calley or Anderton, Son and Calley, as Anderton is not known to have worked alone. Birmingham. Taylor 2(1259); Gunther 2; USNM; D. Crawforth-Hitchins.
ANDERTON, JAMES England, fl.1699-1706, MIM son of Nathaniel Anderton; admitted by Patrimony to the Grocers' Company on March 7, 1699; took apprentices. The Minories, London. J. Brown 1.
ANDERTON, NATHANIEL England, fl.1669-92, MIM apprenticed to Walter Hayes of the Grocers' Company on July 5, 1661; free of the Company, May 13, 1669; took apprentices; engraved a plate of a type of quadrant in 1672 for Leybourn's book, "Panorganon." London? Leybourn; Evans 1; J. Brown 1; Clay and Court.
ANDRE, A. France, 1642, MIM Diptych Sundial, ivory and silver, 1642 = Schuhmann Sale-111 = MADEX-87 = Chadenat Sale-32 = P.C.; Butterfield-type Sundials = Schuhman Sale-123, Drout-Richelieu 4/28/88. A. André. Paris. Michel 1; RSW; Price 2.
ANDREAE, JOHAN LUDOVIC variant spelling for Johann Ludwig Andreae. Tooley.
ANDREAE, JOHANN LUDWIG Germany, fl.1688-1726, MIM Celestial Globes = DEU (1715, 1717), NUR 1715), REG (1716), KRM (1716), GOT (1716, 1717), FRA (1717), MUN. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Tooley.
ANDREAE, JOHANN PHILIPP Germany, fl.1721-26, MIM Pillar Dials = SLM (1721), DEU (1724); Celestial Globe, 1726 = DEU-45876. Zinner thought he was Johann Phil. Andrecein, which see. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi.
ANDRECEIN, JOHANN PHIL. Germany, 17th Century, MIM Ring Sundial, small, with case = MERC-19 = Hamilton Coll. = Soth. 12/12/55-124. Zinner thought that he might be Johann Philipp Andreae. Nürnberg. Hamilton 1 and 2; RSW.
ANDRES, JUAN Bolivia, 1699, MIM Universal Equatorial Sundial, silver, 1699 = ADL-A263. designed for southern latitudes; Cocart-type. La Paz. ADL; RSW.
ANDRESEN, L.I. Denmark, 19th Century, NIM Compass Card = P.C. (1972). in a dry compass. Randers. Price 2.
ANDREWES, NATHAN England, d.1782, MIM Sundial, copper = Church, Ecclesfield. watchmaker. Sheffield. Gatty.
ANDREWS England, PHIM Stick Barometer = X. may be W.H. Andrews, c.1790, clockmaker, listed by Baillie; see also H. Andrews. Royston. Baillie 1; Goodison 1; RSW.
ANDREWS AND SONS USA, fl.1848-93, MIM OIM Robert Fisher Andrews and his sons, Robert E. and Charles Andrews; issued a trade catalogue. Buffalo, N.Y. USNM; Smart 1; RSW.
ANDREWS, CHARLES England; USA, 1824-68, MIM OIM worked with his father, Robert Fisher Andrews and his brother Robert E. Andrews as Andrews and Sons, 1848-68. Buffalo, N.Y. and Chicago, Ill. Smart 1.
ANDREWS, H. England, c.1810, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 7/17/96. see Andrews and W.H. Andrews. Royston. RSW.
ANDREWS, HENRY 1 England, 1744-1815, MIM astronomer; globe maker. Crawforth 11; Price 2.
ANDREWS, JAMES England, MIM free of the Stationers' Company 16 years after he was bound. Crawforth 7.
ANDREWS, JOEL W. USA, 1853, PHIM Stick Barometers = VNN, Sale; Mountain Barometer, 1853 = D.(1988). the mountain barometer is signed "J. Andrews Albany, N.Y. 1855." No. 42 High Street, Albany, N.Y. Coffeen Z; MAD March, 1997; RSW.
ANDREWS, john HENRY 2 England, c.1771, apprenticed to Edward Roberts 1 in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 10, 1771. Crawforth 7.
ANDREWS, RICHARD England, c.1730, MIM apprenticed to Fisher Combs of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1730. J. Brown 3.
ANDREWS, ROBERT E. England; USA1829-1922, MIM OIM worked with his father, Robert Fisher Andrews and his brother Charles as Andrews and Sons, 1848-93. Buffalo, N.Y. and Chicago, Ill. Smart 1.
ANDREWS, ROBERT FISHER England; USA, 1800-68, MIM OIM the father in Andrews and Sons, which see. 14 Webster (1849-52); 171 Main (1852-67); both in Buffalo, N.Y.; also in the Chicago Ill. directories from 1857 to 93. Smart 1.
ANDREWS, W.H. England, c.1790, clockmaker; may be Andrews and/or H. Andrews, which see. Royston. Baillie 1; RSW.
ANDRIESSON, CLAES Holland, pre-1596, NIM Cross-staff (partial), 1596 = RIJ. may be the owner. Goutum. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW.
ANDRIVEAU, SAUVET France, c.1850, MIM Orrery = D.(1962). successor to Ch. Dien. 9 rue de Savoie, Paris. Brieux.
