Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
YOUNG, WILLIAM JAMES Scotland; USA, 1800-70, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM made a wide range of surveying and drafting instruments; the earliest are dated 1835; examples are found in many museums. apprenticed to Thomas Whitney, by then, of Philadelphia, from 1813 to 1820; remained a journeyman to him until 1823; he got a dividing engine made by George Adams from Whitney; he invented a new transit in 1831 for the Baltimore and Ohio RR; was the first maker of Burt's Solar Compass; founded the firm of William J. Young and Co. in 1867, with Thomas N. Watson and Charles S. Heller as partners; on his death the firm became William J. Young and Sons, ie. Alfred and T. Benton Young. 224 South Second Street (1825); 9 Dock (1837-55); 43 North Seventh Street; all in Philadelphia, Pa. Smart 1; Bedini 8; J.A. Bennett 2; Moskowitz 103; Coffeen 14; USNM; D.J. Warner 11; RSW.

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