Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
BERNIER France, fl.1783-1820, MIM OIM SIM Pantograph = Spitzer Sale-2870; Rules = MADEX-499, WHI, Roussel Sale; Sector = Soth. 10/17/60-134; Butterfield-type Sundials = P.C., D., Drouot 4/26/67-45, Libert et Castor 4/28/82, Drouot 4/7/87; Telescopic Quadrant = NAC; Folding Square = BIR; Protractor = VCW; Graphometers = Chayette 6/28/86, P.C. probably successor to Langlois; WHI has 30 inches on one side, 80 cm. on the other. au Niveau à la Sphère; en la Cité; both in Paris. Daumas 1; Michel 1; Dewhirst; Nachet; RSW.

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