Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
CRICHTON England, c.1830, MIM NIM OIM PHIM Octants = PMS, RSM, GEP, Kelton Coll. (1990), Soth. 4/29/77; Sextants = ADL-A178, Whaling Museum, Nantucket, Mass., Soth. 5/12/75, K. and C. 7/14/76; Gunter Rule = Christie 11/22/78; Artificial Horizon = D.(1981); Parallel Rules, ivory = NMM; Thermometers = CNAM (Lavoisier Coll.); Quadrant = SUN; Microscope = Christie-SK 8/20/87; etc. PMS octant made for Alder and Duren, New York; surely John 2 or Joseph Crichton; Kelton octant made for A. Dobbie, surely James Crichton 2. 112 Leadenhall Street, London. Taylor 2(1518), (2108); Michel 3; Daumas 1; Clay and Court; Frank; Moskowitz 122; ADL; RSW.

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