Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
ROBERTS, EDWARD 2 England, fl.1785-96, MIM Slide Rule, Everard-type, wood, 1791 = X; Slide Rule, three slides, wood = ADL-N37, Christie-SK 6/2/83; Gauging Slide Rule, Verie-type, wood = X; Slide Rule, four slides, wood = D.(1991). apprenticed to his father, Edward Roberts 1, in the Joiners' Company on July 19, 1763; free of the Company, May 3, 1785. (at his father's) 3 Dove Court, Old Jewry (1785); Grocer's Alley; both in London. Taylor 2(1034); Crawforth 7; Bryden 9; Clay and Court; Darius 2; Delehar 9; Gemmary III; ADL; RSW.

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