Webster Signature Database - Suggest Correction

Signature Maker Instruments Comments Location References
PIKE, B., AND SON USA, 1831-41, 1844-49, MIM NIM OIM PHIM SIM Surveyor's Compasses = Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Western Reserve Historical Society, VCW, Maine Historical Society, Portland, Chicago Historical Society, Ill., USNM, North Carolina Museum of History and the State Archives, Gunner's Calipers = Harvard U. Observatory; Barometer = USNM; Dip Circle = Soth. 3/10/87; Protractor Set, with case = D.(1993); etc. Benjamin Pike 1 and 2, 1831-41, and Benjamin Pike 1 and Daniel Pike, 1843-50; protractor set signed "Crozet's Protractor"; did not make all the instruments they sold. 12 Wall Street (1831-32); 14 Wall Street (1832-33); 166 Broadway (1833-42); all in New York, N.Y. Smart 1; USNM; Coffeen C and 43; Moskowitz 103; Warner 14; RSW.

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