Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
SOMALVICO, JOSH, AND CO. England, c.1869, PHIM Wheel Barometers = X (2), Phillips 2/15/89, Christie 4/28/89; Marine Barometer = D.(1983); Stick Barometers = Soth. 7/21/83, X. marine one also signed "J. Somalvico and Son, Makers, London."; repaired a Nairne and Blunt stick barometer after 1869; perhaps Joseph Somalvico 1 or 2. 81 Holborn; 256 Holborn; 16 Charles Street, Hatton Garden (post-1869); all in London. Goodison 1; Wynter 2; Taylor 2(2252a); RSW.

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