ANDRONIKOS Macedonia; Greece, c.50 B.C., MIM Multiple Sundial = Archeological Museum, Tenos. designed the Tower of the Winds with its dials and waterclock in Athens. Kyrrhos, Macedonia; Athens, Greece. Price 2 and 13; Noble and Price; Gibbs.
ANGELI, MICHAELIS Italy, 1812, MIM Horizontal Sundial, paper, wood, 1812 = P.C. "Michaelis Angeli a Nero Capuccini"; a Capuchin. Nero. Price 2.
ANGELO, A. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. see Dangelo and Cadenazzi. Winchester. Goodison 1.
ANGELO, ALBERTI England, fl.1822, PHIM made barometers. Fargate, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1475a).
ANGENIEUX, P. France, OIM made objectives. Usines à Saint-Heand (Loire). USNM.
ANGLICUS, GUILLELMUS France, c.1231, William the Englishman; wrote a text on the universal astrolabe. Marseilles. A.J. Turner 10.
ANGLOIS, L' misreading for Langlois.
ANICH, PETER Austria, 1723-66, MIM Floating Dials = INN(2), SLM, OBE; Polyhedral Dial = OBE; Cube Dials = INN(2), OBE; Celestial Globes, 1758 = NMM-G.133, INN, INN-Wilton(4), INN-BIB, OBE, etc.; Terrestrial Globes, 1758 = INN, INN-Wilton, INN-BIB, OBE, etc. also made wall dials and astronomical clocks. Innsbruck. Zinner 1; Britten; Baillie 1; Anich Cat.; Tooley.
ANIL, JAMES HOLCROFT France, 1824, MIM Triangle, ivory = Phillips 10/5/76. "Engineer." Paris. RSW.
ANNABOLDI, LEWIS England, c.1830, PHIM misreading for Arnoboldi, which see. Taylor 2(1764).
ANNIN, WILLIAM B. USA, 1791-1839, MIM fl.1813-39; globe maker; patent for artificial globe, 1826; engraved maps for Loring globes; worked with George Girdler Smith, an engraver. Boston. Vietor; Bedini 8; Yonge.
ANONE, FRANCIS England, fl.1802-08, OIM PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). also made telescopes and thermometers; see Frans Anone. 242 High Holborn; 82 High Holborn; 26 High Holborn (1802-08); all in London. Goodison 1.
ANONE, FRANS England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. may be Francis Anone, which see. 51 Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. Goodison 1.
ANONE, FRS. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. probably Francis Anone. Holborn, London. Goodison 1.
ANSCHEUTZ AND CO. England, c.1800, PHIM Index Balance = Christie 6/7/72; Coin Balance = Christie 4/9/75. RSW.
ANSONIA CLOCK CO. USA, c.1922, MIM Horizontal Sundial, aluminium case = WHI, ADL. the instruction book is labled "Sunwatch"; it was made for the Boy Scouts. Bryden 16; ADL; RSW.
ANTHEAUME France, fl.1765-70, OIM made achromatic lenses. Paris. Daumas 1.
ANTHONY, E. AND H.T. USA, c.1850, PHIM made apparatus for ambrotype, Daguerrean and photographic business. New York. Romaine; USNM.
ANTHONY, JACOB USA, c.1788, MIM also a turner. Philadelphia, Pa. Bedini 8.
ANTHONY, JOHN England, c.1773, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Ripley 1 of the Grocers' Company on Dec. 2, 1765; free of the Company on June 3, 1773. J. Brown 1.
ANTONI, GEORGE Austria, late 18th Century, Astronomical Clock, long case = VIU. Vienna. Baillie.
ANTONINO, P. 1744, MIM Pillar Dial, wood, 1744 = Koller 11/17/75. RSW.
ANTONIUS, MARCUS France, 1602, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1602 = MADEX-3. signed "Marcus Antonius Marrolensis Patumum", the last two names being towns. Beauce. Michel 1.
ANTRAM, JOSEPH England, c.1718, MIM member of Clockmakers' Company; took over an apprentice from John Gilbert 1 of the Grocers' Company, 1718; presumed to be a MIM. London. J. Brown 1.
ANZANI see Guggiari and Anzani; may be Anziani, which see. Pelham Street, Nottingham. Taylor 2(2142).
ANZIANI see D. Guggiari and Anziani. Goodison 1.
AO. H. 1748, MIM SIM Compass with sights for plane table, 1748 = P.C. signed "Ao. H." RSW.
APELQUIST, CARL Sweden; England; Sweden, c.1794-1824, MIM studied instrument-making with Ramsden and William Fraser; ran several foundries. Norrköping; Marieberg; Stockholm. Pipping 1.
APFELBACHER, PHILIP, B.D. Germany, 1693, MIM Bow Dividers, wood, 1693 = DEU. RSW.
APIAN, PETER Germany, c.1495-1552, MIM Wall Dial, 1524 = castle, Trausnitz; Celestial Globes, 1541 = Charles V; Pillar Dial = Duke William IV. family name was Bennowitz; instrument designer; author; University of Ingolstadt, 1533; described the nocturnal in 1533 and the torquetum c. 1540. Ingolstadt. Michel 1; Van Ortroy 1; Wattenberg; Zinner 1; Maddison 1. Stevenson.
APIAN, PHILIP Germany, 1531-89, MIM Astrolabe and Cosmolabe = lost; Pair of Globes, 1576 = K.B. Library, Munich. son of Peter Apian; family name was Bennowitz. Ingolstadt; Tubingen. Zinner 1; Wattenberg; Stevenson; Tooley 1.
