Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
SECRETAN, MARC-FRANCOIS-LOUIS Switzerland; France, 1804-67, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM wide range of instruments that may be seen in many museums, noted for his telescopes, Borda circles, theodolites, surveyor's compasses, etc. professor of astronomy at Lausanne; worked with Noël-Marie- Paymel Lerebours in Paris from 1845 to 1855; on his own after that; "Opticien de S.A.M. l'Empereur"; did work for the Paris observatory; probably joined by his son and nephew, Auguste and Georges Secretan who later worked under the name Maison Lerebours et Secretan. Lausanne; Paris. Poggendorff; Moskowitz 122; Daumas 1; USNM; J.A. Bennett 2; Warner 13; RSW.

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