Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
KNIE, BALTHAZAR Germany; Scotland, fl.1743-1817, PHIM Angle Barometers = X, Soth. 7/19/88 (1787), Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, City of Gloucester Museum, P.C., RSM, KEN, etc; Stick Barometers = Hopetoun House, Edinburgh, Christie-SK 9/11/86, RSM, D.; Double Barometer, 1800 = RSM; Wheel Barometers = X, P.C.; Barometer, 1778 = Traquair House; used thermometers by Charles Moliner; signed "Mr. Knie" (1800), "Knie, Edin.", "Balthasar Knie", "Baltasar Kinny." second door above Mr. Scyth, facing Niddry's Wynd (1776); near Mr. Scyth (1776); opposite the Guard (1782-90); nearly opposite the Guard, High Street (1789); opposite Forrestets Wynd Well (1793-98); Head Seller's Close (1800-03); Lawnmarket (1805-10); 405 Lawnmarket (1811-14); Borthwick's Close (1815); all in Edinburgh. Goodison 1, 5; Bryden 3, 10; Morrison-Low 1; RSW; McConnell 1.

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