Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
YEATES, SAMUEL Ireland, fl.1790-1834, MIM OIM PHIM Microscope = Crisp Coll.; Equatorial Sundials = Bearnes 12/6/71, Linton Sale 10/9/80; Garden Sundial = Cristie 9/11/86; Stick Barometers = X(2); Wheel Barometer = X. see Samuel Yeates and Son, Yeates and Son (1). 4 Upper Ormond Quay (1790-94); 29 Capel Street (1795-1810); 89 Dame Street (1811-26); 2 Grafton Street (1827-31); all in Dublin. Morrison-Low and Burnett; Bryden 9; Goodison 1; RSW.

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