APPEL, ALOYSI VON Germany, MIM Augsburg-type Sundial = Drecker Coll. Evans 1.
APPLEBY, JOSHUA England, 1705, apprenticed to Daniel Quare 1 in the Clockmakers' Company, 1705. J. Brown 3.
APPOLD England, c.1850, PHIM invented and/or made a "Register Hygrometer." USNM.
APPS, ALFRED England, post-1856, MIM OIM PHIM Mathematical Drawing Instrument Set = D.(1972). optician; T.C. 433 Strand, London, W.C. Calvert 2; RSW.
APRILE, F. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Braintree. Goodison 1.
APRILE, J. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Stick Barometer = X. possibly Josh Aprile, which see. Goodison 1.
APRILE, JOSH England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). Sudbury. Goodison 1.
AR/CENNI Germany, 1581, MIM Navicula Sundial, 1581 = BM-1893/6/16-8. destroyed. Cologne. Price 3; Ward 4.
ARBON AND KRAP Holland, c.1835, NIM Octants = ANM, AMST; Sextant = ROT; Pocket Sextant = P.C. H.G. Arbon and the Widow A.H. Krap had a shop in Rotterdam, c.1835. Rotterdam. Namur Exhib. Cat; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
ARCHBUTT, J. AND W.E. England, 1867-92, MIM Sector, ivory = D.(1984); Barometer, pocket = PC. John and William Edward (son) Archbutt. 201 Westminster Bridge Road, London. RSW; WEBDB.
ARCHBUTT, JOHN, AND SONS England, fl.1864-66, MIM Sector, ivory = D.(1984). T.C. states that the firm started in 1795; J. Archbutt and Sons fl.1864-66; John and William Edward (son) fl.1867-92. 201 Westminster Bridge Road, London. Crawforth 11; Taylor 2(916); O'Mara; RSW.
ARCHIPOV Russia, see Babkov and Archipov. GEL Notes, 1973.
ARCKEN, VAN Holland, c.1850, MIM Astronomical Instrument = BOM 1906. Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
ARCUTT, GEORGE England, c.1698, MIM apprenticed for eight years to William Bennett of the Clockmakers' Company on Feb. 8, 1698. J. Brown 3.
ARDUINO, GIOVANNI Italy, 1754, MIM SIM Bussola Agrimensoria, 1754 = P.C. universal surveying instrument; designer and maker. Vicenza. Brophy.
AREIAENSEN, IAN Holland, MIM Sundial, portable = Fry Coll. could be Jan Areiaensen. Gunther 2.
ARESSE, F. HIERONYMUS DE Spain, 1598, MIM Sundial, portable, 1598 = Evans Coll. an alternative spelling was Arresse. Evans 1; Gunther 2; Michel 3; Earle; Price 2.
ARGAND, JEAN France, c.1800, PHIM Thermometer, silver, case = Ineichen 5/10/76. signed "Argand." Paris. RSW.
ARGILL, THOMAS England, c.1800, MIM apprenticed to Joseph Rust 1 of the Grocers' Company on Feb. 7, 1793; free of the Company on Mar. 6, 1800. J. Brown 1.
ARIANO, CHARLES England, c.1830, PHIM barometer maker; may be misreading for Charles Aiano, which see. 91 Northgate, Canterbury. Taylor 2(1765).
ARIGONI misreading for Origoni in 1841. Goodison 1.
ARLERI, FRA A. Italy, c.1780, PHIM Vacuum Pump = Municipal Museum, Modena. invented by Abbé L. Bacelli. Italian Inventory.
ARLES DEMONTIGNY see Montigny, Arles de. Augarde.
ARMAND, JACQUES-ETIENNE France, 1732-80, MIM Compass Dial, 1780 = NMM-D.139. apprenticed to Jacques Canivet, Nov. 26, 1747, in the "Corporation des fondeurs"; free in the "Corporation", 1755. Paris. NMM 2; Augarde 1.
ARMSTRONG, JOHN 1 England, c.1720, MIM apprenticed to Thomas Bulkeley of the Clockmakers' Company on June 13, 1720. J. Brown 3.
ARMSTRONG, JOHN 2 England, c.1725, MIM apprenticed to James Wilson of the Clockmakers' Company on April 10, 1725. J. Brown 3.
ARMSTRONG, THOMAS, AND BROTHER England, NIM PHIM Sextant = Soth. 4/24/72; Barograph = Phillips 12/12/89; Binocular Microscope = Christie-SK 7/10/80. Manchester and Liverpool. Crawforth 11; RSW.
ARMSTRONG, W., AND CO. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Christie-SK 1/27/89. Chichester. RSW.
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM GEORGE England, 1810-1900, PHIM Electrostatic Machines = FLO, TEY. Sir William George Armstrong; electrical engineer; first to put in a domestic hydro-electric plant in Cragside in 1840. Cragside, Northumberland. Bonelli 1; G.L'E. Turner 7 and 24; RSW.
ARNABOLDI, JARVIS USA, c.1859, PHIM New York N.Y. D.J. Warner 5.
ARNABOLDI, L. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Phillips 11/16/76. Shoreditch. RSW.
ARNABOLDI, LEWIS England, c.1835, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Arnaboldi"; also made thermometers. Steep Hill, Lincoln. Goodison 1.
