Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
HARTMANN, GEORG Germany, 1489-1564, MIM prolific maker of very fine instruments including astrolabes, sundials, etc.; examples may be seen at ADL, PBN, OXF, UTR, NMM, VIE, DRE, PRN, NUR, KES, LIE, FLO, TIM, etc; the dated instruments are from 1524 on. designer; author; the astronomical compendium at the Adler Planetarium, ADL-A7, is a fake; the rete of the ADL astrolabe is an abberant type. Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Lunardi; Price 1 and 3; Michel 1 and 2; Hamilton 1; Czech Inventory; Engelmann 1; NMM 2; ICA 2; Maddison 1; Falcke; Van Cittert 1; Behaim Cat.; DSB; Ward 4; de Rük; J.A. Bennett 2; A.J. Turner 10; Gouk 1; ADL; RSW.

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