Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
BERINGER, DAVID Germany, 1756-1821, MIM many wood and paper cube and diptych sundials exist; some of the latter have two volvelles on the lid and sometimes are in French; compass sundials are at OXF, WHI and ADL, etc.; brass horizontal sundial is at OXF; a pair of globes, signed "David Beringer", are in a P.C.; we agree with Moskowitz that compass sundials signed "B." or "D.B." were made by Beringer; an artillery level is at NYC. some of the sundials are signed "D. Beringer"; wooden diptychs often signed "Verfertigt von David Beringer." Nürnberg. Zinner 1; Price 3; Ward 4; Michel 1; Bonelli 1; Moskowitz 109; Monreal; Garcia 1; Engelmann 1; Hamilton; Wynter 1 and 2; USNM; Nachet; Chandler and Vincent 2; Bryden 16; ADL; Syndram; RSW.

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