ARNAULD, HEINRICH see Henri Arnault. Zinner 1; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10.
ARNAULT, HENRI Holland; France, fl. 1427-60, MIM Astronomical Clock, 1455 = Charles VII; Astrolabe = NUR (ICA-548); Orrery, 1427 = Duke of Burgundy; Sundials, 1431 = Duke of Burgundy (2). pupil of Johanne Fusoris; sometimes called Heinrich Arnold or Heinrich Arnauld; probably Henricus de Hollandia; astrolabe is signed "Henricus de Hollandia." Zwolle; Paris; Dijon. Poulle 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10.
ARNDT, J.G. Germany, fl.1718-25, MIM Sector = DRE; Triquetrum, 1718 = BRS; Pillar Dial, 1725 = DEU-63427. Zinner 1; RSW.
ARNOLD AND CO. USA, fl.1850-63, MIM SIM Surveying Compass, case = D.(1971). Chicago, Ill. Moskowitz 103.
ARNOLD AND DENT England, fl.1830-40, John Roger Arnold and Edward John Dent; see latter's entry; clock and chronometer makers. 84 Strand, London. Taylor 2(1310); Brewington 1; G.L'E. Turner 24.
ARNOLD, C. Germany, 1731, MIM Instrument = X. Evans 1.
ARNOLD, CHARLES WILSON England, b.1795 d.1829, NIM Octant = NMM. NMM 2; RSW.
ARNOLD, JAMES England, fl.1829-36, MIM OIM PHIM 5 Union Crescent, Whitechapel, London. Taylor 2(1766); O'Mara.
ARNOLD, JOHN ROGER England, 1769-1843, NIM Tide Gauge = AMST. clock and chronometer maker; see Arnold and Dent. London. Mörzer Bruyns 1; J.A. Bennett 2.
ARNOLD, THOMAS USA, c.1830, MIM NIM made quadrants and sextants. Philadelphia, Pa. USNM.
ARNOLDI AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = Soth.-S 10/19/89. see Donato Arnoldi. Gloucester. RSW.
ARNOLDI, ARNOLDO DI Italy; Holland, c.1600, NIM Quadrant = HAK-1911/462. compass maker; the quadrant is also marked "fiamingo"; made for the Cardinal of Montalto; Amsterdam. Morpurgo 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW.
ARNOLDI, C.E. AND F. Germany, c.1850, MIM exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London. Elgersburg, Gotha, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24.
ARNOLDI, DONATO England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2). one signed "D. Arnoldi"; see Arnoldi and Co. Gloucester. Goodison 1; RSW.
ARNOLDI, MATTHIAS Germany, 1691, MIM Diptych Dial, 1691 = MUN-33/179. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 2.
ARNOTT, ISAAC England, c.1784, apprenticed to Michael Dancer in the Joiners' Company on Oct. 5, 1784. Crawforth 7.
ARNOULT France, c.1786, OIM worked at the Observatory. Paris. Daumas 1.
ARNOUT 1772, MIM Vertical Pin Gnomon Dial, 1772 = DEU-62546. Price 2.
ARONSBERG, M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer = Soth.-S 1/25/89. Liverpool. RSW.
AROSSI Sweden, PHIM Stick Barometer = NOR. owner? stormy? RSW.
ARRESSE see Aresse.
ARRIGHI, PAULUS-SEBASTIANUS Italy, 1747, MIM Armillary Sphere, 1747 = X. dedicated to Egnatio Danti. Florence. Michel 3.
ARROWSMITH, AARON England, c.1840, MIM Terrestial Globe = Wotton Auction 12/30/96. had George Frederick Cruchley as an apprentice. London. Yonge; ATG 2/1/97.
ARSANDEAUX France, c.1800, MIM PHIM Planetarium = CNAM-1446; Pyrometer = CNAM-1492. Paris. Daumas 1; Grimaldi(986).
ARSENIO, A.F., CAPUCINORUM France, c.1853, MIM made sundials at Aix-les-Bains, Annecy, etc. Gatty.
ARSENIUS, FERDINAND Belgium; Holland, fl.1573-1628, MIM Astrolabe, 1573 = Christie 5/18/53 = NMM; Astrolabes = MAA (1618), KEN; Tympans(2) = CNAM (913, 914). ICA 437, 464, 233; 437 owned by Thomas Whitestones, signed on back "F.A. nepos Gemma Frisi"; worked for Plantin, 1589-1628. Louvain; Antwerp (1607-1618). Gunther 1; Price 1 & 2; ICA 2; Van Ortroy 2; Zinner 1; Tooley; Michel 1 and 2; Rooseboom 1; CNAM Horloges Cat.
ARSENIUS, GUALTERUS Belgium, fl.1554-1579, MIM his work is characterized by exceptionally handsome astrolabes, armillary spheres, astronomical rings, radii astronomici, etc; examples may be seen at ADL, KES, CLU, NMM, LEL, MAA, MAS, MUN, NOR, OXF, AUG, BM, BRC, LEY, KEN, FLO, CNAM, National Museum of History, Mexico City, etc. Arsenius was the nephew of Gemma Frisius, his work is often signed "G.A. Nepos G.F."; made a rete and a tympan for an astrolabe by Muh. bin Fattuh al Khama'iri in Seville, 1223 A.D.; Loyola U., Chicago has a throne from an 86cm. astrolabe. Antwerp; Louvain. Michel 1, 2, and 4; Van Ortroy 2; Zinner 1; Price 1 and 3; Ward 4; Bonelli 1; Rooseboom 1; Garcia Franco 1; D. Rowe; Brieux 2; NMM 2; ICA 2; Gunther 1; Engelmann 1; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Syndram; ADL; Islamic Cat. 1989; RSW.
