Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
TROUGHTON AND SIMMS England, fl.1826-1922, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums; including, ADL, BRO, CNAM, Brown U., USNM, KEN, BM, West Point Museum, N.Y., OXF, WHI, PMS, MLL, COO, AMST, MYS, VNN, STM, Horten Marine Museum, etc. Edward Troughton 2 took William Simms 2 as a partner to form Troughton and Simms in 1826; the firm name continued until 1922; Edward Troughton 2 retired in 1831; William Simms 3 joined his uncle in 1836 until 1860 when William Simms 2 died; William Simms 3 became a partner with James Simms 3, his cousin, from 1860 until 1871 when William Simms 3 retired; James Simms 3 ran the firm alone until his death in 1915; see Troughton and Simms (cont.)

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