Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
LORING, JOSIAH USA, 1775-1840, MIM Pairs of Globes = D.(1983)((1833), P-B 10/22/38, P.C.(1833), Rutgers U. Library, Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, Conn. (1838), D.(1987); Celestial Globes = D.(1968)(1832), PEA (1832), PEA (1833), D.(1976)(1833); Babson Institute, Mass., Yale U.; Terrestrial Globes = P.C.(1839), U.S. Naval Academy, Md. (1839), D.(1976). according to Bedini, Loring was a bookseller who sold globes engraved by Annin, under his own name. 136 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Bedini 8; Yonge; Moskowitz; RSW.

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