ARSENIUS, REGNERUS Belgium, fl.1565-74, MIM Astrolabes = OXF (1565), SGS (1565), CNAM-3.907 (1569). Roussel-197 is dated 1565; ICA 229, 230, X; Oxf also marked "Nepos G.F."; nephew of Gemma Frisius; Evans thought him uncle of Gualterus Arsenius; Maddison feels he was Gualterus Arsenius and became director of the workshop in 1552 when Mercator went to Duisberg; sometimes seen as Rennerus. Antwerp; Louvain. Zinner 1; Gunther 1; Van Ortroy 2; Michel 1 and 2; Price 1; ICA 2; USNM; Maddison; RSW.
ARSENIUS, REMI see Remigius Arsenius. Michel 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1.
ARSENIUS, REMIGIUS Belgium, c.1569, MIM Nautical Quadrant, 1570 = KEN; Astronomical Ring, Oct., 1569 = X; Astrolabe, Sept., 1569 = X. the astrnomical ring and the astrolabe were both bought by Plantin; this may be Regnerus Arsenius, which see. Louvain. Michel 2 and 4; Rooseboom 1; Mörzer Bruyns 2.
ARSENIUS, RENIER see Regnerus Arsenius.
ARSENIUS, RENNERUS BelgiumMIM see Regnerus Arsenius. USNM.
ARSTALL, GEORGE England, fl.1807-16, PHIM made beam scales and Dicas hydrometers until 1816; see Mary Dicas and Arstall. Liverpool. Bryden 9.
ARTALLI, D. England, PHIM Barometer = P.C.; Stick Barometer = X. Bath. Goodison 1; RSW.
ARTOLET, BERTRAND France, fl.1755-80, MIM apprenticed to Jacques Le Maire in the "Corporation des fondeurs", on July 22, 1731(?); Augarde said he was born 1732, but dates don't agree. Paris. Augarde 1.
ARTONQUELLI Italy, 1764, OIM mentioned in 1764 by Lalande as an instrument maker, probably of telescopes. Daumas 1; Dewhirst.
ARZONI, G. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2); Soth.-S 9/18/86. Canterbury. Goodison 1; Crawforth 11; RSW.
ARZONI, I.H. Holland, c.1800, PHIM Barometer = Fries Museum, Leeuwarden. Leeuwarden. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
ARZONI, J. misreading for G. Arzoni. Crawforth 11; RSW.
ARZT, MARCUS Germany, c.1600, MIM Astronomical Clock = MUN. Munich. RSW.
ASABONE Scotland, c.1850, OIM Telescope = Maritime Museum of British Columbia. USNM card questions the name. Glasgow. USNM.
ASH, JOHN see John Nash. J. Brown 1.
ASH, M. England, PHIM Stick Barometer, walnut = Soth.=S 10/19/89. Birmingham. RSW.
ASHLEY, THOMAS England, c.1749, MIM T.C.; optician. at ye Ggolden Spectacles in Sidney's Alley near Leicester Fields; Cranbourne Alley, Westminster (1749); both in London. Taylor 2(327); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Daumas 1; Holbrook; Crawforth 1.
ASHMORE AND OSBORNE England, c.1830, OIM Spyglass = MYS. Osborne 1. 42 Burgess Street, Sheffield. Taylor 2(1767); RSW.
ASHMORE, WILLIAM England, c.1825, OIM Telescope = MYS. see Ashmore and Osborn. Sheffield. RSW; Taylor 2(1767).
ASHTON, JOHN England, c.1817, see Thomas Gill. Taylor 2(1341).
ASINI, JOHAN BAPTISTA Italy, 1520-22, MIM NIM Sundial, 1522 = FLO-122; Compass Rose, = FLO-1293. Michel thinks he is 200 years later. Florence. Bonelli 1; Michel 3.
ASINUS, MICHAEL France, 1602, MIM Astrolabe, paper tympans, 1602 = CLU-7024 = Renaissance Museum, Ecouen. ICA-215; Bonelli shows variant dates. Caen. Bonelli 1; Gunther 1; Price 1; ICA 2; Michel 2 and 3; Nachet.
ASKE, HENRY England, c.1688, member of the Clockmakers' Company; George Graham was apprenticed to him on July 2, 1688. London. J. Brown 3; Robischon; Loomes 2.
ASKEY, THOMAS England, fl.1808-18, OIM optician. 77 Litchfield Street (1808); Litchfield Street (1818); both in Birmingham. Bryden 9.
ASLIN England, T.C.; shagreen and morocco case maker. 15 Lower Smith Street, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, London. Calvert 2; Crawforth 1.
ASNE, MICHAEL L' see Michael Asinus. Michel 3.
ASPHER, PETER Italy, 1586, MIM Celestial Globe, 1586 = NMM-G.41. Padua. Tooley; NMM 2.
ASSELINNE, DAVID France, c.1620, MIM Sundial, portable = Capt. Creagh-Osborne Coll. (1923); Diptych sundials, ivory = Findlay Sale-209 = NMM, ADL-DPW17. the ivory sundial at the ADL has been treated with acid to give it the appearance of tortoiseshell. Dieppe. Gunther 2; Michel 3; Price 2; NMM 2; ADL; RSW.
ASSHETON, RICHARD England, 1659, MIM Folding Rule, pear wood, 1659 = NMM. Taylor 1(279); Dewhirst; Evans 1; Clay and Court.
ASSIER-PERRICAT France, c.1800, PHIM succeeded his father, Antoine Assier-Perricat; associated himself with the widow of Betalli; made barometers and thermometers; "démonstrateur au Lycée des Arts pour la contruction des baromètres." Paris. Daumas 1; Middleton 1.
ASSIER-PERRICAT, ANTOINE France, fl.1771-1805, PHIM Thermometer = GEM. barometer and thermometer maker; "Ingénieur et mbre. de la Société des Arts et Sciences; succeeded by his son; see Bourbon and Assier-Perricat. Rue St. Germain l'Auxerrois Place de l'Ecole, No. 14, Paris. Daumas 1; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1.
ASTON AND MANDER England, c.1840-1915, MIM made slide rules; George Mander. London. O'Mara; Moskowitz 111.
ASTON, ISAAC England, fl.1814-27, MIM Slide Rules, boxwood = Kenny Sale-124 = P.C. = ADL-DPW38, Soth. 5/10/76; Rules, folding = Christie 12/18/74, 4/9/75, and 12/8/76. the Kenny rule is four-sided, all are signed "I. Aston." 25 Old Compton, Soho, London. Taylor 2(1262); ADL; RSW.
ASTON, SAMUEL England, fl.1787-1818, MIM rule maker. Cheapside (1787); 5 Water Street (1801); Birchole Street (1818); all in Birmingham. Bryden 9.
ASTON, T. 1 England, c.1840, MIM Slide Rule, ivory and electrum = P.C. marked "The Original Maker." London. Delehar 4.
ASTON, T. 2 England, fl.1856-65, MIM Slide Rules, Routledge-Bolton-type = DEU (2). rule maker; his work is marked "Original Maker." 216 Heneage Street, Birmingham. Crawforth 5; RSW.
ASTON, T. 3 England, c.1856, MIM rule maker. Brueton's Walk, Prospect Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5.
ASTON, THOMAS 1 England, c.1818, MIM made rules. Coleshill Street, Birmingham. Bryden 9.
ASTON, THOMAS 2 England, c.1828, MIM rule maker. 20 Bartholomew Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5.
ASTON, THOMAS 3 England, fl.1841-56, MIM rule maker; 25 1/2 Willis Street, Birmingham. Crawforth 5.
ASTON, THOMAS 4 England, fl.1841-56, MIM rule maker; worked in boxwood and ivory. 17 Jenner's Row, Birmingham. Crawforth 5.
ASTON, WILLIAM England, c.1770, MIM made wooden rules. Birmingham. Bryden 9.
ATELIER H. MORIN ET GENSE the workshop of Henri Morin and Gense. RSW.
ATKIN 1 England, PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. Alford, Lincoln. Goodison 1.
ATKIN 2 England, pre-1871, PHIM Stick Barometer = OMM. Newcastle. RSW.
ATKINS England, fl.1818-19, NIM patented, in 1819, a "Meridian Declination Dial for Compass Deviation." Hornsey Road, Islington. Taylor 2(1263).
ATKINS AND CO. England, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X(2), Soth. 7/21/87. Fenchurch Street, London. Goodison 1; RSW.
ATKINS, GEORGE, AND CO. England, fl.1817-22, OIM Tooley Street, Southwark (1817); Churchyard Alley, Boro' (1822); both in London. Taylor 2(1263).
ATKINS, ROBERT England, c. 1802, PHIM made hydrometers; Society of Artsgave him an award for hydrometers; had Quin as a partner, pre-1802. Craven Street, Strand, London. McConnell 4.
ATKINSON, H. England, c.1790, MIM Levelling Staff = P.C.(1987). to "T. Fenwick"; owner? RSW.
ATKINSON, JAMES 1 England, pre-1665-1711, MIM Taylor said he was apprenticed to Andrew Wakely (of the Joiners' Company?) and succeeded him at his shop; Crawforth found no record; free of the Joiners' Company; admitted to the Clockmakers' Company as Brother in 1668; took apprentices; took his son or nephew, James Atkinson 2, as a partner. St. Savior's Dock near the Griffin (pre-1665); Redriff Wall (Rotherhithe Wall) by Cherry Garden Stairs (south bank of Thames) (1665-1711); both in London. Taylor 1(312); Evans 1; Hamilton 1; J. Brown 1 and 3; Crawforth 7; Robischon; Loomes 2.
ATKINSON, JAMES 2 England, fl.1700-28, MIM NIM Backstaff, 1728 = X. son or nephew of James Atkinson 1; partner with him and successor; advertised Coggeshall's slide rule in 1724. St. Savior's Dock; 21 Cherry Garden Stairs, Rotherhithe Wall; both in London. Taylor (515), 2(3); Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Evans 1.
ATKINSON, JOHN 1 England, d.1673, NIM compass maker. Harwich, Essex. Taylor 1(255).
ATKINSON, JOHN 2 England, fl.1764-95, MIM apprenticed to George Wright 1 in the Grocers' Company on May 11, 1736; turned over to John Farmer 2, a Joiner, on Sept. 25, 1739; free of the Grocers' Company on March 6, 1764; took apprentices. Whitechapel, London (1764-88). J. Brown 1; Crawforth 7.
ATWELL, GEORGE England, 1588?-1659, MIM SIM designed and improved instruments for dialling and surveying; author. Cambridge. Taylor 1(116); DNB.
ATWOOD, AMOS G. USA, 1841-72, MIM made spirit levels. Nashua, NH. DATM.
ATWOOD, GEORGE England, 1740-1807, invented the Atwood Machine in 1780 to find the gravity constant; F.R.S., 1776. Cambridge. Taylor 2(565); G.L'E. Turner 24.
ATWOOD, WILLIAM England, c.1840, OIM Telescope = D.(1986). signed "Wm. Atwood Portable." RSW.
AUBRIUS, I. Germany, 1605, MIM Diptych Sundial, gilt-brass, 1605 = Spaulding Coll. Trecensis. Hamilton 2.
AUBRY, GILLES-CLAUDE France, c.1746, apprenticed to Gilbert François in the "Corporation des fondeurs" on Dec. 13, 1717; master in the "Corporation", June 30, 1746; not known to have mane instruments. Paris. Augarde 1.
AUCH, JACOB Germany, 1765-1842, MIM Calculating machines = DRE (1790) and STU. these were a type of calculating instrument which he had invented; watch and clockmaker; pupil of Philipp Matthaus Hahn. Echterdingen (1765-87); Vaihingen an der enz and Karlsruhe (1787-98); Weimar (1798-1842). Evans 1; Friess.
AUDEBERT, DENYS Holland, fl.1709-63, MIM made armillary spheres; granted patent for terrestrial and celestial globes in 1735. Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1.
AUFLEGER, JOSEPH Germany, 1838, MIM Analemmatic Sundial, stone, 1838 = MUN; Cannon Sundial = DEU. see Joseph Ausfleger, surely the same. Price 2; Evans 1.
AUGUST, ERNST FERDINAND Germany, 1795-1870, PHIM coined the word, `Psychrometer' in 1818; inventor. G.L'E. Turner 24.
AUGUST, J., KURFURST VON SACHSEN Germany, fl.1553-86, MIM Sundials, wood, 1560 = DRE-A420 and A422; Sundial, 1569 = DRE-A424. J. August, Kürfurst von Sachsen; designed four mining compasses. Saxony. Zinner 1; A.J. Turner 10.
AUGUSTIN MIM Universal Equinoctial Sundial = Evans Coll. Earle.
AUGUSTUS, JOHN ANTHONY England, c.1830, MIM PHIM Wheel Barometer = X. signed "Augustus Falmouth"; see I. Agosti. Church Street, Falmouth. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(1768a).
AUREL, P. France, MIM Universal Sundial with watch face = OXF. perhaps P. Aurelius. Vienne. Evans 1; Zinner 1; Michel 3.
AURELIUS, PATER 1 Czechoslovakia, 1765, MIM Table Sundials, 1765 = Brünn Stadtmuseum, DEU-1697. also signed "a S. Augustino"; see Pater Aurelius (2) a San Daniele. Brünn. Zinner 1; Czech. Inventory.
AURELIUS, PATER 2 Austria, fl.1762-70, MIM Heliochronometer, 1762 = Brünn Stadtmuseum; Astronomical Clock, 1770 = MUN. also signed "a San Daniele"; see Pater Aurelius (1) a S. Augustino. Vienna. Zinner 1; Czech. Inventory.
AURIFABER, PETRUS see Johann Crolius. Price 2.
AURIFEX see Bernardinus; "goldsmith."
AURRAY, CLAUDE France, 1613, MIM Sundial, 1613 = Museum, Clermont-Ferrand. Gatty.
AUSFELD, H. Germany, c.1850, MIM exhibited in the 1851 Great Exhibition in London. Gotha, Prussia. G.L'E. Turner 24.
AUSFLEGER, JOSEPH Germany, MIM Horizontal Dial, stone = DEU. see Joseph Aufleger, surely the same. RSW.
AUSTEN, HENRY England, c.1712, MIM apprenticed to Richard Conyers of the Clockmakers' Company on April 18, 1700; free of the Company, Sept. 1, 1712; took apprentices. J. Brown 3.
AUSTIN Ireland, OIM Telescope = D.(1976). 39 Westmoreland Street, Dublin. Rinaldi 2.
AUSTIN, JOHN Ireland, fl.1818-20, MIM 2 Essex Quay, Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett.
AUSTIN, SAMUEL England, c.1700, free of the Stationers' Company between 1664 and 1747. Crawforth 7.
AUTHENRIETH Germany, MIM NIM Quadrant = HEI. Heilbron. RSW.
AUTOR see R.S. and J. da Silva (J.S. 2); probably author or maker. ADL; RSW.
AUZOUT, ADRIEN France, fl.1667-1729, OIM made telescopes; improved the micrometer; pioneered in metrology; author. Paris. Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; Hamilton; Stebbins; Goldschmidt 70; G.L'E. Turner 24; Price 2; A.J. Turner 10; Middleton 1.
AVERNIK, A.G. see Avernik Gebroeders. Mörzer Bruyns 2.
AVERNIK, GEBRS. Holland, c.1750, NIM Compass, wood, pivoted card = Soth. 3/25/86. entry says "A.G. Avernik" but card is signed "Gebrs. Avernik." Amsterdam. Mörzer Bruyns 2; RSW.
AVERY, JOHN USA, 1732-94, MIM SIM Surveying Compasses = Western Reserve Historical Socity, Cleveland, Ohio; P.C. (1787). used by George Washington when surveying for Lord Faifax. New Preston, Conn.; Bridgewater, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Bedini 1 and 8; Guthman 1.
AVERY, THOMAS 1 England, d.1843, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW.
AVERY, THOMAS 2 England, c.1843, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 2; son of Thomas Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW.
AVERY, THOMAS C. USA, fl.1846-55, MIM NIM PHIM won a diploma in 1846 for a magnetic bath. 77 Charlton Street, New York City. USNM.
AVERY, W. AND T. 1 England, fl.1817-43, PHIM Balances = PRM, Christie 11/22/78, D.(1977); Double Balance = K. and C. 10/8/75; Set of Coin Scales, steel = Phillips 2/14/79; Butcher's Steelyard = OXF; etc. "Late T. Beach, Patent" on D. balance; some signed "Avery"; some balances may be by W. and T. Avery 2. Digbeth, Birmingham. Giordano 1; Moskowitz 111; G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
AVERY, W. AND T. 2 England, fl.1843-95+, PHIM Pocket Balance = Christie-SK 7/100/80. balance makers; William Avery 2 and Thomas Avery 2 were sons of Thomas Avery 1 of W. and T. Avery 1; they took over firm when their father died in 1843; balance is signed W. and T. Avery Ltd. Birmingham. G.L'E. Turner 24; RSW.
AVERY, WILLIAM 1 England, PHIM balance maker; see W. and T. Avery 1. Birmingham. RSW.
AVERY, WILLIAM 2 England, fl.1843-, PHIM balance maker; son of Thomas Avery 1; see W. and T. Avery 2. Birmingham. RSW.
AVINC, F. JOSEPH MIM Diptych Dial, ivory, large = OXF. Evans thought him "Avin." Evans 1; RSW.
AVIZARD FRERES France, c.1900, OIM PHIM Barograph, No. 237 = GEM. "Maison de l'Ingr. Chevallier Optn. Avizard Fres. Sucrs.". 21 rue Royale, Paris. G.L'E. Turner 24.
AVRANCHES France, Pillar Sundial, wood = Soth. 2/5/53. surely made for the town of Avranches. RSW.
AXELSON, A.J. Sweden, c.1850, PHIM Balance = STM. Målargränd 6, Stockholm. Pipping 1; RSW.
AYBER, EGIDIUS 1566, MIM Celestial Globe, copper-gilt, 1566 = NUR. Price 2.
AYERSCHOTTELS, GEORG Germany, 1614, MIM Astrolabe, 1614 = GEL. ICA-3102. Nürnberg. Chenekal 2; ICA 2.
AYRES, BENJAMIN Holland, 18th Century, MIM NIM SIM Octants, wood = DOR, RIJ, AMST (partial); Sextant = TEY; Theodolite = LEY; Sun Compasses = LEY, UTR-Physics Lab., TEY; Azimuth Compass with an octant mounted on top = TEY; Vernier Calipers = UTR; Circumferentor = UTR; Set of Drawing Instruments = Burndy Library, Norwalk, Conn; Equatorial Sundial = UTR. invented the vernier calipers; also signed "Aires." Amsterdam. Rooseboom 1; Daumas 1; Zinner 1; RSW; G.L'E. Turner 7; USNM; Evans 1; de Rijk; Mörzer Bruyns 1 & 2.
AYSCOUGH, JAMES England, fl.1732-62, MIM OIM PHIM Microscopes = KEN, FLO; Telescopes = KEN, Court Coll., Phillips 12/2/87; Stick Barometers = VAA, D.(1975). apprenticed to James Mann 2, in 1732, in the Spectaclemakers' Company; free of the Company in 1740; partner with Mann 2, 1740-48; James Linnell was apprenticed to him in 1754 and succeeded him; see Mann and Ayscough; T.C.; succeeded by his wife who kept his name on T.C.; Phillips marked "Inv et Fe." Archimedes and Two Pairs of Golden Spectacles, near Castle Tavern, Fleet Street (1740-48); Great Golden Spectacles and Quadrant, Ludgate Street (1740-52 or longer); 33 Ludgate Street (Taylor thinks he was alone in 1749); all in London. Goodison 1; Taylor 2(226); RSW; Calvert 2; Daumas 1; Bonelli 1; Evans 1; Clay and Court; Dewhirst; Crawforth 1; Court and von Rohr 3(135); Tyler.
AYSCOUGH, MANUEL England, OIM Microscope = WHI. Taylor 2(226).
AYSCOUGH, MRS. JAMES England, fl.1759-66+, MIM OIM PHIM succeeded her husband, James Ayscough; kept his name on the T.C. at the Golden Spectacles and Quadrant, no. 33 in Ludgate Street, near St. Paul's, London. Crawforth 1.
AYTOWN, WILLIAM Scotland, c.1631, MIM Vertical Sundials = Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh (11). Gatty.

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